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Linear Inequalities and Linear Programming

5.1 Systems of Linear Inequalities 5.2 Linear Programming Geometric Approach5.3 Geometric Introduction to Simplex Method

5.4 Maximization with constraints5.5 The Dual; Minimization with constraints5.6 Max Min with mixed constraints (Big M)

Systems of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables





VARIABLESWe know how to graph equations

y=2x-2 2x-2y=4

But what about

y 2x-2 2x-2y>4 ?�



left half-plane right half-plane

Lower half-plane




y 2x-4 �


y y>x-2


y<x-2 y



y x - 2�


y x - 2�

Graphs of Linear Inequalitiestheorem 1theorem 1theorem 1theorem 1

The graph of the linear inequalityAx+By<C or Ax+By>C

with B 0, is either the upper half-plane or the lower half-plane (but not both) determined bythe line Ax+By=C.

If B=0, the graph of Ax<C or Ax>c

is either the left half-plane or the right half-plane(but not both) determined by the line


Procedure for graphing linear inequalities

Step 1: Graph Ax+By=C, dashed if < or >

Step 2: Choose test point not on line [ (0,0) is best]substitute coordinates into inequality

Step 3: If test point coordinates satisfy inequalityshade the half-plane containing it

Otherwise shade other half-plane

Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities

Step 1: Draw all the lines (dashed if > or <)

Step 2: Shade all regions

Step 3: If all regions overlap then this is the FEASIBLE REGION,

dashed lines are NOT included


y x - 2�

y 2x2� �


Corner Point

A corner pointcorner pointcorner pointcorner point of a solution region is a point in the solution region that is the intersection oftwo boundary lines.

Bounded and Unbounded Solution Regions

A solution region of a system of linear inequalities is boundedboundedboundedbounded if it can be enclosed within a circle.

Otherwise it is unboundedunboundedunboundedunbounded.

# 50 Table and Chair productionEach table: 8 hours assembly

2 hours finishing

Each chair: 2 hours assembly1 hour finishing

Hours available:400 for assembly120 for finishing

How many tables and chairs can be produced?

Let x be number of tables and y be the number of chairs produced per day.Assembly: table 8x, chair 2y Finishing: table 2x, chair y

8x+2y 4002x+ y 120 0 x 0 y

A) Now suppose each table sells for $50, andeach chair for $ 20. How many tables and chairs should we produce to maximize revenue?

B) Suppose that each assembly hour costs $10, while each finishing hour costs $12. How many chairs and tables should we produce to minimize cost?

C) Both A) and B) together, maximize profit.

5.2 Linear Programming in Two Dimensions- A Geometric


• A Linear Programming Problem• A General Description• Geometric Solution• Applications

A Linear Programming Problem

Each table: 8 Hours assembly2 hours finishing

Each chair: 2 hours assembly1 hour finishing

Hours available: 400 in the assembly department120 in the finishing department

Now suppose each table sells for $ 50 and each chairfor $ 20. How many tables and chairs should weproduce to maximize revenue?

x number of tablesy number of chairs � decision variables

8x+2y � 400

2x+ y � 120

Constraints 0 � x nonnegative

0 � y constraints

objective function R = 50 x + 20 y

� �

R = 50 x + 20 y20R




R = 50 x + 20 y20R





The “higher” the line R= 50 x + 20 y is, thehigher the revenue.

IDEA: move the line as “high” as possible but so that it still intersects the feasible region.

That ought to be the best we can do.






So producing 40 tables and 40 chairs should giveus a maximum revenue of

R = 50 * 40 + 20 * 40 = 2800

that is $ 2800 is the maximum possible revenue,which is attained when we produce 40 tables and40 chairs.

This shows that corner points are the “extremes”for the objective function, since we use all theresources (available hours in each department), wemax out on the constraints.

theorem 1 (version 1)

Fundamental Theorem of Linear


If the optimal value of the objective function exists, then it must occur at one (or more) of the corner points of the feasible region.

theorem 2

Existence of Solutions

(A) If the feasible region is bounded, both max and min of the objective function exist

(B) If the feasible region is unbounded, and the coefficients of the objective function are positive then the min exists

(C) If the feasible region is empty, neither max nor min exist

Graphical Solution

(S1) Summarize information (word problem)

(S2) Form a mathematical model

(A) Introduce decision variables,write linear objective function

(B) Write constraints (linear inequalities)

(C) Write nonnegative constraints

(S3) Graph feasible region, find corner points

(S4) Make table of values of objective function at corner points

(S5) Determine optimal solution from (S4)

(S6) Interpret solution (word problem)

5.3 A GeometricIntroduction to the Simplex






Maximize P = 50x1+80x2 Objective function

Subject to x1+2x2 ���� 32 32 32 32 constraints3333x1+4x2 ���� 84848484

x1,x2 � 0 nonnegative constraints

Standard Maximization Problemin Standard Form

A linear programming problem is said to be a standard maximization problem in standard formstandard maximization problem in standard formstandard maximization problem in standard formstandard maximization problem in standard formif its mathematical model is of the following form:

Maximize the objective function

P=c1x1+c2x2+…+cnxnSubject to problem constraints of the form

a1x1+a2x2+…+anxn ���� b, with b���� 0and with nonnegative constraints

x1,x2,x3,…,xn ���� 0

From Inequalities to EqualitiesWe know how to deal with equalities, solet us “convert” the inequalities:

x1+2x2 ���� 32 32 32 32

taking only x1+2x2 means there may be some slackslackslackslack left

So we introduce a So we introduce a So we introduce a So we introduce a slack variable ssss1111::::

x1+2x2 + s1 =32 with s1 > 0

Slack variablesConstraints become

x1+2x2 +s1 = 323232323333x1+4x2 + s2 = 84848484

with x1=20 and x2=5 we need s1=2 and s2=4

Problem: System above has infinitely many solutions!

Basic and Nonbasic VariablesBasic and Basic Feasible Solutions

Corner points are important!

Basic solution correspond to the points of intersection of the boundary lines.

Basic feasible solutions are those basic solutions which lie in the feasible area.







x1+2x2 ���� 32 32 32 32 3333x1+4x2 ���� 84848484

0 ��������x1,x2

There are 6 basic solutions

A, B, C, D, E, O

But only 4 basic feasible solutions

A, B, C, O

How to find basic solutions?

Select basic variables (free choice), need as many as there are equations.

All other variables are nonbasic.

Now set all nonbasic variables equal to zero andsolve for the basic variables.

x1+2x2 +s1 = 323232323333x1+4x2 + s2 = 84848484

2 equations 2 basic Other two variables are nonbasic.

Since we start with four variables, there are 6 choices for the two basic variables.

(the number of ways we can choose 2 out of 4)

Basic x1,x2 x1,s2 s1,x2 x1,s1 s2,x2 s1,s2

Nonbasic s1,s2 s1,x2 x1,s2 s2,x2 x1, s1 x1,x2

Basic or basic feasible solution?

For each choice of basic variables we let thenonbasic variables equal 0, solve for basic.

If there are NO NEGATIVE values for the basic variables then we have a

basic feasible solution.

The final solution

• Determine all basic feasible solutions

• Evaluate the objective function at all the basic feasible solutions

• Pick the one that gives the optimal value

theorem 1 FundamentalTheorem of Linear Programming -- Version 2

If the optimal value of the objective function in a linear programming problem exists, thenthat value must occur at one (or more) of the basic feasible solutions.

#10 p.301 5x1+x2 < 354x1+x2 < 32 0 < x1,x2

5x1+x2+s1 = 354x1+x2 +s2 = 32 2 equations = 2 basic var’s

X1 X2 s1 s2 feasible

( A ) 0 0 35 32 YES( B ) 0 35 0 -3 NO

( C ) 0 32 3 0 YES( D ) 7 0 0 4 YES

( E ) 8 0 -5 0 NO( F ) 3 20 0 0 YES

5.4 The Simplex Method:Maximization with < constraints





With slack variables:

x1+2x2+s1 =323x1+4x2 +s2 =84

-50x1-80x2 +P = 0x1,x2,s1,s2> 0

Initial Systemhas 5 variables

Basic & Basic Feasible Solutions1) P is always basic2) A basic solution of the initial system is

also still a basic solution if P is deleted3) If a basic solution of the initial system is

a basic feasible solution after deleting P,then it is a basic feasible solution of the initial system

4) A basic feasible solution of the initial system can contain a negative numberbut only for P

theorem 1Fundamental Theorem ofLinear Programming--Ver. 3

If the optimal value of the objective function ina linear programming problem exists, then thevalue must occur at one (or more) of the basicfeasible solutions of the initial system.

The Simplex Tableau

x x s s P




1 2 1 2



1 2 1 0 0 32

3 4 0 1 0 84

50 80 0 0 1 0� �



Initial Simplex Tableau

Selecting Basic and NonbasicVariables

Step 1: Determine number of basic and nonbasicvariables.

Step 2: Selecting basic variables: Column withexactly one nonzero element, which is not in same row as nonzero element ofother basic variable.

Step 3: Selecting nonbasic variables: After allbasic variables are selected, the restare nonbasic

x x s s P




1 2 1 2



1 2 1 0 0 32

3 4 0 1 0 84

50 80 0 0 1 0� �



3 equations implies 3 basic variables

s1, s2, P basicx1, x2, nonbasic

Question: How to proceed?

The Pivot OperationWhich nonbasic variable should become basic?

Idea: We want to increase P, choose the one which has the most effect!


1 unit increase in x1 gives $50 more in P1 unit increase in x2 gives $80 more in P

Choose x2!

x x s s P




1 2 1 2



1 2 1 0 0 32

3 4 0 1 0 84

50 80 0 0 1 0� �



Choose the column that has the MOST NEGATIVE ENTRY

in the bottom row.

x2 will enter the set of basic variables x2 = entering variable

Column corresponding to entering variableis the PIVOT COLUMN

Entries in bottom row are INDICATORS

Which variable will become nonbasic (exiting)?P is always basic, so s1 or s2?

Choosing the exiting variableHow much can we increase x2 within the given constraints? Assume x1=0.

2x2+s1=32 s1=32 - 2x2 > 04x2+s2=84 s2=84 - 4x2 > 0

x2 < 32/2=16x2 < 84/4=21

Both inequalities need to be true, so we needto pick the smaller one. This corresponds torow 1 or s1.







x x s s P




1 2 1 2



1 2 1 0 0 32

3 4 0 1 0 84

50 80 0 0 1 0� �





Pivot Column



Selecting the Pivot Element

Step1: Find most negative element in bottom rowIf tie, choose either.

Step2: Divide each positive (>0) element on pivotcolumn into corresponding element of lastcolumn. Smallest quotient wins.

Step3: The PIVOT is the element in the pivot column which is in the winning row.

Performing a Pivot OperationStep 1: Make pivot element 1

Step 2: Create 0’s above and below the pivot

We do this using the following elementary row operations:

• multiply a row by a nonzero constant• add a multiple of one row to another

Effect of Pivot Operation

1. nonbasic variable becomes basic

2. basic variable becomes nonbasic

3. value of objective function increases(or stays the same)

When are we finished?When we run out of things to do!

In other words if we can no longer finda new pivot element.

all indicators are nonnegativeOR

no positive elements in pivot column

Write standard max problemin standard form

Initial Simplex Tableau



select pivot column

positiveelements in

pivot column?


No Stop!No


Select pivotperform pivot operation



Write standard max problemin standard form

Initial Simplex Tableau



select pivot column

positiveelements in

pivot column?


No Stop!No


Select pivotperform pivot operation



5.5 The Dual ProblemMinimization with > Constraints• FORMATION OF THE





Formation of the Dual ProblemInstead of maximizing profit we might wantto minimize cost.

Minimize C=16x1+45x2

Subject to 2x1+5x2 > 50x1+3x2 > 27x1,x2 > 0



25 27


2x1 + 5x2 > 50x1 + 3x2 > 27

16x1+45x2 = C

A = 2 5 501 3 27

16 45 1

A =2 1 165 3 45

50 27 1






Transpose of a MatrixGiven a (m x n) matrix A, the transpose ofA is the (n x m) matrix AT obtained by puttingthe first row of A into the first column of AT,the second row of A into the second column of AT, etc.

ROWS of A become COLUMNS of AT

COLUMNS of A become ROWS of AT

The Dual Problem y y

A =2 1 165 3 45

50 27 1

1 2




2y1 + y2 < 165y1 + 3y2 < 45

50y1 +27y2 = P

MAXIMIZE P subjectto < constraints

Formation of the Dual ProblemGiven a minimization problem with > constraints

Step 1: Form matrix A using coefficients of the constraints and the objective function

Step 2: Interchange rows and columns of A to get AT

Step 3: Use rows of AT to write down the dual maximization problem with < constraints

Solution of MinimizationProblem

theorem 1 The Fundamental Principle of Duality

A minimization problem has a solution if and only if its dual problem has a solution. If a solution exists, then the optimal value ofthe minimization problem is the same as theoptimal value of the maximization problem.

The minimum value of C is the same as themaximum value for P.

BUT the values for y1,y2 at which the maximum for P occurs are NOT the same as the x1,x2values at which the minimum for C occurs!

2y1 + y2 < 165y1 + 3y2 < 45

50y1 +27y2 = P

2x1 + 5x2 > 50x1 + 3x2 > 27

16x1+45x2 = C

Minimize Maximize

Original Problem Dual Problem2y1 + y2 < 165y1 + 3y2 < 45

50y1 +27y2 = P

Corner Points(x1,x2) C=(0,10) 450(15,4) 420(27,0) 432

Min of C=420 at (15,4)

Corner Points(y1,y2) P=(0,0) 0(0,15) 405(3,10) 420(8,0) 400Max of P=420

at (3,10)

2x1 + 5x2 > 50x1 + 3x2 > 27

16x1+45x2 = C





Picture of the Dual Problem

2y1+ y2+x1 = 165y1+3y2 +x2 = 45

-50y1-27y2 +P = 0

Use x1,x2 as slackvariables to solvethe dual problem!

2 1 1 0 0 165 3 0 1 0 45

50 27 0 0 1 0

1 0.5 0.5 0 0 80 0.5 -2.5 1 0 50 2 25 0 1 400

1 0 3 -1 0 30 1 -5 2 0 100 0 15 4 1 420

� �







1 0 3 -1 0 30 1 - 5 2 0 100 0 15 4 1 420





y1 y2 x1 x2 P

No negative indicators are left, so we foundthe optimal solution: (from tableau)y1=3, y2=10,x1=0,x2=0,P=420

But the tableau gives more information:

x1=15, x2=4, C=420Minimum cost of $420 when we producex1=15, x2=4 items.

The optimal solution to a minimization problem can always be found from the bottom row of the final simplex tableau for the dual problem!

Solution of a minimization problem:Given a minimization problem with nonnegative coefficients in the objective function.

Step 1. Write all constraints as > inequalities

Step 2. Form the dual problem.

Step 3. Use variables from minimization problem as slack variables.

Step 4. Use simplex method to solve this problem.

Step 5. If solution exist, read it from bottom row. If dualproblem has no solution, neither does the original problem.

#48 p 338A feed company stores grain in Ames and Bedford. Each month grain is shipped to Columbia and Danville for processing. The supply (in tons) in each storage and the demand (in tons) in each processing location as well as transportation cost (in $ per ton) are given below. Find shipping schedule that minimizes cost and minimum cost.

S h ip p in gS h ip p in gS h ip p in gS h ip p in gC o lu m b ia

C o s tC o s tC o s tC o s tD a n v il le S u p p lyS u p p lyS u p p lyS u p p ly

A m e s $ 2 2 $ 3 8 7 0 0

B e d f o r d $ 4 6 $ 2 4 5 0 0

D e m a n dD e m a n dD e m a n dD e m a n d 4 0 04 0 04 0 04 0 0 6 0 06 0 06 0 06 0 0

Need shipping schedule:Let x1 be tons shipped from A to CLet x2 be tons shipped from A to DLet x3 be tons shipped from B to CLet x4 be tons shipped from B to D

x1+x2 < 700 -x1 -x2 > -700x3+x4 < 500 -x3 -x4 > -500x1+x3 > 400 x1+x3 > 400x2+x4 > 600 x2+x4 > 600

C= 22x1+38x2+46x3+24x4x1, x2, x3, x4 > 0

A =

-1 -1 0 0 - 7000 0 -1 -1 - 5001 0 1 0 4000 1 0 1 600

22 38 46 24 1

A =

-1 0 1 0 22-1 0 0 1 380 -1 1 0 460 -1 0 1 24

- 700 - 500 400 600 1






Maximize: P=-700y1-500y2+400y3+600y4Subject to: -y1 + y3 < 22

-y1 + y4 < 38-y2 + y3 < 46-y2 + y4 < 24 y1, y2, y3, y4 > 0

700y1+500y2-400y3-600y4+P = 0Introduce x1, x2, x3, x4 as slack variables.

-1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 22-1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 380 -1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 460 -1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 24

700 500 - 400 - 600 0 0 0 0 1 0



y1 y2 y3 y4 x1 x2 x3 x4 Py1y2y3y4

- 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 22- 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 - 1 0 140 - 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 460 - 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 24

700 - 100 - 400 0 0 0 0 600 1 14400

- 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 22- 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 - 1 0 141 - 1 0 0 - 1 0 1 0 0 240 - 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 24

300 - 100 0 0 400 0 0 600 1 23200

- 1 0 1 0





1 0 0 0 0 22- 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 - 1 0 140 0 0 0 - 1 1 1 - 1 0 381 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 38

200 0 0 0 400 100 0 500 1 24600



y1=0,y2=14,y3=22,y4=38x1=400,x2=100,x3=0,x4=500, P=C=24600

5.6 Mixed ProblemsThe Big M Method

• Introduction to the Big M Method• The Big M Method• Minimization with Big M• Summary of Solution Methods• Larger Problems

Introduction to the Big MMethod

Consider the problemMaximize P=2x1+x2Subject to x1+x2 < 10

-x1+x2 > 2x1, x2 > 0

x1+x2+s1 = 10 s1 is a slack-x1+x2 -s2 = 2 and s2 a surplus

-2x1- x2 +P = 0 variablex1, x2, s1, s2 > 0

Non basic variables x1,x2Basic variables s1,s2,P

Basic solution: x1=0, x2=0, s1=10, s2=-2, P=0This is NOT feasible since s2<0.

We can NOT just write a Simplex Tableau, weneed a new variable called


This variable has no physical meaning!

For each equation that has a surplus variablewe need an artificial variable:


For each artificial variable, we need to introduce a PENALTY on P for using this variable:


where M is a “large” positive number, so for each unit increase in a1 we loose M from P.

Modified Problem

x1+x2+s1 = 10 s1 slack, -x1+x2 -s2 + a1 = 2 s2 surplus

-2x1- x2 +Ma1 +P = 0 a1 artificialx1, x2, s1, s2, a1 > 0 M Big M

x x s s a P1 1 1 0 0 0 101 1 0 1 1 0 22 1 0 0 M 1 0

1 2 1 2 1

� �

� �



Preliminary Simplex Tableau

When is the preliminary tableauan initial Simplex tableau?

1. We need to be able to select enough basic variables (only one nonzero entry in columnwhich is not in the same row as one of another basic variable)

2. The basic solution found by settingnonbasic variables equal to zero is feasible.

s1, s2, and P are basic (condition 1 is met),but we saw that the basic solution is notfeasible. x x s s a P

1 1 1 0 0 0 101 1 0 1 1 0 22 1 0 0 M 1 0

1 2 1 2 1

� �

� �



Note the -1 in the s2 column, but the 1 in a1Use row operations to make a1 basic.

x x s s a P1 1 1 0 0 0 101 1 0 1 1 0 22 1 0 0 M 1 0

1 2 1 2 1

� �

� �



(-M)R2+R3 R3

x x s s a P

1 1 1 0 0 0 10- 1 1 0 - 1 1 0 2

M- 2 - M- 1 0 M 0 1 - 2M

1 2 1 2 1



This is an initial Simplex tableau

2 0 1 1 - 1 0 8- 1 1 0 - 1 1 0 2- 3 0 0 - 1 M+1 1 2



1 0 - 0 4- 1 1 0 - 1 1 0 2- 3 0 0 - 1 M+1 1 2






1 0 - 0 40 1 0 60 0 M- 1 14












Since M is large positive we are done.x1=4,x2=6,s1=0,s2=0,P=14

Big M, slack, surplus, artificialvariables

Step 1: If constraints have negative constants on the right then multiply by -1

Step 2: Introduce one slack variable for each <constraint

Step 3: Introduce one surplus and one artificial variable for each > constraint

Step 4: Introduce an artificial variable in each = constraint

Step 5: For each artificial variable ai, add -Mai to the objective function. Use the same M for each.

Big M -- Solving the problemStep 1: Form preliminary simplex tableauStep 2: Using row operations, eliminate M from bottom

row in columns of artificial variables. This gives the preliminary Simplex tableau.

Step 3: Solve the modified problem

(A) If the modified problem has NO solution then the original has NO solution

(B) If all artificial variables are zero in the solution of the modified problem, then delete artificialvariables to find the solutions of the original problem

(C) If any artificial variables are nonzero in the solution of the modified problem then the original problem has NO solution.

Minimization using Big MMinimize C=30x1+30x2+10x3Subject to x1+x2+x3 > 6

2x1+x2+2x3 < 10x1,x2,x3 > 0

Instead maximize P=-C=-30x1-30x2-10x3Subject to x1+x2+x3 > 6

2x1+x2+2x3 < 10x1,x2,x3 > 0

Min C= -Max P

x1+ x2+ x3-s1 +a1 = 62x1+ x2+ 2x3 +s2 =10

30x1+30x2+10x3 +Ma1 +P= 0

1 1 1 1 1 0 0 62 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 0

3 0 3 0 1 0 0 M 0 1 0








0 1 0 2 2 -1 0 21 0 1 1 -1 1 0 4

20 0 0 50 M - 50 20 1 -100




After some work we get the final tableau


Min C= -Max P=-(-100)=100at x1=0,x2=2,x3=4

Type Constraints Right sideconstants

coeff. ofobjectivefunction

Solution m ethod

M ax < nonnegative any Sim plex + slack

M in > any nonnegative dual + above

M ax Mixed (<,>,=) nonnegative any m odified withslack, surplus,artificial

M in Mixed (<,>,=) nonnegative any Max negative ofobjective