Limu Testimonial Book Combined 1

Post on 26-May-2015

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Book of Astonishing TESTIMONIALS about the Health Benefits of LIMU Seaweed in a Bottle and Fucoidan, it\'s key ingredient

Transcript of Limu Testimonial Book Combined 1

LIMU Seaweed in a


Fucoidan Testimonies






Testimonials Improve Your Health

We started using Limu about 3 years ago, out of desperation. At that time, our son, Matthew, had been sick for about 16 years. He suffered from chronic constipation, sinus infections, ear infections, allergies, migraines, and all of the common flus and colds. He was sick MOST of the time. He also has severe autism and is non verbal so by the time we knew he was sick, he was very very sick. We spent lots of times in emergency rooms and out of town visiting specialists. We had tried virtually every traditional and non-traditional treatment that was available to us. Some things

worked for a while, but quit working after a very short time. Then we were back to square one and sometimes, he was actually worse! With the autism, he had MAJOR MOOD SWINGS ALL THE TIME.....NEARLY EVERY DAY. After about 3 or 4 days on Limu, the mood swings improved and became almost non-existent. After about 8 weeks, the chronic constipation ended and after 7 months, the allergies were completely gone and he has not had any medication prescription or over the counter since that time.. We took him off of his migraine meds the first month and he hasn't had a migraine since. He also has seizures. Within the first month of taking Limu we were able to reduce his seizure medication by half. He has become much more social and has become more interested in learning. He sleeps much better now and SO DO WE! Matthew now has a life that is full and happy. He has only been to the doctor once in three years. More importantly, the Limu still works...... That is a true miracle in itself! My husband, Craig, and I take it for stress and energy. Craig is a tri-athlete and he says that it helps him during and after his workouts. Our aches and pains of aging are GONE and we rarely get even a cold. We both feel that it helps us focus and it definitely has helped me with those "change of life" things. Our daughter and our other son and his wife take it because they work with children and are exposed to lots of things. Our families have very bad genes so not only are we taking it for current conditions, we are taking it to be proactive with our health. We will take it for the rest of our lives! This has been an answer to years and years of prayers and we thank God for this wonderful gift from the sea! Jerri Finley, Lamar, Missouri








Testimonials Improve Your Health

We started using Limu about 3 years ago, out of desperation. At that time, our son, Matthew, had been sick for about 16 years. He suffered from chronic constipation, sinus infections, ear infections, allergies, migraines, and all of the common flus and colds. He was sick MOST of the time. He also has severe autism and is non verbal so by the time we knew he was sick, he was very very sick. We spent lots of times in emergency rooms and out of town visiting specialists. We had tried virtually every traditional and non-traditional treatment that was available to us. Some things

worked for a while, but quit working after a very short time. Then we were back to square one and sometimes, he was actually worse! With the autism, he had MAJOR MOOD SWINGS ALL THE TIME.....NEARLY EVERY DAY. After about 3 or 4 days on Limu, the mood swings improved and became almost non-existent. After about 8 weeks, the chronic constipation ended and after 7 months, the allergies were completely gone and he has not had any medication prescription or over the counter since that time.. We took him off of his migraine meds the first month and he hasn't had a migraine since. He also has seizures. Within the first month of taking Limu we were able to reduce his seizure medication by half. He has become much more social and has become more interested in learning. He sleeps much better now and SO DO WE! Matthew now has a life that is full and happy. He has only been to the doctor once in three years. More importantly, the Limu still works...... That is a true miracle in itself! My husband, Craig, and I take it for stress and energy. Craig is a tri-athlete and he says that it helps him during and after his workouts. Our aches and pains of aging are GONE and we rarely get even a cold. We both feel that it helps us focus and it definitely has helped me with those "change of life" things. Our daughter and our other son and his wife take it because they work with children and are exposed to lots of things. Our families have very bad genes so not only are we taking it for current conditions, we are taking it to be proactive with our health. We will take it for the rest of our lives! This has been an answer to years and years of prayers and we thank God for this wonderful gift from the sea! Jerri Finley, Lamar, Missouri












With Anti-Inflammatory Qualities, LIMU also:


I have suffered from many things over the years, including both rheumatoid and regular arthritis, but the fibromyalgia has been the absolute worst. For a long time I was just going from my bed to a chair, and I wanted to be left alone

because I was in so much pain. Then a friend brought me some Limu. I had an appointment with a specialist two days later who said that I would probably be in a wheelchair by my next check up. She said to go ahead and try Limu since it was all natural and it couldn't hurt. In the first three days I was breathing easier, after a week and a half much of the fibromyalgia pain was being relieved. The pain from the arthritis is about 90% gone, while the fibromyalgia pain is about 75% gone, and I feel so much better. That was such a blessing since I thought my life was basically over. I really didn't want to live anymore. Thankfully after dinking about two ounces of limu twice a day for two and a half weeks the pain started to go away and I could walk around again. I am now doing things that I haven't been able to enjoy in many years like cooking and taking pictures. I feel great. I can't believe the condition I'm in now compared to where I was before I discovered limu. I've had people tell me how much better I look and that feels good. I have a life again. If I hadn't found limu I wouldn't have had much of a future. Since starting to take limu I went back for a check up with the doctor and she didn't recognize me. She told me she didn't remember seeing me before because I looked so much better since I saw her last. I'll be back to see her in a few months but even that is a change since I used to go to the doctor every month. I've also been able to cut down on many of my medications. I have my life back now, and I'm able to do things for myself and with my family that I didn't think I would ever be able to do again. Betty Jane Hebert



With Anti-Inflammatory Qualities, LIMU also: “What I experienced in three to four short weeks was amazing!”

I’m a surgeon and from 2002-2004 could not appose my thumbs to my fingers without severe burning pain and stiffness. My partner did a lot of my surgical cases during that time. My livelihood was in jeopardy! And, the Aleve was making a mess of my stomach. The physician/scientist in me was skeptical. I’d tried other nutritional support beverages and supplements with limited benefits. December 2004, as I started to drink two ounces of LIMU twice each day (above the

recommended minimum of one ounce twice daily), I researched FUCOIDAN and LIMU. I learned a lot, but what I experienced in three to four short weeks was amazing! My pain was gone, energy increased, sleep pattern improved, and digestive problems resolved. I’m back performing delicate two-handed microsurgery. The fatigue of a multiple surgical case load no longer exists. Incidentally, my vision has improved from being a little nearsighted to 20/15 without glasses at a distance, my hair has grown to lengths I had in college, skin has improved and exercise tolerance is greater. This is not a medicine or cure and I cannot say what it will do for you, just what it did for me. I started for health reasons and shared with friends. I’m a distributor now and the financial freedom of residual income afforded through this opportunity will be phenomenal as the wellness/nutritional beverage industry explodes. Check it out. Dr. Linda Pope, Houston, TX

“I thank God everyday for this blessing bestowed on my family.”

I am a bus boy & about a year ago I was introduced to Limu by a complete stranger, who is now one of my best friends. My mother suffers w/ lots of pain from lupus and fibromyalgia ,she started drinking Limu & for the 1st time in 4 years slept without her armbands. Within three days of drinking Limu my allergies cleared up and have been gone ever since. I started to notice some of my problems surprisingly disappear over the course of the next

few weeks. I tore ligaments in my ankle a few years back playing basketball never seemed to heal right and would always hurt. Within a few weeks I realized that it was no longer hurting and after drinking limu for a year the pain has never returned. I no longer suffer from being lactose- intolerant,I can now drink milk w/ no issues. I started sharing w/ my friends at work & they started sharing & the next thing you know, we started making money & now have an additional income stream as well as residual income! I thank God everyday for having this blessing bestowed upon my family and I. Anthony Degraaf, Egg Harbor, NJ







Improve Your Health:

Limu, Chiropractic & Relief

I am 76 years old & have practiced Chiropractic for 43 years. Last year my health started failing rapidly from being a diabetic with macular degeneration and neuropathy which had migrated from my feet up my legs and into my hips thus causing me to either be on a cane or a walker all the time. I was shopping for a motorized chair. Also, I was not able to lift my arms over my head.

I stayed dizzy causing loss of balance most of the time. My shoulders have torn rotator cuffs and arthritis so there was so much pain there that I could never get any rest at night. I had not driven a motorcycle for more than 2 years . I had also quit driving a car because of the pain in my wrists. When in the office, in order to adjust my patients, I wore elastic wrists bands to help minimize the pain. I had just told my wife that I would not be alive at the end of the year and I really did not want to live in this condition.

I was praying to die and my wife was praying that God would show us something that could give me a better quality of life. I thank God that He answered my wife's prayer and not mine !! I was introduced to Limu. We were not real receptive because nothing natural had helped to that date. We decided to give it a "try". We started drinking limu & within 1 1/2 weeks the wrists bands were gone !! 4-5 weeks -- no more canes or walkers, and I soon switched from looking for motorized chairs to motorcycles !!

As you can see, I now have a motorcycle (trike). I drove it home (3-4 hour trip) on Aug. 31, 2007. (our 29th anniversary) Three months ago I would never have even considered this. Now I just want to ride, ride, ride! God gave me Limu and Limu gave me back my life.

Dr. George O. Culli





Testimonials Improve Your Health

We started using Limu about 3 years ago, out of desperation. At that time, our son, Matthew, had been sick for about 16 years. He suffered from chronic constipation, sinus infections, ear infections, allergies, migraines, and all of the common flus and colds. He was sick MOST of the time. He also has severe autism and is non verbal so by the time we knew he was sick, he was very very sick. We spent lots of times in emergency rooms and out of town visiting specialists. We had tried virtually every traditional and non-traditional treatment that was available to us. Some things

worked for a while, but quit working after a very short time. Then we were back to square one and sometimes, he was actually worse! With the autism, he had MAJOR MOOD SWINGS ALL THE TIME.....NEARLY EVERY DAY. After about 3 or 4 days on Limu, the mood swings improved and became almost non-existent. After about 8 weeks, the chronic constipation ended and after 7 months, the allergies were completely gone and he has not had any medication prescription or over the counter since that time.. We took him off of his migraine meds the first month and he hasn't had a migraine since. He also has seizures. Within the first month of taking Limu we were able to reduce his seizure medication by half. He has become much more social and has become more interested in learning. He sleeps much better now and SO DO WE! Matthew now has a life that is full and happy. He has only been to the doctor once in three years. More importantly, the Limu still works...... That is a true miracle in itself! My husband, Craig, and I take it for stress and energy. Craig is a tri-athlete and he says that it helps him during and after his workouts. Our aches and pains of aging are GONE and we rarely get even a cold. We both feel that it helps us focus and it definitely has helped me with those "change of life" things. Our daughter and our other son and his wife take it because they work with children and are exposed to lots of things. Our families have very bad genes so not only are we taking it for current conditions, we are taking it to be proactive with our health. We will take it for the rest of our lives! This has been an answer to years and years of prayers and we thank God for this wonderful gift from the sea! Jerri Finley, Lamar, Missouri





Testimonials Blood Pressure & Cholesterol Control: Blood pressure and cholesterol down, insulin cut in half for diabetic…

Hi, I'm Robert Freeman. I am diabetic and have been insulin dependent for the past 16 years. I was also taking oral medication for the diabetes. I also have other health issues that go along with diabetes, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. A friend shared some information about a new discovery called Limu. After reading the information and taking a look at the health benefits that could be addressed by this product, I decided to start taking it. After 2 1/2 weeks of taking 1 ounce twice a day

things started happening. I was able to get off of the oral medication and have cut my insulin in half. As I continued to take the Limu my blood pressure and cholesterol started to come down. I really believe that because of the Limu I have absolutely changed the quality of my physical life. We sold our business because of health issues and stress. We were not really ready to retire financially but after we saw the benefits of Limu and started sharing our story and the story of Limu with other people, we have now built an extra source of income for our retirement and living the life style we want to live. Robert & Cindy Freeman, Crossett, AR

Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol and severe Neuropathy

For all of you that do not know me, know one thing- I do not endorse products. I am 48 years old, diabetic for 20 years, on insulin pump therapy, have had multiple surgeries on my eyes due to the complications of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and I have severe neuropathy in both feet and now my hands. I was told in 1998 that there would be a day that the doctors could not do anything more for the pain. I had my first stroke in 1999, then two years later, a series of mini strokes. The neuropathy in my feet has been so severe I could barely walk, and usually with a bad limp. Due to the pain in my feet I was taking prescription pain killers several times a day just to be able to walk. I was very skeptical when I first heard about Limu but decided, what the heck it is all natural and has no hidden chemicals...I started taking Limu and after a week I realized I hadn't needed too take any pain medicine in days and what Limp? (I am just be bopping around) Its now over two weeks.... I feel better the symptoms of the neuropathy are better and I have never ever felt more energy!!! I truly feel Limu has made a world of difference in my health. They say give it three months before you judge if it helps I am here to tell you it works !!! I drink two ounces in the morning and two in the evening. When I went to the neurologist she told me whatever I was doing keep on doing it. She is amazed at how well I am doing and instead of seeing her every 6 weeks it is now in 6 months!!! Limu is pure Gold!!! Karen Osborne - Houston, Texas


























Cancer Inhibiting Properties

I am 43 years old. By the grace of God I have survived 2 snakebites, a severe car accident, cervical cancer, a vertebral artery dissection, colon cancer, liver cancer and rectal cancer. Due to the complications of chemo, I have spent the last five years dealing with pain and suffering. Most of my time was spent in the bathroom after eating. I suffered extreme diarrhea after every meal, in excess of 60 times a day, which in turn led to dehydration then collapse. My body could not handle the trauma so it shut down.

My family has dealt with this situation the best way they know how, through prayer and support. After years of trying to find the (CURE) the doctors pretty much gave up on my situation. They had me on every kind of medication you could possibly imagine for anxiety, depression, pain, diarrhea, muscle spasms, headaches and sleeplessness. I was dealing with all of this plus a permanent colostomy. Two Friends of mine knew my situation and tried to share Limu with me, finally after their persistence I tried Limu, after my first complete day drinking Limu all of my symptoms disappeared. I no longer have diarrhea, pain or suffering. I have so much energy, that my husband says I bounce off the walls. Praise God! Please don't let this nectar from God pass you by. I only wish I had listened sooner. Thank You Limu!!!!

Karen Shilling - Hickory , NC

“Try Limu and see what the excitement is all about.”

When I was first introduced to Limu I was very skeptical… but I could not simply dismiss all of the personal testimonies that I had listened to. I went to and searched for “fucoidan.” The number of relative journal articles was impressive (over 500 at that time). I narrowed my search to only include articles that discussed fucoidan and cancer. I read several articles indicating that fucoidan has strong anti-tumor properties. This caught my attention. I was and still am a healthy individual, but I have a strong family history of

cancer. I decided to drink Limu as a preventative measure. My family now drinks Limu as well and we have noticed additional physical improvements such as decreased lower back pain and reduction in sinus troubles (which was a very exciting discovery for me!) I encourage you to do the research for yourself and most importantly try Limu and see what the excitement is all about. Dr. Kelly Crittenden, Biomedical Engineering, Ruston, LA









Improve Your Health:

Limu, Chiropractic & Relief

I am 76 years old & have practiced Chiropractic for 43 years. Last year my health started failing rapidly from being a diabetic with macular degeneration and neuropathy which had migrated from my feet up my legs and into my hips thus causing me to either be on a cane or a walker all the time. I was shopping for a motorized chair. Also, I was not able to lift my arms over my head.

I stayed dizzy causing loss of balance most of the time. My shoulders have torn rotator cuffs and arthritis so there was so much pain there that I could never get any rest at night. I had not driven a motorcycle for more than 2 years . I had also quit driving a car because of the pain in my wrists. When in the office, in order to adjust my patients, I wore elastic wrists bands to help minimize the pain. I had just told my wife that I would not be alive at the end of the year and I really did not want to live in this condition.

I was praying to die and my wife was praying that God would show us something that could give me a better quality of life. I thank God that He answered my wife's prayer and not mine !! I was introduced to Limu. We were not real receptive because nothing natural had helped to that date. We decided to give it a "try". We started drinking limu & within 1 1/2 weeks the wrists bands were gone !! 4-5 weeks -- no more canes or walkers, and I soon switched from looking for motorized chairs to motorcycles !!

As you can see, I now have a motorcycle (trike). I drove it home (3-4 hour trip) on Aug. 31, 2007. (our 29th anniversary) Three months ago I would never have even considered this. Now I just want to ride, ride, ride! God gave me Limu and Limu gave me back my life.

Dr. George O. Culli











































































Weight & Appetite Control:

I was part of the study group with the LIMU LEAN weight loss product drinking 2 shakes a day and eating 4 to 5 snacks and a good sensible meal in the evening. I lost 38 lbs. and 18 in. (11 in. in my waist and 7 in. in my chest) in 13 weeks. In the 3 weeks since then I have lost a total of 41 lbs.

I am also a diabetic and was taking 40 units of insulin in the morning and 40 units in the evening. I have cut my insulin to 10 to 15 units morning and evening, with a few evenings not taking any insulin. My doctor said that if I lose another 20-25 lbs. I could possibly get off the insulin completely. The system is easy to follow and it really tastes good.





















Women, Hormones & Breast Health

Within the last 9 years of my life, which included a muscle/nerve injury in my trapezoidal muscles, two blood transfusions, and 7 pregnancies, my health and body have grown increasingly compromised. Seven years ago, I started taking supplements and trying to live and eat healthy to try to rebuild my immune system. Then after the beginning of my 8th pregnancy recently, I wasn’t able to take some of my supplements due to the nausea that I was having. Other supplements that I could take did not help me feel better. I started drinking limu & the results were almost unbelievable.

I feel alive again! I feel very well and can function normally as long as I am drinking at least 2 oz. of Limu twice daily. I could not do without it and can usually tell a difference within 30 minutes of drinking it. I have lots of energy and I have felt better in this pregnancy than in any other since I started drinking this juice. My husband, at first skeptical, is now a solid believer in Original Limu. He also tried Limu for himself, and while he was drinking it, his indigestion/reflux went away and he slept like a rock, which has been a rarity for some time. I am so thankful to God for this help and am convinced Original Limu is something very uniquely effective. Coeur d’Alene, ID