Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide

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Transcript of Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Course SponsorAEGIS Metal Framing

    14515 N Outer 40 DriveSuite110

    Chesterfield, MO 63017

    Light Gauge Steel Trusses


    E-mailjaltman@aegismeta lframing .com

    The Specification, Design Manufacturing and

    Course Numb er

    Please note: you will need to c omplete the c onc lusion quiz online to rece ive credit

    An AIA Continuing Educ a tion ProgramCred it fo r this course is 1 AIA/ CES HSW Learning Unit

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    An Americ an Institute of Arc hitec ts (AIA)

    on nu ng uc a on rogramApproved Prom otiona l Statement:

    on an ssoc a es, nc . s a reg s ere prov er w e mer can ns u e oArc hitec ts Continuing Educ a tion System. Cred it ea rned upon c omplet ion of thisprogram w ill be reported to CES Rec ords for AIA members. Certific a tes ofCom letion are availab le for all c ourse art ic i ants u on c om letion of thec ourse conc lusion q uiz with +80%.

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    This p rog ra m is reg istered w ith the AIA/ CES for c ontinuing p rofessiona l

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    Associates, Inc. of any material of construction or any method or manner

    of ha nd ling , using , distrib uting , or de a ling in a ny m a te ria l or prod uc t.

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Co ri ht Materia ls

    s p resen a on s p ro ec e y . . an n erna ona c opyr glaws. Reproduc tion, distribution, d isp lay and use of the

    presenta tion without written permission of , .and

    AEGIS Metal Framing 2009.

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Learnin Ob ectives

    pon omp e on o s c ourse e es g n ro ess o na w eable to:


    Exp la in a pp lic a tions for Proprieta ry LGST

    Spec ify LGST Desc ribe the design proc ess for Fac tory-built LGST , , ,

    Fac to ry-built LGST

    Compare and c ontrast a n LGST p roposa ls and exp la in whatma kes a c om lete truss s stem

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Wh Li ht Gau e Steel Trusses?

    erever s eep sope , res en a -s y eroofs a re desired

    Non-c ombustib ility is manda ted

    The IDEAL solution is...

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Li ht Gau e Steel Trusses

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    The Advanta es

    1. 100% non-combustible2. Lon c lea r-s an ca ab ilities

    A. LGSTs c an typ ic a lly span 80+ feet, depend ing on load ingcriteria.

    B. Obviously, spans will va ry grea tly between snowy reg ions suc h

    as New Eng land and warmer c lima tes like Texas.3. Limitless roof and c eiling p rofiles--just like wood trussesA. Eng ineers ha te to hear this, but w ith the c omputer software

    availab le today, designs c an be more d ynamic than ever.4. Lightweight

    A. LGSTs a re typ ic a lly ha lf the weight of wood trusses due to the irg strengt to we g t ra t o.

    B. This is an advantage for long spans and heavy conc entra tedloads sinc e the trusses are not ha ving to work doub le duty to

    sup por emse ves a s we a s e oa s e ng a pp e .

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    The Advanta es

    - -. A. Proprieta ry trusses are designed by experts, and sea led by

    veterans in the light gaug e truss business.

    A. Often sp rinklers c an be d ownsized or even elimina ted whenthe roof struc ture is built from c ompletely non-c ombustib lemateria ls. There is nothin to burn!

    7. Compatib le w ith a lmost any dec king / roofing systemA. There a re fastening methods tha t c an effec tively hand le

    c onnec tions to everything from p lywood and meta l dec k tounique mate ria ls like Struc tural Insula ted Pane ls or SIPs.

    8. Relieves design firms of costly, time c onsuming roof design work--frees them up for more p roduc tive endea vorsA. Bec ause the design software hand les the eng ineering , sizing

    of materia ls and c a lc ula tion of loads, a rc hitec ts andeng ineers c an simp ly spec ify tha t LGSTs be used, p rovide the

    asc esgn c r te ra an pro es. e truss esgner can ta eit from there.

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    LGST a re an idea l substitute for

    Bar Joists

    Red IronConcrete



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    Almost an Confi ura tion is Possib le

    Radius forms

    Bow string trusses

    Sc issor trusses

    Almost any Configuration is Possible

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    The LGST Marketp lac e

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    The Market Toda - Commercial/Institutional

    n o ay s mar e , e es p ro ec s o a e a van age oLGSTs are c ommerc ia l and institutiona l p rojec ts. These a re

    typ ic a lly la rge p rojec ts in d iverse market segments.,to d ra in from the roof a rea and red uc ing the c hanc e for lea ks.

    Tighter c ode enforc ements a re requiring tha t more a nd more- .

    LGSTs are popular in high g rowth segments, areas tha t a resee ing la rger than normal c onstruc tion g rowth.

    years, and C-stud trusses ha ve been used for 30+ years, they

    are still c onsidered Up and Coming in the d esign community.Certain markets have b e un to emb rac e the fea tures andbenefits of LGSTs. Others still view them as new or do no t knowabout them a t a ll. There is still a lot of ed uc a tion to be done.

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  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    A lic a tions

    There a re many typ es of struc tures tha t a re ana tura l fit w ith LGSTs

    We will look a t a few of the most c ommonapplications

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Assisted Livin

    These struc tures a re a growingmarket as our popula tionages. The c ombina tion of

    noncombustible structuresand the desire for a Residentia l Look bode wellfor LGSTs.

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide



    sc hools as well as dorms anduniversity b uild ing s a ll p resent

    roo fs that need non-combustible structures. In


    c overing over fla t roofs of 30yea r old sc hools a re a grea to t ion that save lots ofmoney for sc hool budgets.We will look a t a c ase stud yfurther into the c ourse tha tillustra tes the opportunities forold sc hool roofs to bec hanged d rama tic a lly.

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    Offic e c onstruc tion is another growing opportunity for LGSTs. Ag a in,c odes require non-c ombustib le c onstruc tion. In add ition, in somearea s c odes require offic e build ings to c omp lement the surround ing

    arc hitec tura l landsc ape, whic h may reflec t residentia l design.

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide



    n ortunate or soc ety,but g ood for business,

    Correc tiona l Fac ilitiesa re a no er grow ngsegment for LGSTs.

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    oney s a r enoug o eep w ou go ng up n ames

    Non c ombustib le materia ls a re a must for fina nc ia l institut ions.

    Some U.S. suburban b anks tend to have more of a residentia llook as well.

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    S orts/ Rec rea tiona l

    e nc rease o newstadiums for professional

    teams as well as the new

    sports c omplexes, thissegment is a lso growing .

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Li ht Industria l

    op portunity to app ly the look

    of residentia l roofs towarehouse fronts and offic espac es that a re p a rt ofwarehouses.

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    Hos ita lit

    esp e e ups an owns o e mar e , osp a y s oua lways be a growing and c ha ng ing industry. LGSTs provide

    grea t solutions for two build ing methods; as the c omp lete roof

    handling a nd o ther mec hanic a l devic es p lac ed on the roo f.

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    When residential c onstruc tion goes on the rise, strip shopp ing c enter

    c onstruc tion often follows. LGSTs are often used to frame out thesestruc tures.

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    Other Build in T es Ma Inc lude

    ea ers Military Housing

    Sta d iums Water Trea tment Fac ilities

    Fire Stations Libraries an so on.

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Case Stud ies

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Case 1

    ro ec - urs ng ome o un ce,Eunic e, LA

    , sq . . asss e v ng ac y Light gauge framing spec ified for

    non-combustibility ,

    stic k framed with studs LGST fab ric a tor designed and

    , By utilizing pre-fabric a ted trusses, the

    c ontrac tor estima ted they saved 24-framing . There were a lot of savingsrea lized , not to mention the b ene fitsin sc hedulin !

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Case 2

    ro ec - a ar e ss . v ng,

    Livonia, MI

    Five build ing s to ta ling 35,000 ft2

    20 yea r old Fire reta rdant wood rooftrussesa nd p lywood dec king litera llyfalling apart--trusses breaking, sagging,

    dec king c rumb ling Insurance c ompany req uired c omp lete

    rep a cemen an or c over ng o ex s ngroof

    LGST fab ric a tor stepped in with severa l

    The utility b uild ing trusses and dec k wereto rn o ff in sec tions and Ultra-Span trusses


    and were a ttac hed to steel trusses

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Case 2

    The four residentia l units p rovedto be more c ha lleng ing. Themec hanic a l and elec tric a l

    systems were running THROUGH Light gaug e sc issors trusses

    were designed to fit ove r theexistin roof and take over

    t e truss system n or er orthe wood trusses to be pulled ,a ll the mec hanic a ls would

    the loa d handlingresponsibilities. Light gaugetrusses were p lac ed over the

    ave o e pu e an e

    residents reloc a ted during theentire p roc ess

    top of the old truss system,elimina ting the need to (1)

    remove the mec hanic a l andelec tric a l systems, and (2) theresidents were ab le to rema inin their homes, elimina ting a

    ot o stress a n expense oreveryone!

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Case 3

    ro ec - owar . nn s c oo

    30+ yea r old fla t roof leaking like a

    Add itiona lly, sc hoo l boa rd wantedto c onc ea l new roo ftop AC units

    built-in mec hanic a l spac e Sing le row of stub c olumns insta lled

    Roof penetra tions red uc ed fromhund reds to only 50

    Entire re-roo f c om leted in twoweeks with no c lass interrup tion

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Truss Systems

    C iti l El t f C h i

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Critic a l Elements of a Comprehensivepec c a on

    s a re g y eng neere u ng c omponen s. ouproper design, qua lity c ontrol, and p rec autions, serious p rob lemsc an arise. In order to ensure tha t a qua lity produc t is p rovided ,

    - .

    The following examp les illustra te the d ifferenc e between fac tory. .

    method would you p refer for your p rojec t?

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Whic h is More Prec ise?


    Versus This!

    C iti l El t f C h i

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Critic a l Elements of a Comprehensivepec c a on

    n a on o e ng ac ory- u , c omp e e eng neer ngand tec hnic a l sup port is a must. All truss-to-truss, truss-to-

    bearing c onnec tions, and system b rac ing spec ific a tionsmust be p rovided by the truss supp lier. Inc lud ing spec s for100% mill c ertified steel and UL c lassific a tions whenre uired . These elements a re c ritic a l. The must be

    spec ified and enforc ed or someone w ill likely attemptshortcuts.

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    Cost Effec tive LGST Assemblies

    Another benefit to spec ifyingLGST from a proprieta ry sup p lieris the ava ilab ility o f UL ra tedtruss assemb lies. Assemb lies

    from proprieta ry sup p liers a reab le to ac hieve 1-2 hour ra tingsw on y one a yer o gyp sum,c ompared to wood truss

    assemblies tha t must use two.

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    T ic a l Commerc ia l Assembl

    our + w on y onelayer of Type C p itc hedtruss with insula tion on

    sys ems a re a e oac hieve the UL ra tingswhile ma inta ining the



    p rac tic e o f 48 inc hes oncenter.




    7 8

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Design of Fac tory-built LGST

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Desi nin Fac tor -built LGST

    oug propr e ary russ sys ems are a new me orela tive to other framing systems like red iron and bar joist,

    they are modeled a fter the wood truss industry, a strongforty-yea r history with a p roven trac k rec ord of qua lity andc ost effec tiveness. Tha t trad ition, c ombined with best ofb reed desi n softwa re, ma kes for a ver owerful tool.

    Truss design software a llows fabric a to rs to design w ithspeed , ag ility, and a c c urac y. Mod ific a tions c an be

    budgets and fine tuned estima tes. CAM andmanagement tools a re a lso a rea lity with truss design


  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Sta te-of-the-a rt Design Software

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide



    There are three ma in steps to designing

    Design, and Cost Estima ting. Mostp roprieta ry systems p rovide these threeelements to the truss fab ric a tor. It is the

    job of the fa bric a tor to inp ut thebuild ing information into the softwa re.

    D i i F b il LGST

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Desi nin Fac tor -built LGST

    e o ow ng proc ess s yp c a or pu c y russ wor :

    Onc e the b id for trusses is awarded , eng ineering d rawings are

    - ,d rawings are reviewed and sea led . Connec tions, b rac ing, andother spec ia l servic es may a lso b e requested . At tha t point, the


    (typ ic a lly multip le c op ies), in less than 48 hours. Sub mitta ls a rethen made to the a rc hitec t, c ontrac tor, and projec t engineer


  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Parameters Effec ting LGST Cost

    D i F t I t i T C t

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Desi n Fea tures Im ac tin Truss Cost

    Roof p itc h and heel height a re two o f theTruss Cost vs. Span

    6" Heel Height, Variable Roof Pitch

    most c ritic a l elements that c an effec t thec ost of a truss system. Based on these

    graphs whic h have been d evelop ed over5.506.50







    a period of severa l yea rs, you c an seetha t a s span inc reases, steeper slopes a reab le to keep the c osts lower. Also,





    TrussMaterialC 4:12



    nc rea sng e ee e g a ows or a

    more effic ient and therefore more c osteffec tive d esign.

    20 30 40 50 60 70

    Span, ft

    Truss Cost vs. Span

    10" Hee l Height , Variable Roof Pitch








    ssCost,$persq 2:12






    20 30 40 50 60 70

    Span, f t


    D i F t I t i T C t

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Desi n Fea tures Im ac tin Truss Cost

    Regard ing truss spac ing in most c ases,Truss Cost vs. Spacing"

    nc truss spa c ng s t e most c osteffec tive, espec ia lly when designingtruss systems with slopes less than 3 on

    , ,







    . e eng o over ang c an a sop lay a role in the c ost of the trusssystem. As overha ngs reac h 3 feet,2.00










    2 4 6

    Truss Spacing, f t

    Truss Cost vs. Overhang Size

    Variable Pitch 10" Heel 20 ft S an





















    0 1 2 3 4 5

    Overhang Length, f t

    Desi n Fea tures Im ac tin Truss Cost

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Desi n Fea tures Im ac tin Truss Cost

    Concerning the d ebate of Truss Cost vs. SpanVariable Pitch, No Interior Bearings

    w e er or no o a n ernabea rings, one c an see that thec ost of ad d ing one bea ring

    c an more than a for itself5.00







    c omparing the overa ll c ost ofthe truss system. For instanc e, atruss with a c lea r span of 70 3.00








    c ost approximately $4.60.


    50 60 70

    Span, ft

    Truss Cost vs. Span

    Variable Pitch One Interior Bearin







    By add ing one interna lbea ring, the c ost of the

    same truss d rops to less tha n











    . .Just bec ause LGSTs c anspan 80+ feet, it isn t a lwaysthe b est op tion.


    50 60 70

    Span, ft

    Desi n Fea tures Im ac tin Truss Cost

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Desi n Fea tures Im ac tin Truss Cost

    Lon overha n s c a n a d dTruss Material Cost vs. Wind Speed

    4:12 Pitch, 40 ft Span, No Overhang

    sub sta ntia l costs, espec ia lly in highwind load zones. It is interesting to

    note tha t in either c ase, the Ma in





    Wind Forc e design method is lessc ostly tha n d esigning usingc omp onents and c ladd ing.2.5







    110 130 150

    Wind Speed, mph

    Truss Material Cost vs. Wind Speed

    4:12 Pitch, 40 ft Span, 3 ft Overhang
















    110 130 150

    Wind Speed, mph


    Desi n Fea tures Im ac tin Truss Cost

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Desi n Fea tures Im ac tin Truss Cost

    little c hange to the overa ll design of the struc ture. Looking a tthis examp le, the truss on the left p rovides the same inte rior

    slightly higher exterior slope. By add ing some spac e w ithin thetruss, loads are a b le to be d istributed muc h more effic iently. Thistruss a lso erforms muc h better, a llow in the build in muc h lessdeflec tion in a ll d irec tions.

    Truss Cost = $583.00 Truss Cost = $748.00

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Environmenta l Benefits of LGST

    L E E D Certific a tion with LGST

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    L.E.E.D. Certific a tion with LGST

    g gauge s ee russes a re exce en p ro uc s or use owar

    ac hieving c ertific a tion through g reen build ing ra ting p rog rams

    suc h a s LEED. Bec ause light gauge steel produc ts a re up to

    100% rec yc led and rec yc lab le, they help to inc rea se the

    c hanc e o f rec eiving Ma teria l and Resourc e Cred its. The

    number and c a tegory of c red its tha t steel trusses helps in

    c ontributing to varies dep end ing on the struc ture o f the ra ting

    system being app lied . Another potentia l a rea of c ontribution

    inc lude re iona l ma teria l rod uc tion and fab ric a tion in rela tion

    to the jobsite depend ing on loc a tion. Other susta inab le

    advanta ges c ould be rea lized through the use of steel trusses,

    system expert.

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide



    Fabric a tion Guidelines

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Fabric a tion Guidelines

    Now we are o in to o into more de th about the advanta esof fac tory fab ric a ted LGSTs. Trusses c an be built and sta ged inc onjunc tion with the sc hedule of the rest of the p rojec t. Trusses

    c an be d elivered in sta es as the are needed for erec tion.Fac tory built trusses c an be built to exac t d esign p arameters.Bec ause o f the fac tory setting , supervisors c an manage a ndc ontrol multip le p rojec ts within the fac tory, c ontrasted to anoc c asiona l jobsite visit to c hec k qua lity of work. In add ition, those

    who are build ing trusses a re truly Truss Professiona ls. It s wha tthey do. They aren t build ing trusses one d ay and hanging d rywa llthe next. Jig assemblies a re utilized in fac tories to be sure tha t thelast truss in a run matc hes a ll other trusses in the same run. Qua lity

    is further enha nc ed due to a c ontrolled environment. On theo s te , qua ty may s p as a resu t o e ements. o rtcutsmay be used when tempera tures d rop or when ra in sta rts to fa ll.There a re a lso servic es being developed tha t c an p rovide thirdpar y qua y gu e nes.

    Assembl Methods for LGST

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    Assembl Methods for LGST

    Uni-Strut i s

    Laser set-up

    an ry a es

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide



    LGSTShi in Basic s

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    LGST Shi in Basic s

    .50 foot ma ximum leng th and 8 to 10 foot ma ximum w id thwithout permits and esc orts. Trusses up to 80 feet long and 20

    feet ta ll ca n be shi ed with s ec ia l ac c ommoda tions.However, p iggy bac king & sp lit trusses are more c ommon.Some fabric a tors will ship vertic a lly with a low tra iler when

    ossib le. Wood truss roll off tra ilers c an be used when trussesare adeq uately p rotec ted from da ma ge. Coord inationbetween fabric a tor and job site for p roper sequenc ing is vita l.

    LGSTShi in Tec hni ues

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    LGST Shi in Tec hni ues

    These pho tos illustra tesevera l examples of trusses

    shipped c orrec tly.

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    Hoisting and Insta lla tion

    Insta lla tion Fund amenta ls

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    o s ng an ns a a on are c r c a e emen s o e suc cess oLGSTs. With p roper p rec autions ta ken, insta lla tion should besmoo th and uneventful.

    Insta lla tion Fund amenta ls

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    ne grea resourc e or e russind ustry is The Field Insta llationGuild for Cold-Formed Steel Roof

    .ava ilab le through the LGSEA, ad ivision o f the Steel Framing


    www.steelframingalliance.comIt is a grea t resourc e for manyelements of truss insta lla tion, suc has permanent truss b rac ing .


  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    ex o rac ng, s s per aps e ey o suc c ess u ns a a on.There a re so many wa ys to do it wrong, and only a c ouple ofways to do it right.



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    A spreaderbar and

    n exper ence ns a er


  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Pre-assemblies a re a nother good op tion to c onsider whenp lanning the truss insta ll. Depend ing on ava ilab le spac e, thisop tion makes a lot of sense, a llowing workers to sta y c lose to the

    groun ns ea o wor ng rom ve s o res up . nce e russesare erec ted , b rac ed and sometimes dec ked , the entire roof islifted (or flown) into p lac e. This a lso a llows c rane t ime to be

    to save money.

    A Grea t Idea for

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Tall build in s Unusua l site c ond itions Job sites with a mple spac e

    When c rane time is c ostly When t ime is of the essenc e

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Comparing LGST Proposa ls

    Com arin Pro osa ls

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    ese var ous cons era ons can ecome very con usng w enthe truss c ustomer has to c ompare and c ontrast five to tend ifferent truss pac kages. Eac h truss sup p lier will p rovide d ifferent

    p iec es of the pa c kage. Come b id d ay, it bec omes veryc hallenging to d etermine the b est pac kage d ea l.

    Com arin Pro osa ls

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    ,proliferation in the number of truss fabricators

    Barriers to entr a re low non-c ap ita l intensive limited rea l esta te requirements low skilled labor

    n c er a n a reas, eng neers arc ec s s a ow ng o s e

    fabrication Third party software ava ilab le for simp le truss ana lysis The result c an be multip le b ids on same projec t

    A rec ent large p rojec t in TN attrac ted 12 truss b ids

    Com arin Pro osa ls

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    t so many potent a truss b idders, how is

    Com arin Pro osa ls

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    what elements make up a

    c om lete truss s stem

    are not c omparingapples to oranges

    Com arin Pro osa ls

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    c omp e e ys em mus nc u e...

    Properly designed trusses

    - - Truss-to-struc ture c onnec tions Insta lla tion b rac ing Let s look a t eac h item in more d eta il.

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Properly Designed Trusses

    Pro erl Desi ned Trusses

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    e r eac russ s esgne correc y, e sys em mus edesigned to work as a whole.

    En ineerin DrawinEn ineerin DrawinJob Name

    Number of plies

    Job Name

    Quantity of trusses

    There are a lot of elements that go into a correc tly designed truss.

    Truss ID

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    Truss ID


    Truss ID




    Number ofscrews requiredat each



    Indicateslateral web




    n ca eslateral web

    bracelocations Number of

    screws requiredat each


    HeelTruss Loading

    connec on



    HeightTruss LoadingDeflection

    InformationTrussSpacing Applicable


    Truss weight

    CombinedStress Index



    FastenerValuesSteel sections

    Stress Index

    Bracin Re uirements

    e ect on n o

    Steel sections

    Bracing Requirements

    Truss Reactions

    Truss Reactions

    Individual member

    Individual memberforces

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Truss-to-Truss Connec tions

    Truss-to-Trussonnec ons

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    ese c onnec ons arec ritic a l to the p roperfunc tioning of the truss

    Connec tions must sa felytransfer a ll loads into

    They must resist up lift asnecessary

    truss designer p rovide forthese connec tions

    ANSI TPI 95If a LGST provider dec linesto provide these



  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Trust-to-Struc ture Connec tions

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Truss-to-Struc tureonnec ons

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    These a re c ritic a l to the properfunc tioning of the truss system

    Resisting uplift

    nc ors russes o s ruc ure Designer must ac c ount for

    bea ring surfac e, atta c hment,

    conditions Standard deta ils useful, but

    c ritic a l, espec ia lly in high windzones


  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Truss Brac ing

    The Card ina l Rules of Truss Brac in

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    qua y mp or an o e russes emse ves s e russ rac ng,both insta lla tion and perma nent.

    ALL truss systems require b rac ing --PERIOD!!

    Fa ilure to adhere to Rule # 1 is the primary reasonfor truss

    c ollapses (typ ic a lly during insta lla tion)

    Rule #3 Disputing Rules # 1 and # 2 d isp lays an absence of

    knowled e of how truss s stems func tion

    The Card ina l Rules of Truss Brac in

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Resulta nts for NOTfollowing Rule # 2

    Trusses tha t had


    T es of Truss Brac in

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    ns a a on rac ng Lac k of insta lla tion brac ing is the reason for virtua lly a ll

    roof c ollapses during c onstruc tion


    Provides for web brac ing , shear d iaphragm transfer,

    and overa ll roof system sta b ility

    Installation Bracin

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    ns a a on rac ng s us as e name mp es, rac ng a eepsthe trusses in p lac e d uring insta lla tion. There a re three parts to it,top c hord b rac ing, bottom c hord brac ing, and web brac ing.

    . ,used in ea c h loc a tion. It is sa id tha t without d iagona l b rac es, a llthe trusses simp ly fa ll the same d irec tion. Don t forget the

    remain in the system and serve as permanent b rac ing.

    Guidelines pub lished by LGSEA

    Ground b rac ing Top c hord brac ing

    Keeps c hords in line rac es c or s rom uc ng Bottom c hord b rac ing

    Keeps c hords in line Web p lane b rac ing

    Help sta b ilize the entire system p rior to dec king

    Field Insta lla tion

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Guide for Cold -Formed Steel Trusses

    The Field Insta lla tionGuide for Co ld -Formed

    Steel Trusses, p rovidedby the Light Ga ugeSteel Eng ineersAssoc ia tion, goes into

    grea t deta il about thebrac ing req uired forrusses.

    Permanent Brac in

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    ermanen rac ng s a w c rema ns n p ac e a er etrusses are e rec ted . This b rac ing is designed to keep the trussesin p lane a s loads a re a pp lied , p reventing the c hance for out o f

    . ,

    Permanent Brac in

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    e rmanen rac ng

    Top Chord

    Typic a lly direc t app lied dec k

    Could be purlins 24 o.c .

    Bottom Chord

    Can be ri id ceilin d irec tl a lied

    24 o.c . purlins with d rywa ll

    Drop c eilings will require user defined spac ing for la tera lbracin

    Typic a lly 6 to 8 o.c .

    Don t forget the d iagona l b rac ing!

    La tera l Brac ing

    Be sure webs line up --otherwise, T-b rac ing will be

    Diagona ls a re essential

    Who ha s responsib ility for Permanentrac ng esgn

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    ecause o e un que na ure o eac russ p ro ec , e es wayto assure tha t the brac ing is hand led c orrec tly is to p rovide apermanent b rac ing design. Ac c ord ing to typic a l p rotoc ol, this

    .overa ll build ing design and understand how the build ingc omponents a re to be integra ted . However, bec ause of the

    with p roprieta ry LGSTs, the job may be best a ddressed by the

    truss eng ineer. Regard less of who provides it, be sure the.

    Brac in Deta ils

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    e o ow ng a re examp es o an eng neere rac ng esgn.One shows the p ermanent web b rac ing required , the other is asheet o f add itiona l deta ils that must be a pa rt of the b rac ing


    Bra c in Desi n

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    Bra c in Desi n

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    Light Gauge Steel Trusses

    What Will Drive the Use of LGST

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    nc rea sng y s r ng en re c o es Build ing designers love the fea tures & b enefits More c ost effec tive tha n trad itiona l materia ls

    , ,accessories Arc hitec ts and engineers looking for ways to get the job done

    The trend for p re-fabric a ted c omponents c ontinues to inc rease

    In Conc lusion

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    oranges by

    portion o f the truss systemPut it in the spec ific a tionDon t forget to identify responsib ility for other anc illa ry

    Shear b loc king and transfer framing, bent meta l

    for dec k support, fasc ia materia l, and over-framing Understa nd ing truss nomenc la ture Tho roug hlyevalua ting proposa ls and b ids

    Don t ust rab the lowest number and run with it Being c autious of the term Value Eng ineering Communicating!!!

    In Conc lusion

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    For Non-Combustib leCommerc ial/ Institutiona lConstruction...

    Light Gauge Stee lTrusses are a great



  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    e es gn ro ess ona s ou now e a e o:

    Explain why Light Gauge Steel Trusses a re a Good Alterna tive

    Exp la in a pp lic a tions for Proprieta ry LGST List and desc ribe Case Stud ies

    Desc ribe the design proc ess for Fac tory-built LGST

    Exp la in: Fabric a tion, Pac kaging , Shipp ing , & Insta lla tion of-

    Compare and c ontrast a n LGST p roposa ls and exp la in whatmakes a c omp lete truss system

    Links to more information a bout LGST

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide


    g a uge ee ng neers ssoc a on

    . .

    Aegis Meta l Framing

    Course Sponsor

    AEGIS Metal Framing

  • 8/2/2019 Light Gauge Steel Truses Guide



    14515 N Outer 40 DriveSuite110

    Chesterfield, MO 63017

    Light Gauge Steel TrussesThe Specification, Design Manufacturing and


    E-mailjaltman@aegismeta lframing .com


    Course Numb er

    Please note: you will need to c omplete the c onc lusion quiz online to rece ive credit

    An AIA Continuing Educ a tion ProgramCred it fo r this course is 1 AIA/ CES HSW Learning Unit