Lifeline Publication

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Special Edition of Lifeline dedicated to Bishop Jeronn C Williams I

Transcript of Lifeline Publication


Dominion:The Powerto Reign





levels of distinction



life•linen.1. a. Ananchoredlinethrownasasupporttosomeonefalling ordrowning. b. Alineshottoashipindistress. c. Alineusedtoraiseandlowerdeep-seadivers.2. a. Ameansorroutebywhichnecessarysuppliesare transported. b. Onethatisorisregardedasasourceofsalvationinacrisis.3. Adiagonallinecrossingthepalmofthehandandbelievedto indicatethelengthandmajoreventsofone’slife.


Photos of Bishop Dr. Jeronn C. Williams are courtesy of Michael Alvin’s Photography.Design: Angela Williams.

The ABUNDANT Reign: Revealing Order, Distinction

and Dominion

This edition of Lifeline is dedicated to the ministry and man,

Bishop Jeronn C. Williams, I. In order to understand and appreciate

the man, you must understand his ministry, and his heart.

5 REVEALING ORDER PT. 1By Mattie Stone-Williams



By Patrice Roberts


By Kira Channer

“And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;” - Ephesians 4:11 (KJV)




Revealing Order Part I

By Mattie Stone-Williams

i v i n e : P r o c e e d i n g from God

r d e r : Many definitions, but one (as a noun) that fits here is authoritative direction.

Note: Chaos and crisis often reveal places where we are still out of order. Even in creation we see that God had an order to what, when, where and how he created all things. After the flood, God established that Times and Seasons will never cease until the end of history. (Gen.8:22)

OSo, God is directing Divine Order.

Additionally, God reaffirms his covenant with Noah that He will not destroy man and the earth until His purposes for His creation are fully realized.

Concepts relative to Divine Order: Whoever finds his life will lose it, and he who

loses his life for My sake will find it.

Divine Order is divine government; God in control.Divine Order is the flow of the Spirit as we yield to His guidance and direction.Divine Government is the Word (truth) active in our lives.

Caveat:We live in a fallen world and the enemy is always seeking to pervert the “word of God” and the order He has established.

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A perversion of the spiritual principle of order is when the enemy wants us to believe that coming to this New Plateau, which includes divine order, means that we have to be more and perfect and that God sits on His throne with a more exacting view of what we need to do to please Him.

If we take this particular perverse view of our own lives, we will see God as a taskmaster with a precise list of those things in the natural that need to be accomplished, and if we fail to do what we believe He has said to us, He will be displeased. Therefore, we set up a series of hurdles that we need to jump every day to make sure that we have pleased Him. This perversion is the strongest in people whose earthly fathers were strict and exacting, or those who do not really know or understand the Father’s love for them. They feel as though they have to prove their worthiness through achievement and performance and earn God’s love and in order to come higher their performance has to increase. Because this is a perversion, (perverse spirit is the devil), the result is greater bondage as self-consciousness and condemnation increases. This will wear you out!

When we go through life with a good measure of self-effort, we are most likely not even available to hear the Father. When we serve God out of a fear of failure, we are out of order.

Therefore, the “coming up higher”, New Plateau, Divine Order stuff is not about how good you are or how bad you are. It is not about what you do; it is about what God is able to do through you. It is about complete freedom from all bondage – even the self-imposed bondage that comes through trying to please God by proving your worth.

Jesus is the epitome of Divine Order:

Acts 10:38 “…God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit

and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was

with Him.” Mark 1: (Read: This chapter provides insights and examples of how Jesus exhibited Divine Order in everything He did and said)

He prayed and stayed connected to the Father.

John 5:19 “Then Jesus answered and said to them, Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.”

John 5:30 “I can of myself do

nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My

judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will

but the will of the Father who sent Me.”

This is Divine Order!

It IS about coming into rest. Matthew 11 28“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30

For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

It IS about His work and our cooperation in yielding.

Philippians 2:13 “for it is God who works in you both

to will and to do for His good pleasure.”

Divine Order is all about the moving of the Holy Spirit and being unencumbered enough to hear His voice and being flexible enough to go

with the flow. It is about being in the right place at the right time to accomplish what is before us. Divine Order is trusting God to give you discernment, to lead, guide, direct, protect, and give you wisdom.

Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on

your own understanding.” Psalms 138:8 “the LORD will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy,

O LORD, endures forever; do not forsake the works of Your hands.”

6 Lifeline / SEPTEMBER 2012

here are at least two contemporary applications:•Awards given in sporting competitions

for the bronze, silver and gold medals •Academic designations of graduates of Post-secondary education as Cum Laude, Magnum Cum Laude and Summa Cum Laude

However, “levels of distinction” within the body of Christ are not often seen by the naked eye nor are they displayed like medals or scholastic achievements on a degree.

In Romans, the Apostle Paul comments on how those members of the body are recognized; “for as we have many members in one

body and all members have not the same office. So, we being many are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith”. (Romans 12:4-6)

Distinction, is earned in the valley, it is gained, wondering the wilderness, and attained, during seasons of loneliness. Levels are determined by the individual’s dispensation of grace and the intensity of the test that qualifies them to fully function in their assigned office and assignment. The greater the office, the greater

the intensity of the test. Lay members will never experience test, trials and tribulations as a Pastor would by virtue of the office. However, trials experienced by lay members should NOT be discounted. Even lay members

have assignments to fulfill.

“Levels of distinction” are not levels per say, but degrees of intensity

that makes one member different from the other. This difference ensures that the members are set in place to form the body and each member fully functions in order, so that the Body of Christ can exercise its sovereign authority.



“Distinction, is earned in the


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Dominion: The Power to Reign

By Patrice Roberts

Before Christ, we were captive to the “law of sin”. Held as prisoners, it was impossible for us to break free. Then, miraculously through the death of Jesus Christ, we were set free from a death sentence. (Roman 7:6 KJV) As believers, we were buried with him. In the same way Christ was raised up from the dead, we were also raised and empowered to walk in newness of life! (Romans 6:4 KJV)

From the moment God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness and let them have dominion…”, (Gen 1:26 KJV) mankind was destined to reign. “And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast….” He prayed for dominion and God granted it freely. (1 Chron. 4:10 KJV) Dominion is defined, (1) rule or power to rule; sovereign authority; sovereignty; (2) a governed territory or country. A person who exercises dominion is a master, owner, or ruler over material things like land, property, etc. However, there is more excellent territory that God desires us to exercise dominion- ourselves.

trapped doing the things that we hated but now, sin has no dominion over us! (Romans 6:14KJV) When the disciples called Jesus, “master” it usually, meant something other than ruler. They used the terms didaskalos, kathegetes, and epistasis which meant instructor, guide, or appointed teacher.(Matthew 23:8-11KJV) Likewise, the same Christ within us, who gives us power, also wants to teach us how to take dominion authority in our lives. (John 14:26 KJV) When God created the earth, he also gave instructions on how to maintain it. To keep us healthy, He created “herb bearing seed” and “tree yielding fruit”, (Gen 1:29KJV)

In the past, our minds held us back because of guilt and shame, but in Christ there is now, no condemnation to those who walk after the Spirit. (Romans 8.1KJV) We were hopelessly

Later, God instructed Moses regarding acceptable animals for man’s consumption which included only - those animals that were” cud chewing with cloven or split hoofs” and fish with “fins and scales”. (Lev. 11:3, 9 KJV)

He gave us the Sabbath day to rest and inspired the apostle Paul to mention the benefits of bodily exercise. Every detail for our well- being was by design. Our challenge is giving up our old life for the new life in Christ. The fourth chapter of Ephesians is instructive in how to overcome and take dominion by putting away the former things and embracing the new. Victory is attainable when we

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believe that God’s plan for us is always better and we choose it every time. The Lord God even makes provision for us to attain wealth (Dt. 8:18 KJV) He has a financial blueprint. The book of Wisdom-Proverbs, is replete with instructions concerning wealth (in acquiring, maintaining, preserving, and sharing); “ Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops” (Prov. 3:9) ; ” Lazy hands makes a man poor but diligent hands bring wealth” (Prov. 10:4) ; “By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life” (Prov.22.4); “The rich rule over the poor and the borrower is servant to the lender” (Prov.22:7); Jesus warns us against loving our possessions more than eternal life. “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!” (Mark 10:22); Keeping our vows, (Numbers 30:2); “I will fulfill my vows to the Lord” (Ps. 116:14); “People who want to get rich, fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction; For the love of money is a

root of all kinds of evil. Some people eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs” (I Tim.6:9-10). Matthew 5, has a plan for dealing with difficult people: “do not resist an evil person”. James 4 helps us to overcome procrastination: “go now”! God even has a plan for imperfect

partners: “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Rom 5:8); “husbands love your wives and wives submit to your husbands” (Col 3:18-19) Every victory we have waited for is literally at

our fingertips! “Being doers of the word” gives us dominion power in our lives. God wants us to be guided by his Word. In Psalm 119 the writer says”, Thy Word is a lamp to my feet and a light unto my path. “Jesus said, these words I speak are spirit and they are life (John 63:6) Have faith in the word of God, walk in obedience to his word , and take dominion!

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Reigning in the 21st Century

By Kira Channer

he world’s concept of power differs tremendously from those who are residents of God’s Kingdom. Once we, as inhabitants of the Kingdom of God give up power, we receive His authority and dominion. The great-est power we can ever exert is in our weakness. Accept your weakness that you might receive His strength (Williams, J.C. 5.28.04). In a ser-mon shared by our own Pastor General Dr. LaToya K. Williams entitled “Let the Weak Say I Am Strong,” she shares that we must face the truth concerning our weaknesses and insecurities for the up building of the Kingdom (1.16.2005). God gets the most glory when He sees Himself

in a thing, and will magnify His glory in you once you lay your limited and weak power down in the midst of suffering to surrender to His strength and will. In a message entitled, “Suffering that Secures,” Bishop Williams asserts the following: “As I suffer, I’m elevated to a place of reigning” (10.7.2004).


Over the years, God’s word has consistently invited His people to reign in all areas of our lives. Here are some keys:

1“Release of Potential” by Elder R.L. Waller March 7, 2004John 16:23-24

Potential can be released once you birth a “yes.” Place your potential in a place/ground that is fertile and designed to nurture it. Your burden is connected to your area of potential

“Obedience is a catalyst for release of potential in purpose.”



“Tapping Potential” by Bishop J.C. WilliamsMay 23, 2004Ephesians 4:1

You stand in the place of authority and command decisions. You must continue to choose your “choice,” and that’s how you walk in authority.

It’s time to “walk heavy” by way of…

A. Profession. Make professions based on where you see yourself in the future. Be a prophet to yourself.B. Progression. It’s not time to reveal yourself yet. God will at the set time.

“It’s not enough to take authority, but we must possess authority.”

“Productive Prayer” by Bishop J.C. Williams November 17, 2002John 16:23-24

In order to produce productive prayer, there must be…A. A New Day…approaching God humbly and boldly B. A Willingness to Shift by Way of Illumination/Revelation…a new direction. Tap into the Spirit; hear the Spirit of God, then repeat aloud what I hear in the Spirit.C. New Discoveries...allowing a complete joy.

“Make time for connection before intercession.”

“A Faith Explosion” by Bishop J.C. Williams February 24, 2012Mark 11:22; Hebrews 11:2

Faith is the means by which humanity relates to divinity. Everything God does is sheerly out of His Grace, not by my works. Faith gives substance to hope; it’s how I please God. Faith is how we connect with God and the things of God.

The Three Progressive Levels of Faith are…A. Conviction. Your conviction is supposed to restrict you. B. Belief System. This is an ever-calculating stage in which continual seeking after God enables us to obey His Spirit and His Word.C. Life of Faith: Works. This stage represents a functional level of faith where your life becomes an embodiment of His Word.

“God is trying to do something in my life by abnormal means.”


5 “Fixed Focus” by Bishop J.C. WilliamsFebruary 2, 2003Luke 23: 1-4

12 Lifeline / SEPTEMBER 2012

When you set yourself to do right, you set yourself on a path to produce power, meanwhile still utilizing temperance.

However, you should also expect to be…A. MisunderstoodB. MisdiagnoseC. MisrepresentedD. MishandledE. Misjudged

“Refuse to be soft-hearted, and release yourself from offense.”

6 “The Secret of Sincerity” by Bishop J. C. Williams February 22, 2012Philippians 1:9-10

Some of us cannot experience success because we carry too much of a memory of past failures. Success is when you become the definition.

The three realms to sincerity are: A. Attitude. How we execute our duties must have the attitude of excellence.B. Posture. It’s no longer impressive that you’re standing, but how you’re standing.C. Motive. Sincere motive will produce a genuine outcome.

“I am fully destined, regardless of what I see and feel.”

7 “Peace” by Bishop J.C. Williams August 15, 2012Galatians 5:12

The assigned defense for the frustration of the enemy is peace. The Holy Ghost has walked you through chronological experiences in life that my destiny would be bearable.

“The war inside of me is revealing my next victory.”

Where is my harvest?By Sammy McClure

It’s Harvest Time! This is the cry that rings out in every facet of our lives. So, as we prepare for the harvest, it is important to know that the harvest that we reap will consist primarily of what we have sown. So as we prepare our storehouses for the impending harvest, let’s take this opportunity to explore the purpose and intention of a seed and what causes a seed to be dormant.

The Bible says, that as long as the Earth remains, there will be seed time and harvest. In the liturgical community we often equate “seed” with the giving of money. Although this application is correct, for this exercise let’s look at the original intention and purpose of seeds in the Earth and their periodic times of dormancy to provide contextual insight into the practice of sowing various types of seeds.

In Botany, there are various reasons given for the purpose of a seed and also numerous reasons for perceived dormancy. Dormancy is defined as a time period when growth, development, and physical activity are temporarily stopped. Often we wonder why our seeds, although sown in faith, are not immediately proliferating. The natural reason for seeds not growing may provide some

clues. The first reason is that the seed is in a state of quiescence. Quiescence means a state of quietness or inactivity. We, as the seed of Christ, are sometimes placed into a state of inactivity not as a form of punishment, but as a means of preservation. The important fact to remember is that we are being preserved not for any time, but for the set time.

The next reason for dormancy is the state of the seed, not necessarily the state of the environment. Research has shown that the state of the environment does not necessarily determine when a seed grows, but the requirements of the seed determine when the

conditions are optimal for the seed to begin to grow. As individuals we all have gifts and talents given in seed form that are waiting for the environment to be ready for the gift that lies in us. As we spend more time with God and grow in grace we begin to understand what personal consecrations are necessary to allow our seeds to prosper; and as we ascertain those requirements we can then transition into the purpose of the seed.

Seeds serve three primary purposes according to Wikipedia. These are the aforementioned dormancy, nourishment to the embryo attached to the seed, and finally, facilitating the embryo’s movement to a new location. Our

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monetary seeds should be given with a specific purpose and, when given in the form of a gift to a person, helps to solidify a symbiotic relationship that demonstrates your appreciation for their life and its value to you. In Botany this term is called mutualism. An example of this is the relationship of the ant to certain types of plants. The ants carry the seeds of certain plants to their nest where only a portion of it is consumable by the ant. The remainder of the seed grows in the place where the ant has transported it. In the Old Testament, gifts were brought to the temple and placed on the altar. The fat of the offering was consumed by fire as a sacrifice to God. The rest was consumed by the Levites. The Levites, as a result of the sacrifice, were able to concentrate on hearing from God, which allowed the children of Israel to enter their promised land. As we contemplate sowing seeds to anyone we should always remember that sometimes the purpose of your sowing seed is not to provide you immediate gratification, but it is to ensure that your God-given means of spiritual, natural, and sometimes physical nourishment remain encouraged to work and suffer for you.

The last purpose of a seed is to facilitate movement from one location to another. In nature the seed allows the parent plant to expand its progeny

to areas that the plant physically cannot go. Our seeds that we sow, whether monetary, time, or effort, are not always for us; sometimes they are for generations to come. In nature some plants or flowers are defined

certain ways; some are defined as annuals and others are defined as perennials. Annuals are plants that grow fairly quickly but they only live for one season. Perennials are flowers that, once planted, seeds remain in the earth and return every year thereafter, and produce more seeds that grow every year thereafter. God wants our seeds and us to be perennial. He wants our fruit to remain in the earth and come to fruition. So as we search for our harvest, let us remember that it is not as important when the Harvest comes, but it is most important that our seed remains in the earth, and that that seed produce offspring pleasing and glorious to Him.

So, sow seed and always remember that One Planteth, One Watereth, and God gives the increase!

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