Life mastery

Post on 10-May-2015

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Transcript of Life mastery


by Hussein Hallak

Feed Your Mind

30Min Daily ReadStand guard at the door of your mind and only allow what is good to go in

Strengthen Your Body

30Min Daily ExerciseFeeling is phisical, be it fear, saddness, anger,

frustration or anxiety. So when you change your body via an intense workout, run or walk you

change your biochemistry and that changes how you feel instantly

Find a MissionBigger Than You

60Min Weekly Inner ReflectionFind the things your aspire to, that is worth living for, and the things that

will give your life a purpose

Finda Role Model

60Min Weekly NetworkingA role model makes it real for you provided you got a plan & you take

massive action

Find SomeoneIn Need & Help

60Min Weekly VolunteerThere is always somebody worse off than you are, help them, it’ll remind you life is not about me, it’s

about we, and that the secret of living is giving. When you realize that you have something to give

your life will improve and it will be meaningful cause you contributed to other people

Have a Plan of Action

15Min WeeklySet meaningful, clear & specific goals

and put together a plan to achieve them

Take Massive Action

15Min Daily ActionMassive action is the result of daily consistent small actions and steps

towards your goal


by Hussein Hallak