Life and death ppt

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Transcript of Life and death ppt


B. GarciaExhibitionLife And DeathLife And DeathLife And Death

Final Project For Art 102West Los Angeles


Throughout history life and death, have been observed through various eyes and captured magnificently by a few number of artists

Different events have altered the differences in each art piece about to be shown

Life and death are depicted in many different manners, expressions, colors, and change in painting methods. Some of the changes contain religious, environmental, historical, and emotional aspects


On the left, you can see, the color on the fainted woman’s face, very pale compared to Jesus who is dead. The artist shows that even though the man on the cross, in a sense something in inside of the woman had died.

Rogier Van Der Weyeden Descent from the cross c. 1435-1438 oil on wood 7ft 2 5/8 in. X 8ft 7 1/8 in

Van Der Weyeden Saint Luke Depicting the Virgin c. 1435-1440 oil and tempera on panel 4 feet 6 1/8 inches by 3ft 7 5/8 in

Early Renaissance

The right painting, life is flowing all around. the most significant sign of life, is the mother feeding the young baby who, at first looks pale skinned, seems to get a rosy color around his face. A river in the background, also represents life, because as humans we need water to survive.


The anatomical sketch, by the great Leonardo Da Vinci, depicts the womb carrying life. As it is a sketch with brown ink, the colors can’t really show how alive the child is. However, the sketch is very detailed, almost as accurate as the inside of the womb.

A sketch like this were not only art forms to the public but also help in advances in science during the Renaissance

High Renaissance

Leonardo da Vinci, Embryo in the Womb c. 1510. Pen and brown ink 11 3/4 x 8 1/2 in


Pieta, is another great example of the classic style of death. Made of marble but you can see it looks almost life like.

The facial expression on Mary’s face looks very calm, but depressed. You can’t help but to think what was going through the mind of Michelangelo’s mind when making this

Michelangelo, Pieta 1498-1500. Marble 5 ft. 8 1/2 in high Saint Peter’s vatican rome

High Renaissance


In the painting, we can see life not just on the boy’s rosy face, and the body structure. The fruits he is carrying are a form life, as he is carrying life with him.

The colors of the fruit are very vibrant, almost as they look very real, as well it should be because de Caravaggio was trained in Realism as well.

Michelangelo de Caravaggio, Boy with a Basket of Fruit 1594 oil on canvas 27 1/2 x 26 1/2 in

BaroqueAnother interesting point about what the fruit in he painting, is the leaves around it.

The leaves surrounding the basket, are all mostly green, except for the lower most right lead hanging low.

The painting implies that life is like the boy holding the basket, enjoy the youth, before time runs out.


The Baroque painting is very gruesome showing very dark colors. No colors of life are shown, The facial expression of the women are stern, almost as if they are not feeling remorse. The man could feel all the pain, but also his face could also seem to be regretting something. Baroque paintings began to change from realistic views as time went by

Eugene Delacroix, Death of Sardanapalus, 1827-1828 Oil on canvas 12 ft 11 1/2 in x 16 ft. 3 in

Berthe Morisot, The Cradle, 1872 oil on canvas 22 1/2 x 18 1/2

Artemisia Gentileschi Judith Slaying Holofernes c. 1614-1620 oil on canvas. 6 ft 6 1/2 in x 5 ft 4 in

Baroque Impressionism Romanticism

The Cradle, surrounded by so much death from the earlier forms of art. The color of white is what makes exemplifies the painting’s true intent. The baby is sound asleep, while the assume to be mother, sits very pensive. The brush strokes during this era and the realism began to change

Inspired by a play, Delacroix orchestrated a very violent scene. The color scheme is very red almost, except for the king wearing white, as white being a color of life. Romanticism was when artist where straying from the classic style and returning to nature. Delacroix showed that when, a king does not sit well with his subjects, they can rise up, just like they did with Louis XVI.


Out of most of the art pieces depicting death, This one is the one that struck me the most. Frida had some tragedies in her life, but the most prominent was her having a miscarriage. A self portrait, shows a snail meaning the slow and painful process, the pelvis that was broken, causing her miscarriage, the baby she lost. This, in a all respects, is a perfect picture of life giving birth to death.Surrealism

Frida Kahlo, Henry Ford Hospital (The Flying Bed), 1932, Oil on metal, 12 13/16 x 15 13/16 in.