Liberty Presbyterian Church PowerPoint

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Used for presentation at the Delaware County Historical Society Annual meeting, Nov 14, 2013

Transcript of Liberty Presbyterian Church PowerPoint

“For 10 years the services were held at the homes of the members in the winter, and in the woods in the summer. E.G. Taggart‟s history of the church to 1900 tells us that the presbytery met in the home of Thomas Cellar.” (LPC Beginnings)

“The first preachers noted in Liberty Township- the scenes of the first settlement in the county- were the Reverend's Drake and Hughes of Delaware. The Presbyterians built the first church in that settlement.”

(p.240, HDC 1880)

“The first religious society organized in Liberty

Township was formed in 1810 by Elders

Thomas Cellar, Josiah McKinnie, and Leonard

Monroe. Cellar and McKinnie came to

Delaware in 1802. In 1820, The Elders and

others built Liberty Church and laid out a

cemetery on land provided by Thomas Cellar.

Along with the Cellar and McKinnie families,

early settlers, church and community leaders

are buried here. In 1855, John F. Cellar deeded

the three acres on which the church was located

to Liberty for one dollar. The land was to be

used only for the Church, burying ground, and


“The old Liberty Church... was formed so long ago (from 1880 book) that no one now living can tell the precise time of its organization. The almost universal answer is, „Well, it has been in existence ever since I can recollect.‟ It is well known as one of the oldest church buildings in Delaware County.”

(p.426, HDC 1880)

“The church was built in 1820 by brothers George and John Cellar for $70.00. A paper dated 1824 with 15 names pledging .50 cents- $2.00 each, “...being desirous of propagating the gospel...for the purpose of finishing the Presbyterian meeting house in Liberty Township, Delaware County.”

(LPC Beginnings)

“The usual congregation numbered 14 members, nine from Liberty Township: Thomas and Sarah Cellar, their daughter Margaret and her husband Josiah McKinnie, the Cellar sons, Thomas Jr., Robert McCoy, John Flanagan, George, and Leonard Monroe.”

(p.418 HDC)

“The early Presbyterian Church was famous for its disciplinary action and consequent influence on society”

(LPC History)

Nathan Carpenter was found guilty (by the Session) of making sugar on the Sabbath... One record reports three young ladies went to a party in Delaware, knowing there was to be dancing. They were admonished.

1902- Mary Carpenter paid for adding a belfry-spire and vestibule.

B. Cellar, R Lacher, Ed Stone, EdCollins, D Innes

In the late 1800‟s, the church sold some ground to the Grange for a hall.

The church bought the land and hall back in 1905.

Liberty School District


In 1827, a notice appeared asking for donations of labor to build a schoolhouse.

On April 1, 1916, the board of education sold the lot for 40 dollars to the church.

“Edward Cellar says there was a post office called „Unison‟ in the southeast corner of the Liberty Church Lot during the Civil War.”

My Maternal Ancestors, R.B. Powers, p.280