Level 4a nc summer program jim's class

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Written by the Level 4A Summer program students at Niagara College in Welland in Ontario, Canada.

Transcript of Level 4a nc summer program jim's class




August 2013


In this issue:

Story Title 1

Story Title 1

Story Title 2

Story Title 2

We are Sang-ah, Sangyul, and Laura and our memory book

is about food.

We are gonna talk about how different or not is food here

than our countries , main dishes and ours likes.

introduct ion

Spanish -Canadian food.Laura

Food is different in every country and have their own dishes

and also, schedules for lunch or dinner.

Comparing my own country , Spain, to Canada these are very different. In Spain we have lunch at 2 or 3 , and dinner at 9 or 10.Here all are before , lunch between 12,30 to 1.30 and supper at 5,30 or 6.At first I was hungry every day .Now I get used to eat early but when I will come back home I will need

to adapt again.

Concerning dishes, probably the most important differences are that here you use sauces with every meal and you eat a lot of meat, so few fish. Also fast food like hot dogs or hamburgers, pizzas…However, at least in my host family, salads is something essential. On the other hand, in Spain we cook with olive oil, we eat cold meat , seafood, fish,

potatoes omelette… I think we have a wide range of products.

Laura, Sang-ah, Sangyul

Food all over the world

Back Page Story Headl ine

Talking now about restaurants , here is typical the Tim Horton’s , in which you can buy donuts , coffee , cookies…and are dime of dozen. Also the KFC restaurants, another well-known fast food company .In Spain these are less and only in

big cities .

As a conclusion, I think that after a month eating this kind of

food, I really miss Spanish dishes.

Here I put pictures of different dishes from Canada and Spain.

Tim Horton’s coffees

Potatoes omelet (Spanish omelet)

Jamon Serrano , typical Spanish


-Laura Saez 4A

Korean-Canadian food. Sang -ah

When I came to Canada, I was homesick because foods were not fit to me. But when I ate my home grandmother’s foods, I felt better than before. Especially, pan cake with maple syrup is very good for me. Maple is symbol of Canada. I like maple’s scent and taste. Now I like all of maple food. Maple taste always makes me happy. Maple is not too much sweet. It is suitable.

Pan cake with maple syrup

Korean has our original honey. It is very expensive and good for health. But it is typical taste and scene. I think maple is more charming Korean honey. Korean honey is common. Its taste so sweet. So I don’t like it. But maple taste is not too much sweet it always makes deep taste. I bought many maple syrup, because I want my friends and family to try deep taste of maple. I’m so happy! Because I knew many Canadian culture, foods, and people.

Maple candy

-sang-ah, 4A

When I first went to handlebar in welland, Canada, I ate the

poutine. The reason why I choose this menu, I have heard

that poutine is a common Canada dish. Honestly, I thought

it’s looked so similar French fries which can eat every

Mcdonald. But, Its tasty was different that. I could smell soy

sauce and feel a little bit salty. The most different thing

between common French fries and Poutine was topping. So

many cheese curds put in the top of fries. It’s so good!! After

ate that, I have had curious how make it. I could search this

through the googling. It is easy better than I think. In the

basic recipe for poutine, French fries are covered with fresh

cheese curds, and topped with brown gravybut, there isn’t

soy sauce that I think.If I have a chance that I cook this, I will

try it!


Korean-Canadian food. Sangyul

I can remember that I saw a article about Korea. The content

was that the Korea has famous as having good food. Yes, It is

correct. You can eat so many tasty food if you come to Korea.

I will tell about food using a potato likes poutine. But, it is

absolutely different between poutine. The name is a bone

soup. What is this? It words is verbatim. It is common Korea

food. But, because it is so hard to make, usually people go to

bone soup restaurant for eat. In poutine, potato is used slice.

In contrast, the potato is used wholly in bone soup. the

ingredients is pork bone, potato and red pepper so on. It’s a

so hot to foreign because of red pepper. Although it is so hot

tasty, Korean love this food! They usually like eat when they

are after the so many drink. It will be good to overcome

hangover! I recommend to you!

Bone soup

-sangyul 4A

Different cultures come


The Chinese and Korean Culture in comparison to Canada

In the next two paragraphs I will introduce two different cultures. I

talked to people who are native Chinese and South Korean about their

cultures. First of all I will talk about the Chinese and after that about the

Korean habits and the way they life. The focus is at the differences be-

tween their and the Canadian Culture.

I interviewed a girl who is living in Shanghai. And she gave me a short

view about the differences between her and the Canadian culture. In

comparison to Canada the Chinese people are shy. They don’t present

their emotions or have body contact like hug-

ging or kissing each other. Further she told me

when the people go out they don’t meet their

friends at the bar or disco. If they go out, they

play games and have dinner together. And when

there is something to celebrate, they invite their

friends to a restaurant. The reason why they do

it that way is because they don’t have enough

space in their flat to invite friends into their

house. In Canada the people often have a house

for their own but in China they live in a smaller

apartment. There is no other way because they have so much people in

China. And for that reason the government implemented the one-child

politic. So every Family can just have one child. And if they have more

than one, they have to pay money. Another big difference is the food.

It’s common in China that the wife/mother cooks for the whole family

and she prepares different food which is all served at the same time.

The second culture which I am introducing is the South Korean. A girl

from Yangsan in the south of South Korea envisaged her culture to me.

Especially she provided me insights into the life of the younger people in

her country. Most of the young people go to the university because it’s

necessary to become a job. But even when they went to the university

it’s not for sure that they will get a job. The competition between the

students in class is very high and just a few people can get the best “a”

mark. Additionally it´s important to went to a well known university be-

cause just these people have the chance to get a

high salary job. Further she told me the young

people enjoy staying in a club or pub and meet

friends. They like to drink beer and sit together. In

South Korea the people can buy alcohol in the

most of the stores and the people have the oppor-

tunity to drink outside. It´s common to life in an

apartment with their family until the children earn

their own money. Many young people move to

the big cities for work. But they just move together with their partner

when they are married otherwise they will live alone in an apartment. A

further difference is the behavior in public. In Canada most of the people

are very friendly and helpful. It’s easy to ask people on the street for help

but in South Korea you have to be careful with that. You shouldn´t trust

people which you don´t know because many people are criminal. And

the people are usually very busy so they don’t have time to talk to you.

Another difference is the food and the way of eating. In comparison to

Canada the food is very spicy and they have a choice of different food at

the same time. They share the food with all the people on the table and

enjoy different things.

Third we interview Japanese girls, who were named Marin and Asuka. They told us that they are from a city near Tokyo. We are very inter-esting about this custom and their day a days so we asked them about it. They said about their normal days that they wake up at 7 o’ clock to have a breakfast and then at 8 o’clock they go to school until 5 o’clock but in the middle day they take a lunch at school.

I also asked them about typical food and they said that is typical eating rice with all kind of food, like bread in Spain.

While we were talking with them we thought that asked about tsuna-mis or earthquakes would be a good idea. They said that they had nev-er lived tsunamis but they told us that they live a lot of earthquake for year, “When there are an earthquake we usually go under de doors or tables to protect us” they said.

To finally the interview we asked them about the most important differ-ences between the life style in Japon and the life style in Canada and they answer that the weather in Japon is warmer than the weather in Canada. Anecdotally they said that they miss taking a bath instead of a shower, because in Canada people always have a shower.

To conclude we asked them about Niagara College and they answered that they are very happy to study here during a month.

Finally we interview Jessica who is from Venezuela. She lives in Puerto Ordaz in southern Venezuela.

When we asked about her day a day she said something similar that the Japanese girls. She wake up at 6.00 to breackfast and go to school at 7.00 until 6 o’clock. Talking about her school she told us that the marks are different from the Canadian marks, In Venezuela the notes ranging from 1-20 so if you want to pass your exams you have to take a 10.

About the food is very typical the “are pa” is a a mixture with bread flour and water.

While we were doing the interview she told us that the current situa-tion in Venezuela is very bad because they have a bad president and bad government too.

To conclude the interview she said that she doesn’t like Niagara College because she isn’t learning enough English here.

Talking about the staff, the Niagara College (NC) has a wide range of cleaners and teachers. All of them are good qualificated for do their job.

Most of the teachers are able to speak more tan one language (including English). This is a good thing, because NC is a place formed by different cultures.

We have the chance to interview one of the NC teachers: Steve.

He told us something about his job and his live. He had been working here since 2003, so he knows really well the college. For him, the school is situated in a chillin’ place.

Firstly, he do a good job here, because teaches two different subjects in school: ‘English Through Technology’ and ‘English Through the Arts’. Both f them are more practical than theory. Probably, this is one of the reasons to explain why all the student’s like his classes.

They do different activities using music, computers, games… that make the class more interesting.

Also, he is able to speak two languages: French and English, and some-times he likes to speak both languages at the same time in class. It is fun!


I live in the school residence these days.I found that the front desk staff are friendly and kind. So I choose them as interviewer.

This is Corina. When I asked her the first question, I thought the answer must be Canadian. But she’s from Greece, which is the most ideal place I want to have my honeymoon! No wonder she’s so nice!

She told me that she can speak English and Greek and she has been working here for 1 year. I asked her: why you choose NC to work? “ She thought for a while and said: because it’s fun, I like to get along with young people. I like Welland because it’s not busy. And Welland has many beautiful natural sights.”

The last question is: What do you think of Canada culture? Could you teach me an Canada idioms? She answered: she love Canada culture. It’s very open and accepting. Speaking of Canada idioms, the most popular one is that we like plus ~~eh at end of the sentence. For example, it’s a good day eh?!

After interview, we talked a lot. She’s warmhearted and this job suits her. I like to say good morning to her on every morning. Unfortunately, I’ll leave next week, even though I hate to say goodbye.






Book Diego Villa Secall

Min Young Kim

Sofia Menendez Suarez

Chan hee Jung

Diego Villa Secall

Last Saturday we went to the attractions park:

Wonderland. At the beginning of the day every-

body was so nervous about the trip. The bus trip

was so long and all the people wanted to come

to Wonderland. When we arrive to Wonderland,

was so awesome, with the attractions and the big

rollercoasters. The first attraction that I tried was

the “Leviathan”. It’s so big and impressive. The

first drop is awesome and in general all the at-

traction is awesome. Later we tried a lot of dif-

ferent rollercoasters and attractions, for me the

best attraction was the orange roller-coaster, it’s

so huge and it’s too fast to. For lunch we ate a

hotdog, a very big hot-dog with onion, peppers

and another strange things, was great. Later we

went to the aquatic park but were full; the lines

were too long so we decided came to the normal

attractions. We spent our last minutes in the

pendulum. Later we met in the entrance and we

took the bus together and in the trip we were all

the time talking about Wonderland and the at-


Definitely, was an amazing experience and I

want to repeat it.

Min Young Kim

I went to Vancouver with my university friends before I came to Toronto. Vancouver is also in Can-ada. But I know the difference between Vancouver and Toronto. Of course two citys has something in common. I want to write about difference and com-mon things.

The first difference is café. In Vancouver I can saw a lot of starbucks and blenz. But I can saw a little of timhortons. The other way, in Toronto I can saw a lot of starbucks and timhortons. But I can never saw blenz. I don’t know why I can’t find blenz in Toron-to. Actually I like timhortons

The second difference is atmosphere. When I ar-rived Vancouver, I thought that this is very small town. I felt cozy and comfy. But in Toronto, I felt unban and modern. Many buildings is tall. But I like that city and nature live together in Toronto and Vancouver. When I want to see nature I just walked short steps.

In other sides, The first common is dog. When I walked road I can see many dogs. Canadian is really like dogs. And they thinks that dog is also family. So at first I was really scared of animal, but now I can touch and kiss to dog. I can changed for Canada life.

The second common is kind people. When I ask something about place or direction of buildings, they showed always kind attitude for me. And they already adjust to listening to my voice. So I really like this. I was not scared of asking anywhere. So If i have no maps or smart-phone, I can find spot that I want to go.

Actually I can’t say that I know about Canada. I just stay about 2 months. But I really like Canada life. If I have a opportunity, I really want to come with my family. And I want to visit Welland.

Min Young Kim

Sofia Menendez Suarez

We went to Toronto twice due to we all loved this city and we all were left with the desire to come back. The first time we went to this city was in a Satur-day. Me, I decided not to go to the CN tower and to spend this time walking on the streets. It was such a nice day because I could know plenty of different parts of the city: a relaxing area like Center Ireland, the most rich zone like Yorkville, and other different neighborhood like Kensington and China Town, and that’s what I most liked. That’s because I believed I didn’t like these big cities with skyscrapers and so crowded streets, but I didn’t know that it was only a small part of Toronto: the most developed part. But, compared with this wealth, these multicultural streets contrast sharply, and I loved this diversity…where you feel so little. It impressed me so much that I came back last Sunday and I went on discovering people, shops and other streets: Little Italy, where I had lunch in a very special restaurant… and the University of Toronto. In addition, we went to Eaton Centre that was big-ger than I imagined (like everything in Canada). Visiting Toronto was one of the best things in this trip to Canada, because it surprised me greatly. Now, I know that I can’t say that I don’t like a thing without trying it. And right now, to a day of leaving Canada, I have clear about some day I will return to Ontario and Toronto.












2 weeks ago, I went on a trip to New York with

Beom kwon Park. We had expected before Because

this is our first trip to America. We went on a plane.

The plane was convenient. We were only 1hour

30minutes to New York arrived in. But when we

came to Canada, we rode a bus. The bus took more

than 8hours.

New York was one of the highly developed. We

drew up a schedule three nights and four days. We

wanted to see As much as the famous place. For ex-

ample Time square, The Statue of Liberty, Museum

of Modern Art, Central park, Empire state building. I

had watched many attractions. Also we ate a lot of

delicious food in New York.

I spent much money for food. We went Peter

luger. Peter luger is most famous restaurant as steak.

Before we ate, we had so expected the steak. But we

were disappointed. Because Expectations are greater

disappointment is huge.

Anyway It was hard but I really was unforgettable.

If I go to America again, I want to visit other cities.

Activities in August!

August 2013 at Class 4A

Toronto Trip

The Niagara Falls during the day

The Niagara Falls at Night

Canada’s Wonderland

Ana, Yu-jin

Alberto, Yong-ha


Toronto is largest city in Canada and the

provincial capital of Ontario. It is located in

Southern Ontario on the northwestern shore

of lake Ontario. It has a big Chinese town

and Korean town that have a good restau-

rant. I missed my hometown food for living

Canada. First, I went to restaurant and or-

dered Korean food. My eyes almost made

tear. It was so delicious and visited to Finch.

I took a haircut to Korean hairdresser. Final-

ly we went to Toronto’s island. That place is

so peaceful. We took a nap about 30

minutes and eat some food. When I took a

boat return to Toronto, I really missed this

city. Because Welland is so boring.

And I had another good

memory. It is ice-cream that is

magnum. Magnum café is only

open until August 30. We didn’t

know this situation. We just

thought “why so many people

are in line? We try to this” and

we tried. But there has many

stuff that mix with ice-cream. It

was difficult to explain my order

but It is so funny and more de-

licious than I though.

Niagara Falls, here we go!

The first time I went to Niagara Falls was the

31st July. I went there with the international

students who are doing the same summer

program as me in the Niagara College. Before

we arrived there, we stopped some hours and

bought some presents for our families. Then,

when we arrived to the Niagara Falls I felt re-

ally impressed. We didn’t have so much time,

so we went directly to the Maid of the Mist.

We got wet, but it really worth it. The Niagara

Falls are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever

seen, and it’s incredible how you feel when

you’re in the boat and all the water is falling

near you. I felt so small in that moment, and I

realized how powerful the nature is. After get-

ting off the boat, we could buy some souve-

nirs, and took the bus again to the College.

It was a short experience, but a real-

ly good one. I’ve never thought about

being in such a wonderful place as

Niagara Falls. I’ve been there three

times, the one I wrote about, another

one when we went on Friday night to

see the fireworks and walk around,

and the last one with my home stay

family, and I hope I can go back

someday with my family, because I

know they would love it even more

than me. (Of course, my favorite falls

are the Canadian ones)

The Niagara Falls at Night!

We went to the Niagara Falls at night.

Also we went during the day before. Although

the scenery of the falls during the day is very

nice, the night view was more beautiful for me,

especially on every Friday night, we were able

to see fireworks. Before watching fireworks, I

went to the casino. This is my first time to go

there so I looked forward to going there. And I

got the money just 1 dollar but I was very happy.

The Niagara Falls region has fireworks

near the falls. Fireworks start at 10 p.m. I

think that the dark comes late in Canada so

they start fireworks at late time. We were

waiting until 10 p.m. and then the fireworks

started! Wow, it was very wonderful! So

many people were looking the sight with

smile. The falls with lights were very nice,

too. The fireworks lasted about 5 minutes.

It is a little bit short. I was impressed by the scenery. I can’t forget the day.

Trip to Canada’s Wonderland

We went to wonderland the 17th of august

and we stayed there around 8 hours so we

had to go very early in the morning because

we spend 2 hours going by bus from Wel-

land. Wonderland has a lot of different roller

coasters and other different attractions but It

is known thanks to a roller coaster called

“Leviathan” so that was the first place I went

with my friend when we arrived. After that we

made our personal route because we wanted

to go on a ride in the most interesting attrac-

tions but we had problems with two of them

because one of them didn’t work and the to

ride the other one we had to wait during an

hour under the sun and It was very hot, that

reminds me that we couldn’t bring any food

and It was all very expensive.

In spite of those things, It was a nice

day, after completing the route some of

my friends wanted to go to the aquatic

park so the rest of us rode again in two

more attractions. Finally we didn’t have

more time left and we spent that time to

buy some souvenirs to remember that

day. It was the best day that I had in

Canada and I hope to come back one
