Letter in regards to context

Post on 14-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Letter in regards to context

  • 7/27/2019 Letter in regards to context


  • 7/27/2019 Letter in regards to context


    A major problem that I found within your speech is that of the way women were meant to obey in

    the different periods. That is, in the Regency Period, women were to obey and be submissive

    towards their male acquaintances or relations in order to succeed in life. However, in LTA this whole

    perception of how women were to behave was toppled and it is shown through the quote in the

    real world, the worse women behave, the better they get on Weldon uses this quote to comment

    on Lydia and how she ran off to get married, in the Regency Period, what Lydia did was stronglyfrowned upon, however in the 1980s it was seen to be a normal thing to do.

    In conclusion, both texts have a stark contrast between each other, women were meant to be

    submissive and ornamental in the regency period as well as being superficial and frivolous and in the

    1980s women were rising to dominance in both social and political aspects of society this can be

    seen with Margaret Thatcher who was the female Prime Minister of England throughout the entire



    Mr P. Rofessor


    I send this letter as a friendly reminder to the different contexts of the periods, I apologise for any

    harsh remarks, but I do not wish cause any offence.