Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area

  • 8/2/2019 Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area


  • 8/2/2019 Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area


  • 8/2/2019 Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area


  • 8/2/2019 Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area


  • 8/2/2019 Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area


  • 8/2/2019 Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area


  • 8/2/2019 Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area


  • 8/2/2019 Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area


  • 8/2/2019 Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area


  • 8/2/2019 Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area


  • 8/2/2019 Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area


  • 8/2/2019 Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area


  • 8/2/2019 Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area


  • 8/2/2019 Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area


  • 8/2/2019 Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area


  • 8/2/2019 Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area


  • 8/2/2019 Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area


  • 8/2/2019 Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area


    Local planning authority's position89 The local planning authority is yet t o come t o a view on this applicationLegal considerations9 0 Under the arrangements set ou t in Article 4 of the T own and Country Planning (Mayor ofLondon) Order 200 8 the M ayor is required t o provide the local planning auth ority with a statementsetting o ut whether he considers th at th e application complies wi th th e London Plan, and hisreasons for ta king th at view. Unless notified otherwise by the Mayor, th e Council must consult theMayor again under Article 5 of the Order if it subsequently resolves t o m ake a dra ft decision on theapplication, in order tha t the Mayor may decide whether t o allow the dr aft decision to proceedunchanged, or direct th e Council under Article 6 o f the Order t o refuse the application, or issue adirection under Article 7 of the Order that he is t o act as the local planning autho rity for thepurpose of determining the application and any connected application. There is no obligation atthis present stage for th e Mayor t o indicate his intentions regarding a possible direction, and n osuch decision should be inferred from th e Mayor's statemen t and comments.Financial considerations91 There are no financial considerations a t this stage.Conclusion92 London Plan policies on land use, housing, estate renewal, affo rda ble housing, housingchoice, density, child playspace, ta ll buildings, design, inclus ive access, noise, climate change andtransport are relevant to this application. The application complies wit h some of these policies b utno t with others, for the following reasons:

    Land use: The principle o f this residential led estate renewal scheme is supportedHousing, estate renewal, affordable housing and housing choice: Further discussionis needed on viability, tenu re mix and minimum levels o f affordable family housing

  • 8/2/2019 Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area


    Density: th e density should be calculated using the indicative scheme and i n line wit hLondon plan guidance.Child playspace: a playspace strategy should be submitted and off-site improvementscommitted toTa ll buildings and design: the design principles are generally supported however fur therdiscussions is needed on materials and th e appearance of t he tall buildin g i n particularInclusive access: Further information and commitments are needed.Noise: Further information and commitments are needed.Climate change: Further information and commitments are needed.Transport: Further information and commitments are needed

    93 Whilst the application is broadly acceptable in strategic planning terms. On balance, theapplication does not comply wit h the London Plan.94 The follo wing changes might, however, remedy the above-mentioned deficiencies, andcould possibly lead t o the application becoming compliant wi th the London Plan:

    Housing, es tate renewal, affo rdab le housing and housing choice: The results of t heindependent viabil ity assessment are awaited. Further discussion is needed on tenure mixand m inimum levels of affordable family housingTpll buildings and design: the design principles are generally supported however furtherdiscussions is needed on materials and th e appearance o f the tall building in particular.Density: The density should be calculated using th e ne t residential area and the indicativeresidential mix.Child playspace: a play strategy should be submitted and commitments made t oimproving the off-site playspaces.Inclusive access: A gradient plan should be submitted and indicative plans of the unitsand wheelchair units should be provided.Noise: Further noise assessment work is needed and further discussion is needed o f thequality of th e units which would be located in NEC D.Climate change: Details of regulated savings a t each tier o f the energy hierarchy shouldbe provided. Further detail is needed of t he CHP sizing proposed and load profiles as wellas details of investigations into proposed district heating networks and confirmation th at alluses will be linked in to a site wide network. The applicant should set ou t whether rainwaterharvesting or greywater recycling is proposed and i f a com mitment has been made t o lim itth e use of water t o 105 litres of water per person per day through the use of water effic ientfittings. The applicant should confirm which buildings are proposed to have green roofs andcommit t o a minimum area.

    * Transport: contributions towards bus infrastructure and Legible London should besecured. In addition, travel plans and the safeguarding o f land for t he cycle hire docking

  • 8/2/2019 Letter From Mayor's Office Re Abbey Area
