Lessons in Creativity and Innovation from Great Musicians

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Lessons in Creativity and Innovation from Great Musicians

Lessons in Creativity and Innovation from Great Musicians

Paul Sloane


Mozart (1756 – 1791)

Work at your day job while you develop your great idea. Mozart earned money giving lessons and recitals. He composed late at night.

Beethoven (1770 – 1827)

Great adversity can inspire great creativity. His most brilliant compositions followed the onset of deafness.

Miles Davis (1926 – 1991)

You cannot please everyone so do not try. When you break with convention you will upset many people..

John Lennon (1940 – 1980) & Paul McCartney (born 1942)

Contention, rivalry and different styles can make a partnership more than the sum of its parts.

Freddie Mercury (1946 – 1991)

Become a great showman to promote your unorthodox ideas and creations.

David Bowie (1947-2016)

Be promiscuous in your artistic collaborations. Turn and face the strange.

Madonna (Born 1958)

Get out of the groove and reinvent yourself. Don’t stick to one formula, however successful.

Based on Ideas in Think Like an Innovator