Lessons from: My first 30 days as an entrepreneur

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Transcript of Lessons from: My first 30 days as an entrepreneur

Lessons from:

My first 30 days as an entrepreneur

1. Emotional rollercoaster. Really.

Remember this one?

Enjoy the highs

Endure the lows

2. Prioritization as a habit

Daily. Weekly. Monthly

That feeling when there’s so much work to do.

From different areas.

Ideally yesterday?

Prioritize like there’s no is tomorrow.

3. Make the most of the flexibility

That cliché

The “Work anywhere, anytime” one.

Make the most of it.

Discover what works best for you.

Don’t be lazy and experiment.

4. Adapt via fast decisions

Decided this one is self-explanatory

5. Context switching f***s you up

Really important

As the spectrum of work is really broad,

The risk of context switching increases.

Group similar tasks in a working session.

Use the time management techniques you know.

6. “Never eat alone”

A business lunch every single day

Or breakfast.

Or dinner.

Could be possible clients.

Possible partners.Possible team members.

7. Most valuable part of a meeting: the follow-up

8. Do not always be pitching

Yes, your business is important to you

But give people a slack.

I’m sure you can find some other interesting

topics to discuss.

9. The importance of disconnecting

Mana needs to be restored

Currently experimenting with:

No business related anything

1 day per week +

each day after 10PM

Bülent DuagiCo-Founder MobileAcademy.ro


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