Lesson Plans and Resources -...

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Transcript of Lesson Plans and Resources -...

12 Lesson PlansIn this document: Stage by Stage Overview Lesson Plan 1 Example Sketchbook Page Peppers Photographs Lesson Plan 2 Lesson Plan 3 Lesson Plan 4 Watercolours Experiment Sheet Lesson Plan 5 Lesson Plan 6&7 Lesson Plan 8 Lesson Plan 9 Painting Assessment Objectives Lesson Plan 10 Lesson Plan 11 Lesson Plan 12


Lesson Plan Content Resources Homework1 To show the O’ Keeffe

presentation.To start a pencil drawing of a close up of a red pepper half, on a double page spread. There will be three drawings on this double page spread.

Facilities to show PowerPoint or Prezi.

Teacher notes and questions (Provided)

Pupils sketchbooks and pencils. Sharpeners, rubbers.

Pictures of secondary source red peppers. (Provided)

To finish the pencil drawing of the red pepper half.

2 Starter: stick in glossary. Add definition for ‘Observational Drawing’ to glossary.To create a pencil and white chalk, close-up drawing of a red pepper half, on grey paper.

Pencils, chalk, grey paper.


To create a title for a Georgia O Keeffe research page.

3 Starter: Abstract Art Sorting Activity.To create a drawing with watercolour of a red pepper.

Abstract Art Sorting Activity (Provided)

Watercolour, brushes, waterpots.

To collect 6 O’Keeffe images.

4 Starter: Add definition of Abstract art to glossary.To experiment with water colours.To experiment with water colours.

Pencils and rulers Watercolours,

brushes and water pots.

To answer 5 questions on O’ Keeffe word processing their answers into text boxes for their research page.

5 To experiment with water colours.To look at a successful research page, discussing neat cutting, gluing and creating a balance on the page.

Watercolours, brushes and water pots.

To put their research page together.

6 To photograph red pepper slices.To create four compositions from the photographs.To stick in the close-up homework sheet.

Real red peppers. Camera’s Rulers and pencils. Close-Ups

Homework sheet (Provided)

Complete box 1 of the close-ups homework sheet.

7To continue with the compositions.

Pencils. Complete box 2 of the close-ups homework sheet.

To annotate where they will use the different watercolour techniques and what colours they will use.

8 Starter: Peer mark compositions.To scale up their most successful composition to create a final piece.

Rulers Complete box 3 of the close-ups homework sheet.

9 Stick assessment objects on the back on final piece and discuss.Paint final piece.

Watercolours, brushes and water pots.


Time to improve Close-Ups homework sheet before a final grade is given.

10 Brainstorm keywords to add to Close-Ups homework sheet.Paint final piece.

Add key words to close-ups homework sheet.

11 Paint final piece. Find a definition for ‘Watercolour’ and add to glossary.

12 Self-Assessment Self-Assessment Sheets (Provided)

Close-Ups Georgia O’ Keeffe Painting ProjectLesson Plan 1

Teaching and Learning ContextOutline of teaching/learning objectives for the lesson:

To learn about the artist Georgia O’Keeffe through observation, discussion and questioning.

To develop drawing skills through practice.

Materials & resources required for the lesson:

Facilities to show PowerPoint or Prezi. The PowerPoint can be found here:

The Prezi can be found by copying the following into your browser:

Teacher notes and questions (provided) Pupils sketchbooks and pencils.

Sharpeners, rubbers. Pictures of secondary source red peppers.





Introduction.Pupils will listen to a presentation about O’Keeffe responding to questioning and participating in discussion.(See teacher notes and questions)Demonstration: Pupils will watch a demonstration on how to create a red pepper half, tonal drawing, using a sharp pencil and starting lightly so they can refine their work. During this demonstration discuss primary and secondary sources. Pupils will be told that they will be doing three drawings on a double page spread.Development: Pupils will draw the red pepper half.Plenary: Pupils will look at each other’s work and discuss what their peers are doing well and what they need to do to improve their own work.Extension:If pupils finish the drawing in 18 minutes they should be encouraged to go back and add more detail, accuracy and tone.

HomeworkPupils will finish their pencil tonal drawing.



Next lessonPupils will be continuing observational drawing with pencil and white chalk on grey paper.


Exopixel dreamstime.com

Close-Ups Georgia O’ Keeffe Painting ProjectLesson Plan 2

Teaching and Learning ContextOutline of teaching/learning objectives for the lesson:

To learn about drawing with different media through practice and discussion.

To create a pencil and white chalk, close-up drawing of a red pepper half, on grey paper.

Materials & resources required for the lesson:

Sketchbooks and Pencils White chalk Grey sugar paper




Starter: Pupils will stick in a glossary in the back of their sketchbooks. Pupils will discuss what observational drawing is and write a definition for it in their glossary. (Literacy)

Either,Observational Drawing: Drawing what you see, not what you think you see.Or,Observational Drawing: Drawing accurately what you see.

Demonstration:Pupils will watch a demonstration on how to draw with pencil on grey paper.Development:Pupils will draw with pencil on grey paper.Demonstration:Pupils will watch how to add white highlights to their pencil drawing.Development:Pupils will add white chalk to their drawings.

Plenary:Pupils will look at each other’s work and discuss what their peers are doing well and what they need to do to improve their own work. They will also start to discuss how to arrange drawings on their double page spread.

Extension:Pupils will use a computer or iPad to research what a ‘stylised drawing’ is and compare it with an ‘Observational Drawing’. They will share this information with the class during the plenary.

HomeworkTo create a title for a Georgia O Keeffe research page. The teacher may choose that this is drawn or created on a computer or using an App.

Next lessonSome pupils may need to finish this task next lesson. Next lesson they will be looking at drawing with paint.

Close-Ups Geogia O’ Keeffe Painting ProjectLesson Plan 3

Teaching and Learning ContextOutline of teaching/learning objectives for the lesson:

Pupils will learn the term ‘Abstract Art’, ‘Semi-Abstract’ and ‘Representational Art’.

Pupils will continue experimenting with different drawing media.

Materials & resources required for the lesson:

Abstract Starter Activity Sketchbooks and Pencils Watercolours, brushes, waterpots.





Starter.Pupils will discuss what abstract art is, reflecting back on O Keeffe’s abstract and representational work, using the ‘Abstract Starter’ provided.

Demonstration:Pupils will watch a demonstration about how to lightly sketch the overall shape and a limited about of detail in pencil. Pupils will learn how to ‘knock back’ with a rubber so the pencil lines are very faint. Pupils will learn about quality of line and how to use thick and thin lines of paint in their drawings.

Development:Pupils will be given a time limit of 5 minutes to add the pencil guide lines for their drawing. They will then draw in paint, adding detail with thick and thin lines.

Plenary:Pupils will analyse each other’s work and should be encouraged to use the term ‘Quality of Line.’

Extension:Pupils could improve any drawings on this page, or think of 3 keywords which describe each drawing. (e.g. flowing, detailed, shaded, accurate, smooth, textured)

HomeworkTo collect 6 O’ Keeffe images for an O’ Keeffe research page.

Next lessonYou may need a ‘finishing off’ lesson for this drawing page.Or:Next lesson pupils will start to experiment with watercolour.

Close-Ups Georgia O’ Keeffe Painting ProjectLesson Plan 4

Teaching and Learning ContextOutline of teaching/learning objectives for the lesson:

Pupils will start to experiment with different watercolour techniques.

Materials & resources required for the lesson:

Sketchbooks & pencils. Watercolours, brushes and waterpots. Watercolours Experiment Sheet (below),

photocopied onto cartridge. (Trim if you want them to go into A4 sketchbooks)





Starter.Pupils will add a definition for Abstract Art to their glossary.“Abstract Art is art that does not represent physical objects. It explores the relationships of forms, colours and textures.”

Demonstration:Pupils will be shown how to divide the top box of the ‘Watercolours Experiments Sheet’ into flowing shapes. Pupils will be shown how to graduate the watercolour paint from dark to light. Subject specific words would be ‘Graduate’ and ‘Pigment’.

Development:Pupils will graduate the paint on their own sheet.

Plenary:Pupils will look at their peers work, discuss what is working well and how they might improve their own work.Extension:Pupils could find a definition for ‘Graduate’ or ‘Pigment’ using an art dictionary or the internet.

HomeworkPupils will research the following questions and word process their answers into text boxes.

1) What were O’Keeffe’s date of birth and death?2) Where did she study?3) What sort of thing did O’ Keeffe paint?4) Where did she live?5) Why are we using her for our Close-Ups project?6) Was O’ Keeffe’s work Abstract or Representational?7) Write your opinion of O’ Keeffe’s work.

Next lessonPupils will continue experimenting with different watercolour techniques.

Wet on Dry

Wet on Wet

Graduated Watercolour

Close-Ups Geogia O’ Keeffe Painting ProjectLesson Plan 5

Teaching and Learning ContextOutline of teaching/learning objectives for the lesson:

Pupils will extend their knowledge of different watercolour techniques.

Pupils will learn some of the elements which go into making a successful sketchbook page.

Materials & resources required for the lesson:

Sketchbooks Watercolour, brushes and water pots. Salt. Examples of successful sketchbook pages

created by other pupils in the school. This could be from the same year group or GCSE.




Starter.Through questioning, pupils will recap on how to graduate paint.

Development:Pupils will complete the graduated paint section of their sheet which was started last lesson.

Demonstration:Pupils will watch a demonstration which show them how to work wet on wet and wet on dry. They will paint the section for the wet on dry first so that it can dry!

Development:Pupils will complete the wet on wet and wet on dry section of their sheet.

Demonstration:Pupils will watch a demonstration of how to add salt to a wet area of watercolour.

Development:Pupils will paint the final section of their sheet and add salt. They will carefully leave their books to dry in a place where they won’t be disturbed.

Plenary:The teacher will show some examples of successful sketchbook pages and discuss why they are successful. Talk about neat cutting, gluing and creating a balance on the page.

Extension:Pupils could start looking through the example sketchbooks and analyse what makes a successful sketchbook page.

HomeworkPupils will put together their artists’ research page.

Next lessonPupils will photograph pepper slices.

Close-Ups Georgia O’ Keeffe Painting ProjectLesson Plan 6&7

Teaching and Learning ContextOutline of teaching/learning objectives for the lesson:

To learn about creating compositions through cropping photographs.

To consolidate knowledge in presenting a page of images.

Materials & resources required for the lesson:

Cameras or iPads. Peppers which have been thinly sliced. Paper which is of a complementary colour

to the peppers. Close-Ups Homework sheet (below).

Two lessons.

Starter:Pupils will reflect on prior learning and discuss what complementary colours are.Demonstration:Pupils will be shown how to arrange the pepper slices, overlapping them to create interesting compositions. They will arrange the slices on a complementary paper e.g. red peppers on green paper, yellow peppers on purple paper. Pupils will be shown how to use the cameras.Development:Pupils will make their pepper compositions on complementary coloured paper and take their photographs.Demonstration:Pupils will be shown how to select sections on their photographs using a view finder or two L-shaped pieces of paper. They will be shown how to use the guillotine or reminded about careful cutting.Development:Pupils will select from and crop their photographs to create three or four compositions. They will present these in their sketchbook with neat cutting and gluing, and creating a balance on the page.Plenary:

1. Pupils will look at each other’s compositions and discuss which are the most successful and which one might become a final piece, so that they can peer mark them at the start of next lesson.

2. If your classroom has access to Youtube you may find it useful to watch the following clip about scaling up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LJF8OTG3N4 This will prepare your class for lesson plan 8.

HomeworksAfter each lesson complete one of close up boxes on the ‘Close-Ups’ homework sheet.

Next lessonPupils will peer mark their compositions and scale up one of their compositions which will become a final piece.

A pepper picture is cropped to make an interesting composition.

A line drawing is created from the cropped photo. More lines may be added (right) as smaller areas are easier to watercolour than larger areas.

cc Sarah Crowther 2014

Close-Ups Geogia O’ Keeffe Painting ProjectLesson Plan 8

Teaching and Learning ContextOutline of teaching/learning objectives for the lesson:

Pupils will learn how to use a grid to scale up their work.

Materials & resources required for the lesson:

Pencils and rulers Watercolour or cartridge paper





Starter:Pupils will peer mark their composition pages. They will advise each other which is their most successful composition.

Demonstration:Pupils will be shown how to scale up a photograph onto a piece of paper using a grid. They will rule lines over their composition and, on a larger scale, on a piece of paper. They will be shown how to ‘knock-back’ their pencil lines using a rubber so that the pencil lines are less obvious once paint is applied. They must not shade.

Development:Pupils will scale up their photograph onto a larger piece of cartridge or watercolour paper using a grid. They will start drawing the lines from their photograph/composition.

Plenary:Pupils will gather to look at each other’s work and discuss the pros and cons of working using a grid.

HomeworkTo complete the third and final box on the Close-Ups homework sheet.

Next lessonPupils will continue drawing their pepper composition and start painting their final piece.

Close-Ups Geogia O’ Keeffe Painting ProjectLesson Plan 9

Teaching and Learning ContextOutline of teaching/learning objectives for the lesson:

Pupils will hone their watercolour skills through practice and discussion.

Materials & resources required for the lesson:

‘Assessment Objectives’ sheet (below). Watercolours, brushes, water pots. Scrap paper to test colours/techniques.




Starter:Pupils will stick the ‘Assessment Objectives’ sheet on the back of their final piece. Pupils will discuss the assessment objects so that they are clear about them before they begin.

Development:Pupils will continue drawing their composition onto their paper. They will start to paint their final piece referring to their composition and watercolour techniques in their sketchbook.

Plenary:Pupils will discuss what paintings are going well and how they can improve their own work.

HomeworkPupils will have one more homework time to make the improvements to their ‘Close-Ups’ homework sheet now that they have been commented on by the teacher.

Next lessonPupils will continue painting their final piece.

Before you start painting, take a look at the assessment criteria below. You need to do ALL of the following to achieve your best grade.

• Have you chosen the best composition from the series that you created in your sketchbook? Does it have balance and/or flow? Or do some of its lines lead to a focal point? Does it work?

• Have you used limited colours in your painting? Have you chosen complementary colours, or all warm colours or all cold colours? Can you talk about your choices using these terms?

• Have you used all the painting techniques that you experimented with in your sketchbook? Tick these off if you have used them:

• Graduated paint.

How Will Your Painting BeAssessed?

• Wet on wet• Wet on dry.• Salt.

Now you know exactly what to do to achieve your best grade.

Close-Ups Georgia O’ Keeffe Painting ProjectLesson Plan 10

Teaching and Learning Context

Outline of teaching/learning objectives for the lesson:

Pupils will hone their watercolour skills through practice and discussion.

Materials & resources required for the lesson:

Watercolours, brushes, water pots, salt. Scrap paper to test colours/techniques. Possibly gum strip for homework.




Starter:Pupils, in small groups, will brainstorm key words to add around the edge of the Close-Ups homework sheet. They will feedback their words to the class. (See Homework)

Development:Pupils will continue painting their final piece referring to their composition in their sketchbook.

Plenary:On a post-it-note pupils will peer assess a fellow student’s work giving them a target for next week. These notes can be stuck to the back of the work when the painting is dry.

Extension:Pupils will choose a different composition from their sketchbook, draw a box of the same size and copy the picture and then add colour using either pencil crayons or pastels. They can continue working from their photographs in different media. (fine-liner, biro, charcoal etc)

HomeworkPupils will add the keywords around the edge of their Close-Ups sheet. They may write them on gum strip which is then stuck around the edge of the page, or use a stencil or neatly write them on.

Next lessonPupils will continue with their paintings.

Close-Ups Georgia O’ Keeffe Painting ProjectLesson Plan 11

Teaching and Learning ContextOutline of teaching/learning objectives for the lesson:

Pupils learn how to improve and refine their work.

Pupils will finish their paintings.

Materials & resources required for the lesson:

Watercolours, brushes, water pots, salt. Pastels or pencil crayons for extension





StarterPupils will brainstorm a list of adjectives that describe their painting and add them to the adjectives space on their glossary.

Development:Pupils will finish painting their painting.

Plenary:Pupils will look at each other finished paintings and with a sense of celebration, look at what has worked well. Pupils who have been doing extension work in their sketchbooks may also share what they have been doing.

Extension:Pupils will choose a different composition from their sketchbook, draw a box of the same size and copy the picture and then add colour using either pencil crayons or pastels. They can continue working from their compositions in different media. (fine-liner, biro, charcoal etc)

HomeworkPupils will find a definition for ‘Watercolour’ and add it to their glossary.

Next lessonPupils will assess their work.

Close-Ups Georgia O’ Keeffe Painting Project

Lesson Plan 12Teaching and Learning ContextOutline of teaching/learning objectives for the lesson:

Pupils will assess their own work, looking at Equipment they have used, keywords, successes and targets and transferable skills.

Materials & resources required for the lesson:

Self-Assessment Sheet (Below)

50mins Discussion:Pupils will work in small groups discussing the equipment they have used during this project and keywords. They may look back through their sketchbooks to help them. The groups will feedback to the class to share ideas.

Development:Pupils will add the words to the top box of the Self-Assessment Sheet.

Discussion:Individual pupils will share ideas about what they have done well. This may be subject specific skills e.g. graduating the paint well, taking good photographs, scaling up effectively. Or this may be life skills e.g. handing homework in on time, concentrating in lessons.

Development.Pupils will fill in the middle box on the Self-Assessment Sheet.

Discussion:Pupils will discuss what ‘Transferable Skills’ are. Individuals will offer ideas.DevelopmentPupils will fill in the final box on the Self-Assessment Sheet.

HomeworkNone set.

Next lessonThis is the last lesson in this series.