Lesson 9 interactive media (1)

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Lesson 9 interactive media (1)

Interactive Media Data Protection and Accessibility

Choose 1 of websites you use regularly and list the types of personal information you have given to that website.

Learning Objectives:• MUST be able to explain

accessibility and research the laws relating to this

• SHOULD be able to research and explain the data protection act

• COULD evaluate accessibility laws and data protection laws.

Use terms in your report relating to interactive media

(Aim to fit this into your report today)

English Target

An issue with interactive media is Data Protection


During the 90’s businesses began to store data on their customers this data included:

• Names• Addresses• Contact information• Employment history• Medical conditions• Convictions• Credit history• Phone calls and email

communication• location

What are the concerns with companies holding onto personal data?

What are the concerns with companies holding onto personal data?

• People accessing this information• Accuracy of information• Copying information• Storing information without permission• Changes to information

Search yourself on the internet

What did you find?

Use this website to search yourself, you may not be able to access the information but it will tell you how many websites have certain information about you

How much information is too much?

• http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-29032399

Data Protection Act 1998

• The 1998 Data Protection Act was passed by Parliament to control the way information is handled and to give legal rights to people who have information stored about them.

Accessibility Problems, Solutions, impact

A website uses a font that is difficult to read

A video uses flashing images

A kiosk uses audio but there is no volume control

A DVD menu is difficult to navigate

Problems Solutions Who this affects

The Laws that relate to Accessibility are:

The law protects people from unfair discrimination or treatment and promotes a more equal society.

• The disability discrimination Act• Equality Act

What you need to do:• MUST be able to explain

accessibility and research the laws relating to this.

• SHOULD be able to research and explain the data protection act

• COULD evaluate accessibility laws and data protection laws.

Use terms in your report relating to interactive media

(Aim to fit this into your report today)

English Target