Lesson 3.3. Knight’s Charge What was the Enlightenment? What were the main ideas of Thomas...

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Transcript of Lesson 3.3. Knight’s Charge What was the Enlightenment? What were the main ideas of Thomas...


Lesson 3.3

Knight’s Charge

What was the Enlightenment? What were the main ideas of Thomas

Hobbes? What were the main ideas of John

Locke? What do you think Mr. Sliwa’s favorite

food is?

Weird Disney Fact of the Day!The Most famous actor in the Disney cartoon movie is…

…Christian Bale? Yep.

The 13 Colonies Stretched from NY to Georgia They were ruled over by King

George The Colonists living in the

colonies were not considered citizens of England, but subjects.

Citizen – A legally recognized inhabitant of a city, state, or country.

Subject – One who is under the rule of another.

Relationship Between the Colonies and England

The colonies provide England with raw materials.

England processes raw materials into Finished Products.

England then sells the same goods…back to the colonies.

So…England makes $$$.

Things Start to get Worse

Navigation Act – Prevented Colonies from trading with anyone but England.

It placed VERY high tariffs on all foreign goods.

Remember: a tariff is a tax on an import.

Things Turn Sour…

French and Indian War – England vs. France and the Native Americans.

…England wins. England then raised

TAXES on the colonies to pay for the war.

Things Continue to Turn Sour…

More taxes 1764 Sugar Act:

Tax on sugar that ONLY applied to the colonists and not English citizens!

1765 Stamp Act:

- Tax on ALL printed materials that ONLY applied to the colonists and not the English citizens!

Things are Now REALLY Sour…

1765 Sons of Liberty –Secret group formed to

protest English taxesAttacked tax collectorsIntimidated colonists that

agreed to pay taxes.Got the Stamp Act


No Taxation Without Representation (Poet and did not know it…yo)Colonists had NO representation in Parliament! What does that mean?

Colonists were angry. “No Taxation Without Representation!” Became a slogan.

Colonists were not allowed to vote on taxes! Whaaaaaaa?

Final Straw…

1767 Townshend Act: Tax on glass, lead, pain,

paper, ink, pretty much everything…

1773…Tea Tax:

- Tax on tea. Why is this a big deal?

Boston Tea Party

Boston Tea Party:The Sons of Liberty dress up as Native

Americans and throw tea into the Boston Harbor as a protest.

This costs England $$$$

Organizing Independence

1774 First Continental Congress:

Colonists get together to send complaints to King George

King George ignores them

The colonists then create Militias = Local armies.

And So it Begins…

The American Revolution begins at Lexington and Concord!

These are the first battles between the “Americans” and the British.

George Washington is elected to lead the new “Continental Army.”

Independence July 4th, 1776 – Declaration of

Independence A document of war Written by Thomas Jefferson Stated that colonists were

now free of England Listed all complaints against

King George The United States of America

declares that it is now a country!