Les Roches Jin Jiang - Campus Life Magazine (CLM) - May 2015

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Find out what happened in the past few months at Les Roches Jin Jiang. All articles are written by students and academic faculty. Enjoy! Learn more about us: lesroches.cn

Transcript of Les Roches Jin Jiang - Campus Life Magazine (CLM) - May 2015


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May 2015LRJJ Campus Life Magazine


Dear Reader,

“Think globally, but act locally” has certainly become a common phrase. This meaning is something with which we would like to explore further in this edition. First of all, I would like to explain this concept a bit more. The saying encourages us to look at the health of the entire planet. We only have one planet where we can live, and this will likely be the case for probably many years to come – or even for eternity. Therefore, what we need to do is understand all the social and economic issues that are going on around the world, and act on finding solutions locally. I strongly believe that if everyone takes part in the betterment of their communities we not only help issues that are surrounding us, but we can also help people in remote communities. If everyone around the world becomes involved in solving small issues, such as fundraising we can help to reduce and manage global damage on a grand scale. This is not only true regarding our local neighborhoods, but we can also make a difference regarding more heady disasters such as: earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, and hurricanes, etc.

One aspect of LRJJ’s values is social responsibility. Our efforts have been aimed towards thinking globally, and acting locally. Which has been demonstrated in this issue of our Campus Life Magazine which covers our Charity Fun Run and Charity Activity with “River of Hearts”, our book donation to our Singapore High School partner, and our active engagements in worldwide events such as the Formula 1 Grand Prix or local events such as the Lane Crawford dinner with the Hyatt group.

In this CLM spring issue:

• New Les Roches Alumni Platform• LRJJ Continues Partnership with SSIS• New ROH Charity Event• Charity Fun Run• Students on Internship • Transfer Student Interview• Hotel Visits• CDIP Corner• Spring Club Activities• Formula1 Grand Prix• Closing Ceremony

I hope you enjoy reading it!

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Sacha Stöcklin, EdDCampus Director


May 2015LRJJ Campus Life Magazine


Les Roches Jin Jiang has established a partnership with Shanghai Singapore International School (SSIS). As part of the cooperation between the two institutions our teachers visited and had lectures at the Singapore School. Also their students have been invited to our campus to experience the hospitality environment, and they have been given the opportunity to take part in different service practical classes.

In order to further continue this partnership and to offer more information about the hospitality students, LRJJ organized a book donation ceremony for SSIS on Friday, April 24th 2015.

We have donated 100 English and Chinese books from different segments of the hospitality and tourism industry such as: the Introduction to Hospitality, Food and Beverage Management, Financial Accounting.

The students and their teacher were very excited about the event and about the chance to expand their hospitality knowledge.

"No one has ever become poor by giving"Anne Frank

partnership with shanghai singapore international school

Written by Mr. Marius Vlad, Student Activities Manager

May 2015LRJJ Campus Life Magazine


The new Les Roches Global Alumni Platform is up and running! It’s a new and extremely useful tool that allows all alumni to connect with each other, share precious information, recruit and find jobs.

All in one spot: alumni.lesroches.edu

All alumni need to all activate their accounts. An ACTIVATION email has been sent for alumni to sign up for the new platform.

LR Global Alumni Reunions planned for 2015:- Beginning of August: Paris (Laureate opening event)- End of August: Bluche alumni campus reunion (all LR alumni are invited)- September: New Delhi and Mumbai, India- October: Barcelona, Spain- November: London, England

Important Links (click the links below):http://alumni.lesroches.eduhttps://www.facebook.com/?_rdr#!/lesrochesalumnihttps://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=7450565&trk=groups_management_edit_group_settings-h-dsc


May 2015LRJJ Campus Life Magazine


On Saturday, March 14th, 16 LRJJ students went to help the River of Hearts charity event in downtown Shanghai. River of Hearts is an NGO which graciously arranges donations of much needed goods and supplies throughout various communities in China. We woke up early and we arrived 2 hours later. We were immediately engaged by the Les Roches coordinator, Mr. Daniel Sdrigotti, who assigned our working position. We worked outdoors and indoors the entire day, cooking and selling crepes to raise money for the charity.

Everybody was working, keeping clean and tidy. Then, the volunteers started to get hungry. Within a few hours, we were completely sold-out, counting 50 yummy crepes. We participate very often in such events and we always have a great time. We try to go with an open-mind and a willingness to tackle every task that needs to be done, we are never disappointed. We enjoy spending time with one another and we are happy to share our common passion for charity in order to make the world a better place for those in need.

So, the LRJJ students gave up their Saturday sleeping time to assist River of Hearts Charity Event. This is where expats living in Shanghai donate personal belongings, to be sent to the less fortunate people in China.

Few of us had any idea of the amount of energy that the event would take on our bodies. Thankfully, CaliBurger sponsored the lunch event with delicious Australian beef and French Fries. We were also able to nib on a few crepes throughout the morning, as we passed by the Creperie stand.

We also took charge of our stations with enthusiasm and organisation. We were given general guidelines, but left to fill up the blanks of operation in order to activate and apply our decision-making and problem solving skills. These included receiving volunteers and keeping their belongings safe, setting up the F&B coffee and creperie sections, identifying bottle-neck areas, clearing empty boxes from the alleys, and loading the trucks in the afternoon.

It was great to work side by side with Chinese groups such as Shanghai Mountain Hikers Association and Cisco employees, working with their respective CSR leader. These people can really pull their weights.

Finally, at 3pm, having enjoyed a beautiful sunny day we all crashed in our seats on the bus back to Feng Xian. I looked around the sleepy faces and I felt proud to be part of such an amazing group of people.

Watch our ROH Charity Event promo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtjSqBfHsmk


Written by Mr. Alessio Anedda and Mr. Robert Bradley, Students

May 2015LRJJ Campus Life Magazine


On April 18, 2015, Les Roches Jin Jiang International Hotel Management College organized a special activity, which was the Charity fun run.

From 11:20 to 11:30, all the students went to the school auditorium, and we got a briefing for the day’s project. From 11:30 to 12:10, some students went to the student lounge to organize the stuff which had been donated from the students for the River of Hearts charity. Other students joined the activity of campus spring cleaning. All of the students were very happy and excited.

Afterwards, teachers and students joined the charity fun run. They ran 3 times round around the circle road, almost 2 km for a great cause. Both teachers and students were full of energy and enthusiasm. Like the old Chinese saying goes: “Life is movement.”

After the run, everyone enjoyed the BBQ lunch with a wonderful show in the garden lounge.


Written by Ms Lyn Wang, Student

The winner! Mari Yern Vicent (PGD)

May 2015LRJJ Campus Life Magazine


The day ended with the awards ceremony for the fastest runners back in the auditorium. We learned a lot and we had fun that day!

May 2015LRJJ Campus Life Magazine


Greetings from Ms. Shizue Iwayanagi’s (Japan, Undergraduate Program)!

Shizue received a guest comments card with compliments for her sincere and professional service while having her very first internship in Grand Hyatt Shanghai. She made the guest feel comfortable as if at home. She has shown real authentic hospitality spirit.

Greetings from Alejandro Coronado (Colombia, Postgraduate Program)!

Alejandro, during his internship at Shanghai Marriott Hotel City Centre, received the “The Spirit to Serve” award from Marriott International.

Another great example of how our students and graduates keep leaving their footprints in the hearts of hotel customers and are being recognized and awarded.

LRJJ is very proud of you!


May 2015LRJJ Campus Life Magazine


Q&A with Paolo Borgiallo, LRJJ Student transferred to Les Roches Bluche for his PDGII semester.

Hi Paolo! After a semester at Les Roches Jin Jiang, you chose to continue your education and complete your Degree in Switzerland, why? Why you think it is important for your future?After living in China for a few years I wanted to complete my career change to hospitality with an experience that would allow me to understand better how the industry works in other parts of the world. Studying at both LRJJ and LRB allows me to learn how similar issues and opportunities are addressed in different cultures and different markets.Why did you choose Les Roches Bluche? Did you consider other schools for the transfer?No, Bluche was my first and only choice. I knew since the beginning that I wanted to complete my studies here. I think that somebody with direct experience of Chinese culture, language and travel expectations can find good opportunities with hospitality in Europe, and LRB provided the perfect introduction to the local job market. I learnt many things in China but ultimately I want to bring my experience back to my country and use it to build something meaningful there.It has been already 2 months since you are in Bluche, was it difficult for you to adapt to LRB after studying at LRJJ?Well yes, at first it was. The school is much larger here, with a lot more people and a different atmosphere. Coming here also meant joining a class who had already spent a whole semester together, so everyone already had their circles and their habits. But everyone was very welcoming and helpful, so it did not take long to adapt and learn my way around. I made plenty of good friends here.


Interviewed by Mr. Mario Sgarrella, LRJJ Marketing Executive

May 2015LRJJ Campus Life Magazine


How is the academic programme? Any difference from LRJJ?The Post Graduate programme is structured in very similar ways in LRJJ and LRB: the knowledge and practical skills that I received from my semester in China are pretty much the same that my classmates covered during their semester in Switzerland, with just some minor differences. Following classes and preparing exams was easy and natural from the start. The quality of learning is very consistent in the two schools.What do you miss about LRJJ and Shanghai?Shanghai was my home even before starting at LRJJ, so of course I miss all the people and places that were part of my life there. However, I have to say that life in the Swiss Alps feels very refreshing after the big city. What I miss most about LRJJ is the students’ community: it’s a relatively small school, so after a few weeks there one really knows everyone. And everyone is so open and friendly, and eager to make new friends! It really feels like a family.After completing your Diploma, what destinations for your internships and what positions are you looking for?Actually, I liked it so much here that I am going to stay a little longer. I have been selected as one of the Food & Beverage trainees that the school hires among the graduating students. I am going to work in the school’s fine dining restaurant, Le Tacot. This will allow me to gain some high-level practical experience in operations, a unique opportunity for somebody like me who has never worked in hospitality before. My bread and butter so far has been events management and F&B is a very important complement to it, so this is why I chose it. I will be here in Bluche until the end of the year and then we see what comes next, but thanks to Les Roches I am already in touch with many great companies that came to recruit on campus. I am sure that something exciting is waiting down the road.

Read about Laureate Hospitality Education networkhere


May 2015LRJJ Campus Life Magazine


Laureate Hospitality Education (LHE) is offering hospitality management and business courses and training to employees of companies in the hospitality, food and tourism industries through a new operating unit called Laureate Hospitality Business Education (LHBE). This new B2B education consulting service leverages the education expertise of its global network of institutions of higher education in hospitality management including Kendall College (USA), Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School (Australia), and Glion Institute of Higher Education and Les Roches International School of Hotel Management (both based in Switzerland).

“Our goal is to become the premier provider of training and continuing education for the hospitality and tourism industry”, said Michael Huckaby, CEO of Laureate Hospitality Education. “We have a wealth of knowledge in hospitality management and years of experience in educating a multicultural and global talent pool for the industry. LHBE allows us to go further and provide the industry with much needed training for mid- and upper-level staff, providing the right tools and solutions to leverage the opportunities of a growing and fast-changing hospitality landscape.”

LHBE works with clients to identify areas where additional education and training can positively impact the sustainable growth of their business, from front-line staff to executive managers worldwide.

“As our alumni know, hospitality is one of the most dynamic and growing industries in the world, and it accounts for 338 million jobs worldwide in foodservice, lodging, travel, luxury retail, and event management,” said Mr. Huckaby. “Finding and developing the right talent with the necessary education and training to sustain this growth is a key challenge faced by the industry today. By leveraging LHE schools’ core strengths in business management education, training and research, LHBE qualified to work with the industry to tackle this challenge.”

Les Roches Jin Jiang Internaitonal Hotel Management College is proud to be a part of this new initiative, and to bring our expertise in hospitality management and culinary arts directly to the companies and organizations that hire our graduates. If your company’s workforce needs professional development or training, you can now turn to your alma mater to provide high-quality educational resources and expertise.

For more information about Laureate Hospitality Business Education visit www.lhbe.com or email info@lhbe.com.

Laureate Hospitality Business Education brings Global Leadership in Hospitality Management Training to Employees.

May 2015LRJJ Campus Life Magazine


On 25th March 2015 the HA1A students went to Cachet Boutique hotel as part of their for Marketing and Rooms Division courses. The bus left from the college at 1.15 pm, and it arrived at the hotel around 3 pm. This boutique hotel was smaller than many other hotels. Cachet hotel is located at 931 West Nanjing Road. It has so many beautiful rooms. The staff was friendly and welcoming.

Overall, the hotel was quaint and cozy. My favorite part of the hotel was the gym, it was small, but the music was entertaining, and the employees working there were really affable.

We were given a quick tour of some of the suites in the hotel. The layout was very different compared a large hotel. Each suite not only had a lot of space, but also a lot of decorations.

To conclude, the hotel is a wonderful cozy hotel for guests who are planning to visit incredible Shanghai. It is located in the heart of the Shanghai shopping scene.


Written by Ms Chida Chairat and Ms Diya Sunil, Students

May 2015LRJJ Campus Life Magazine


March 18th 2015, with the support from the Wyndham Group, the college invited Mr. Eric Ricaurte, Founder and CEO of Green View Company, U.S., to provide a guest lecture on “Green Hotel Theories in Application”, supporting the eco-friendly research project in HAIII and PGDII programs. Over 70 students attended the guest lecture as well as a following career consultation.

Wyndham group is a leading pioneer in the green hospitality industry, and launched its Green Academy project worldwide. LRJJ signed with the group in 2014 as one of it’s educational partners. Mr. Eric Ricaurte has worked with Wyndham worldwide closely for a long period of time in order to provide eco-hospitality consultancy services.

In the lecture, he introduced the partnership of Wyndham Hotel and Green View Company, the action plan, goals and the concept of hotel sustainability. He explained “how to keep the operation green”. Starting from building the awareness, Mr. Ricaurte introduced the recycled products that are harmful to human beings, the advanced ways to handle leftover amenities, the trends to use light colors to reduce energy, etc. By keeping the operation green, they argue that it would reduce overall operation costs.

After the presentation, students interested in career development within his company and Wyndham group attended the career consultation period.

CDIP CORNERGreen View Company visit Organized by

Wyndham Group Written by Ms. Clarissa Helmi, CDIP Intern

Eric Ricaurte Founder & CEO Green View Company

May 2015LRJJ Campus Life Magazine


March 25th, 2015, Shangri-La Group Presentation and Campus Recruitment were held for 2015 spring graduating students. Senior management team from Shangri-La Hotel Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd attended the event, including the Group Director of Talent Acquisition, the Resident Manager and HR Director from Kerry Hotel Pudong Shanghai, and the Restaurant Manager of Jing An Shangri-La , who is a Les Roches alumnus.

The presentation was inspiring and interesting. After the general introduction of Shangri-La’s missions, career development opportunities and training programs, the LR alumni presented his own experience: How to become manager within just two years after graduation.

Campus recruitments were organized in the auditorium. Not only did Shangri-La hotels in Shanghai, which are Shangri-La Pudong, Shangri-La Jing An and Kerry Hotel Pudong come, but there were additional global opportunities also provided to LRJJ students and alumni on campus. A large number of our students are passionate in developing themselves within the Shangri-La group, fortunately this means they can all find a way to get in contact with the hotels of interest.

Recent Career Events:March 6 - Lane Crawford Luxury Goods (2nd anniversary event) organized by Grand Hyatt Shanghai

Mar 18 - Wyndham Green Academy Guest Lecturing & Career Consultation by Founder & CEO of Green View Co., U.S.

March 25 - Shangri-La Group Presentation and Recruitment

March 30 – April 2nd - Lavazza stand at Hotelex Exhibition

April 1 - Guest Lecture & Beer Tasting by Dr. Beer & Dr. Wine, founders and senior brewers

April 9 - Guest Lecture and career session, Atto Primo by Yum Group, by Brand Director Greater China

April 10 -12th Formula One Grand Prix Shanghai (VIP services)

April 13 - Guest Lecture by GM, The Saujana Hotel

April 20 - Guest Lecture by GM, Langham Ningbo

April 22 - Career Day (46 hotels and restaurants)

May 6 - Guest Lecture & Career Session by Regional HR Operations Director, Rosewood Hotel Group

May 8-10 – Longines Horse Jumping Event (VIP services)

May 13 - Compass Group Presentation and Recruitment

CDIP CORNERShangri-La Group presentation

Written by Ms. Clarissa Helmi, CDIP Intern

May 2015LRJJ Campus Life Magazine


Business Planning led by Mr. Viktor Ligai

Business Planning Club is targeted to motivated individuals. The club itself supposes interest in mutual development through discussions of possible revenue generating ideas. Club presentations are aimed to assist members to realize their abilities, connections, as well as to encourage them to seek new possibilities. The club consists of a wide range of activities such as: case studies, role plays and final games which are all designed to practice and apply the knowledge taken from the presentations. The club ends the session with a final game which really challenges members to test their skills with a wide variety of challenges and situations.

Football Club led by Mr. Manuel Vidigal

Every Thursday evening, a group of like-minded students gather together and go to the football pitch. Sometimes we are lucky enough to arrange some exchanges with fellow footballers from other Chinese colleges. These international connections allowed us to get some lively matches together. The football nights are great. We always have a lot of fun together!

Music Club led by Ms Christonia Charlandy

Music is a passion of many no matter where in the world we are. It is a way to relieve stress, a medicine, time filler, as well as a tool for self-expression. Here in Les Roches Jin Jiang, not only academic talents, but also musical talents are appreciated. Music club is a bit like a college jam band for now. Our instruments are both acoustic and electric, so a fun and experience is guaranteed. Students can perform in LRJJ events, make new friends, arrange a song and enjoy practices where we jam together. We are always open to new members and we love to experience the different styles of music which are brought from all over the world.

SPRING CLUB ACTIVITESClub Leaders Testimonials

May 2015LRJJ Campus Life Magazine


Italian Club led by Mr. Riccardo Di Tommaso

I have known that I wanted to create an Italian club for some time. However, it wasn’t until this quarter when I found the right people to help me create one of the best activities at LRJJ. We had a great influence on students; each meeting had more than 20 people. Together we have created a wonderful group. My team: Francesca Lesca, Marco Michelazzo, Alessandra Wegfahrt, Alessio Anedda and I (Riccardo), we try to share the culture and language of one of the most beautiful countries in the world - Italy.

We tried to involve the majority of students with activities that are well beyond language learning, we also like to introduce the iconic Italian diet with cultural relics such as tiramisu and wine.

Overall I'm pleased to have created this beautiful activity.

Ping Pong Club led by Mr. Vicent Mari

The Ping Pong Club takes place every Wednesday at 17:00 in Palm Beach resort. Each day’s activities tend to be adapted depending on the level and number of the players who attend. We p l a y a w i d e va r i e t y o f g a m e s and adaptations to add a little extra excitement and balance between the players. This way everyone can have a good time. Since ping pong is a game that requires a lot of practice we focus our efforts on the people attending the club. Ping Pong Club means basically having a good time with friends

Box Fit Club led by Mr. Rodrigo Reis, Mr. Ioann Tcap, and Mr. Hoang Ngoc Tu (Ricky)

Box Fit Club is where a group of people with previous boxing, grappling, and martial arts experience, get together once a week to train and workout together. We like to get new members involved and we are always very happy to train as well

May 2015LRJJ Campus Life Magazine


as receive instructions and basic boxing knowledge. It is great to get a chance to improve ourselves mentally as well as condition ourselves physically.

Creativity Club led by Ms. Katharina Quaisser

The Creativity Club takes it upon itself to organize and implement creative change throughout the LRJJ campus and community. Recently, we had two projects: decorating the new Flavors restaurant and bringing the new student board to life. It was a lot of fun working together and creating projects. In fact the student board is one of the main projects for next quarter. After setting it up we will promote it and try to involve the students to use it. We meet every Monday at 4:15 in the Student Lounge. Please stop in!

Spanish Club led by Ms.Catalina Fernandez and Mr. Ali El Figuigui

The Spanish Club has allowed for many students at LRJJ to delve more deeply into exploring the Spanish language as well as the hospitable Spanish culture. Preparing for the club makes us happy. We need to organize everything, but after completing the session we always feel great. The students come to class with enthusiasm and a willingness to learn. At the beginning of the class we always review what we have learned the previous class, to have a refresh ourselves. Afterwards we learn a new topic and at the end we quickly review the main part of what we just learned. Sometimes we sing a few songs in Spanish. We always send the information we study in class through email so everyone can practice at home.

May 2015LRJJ Campus Life Magazine


Behind every big event, there are solid teams who give their best in order to exceed expectations regarding guest experience. On 10th, 11th, and 12th of April 2015, the LRJJ students were given a chance to participate and take a look at behind the scene of the F&B service for Formula 1 Grand Prix event with DO&CO catering company.

The F1 race, lasted for 3 days. Friday was the test drive, Saturday was the preliminary round and Sunday was the final race. Students could sign up to help for up to 3 days. There were 3 sections in which our voluntary assistance was directed. First, the 9th floor, for VVVIP guests, also called The Tower, from where we could oversee the race track. Second was the 2nd floor, for VIP guests, where there were the McLaren team, Ferrari (in which I was assigned at for 2 days), the lounge, etc. The third was the staff canteen.

So we began working in the morning, after we arrived and changed into the uniform provided by the catering company (blouse, skirt, belt and scarf for women, shirt, pants and belt for men). We had breakfast in the staff tent, and then off to where we were assigned.

For this event, we all acquired an ID pass without which we would not have been able to access the work areas.

The best part of this experience was that we were not treated as voluntary workers at all. Instead, we were encouraged to perform our best, as if we’re full-time employees. There was very small gap for mistakes. But when we did make a mistake, the team was very supportive in solving the problem. Starting with water service, bread service, food service, coffee ordering, champagne serving, and all the F&B experience you can imagine.

Overall, this volunteering activity had been one of the most exhausting, yet worthwhile learning experiences. We all left feeling very satisfied. This was an exciting opportunity to immerse ourselves in the real world work experience. We were honored to be working with professionals and treated professionally as well.

I will be looking forward to future volunteer events!


Written by Ms. Christonia Charlandy, Student Ambassador

May 2015LRJJ Campus Life Magazine


The first quarter of the spring semester ended with a special closing ceremony. The event was held in the garden lounge, which now has an official name “The Patio”.

Students from HAIII class, led by Hamza Krisni were assigned to organize the ceremony and the pre-opening of the garden terrace. The day of the event started with the graduating students and lecturers gathering on the terrace. They enjoyed a classy cocktail party with drinks and snacks.

Dr. Sacha Stöcklin gave a pre-opening speech and let the organizing students cut the red ribbon, officially opening The Patio. The graduates were very pleased with the hard work that their friends and colleagues had put into organizing such a wonderful event. The ceremony went off without a hitch.

Afterwards, two graduating students, Ms. Monika Karwowska and Mr. Riccardo Di Tommaso, who couldn’t resist their overwhelming emotions, came on stage and gave touching speeches. They expressed how thankful they are to be a part of the LRJJ family.

To complement the ceremony, the graduates were invited for a special 4-course lunch in Flavors restaurant. During the lunch the Music club was performing live and the ceremony ended up with a video from the Student Activities Department.


Written by Mr Baur Kereibayev, Student Activities Intern

May 2015LRJJ Campus Life Magazine


To all of you graduating students, we wish you again and again good luck and have fun in pursuing your dreams!



LES ROCHES JIN JIANGInternational Hotel Management College,928, Yan An West Road,Shanghai, 200052 P.R. China.Phone: +86 21 6212 1856 +86 21 6252 5339Fax: +86 21 5239 6459E-mail: info@lrjj.cn

LES ROCHES JIN JIANGInternational Hotel Management College,Shanghai Normal University,Feng Xian Campus, No. 100 Hai Si Road, Shanghai, 201418 P.R. China.Phone: +86 21 5712 3333Fax: +86 21 5712 6618E-mail: info@lrjj.cn


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FAC E B O O K . C O M / L R J J S H A N G H A I

T W I T T E R . C O M / L R J J B U Z Z

YO U T U B E . C O M / L R J J L I V E


F L I C K R . C O M / P H OTO S / L E S R O C H E S J I N J I A N G S H A N G H A I

L I N K E D I N . C O M / E D U / S C H O O L ? I D = 1 6 3 0 3 5