Leighann Lord's Fresh Off the Synapse March 24-28, 2014

Post on 07-May-2015

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Welcome to Fresh Off the Synapse! My weekly wrap up of my favorite jokes and commentary! Sometimes the jokes write themselves and when they don't I do. Hire Leighann to perform, host, or speak at your next event! @LeighannLord || VeryFunnyLady.com

Transcript of Leighann Lord's Fresh Off the Synapse March 24-28, 2014

  • 1.March 24-28, 2014

2. Studies find that stress may reduce a womans fertility. And oddly enough, fertility may increase her stress. Fresh Off the Synapse @LeighannLord || VeryFunnyLady.com 3. Turkey is still trying to ban Twitter after allegations were posted about government corruption. It might be easier to ban corruption. Fresh Off the Synapse @LeighannLord || VeryFunnyLady.com 4. In my quest to become better at math I realize that I'm foggy on my eight times tables. I must've been out clapping erasers. Fresh Off the Synapse @LeighannLord || VeryFunnyLady.com 5. In Burma, proposed regulations may make it illegal for Buddhist women to marry Muslim men. Wouldnt it be easier for Buddhist men to step up their date game? Fresh Off the Synapse @LeighannLord || VeryFunnyLady.com 6. A newlywed gets 30 years in prison for pushing husband off a cliff at a national park. So I guess you don't get less time for murder. Fresh Off the Synapse @LeighannLord || VeryFunnyLady.com 7. The Obama administration may allow shipments of air defense systems to Syrian rebels. It's cheaper to send pollen. Fresh Off the Synapse @LeighannLord || VeryFunnyLady.com 8. A magnitude-5.1 earthquake has shaken the Los Angeles area and surrounding counties. It already has an agent, a manager, and a movie deal. Fresh Off the Synapse @LeighannLord || VeryFunnyLady.com