Legends EW Volume Two Issue Fourteen March 25 …...2020/03/23  · Two Issue Fourteen March 25 2020...

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Transcript of Legends EW Volume Two Issue Fourteen March 25 …...2020/03/23  · Two Issue Fourteen March 25 2020...


Another Sutherland Production


Volume Two Issue Fourteen March 25 2020

Legends Magazine. 248 Carver St. Winslow Illinois 61089

Legends E-Magazine

Covering exciting stories about UFOs, Ancient and Lost Races of North

America, Spirituality and Spirituality Communities, Cryptology i.e. Bigfoot

and Dogman, Paranormal Hot Spots, Psychicism, Spiritual and Angelic

Healing, Sacred Sites, Gemstones, Multi-dimensional worlds, Vampires,

Werewolves and more... burlingtonnews.net/Legends.html

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Sutherland went on the road in










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Spirit Photography Photos

“FIRE DJINN” The fire djinn manifest out of the fire. This one, photographed by Mary Sutherland, has manifested as a horned dragon

and is flying passed guests that Brad and Mary had taken into the woods of Burlington, Wisconsin.

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Mary Sutherland

The first Creation of God were the

Angels made from the air, the second

creation was the Djinn made from

the smokeless flame and the third

creation was Man made from water

and clay.

The bible makes mention of them in

the story of Solomon and the

building of the temple. Djinn can be

good, evil, or neutrally benevolent

and hence have free will like humans

and unlike angels.

Genie in English is derived from

Latin genius, meant a sort of tutelary

or guardian spirit thought to be

assigned to each person at their

birth. They are usually invisible to

humans, but humans do appear

clearly to jinn, as they can possess

them. Jinn have the power to travel

large distances at extreme speeds

and are thought to live in remote


Given Free Will, the djinn were asked

from god to give obedience to Man,

his third creation. The Djinn Shaytan

(known by the Christian as Satan)

and a third of his followers refused

to bow to man. Angered, God cast

him and his followers out of the

heavenly realm and banished them

into the earth....thus comes the

biblical story of 'angels' being cast

down from heaven and becoming the

'fallen angels'.

This is an inaccuracy or a

contradiction to the biblical story,

telling us that angels were not given

'free will', but was created to obey all

gods’ commandments and worship

him. It was only the djinn and

mankind who were created with

'free will'... so it only makes sense

that if this is true, then the fallen

'angels' were not angels at all but '

djinn', god’s second creation cast out

for disobedience. Thus they fell from

god's grace.

According to the Koran, the Djinn

found the women of earth beautiful

and impregnated them from which

the red haired giants were born.

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Rosemary Ellen Guiley, author of

The Djinn connection and Mary

Sutherland, author of the Red Haired


You may have missed it, but two of

the foremost researchers and

authors of books on the Djinn,

Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Mary

Sutherland managed to create a

‘Djinn Connection’ of their own by

finding time to come together in

Wisconsin and share some of their

theories, photos and stories about

the mysterious Djinn.

Learn more about ‘The red haired

race and the Djinn in ‘The Red

Haired Giants’ on Amazon or


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Even today red haired children are

called 'Djin-jurs'.... or (Gin)gers. The

story of the birth of giants in the

Koran is very similar to Genesis

which tells the same story but uses

'fallen angels' as the name instead of


The word Jinn (Djinn) is an Arabic

word meaning “to hide” or “hidden”.

The Jinn are hidden from our sight

and are considered to be spiritual

beings similar to angels and even

demons. The Jinn are mentioned

mainly in Islam but also have some

links to Christianity, regarding King

Solomon and the building of the


In Arabian lore, djinn are a race of

supernaturally empowered beings

that have the ability to intervene in

the affairs of people. Like the Greek

daimones, djinn are self-propagating

and can be either good or evil. They

can be conjured in magical rites to

perform various tasks and services.

A Djinni (singular) appears as a

wish-granting “genie” in folk tales

such as in The Book of 1001 Nights

collection of folk tales.

In Western lore djinn are sometimes

equated with demons, but they are

not the same. They are often

portrayed as having a demonic-like

appearance, but they can also appear

in beautiful, seductive forms. The

djinn are masterful shape-shifters,

and their favored forms are snakes

and black dogs. They also can

masquerade as anything: humans,

animals, ghosts, cryptids, and other

entities such as extraterrestrials,

demons, shadow people, fairies,

angels and more.

Fire Djinn manifesting as a ‘feathered


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The djinn are not confined to the

Middle East, or to the past. They exist

in their own realm, probably a

parallel dimension, and have the

ability – and the desire – to enter our

world and interact with us. The djinn

have been among us in antiquity and

they are among us now.

According to another story, Solomon

summoned the djinn to his crystal-

paved palace, where they sat at

tables made of iron. (In folklore, iron

weakens supernatural entities.) The

Qur’an tells how the king made them

work at building palaces, making

carpets, and creating ponds, statues

and gardens. Whenever Solomon

wanted to travel to faraway places,

the djinn carried him on their backs.

American troops camped with

Jordanian troops for training

exercises in Jordan at Baten el Ghoul,

which means “Belly of the Beast.”

The Jordanians considered it a

haunted valley, where the demons

came out at night to murder people.

It was not unusual to have one’s

sleep interrupted by the screams and

howls of frightened Jordanian

soldiers who swore in the light of

day that they had seen a

demon…Baten en Ghoul was a

desolate and jagged valley carved out

of the desert that spilled over from

Saudi Arabia. It was renowned for its


David Morehouse, a retired remote

viewer for the U.S. military, relates in

his book Psychic Warrior how a head

injury enabled him to have

temporary visions of djinn, normally

invisible to most people. Morehouse

was accidentally shot in the helmet,

which left a huge lump on his head.

After this, he temporarily

experienced seeing the elusive djinn.

He described the conditions as:

Sometime in the night, my eyes

opened to a surreal light outside the

tent. It was like the light of an

eclipsed sun and wasn’t coming from

any stove. It filled the night sky. The

entire Baten en Ghoul and the hills

beyond were bathed in the strange

bluish gray light; I walked to the

edge of the bluff and stared into the

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valley. Dark figures moved

effortlessly across its floor, like

apparitions. They poured from the

rocks in various heaps and shapes

and moved about the clusters of

tents. I could hear muffled cries from

the Jordanian encampment, and

momentarily I thought we were

being overrun by thieves or Israelis.

Panicked, I turned to run for help.

Colliding with one of the figures, I

reflexively closed my eyes, except I

didn’t collide. I walked right through

it. Turning around I watched the

figure disappear over the edge of the

bluff. After that, the lump on his head

was gone.

Jinn were on the earth before man,

but it is unknown for how long. By

some accounts, they were created

2000 years before Adam and Eve,

and were equal to angels in stature.

When Allah created Adam, he told

the angels to bow to him. The angels

complied but Iblis, the leader of the

djinn who also had access to heaven,

refused, and so he and his kind were

cast out of paradise. Iblis appealed to

Allah, and the djinn were granted the

opportunity to redeem themselves

by Judgment Day. I believe that it in

this story that we learn of the fallen


Djinn encounters occur everywhere

and they may be interpreted as other

entities rather than their true selves.

This is especially the case in areas

where little is known about them.

Encounters with angels, fairies,

demons, elementals,

extraterrestrials, mysterious

creatures and ghosts of the dead may

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be djinn in disguise, either playing

tricks or carrying out an agenda.

Fire and Smoke

In ‘The Book of Enoch’ I found

passages that support my theory of

the Djinn being what we biblically

refer to as the Fallen Angels.

To tangle the web even more, the

Fallen Angels (Djinn) were also given

the name “The Watchers”, Chapter 7

1 It happened after the sons of men

had multiplied in those days that

daughters were born to them,

elegant and beautiful.

2 And when the ANGELS (3) the

sons of heaven, beheld them, they

became enamored of them, saying to

each other, Come, let us select for

ourselves wives from the progeny of

men, and let us beget children.

( MARY’S NOTE: An Aramaic text

reads "Watchers" here (J.T. Milik,

Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave

4 [Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976], p.

167). Biblically they were referred to

as angels; the Aramaic fragments

reference them as WATCHERS.)

In the following we find Samyaza

being referred to as the leader of the

angels that rebelled against god. If

you read any books on Djinn you will

realize that this same Samyaza is

named as the LEADER OF THE

DJINN. Samyaza was later known in

the Christian bible as Satan.

The following explains the Djinns

Rebellion against God and their Fall

from Grace.

3 Then their leader Samyaza said to

them; I fear that you may perhaps be

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indisposed to the performance of this


4 And that I alone shall suffer for so

grievous a crime.

5 But they answered him and said;

We all swear;

6 And bind ourselves by mutual

execration, that we will not change

our intention, but execute our

projected undertaking.

7 Then they swore all together, and

all bound themselves by mutual

execrations. Their whole number

was two hundred, who descended

upon *Ardis, which is the top of

mount Armon. *Upon Ardis…or "in

the days of Jared" (R.H. Charles, ed.

and trans., The Book of Enoch

[Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1893], p.


10 Then they took wives, each

choosing for himself; whom they

began to approach, and with whom

they cohabited; teaching them

sorcery, incantations, and the

dividing of roots and trees.

11 And the women conceiving

brought forth giants,

The Greek texts vary considerably

from the Ethiopic text here. One

Greek manuscript adds to this

section, "And they [the women] bore

to them [the Watchers] three races–

first, the great giants. The giants

brought forth [some say "slew"] the

Naphelim, and the Naphelim brought

forth [or "slew"] the Elioud. And they

existed, increasing in power

according to their greatness." See the

account in the Book of Jubilees.

12 Whose stature was each three

hundred cubits. These devoured all

which the labor of men produced;

until it became impossible to feed


13 When they turned themselves

against men, in order to devour


14 And began to injure birds, beasts,

reptiles, and fishes, to eat their flesh

one after another,

(8) and to drink their blood. (8)

Their flesh one after another. Or,

"one another’s flesh." R.H. Charles

notes that this phrase may refer to

the destruction of one class of giants

by another (Charles, p. 65).

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Aside from reasoning that other

conscious beings must exist in this

seemingly infinite universe, and that

many have the capacity to visit Earth,

we should avoid assumptions about

the nature of extraterrestrials.

However, we can and should

examine the likelihood that

deceptive entities known as Djinn

have been masquerading as them.

PLASMA UFO Captured on Camera

over the woods of Burlington

Wisconsin by Doug Clack

John Keel called them


Meade Layne knew them as


Gordon Creighton introduced them

to the western world with the

ancient and well-known name of


They’ve also been known as spirits,

poltergeists, aliens and elementals.

It is important to know about them.

It is absolutely essential to rule them

out whenever considering the

possible existence and/or presence

of extraterrestrials. Why? Because

they are the world's greatest

tricksters and their ET charade may

be the World's Greatest Hoax. They

have thoroughly contaminated our

thinking about extraterrestrials.

Some among them pretend to be the

embodiments of our science fiction

fantasies. Some among them are

good, while others are really

demonic. The most powerful we call

genii, origin for the word genius.

The Djinn concept offers a

comprehensive and logical approach

to looking at UFO's, cryptozoology,

apparitions, magic, demons,

monsters and many other mysteries.

It is revelant for exposing much of

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the simple minded games and satanic

mischief which have baffled and

misled us throughout history.

Plasma UFO photographed by

Mary Sutherland over Pine

Street, Burlington Wisconsin

Ignorance and prejudice have

prevented the western world from

realizing what the wisdom of Islamic

culture has to say about these beings.

It reads like a textbook description of

the UFO phenomenon. It reveals the

true nature of new age channeling,

poltergeists, spoon bending and

other tricks, and so much more.

Gordon Creighton has enlightened us

with a brilliant essay which deserves

serious attention: "A Brief Account of

the True Nature of the "UFO Entities".

Gordon Creighton, served as a British

Intelligence officer, and his

familiarity with oriental culture

enabled him to recognize the

connection between Djinn and UFOs.

The Djinn are real entities living on

this earth which are normally

invisible to us. Their bodies are likely

composed of what has been

described as etheric matter. They

don't live in bottles or adhere to the

fairy tales told about them. Human

beings are extremely susceptible to

the fabrications of the Djinn. We

believe what they want us to,

because their impressive

materializations and deceptions are

tailored to fit our fantasies and belief


Their comparative mastery of etheric

forces bewilders and impresses us,

and has always put us at a severe

disadvantage in dealing with them,

(plus the fact that we can't usually

see them!).

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The more skilled among them have

therefore always seemed to us to be

gods and wizards. Now in modern

times they've become the "aliens

from a technologically advanced


They are usually deceptive in their

relationships with us. They are

movers behind the UFO mystery as

well as many other mysteries. Every

culture shows the deep and massive

imprints of their influence in our

religions and mythologies.

Among all the theories presented to

account for the presence of alien

beings such as: (1)Intergalactic

travel,(2) Travel from the future,(3)

Travel from the Inner Earth, and

(4)Archetypal projections from the

Collective Unconscious, very little

consideration is given to the concept

that some of them simply exist on the

earth in a way that isn't generally

perceptible to us.

We continue to assume that we can

perceive everything that is "real"

with our 5 senses despite all the

evidence to the contrary. An

overzealous belief in a science and

philosophy of materialism has

probably resulted in an irrational

amount of faith in our physical


Studying and/or experiencing these

Djinn enables a person to accept

their existence. Once it is realized

that unseen beings exist, it is

fascinating to contemplate that there

are likely to be inhabitants on other

planets who are as hidden to us as

the Djinn are! So much life is

crammed into a single cubic inch of

backyard soil that it is unlikely that

the potential inherent in a whole

planet is just wasted.

An egocentric, gotta-have-it-all-on-

my-terms and see-it-with-my-bare-

eyes mindset has probably been the

biggest impediment to advances in

scientific knowledge.

Before the invention of the

microscope, science denied the

existence of microbes. Even though

we can't see radio waves we know

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they exist. Now we should realize

that we aren’t likely to find life on

other planets as long as we insist

that it must be just like OUR life and

apparent to OUR 5 senses.

The Jinn concept challenges us to

realize how limited our perceptions

are. Things really don't work quite

the way we think they do. Life is an

ever deepening mystery! Most of us

aren’t comfortable with making that

a part of our working hypothesis, but

our explorations will be enriched

and strengthened if we do.

They are real and they are here!

Possible Djinn sent to me from one

of our followers.

The Magic of Herbs Andrea Dexter

I was looking for other alternatives

for smudging other then sage I may

have around . Rosemary lavender

and rose are all good . But something

kept bringing me to this vervain so

with a little research I had a delicious

breakfast and new fav flower❤️

Here’s what I learned Jamaican Vervain ( #stachytarphetajamaicensis ) is the tropical analog to Blue Vervain (

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#verbenahastata ), and is native to the Caribbean and Central America. Also known as worry vine, porterweed and verbena, it is used traditionally as a blood cleanser, for fever and as a nervous system sedative, and all parts of the plant are traditionally used, roots and leaves for brewing alcoholic drinks, leaves and flowering tops as medicine; the purple flowers even taste like mushrooms!

Parting of the Red Sea Fact or Fiction? Mary Sutherland THE PARTING OF THE RED SEA and

MOSES may have been "off-world"

technology. In my book, Giants Gods

and Lost Races, I show two separate

accounts of a piece held in the hands

that had the ability to separate the

sea and then pull it back on itself

again. The Mormons called it the

'Prime Directive".

The “Su-Dasa’s Battle Hymn of

Victory” over the Ten Confederate

Kings begins with “Indra” splitting

the flooded Parushni River

(Euphrates) allowing Su-Dasa and

his people to cross. Indra then

drowned the enemy with the

returning waters. This is strikingly

similar to the account of God of

Moses parting the Red Sea. However

both events could have happened

when it comes to the parting of the

sea. While going through my notes

for this book, I found a file I had that

may shed a new possible light on the

“Parting of the Sea”

Written in 1554, the Guatemalan

Titulo de Totonicapán documents the

arrival of the U Mamae (ancients).

According to their history, the U

Mamae came from the other part of

the sea and claimed to have been

descendants of Abraham and Jacob.

When they left, the great father

Nacxit gave the chief a present of

which Nacxit called “Giron-Gagal”.

According to their accounts, “When

they arrived at the edge of the sea, the

first leader Balam-Quitze touched the

‘sacred director’ with his staff and at

once a passageway opened and then

closed up again.”

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Memories of Times Past

‘Professor Bill’ Matteson

Please don't ask why I know these things,

but here is some more useless information

from me, Professor Bill.

Dance with Delight on

Beltane Night

The Beltane Fire is ritualistically lit

on April 30, Saint Walpurgis night

(walpurgisnacht) The Fire is allowed

to burn out and then rekindled at day

break on the first of May.

The woman, whose face is washed in

the morning dew, will insure her of

perpetual beauty and good health.

The man who washes his hands in

the morning dew will make them

strong and artful.

All the livestock, than has been

corralled since Samhain (all Hallows

Professor Bill’s Corner

Bill Matteson - Uptown Chicago

History Correspondent

I am blessed or cursed with the

type of mind that remembers

certain things. That I have read,

heard or experienced and over the

years find little cubby holes to tuck

them away. Then on a given day, a

little more of the story filters in, then

inside the mind comes a blinding

explosion; the light comes on and

the story pops up. Here are some

of those stories.

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Eve) is let loose to pasture, to feed

and procreate.

Beltain marks the end of the winter

season and the start of the summer

season. Beltane and Samhain, known

as the Celtic Equinoxes are 6 months

apart and not to be confused with

our own Equinoxes of March 21 and

September 21

Seasons and Moon phases are

important in all religious Events,

Easter is on the First Sunday after

the first full moon after the Vernal


Beltain is the cross quarter day

between The Actual vernal equinox

and the summer solstice

While Samhain is in between the

Autumnal Equinox and the Winter


The Beltaine Fire is sometimes

known as Easter Fires

BONFIRES: Bones of animals and

family members are burned in a

"Bone-Fire" along with the nine

sacred woods and scattered

throughout the fields thus adding

nutrients to the soil and as a form of

pleading to the Gods for a good

planting and abundant harvest.

People from all the local villages

attend to meet and exchange news

and pleasantries, but mainly to jump

through the Bone-Fire to insure

vitality, fertility and sexual potency.

The Maypole is erected (phallic

symbol) and dancers having chosen

partners, will end up having sex in

the field which further adds the life

force to insure a good crop. The term

"Bone-Fire" has , over the years, been

bastardized to "Bon-Fire".

Ever wonder why we feel so relaxed

and peaceful while gazing into the

dancing flames of a Bon-Fire while

enjoying the company of good

friends and companions.

the flames bring our hereditary

memory back to past times and past


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On May 1st, May Baskets are be

made and filled with candy and

sweets then placed on the door steps

of those we love.

As Catholics, we dedicate May to

Mother Mary with an altar of flowers

followed by a May crowning at the

end of the month

The Nine sacred woods are; Oak,

Hazel, Rowan. Hawthorne, Willow,

Apple, Hecate Fir, Grapevine, Elder.

Each wood has a gender and a

magical property and purpose

associated with it and they should

never be taken from a live tree.

Saint Walbugia was an English

missionary who was canonized on

May 1 in 870 AD

If you take a sprig of Rowan twist it

to the size of a ring and look through

it at Dusk, you may see the Faeries

dancing in the fields

Give me that old time religion ya ya

Professor Bill Matteson

The Pentagram and the


I was Always interested in "stuff"

that was out of the norm, I hate to

use the word Occult because that

dredges up all kinds of

misinformation regarding

supernatural phenomenon

Occult just means "Hidden

Knowledge" nothing more, nothing

less. So If I was to state, I am a

practitioner of occult sciences, the

average person conjures up all kinds

of thoughts of Black magic. Satanism,

necromancy and witchcraft.

I like to study hidden knowledge or

that information that is not normally

available. My religion is basically

alchemy which is all about

transformation… No, not lead into

gold, but thought in to higher forms

of consciousness although turning

lead into gold would be great

especially in todays market.

So while in my teens, I started to

study Alchemy and Ritual Magic,

please note that ritual magic, high

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magic, ceremonial magic, are all the

same and are known as the

Universal Science,

There is no black magic per Se: , only

bastardizations of good practical

magic, it is very intense,spiritual and

I believe the first religion.

It requires mediation,visualization

and a lot of time. but mainly it

requires a belief that you are never

alone, you are always with God,

because with out God nothing will

work. and without God we become

"Shades" roaming the Earth without

soul or conscious.

Most of everyone's knowledge of any

Arcane Science comes from the

writers of novels and Hollywood

screen plays.

Two commonly used symbols or

sigals are the "Pentagram" and the


The Pentagram is probably the

oldest symbols, reputed to be drawn

By God and given to The Angel Raphel

with instructions to be given to

Solomon, who used the power of the

glyph to control the Djinn for the

construction of his temple that

would ultimately hold the Arc of


Now enter Solomonic magic or

Western magic,

With the Apex up we have High

Magic (attracting) with the apex

down we have lower magic (

banishing) or the glyph used for


High magic is done with the waxing

moon, while lower magic is done with

the waning moon.

There are 5 "Books of Moses in the

Bible. 6th and 7th Books of Moses that

containing all of Moses magical


These two books were thrown out by

by Constantine in the 300's AD. He

felt that this knowledge should not

be at the disposal of the Layman –

although some have reported seeing

copies of these two books being now

sold on Amazon.com . These missing

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books are the basis or starting point

for all Occult sciences.

The Cross, and the sign of the

Cross was used in ritual magic long

before the birth of Christ . 4 points

signify the four directions and


Just as it is with the Pentagram, inverted, it becomes a symbol of Satanists, Devil worshipers and practitioners of Black Magic. Professor Bill

St. Francis and the Wolf

This story takes place in the small

city of Gubbio in the North East

section of Umbria Italy around the

year 1220, at which time Gubbio was

plagued by attacks from a giant wolf.

The terror started when a very large

fierce wolf appeared and began

attacking livestock. When the

villagers tried to track it down the

wolf retaliated by killing them.. After

a period of time The Wolf cease to

attack the livestock and would only

attack and dine on humans. it got so

terrifying that the villagers were

afraid to traverse beyond the Village


They formed hunt groups but Try as

they might they had no weapons that

could kill it

Now Enter Saint Francis who heard

of their plight and came forth to help

They pointed the way to the Wolf’s

Den. When St Francis walked

towards the lair the villages stayed

back at a safe distance but still close

enough to witness and help if need


St. Francis approached and called

forth the wolf who immediately

charged him, showing his full size

and being. With fangs bared, frothing

at the mouth the wolf moved in to

attack. Watching this, the villagers

shrieked and cowered in terror; not

knowing what to do.

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St Francis calmly stood his ground,

raised his hand and made the sign of

the cross. The Wolf promptly

dropped to lay down at Francis's feet

and whimper like a puppy. St Francis

made another motion and the wolf

followed him back to the village.

With all the villagers there to

witness this miracle, he said aloud

for all to hear… “This is our brother

wolf who will no longer harm you and

he told the wolf that he also must

heed this new edict and the the

villagers must supply food for the

wolf. “

After this, the villagers and the wolf

lived together until the wolf died

several years later.

The villagers were so distraught

they held a large funeral and buried

him outside the gates. They

eventually built a church there and

called it The Church of St.Francis of

the Peace.

While renovations were being done

on the Church in the late 1800's

workmen found the skeleton of a

large wolf which was later reburied


I Wonder if this site is still there..

Professor Bill

Haunted Woods Tour – Burlington WI


SPIRIT ACTIVITY in the Vortex!!!

See what we captured during our Haunted Tour in Burlington, Wisconsin.

Video: https://youtu.be/96GIQmAISFE

Legends Magazine – Another Sutherland Production

The British Isles are awash with all sorts of legends and strange history, which have woven their way into the indigenous cultures and popular culture. Over the years, Eric L Fitch has written extensively about them for a variety of publications and in his previous title In Search of Herne the Hunter (With Capall Bann Publishing). This collection brings together these writings, ranging in subject matter from the links between the Celtic god Nodens, a Roman temple, and J R R Tolkien; Woden’s influence in England; various horned gods; the Montem mound and associated salt ritual; St Ursula; various witches; Norse gods; the Chalvey Stabmonk; folklore surrounding ravens, ghosts and goblins; King Arthur; exorcism; M R James; H G Wells and other

authors; and a significant update on his earlier work on Herne the Hunter. Eric L Fitch displays a phenomenal knowledge of folklore, legends, and custom. This is a collection that no folklore or antiquarian aficionado can do without. Available now on Amazon


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Rick Hale

Rick Hale is Spooky Isles Deputy Editor (Mysterious Phenomenon) and staff writer for Legends Magazine. A native of Chicago, Illinois, he has

had an interest in anomalous

phenomena since having a positive

encounter with an apparition at an

early age.

Rick is the author of 'The Geek's

Guide to the Strange and Unusual:

Poltergeists, Ghosts & Demons,

and his second book, Behold!

Shocking True Tales of

Terror...And Some Other spooky

stuff both sold on Amazon.com



Where The Devil Baby

Dwells - Hull House 800 South Halsted Street

Chicago, Illinois

Rick Hale

The Hull House

In the latter decades of the 19th

century, the city of Chicago saw a

major influx of immigration.

Hundreds of thousands of people

from across Europe came to Chicago

in the hopes of attaining the

American dream. The greater

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majority of these immigrants were

attracted to Chicago's heavy

industry. Without their hard, back

breaking work Chicago would not be

the city it is today.

Immigrant Children

Sadly, these immigrants were mostly

peasants and farmers and weren't

always treated with the dignity and

respect they deserved. The

neighborhoods they populated were

often slums where hunger, disease

and crime ran rampant. Their

existence was grim and their

suffering overlooked.

Thankfully, there was one woman

who sought to help as much as she

could. Although coming from a

wealthy family, Jane Addams, went

to work and not only did she

establish Hull House on the near

South side. She unwittingly founded

one of Chicago's greatest mysteries.

Jane Addams

Jane Addams, was born in 1860 in

Cedarville, Illinois, a rural

community in Stephenson County. As

a child, Jane had dreams of doing

something useful with her life,

specifically helping the poor and sick.

Her heart for the disadvantaged

came after reading Dickens and his

portrayal of 19th century London.

Jane’s mother, a caring and empathic

woman was a constant source of

inspiration for the future social

reformer as well.

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After school, Jane, decided that she

wanted to be a doctor and attended

medical school at the University of

Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, health

problems and a nervous breakdown

caused the young woman to drop out

of college. She considered this to be

her greatest failure and traveled to

Europe where her desire to help the

poor was reinvigorated.

While in England, Addams and her

companions, visited Toynbee Hall, a

settlement house in London. Jane

was awestruck with how the

seemingly disparate cultures all

worked together towards a common

goal. This inspired her to do the

same in a city she knew needed it the

most… Chicago.

In 1889, Addams and Ellen Gates

Starr, co-founded Hull House, a

settlement house on the near South

side of Chicago. The house was built

in 1856 by Charles Hull, and required

major repairs and renovations if it

was going to be any good. With the

help of several other socially

concious Chicagoans, Addams turned

the old mansion into a stalwart

defender of social change and justice.

During its time, Hull House, offered

several programs that had a positive

effect on the lives of the people it

served. The house offered education

for adults, a library, an art gallery

and various other programs. Jane

Addams, was a champion of the poor

immigrants who came to her door

seeking help. And with these

immigrants came their old world

religion and superstitions.

In 1913, rumors began circulating

throughout the community, Jane

Addams was sheltering a most

unusual child. Not just any child, but

something from the very pits of hell.

For a number of days, Hull House

was besieged by countless people

demanding to see the devil baby

Addams was harboring. Addams and

her colleagues did everything they

could to dispel the bizarre rumor.

But, the people would have none of

it. They were convinced the devil

himself was in their midst. If so, how

did the great social reformer come to

Legends Magazine – Another Sutherland Production

be in possession of something so


According to the legend of the Hull

House devil baby, there are several

stories detailing how the baby came

to be Jane Addams' care. There are

two stories that are the most

commonly accepted origin stories of

the demonic baby. And both are

heavily influenced by old world

religious beliefs and superstitions.

Two very powerful forces that

guided the lives of these humble folk.

The first story, tells of a devout

Catholic woman who was married to

a man who didn't share in her faith.

Her husband was a staunch atheist

and didn't want to have anything to

do with religion. To him, religious

faith was a thing that belonged in the

dark ages and it wasn't permitted in

his house.

One day, the woman defied her

husband's diatribes on religion and

hung a picture of the Virgin Mary in a

spare bedroom. When her husband

discovered it, he flew into a violent

rage and declared, he would rather

have the devil himself than look at

that picture.

Nine months later, the devout

woman gave birth to an abomination.

The child was born with hooves,

razor sharp claws and pointed ears.

When she beheld her child, she

fainted and died shortly thereafter.

The atheist husband bundled up the

nightmare and dropped it on the

doorstep of Hull House.

The second most commonly accepted

story, concerns a man who was

blessed with six daughters.

Unfortunately, he didn't see that as a

blessing but rather a curse. When his

Legends E-Magazine


wife got pregnant for a seventh time,

he cursed the child in her womb by

saying, he would rather be father to

the devil than have another girl. And

like the previous story, his wife gave

birth to a demonic baby. If you take

anything from these stories it's

probably, be careful what you wish


It would be simple to just say, a

woman gave birth to a deformed

baby that required special attention

and abandoned it. But, the tale of the

devil baby doesn't just end with its

birth. So much more is involved.

Apparently, Jane Addams knew the

evil she had on her hands and

attempted to have the child baptized.

She hoped that by doing so, whatever

evil was in this baby would go away.

She was horribly mistaken. When the

priest approached the baby with holy

water, the baby escaped Addams'

grasp and went skipping through the

pews while blaspheming God. When

he was captured, he was taken back

to Hull House and locked away in the

attic. That doesn't keep the devil


Today, Hull House is a protected

historic property and sits on the

campus of the University of Illinois at

Chicago. It's also a museum and part

of the College of Architecture and

Art. The house is open to the public

and daily tours are given. Although

old world superstitions are a thing of

the past, reports of the attic being

haunted by the devil baby persists to

this day. And he isn't alone in

haunting Hull House.

Visitors and staff at Hull House have

reported the unnerving sound of a

crying child coming from the attic.

People have further claimed to see a

monstrous vision with horns and red

skin peering out from the windows

of the attic. Sounds of diabolical

laughter has also been heard when

the house is empty.

A second ghost believed to haunt

Hull House, is the wife of Charles

Hull, the man who built the house.

Addams herself, witnessed the ghost

Legends Magazine – Another Sutherland Production

in a bedroom of the house and

appeared to be amused by it. Others

have seen the white lady of Hull

House as well. When the room was

used as a dressing room, the female

actors reported the white lady

appearing and vanishing.

Over the years ghostly phenomena

not attributed to the devil baby and

Mrs Hull has been experienced.

Ghostly monks have been seen on

the stairs and disembodied voices

are heard regularly in the house.

Chicago's Hull House, is an integral

part of Chicago's history with

immigration. Jane Addams and Hull

House played an important role in

social reform at a time when

immigrants were treated like

animals. Whether you believe in the

story of the devil baby is entirely up

to you. But if you should visit, be

respectful of the home, and spirits,

that helped make this city great.

Something Strange In The

Skies Over Chicago

Chicago Mothman


Rick Hale

Illustration of the Chicago Mothman

Ever since mankind could look to the

skies and behold the wonders of the

heavens, strange things we couldn't

quite wrap our minds around Or

ascertain has been seen.

Looking back, we know that ancient

man regarded the twinkling lights

that adorn the night skies as long

dead ancestors watching them from

on high. Or the sun and the moon

were gods engaged in an endless

game of celestial tag. We, of course,

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know these ancestors and gods are

the stars and the moon and sun, but

other more mysterious things have

been seen. Specifically beings that

look like humans but could somehow


Mothman sighting photographed

Winged Humanoids: Old and New

Winged beings that appear to be

humanoid in shape, have been a part

of the legend and lore of both ancient

and contemporary cultures. In

Western Christendom, heavenly

Messengers believed to be angels

have been the subject of religious art

and belief for centuries. But what of

those winged beings that are

monstrous and decidedly non-


Going as far back to the ancient

cultures of Babylon, Sumer and

Mesopotamia monstrous human

beings with wings played an

important role in their mythology.

The Anzu and Apkallu, were winged

beings considered to be monstrous ,

as well as godlike.

Ancient Japan has tales of the Tengu,

a yokai that was a giant winged

humanoid with razor sharp talons.

Forests and mountains were avoided

by the Japanese, as they believed

these terrible creatures dwelled in

their cliffs. These representations are

great, but what of more

contemporary sightings of winged

Humanoids? Two come to mind.

Winged Woman of Vietnam

In August 1969, a platoon of

American soldiers in Vietnam

reportedly came into contact with a

winged creature that resembled a

woman. They described the entity as

having the shape of a woman with

long stringy hair that flowed over

Legends Magazine – Another Sutherland Production

two great bat-like wings. They

further described the entity as giving

off a sickly green glow and a sense of

doom. Whatever this creature was

appeared to be merely curious of the

soldiers and nothing more.

The Point Pleasant Mothman

Perhaps the most famous flying

humanoid was the creature called,

Mothman. For over a year, Mothman

terrified the town of Point Pleasant,

West Virginia starting in 1966.

The sightings and encounters with

the Mothman coincided with

multiple sightings of strange lights

and aircraft in the skies above the

town. The sightings came to an end

when the Silver Bridge linking West

Virginia to Ohio, collapsed killing 46

people. Some believe the Mothman

either caused the collapse or was an

omen of the tragedy.

The Mothman Cometh. Again

Since the sightings of the Mothman

in the 1960s, whatever it was either

went dormant or back to its home

planet. That is until recently. As if the

Windy City didn't have enough

strange activity and ghostly

phenomena, a creature similar to

Mothman has been seen flying over

the city. And just like Mothman and

the winged woman, this creature is

the stuff of nightmares.

Sightings of the Chicago Mothman

began in 2011. People in the city

reported a bizarre bat-winged being

with the body of a human with red

glowing eyes filled with malevolence.

So far, there have been 55 reported

sightings of the Chicago Mothman,

with many more that have probably

gone unreported by people afraid of

being called insane. We are going to

explore a handful of the more

dramatic encounters.

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Terror In The Mirror.

The first known close encounter with

the Chicago Mothman happened in

late September of 2011. Two

roommates in a five story apartment

had the first of many encounters.

One of the women was waiting in the

living room as her friend continued

getting ready for a night out.

Suddenly, the woman in the living

room was startled when her friend

let out an ear piercing shriek. The

world was about to take a very weird

turn for these two women.

When she rushed into the bedroom,

she found her friend crying and

shaking with absolute fear. After a

few minutes of consoling her, her

friend told her what scared her.

While she was getting dressed, she

turned towards the mirror and saw a

giant black shadow with wings and

eyes that glowed an unearthly

orange, hovering outside their 3rd

floor apartment. When she screamed

it must have startled the beast

because it flew away.

Campus Ghoul

A month later in October, 4-5 people

in a park near the University of

Illinois at Chicago, reported a man

with wings hovering 10-15 feet over

their heads. The bizarre entity flew

away a few moments after being

seen. The eyewitnesses described it

as being 6-8 feet tall with large black

wings and eyes that burned a

brilliant red.

Lake Michigan Sighting

Whatever the creature is, it appears

to be attracted to water as it was

seen several times flying over Lake


On a nice quiet evening in April

2017, a group of friends were

enjoying a night sail on the lake

when the unexpected occurred. Their

attention was drawn to a human

shaped being hovering over their

boat. The thing seemed to be

watching them. One of the people on

the boat said it hovered silently, held

aloft by giant black wings and it's

Legends Magazine – Another Sutherland Production

eyes glowed a dark amber. The same

woman further claimed she saw a

UFO a few days prior to seeing the



Chicago has a large Mexican

American population that brought

their rich cultural heritage and

legends to Chicago. One night, a

Mexican family was outside their

building when they saw a giant

creature fly overhead.

One of the eyewitnesses, said the

entity reminded him of a fearsome

creature from Mexican folklore

called, Lechuza, a giant bird that ate

people. When the children began to

scream and cry, the winged entity

flew off in the direction of North

Avenue and vanished.

As 2017 came to a close reports of

seeing the unusual flying entity

became less and less. There was an

occasional report but they turned out

to be unsubstantiated. Nevertheless,

there has been a recent encounter at

Chicago's O'Hare airport that

terrified an airport employee. Many

fear with this recent sighting the

nightmare may be making a


On the night of November 26, 2019 a

truck driver was picking up a load of

cargo when he caught a glimpse of

something that should not exist in

our world.

Later when he spoke to researchers,

he said that an unusually tall person,

8-10 feet, was standing outside the

fenced in area. He watched as the

entity spread out it's long arms and

furiously flapped the black, bat-like

wings that hung from it's arms.

He watched as it turned and

vanished into the night. The man

called the entity a demon, because

it's eyes glowed with the fires of hell

and it gave off a feeling of evil.

Something strange is still seen flying

over the tall buildings of Chicago and

the nearby suburbs. We, of course,

are left with the burning question,

what did these credible people see?

Legends E-Magazine


Skeptics have suggested the people

who saw this entity were seeing a

Sandhill Crane and not some winged

nightmare. However, if you're from

the Midwest, there is no mistaking a

Sandhill Crane as they are


If it is the mysterious creature that

haunted the people of Point Pleasant,

let's hope we don't have a similar

tragedy that killed 46 people


If you have a story to share or a comment please drop it off in Facebook Comments,

Private messenger or send to bsutherland@wi.rr.com

I just finished reading your book

"The Red-Haired Giants, Atlantis in

North America" and I loved it! The

research you did and included in the

book on the many, many ancient

mounds is overwhelmingly


I am fascinated by the concept of

such early origins stemming out

from Wisconsin. I have to say, I am

leaning in your direction with the

findings based on credible research.

Thank you so much for your work

Mary and for making this

information available to the public!

We are looking forward to more

adventures in Burlington and

beyond! We love you! Diana Palm

Legends Magazine – Another Sutherland Production

Edwin Charles Lowe wrote this about

my book Revelations -Truths Revealed

found at



What is real or truth and how do you

know what reality and truth are? Why

do believe some truths about the

nature of the universe and scoff at

assertions that seem contrary to what

you consider are the "truth"? For

example, there are many people who

believe that reported visits by angels

and even God or gods in the ancient

past were actually extraterrestrials, as

do I, while most people are either

dismissive or ridicule the very idea.

Mary Sutherland argues that modern

man is caught up in the 3D view of

reality focusing their reality based off

their five senses. However – the true

spectrum of reality encompasses both

that which we can see and measure as

well as that which we can neither see

nor measure. Our human senses

detect only about 5% of this spectrum,

while the other 95%…although very

real… is invisible to us. Our realities

are based on the perception of the

observer that come to us through our

senses which are respondent to signals

received and transmitted from the

brain. Just like a computer, the brain

needs to be programmed to accept and

process data. From birth, our brain is

programmed, both internally and

externally, as to what to believe and

how to respond to conditions based on

those beliefs.

External programming comes via many

ways, such as parents, teachers,

religion, peers, books, television, etc.

Similar to a computer, the brain filters

incoming data, accepting what it has

been programmed to accept and

booting out the rest of the incoming

data. The ‘accepted’ truths become

your reality and all other information

usually goes unconsidered or may

even cause discomfort or even anger

and worse yet holy wars, jihads, and

World Wars!

The author indicates that one solution

is to actively seek and consider

different ideas, concepts, and even

paradigms! Challenge your views and

beliefs by actively seeking those of

others. This does not mean to say

reboot your brain, or discard all your

personal truths, as if such a notion is

possible. But it does mean you should

read and study others truths!! Reading

books like this and active consideration

beats streaming on a bomb vest or

grabbing your gun!!!!

Legends E-Magazine


Something New

Thank you for reading and

following Legends Magazine.

You may have noticed that our

book reviews and

recommendations were not found

in this section of the magazine.

To promote and expose our

wonderful authors and their books,

we have extended the magazine to

its own website that corresponds

with the magazine. Here we can

display more books for your

reading entertainment and


We hope you like it and please

help support our authors by

purchasing their books.



Thank you.

Mary Sutherland


Thank you for supporting our work www.burlingtonnews.net/Legends.html


Our good friend, author and

researcher Heidi Hollis will now be

part of our writing staff for LEGENDS

MAGAZINE. We will all look forward

to her wonderful stories and her

learning experiences . Thank you

Heidi! I am very proud of the team we

are putting together for LEGENDS.

Follow Heidi at


Jeff Brigham has also agreed to join

our staff and will be focusing on his

paranormal research and collection of

stories he has learned of through his

work. Learn more about Jeff on his

facebook site



Our Entertainment Guide Columnist,

Andrea Dexter, will be writing on a

variety of subjects until this pandemic

is over. This coming article is on the

magic of herbs.

Follow Andrea at https://www.facebook.com/Piedpiperrats

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To catch up on archived series click

on files and open up the pdfs . I think

the addy is





Special Thank You to our Staff

Writers that help make this

magazine possible.