LEGEND For Statements Mark A if TRUE and B if False. 103...For Statements Mark A if TRUE and B if...

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Biology 103– Nutrition

Example QZM 3 2017-07-11





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Page 1 of 15 Bio 103 Qzm 3 Practice Ch 10 - 12 Q 170711.1

LEGEND For Statements Mark A if TRUE and B if False. Nutrition & You, 4e (Blake) Chapter 10 Weight Management and Energy Balance 1) According to BMI, a woman who is 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs 175 pounds is considered to be A) of normal weight. B) overweight. C) obese. D) underweight. 2) Which of the following conditions is not related to being overweight? A) certain types of cancer B) allergic reactions C) type 2 diabetes D) osteoarthritis 3) One of the easiest ways to assess whether you are at a healthy weight is to A) compare yourself to your friends. B) weigh yourself. C) look in the mirror. D) calculate your BMI. 4) A man who has a BMI of 20 is considered to be A) overweight. B) underweight. C) at a healthy weight. D) obese. 5) Which of the following BMI values is considered to represent a healthy weight? A) 18.4 and under B) between 18.5 and 24.9 C) between 18.5 and 39.9 D) between 20 and 39.9 8) The fat that is stored in the abdominal region is classified as A) subcutaneous fat. B) visceral fat. C) central fat. D) gynoid fat.

Biology 103– Nutrition

Example QZM 3 2017-07-11





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MTWTh 10:30 – 12:35 PM


Page 2 of 15 Bio 103 Qzm 3 Practice Ch 10 - 12 Q 170711.1

9) About 60 percent of an individual's daily energy needs is determined by A) the amount of physical activity. B) the thermic effect of food. C) the individual's basal metabolic rate. D) both the amount of physical activity and the thermic effect of food. 10) The factor that most affects an individual's BMR is the A) number of calories consumed. B) degree of physical activity. C) individual's lean body mass. D) number of hours slept each night. 11) Which of the following factors can lower an individual's basal metabolic rate? A) epinephrine release during stress B) large body size C) caffeine or nicotine intake D) starvation 13) Which of the following hormones is produced in fat tissue and helps regulate body fat by signaling the brain to reduce food intake? A) ghrelin B) leptin C) thyroid hormone D) cholecystokinin 15) Which of the following statements correctly describes a factor that contributes to the growing obesity epidemic? [Mark al that apply.] A) People have become less physically active. B) Portion sizes have become too large. C) People now consume too many ready-to-eat foods prepared outside the home. D) None of the answers are correct. 16) Which of the following procedures is cosmetic and not a way to lose weight? A) gastric banding B) liposuction C) gastric bypass surgery D) treatment with sibutramine 17) Which of the following statements regarding dieting and/or weight-loss diets is incorrect? A) Consuming modest portions of any food is beneficial. B) Such diets are designed to reduce caloric intake. C) Carbohydrates are the main cause for weight gain. D) Americans spend more than $60 billion annually on weight-loss programs. 18) Weight loss resulting from a low-carbohydrate diet is primarily due to A) water loss. B) fat loss. C) protein loss. D) None of the answers is correct.

Biology 103– Nutrition

Example QZM 3 2017-07-11





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21) Which of the following substances that increase satiety has the most dramatic effect? A) protein B) artificial sweeteners C) vitamins D) sugar 22) Which of the following nutritious foods is the most energy dense? A) 1 oz cooked chicken breast B) 1 cup of granola C) 1 cup of mashed potatoes D) 1 tbsp of real mayonnaise 23) What is the energy content of unsaturated fats? A) 4 calories per gram B) 7 calories per gram C) 9 calories per gram D) 11 calories per gram 24) An individual who walks about 10,000 steps daily walks about how far each day? A) 1 mile B) 3 miles C) 5 miles D) 7 miles 25) Which of the following activities expends the most calories per hour? A) walking at 3.5 miles per hour B) bicycling at less than 10 miles per hour C) swimming slow freestyle laps D) stretching 28) Binge eating disorder involves A) recurrent episodes of bingeing without purging. B) side effects such as scar tissue on the knuckles. C) abuse of laxatives. D) abuse of diet pills. 29) Which of the following types of surgery involves stapling the majority of the stomach shut? A) liposuction B) gastric banding C) gastric bypass surgery D) hernia surgery 30) Which of the following statements describes the likely cause of suppressed appetite after gastric bypass surgery? A) The loss of stomach area results in the production of lower levels of ghrelin. B) Bypassing the small intestine results in higher levels of leptin secretion. C) The stomach produces lower levels of intrinsic factor. D) The surgery renders foods unpalatable.

Biology 103– Nutrition

Example QZM 3 2017-07-11





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32) Which of the following hormones signals the brain to decrease in food intake? A) ghrelin B) thyroid hormone C) leptin D) cholecystokinin 33) Which of the following hormones affects basal metabolic rate? A) ghrelin B) thyroid hormone C) leptin D) cholecystokinin 34) Which of the following terms describes the sensation of having had enough to eat? A) satiety B) anxiety C) hunger D) scarcity 39) Which of the following surgeries reduces the functional volume of the stomach? A) gastric banding B) liposuction C) colectomy D) gastric bypass surgery 40) Which of the following surgeries involves the removal of subcutaneous fat? A) gastric bypass B) liposuction C) gastric banding D) valvuloplasty 42) Individuals who undergo gastric bypass surgery can experience nutrient deficiencies due to reduced absorption of nutrients. 45) Overweight individuals weigh 10 to 15 pounds more than their healthy weights. 49) The basal metabolism rate (BMR) decreases about 1 to 2 percent per decade for adults. 52) A person in negative energy balance can expect to lose weight. 56) Cholecystokinin is a hormone released when the stomach is distended.

Biology 103– Nutrition

Example QZM 3 2017-07-11





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60) An environment characterized by cheap and easily obtainable food may be one of the biggest culprits in the current obesity epidemic. 62) The fiber in vegetables contributes to their bulk and their ability to prolong satiety. 63) Techniques that focus on changing the eating patterns that contribute to weight gain or impede weight loss are referred to as behavior modification techniques. 65) To be absorbed, vitamin B12 needs extrinsic factor from the stomach, which is missing after gastric

bypass surgery. 66) A person needs an energy deficit of approximately 3,500 calories over time to lose one pound of fat. 69) Self-starvation and excessive weight loss characterize the eating disorder called anorexia nervosa. 70) The difference between the numbers of calories needed to maintain weight before and after weight loss is known as the energy gap. 71) Body mass index (BMI) is a calculation of your weight in relationship to your age. Answer: FALSE 72) The basal metabolism rate (BMR) is the amount of energy the body expends to meet its basic physiological needs. 75) Deciding to begin eating breakfast and to skip a snack before lunch is an example of behavior modification. 77) Rapid weight loss during the first week of low-carbohydrate dieting is due to the loss of water and stored glycogen.

Biology 103– Nutrition

Example QZM 3 2017-07-11





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Page 6 of 15 Bio 103 Qzm 3 Practice Ch 10 - 12 Q 170711.1

Nutrition & You, 4e (Blake) Chapter 11 Nutrition and Fitness 2) For which of the following diseases is the risk generally not reduced by physical activity? A) some cancers B) heart disease C) type 2 diabetes D) pancreatitis 3) An activity is considered aerobic if it A) is performed under water. B) uses oxygen. C) is performed in the gym. D) involves heavy weights. 5) The benefits of physical activity include all of the following except A) the reduced risk of certain chronic diseases. B) more restful sleep. C) improved immune function. D) decreased HDL levels. 6) To increase muscle strength, you should perform a ________ number of repetitions using ________ weights. A) low; heavy B) high; light C) low; light D) high; heavy 7) The best way to improve flexibility is to A) lift light weights. B) stretch. C) run. D) lift heavy weights. 8) The best way to maintain body weight is to participate in approximately ________ minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity activity on ________ days of the week while not consuming excess calories. A) 20; 3 B) 40; 4 C) 60; most D) 30; 7 9) Conditioning or the training of muscles A) decreases their ability to store glycogen. B) increases their ability to store glycogen. C) decreases their ability to store fat. D) increases their ability to store lactate.

Biology 103– Nutrition

Example QZM 3 2017-07-11





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Summer 2017

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10) Endurance athletes are advised to consume ________ grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. A) 0.8 to 1.0 B) 1.2 to 1.4 C) 1.6 to 1.8 D) 2.0 to 2.2 11) Which of the following pairs of nutrients contribute most of the energy needed for physical activity? A) fat and carbohydrate B) protein and fat C) carbohydrate and vitamins D) vitamins and protein 12) Once muscles and the liver have stored all the glycogen possible, any excess glucose will be stored in the form of A) protein. B) fat. C) insulin. D) starch. 13) In which of the following sites does the body store glycogen? A) liver and pancreas B) gallbladder and appendix C) brain and stomach D) liver and muscles 14) The main energy source during exercise of low to moderate intensity is A) fat. B) protein. C) glucose. D) ADP. 16) A training strategy that some athletes use to build up muscle glycogen stores is known as A) fat loading. B) protein loading. C) creatine loading. D) carbohydrate loading.

Biology 103– Nutrition

Example QZM 3 2017-07-11





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Summer 2017

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MTWTh 10:30 – 12:35 PM


Page 8 of 15 Bio 103 Qzm 3 Practice Ch 10 - 12 Q 170711.1

18) The main nutrients needed to promote muscle growth and recovery are A) triglycerides from fat. B) amino acids from proteins. C) glucose molecules from larger carbohydrates. D) vitamins. 19) Which of the following types of foods should generally be avoided several hours before exercise? A) high-protein foods B) high-carbohydrate foods C) high-fat foods D) high-water foods 20) Why is whey protein the preferred protein source to consume after exercise? A) It tastes good and is satisfying. B) It is found in vegetables and is healthful. C) It is rapidly absorbed and contains all the essential amino acids. D) It is sold in health food stores and comes in many forms. 22) Which of the following individuals is especially susceptible to iron deficiency? A) Joe, a 45-year-old who runs 5 miles per week B) Mary, a 55-year-old recreational biker C) Cindy, a 35-year-old vegetarian who has heavy periods D) Fred, a 40-year-old who lifts weights every other day 24) In the body, calcium plays a role in which of the following functions? A) blood clotting B) muscle contraction C) hormone activity D) All of the answers are correct.

Biology 103– Nutrition

Example QZM 3 2017-07-11





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Summer 2017

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MTWTh 10:30 – 12:35 PM


Page 9 of 15 Bio 103 Qzm 3 Practice Ch 10 - 12 Q 170711.1

25) The weight that is lost during any single exercise session is due mainly to A) water loss. B) fat loss. C) loss of muscle density. D) loss of vitamins and minerals. 26) Which of the following substances are common ingredients in sports drinks? A) vitamin C and potassium B) sodium and potassium C) zinc and chloride D) iron and magnesium 27) Which of the following statements about sports drinks is incorrect? A) They promote dental health. B) They contain about 60 calories per cup. C) They are most appropriate when physical activity lasts longer than 60 minutes. D) They promote rehydration better than water primarily because they taste good. 31) Which of the following substances is a central nervous system stimulant? A) caffeine B) creatine C) growth hormone D) erythropoietin 33) Which of the following substances is produced by the pituitary gland? A) erythropoietin B) creatine C) caffeine D) growth hormone 37) Which of the following statements is the correct definition of muscle endurance? A) It is the ability to produce force for a brief period of time. B) It is the ability of a joint to move freely through a full range of motion. C) It is the ability to sustain prolonged exercise. D) It is the ability to exert force over a long period of time without fatigue. 38) Which of the following statements is the correct definition of flexibility? A) It is the proportion of fat, protein, and water in a muscle. B) It is the ability to produce force for a brief period of time. C) It is the range of motion around a joint. D) It is the ability to sustain prolonged exercise. 39) Which of the following statements is the correct definition of cardiorespiratory endurance? A) It is the ability to produce force for a brief period of time. B) It is the ability of a joint to move freely through a full range of motion. C) It is the ability to do activities such as running and cycling for an extended length of time. D) It is the ability to exert force over a long period of time.

Biology 103– Nutrition

Example QZM 3 2017-07-11





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Summer 2017

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MTWTh 10:30 – 12:35 PM


Page 10 of 15 Bio 103 Qzm 3 Practice Ch 10 - 12 Q 170711.1

40) Which of the following statements is the correct definition of body composition? A) It is the ability to keep the body composed during strenuous exercise. B) It is the ability to change the proportions of protein and carbohydrates in the body. C) It is the proportion of fat, muscle, and water in the body. D) It is the proportion of protein and minerals in muscle tissue. 43) Timing the foods you eat around exercise has a significant impact on energy levels and recovery time. 45) In developing a physical fitness program, it is very important to ensure that the activities you choose are enjoyable. 47) During the first few minutes of exercise, energy production occurs under anaerobic conditions. 50) For people who consume enough vitamins and minerals in their diet, taking more than the RDA will not result in improved performance during exercise. 52) Muscles that are well trained burn more fat than muscles that are not as well trained. 55) A pre-exercise meal should contain 1 to 4.5 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight. 57) A sign of heat stroke is skin that is red, hot, and dry (no sweating). 60) Caffeine is banned by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) when it is consumed in sufficiently high amounts. 63) A diet and training strategy that maximizes glycogen stores in the body before an endurance event is carbohydrate loading. 64) Consuming too much water without sufficient electrolytes can result in hyponatremia. 66) The RDA for protein for most healthy adults is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. 71) An electrolyte imbalance can cause heat cramps, as well as nausea and edema in the hands and feet. 72) One purpose of sports drinks is to replace fluid and electrolytes that are lost through sweating. 78) The nutrients that are most important for promoting muscle growth and recovery after physical activity are amino acids obtained from protein. 80) Yoga is a form of exercise that involves both static and dynamic stretching and can significantly improve flexibility.

Biology 103– Nutrition

Example QZM 3 2017-07-11





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Summer 2017

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MTWTh 10:30 – 12:35 PM


Page 11 of 15 Bio 103 Qzm 3 Practice Ch 10 - 12 Q 170711.1

Nutrition & You, 4e (Blake) Chapter 12 Consumerism and Sustainability: Food from Farm to Table 1) A growing trend in food advertising is to A) make the product very cheap. B) market heavily to young adults. C) package the product in bright colors. D) target older adults. 2) Over the past few decades, the number of farms in the United States has A) increased. B) decreased. C) remained the same. D) not been monitored. 3) Which of the following factors is a challenge faced by present-day farmers? A) competition with other farmers B) consumers' demands for low food prices C) the high costs of farming D) All of the answers are correct. 4) Precision agriculture involves A) cultivating the land at precisely the same time each year. B) knowing the precise boundaries of every farm. C) using new technologies to farm more efficiently. D) None of the answers is correct. 5) The largest agricultural crop produced in the United States is A) corn. B) soybeans. C) sugarcane. D) wheat. 6) What percentage of the average American's income is spent on what he or she eats today? A) less than 5 percent B) less than 10 percent C) 20 percent D) over 25 percent 8) What percentage of the world's soybean production occurs in the United States? A) 10 percent B) 25 percent C) 50 percent D) 80 percent 9) More than 70 percent of the ________ grown in the United States is used to make food products for human consumption. A) wheat B) corn C) soybeans D) rice

Biology 103– Nutrition

Example QZM 3 2017-07-11





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10) Which of the following states does not have a high concentration of beef farms? A) Montana B) Texas C) Oklahoma D) Missouri 11) The "Americanization" of many food cultures around the world is the cause of a growing problem with A) infections. B) arthritis. C) obesity. D) asthma. 13) Of the following food products and beverages consumed in the United States, which is imported in the greatest volume? A) wine and beer B) fish and shellfish C) fruits and nuts D) sweeteners and candy 15) Which of the following agricultural inputs (or their by-products) can affect the environment? A) pesticides B) antibiotics C) manure D) Virtually all the inputs used and formed during food production and processing affect the environment in some way. 16) Cows are injected with recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) so that A) they can produce more milk. B) they become more fertile. C) the milk they produce is more nutritious. D) they are more resistant to disease. 17) Cows are injected with hormones in order to A) increase weight gain. B) increase milk production. C) increase meat production. D) All of the answers are correct. 18) A sustainable food system is one that is A) equitable socially. B) environmentally friendly. C) economically viable. D) All of the answers are correct. 19) The time it takes to regenerate one inch of nutrient-rich topsoil is approximately A) one year. B) 50 years. C) 100 years. D) 500 years.

Biology 103– Nutrition

Example QZM 3 2017-07-11





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20) Which of the following phrases describes an immediate result of a reduction in biodiversity? A) global warming B) reduced variety and nutritional quality of the human diet C) restricted food production D) None of the answers is correct. 24) ________ is the application of biological techniques to living cells to alter their genetic makeup. A) Biocytology B) Biotechnology C) Biochemistry D) Biotoxicology 25) Which of the following characteristics is not a result of the production of bioengineered crops? A) added nutritional value B) increased tolerance to herbicides C) increased resistance to diseases and pests D) increased resistance to rain storms 30) A food can display the USDA Organic seal or be labeled "organic" if ________ of its ingredients are organic. A) 75 percent B) 85 percent C) 95 percent D) 100 percent 31) If a food label says "100% Organic," then A) the USDA Organic seal may be displayed. B) the food must be composed entirely of organic ingredients. C) the food cannot contain sulfites and must declare the certifying agent. D) All of the answers are correct. 33) If no organic claim is made on a food label, then the food A) contains at least 70 percent organic ingredients. B) is composed entirely of organic ingredients. C) contains at least 95 percent organic ingredients. D) contains less than 70 percent organic ingredients. 34) If a food label says "Organic" and/or displays the USDA Organic seal, then the food A) contains at least 70 percent organic ingredients. B) is composed entirely of organic ingredients. C) contains at least 95 percent organic ingredients. D) contains less than 70 percent organic ingredients. 35) Foods labeled "Free Range" require producers to demonstrate that the animal was allowed access to the outdoors A) for a minimum of 2 hours each day. B) at least once a week. C) for at least 5 hours each day. D) No specific time period to have access to the outdoors is specified.

Biology 103– Nutrition

Example QZM 3 2017-07-11





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Summer 2017

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MTWTh 10:30 – 12:35 PM


Page 14 of 15 Bio 103 Qzm 3 Practice Ch 10 - 12 Q 170711.1

36) Chemicals used to kill mold are called A) fungicides. B) herbicides. C) organophosphates. D) antibiotics. 37) Synthetic pesticides that adversely affect the nervous system of pests are called A) fungicides. B) herbicides. C) organophosphates. D) antibiotics. 38) Drugs that kill or slow the growth of bacteria are called A) fungicides. B) herbicides. C) organophosphates. D) antibiotics. 39) Substances or a combination of substances that control the spread of bacteria and viruses on non-living surfaces or objects are called A) herbicides. B) organophosphates. C) antibiotics. D) antimicrobials. 40) Substances used to kill and control weeds are called A) herbicides. B) organophosphates. C) antibiotics. D) antimicrobials. 42) Family-owned farms make up more than 97 percent of all farms in the United States. 43) More than 75 percent of American farms generate gross revenues of less than $50,000 per year. 45) Fewer than one million American farmers are producing food to feed the country's 300+ million people. 46) In the United States, livestock consumes more than half of the staple crops grown. 48) Pigs tend to be raised indoors to protect them from the effects of weather and disease. 50) Imported foods present an increased risk of contamination as compared to domestic products. 52) Antibiotics can be introduced into the food supply in animal feed or via injection into food-producing animals. 53) Topsoil and the plants that grow in it depend on each other and benefit from each other. 54) Animals that consume low-dose antibiotics in their feed gain more weight than those consuming antibiotic-free food.

Biology 103– Nutrition

Example QZM 3 2017-07-11





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Summer 2017

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NVC 2210 and LAB TBD

MTWTh 10:30 – 12:35 PM


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55) Chronic use of antibiotics can increase the risk of development of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. 56) Herbicides are a type of pesticide. 59) The federal government is the nation's biggest food consumer. 60) Organically grown food is free from all pesticides. 61) The two commodity crops that are most widely grown in the United States are corn and soybeans. 62) The industry associated with the production, processing, and distribution of agricultural products, including food, is termed agribusiness. 64) Most of the corn harvested in the United States is used to feed livestock, not humans. 67) The use of hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides in farming may impact the environment. 69) The presence of a wide variety of plant and animal species within a given environment is called biodiversity. 71) Americans eat more poultry products than either beef or pork. 73) Biopesticides are less toxic than chemical pesticides, generally affect only a targeted pest, and decompose relatively quickly. 74) The synthetic pesticides referred to as organophosphates destroy pests by attacking their nervous system. 81) Two medically important by-products of pork are insulin (used for managing diabetes) and heart valves (used in heart surgery in humans).