Lee Wilson - The Very Access of Democracy - Thesis Final

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  • 7/29/2019 Lee Wilson - The Very Access of Democracy - Thesis Final


    The Very Access of Democracy:

    The Internet, Blogs, and On-line Repertoires of Contention


    Lee R. Wilson

    A masters thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in Political Science in partial

    fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, The City University of

    New York


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    Approval Page

    This manuscript has been read and accepted for the Graduate Faculty in Political Science

    in satisfaction of the requirement for the degree of Master of Arts.

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    Executive Officer Date



  • 7/29/2019 Lee Wilson - The Very Access of Democracy - Thesis Final



    This project would be incomplete without thanking those who helped make it possible.

    The professors at the City University of New York Graduate Center have been a

    wonderful source of guidance and encouragement. My thesis adviser, Dr. John Krinsky,

    has offered many helpful suggestions regarding the researching and writing of this

    master's thesis. My classmates, Chris Agee and Ben Epstein, were also generous with

    their sources and strategies for approaching this subject.


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    Table of Contents

    The Very Access of Democracy..........................................................................................1Appendix A........................................................................................................................43Works Cited.......................................................................................................................51


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    The Very Access of Democracy

    In this paper I follow the work of scholars who have discussed the impact of the

    Internet on contentious politics, with the intent of describing an "On-line Repertoire of

    Contention". Charles Tilly, godfather of contentious politics, defined a repertoire of

    contention as arrays of contentious performances that are currently known and available

    within some set of political actors (Tarrow and Tilly 3). Performances are relatively

    familiar and standardized ways in which one set of political actors makes claims on

    another set of political actors (Tarrow and Tilly 5). In 2001, Sasha Costanza-Chock

    expanded the lexicon by describing a Repertoire of Electronic Contention, and in 2005

    Brett Rolfe discussed an Electronic Repertoire of Contention. I have gone a step further

    in defining contentious activity on the Internet; I intend to separate "Electronic" forms,

    which can encompass any form of information technology, from those exclusively on the

    Internet, what I will call an On-line Repertoire of Contention. This new phraseology

    should clarify what is being discussed and is a more accurate term to use going forward.

    Studies of the Internet's effect on repertoires of contention are complicated by two

    factors. First, the relative newness of the medium and the resulting dearth of scholarly

    work on the subject; second, the rapid and on-going change in both Internet technology

    and availability renders some conclusions, amidst otherwise meaningful scholarship,

    quaint. Myers' work, discussed below, is an excellent example of this. Published in 2001

    and its solid theoretical base notwithstanding, its examples of Internet activism are

    primitive by todays standards. Daniel Drezner and Henry Farrell also provide valuable

    information regarding the influence of political blogs. But like other theorists, (Bloom;

    Myers) Drezner and Farrell's expectations for the future of the medium are tempered by


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    the fact that at the time they were writing only 4% of Americans reported using blogs as

    sources of political information. That number would increase dramatically in just a short

    time, altering the political potential of the medium. Whatever its drawbacks, the body of

    scholarship on Internet activism agrees on one point: the Internet has had a significant

    impact on our society. The relations between individuals and each other, individuals and

    institutions, individuals and the government, between organizations and the government,

    etc. have all been affected. Discerning exactly what this impact has been has proven to be

    more elusive.

    It is my hope that this paper will overcome some of these obstacles and that its

    conclusions will not be rendered obsolete so quickly. Perhaps I will fare no better than

    any of my predecessors, but it is clear that the Internet as we know it in 2008 is vastly

    different than the Internet of 2001. I cannot even take solace in Randy Stoeckers words

    that by the time I am proven wrong no one will remember what I have said anyway (2).

    Websites like Archive.org take regular pictures of websites and storing them since 1996.

    How has the Internet, and blogs in particular, impacted repertoires of contention?

    Does the Internet only serve as a magnifier of existing acts of contention, or has it

    allowed activists to add new capabilities to their repertoire? To answer these questions I

    will look at several examples of claim-making when the Internet was the primary

    medium used to express the claim. I hope to determine: 1) Has the Internet in general

    and blogging specifically resulted in new forms of contention among activists; if so 2)

    What are these new methods of contention; and 3) How should we judge their success?



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    Before I begin, it will be valuable to briefly describe the theory of contentious

    repertoires in more detail. According to Charles Tilly,

    The word repertoire identifies a limited set of routines that are learned,

    shared, and acted out through a relatively deliberate process of choice.

    Repertoires are learned cultural creations, but they do not descend from

    abstract philosophy or take shape as a result of political propaganda; they

    emerge from struggle. People learn to break windows in protest, attack

    pilloried prisoners, tear down dishonored houses, stage public marches,

    petition, hold formal meetings, organize special-interest associations. At

    any particular point in history however, they only learn a rather small

    number or alternative ways to act collectively (Tilly 2005: 26).

    The learning of protest actions is not limited to the aggrieved protesters. Both potential

    allies and opponents have also learned a somewhat limited set of acts, which constrain

    the choices for, and responses to, collective action. The means of contention influences

    societal relationships such as "police practices, laws of assembly, rules of association,

    routines for informal gatherings, ways of displaying symbols of affiliation, opposition or

    protest, means of reporting news, and so on." Tilly uses the analogy of improvisational

    jazz music, or spontaneous skits by a troupe of actors to describe his idea of a repertoire

    of contention (Tilly 2005: 27). Elsewhere he describes the repertoire of contention as a

    paradoxical combination of ritual and flexibility - "People learn a limited set of

    collective action techniques and they tailor to the immediate situation and to the

    responses of other parties, e.g. antagonists, authorities, allies, observers, objects of their

    action, and other people somehow involved in the struggle" (Tilly 1987: 33, 37). Perhaps


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    the most important aspect of repertoires of contention to keep in mind is that they do not

    describe single acts, Tilly emphasizes that the repertoire is one of "interaction" (emphasis

    in original) between actors. To extend the theatrical metaphor, a repertoire of contention

    is (at least) a dialogue, not a monologue. "Repertoires of contention are the established

    ways in which pairs of actors make and receive claims bearing on each other's interests"

    (Tilly 2005: 27).

    There is ongoing innovation within the learned repertoires of contention, but it

    occurs at the fringe of the repertoire; rarely is there a sea change in repertoires which

    completely change the old arrangements. The innovations that fail, (most) disappear,

    while the innovations that succeed tend to get adopted by others until they become

    institutionalized as a part of the repertoire. Once an innovation has become

    institutionalized all parties must adapt to that new tactic (Tilly 2005: 27-28).

    Additionally, the institutionalization of, and reaction to, innovations in repertoires usually

    takes place over a considerable amount of time; typically measured in decades or

    generations. But Tilly believes that it is possible to identify a "hinge" moment - usually a

    watershed event when an old style is rapidly replaced by its successor (Traugott 46).

    Could the Internet be that hinge?

    On-Line Repertoires

    Having reviewed the theory behind what a repertoire of contention is, we can now

    ask how they made their way on-line. Different observers cite different examples, but

    Stoeckers 1989 account of the Internets role in the Tienanmen Square occupation

    appears to be the earliest. The Chinese government had been strictly censoring

    information from activists, but e-mail was so new that the government was not able to


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    prevent them from coming and going. Activists used e-mail to inform the outside world

    of their actions, and those outside of China used e-mail to relay reactions from around the

    world to the activists. Information about the government's reaction provided tactical

    information, as well as the knowledge that people around the world supported them, was

    key to keeping the movement going (Stoecker 5). Since then, there have been a plethora

    of accounts of groups using the Internet, e-mails, discussion boards, and various other

    forums as a means of quickly and cheaply organizing and focusing collective action. Oft

    cited among the early days of Internet activism are actions supporting the EZLN in

    Chiapas, Mexico and the Battle in Seattle WTO protests in 1999 (Costanza-Chock; Jha

    Nambiar; Myers; Stoecker). Costanza-Chock contends that Internet based contention may

    have been an inevitable result of the change in relationships caused by the mass

    movement of commercial activity from storefront, brick-and-mortar businesses, to

    Internet based businesses. As both capital and commerce move to a virtualized realm it

    opens up opportunities for groups to move their contentious actions to the virtual sphere

    as well. Actions against physical sites may no longer be effective and in some cases may

    have adverse effects, portraying activists as vandals, for example (16). As much as

    activists tout the Internet as a means by which they can contest corporate and

    governmental power, it may only be an arena of contention because those with power

    first moved there. This sets up a strange dance between powerful groups and activists.

    Both rely on the Internet to carry out their work, be it commerce or contention. The

    opportunity for doing business on-line has resulted in another area where powerful

    groups are potentially vulnerable to attack. The ability to use the Internet to make claims

    on powerful groups has given activists another but there is also the danger that activists


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    become too reliant on the Internet. The technology and hardware that allow the Internet

    to function are largely controlled by powerful groups, be they corporations or

    government agencies. This control is the ultimate, if drastic, trump card to any form of

    online contention.

    Underlying all of these examples is the incredible growth the Internet has seen in

    such a short time. The most recent report from the PEW Research Center stated that 24%

    of Americans were regularly using the Internet to get information about the 2008

    presidential campaigns. This is more than the number who stated they get news from

    morning talk shows, radio talk shows, or cable television and represents a significant

    incursion by a relatively new form of media into areas long dominated by the

    traditional media (PEW 2008). Though it is not the same as the Internet at large, there

    has been a significant increase in the amount of people getting information specifically

    from political blogs. When Drezner and Farrell were writing in 2004 only 4% of

    Americans reported using blogs as a source of political information (3). In March, 2008 a

    Reuters news item reported that 22% of Americans read political blogs at least several

    times a month. It also reported that an additional 23% read blogs occasionally, that is,

    several times a year, and 56% reported not reading political blogs at all (Reuters).

    These statistics are significant in light of recent research which showed that those

    who got their news from the Internet were more likely to have engaged in political

    discussion about the Iraq war in both online and face-to-face situations (Nah et al). In

    the early days of the Internet, the ability of online communication to translate into face-

    to-face communication was viewed with some skepticism and critics have often called

    cyber-based relationships into question. They can't possibly be as firm or significant as


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    relationships cultivated through face-to-face communication can they? In fact, they may

    not be - and that may be the key to the success of the Internet. Drawing on the work of

    scholars such as Mark Granovetter, Stoecker asserts that the "weak ties" formed through

    Internet organizing are precisely the kind necessary to build networks and are the basis

    for recruitment (Stoecker 3-4). Compared with other mediums the Internet was the most

    successful at promoting discussion in various forums. Newspaper use was positively

    correlated only with face-to-face discussion and television news had no impact on types

    of discussion viewers subsequently engaged in. Both face-to-face and online political

    discussion correlated positively to the likelihood of an individual engaging in political

    participation about the impending war in Iraq. Consumption of television news was

    negatively associated with political participation (Nah et al 240). As I will discuss later,

    there is significant other evidence that Internet use is positively correlated to increased

    political participation.

    Those are only some accounts of how and why contentious actions moved on-

    line; I am sure that there are countless others. But the aim of this paper is not to

    determine when, how, or why contentious repertoires went on-line; it is to determine

    whether those repertoires changed in an online environment. Writing in 2001, Costanza-

    Chock describes the bulk of electronic contention being the amplification, and extension

    of traditional means of contention, (3) (it is likely, however, that this has changed with

    some innovative forms taking share away from adaptive forms.) R. Kelly Garrett

    describes the ability of activists to adapt existing tactics for use with Information

    Communication Technologies, including the Internet, and to innovate new forms -

    although there is a somewhat fuzzy boundary between the two (208). I will address each


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    of these categories as well as innovations in repertoires once they entered the on-line


    Adaptation, Amplification, Extension, and Innovation

    The first phase of the creation of an On-line Repertoire of Contention was the

    adaptation of existing forms for use on the Internet. In nearly perfect agreement with

    Tilly's theory of contentious repertoires, individuals turned toward familiar methods and

    played out familiar roles. Sit-ins, and the commandeering of buildings, were a popular

    and effective form of protest on college campuses during the civil rights movement of the

    1960's. So when a group of Harvard students decided to protest the universitys unfair

    labor practices in regards to their janitorial staff, they turned to a familiar performance:

    the sit-in and eventually, a virtual sit-in. Some of the first virtual sit-ins were carried out

    by the Electronic Disturbance Theater in 1998, most often in support of the Zapatista

    movement in Chiapas, Mexico (EDC). Costanza-Chock describes an incidence of a

    virtual sit-in that displays the adaptation of off-line tactics to an on-line arena, as well as

    the diffusion of tactics from one group to another.

    In early 2001, about 30 students from Harvard University's Progressive Student

    Labor Movement (PSLM) staged an old fashioned sit in. The university had been paying

    its janitorial employees below the legal rate. In protest, the students from the PSLM

    occupied University administrative offices in an attempt to force the University to

    comply with a City of Cambridge living wage ordinance that tied minimum salaries to a

    cost of living formula. A tent city was build in front of the occupied building. This was

    where rallies, music events, film screenings, and media visits originated and were

    managed. After three weeks it seemed that media attention had plateaued and the


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    group while still being situated in the framework of familiar performances. In addition,

    CWA became interested in incorporating virtual sit-in tactics into their own repertoire,

    displaying a diffusion of tactics from one group to another (10-12). This example is

    demonstrative of how and why certain tactics are adopted by a given group. [[Clemens

    org form as frame]] It is no accident that the relatively new tactic of DDOS attacks was

    attractive to the Communication Workers of America. The CWAs familiarity with

    technology likely contributed to a certain logic of appropriateness which influenced their

    decision to adopt the DDOS tactic. Additionally, framing the DDOS as a virtual sit-in

    calls to mind the grassroots movements of the 1960s making it an appropriate tactic for

    student activists to adopt on a university campus.

    Not all examples of On-line contention are so easily categorized. In addition to

    adapting existing repertoires to an on-line environment, existing repertoires have also

    undergone a process of amplification as they made their way online. It is one thing to

    name these processes of amplification, extension, and innovation, but it is far trickier to

    discern what they actually are. When an act is amplified, can the result not be called an

    innovation? Or, if the amplification takes place within an innovative medium, does the

    repertoire undergo extension, amplification, innovation, or all three? It is not necessarily

    true that a preexisting form of contention used on the Internet, whether through

    amplification, extension, or innovation, does not constitute a new means of contention.

    Indeed, McAdam et al. observe that in most cases innovative forms are not completely

    new, changes are more like "creative modifications or extensions of familiar routines"

    (49) and Garrett calls the act of adapting preexisting tactics for use online innovation in


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    and of itself (208). So we may have three terms which all describe the same thing: the

    changes that occur when contention transitions from off-line to on-line.

    Xxx reorganize

    Several uses of the Internet allow a campaign to hone its message and to save

    money. A campaign can use its supporters as a focus group, testing a video online before

    purchasing advertising time to put it on television. Or, if the campaign has an in-depth

    enough email list and blog presence, the video can generate enough attention online that

    no advertising purchase is necessary. During the 2004 presidential election the Swift Boat

    Veterans for Truth commercials were seen by more people online than on television. An

    America Coming Together, (ACT) video featuring Will Ferrell was downloaded 1

    million times and 30,000 viewers clicked through to enroll as ACT volunteers ("Internet

    and Campaign 2004" 4). But the Dean campaign did not have a monopoly on Internet

    fundraising. On several occasions the Kerry campaign sent out emails and tied a fund-

    raising goal and time deadline to an important or newsworthy event. The campaign was

    often successful at meeting these goals and deadlines thanks to repeat contributors

    (Garrett 210). More recently, the Barack Obama campaign has had remarkable success

    fund-raising from small donations. At the time this paper was written the most up to date

    numbers showed 1.5million contributors had raised nearly $270million with 45% of that

    coming in contributions of $200 or less (Open Secrets). Additionally, the ease of

    contribution may actually serve to create stronger and more active groups. Building on

    cognitive dissonance theory, the idea is that once someone has made a contribution he or

    she will have a sense of obligation and commitment to a movement, and thus will be


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    more easily mobilized to work for it (Garrett 206). Fund-raising is obviously not new, but

    the degree has changed dramatically. As with publishing, the fundamental act is the same,

    but through adaptation to the Internet it becomes an innovation. If you don't think so, try

    to achieve such high levels of funding so quickly through the mail.

    Perhaps the most significant impact of the Internet on repertoires of contention is

    its ability to quickly, cheaply, and effectively aggregate many small contributions for use

    by activists or an SMO. Coordination costs have historically outweighed the benefits of

    small contributions but new ICTs can be used to lower the associated overhead (Garrett

    203). It costs a campaign the same amount to raise $100 as it does to raise $100 million;

    the only investment is the software. Transactions are automatic and nearly instantaneous.

    Contributions as small as $1 or $2 are easily aggregated into the system. The ability of

    the Internet to pool and aggregate the contributions of many disparate contributors

    magnifies and amplifies preexisting forms of contention to the degree that they resemble

    something new. The Internet has allowed myriad organizations to organize, persuade,

    frame, fund-raise, coordinate actions, etc. more widely, more easily, more quickly, and

    more cheaply than ever before. These are familiar forms of contention, but the Internet

    amplifies and extends them in a manner not seen before. Fund-raising is the most obvious

    and most easily quantifiable example of this. Howard Dean was among the first to exploit

    this feature of the Internet. His campaign shocked political pundits and forecasters with

    higher than expected fund-raising numbers in 2004. Dean relied on thousands of

    supporters who could give modest amounts, usually less than $100, many times over

    when the campaign needed an infusion of cash, rather than seeking out the few donors

    who could give the maximum $2,300 contribution only once. John Kerry used this style


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    in conjunction with seeking out large contributors with some success. During the 2004

    Democratic Presidential primary, the Howard Dean campaign revolutionized the way the

    Internet is used in political campaigns. The Pew commentary points out five areas of

    innovation by the Dean campaign, led by Joe Trippi:

    1) News pegged fund-raising appeals: Traditionally, campaigns would seek to influence

    one of three motivating factors when asking for donations: access to decision makers, to

    please someone, or to get rid of a pest, and to advance shared policy goals. The Dean

    campaign, which was influenced by Moveon.org, showed a fourth way to motivate

    constituents to donate - by setting out short term goals which immediate donations can

    help the campaign attain. Often this took the form of asking supporters to help fund an

    advertisement or to stage an event that would attract coverage and/or rebut accusations by

    a rival. In July, 2003, for example, the Republican Party was holding a $2,000 per plate

    dinner where Dick Cheney would be present. The word went out to the "Deaniacs" to try

    to raise more money than the Republican event before it occurred. The Cheney event

    raised $250,000 from 125 guests. Within 23 hours the Dean campaign raised over

    $500,000 from 9,700 donors.

    2) Meet-ups and other net-organized gatherings: In 2003, the Dean campaign created a

    group on Meetup.com. The group eventually grew to several hundred thousand members

    who held monthly Meetups until January 2005.

    3) Blogging: The links and discussions among the hundreds of blogs posted on the Dean

    website were another locus for strategy debate and organizing action. The idea for out-

    raising the Cheney event originated on a blog. So did a vast letter writing campaign that

    resulted in 115,632 handwritten letters sent to voters in New Hampshire and Iowa. The


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    Dean Defense Forces blog pointed out and organized telephone calls to media outlets that

    published stories seen as unfair or inaccurate.

    4) Online referenda: The Dean campaign put its motto, "You have the power" to the test.

    When deciding whether or not to accept public financing for the campaign, it allowed its

    Internet users to make the decision for the campaign by voting. The response was

    overwhelming in favor of opting out and everyone voting "Yes" received a thank you

    email along with a request for donations.

    5) Decentralized decision-making: Aside from the previous four techniques the Dean

    campaign basically allowed local supporters to campaign as they saw fit. Many observers

    cite this lack of organization as a reason for the campaign's failure, but the new strategy

    of combining the coordinating efforts of an organization with the passion and energy of a

    movement could be a model for future campaigns ("The Internet and Campaign 2004" 2-



    Another form of innovation that blogs exercise lies in the ability to influence

    public opinion, and create political pressure through publicity (Garrett 207). By virtue of

    their speed of publication, blogs can frame events and media coverage. Drezner and

    Farrell emphasize the rapid response aspect of blogs:

    [blogs] have a first-mover advantage in socially constructing interpretive

    frames for understanding current events. As a result, political

    commentators will rely on blogs as sources of interpretive frames for

    political developments. Under a specific set of circumstances - when elite


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    blogs concentrate their attention on a breaking story or an under-reported

    story - the agenda-setting power of blogs may create focal points for

    general interest intermediaries. Blogs have a low cost of real-time

    publication. Immediately following an event of political consequence ...

    bloggers have the ability to post their immediate reactions before other

    forms of media can respond (Drezner and Farrell 2).

    In addition, it is the unique relationship between the media, the blogosphere, and the

    public that allows blogs to have this influence. Scholars have argued that the media can

    raise certain issues into the spotlight and create the interpretive frames that shape and

    constrain discussions of the issue and influence and limit public opinion. For especially

    complex issues, the media, whether consciously or unconsciously, constructs frames that

    eliminate complexity and nuance from the issue in order to make it easier for the public

    to understand. But if the mainstream media constructs the frames through which the

    public sees an issue it is possible for the blogosphere to act in the same manner towards

    the media. Drezner and Farrell expect that while media outlets frame breaking issues they

    will look to influential blogs for cutting-edge information, opinions, and reactions. If the

    blogs reach a consensus, the media can use the blogosphere as a measure of interest and

    opinion on the issue. Even if there is no consensus on an issue in the blogosphere it may

    generate enough discussion to signal to mainstream media that it is a subject that deserves

    attention. The media can be affected by the frames established on the blogosphere the

    same way the public is influenced by the frames portrayed in the mainstream media

    (Drezner and Farrell 17-18).


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    Of course, being the first to write about an event only matters if you are read.

    How can we be so sure that the right blogs will be read by the right people? Indeed,

    blogging has had overcome the derision leveled at it by critics in its early days. "The

    typical blog is written by a teenage girl who uses it twice a month to update her friends

    and classmates on happenings in her life (Drezner and Farrell 3, and Myers 8). At the

    time, 2004, blogging was a part-time, voluntary activity. The average blog did not

    generate any income for its owner. And an article in the New York Times stated, never

    have so many people written so much to be read by so few (Hafner). So what is behind

    the acceptance of blogs by members of the established media?

    First, it was the popularity of blogs. Drezner and Farrell tested media attention to

    blogs by using a Lexis-Nexis search to see how many articles mentioned the term

    "weblog". Between 1995 and 1999 there were only eleven mentions. There were 56 in

    2000, 128 in 2001, 272 in 2002, and 647 in 2003 (5). My own Lexis-Nexis search

    returned 806 results for 2004, 980 for 2005, 994 for 2006, and 931 for 2007, indicating

    that media discussion of blogs has leveled off. Further, media attention to blogs is at least

    on par with that of other key issues. My Lexis-Nexis search results for the terms "climate

    change" and "Barack Obama" both returned 1,000 articles for 2007. In 1999 the number

    of blogs was estimated at 50; five years later the estimates ranged from 2.4 million to 4.1

    million. A 2004 report by the Perseus Development Corporation, a consulting firm that

    studies Internet trends, estimated that 10 million blogs would be created by 2005, a bit

    more than doubling the number in existence at that time ("Web of Influence" 2). In April

    of 2007, (the last date for which he provided information,) David Sifry the founder of the

    blog tracking and indexing site Technorati, stated that his software was currently tracking


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    70 million blogs world-wide. Since 36% of these blog posts are in English, the size of the

    English speaking blogosphere was 25.2 million blogs (Sifry, D). Though there is no

    conclusive evidence to support this, it seems likely that the rapid proliferation of blogs

    would have helped draw attention to the medium.

    Second, Drezner and Farrell convincingly argue that the preexisting ties between

    bloggers and mainstream journalists are responsible for the acceptance of blogs by

    members of the established media. Prominent bloggers like Mickey Kaus, Andrew

    Sullivan, and Joshua Micah Marshall all worked at established opinion journals before

    beginning their blogs. Journalists first trusted the work of authors they knew to be

    trustworthy. Then, Kaus, Sullivan, Marshall, and others began linking to other blogs

    giving them their seal of approval, and trust in the blogosphere spread among the

    mediasphere (15). Once these pioneers gave the medium some credibility numerous

    institutions began to adopt the form. Journals and news magazines such as the New

    Republic, Slate, Salon, New Criterion, the American Prospect, Reason, Washington

    Monthly, and the National Review all either hired writers out of the blogosphere or

    developed their own blogs in house. Newspapers with blogs include the San Jose

    Mercury News, Christian Science Monitor, Chicago Tribune and The Guardian. (Drezner

    and Farrell 6). Since publication of their article, numerous other publications have added

    blogs to their online presence, indeed, in 2008 it is rare for a respected newspaper or

    periodical to nothave a blog or some similar online presence. Established publications

    also pulled talent from their own personal blogs and employed them as bloggers for the

    publication. In March 2004, The Washington Monthly hired Kevin Drum and transferred

    his blog to their website. Drum's blog had been receiving over 1.2 million unique visits


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    per month. In 2003 Slate acquired Mickey Kaus' blog. In 2006 Salon hired blogger Glenn

    Greenwald. The American Prospect, MSNBC, the New York Times, and the Wall Street

    Journal have all either published bloggers or hired them as regular contributors (Drezner

    and Farrell 6-8).

    In addition to journalists, academics were also among the early adopters of blogs.

    Juan Cole, a history professor at the University of Michigan, is another example of media

    attention elevating the status of a blogger. Cole is an astute observer of Middle Eastern

    politics. He speaks Arabic, Persian, and Urdu, and reads some Turkish. He knows both

    Middle Eastern and South Asian forms of Islam, and has lived in several places around

    the Muslim world for extended periods of time (Cole). Cole began his "Informed

    Comment" blog in 2002, and by 2004 he had gone from only being read in academic

    journals to receiving 250,000 readers per month, appearing on CNN, NPR, and testifying

    before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He now has a regular column on

    Salon.com. "Cole's transformation into a public intellectual embodies many of the

    dynamics that have heightened the impact of the blogosphere. He wanted to publicize his

    expertise, and he did so by attracting attention from elite members of the blogosphere. As

    Cole made waves in the virtual world, others in the real world began to take notice"

    ("Web of Influence" 4).

    So some blogs are read, but how do they influence the framing of events? Key to

    Drezner and Farrell's claim that blogs can provide interpretive frames is their evidence

    that blogs are read by influential journalists and opinion makers. Drezner and Farrell

    conducted a survey of 140 editors, reporters, columnists, and publishers asking which

    blogs they read most often. Collectively 125 blogs were cited, but the top 10 blogs were


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    responsible for 74% of all citations, and the top 5 blogs accounted for 54%. But far from

    conveying monolithic frames and opinions, the ethos and linked nature of the

    blogosphere means that the top blogs can function as a summary of the blogosphere as a

    whole. The political blogosphere follows a power law distribution. The nodes that

    already have a large of ties are more likely to receive incoming ties from new nodes than

    nodes that have few such ties further initial advantages are self reinforcing; nodes that are

    rich in ties are likely to become even richer over time, generating a power law

    distribution of ties across nodes (Drezner and Farrell 9-10). Further, by linking to other

    sites one accumulates page views and establishes a good reputation. So there is self-

    interest, not merely altruism involved in linking. The assertion is that because prominent

    opinion makers read blogs, and blogs get the first crack at interpreting events due to their

    rapid publication, the frames established by bloggers find their way into the public

    discourse. The act of framing may not be a new form of contention, but blogs now make

    it available to activists as well as the establishment.

    Framing is a significant activity within the blogosphere because many bloggers,

    especially the admittedly partisan bloggers, see their role as correcting the perceived

    biases of the mainstream media. Because of this it is important to address blogs reliance

    on the traditional news media. Koopmans quotes Gamson and Wolsfield at length:

    "Movements need the news media for three major purposes: mobilization,

    validation, and scope enlargement. Regarding mobilization, most

    movements must reach their constituency in part through some form of

    public discourse. Public discourse is carried out in various forums,

    including the movement's own publications and meetings. But media


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    discourse remains indispensable for most movements because most of the

    people they want to reach are part of the mass media gallery, while many

    are missed by movement-oriented outlets. (...) Beyond needing the media

    to convey a message to their constituency, movements need media for

    validation. The media spotlight validates the fact that the movement is an

    important player. Receiving standing in the media is often a necessary

    condition before targets of influence will grant a movement recognition

    and deal with its claims and demands. Conversely a demonstration with no

    media coverage at all is a nonevent, unlikely to have any positive

    influence on mobilizing followers or influencing the target. ( ...) Finally,

    movements need the media to broaden the scope of conflict (... .) the

    introduction and subtraction of players alters the power relations between

    the contestants. Where the scope is narrow, the weaker party has much to

    gain and little to lose by broadening the scope, drawing third parties into

    the conflict as mediators or partisans" (Qtd In Koopmans 369).

    As we saw in Stoecker's description of the use of the Internet during the Tiennamen

    Square demonstrations, activists depend on the media to receive information in the

    reverse direction. The mass media is how activists and movements become aware of the

    standpoints of authorities, third parties, and the public at large on issues that concern

    them. They learn about the reactions to their actions from the news. "The media is a

    sounding board off of which both movements and authorities, counter-movements etc,

    use to gain information on each others strategies views and behaviors, and adapt as a

    result of these" (Koopmans 370).


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    Blogs xx move up

    One tool that has emerged on the internet in recent years is the weblog, dubbed

    blog for short. Blogs proliferated quickly and to such an extent that the interlinked

    community they now make up has been termed the blogosphere and some of the

    activists who post there are described as the netroots a neologism combining the terms

    Internet and grassroots. Blogs started simply as on-line journals. People would publish

    random thoughts, poetry, reviews, opinion, etc. Some of the most popular early blog sites

    were Open Diary, which began in 1998 and was the first blogging site to allow readers to

    comment on posts, and Livejournal, which debuted in 1999. The term "weblog" was

    coined by Jorn Barger in December of 1997. In late 1999, Peter Merholz coined the

    shortened form "blog", by breaking the word "weblog" into the phrase "we blog". The

    etymology of the neologism continued to evolve as Evan Williams at Pyra Labs was t he

    first to use "blog" as both a noun and verb. "To blog" means "to edit one's weblog or to

    post to one's weblog". He also coined the term "blogger" - one who blogs, as the name for

    Pyra Labs on-line publishing software. Bloggers' product popularized the term and the

    medium. The ease of use virtually eliminated any barrier to creating a blog save Internet

    access and coming up with something to say (History of Blogging).

    Drezner and Farrell put the birth of the blogging age at the beginning of the

    American "shock and awe" campaign against Iraq in March of 2003. "If the first Gulf

    War introduced the world to the "CNN effect," then the second Gulf War was blogging's

    coming out party" (Web of Influence 3). Iraqi bloggers such as "Baghdad blogger"

    Salam Pax, and the "Baghdad Burning" blog, written by the anonymous "Riverbend" a


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    woman of mixed Shiite and Sunni background, became wildly popular. Both would get

    book deals, and Pax signed a movie deal as well. Prior to and throughout the invasion

    and occupation of Iraq, Pax, Riverbend, and dozens of other bloggers provided real time

    analysis of and commentary on conditions. The two received millions of hits every

    month and were influential in shaping the way the impacts of the war were reported.

    ("Web of Influence" 3-4).

    If the Iraq war was the birth of blogging then the Ask the Dean Campaign post

    described by Micah Sifry could be considered its first steps. At precisely 4:31pm (EST)

    on April 23, 2003 Matthew Gross, a member of Howard Dean's campaign team, posted

    an "Ask the Dean Campaign" thread at SmirkingChimp.com stating that Joe Trippi,

    Howard Dean's campaign manager, would answer questions directly from Internet users.

    It was, as Gross noted, "a seminal moment in Presidential politics...."(Sifry 2). For the

    first time a political campaign was using the Internet to seek input directly from on-line

    supporters and reply with direct, personal responses. The Dean campaign spoke of this

    as a bottom up rather than top down form of organization, and it fit well with

    Deans campaign slogan, You have the power (Sifry 3). Sifry considers this moment a

    watershed because voters saw that they no longer had to depend on candidates or party

    apparatus to lead the way forward. Individual participants now had the ability to

    influence the direction their candidate took (Sifry 2). Gross credits the excited response

    to this thread to organizational realities of the Democratic Party. In his view, many

    liberal blogs, such as DailyKos, MyDD, Eschaton, and SmirkingChimp, were started

    because the Democratic Party was too insular. It was too based on political insiders with

    positions of influence and the membership afforded to individuals was little more than


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    writing donations checks (Sifry 2). By posting the Ask the Dean Campaign thread

    Gross and Trippi opened up the campaign to the pent up demand of tens of thousands of

    individuals seeking influence within their party. This group would eventually call

    themselves the netroots. This episode shows the liberal blogosphere to be motivated

    by both gaining influence within its own party as well as electoral defeat of Republicans.

    Of course, the liberal blogosphere can only be influential if a candidate opens

    themselves up to it. But the ability of bloggers to raise funds, frame, and organize, have

    more often than not resulted in candidates courting the blogosphere rather than avoiding


    The blog straddles the adaptive and innovative categories. It is both an

    adaptation of existing forms of contention, (e.g. the printing press, pamphlets, opinion

    journals, discussion groups) as well as an innovation. The blog is an innovation in

    several aspects. First, it changes both the access to, and content of, political speech. The

    average person has little to no access to make claims through the "old media. If an

    activist or an SMO disagree with an Op-Ed in a newspaper they can write a letter to the

    editor and hope to be published. Or the group can stage a protest performance in Tilly

    and Tarrows terms, that creates a spectacle that causes the media to pay attention. Or, if

    they have the resources, over a period of time an SMO can insinuate itself into the public

    discourse and eventually change the media narrative. The experience Charlotte Ryan

    describes with the Media Research Action Project in Rhode Island is instructive in this

    regard (Ryan et al.). Activists are fighting an uphill battle against framing that requires

    resources to overcome. Blogs help tilt the playing field toward activists, though they do


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    not completely level the field. Blogging allows a movement to publicly make their

    claims to millions of users simultaneously at virtually no cost except for the time it takes

    to write. The blogs and the Internet allow activists to not only create their own media,

    but to contest the mainstream media's portrayal of events. The MediaMatters website is

    an excellent example of this. The ease and speed of publication as well as the linked

    nature of the blogosphere and the relationship of bloggers to traditional media sources

    allow stories that may otherwise be overlooked to receive more exposure. Blogs change

    the content of political discourse because people use different language, lingo/slang, and

    make self referential allusions to things that happen online. The blogosphere has quickly

    established its own protocols of behavior and interaction. On some sites, for example, it

    is considered rude to post the first reply to an article with simply the word: first, on

    other sites this is tolerated. It is a bannable offense on most blogs to post under two

    different identities, called sock-puppeting. Many blogs have a tradition of posting

    pictures of their cats and dogs on Friday afternoons. Blogging can also be considered a

    more in-depth form of political discourse because bloggers can, and most often do, link

    to other material online to support their argument and/or provide context or background

    information. Linking is a common practice in the blogosphere. Most bloggers place a

    blogroll, a list of recommended blogs, on their front page. Within blog posts, bloggers

    almost always cite sources, whether they are mainstream media or other bloggers, and

    often link to supporting information elsewhere on the web. There are several motives for

    this linking. The first is reputational. Backing up ones writing with sources gives readers

    confidence that the author is providing reliable information. It allows them to vet the

    bloggers work and determine if his or her conclusions are reasonable. The second


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    motivation for linking is more self-serving. Trackback technology allows bloggers to

    see everyone who has linked to their post. This offers the potential of a smaller blog

    being noticed by one of the more prominent blogs. It is common practice for bloggers to

    post roundups of interesting items to an open thread on their blog on a nearly daily


    Taking Names or, The Blogopticon

    An especially insightful contribution from Garrett's work is the description of the

    ability to quickly disseminate information through the Internet. This has often been used

    to catch public figures in gotcha moments. Actions by bloggers can be linked to the

    resignations of numerous officials and intellectuals. In June 2003 mostly conservative

    bloggers kept the story of Jayson Blair, a New York Times reporter who had fabricated

    stories, in the public eye. Mounting pressure resulted in Howell Raines' resignation as

    editor of the Times in June 2003. Venerable newscaster Dan Rather was forced to resign

    after ABC news was unable to authenticate documents pertaining to George W. Bushs

    service in the National Guard during the Vietnam War. This time it was conservative

    bloggers who were able to uncover the forged documents (Drezner and Farrell 6-8).

    Senator George Allen of Virginia was an incumbent running for reelection in 2006, when

    he was video-taped referring to one of his opponents staffers as macaca, a racial slur.

    Liberal blogs constantly played the video, damaging Allens reputation. Allen lost the

    election to Jim Webb. Whether or not the macaca video was directly responsible can

    never be known for sure, but the controversy certainly made Allens reelection campaign

    more difficult and sometimes even that can be regarded as a form of success. The classic


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    example of the blogosphere as watchdog is the comment that Senate Majority Leader

    Trent Lott made while speaking at a birthday party for retiring Senator Strom Thurmond.

    Lott expressed his opinion that we would have been better off had Thurmond won the

    1948 presidential election. In 1948, Thurmond ran on a Dixiecrat platform supporting

    segregation and denial of voting and civil rights to African Americans. This comment

    was seen as idiotic and racist by both liberal and conservative bloggers. Thanks to

    widespread blogging efforts the mainstream media was forced to pick up the story, and

    two weeks later Trent Lott was forced to step down as Senate Majority Leader when his

    racist comments were forced into the mainstream media by constant pressure from

    bloggers (Drezner and Farrell 8; Bloom 4). Joel David Blooms excellent timeline of

    events is included as an appendix to this paper. The mainstream media gave much credit

    to political blogs: "The mainstream media was initially blind to his [Lott's] remarks

    perhaps because it is used to such comments. But the blogosphere denounced the

    remarks vigorously, and would not let up, finally forcing others to take notice

    (Economist qtd in Drezner & Farrell 9). While gotcha politics are nothing new, the

    difference here is who is calling gotcha. Garrett admits that these tactics have a long

    history, but believes that new technologies provide for new mechanisms of collecting

    information and distributing it to create publicity. There is hope that this could increase

    political accountability. Elites are more likely to behave in a manner consistent with

    citizen concerns if they work in an environment where they must assume their actions are

    being observed and that news of any inappropriate action will quickly reach the public

    (Garrett 207).


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    attest, and several activist groups have websites focusing on uncovering government

    and/or corporate malfeasance. Two of the more prominent organizations that undertake

    this sort of activity are the Sunlight Foundation and CorpWatch. The Sunlight Foundation

    seeks to increase political accountability by making the flow of money, and therefore

    influence, through Washington transparent. They host more than twenty websites each of

    which focuses on a different industry or segment of the influence of money on politics.

    They track, for instance, the career paths of lobbyists and government officials who may

    become lobbyists, who they work for, and who they donate to. They track earmark

    spending, the budgets of government agencies, government contract awards, and myriad

    other aspects of government and political campaign finance. CorpWatch focuses on

    exposing human rights violations, environmental crimes, fraud, and corporate corruption

    around the world. Citizens and activists may now be able to surveil governments and

    corporations, hopefully resulting in elites eschewing wrongdoing in the first place, and/or

    revelations of malfeasance. But it is doubtful that these organizations and the blogosphere

    can ever be as all encompassing as the panopticon. Nevertheless, if the comparison to the

    panopticon is inaccurate, it is a difference of degrees, not of type.

    But are Internet activists passive, simply waiting for a politician or public

    intellectual to foul up on camera so they can mass distribute his or her gaffe around the

    world, shaming them into giving up power; or does the Internet allow for more active

    forms of contention? One blog that conducts such activity is DailyKos, and I will discuss

    two methods of contention that occur on this blog.

    DailyKos: The Blog as an Election Changer


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    DailyKos is perhaps the most popular liberal blog. Indeed it is ranked as the

    second most popular news site on the Internet behind Drudgereport and ahead of Fox,

    CNN, AOL, Yahoo, and MSNBC. It has over 150,000 members and receives an average

    of 1 Million visits per day (Sitemeter). Further, the site recently counted its 1 Billionth

    visitor despite the claims of Wall Street Journal columnist Dan Gerstein that the site was

    in decline (DemFromCT).

    The aim of the DailyKos, as stated by its founder and owner Markos Moulistas-

    Zuniga, is electoral victory:

    This is a Democratic blog, a partisan blog. One that recognizes that

    Democrats run from left to right on the ideological spectrum, and yet we're

    all still in this fight together. We happily embrace centrists like NDN's

    Simon Rosenberg and Howard Dean, conservatives like Martin Frost and

    Brad Carson, and liberals like John Kerry and Barack Obama. Liberal?

    Yeah, we're around here and we're proud. But it's not a liberal blog. It's a

    Democratic blog with one goal in mind: electoral victory (Moulistas).

    But I digress. To achieve victory the electoral victory that Moulistas talks about,

    DailyKos follows the plan of Howard Dean's 50 state strategy. The plan is to not allow

    any Republican run unopposed for elective office, with a strong focus on Congressional

    Representatives and Senators. In some cases governors races and state legislature races

    are promoted, though this is less common. Whether or not the Democratic candidate

    adopted by the "Netroots" is successful is not solely based on electoral victory, at least,

    not in the short term. Knowing that it is difficult to defeat incumbent Congressmen,


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    bloggers like Kos look beyond the current election cycle. To them, an election is not a

    zero sum game; they hope to succeed by spreading the oppositions resources too thin

    and continually making their case until they win, fully realizing that this may take several

    election cycles. The money and effort that must be expended to defend one Congressional

    seat cannot be used to defend another. So perhaps the Democratic netroots candidate will

    lose in 2004, and 2006, but the hope is that each year the race becomes more competitive

    and that eventually the seat will change hands. With Representatives facing reelection

    every two years there is a near constant opportunity to influence voters.

    It is in this context of determining how successful blogs have been at changing

    elections that the Collective Goods criterion described by Amenta and Young becomes

    relevant. One example of collective goods is a new way to refer to members of a group

    (Amenta and Young 24). The term netroots is a perfect example of this. It is a

    relatively recent term most popularly coined by Jerome Armstrong of the blog

    MyDD.com in 2002, (although neologism certifier William Safire has uncovered a

    reference way back in 1995) (Safire). By adopting this term bloggers invoke the

    intellectual tradition behind the grassroots organization of Saul Alinsky and his

    bottom-up style of community organizing and appropriate it for the Internet era. Citing

    Gamson, Amenta and Young describe the standards by which success is judged. A group

    can achieve new advantages and acceptance as a legitimate mouthpiece for the group

    it claims to represent (Amenta and Young 24-25). These categories do not fit the

    blogosphere exactly, as it is not a monolithic movement working for a defined

    constituency, (unless you count all registered Democrats, but even this big tent would be

    too small since it is not only Democrats who benefit from Democratic policies.) The


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    blogosphere comes close to meeting the criteria for Cultural Collective Benefits. Blogs

    certainly have an impact on cultural patterns that extend past the network of movement

    participants (Amenta and Young 35). By forcing the traditional media as well as elected

    officials to pay attention to them, the blogosphere has affected the way everybody

    consumes political information. That is, all information will be influenced in some

    measure, either by the mere presence of blogs functioning as self restraint, or rapid

    response framing of issues. Blogs also get Collective Benefits from the State (Amenta

    and Young 31). Even if blogs like DailyKos are not successful at electing candidates that

    they support, it has gained greater respect of elected officials. At least on the left,

    politicians now court the blogosphere; they post articles on blogs and attend conferences

    and conventions organized by blogs. The YearlyKos convention is the most prominent

    example of this. Organized by DailyKos bloggers without any help from Moulistas

    himself, the YearlyKos convention just completed its third annual meeting, (in 2008 the

    convention was renamed "Netroots Nation.) In 2006 the event featured prominent

    Democrats such as Harry Reid, Howard Dean, Barbara Boxer, retired General Wesley

    Clark, New Mexico governor Bill Richardson, Iowa governor Tom Vilsack, and former

    Virginia governor Mark Warner; in 2007 eight of the nine major Democratic Presidential

    candidates attended the convention for a debate moderated by bloggers.

    DailyKos: The Blog as Policy Tool

    When discussing DailyKos it is necessary to remain aware of the dichotomy

    between Markos' intended purpose and the open nature of the site that allows users to use

    it for basically anything they want. Jerome a Paris used it to write a series of diaries


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    counting down to $100 Oil. He has since started a $200 countdown (Guillet). One Pissed

    Off Liberal (OPOL) makes political photo collages; Budhydharma makes artistic

    parodies, like the unparalleled "The Wizard of Oil" (Budhydharma). The open nature of

    DailyKos is a reflection of Markos significant investment in Scoop brand software in

    2003 or 2004, and continual upgrades of that system. DailyKos now runs on a custom

    made platform. DailyKos has shown the ability to influence policy makers. A number of

    prominent Democratic elected officials have written on the site, (the site confirms the

    authenticity of these celebrity posts). Howard Dean, John and Elizabeth Edwards, John

    Kerry, and Ted Kennedy are some of the elected officials who have posted diaries on the

    site. Kerry began posting at the site soon after its creation as his user ID number of 52

    attests (Kerry).

    But aside from whatever influence DailyKos may have gained from working to

    get candidates elected and fundraising, perhaps the most innovative use of the blog has

    been its use as a tool to craft policy positions. In 2005 several DailyKos users, who call

    themselves Kossacks, began a project called Energize America 2020. It is a

    comprehensive and compelling 20-point plan developed by informed citizen activists to

    wean the U.S. from its fossil fuel addiction and provide the U.S. with Energy Security by

    2020, and Energy Freedom by 2040 (Energize America). The effort was led by Jerome

    Guillet, who goes by the nom du blog Jerome a Paris. The plan is more in depth and

    visionary than many put together by well funded think tanks (McKibben). The plan was

    written by dozens, if not hundreds of Kossacks over a two year period. Site members

    repeatedly posted diaries, (basically the DailyKos term for an article, or journal entry,)

    and engaged in lively discussion on the topic. In 2007, the work and expertise of these


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    stories and aggregate information from multiple sources in real-time. In the world of the

    24-hour news cycle blogs remain fresh while a newspaper with fresh news in the morning

    could be out of date by the afternoon.

    The second constraint Drezner and Farrell describe is more astute. Political actors

    are using the information discussed on blogs to predict future news cycles and head off

    potential crises or scandals before they achieve widespread media attention. They are

    becoming more adept at responding to blogs and other forms of online contention (20).

    The Internet has so changed the way citizens interact with the United States government

    that the Congressional Management Foundation, a non-profit organization that works

    closely with Congressional offices, has produced a four-phase report from 2005 to 2008

    describing the changes in citizen activity and the Congress' response. The Congressional

    Management Foundation, (CMF) had unprecedented access to congressional staffers

    while compiling their reports. They met in focus groups with House and Senate Chiefs of

    staff, House legislative directors, Senate correspondence managers, and House and

    Senate Systems Administrators. They used online surveys to get information from House

    Chiefs of Staff, House correspondence staff, Senate senior managers, and Senate office

    managers (Communicating with Congress 2005: 9-10.) The first report by the CMF,

    published in 2005, describes the actions the U.S. government is taking to deal with the

    surge in Internet activism. Congress received four times more communications in 2004

    than 1995 with all of the increase coming from Internet-based communications. The

    total number of communications was over 200 Million (Communicating with Congress

    2005: 8). But members of Congress have learned how to deal with this influx. Most

    congressional staffers reported that the utility of identical, mass produced, form messages


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    had little to no influence on a Congressmans position (CMF 8). This is bad news for

    those who use form emails to lobby elected officials. There is however, another side of

    the equation. Elected officials and their staffers reported that communicating with their

    constituents was a high priority. They also reported that personalized communications

    were far more effective than form letters, and that those who sent personalized

    communication were far more likely to be involved in politics in their local community

    (CMF 8-9). With this information constituents know better how to get the attention of

    their elected officials, and officials know that the people they are dealing with are

    engaged citizens, more likely to participate in the political process. Catering to these

    individuals, from a reelection perspective, is a much better use of an officials time.

    The 2005 Communicating with Congress report created a new definition for Internet

    users who mostly consume political information: "Online Political Citizens". These are

    individuals who had taken part in at least two of the following activities within 3 months

    of being surveyed: contributed to a candidate or campaign online, received political e-

    mail, forwarded or sent political e-mail, visited or posted comments on a political blog,

    participated in a political chatroom, or visited a news website for news about politics and

    campaigns, "are far more engaged, and as a result, more influential in their communities

    than the general public"(Communicating with Congress 2005: 12). This jibes with

    research which has found correlations between participation in online discussions and

    increased political engagement measured by voting and civic participation (Nah et al


    Combined postal and email communications to the Congress has increased almost

    300% since 1995, when the Internet was first used in congressional offices. The volume


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    of postal mail is about 25million pieces, and the volume of email is close to 175million.

    However the average number of staff in a congressional office has remained basically flat

    since 1984. The increased workload means that staffers cannot effectively manage the

    deluge of mail (Communicating with Congress 2005: 14-17). "The people who are

    calling or writing politicians to express their views are also more involved than the

    general public in influencing public policy in other ways. They sign petitions, attend

    public meetings, and are active members of advocacy groups. They express their opinions

    by writing letters to the editor or calling radio or TV shows. They are engaged. Although

    only a small percentage of a Member's constituents call or write in a given year, these

    constituents appear to be influentials in their community (Communicating with Congress

    2005: 13).

    Congressional staffers were in broad agreement about several effects of the

    Internet on Member-Constituent relations. The Internet has increased the number of

    constituents who communicate with congressional offices - 92% agree or strongly agree;

    Made it easier for constituents to become involved in the public policy process - 79%;

    Made it easier for staff to communicate with constituents - 74%; Reduced the quality of

    constituents messages to congress - 64%; increased constituents' understanding of what

    goes on in Washington - 55%; Made Representatives and Senators more responsive to

    their constituents - 48%. 96% of staff reported that if their Member of Congress had not

    yet arrived at a decision individualized handwritten letters would have "some" or "a lot"

    of influence. Form messages were less influential with form postal letters and form

    emails having influence on only 65% and 63% of Members respectively. Indeed,

    personalization seems to be the key. Personalized emails and faxes were said to influence


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    a Member's decision by 94% and 91% of those interviewed, respectively.

    (Communicating with Congress 2005: 19-20). Internet form letters have been

    overwhelming the ability of Congressional staffers to effectively respond to

    correspondence. Individualized letters or emails get a nearly 100% response rate, whereas

    form letters and emails average about 93% response rate in the House and 56% response

    rate in the Senate. The CMF anonymously quotes House Correspondence Staffers who

    told them, "I wish that outside groups would understand that overwhelming our office

    with form letters does more harm than good for their causes." and, "One hundred form

    letters have less direct value than a single thoughtful letter generated by a constituent of

    the Member's district." (Communicating with Congress 2005: 29). Additionally,

    Congressional staffers doubt the legitimacy of form letters and emails. 50% believe that

    they are being sent without the knowledge of the signee. That is, they believe that activist

    organizations are simply adding the names of their members to form emails and then

    sending them to Congressional offices. These are statements which should be pinned to

    the wall above every bloggers computer. The calls to sign on-line petitions or send

    automatically generated form e-mails to elected officials are ubiquitous. If activists do

    not pay attention to the way their target reacts they risk lobbying themselves into


    In the 2008 Communicating with Congress report the term "Online Political

    Citizens" appears to have been replaced with "Poli-fluentials" to refer to citizens who

    participate in political activity online. This group is nearly seven times more likely than

    the general public to be influential; the make their opinions known through various media

    and are far more likely to participate in political activity than the general public


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    (Communicating with Congres 2008: 6). The study provides much valuable information

    regarding those petitioning Congress and Member's responses. Almost half, (44%) of

    Americans contacted a Senator or Representative within the last five years. Those

    individuals tended to be more politically active than the population at large

    (Communicating with Congres 2008: 10-11). And since the populations of Internet users

    and voters show significant overlap: 69% of registered voters are Internet users, and 63%

    of those who voted in the last election are Internet users it makes sense for

    Representatives and Senators alike to pay attention to their most active constituents

    (Communicating with Congress 2008: 7).

    There are lessons in this data for grassroots activists. They must lobby Congress

    with the most effective methods, not simply barrage them with information. They must

    also widen the view of their campaigns. Focusing solely on legislative, or electoral,

    victory is short sighted. Campaigns must focus on the larger relationship of their

    movement with the Congress. The Internet allows many more groups the ability to lobby

    their elected representatives for support on a particular issue. However, just because

    something can be done does not mean it ought to be done in every case. Groups need to

    lobby strategically and consider the impact their strategy will have, not only on the

    debate in question, but on the overall relationship of the activists to the government

    (Communicating with Congress 2008: 40-41).

    Despite the many stories of popular websites and successful online contention,

    there are a significant number of activist organizations for which the Internet has not been

    a boon. Successful online contention is not as easy as it sounds. Dotorganize is a non-


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    profit organization seeking to maximize the power of the Internet among social activism

    groups. Their 2006 report described the success and failures activists have had using the

    Internet to further their cause.

    First, despite the demonstrated ability of some organizations to quickly raise

    money over the Internet, monetary issues could pose a problem for groups seeking to

    build reliable Internet networks in the first place. Nearly 60%, or 217 out of 367 groups

    surveyed, reported a yearly budget of $500,000 or less and 29% reported a budget of less

    than $100,000. Indeed, their survey found that regardless of the size of the organization

    organizers reported they were not able to take advantage of online tools due to monetary

    (57%), time (45%), and lack of staff expertise (34%). Most organizations were incapable

    of managing their database of contacts and had difficulty embracing new technology such

    as blogs and wikis. 59% were "frustrated or really struggling with technology" issues. A

    large number of organizations stated they lacked the capacity to make use of even basic

    forms of Internet activism, e.g. 39% did not have email newsletters and 47% had no way

    to accept donations online. Organizers were not able to integrate their data across

    platforms and different forms of technology. They have their information on various

    Excel spreadsheets, in Outlook contacts, and some even on paper. These systems are

    usually separate and organizations have great difficulty, and spend too much time trying

    to organize and sort out this information (Dotorganize 6-8, 15).

    Most organizations are interested in using the latest Internet tools but do not know

    how to go about implementing them. No "Best Practices" have been established. Beyond

    the Microsoft Office family of products, Dotorganize found that organizations were using


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    40 different applications, the majority of which were used only by 5-10 organizations

    each. Organizations do not have a grasp of basic uses of technology. Many do not collect

    email addresses from site visitors, do not send mass emails, blog, provide material for

    download, and do not process donations online (Dotorganize 10).

    Many organizers suffer from a lack of information. 46% of organizers wanted to

    use older technologies such as bulletin boards or forums that are not regarded as being

    very effective. Meanwhile the same percentage expressed no interest in social networking

    tools, which have become extremely popular. Many organizers do not seek out new

    technology because they either do not understand its strategic value or do not believe it

    exists. Text messaging has been shown to be an effective organizing tool, but 55% of

    respondents explicitly stated that they were not interested. Others lamented that there was

    no way to target emails to certain legislators, when, in fact, there is (Dotorganize 12).

    This must remind us that in the field of contentious politics success is the exception

    rather than the rule. Perhaps we have overreached just a bit in the extent to which the

    Internet aids activists. Those interested in fostering online contention must make the

    effort to look below the surface, past the massive organizations which recieve plentiful

    news coverage at those which do not yet appear on the radar and indeed, may never

    appear but for out looking. We only hear from the movements that have in one way or

    another been able to attract the attention of media and are considered relevant enough by

    other social actors to elicit public responses from them (Koopmans 372).

    Finally, R. Kelly Garrett recognizes that using technology to add to the repertoire

    of contention is also potentially limiting to activists. Once, using the Internet for


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    Appendix A

    Timeline of the Trent Lott scandal (Bloom).

    Thursday, December 5

    Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott spoke at a party honoring outgoing Senator

    Strom Thurmond on his 100th birthday.

    Friday, December 6

    ABC Producer Ed OKeefe, present at the party, ran a story on the incident in a

    4:30 AM broadcast, but network executives apparently stopped it from being

    included in the more popular Good Morning America (or any other ABC venue

    except for The Note).

    At 10:54 AM (EST) journalist Tim Noah posted the quotation on Chatterbox, his

    weblog for Slate magazine, along with a quote from Thumonds 1948 campaign.

    At 11:09 AM journalist Joe Conason uploaded a rare second post of the day to his

    column on Salon.com, titled Trent Lott waxes nostalgic about the segregationist


    If there remain any Democratic voters in Louisiana, of any color, who

    wonder why they should bother to vote in the special Senate runoff there,

    perhaps they ought to consider yesterday's remarks by Trent Lott whose

    power will be much enhanced if Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu is


    At 1:21 PM, blogger Atrios joined the fray on his blog,Eschaton, reminding


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    readers just exactly what Strom Thurmond stood for during his 1948 presidential

    run, and offering his own suggestions as to which problems Lott might have

    been referring to.

    At 3:20 PM, blogger Joshua Micah Marshall weighed in on his blog, Talking

    Points Memo, with the following recollection:

    Thurmond ran as the presidential candidate on the "States-Rights

    Democrat" or "Dixiecrat" ticket a candidacy that was based exclusively

    and explicitly upon the preservation of legalized segregation and

    opposition to voting rights and civil rights for blacks.

    At 4:00 PM CNN aired an extensive interview of Lott by Jonathan Karl forInside

    Politics, but Karl did not ask him about his statement at Thurmonds party.

    At 5:11 PM, Tapped, an anonymous blog at The American Prospect, quoted the

    story from The Note and opined:

    What about the national media? Tom Daschle complains after Rush

    Limbaugh has been comparing him to the Devil for a year, and the

    Beltway media is all over the story making Daschle look like a pathetic

    whiner. Trent Lott, soon to be the Senate's majority leader, is caught on

    tape reminiscing fondly about a segregrationist presidential campaign, and

    we hear nothing (although, since The Note is read widely, that might

    change). What gives?

    Atrios, Conason, Noah, Marshall and Tapped are all liberal bloggers, but by 9:15

    PM, conservative University of Tennessee Law Professor and blogger, Glenn


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    Reynolds, posted an entry on his own blog,Instapundit, agreeing that TRENT

    LOTT DESERVES THE SHIT he's getting from Atrios and Josh Marshall.

    At some point in the day, Lotts spokesman, Ron Bonjean, issued a brief

    statement: "Senator Lott's remarks were intended to pay tribute to a remarkable

    man who led a remarkable life. To read anything more into these comments is


    Saturday, December 7

    The Washington Posts Thomas Byrnes Edsall picked up the story, with the

    headline Lott Decried For Part Of Salute to Thurmond: GOP Senate Leader Hails

    Colleague's Run As Segregationist. The article pulled no punches, adding

    disapproving quotes from African American Congressman John Lewis (D-GA)

    and Republican strategist and journalist William Kristol, as well as an approving

    comment by Gordon Baum, CEO of the white supremacist Council of

    Conservative Citizens.19 However, its placement on page A6 of the Posts

    Saturday edition drew little attention from the mainstream press, which seemed to

    accept Bonjeans explanation.

    Things really got going from there, although still largely not in the mainstream media.

    Blogger, author, andNew York Times technology columnist, Virginia Postrels

    blog, The Scene, put it this way later the same day:

    OUT, OUT DAMNED LOTT: Trent Lott must go. He's a disgrace to the

    South, to the Republican Party, to the U.S. Senate, and to the United States

    of America.

    CNNs Mark Shields made the Lott quotation the subject of his Capitol Gang


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    Outrage of the Week, with the following remark: To his credit, Strom

    Thurmond changed dramatically. Why, then, does Trent Lott romanticize an era

    of hate when black Americans were truly oppressed? Bob Novak responded that

    Lott was joking.

    Sunday, December 8

    Lott faced tough questioning on NBCsMeet the Press and CNNsLate Edition

    with Wolf Blitzer, but ABC, CBS and Fox skipped the story.

    National Public Radio ran a fluff piece on Thurmonds birthday party that

    featured a Lott quote that suited the feel-good nature of the NPR story but ignored

    the controversy:

    Somebody once said, and Im not quite sure where I got this, but I heard it,

    and I loved it, and it applies to Strom Thurmond: Youth is a gift of

    nature. Age is a work of art. This, ladies and gentlemen, is a work of art.

    Monday, December 9

    Former Bush speechwriter and conservative Republican strategist, David Frum,

    stopped short of demanding Lotts resignation, but used strong words in his on-

    line journal for The National Review, demanding a real retraction and apology,

    with a specific repudiation of segregation (1:15 AM).

    AsNewsweekhit the newsstands its readers had to look pretty carefully not to

    miss the only reference to Lotts quote, which appeared without comment on their

    Perspectives page. Time and US News neglected to do even that much.

    Perhaps the strongest words from any on-line conservative came from Jonah

    Goldberg at 9:57 AM in The National Reviews The Corner column:


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    His remarks saying that wed be better off if Strom Thurmond had won

    the 1948 election as a Dixiecrat at Thurmonds 100th birthday party

    were incandescently idiotic according to any criteria (See, David Frums

    excellent piece for the details). On the facts, Lotts comments were dumb.

    Morally, they were indefensible. Politically, they served to confirm the

    suspicions of millions of blacks and liberal whites about what is in the

    hearts of conservatives and Republicans while earning him nothing but a

    smile from a 100 year-old man.

    Lott made his first attempt to apologize personally for the remarks: "A poor

    choice of words conveyed to some the impression that I embrace the discarded

    policies of the past. Nothing could be further from the truth, and I apologize to

    anyone who was offended by my statement.

    At 11:16 PM, Conservative journalist and blogger, Andrew Sullivan, joined the

    fray in his independentDaily Dish blog, using strong words as well:

    TRENT LOTT MUST GO: After his disgusting remarks at Strom

    Thurmond's 100th birthday party, it seems to me that the Republican Party

    has a simple choice. Either they get rid of Lott as majority leader; or they

    should come out formally as a party that regrets desegregation and civil

    rights for African-Americans. Why are the Republican commentators so

    silent about this? And the liberals?

    Tuesday, December 10

    The New York Times addressed the issue for the first time, but buried it on page


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    A28. The article placed Lotts Monday apology in context:

    Earlier in the day, Mr. Lott had issued a statement that stopped short of an

    apology, saying his comments were made in the spirit of a lighthearted

    celebration. His later expression of contrition came after a reporter

    pointed out to his office that former Vice President Al Gore had called on

    him to apologize. Mr. Lott's spokesman said the apology was not in

    response to Mr. Gore but came solely out of personal concern for this


    Howard Kurtzs daily online media column (or blog?) for The Washington Post,

    Media Notes, focused on the Lott story. Kurtz was particularly harsh on the

    mainstream media:

    Trent Lott must go!

    That, at least, is the consensus of online pundits.

    What, you weren't aware that the Senate majority leader was in hot water

    for appearing to embrace the segregationist cause?

    Perhaps that's because, until this morning, most major newspapers hadn't

    done squat on the story.

    Which is hard to understand for this reason: There were cameras rolling.

    It's on tape. It was on C-SPAN, for crying out loud.

    If a Democrat had made this kind of inflammatory comment, it would be

    the buzz of talk radio and the Wall Street Journal editorial page would be

    calling for tarring and feathering. But Lott seems to be getting something


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    of a pass.

    When Lott finally apologized yesterday, the big papers jumped on the

    story. But why did they wait so long?

    As a report from Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting, (FAIR), a liberal media watchdog

    organization, put it:

    Finally, on December 10, all three network nightly news shows weighed

    in, along with ABCs Nightline; that morning had seen the first New York

    Times coverage of the story, and the first wave of scolding editorials

    (Washington Post; New Orleans Times-Picayune; Ba