Lee Kwun Leung Vincent - My Fine Art Biography

Post on 19-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Lee Kwun Leung Vincent - My Fine Art Biography

LEE Kwun Leung Vincent (李冠良)

李冠良是以塑膠彩畫及新水墨為創作媒介的工作室藝術家,他貫通中西美學,熱愛富自然美的事物;西畫方面,李冠良在寫實中尋求表現主義的趣味,而他在中國媒介的表達上亦不失「氣韻生動」和「骨法用筆」的精神,在當代視覺效果中流露著一份和諧感。李冠良早期擅於敘事性繪畫,藉豐富圖像反映他對社會現象的一些哲學看法,後期他轉移做直觀內省的實對題材,帶有本土情懷味道得來,亦展現他對「天人合一」忘我境界的追求。李冠良是玫瑰崗學校 2004至 2005年度的《Student Artist of the Year》,他曾在文化中心、藝穗會及柴灣青年廣場舉辦個人畫展;其新水墨畫作,曾於《第八屆菲律賓.中國.日本國際書畫大賽》中獲得大專組二等獎;天趣國際藝術在 2010年讓他的抽象塑膠彩畫於馬來西亞檳城香格里拉酒店舉行的《ArtGroup International.環保藝術節慈善拍賣晚宴》內亮相;2016年,李冠良是兩場《藝聚西貢》的參展藝術家。University of Brunei Darussalam的藝術系教授 Dr. Martie Geiger-Ho曾以「organic」(有機)一字來形容李冠良的繪畫構圖和陶瓷質感,反映出李冠良傾愛追求美感經驗的純粹。

Vincent Lee Kwun-leung is a studio artist with acrylic painting and neo-Chinese-ink painting as creative expertises. He comprehends the aesthetic theories from both China and the West, with an admiration to Naturalism. In the aspect of Western drawing and painting, Vincent searches for the humorous features of Expressionism despite of his prior emphasis on realistic techniques. In Chinese medium, Vincent inherits two notions namely “Vividness in Spiritual Essence” and “Vibrancy of Structural Brushstrokes”. He endeavours to disclose a sense of harmony from the contemporary art visions. In his earlier age, Vincent was keen at narrative painting with cheerful iconographies, which reflected his unique philosophical thoughts towards some social phenomenons. Later on, Vincent shifted to explore the realm of meditation from the description of realistic substances. These substances convey the sentiments of Localism, with a hope in searching for a union between Man and Nature.

Vincent was elected as the “Student Artist of the Year 2004-2005” of Rosaryhill School. He has ever organized solo exhibitions at Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Hong Kong Fringe Club and Chai Wan Youth Square. His neo-Chinese-ink paintings were nominated as awarded pieces due to his achievement of obtaining Tertiary Level Second Placer from “The 8th Philippines-China-Japan International Fine Arts Competition”. In 2010, the Art of Nature International Company Limited has ever made Vincent’s abstract paintings emerge on the scene of “ECO ART FEST – Charity Art Auction Dinner” at Penang Trader’s Hotel of Malaysia organized by ArtGroup International. Vincent has ever been a participating artist in two “Sai Kung Art And About” sessions in 2016. Dr. Martie Geiger-Ho, a Visual Arts Professor from The University of Brunei Darussalam, has ever described Vincent’s painting compositions and ceramic textures as “organic”, which reflect Vincent’s pure pursuit on the grace of aesthetic experiences.

Selected artworks

Pregnancy of Intelligence (智能孕育)Acrylic on Canvas, 2005Concept: Nowadays, parents in Hong Kong like to pre-plan the prospects of their kids before their birth. They enforce their kids to register for numerous interest courses since the kindergarten era. They hope to dominate the intellectual growths of their kids without letting them have rooms for joys and self-reflections. This painting reflects a forceful indoctrination of multi-faceted knowledge to a baby’s brain, which makes him transform to be an unhealthy alien.

The Windsurfing Olympic Glory of Cheung Chau (長洲滑浪風帆奧運之光)Acrylic on Canvas, 2008Concept: Lee Lai-shan obtained a historic Olympic Gold Medal for her distinguished windsurfing achievement in Atlantic Olympic Games 1996. She is a Cheung Chau resident. She is resistant to tough challenges as she uses to sail across the turbulent oceans. The Regional Council of Hong Kong Government establishes a Windsurfing Sculpture near Cheung Chau Tung Wan Beach to eternally acknowledge Lee Lai-shan’s breakthrough, for making the international world understand that athletes from Hong Kong are not incapable.

The First Beach of Windsurfing (滑浪風帆第一灘)Chinese Ink on Watercolour Paper, 2015Concept: Lai Kan is Lee Lai-shan’s uncle. Mr. Lai has been operating a Beach Pub at Kwun Yam Wan Beach of Cheung Chau for many years. His Pub offers windsurfing tools hiring services and has ever been a shelter for Lee Lai-shan to practice windsurfing skills as a preparation for competitions. Since Lee Lai-shan’s achievement of obtaining Gold Medal in Atlantic Olympic Games 1996, Mr. Lai’s Pub has become a renowned sightseeing for people to reminisce Lee Lai-shan’s sportsmanship. Now, Mr. Lai’s Pub is a cored water-sport training centre in Hong Kong.

Tai Shek Hau Pier (大石口碼頭)Chinese Ink on Watercolour Paper, 2015Concept: Geographically, Cheung Chau Island is a tombolo. Some places, such as “Nam Wan”, were sandy beaches originally. Through reclamation between the 1960s and 1970s, the “Nam Wan” (South Bay) of southwestern Cheung Chau was transformed to be a residential area with Treasure Bay, Hoi Fuk Villa, Buddhist Wai Yan Memorial College, Tennis Court and Greenery Crest. Only the rocky epigraph of Tai Shek Hau Pier is remained as a historical heritage which lets tourists know that “Nam Wan” was a beach shelter for fishing boats to berth but was not for swimming. Later on, between 1994 and 2002, the grassland and hillside areas along “Nam Wan” were refilled and constructed to be the Nga Ning Villa which offer lots of public-estate flats for the Cheung Chau residents. Up to the 2010s, Cheung Chau changes a lot. It changes from a backward rural area to a modified satellite city as similar as Mongkok that attracts youngsters to enjoy camp activities, taste featured snacks and hire holiday resorts.

Wah Garden (華園)Scientific Chinese-Ink Pen and Marker Drawing on Paper, 2013Concept: Wah Garden locates in the peak area of Cheung Chau Island. The calligraphic scripts from two sides of the gate reflect rich landlords’ emphasis on literary cultivations. Indeed, the luxurious residences built in the 2000s show an eventual disappearance of traditional Chinese architectural elements, as the exterior structures only stress the advancement of technologies without any decorative elements. Luckily, the lost architectural heritages can still be found on Cheung Chau Island, even though these apartments are the residences of either middle-class local citizens or foreigners.

Address of my studio:Unit 1208, Flat A, 11th Floor, On Fat Industrial Building, 12-18 Kwai Wing Road, Kwai Hing, New Territories, Hong Kong

香港新界葵興葵榮路 12-18號安發工業大廈 11 樓 A室 1208 單位Contact Tel No.: 9404-1516E-mail address: vincentkllee13vangogh@yahoo.com.hk

My Fine Art Biography

1986 生於香港2003 畢業於長洲官立中學2003 香港中學會考美術 考獲優異等級2005 香港高級程度會考美術 考獲優異等級2006 畢業於玫瑰崗學校(中學部)2007 香港中文大學藝術系.學術交流2008 國際英語水平測試(IELTS)— 考獲7級成績2009 畢業於香港浸會大學(文學士),主修視覺藝術,副修歷史2010 受洗及領堅振.成為羅馬天主教徒2011 畢業於香港浸會大學中國研究社會科學碩士學位(歷史專業)2009-2012 天趣國際藝術傳播有限公司.任職藝術主任及藝術工作者2012 Galerie Le Créateur.Artist2012 中國嘉德(香港)國際拍賣有限公司.Part-Time Student Helper2013 Affordable Art Fair.Fair Assistant

1986 Born in Hong Kong2003 Graduated from Cheung Chau Government Secondary School2003 Obtained Distinction in HKCEE Art2005 Obtained Distinction in HKALE Art2006 Graduated from Rosaryhill School (Secondary Section)2007 Academic Exchange at Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong2008 International English Language Testing System (IELTS) - Band 7 (Good User)2009 Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) (Major in Visual Arts, Minor in History)2010 Baptized and received confirmation - Converted to be a Roman Catholic2011 Graduated with the Master of Social Science Degree in China Studies from Hong Kong Baptist University (History Concentration)2009-2012 Worked as an Art Officer and a Fine Artist in Art Of Nature International Company Limited2012 Galerie Le Créateur - Artist2012 China Guardian (Hong Kong) Auctions Company Limited - Part-Time Student Helper2013 Affordable Art Fair - Fair Assistant

工作室地址:香港新界葵興葵榮路12-18號安發工業大廈11樓A室1208單位Address of Personal Studio:Unit 1208, Flat A, 11th Floor, On Fat Industrial Building, 12-18 Kwai Wing Road, Kwai Hing, New Territories, Hong Kong

藝壇義務職業《香港藝術評論》.編輯(http://www.artreview.com.hk)Voluntary Occupation in Art Circuit"ArtReview" - Editor (http://www.artreview.com.hk)

聯合展覽及活動1999,2000,2001,2002 《慶祝中華人民共和國國慶.學界書畫觀摩活動》 離島區議會、長洲鄉事委員會主辦,長海酒家2003 《藝緣坊開幕典禮.學界書畫邀請展》鄺國威區議員辦事處,長洲藝緣坊2004 《聯校環境藝術展》玫瑰崗學校(中學部)及上葵涌官立中學,嘉道理農場2004 《何周禮室內設計工作坊》 攝錄於香港電台綜合電視節目《正在學設計》2004 《普普藝術展》 香港青年藝術節2004,香港藝術中心2005 《聯校中國水墨裝置展》 新鴻基中國水墨協會主辦,沙田新城市廣場2006 《18 + 19 中七畢業視藝展》 玫瑰崗學校(中學部),香港駱克中心藝林畫廊2007 《新版精印》 香港圖像藝術節2007,香港藝術發展局、康樂及文化事務署、弘藝版畫工作室聯合主辦,香港視覺藝術中心2008 《作品 — 視覺藝術院學生西畫展》 香港浸會大學視覺藝術院,香港浸會大學林護國際會議中心展覽廊 (西畫展籌辦人)2008 《In Progress - 視覺藝術院學生西畫展》 香港浸會大學視覺藝術院,香港浸會大學視覺藝術院畫廊2008 《百週年校慶視覺藝術成果展》 長洲官立中學,香港中央圖書館展覽館2009 《:視覺藝術院畢業展2009》香港浸會大學視覺藝術院2010 《大馬傑出青年畫家聯展》ArtGroup International,馬來西亞檳州博物館畫廊2010 《ECO ART fest.環保藝術節慈善拍賣晚宴》ArtGroup International,馬來西亞檳城香格里拉大酒店(商貿大酒店)2010 《崗藝薈萃.視藝聯展》玫瑰崗學校,玫瑰崗學校地庫視藝畫廊2013 《長洲官立中學105週年校慶視覺藝術成果展》 長洲官立中學,香港大會堂低座展覽廳2013 《Artscanyon Group Artists Arts Show 2013》Artscanyon Arts Gallery Group(官方網址:http://artscanyon.com/exhibition-hall-east-pavilion.html )

2014 《燃點!香港藝術創意閃現》藝術推廣辦事處,油街2014 《The Art of Chinese Painting》學術講座,主業會,穗禾學社2015 《探索離島:長洲文化藝術作品展覽》離島區議會(主辦組織)、長洲華商會(協作機構),長洲碼頭2016 《藝聚西貢》西貢區議會、西貢社區中心、西貢民政事務處主辦,西貢賽馬會大會堂及西貢美源街2016 《藝聚西貢》西貢區議會、西貢社區中心、西貢民政事務處主辦,西貢賽馬會大會堂及西貢美源街Joint Exhibitions & Activities1999,2000,2001,2002 "Chinese Painting & Calligraphy Exhibition for the National Day Celebration of People’s Republic of China" Jointly launched by Island District Council and Cheung Chau Rural Committee, Cheong Hoi Restaurant2003 "Inter-school Invitational Painting & Calligraphy Exhibition for the Grand Opening of The Art Destiny" Kwong Kwok-wai Elected Island District Councillor Office, The Art Destiny of Cheung Chau2004 "Joint-school Environmental Art Exhibition" Rosaryhill School (Secondary Section) and Sheung Kwai Chung Government Secondary School, Kardoorie Farm and Botanic Garden2004 "Barrie Ho Interior Design Workshop" Featured in RTHK’s programme “Design in Progress”2004 "Pop Art Exhibition" Hong Kong Youth Arts Festival 2004, Hong Kong Arts Centre2005 "Inter-school Chinese Ink Installation Exhibition" Sun Hung Kai Properties Chinese Ink Association, Sha Tin New Town Plaza2006 "18+19 S.7 Graduates’ Visual Arts Exhibition", Rosaryhill School (Secondary Section), The Artland Gallery of Hong Kong Lockhart Centre2007 "Hot Off The Press" Hong Kong Graphic Art Fiesta 2007, Jointly organized by Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Leisure & Cultural Services Department and Art Horizon Printmaking Studio, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre2008 "Works – Painting Exhibition of Academy of Visual Arts Students" HKBU Academy of Visual Arts, HKBU Lam Woo International Conference Centre (Painting Exhibition Coordinator)2008 "In Progress – Painting Exhibition of Academy of Visual Arts Students" HKBU Academy of Visual Arts, HKBU Academy of Visual Arts Gallery2008 "Centenary Visual Arts Exhibition" Cheung Chau Government Secondary School, Exhibition Gallery of Hong Kong Central Library2009 ": AVA Graduation Exhibition 2009", HKBU Academy of Visual Arts Campus

2010 "Young Excellent Artists 2010", ArtGroup International, Penang State Art Gallery (Malaysia)2010 "ECO ART fest - Charity Eco Art Auction Dinner", ArtGroup International, The Shangri-La Hotel of Penang (Trader's Hotel, Magazine Road, 10300 Penang)2010 "Rosarian Art Exhibition", Rosaryhill School, Rosaryhill School Basement Visual Arts Gallery2013 "CCGSS 105th Anniversary Visual Arts Exhibition" Cheung Chau Government Secondary School, Lower Block Exhibition Hall of Hong Kong City Hall2013 "Artscanyon Group Artists Arts Show 2013", Artscanyon Arts Gallery Group (Official Website: http://artscanyon.com/exhibition-hall-east-pavilion.html)2014 "IGNITE! Lightning Talks By Hong Kong Artists", Art Promotion Office, Oil Street2014 "The Art of Chinese Painting" (Academic Seminar), Opus Dei, Sui Wo Study Centre2015 "Exploring Islands: Cheung Chau Culture and Arts Exhibition" Island District Council (Organizer) and Cheung Chau Chinese Chamber of Commerce (Assistant Organization), Cheung Chau Ferry Pier2016 "Sai Kung Art And About" Sai Kung District Council, Sai Kung District Community Centre and Sai Kung District Office as organizers; Sai Kung Jockey Club Town Hall and Sai Kung Mei Yuen Street2016 "Sai Kung Art And About" Sai Kung District Council, Sai Kung District Community Centre and Sai Kung District Office as organizers; Sai Kung Jockey Club Town Hall and Sai Kung Mei Yuen Street

個人展覽2008 「Organic — 李冠良繪畫展」香港文化中心.大堂展覽廳2011 「回歸校園 — 李冠良視藝個展」玫瑰崗學校,玫瑰崗學校地庫視藝畫廊2012 「善 — 李冠良個人藝術展」香港藝穗會,The Anita Chan Lai-ling Gallery of Hong Kong Fringe Club2013 「Embrace of Love」派對暨藝術展覽,柴灣青年廣場.12樓咖啡廳2015「Hermes HK Roadshow 2015:中國園林水墨畫示範」穎通(遠東)有限公司,海港城Solo Exhibition2008 "ORGANIC" Paintings by Vincent Lee Kwun-leung, Foyer Exhibition Area of Hong Kong Cultural Centre2011 "Return to Alma Mater - Solo Exhibition of Vincent Lee Kwun-leung", Rosaryhill School, Rosaryhill School Basement Visual Arts Gallery2012 "Benevolence - Solo Fine Arts Exhibition by Vincent Lee Kwun-leung", Hong

Kong Fringe Club, The Anita Chan Lai-ling Gallery of Hong Kong Fringe Club2013 "Embrace of Love" Party-cum-Exhibition, 12th Floor Cafe of Chai Wan Youth Square2015 "Hermes HK Roadshow 2015: A Demonstration of Chinese-Ink Garden Painting", Eternal Optical & Perfumery (Far East) Ltd., Harbour City

獎項1998 「聖年二千慶典.海報創作比賽」小學組優異獎,天主教香港教區2000 「第四屆全港中小學中英文硬筆書法比賽」中文硬筆中學初級組亞軍,香港教育專業人員協會主辦、卜文書社及小樹苗教育出版社贊助2002 「第十三屆中學生好書龍虎榜.書簽設計比賽」亞軍,香港教育專業人員協會、香港電台中文台文教組、康樂及文化事務署香港公共圖書館聯合主辦,優質教育基金贊助2003 「學界書法比賽」中學高級組冠軍,離島文化藝術推廣委員會主辦、離島文化事務處贊助2005 「充電池回收計劃宣傳橫額設計比賽」中學高級組冠軍,環境保護署舉辦2005 「多D綠、少D廢.校際繪畫比賽」中學高級組季軍,環保觸覺2005 「愛心之都在香港.名信片設計比賽」中學高級組優異獎,港澳303區國際獅子會舉辦2005 「生命1CC.禁毒四格漫畫創作比賽」中學高級組優異獎,賽馬會荃灣麗城花園香港青少年及兒童服務中心舉辦2005 「傑出學生藝術家」,玫瑰崗學校(中學部)2009 「第八屆菲律賓.中國.日本國際書畫大賽」青年組二等獎,菲律賓亞洲文化交流協會舉辦2009 「Outstanding Graduate of the Year 2009」香港浸會大學2012 「Outstanding Atmospheric Mood Creation Award」Artscanyon Arts Gallery Group

Awards1998 Merit in Primary Level, "2000th Anniversary of Sacred Year Poster Design Competition", Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong2000 1st-Runner-Up in Junior Secondary Level Chinese Pen Calligraphy Section, "The 4th Hong Kong Secondary and Primary School Chinese and English Pencil and Pen Calligraphy Writing Competition", organized by Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union, sponsored by Puk Man Book Society and Sesame Publishing Company Limited2002 1st-Runner-Up in "The 13th Secondary School Students Best Books Selection Scheme - Bookmark Design Competition", jointly organized by Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union, RTHK Chinese Channel Literary Education Team and LCSD Hong Kong Public Libraries; sponsored by Quality Education Fund2003 Champion in Senior Secondary Level, "Inter-school Chinese Calligraphy

Competition", launched by Outlying Islands Art & Culture Promotion Committee, sponsored by Island District Cultural Affairs Office2005 Champion in Senior Secondary Level, "Competition on the Design of Banner for Recycling of Rechargeable Battery", launched by Environmental Protection Department2005 2nd-Runner-Up in Senior Secondary Level, "More Green, Less Fuel – Inter-school Painting Competition", launched by Green Sense2005 Merit in Senior Secondary Level, "City of Love, Hong Kong is it! – Postcard Design Competition", launched by Lion Club International 303 District Hong Kong & Macau Branch2005 Merit in Senior Secondary Level, "Life 1CC – Anti-Drug Comic Competition", Jockey Club Tsuen Wan Belvedere Garden Hong Kong Children & Youth Service Centre2005 "Student Artist of the Year", Rosaryhill School (Secondary Section)2009 Tertiary Level Second Placer in "The 8th Philippines-China-Japan International Fine Arts Competition" organized by Asia Exchange Culture Association Philippines Incorporated2009 "Outstanding Graduate of the Year 2009", Hong Kong Baptist University2012 "Outstanding Atmospheric Mood Creation Award", Artscanyon Arts Gallery Group


Collection"Genesis", Acrylic on Canvas, 2008. Collected by Ms. Cheung Hin-ling

畫廊宣傳2011 英國倫敦Saatchi Gallery藝術品網站(網址:http://www.saatchionline.com/profile/283975)2011 中國雅昌藝術網(gallery.artron.net).《天趣與大馬ArtGroup International年青藝術交流》(網址:http://gallery.artron.net/g_show_news.php?GalleryCode=690&NewsCode=90)Gallery Promotion2011 Saatchi Gallery - a London gallery for contemporary art (Hyperlink: http://www.saatchionline.com/profile/283975)2011 Chinese Artron Net (gallery.artron.net) - "The Art Of Nature had its young

artists making exchange with ArtGroup International in Malaysia" (Hyperlink: http://gallery.artron.net/g_show_news.php?GalleryCode=690&NewsCode=90)

傳媒報導2004 香港電台《寫我情真》2004 香港電台《正在學設計》2006 蘋果日報《學童繪畫反燃煤發電》2006 大紀元《港學生繪出「反燃煤發電」心聲》2008 大公報《長洲官中百年校慶》2008 大公報《長洲之子辦畫展謝母校》2010 無線電視翡翠台《文化新領域》(個人藝術專訪)2011 香港浸會大學新聞系「The Young Reporter.第四期」《Art is available upstairs》2011 蘋果日報(4月12日.E9教育版)《從玫瑰崗展開人生「藝」途》2013 南都網(3月20日)《買得起的藝術節》(連結:http://ndnews.oeeee.com/html/201303/20/36312.html) Reports from Press Media2004 RTHK - "Paint My Passion"2004 RTHK - "Design in Progress"2006 Apple Daily - "Students paintings about the opposition on coal-fired power"2006 The Epoch Times - "Students painted the messages of opposing coal-fired power"2008 Ta Kung Pao - "Centenary Jubilee Celebration of Cheung Chau Government Secondary School"2008 Ta Kung Pao - "A Cheung Chau adolescent organized a painting exhibition as a reward to his Alma Maters"2010 TVB Jade Channel - "The New Cultural Horizon" (An interview on my personal art experiences)2011 "The Young Reporter (Issue 4)", published by HKBU Department of Journalism - "Art is available upstairs"2011 Apple Daily (E9, Education News, 12 April) - "To begin an artistic path from Rosaryhill School"2013 Nandu.com (20 March) - "Affordable Art Fair" (Hyperlink: http://ndnews.oeeee.com/html/201303/20/36312.html)

文藝及專欄寫作2010《明報月刊》9月號 —「海歸派當代藝術獻禮」2011《香港作家》3月號 — 名為《衛星細胞》之個人抽象畫作獲香港作家聯會選為是次期刊之封

面圖2011 為Aspring Education Publishing & Consulting Company出版之新高中中國語文科口試指南,繪畫插畫Literary & Column-Writing Experiences2010 "Ming Pao Monthly" (September Edition) - "A contemporary art exhibition by Chinese artists with overseas background"2011 "Hong Kong Writers" (March Issue) - My abstract painting, named "Satellite Cell", was selected by The Federation of Hong Kong Writers to be printed as an artistic cover of the journal2011 Created illustrations for the Aspiring Education Publishing & Consulting Company to publish a textbook on NSS Chinese Language Oral Examination Guidance

社會服務2005 參與香港仔蒲窩環境資源中心成立之牆畫工作坊2006,2007 香港浸會大學宋慶齡節.開辦慈善人像素描攤位2008 為九龍東立法會候選人,環保觸覺主席譚凱邦先生,繪畫宣傳人像畫2007,2008,2009 香港浸會大學歷史系.學會卡片及宣傳品設計2011 為區議會民主黨候選人李健文先生,繪畫卡通人像畫Social Services2005 Mural Painting for the establishment of Aberdeen Warehouse Environmental Resources Centre2006,2007 Conducted a charitable drawing booth for Soong Ching Ling Festival, Hong Kong Baptist University2008 Painted a portrait for the propaganda of Mr. Roy Tam, Candidate and Chairman of Green Sense, in Kowloon East LEGCO Election2007,2008,2009 Name-card and souvenir design for the Society of History Department, Hong Kong Baptist University2011 Drew a caricature for the propaganda of Mr. Edmund Lee, Candidate of Democratic Party, in District Council Election