Ledelsesudfordringer I Vidensamfundet

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Oplæg om overgangen fra ledelse 1.0 til ledelse 2.0 som et svar på de udfordringer og nye muligheder, som vidensamfundet giver.

Transcript of Ledelsesudfordringer I Vidensamfundet


i vidensamfundet

Fra videnledelse til ???Fra videnledelse til ???

Fra ledelse 1.0 til ledelse 2.0

Bent Schou




• Om behovet for en ny ledelsestænkning

• Lessons from Gary Hamel

• 10 fundamentale ændringer med


• Ledelsesudfordringer i vidensamfundet

• Det videre arbejde i videngruppen om


Ledelse 1.0

• Organisationer baseres på

arbejdsdeling og koordination.

• Mintzberg, 1983: Structure in 5's:

Designing Effective Organizations.

• Transaktionsbaseret – adskillelse• Transaktionsbaseret – adskillelse

mellem videnhåndtering og


Management 1.0 was invented at the beginning of the machine age with the goal of

turning free-spirited, obstreperous, and ill-disciplined human beings into semi-

programmable robots. And it succeeded spectacularly. Gary Hamel 2008.

Management MUST Be Reinvented - Gary Hamel


• Information: tilgængelig, rigelig, gratis

• Viden fra ressource til flow

• Medarbejdere – ikke hænder men hoveder

• Videndeling (samarbejde) er grundlaget

• Integration af kreativitet og stabilitet• Integration af kreativitet og stabilitet

• Ledelse: Organisering af (viden)flow (mål og engagement, netværk og deltagelse, kultur – videndeling og læring, relationer, nye kompetencer)

10 tendenser

1. Øget udviklingstempo – fra stabil kernekompetence til udviklingskompetence

2. The Long Tail? Fra masseproduktion til nicher og tilpasning

3. Knowledge as a commodity? Information er gratis – viden er blevet en vare

4. Grown up digital4. Grown up digital

5. Fra forskning og udvikling i isolerede miljøer til åben innovation

6. Open Source / åbne standarder / Crowd sourcing

7. Fra individuel viden til kollektiv viden

8. Fra Learning Management – til Personal Learning Environment

9. Fra Human Ressources til viden / talent / flow / samarbejde ??

10. Web 2.0 – samtale og deltagelse – co-creation

10 tendenser

• Øget udviklingstempo?

Fra stabil kernekompetence til


Today, a company needs more than a competitive advantage at a point in time; it

needs an evolutionary advantage over time. Gary Hamel 2008.

In this environment what matters is less a company’s capacity to exploit a

proprietary knowledge advantage, than its ability to generate a rapid stream of

powerful new insights. Gary Hamel 2008.

10 tendenser

• The Long Tail?

Fra masseproduktion til nicher og tilpasning

(mass customization)

10 tendenser

• Knowledge as a commodity?

Information er gratis – viden er blevet en vare

And now, even knowledge itself is becoming a commodity. How else can one

explain the ability of a neophyte like Apple to jump to the head of the smart

phone class? Gary Hamel 2008.

10 tendenser

• Grown up digital

10 tendenser

• Fra forskning og udvikling i isolerede miljøer til åben innovation


“The challenge is simply stated: Extend the company’s internal network outward to

include all those with whom the company interacts in the marketplace. Spin a grand web

to include employees, suppliers, regulators and customers; they all become part of your

company’s collective being. They are the company.” “Out of Control,” by Kevin Kelly,


10 tendenser

• Open Source / åbne standarder / CrowdSourcing

A cathedral is designed by a visionary architect, and once built, is static and

unchanging. A bazaar, by contrast, is a semi-chaotic assembly of independent agents

who come together to trade. It is loosely designed and inherently flexible. The open

source movement is a bazaar and most businesses are cathedrals.

“The Cathedral and the Bazaar,” Eric S. Raymond, 1999.

10 tendenser

• Fra individuel viden til kollektiv viden

Diversity and independence are important because the best collective decisions are

the product of disagreement and contest. … Paradoxically, the best way for a group to

be smart is for each person in it to think and act as independently as possible. The

Wisdom of Crowds, by James Surowiecki, 2004

10 tendenser

• Fra Learning Management – til Personal

Learning Environment

10 tendenser

• Fra Human Ressource til viden / talent / flow / samarbejde ???

• Stigende mobilitet

“How did those early industrialists turn independent and bloody-minded farmers,

laborers and craftsmen into order-taking, forelock-tugging employees? How did people

become “human resources,” the flesh-and-blood equivalents of steel and cash?”

“Manufacturing the Employee,” Roy Jacques, 1996.

10 tendenser

• Web 2.0 – samtale og deltagelse – co-creation

“Our biggest joint undertaking as a species [the Internet] is working out splendidly, but

only because we forgot to apply the theory that has guided us ever since the pyramids

were built.” Small Pieces Loosely Joined, by David Weinberger, 2002.

Ledelse 2.0 ?

Organisering af videnflow

Ledelse 2.0

Organisering af (viden)flow

• Mål og engagementEn særlig udfordring i distribuerede og decentraliserede

viden- og samarbejdssystemer.viden- og samarbejdssystemer.

Building companies that are highly pliable, where change is an autonomic process,

creating organizations that protect their leadership with a never-ending barrage of

innovation, infusing work environments with the purpose and passion that inspires

dramatic new thinking—these are the make-or-break challenges for companies in the

21st century. Gary Hamel, 2008.

Ledelse 2.0

Organisering af (viden)flow

• Organisering - Netværk, deltagelse, relationer

When future generations look back at the history of business, they will likely realize

that the huge, centralized, hierarchical corporations of the twentieth century were

not the pinnacle of business organization. Instead, they may see those ‘traditional’

organizations as merely a temporary aberration—an interlude of centralization—

between periods of largely decentralized organizations.

The Future of Work, Thomas W. Malone, 2004.

Ledelse 2.0

Organisering af (viden)flow

• Kultur – videndeling og læringHvordan understøtter og motiverer vi til videndeling

og læring ??og læring ??

Ledelse 2.0

Organisering af (viden)flow

• Individet - nye kompetencer

Forslag til nyorientering af

videngruppen Videnledelse

• En møderække, hvor vi sætter fokus på

elementer i et nyt ledelsesparadigme under

overskriften Ledelsesudfordringer i


• Det kræver forberedelse – refleksion og

læsning af korte tekster

• Forberedelse og værtskab ved et enkelt møde.