Lecture Title: Shortcut in Aesthetic Dentistry: simplifying the ...

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Transcript of Lecture Title: Shortcut in Aesthetic Dentistry: simplifying the ...

Main Lecture Speakers ListDr. Ronaldo Hirata, DDS, MSc, PhDLecture Title: Shortcut in Aesthetic Dentistry: simplifying the technique of composites 1 & 2

CV:Dr. Hirata is Assistant Professor of Biomaterials and Biomimetics at New York University College of Dentistry (NYUCD). Dr. Hirata’s areas of interest and research are implantology and restorative biomaterials. Additionally, he is the coordinator of several post grad programs in Brazil that concentrate on Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry. He lectures on these topics throughout South America. Dr. Hirata earned his DDS at Federal University of Parana/Brazil in 1995, MSc in Biomaterials at Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil in 2002, and his PhD in Restorative Dentistry at Rio de Janeiro State University in 2009. Dr. Hirata has published numerous papers in scientific and professional journals, more than ten textbook chapters, and in 2011, he authored a textbook “TIPS in Esthetic Dentistry,” which has been in three languages. Dr. Hirata has a private practice in Curitiba, Brazil, focusing on esthetic dentistry.

Lecture Synopsis:The modern approaches on restorative dentistry should encompass materials like ceramics, indirect composites and direct composites used in a variety of ways. Nowadays 5 approaches can be defined for the partial restorations. The use of composite resins can be understand in this new scenario, but some trends on this use can be determined.One of the most interesting trend in order to simplify the traditional technique seems to be the development of low shrinkage composites, as well as chairside indirect composite restorations. This lecture will include some laboratorial data and clinical aspects of these new trends on composite technique, also showing these aspects with demonstrative videos.TopicsClinical aspects on indication of dental ceramics: clinical investigation The traditional composite layering techniqueSimplifying composite techniquesThe scientific basis for the behavior of the low shrinkage compositeA simplified strategy for using low shrinkage composites versus traditional composite technique The technique and advantages of composites restorations used on silicon modelsSilicon molds for posterior sculpture

Dr. Markus Lenhard, DMDLecture Title: Modern techniques in restorative dentistry 1&2

CV:Dr. Markus Lenhard started his career in 1992 as scientific fellow in the Department of Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology at Heidelberg University in Germany. Later he headed the Department of Clinical Education at Ivoclar Vivadent. During that time Dr. Lenhard kept on teaching at Heidelberg University, and was until 2010 active as associate lecturer at the department of Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology. Since 2003 Dr. Lenhard practices in a private clinic in Switzerland. He is member of the Editorial board of Estetica and the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry. He has given more the 500 lectures and courses in 45 countries worldwide and published in numerous dental journals.

Lecture Synopsis:Direct restorations have shown to be a valid method for single tooth restorations, and even show promising results for small multi-unit-restorations. Clinically studies indicate mean annual failure rates of 1-2% for single tooth restorations, including large cavities with the necessity of cusp replacement. While the clinical protocol is established, it still must be considered technique-sensitive. It is more the performance of the operator than the choice of a specific brand of material that will determine the longevity of direct restorations. Hence, recent developments focus on the simplification of clinical protocols, i.e. the introduction of bulk fill materials and universal adhesives. Still the operator must be trained very well, providing the theoretical background and the clinical skills. The lecture will show the state of the art clinical protocol for the latest generation of direct restoratives materials and adhesives. It will identify the critical steps in their clinical use with respect to long term success.

Dr. Rungsi Thavarungkul, DDS, MSc (Orthodontics)Lecture Title: What can Interdisciplinary dental team expect from their orthodontist?

CV:Dr. Rungsi Thavarungkul received a master degree in orthodontics from Chulalongkorn University in 1990 and has been in private practice ever since. He is also well-known for providing his own animation in many orthodontic books as well as presentations which enabled him to successfully shared and communicated his orthondontic knowledge and experience in a creative way.

Lecture Synopsis:The presenter, as an orthodontist, in the interdisciplinary dental team will show his audiences the up-to-date orthodontic concepts that may help the dental team to create better treatment results.

Dr. Saw Lip Hean, BDS, MSc (Endodontics)Lecture Title: Another Cracked Tooth!

CV:Dr Saw Lip Hean graduated with a dentistry degree from Melbourne University, Australia and served in the Malaysian Armed Forces for 2 years before he went on to pursue his post-graduate studies in Endodontics. Since then, he has been practising Endodontics in his private practice which is restricted to Endodontics. Over the years, he has also contributed to the Malaysian Endodontic Society, serving as President of the Society for a few years.

Lecture Synopsis:As more people have access to better oral health today, more teeth are being retained until older ages. Because of this, more teeth are subject to wear and tear and eventually cracks occur after a certain age.Cracks present one of the biggest challenges to our daily practice. It usually presents itself as an emergency in our busy schedule. The diagnosis is often tricky and its management can be very difficult. Moreover, the prognosis can be very uncertain in many cases.This talk will highlight the many important aspects of cracked teeth and how best to deal with cracked teeth of different stages. It also offers some simple management strategy that will make the management of cracked teeth more predictable with better overall prognosis.

Gerhard Motz, MDTLecture Title: Effective Clinic <-> Lab Communication

CV:Gerhard Motz was born in the city of Wetzlar in Hessen, Germany. He received his certification as Master Dental Technicain in Munich and has over 35 years of experience in dental technology and ceramics in Europe. He received training from many world renowned academics and ceramists such as Christian Coachman, Naoki Aiba, Professor A Gutowski, DDS Jack Preston, Willi Geller, Klaus Mutherthies and other leading dental professionals. During his career spanning more than 2 decades, he has worked closely with many clinicians and dental technicians in Germany before establishing his own lab in Munich. He specialized in a wide range of fixed as well as removal prostheses with a special emphasis on high-end aesthetic metal-reinforced and all-ceramic restorations, complex implant supported prosthetics, individualized dentures, challenging feldspathic veneers and CMD cases (cranio-mandibular dysfunctions). He has a keen eye for detail and passion for perfection in dentistry. Currently based in Singapore, he regularly conducts workshops and training for dental technicians in Asia, and hopes to inspire others to strive for excellence in the art of dental technology and ceramics.

Lecture Synopsis:With advances in material science and increased patient awareness and expectations, it is getting more difficult for doctors and laboratories to consistently produce excellent aesthetic results thats satisfied the media savvy patient. In this presentation, the speaker will give an overview of current materials available and how existing tooth color can affect the appearance of the final restorations and how selections of material,layering and staining techniques are used to overcome material limitations.

Prof Dr. Loh Hong Sai, BDS, MDS, FDSRCPS(Glasgow), FDSRCS(Edinburgh), FAM

Lecture Title: Laser applications for oral and maxillofacial surgery

CV:Prof Dr. Loh Hong Sai is a former Professor in Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Head of Department and Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore (NUS). He was the Past President of the International Society of Lasers in Dentistry, now known as the World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD). He received his B.D.S degree and M.D.S. in Oral Surgery from the NUS.He is a Fellow in Academy in Medicine Singapore, a Fellow in Dental Surgery by Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow as well as Royal College of Surgeons of Ediburgh. Besides, he has received post-PhD awards from British Commonwealth Senior Medical Fellowship, Fellowship of The Association of South East Asia Institutes of Higher Learning and Friend of Labour Award, National Trade Union Congress, Singapore. Prof Loh Hong Sai is actively engaged in teaching in the field of Oraland Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Medicine, Dental Anatomy and Histology. His research areas include laser application in oral and dental surgery, treatment modalities for oro-facial pain as well as morphology and variations in local dentitions.

Lecture Synopsis:There is a growing acceptance of laser applications for their effectiveness in the management of dental conditions, with predictable and reproducible results. The experience to use lasers to cut, vaporize and coagulate with favorable biological responses is consistent from established energy parameters and techniques. Wound healing is within normal expectations, with reduced scarring and contractures. Also, there is no evidence of the risk of malignant transformation of treated tissues. Dysfunction is minimal as a result of reduced tissue manipulation and instrumentation. Laser therapy is suited for intra-oral mucosa lesions, including leukoplakia. Pre-prosthodontic laser surgery provides better outcomes in broad-based mucosa lesions. Perio-endodontic applications are enhanced with histochemical and immunological changes. Immuno-modulation is promising for oral lichen planus. Overall cure rate for pre-malignant conditions is good and laser ablation for difficult oral cancers provide better aesthetic results. Photo-coagulation and photo-thermolysis by selective laser absorption benefit vascular and pigmented conditions. Minimally invasive facial procedures are on the rise with laser cosmetic therapy. Molecular and cellular changes with the current understanding of laser stimulation help improve the management of facial pain eg. trigeminal neuralgia, TMJ disorders, post-operation. There is a growing confidence of its scientific basis and higher energy levels for pain relief and cure prospects. The future is bright with improved instrumentation, lowered costs, new and combination systems.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Patchanee Chuveera, DDS, MIPH(Sydney)

Lecture Title: Clinical Applications of Tri-Calcium Silicate Based Materials in Conservative Pulp TreatmentCV:Prof Dr Chuveera graduated from Mahidol University Bangkok with a DDS in 1993. She later obtained Graduate Diploma in Clinical Sciences (General Dentistry) from University of Chiang Mai and Graduate Diploma in Clinical Sciences (Endodontics) from Chulalongkorn University. In 2004, She received her Master of International Public Health from University of Sydney. She is an Assistant Professor in Dental Faculty, University of Chiang Mai. She has published many articles and her current research projects are vital pulp therapy in cariousely exposed permanent teeth and root canal morphology of Thai population: CBCT investigation.

Dr. Papimon Chompu-inwai, DDS, MSc(Pediatric Dentistry)Lecture Title: Clinical Applications of Tri-Calcium Silicate Based Materials in Conservative Pulp TreatmentCV:Dr. Chompu-inwai graduated from Chiang Mai University with BDS (Honors) in 1995. She went abroad to undergo and completed in 2002 her Certificate in Pediatric Dentistry Residency Training at The Sparks Center for Developmental and Learning disorder, The Children’s Hospital of Alabama, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA. She later received Master of Science (Pediatric Dentistry) in 2003.In 2009, she became a Diplomate of American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. She currently teaches in Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric DentistryFaculty of Dentistry, University of Chiamg Mai.Her current research projects are: vital pulp therapy in young permanent teeth and pulpal anesthesia in young permanent teeth.

Lecture Synopsis:Conservative pulp treatment or so called vital pulp therapy is performed to preserve the vitality status of the tooth with deep cavity or carious exposed vital pulp. The treatment includes pulp protection with liner and base, indirect pulp capping, direct pulp capping, partial pulpotomy, and coronal pulpotomy procedures. There is increasing evidence showing successful outcomes of these treatment procedures. The first part of this presentation will generally introduce the audiences to the choices of treatment when facing the tooth with deep caries. The concept of vital pulp therapy will be discussed. Next, the advantages and disadvantages of vital pulp therapy will further be elaborated. Then, the factors influencing the success of vital pulp therapy such as diagnosis of the tooth, patient’s age, type and size of pulp exposure, type of irrigants and pulp dressing materials, as well as importance of final restoration will be briefly discussed. In the following section, one of the major influences, the dental materials used, will be further described in detail. The evidence-based review of a recently introduced Tri-Calcium Silicate based material (BiodentineTM) will be presented. Its properties including biocompatibility, bioactivity, sealing ability, setting time, radiopacity, risk of tooth-discoloration, and mixing and handling properties will be discussed.The last two sections include clinical case discussions of vital pulp therapy, in both pediatric and adult patients. The cases involve the range of pulpal involvement from pulp protection, indirect pulp capping, direct pulp capping, partial pulpotomy, to coronal pulpotomy. The factors influencing the success of vital pulp therapy will also pointed out in each case.

Dr. Leonard C Nelwan, DRG, SP PROS, FISID, FICOI

Lecture Title: Facial Aesthetic Design: Analogue to Digital NYU Esthetic ApproachCV:Dr Leonard graduated from Trisakti University in 1995. He then studied postgraduate program majoring in Prosthodontic in University of Indonesia in 2005. Currently Dr Leonard is the lecturer in Prosthodontic Department in University of Indonesia. He is also comitee of Indonesian Prosthodontic Soceity. Dr Leonard attended many international continuing education programs and trainings to improve his knowledge and skills. He is also invited to speak at numerous Symposium and Scientific Meeting both Nationally and ASEAN region. He works in Indo Dental Center, a high end dental practice in Jakarta.

Dr. Ivan Hadiutomo, DRGLecture Title: Facial Aesthetic Design: Analogue to Digital NYU Esthetic ApproachCV:Ivan Hadiutomo, drg., graduated from Trisakti University since January 2014. Currently dr. Ivan is a dentist partner in Indo Dental Center, one of the biggest dental clinic in Jakarta, Indonesia and personally mentored by Leonard Nelwan, dr., FITI., FISID., Prosthodontic specialist & lecturer in University of Indonesia since 2011. Dr Ivan has passion in Esthetic & Cosmetic dentistry empowered with the best education in its field from New York University post-graduate program in Esthetic dentistry and in pursuit to be the next best dental cosmetician. Dr ivan is elected to be the International Director of Aesthetic Society in New York University. Dr Ivan is participating in social service by “Yayasan Terang Bagi Indonesia (YTBI) by giving free dental treatment for the needs and also officiates as doctor and supervisor since 2011. Dr. Ivan is in pursuit to join many International & National continuing education programs training to improve his knowledge and skills.

Lecture Synopsis:Facially driven dental esthetic treatment is one of the most important things in making a full mouth rehab.Most dentist see teeth as tooth, but we often forget that we need to fulfill patient's need in esthetic and function wise.By bringing facial consideration in Dental Esthetic rehabilitation, we open doors for more comprehensive treatment in Esthetic & Function. Digital Smile Design is one of the most famous and powerful additional tools in dental Esthetic, but knowing the basic in Facially driven treatment plan will enhance our ability to interact with patient and answering their expectation.

Dr. Rasidah Ayob, BDS, MClinDent (Periodontology), MFDSRCS(England)

Lecture Title: Aggressive Periodontitis

CV:Dr Rasidah Hj Ayob received her BDS in1990 from The University of Malaya. Obtained her membership of Royal College of Surgeons of England (MFDS) and Certificate in Clinical Science (UCL) in 2002. She was also appointed as a trainer in periodontal surgery for the GDP at the Eastman (United Kingdom Private and OMEGA)(2004). In 2005, she attained her M.Clin. Dent. (Periodontology ) from UCL (Lon) and Certificate in Periodontology by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP).Trainer and speaker for the courses involving periodontology for Dental Officers (MOH/Army), post Graduate MOH attachment and MOH Periodontal Specialists. In 2010, undergone further plastic surgery training in ITALY and undergo the Aesthetic and advance bone regeneration in Implant at the Loma Linda University (2011). Plays a major in the In-House training for the MOH periodontal specialist and universities. Contributes in research collaboration between MOH-UKM including Sihatgusi.info website development group and other universities. Currently holding a post as the Head Unit of Periodontics in the State of Malacca and the Chairperson of SCODOS (2015-2017). Her special interest: Non-surgical: Aggressive Periodontitis Management: Surgical: Plastic Surgery and Periodontal Regeneration.

Synopsis:Aggressive Periodontitis is a form of periodontitis which was renamed in 1999, when many experts questioned the proper name should be given. We have witnessed a sharp rise in periodontitis among the young adults in Malaysia based on NOHSA 2010 findings. With a sharp rise in this disease, it is prudent for us to search for more efficient treatment that can halt the disease and even able to restore what was lost.This session will cover the management and sharing of experience in managing aggressive periodontitis.

A/Prof Dr. Toh Teck Hock, MBBS (Melb), FRCPCH (UK), Dip Derm (S’pore), AM (Mal)

Lecture Title: Understanding children and adolescents with AutismCV:Dr. Toh is a General Paediatrician and the Head of Clinical Research Centre in Sibu Hospital, and has worked in United Kingdom, Singapore and Australia for a number of years as a paediatric trainee. His special interests areas are developmental-behavioural paediatrics and community child health. He is an adjunct teacher for SEGi University Medical School as well as the Special Olympics Asia Pacific Regional Clinical Advisor in Health Promotion®, National Early Childhood Intervention Council Founding Committee Member, Council Member for Sarawak State Council for Early Childhood Education and Development, and Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative National Assessor and Secretary of the Association for Children with Special Needs Sibu. Besides scientific papers and presentations, He has also published parent-teacher handbooks on ADHD and language development, as well as children reading/colouring books, and books on Chinese literary prose and short stories. He received the “Outstanding Young Malaysian Award” in 2010 for the Category “Contribution to Children, World Peace or Human Rights”.

Lecture Synopsis:Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by impairments in communication, behaviour and social functioning beginning in childhood. The diagnosis of ASD is made either by using criteria from the DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5. The prevalence of one in 68 for children aged 8 years has been reported. Its cause is largely unclear, and it is multi-factorial which includes both genetic vulnerability and environmental factors. Screening is important as early detection enables early intervention and better outcomes. However, effective screening tools for ASD in children are limited with challenges. Early diagnosis and prompt intervention of children with ASD with effective and evidence-based interventions is crucial for the best outcome, hence the importance of early recognising and initiation of early referral. It is also important for health practitioners to be aware of some ineffective and sometime harmful practices offered to the parents.

Yeoh SinLecture Title: Comorbidities of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children and Adolescents: An Overview and the Management in Dental Clinics.CV:Yeoh Shin is a clinical psychologist, who is based in Sibu. After graduating from her undergraduate studies, she worked in a NGO for 2 years as a special educator. She has worked with children and adolescents with different conditions such as ASD, ADHD, intellectual disabilities, specific learning disorder, anxiety, eating disorder, and so on. Although her training in Master of Clinical Psychology has allowed her to work with children, adolescents, and adults with different psychological needs; her main interest is to work with children and adolescents. She was previously with Penang Adventist Hospital before relocating to Sarawak. She is now attached to the Association for Children with Special Needs Sibu (ACSNS).

Lecture Synopsis:Similar to many countries in the world, there is an increment in the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Malaysia. This indicates that we are going to work with more individuals with ASD in the future. Therefore, equipping ourselves with the knowledge of ASD and its comorbidities, in addition to, having the skills to work with individuals with ASD will not only expand our abilities in managing more cases in a dental clinic but will also render great help in improving the wellbeing of individuals with ASD and their family members. ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that begins in early childhood, persists throughout adulthood. It affects social communication/interaction and individuals with ASD display restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities, causing dental care to be difficult. Moreover, there are many conditions comorbid to ASD, such as anxiety, ADHD, and sensory issues which complicate dental care further. In this talk you will learn about comorbidities of ASD and applicable skills/methods to manage different situations which you may encounter whilst working with children and adolescents with ASD in the dental clinic setting.

Prudence LinghamLecture Title: Communication Strategies in children with AutismCV:Ms Prudence Lingham, a speech language therapist, has been in the field of special needs since 1987. She graduated with a degree in Psychology from Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia in 1989 and a Post-graduate Diploma in Clinical Communication Studies (Speech Therapy) from UK in 1992. She has worked at Bukit Harapan, Seri Mengasih and CitaCita Learning Centre in her capacity as a Speech and Language Therapist and sometimes as a Programs Coordinator. She founded CHILDSabah with her sister in 1995 for children of special needs. In 2010, she opened her speech and language clinic, The Therapy Tree, in Kota Kinabalu, with a total of 9 fulltime staff (including myself). Since its opening, they have served more than 100 children with speech, language and communications difficulties.

Lecture Synopsis:Individuals with autism have difficulties in three major areas. These are: social interaction, communication, and repetitive and stereotypical behaviours. A brief review of the social interaction and communication challenges of children with autism will be presented. It is important to know these challenges as it will help us understand why these children behave in the way that they do. Tips and strategies on how to communicate more effectively with children with autism will be introduced. The focus will be on how to reduce anxiety levels when going to places (e.g. Dentist, aeroplanes) that are likely to trigger a stronger emotional and behavioural response.

Dr. Leong Kei Joe, DDS (Ina), MFDS RCS (England),PostGradDip Clinical Dental Science (London),MClinDent (Paediatric Dentistry) (London)

Lecture Title: Dental management in children with Autism

CV:Dr Leong Kei Joe graduated with DDS from Airlangga University, Indonesia, in 1995. He later went on to pursue his postgraduate training in Masters in Clinical Dentistry (Paediatric Dentistry) in London at the Eastman Dental Institute and graduated with distinction in 2003. Following this, he continued his study in Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Dental Science (University College London) and graduated with distinction in 2004. He also obtained his Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery (MFDS) from the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 2004. He is now serving at Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Sabah Women and Child Hospital (Hospital Wanita dan Kanak – Kanak), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, as Head of Department of Paediatric Dental Surgery and Specialist in Paediatric Dental Surgery. His team manages children with Special Health Care Needs, Oral – Dental Trauma, and cases requiring special behaviour management techniques. He is currently a member of the Malaysian Association of Paediatric Dentistry, Council Member of the Malaysian Dental Association, and Clinical Director for Special Olympics Sabah - Special Smiles. He had given numerous lectures on oral health care for children with special health care needs to dental & medical practitioners, parents and guardians of special needs individuals and to teachers at Community Based Rehabilitation centers.

Lecture Synopsis:Children with Autism poses many challenges to oral health care providers. Most clinicians would probably shy away to manage these children in their offices for many reasons. This could be attributed to the fact that clinicians do not have in-depth understanding of the background of autism. In fact, it would be very right to say, when comes to dental treatment, that clinicians do not understand these children and not the other way round. Most parents may also share the same anxiety when seeking dental treatment for their child, especially the worry on how their child will cope in the dental and how the clinician will respond to them. The dental professional should be flexible to modify the treatment approach according to the child’s needs. In this presentation, the speaker will share his experience as a Paediatric Dentist in managing these patients in his office to help clinicians to feel more comfortable and be successful with these children.

Prof. Dr. Jin LijianLecture Title: Oral/periodontal health for general health and healthy ageing: Dentists’ role and perspectiveCV:Prof. Jin is the Modern Dental Laboratory Professor in Clinical Dental Science, Professor of Periodontology and Associate Dean (Research, Innovation & Enterprise, 2011-2015) at the Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong. Currently, he is the Council Member of FDI World Dental Federation (2015-2018); Member at Large of International Academy of Periodontology; and the founding Member of the Periodontology Specialty Board of the College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong. He also previously served as the Chairman of FDI Science Committee (2012-2015) and its Task Team in Oral Health Atlas (2013-2015); Chair of IADR Task Group in Periodontal Disease-Global Oral Health Inequities: The Research Agenda (2009-2012); President of IADR-Southeast Asian Division (2013-2015); and President of Asian Pacific Society of Periodontology (2011-2013). He sits on the editorial/advisory boards of J Dent Res, J Clin Periodontol, J Periodontol and J Periodont Res. His research interests include periodontal etiopathogenesis, innate immunity and periodontal medicine. He and his supervisees have obtained over 10 international research prizes. He has primarily supervised the research projects of 30 postgraduates, delivered more than 160 lectures nationally and internationally, and published over 160 journal papers/book chapters.

Lecture Synopsis:Oral health is intimately integrated into general health and healthy aging. Periodontal disease is one of the major global health burdens. It dramatically affects oral health and also links closely to common non-communicable diseases (NCDs, e.g. diabetes and heart disease), via infection-inflammation pathways and sharing risk factors (e.g. tobacco smoking). This lecture highlights the key issues in daily management of patients through teamwork for optimal oral and general health in aging populations.

Prof. Dr. Adrian Yap, PhD, MSc, BDS, Grad Dip Psychotherapy, FAMS

Lecture Title: Temporomandibular Disorder: The Great ImposterCV:Prof Dr. Adrian Yap is a Senior Consultant / Prosthodontist at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital and Jurong Medical Centre. He is Head Department of Dentistry of JurongHealth, Singapore’s western public healthcare cluster. Dr. Yap is also an Adjunct Professor of the School of Science and Technology, SIM University (UniSIM), an Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Design and Environment, National University of Singapore (NUS) and a Clinical Associate Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry, NUS. He obtained his BDS degree from NUS in 1991 where he received several awards including the FAC Ohlers Gold Medal for best clinical student and Terrell Silver Medal for distinction in Prosthodontics. Dr. Yap went on to pursue his post-graduate training and graduated from the Institute of Dental Surgery (University of London), where he was conferred the prestigious 3M Dental Postgraduate Prize, with a Masters in Conservative Dentistry in 1993. Dr. Yap obtained his Doctor of Philosophy degree from NUS in 2001 and his Graduate Diploma in Psychotherapy from the Faculty of Medicine, NUS in 2004. On top of his academic accolades, Dr. Yap has also received several teaching, service excellence and research awards in the areas of Dental Materials and Craniofacial Biology. Dr. Yap is known for his expertise in Temporomandibular Disorders, Occlusion and Restorative Dentistry. He lectures world-wide and has authored more than 170 refereed journal articles (H-index of 33), 530 conference/seminar papers, several book chapters and patents in these areas. Dr. Yap is a reviewer for numerous international journals and serves in the editorial boards of several including Operative Dentistry and Current Nanoscience.

Lecture Synopsis:Temporomandibular Disorders (TMDs) are a significant public health problem. They refer to a collection of dental and medical conditions affecting the temporomandibular joints, masticatory muscles and/or associated structures. TMDs are the second most common musculoskeletal pain after chronic lower back pain. In addition to orofacial pain and headaches, other signs and symptoms of TMDs include otic complaints, jaw joint sounds, jaw function difficulties, limited or abnormal jaw movements as well as catching/locking of the jaws. TMDs can significantly reduce the quality of life of individuals. Population studies show that approximately 75% of people have signs while 33% have symptoms of TMDs. As such, most dentists will encounter patients with TMDs in a routine work week. Due to its large variety of signs/symptoms, TMD are frequently under and mis-diagnosed in everyday dental practice.This three-part lecture aims to help clinicians know the current concepts of TMDs, their classification, etiology, signs and symptoms. Participants will learn how to screen for TMDs and minimize complaints arising from routine dental treatment. An overview of TMDs management will also be presented and the risk factors/complications associated with splint therapy are discussed. The majority of patients with TMDs respond well to conservative treatment but for some the TMDs are more chronic and may develop as a reaction to psychosocial stresses. The diagnosis and management of these patients are more complex. Multi-disciplinary care based on the biopsychosocial model is often required and prognosis may be guarded.etiology

Dr. Chelsia Sim, BDS (S’pore), MSc (OM), FDSRCS (Edin)Lecture Title: Oral Premalignant Lesions: How to identify and deal with it?CV:Dr. Sim received her B.D.S degree from the National University of Singapore, Faculty of Dentistry and M.S. degree with advanced training in Oral Medicine at University of California, San Francisco. Following that, she completed her Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology residency at the University of Iowa. She is currently an Associate Consultant, in the Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery at the National Dental Centre. She also teaches as a Clinical Lecturer at the Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore. Her clinical interests includes diagnosis and management of oral diseases such as autoimmune mucocutaneous diseases such as lichen planus, pemphigus and pemphigoid, recurrent stomatitis, Sjogren’s syndrome, oral diseases related to HIV and other infectious diseases. She also treats patients with head and neck cancer and precancerous lesions. In addition to her clinical practice, Dr. Sim is actively engaged in the surgical biopsy service. Dr. Sim is a diplomate of the American Board of Oral Medicine, a Fellow in Dental Surgery by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburg in oral medicine as well as a fellow of the American Academy of Oral Maxillofacial Pathology.

Lecture Synopsis: A premalignant lesion is defined as any pathologic entity, if left untreated, has the potential to develop into cancer. In the oral cavity, there are several well-recognized premalignant lesions such as leukoplakia, erythroplakia/erythroleukoplakia, proliferative verrucous hyperplasia, oral submucous fibrosis, and oral lichen planus. Early detection and effective management of these OPMLs, play an important role in preventing malignant transformation and reduces morbidity and mortality. In this session, a brief summary of the various commonly encountered oral premalignant lesions and its management will be covered.

Dr. Ng Ben Chuan, BDS, FICOI, FITI, FICD, IAFALecture Title: New Frontiers -Facial Therapeutics & Enhancement Using Botox & Dermal Fillers

Dr Kenneth LeeCV:Dr. Ng obtained his BDS in 1980, Fellow of International Congress of Oral Implantologists in 1996, Fellow of iInternational Team for Implants in 2010, Fellow of International College of Dentist in 2013 and Fellow of International Academy of Facial Aesthetics in 2014.He runs a private dental practuce limited to Orthodontics, Oral Implants and Facial Therapeutics & Facial Enhancement.

Lecture Synopsis: Dentistry is at a cross-road; we are into the next decade looking forward to provide our patients an overall patient-care beyond the orbicularis oris.As an adjunct treatment modalities to patients from the normal dental procedures, dentists in general can now have the opportunity to provide an additional care and services, recognizes practical applications and tap into our creative outlet for professional growth. The Next Level in Cosmetic and Therapeutic Dentistry is within reach. Dentists can provide the most comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for lip and oral/facial augmentations and enhancement and it has metastasized like wild-fire in the west and also our near neighbours. This basic introduction presentation will provide interested dentists with the knowledge and guidelines on how Botox & Dermal Fillers’ can be applied to their patients and increased their self-esteem, at the same propelling dentists into the new frontier of Fortifying the Future of Dentistry.

Dr. Lim Sang Chul, DDS, PhDLecture Title: How Can We Manage Common Mistakes In Each Steps Of Anterior Implantation

CV:Resident in the Dental hospital of Kyung-Hee University (Department of Periodontics)Awarded M.S.D. in the Graduate School of Dentistry, Kyung-Hee University, Seoul, KoreaAwarded Ph.D in August 2000, in periodontology, Kyung-Hee University, School of Dentistry, Seoul, KoreaPart-time faculty member in graduate periodontics, Kyung-Hee University, School of Dentistry, Seoul, KoreaVisiting Scientist in University of British Columbia, Faculty of Dentistry, Vancouver, CanadaPart-time faculty member in Esthetic dentistry of graduate school of medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea2013 WCOI invited speakerWell Dental Clinic (private practice)

Synopsis:Today, implant treatment has become a daily practice in our clinic. Our patient’s requests could be higher than before when they have an implant treatment. We also need more accurate treatment plan and procedure and we have to consider many factors to achieve a final goal.So I would like to share the information through my presentation for getting better results.

I. Concerning about general principles of Guided Bone Regeneration1. Incision, surgical site preparation2. About bone grafting materials : allograft, xenograft, alloplast3. Characteristics : different type of membrane 4. Treatment of bone defects related to dental implant placement

II. Concerning about GBR on esthetic zone1. Appropriate implantation time point in the esthetic area2. Contour Augmentation Vs. GBR3. Immediate implantation with bone grafting4. Gingival molding for perfect soft tissue integration

Dr. Kenneth Lee, B.D.S.(Syd Uni), Grad. Dip of Hlth Sc. (Uni. West Syd), MSc (Frankfurt Uni), MOI (Goethe Uni); FICOI (USA), FAAFO (USA), DICOI (USA), FIAO (USA), FWAUPSLecture Title: It’s all about Airways: The interaction between Ortho/TMD/Sleep MedicineDr Kenneth LeeCV:Educational Qualifications:Master of Science in Oral Implantology, The Goethe University in Frankfurt/Germany;Bachelor of Dental Surgery, University of Sydney;Graduate Diploma of Health Science, University of Western Sydney;Fellow of International Association of Orthodontics (USA);Fellow and Diplomat of World Academy of Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Bone Surgery (WAUPS);Fellow and Diplomat of International Congress of Oral Implantology (USA);Fellow of American Association for Functional Orthodontics;

Professional Experience:Dr. Lee is a full time practicing dentist in Sydney Australia, the Principal of Today's Dental for over 25 years and run a multi-location group practice in Sydney, Australia. His personal practice is limited to TMD, sleep Medicine and Implant Dentistry. He regularly lectures and teach and is foundation faculty for the International Academy of Advanced Dentistry in Sydney, Australia. He is currently the President and Certified Senior Instructor of International Association of Orthodontics (USA) as well as Principal Lecturer of International Academy of Advanced Dentistry.

Lecture Synopsis:Part 1: Introduction Understanding the close relationship between:Skeletal and dental malocclusionsAirway resistance issuesFunctional orthodonticsBruxism / parafunctionTMD, head & neck painActive treatment and preventative approaches based on correct anatomical and cranial positions, maximising airway and correct TMJ relationship.

Part 2: Study Cases will be reviewed They will be special emphasis on diagnoses and treatment on TMD. Correct splint selection will be discussed for different disorders. The use of adjunctive treatment such as Trigger Point injections, Botulinum Type A Toxin, Dry Needling and Lasers. Its indications and correct technique will be illustrated.

Dr. Yushaini binti Ahmad, BDS, MClinDent(Paediatric), MFDSRCS(Dublin)Lecture Title: Preventive Dentistry Made Easy: How can it optimize your dental treatment?CV:Dr Yushaini Ahmad graduated with a BDS from the University of Western Australia in 1998. She then served in the Ministry of Health, Malaysia as a dental officer before embarking on her Masters in Clinical Dentistry (Paediatric Dentistry) at Queen Mary College, University of London from 2003 – 2005. While in the UK, she also obtained her MFDRCSI from the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland. Upon returning to Malaysia, she was posted to Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II, Kota Bharu for her gazettement and finally to Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah, Kuala Terengganu where she is currently based.

Lecture Synopsis:To many dental professionals, preventive dentistry is just ‘peanuts’, not worth the money and of little importance in their management. This is because preventive dentistry is an ongoing and life long process. It is not a one shot treatment that generates a handsome amount of money. However, extravagant treatment such as the placement of implants or an expensive ceramic veneer and even oral rehabilitation under general anaesthesia will be unsuccessful if the patients neglect their oral care. It is more unfortunate if dental practitioners themselves fail to recognize the downside of patients’ factor. Therefore, a few preventive measures that are easy to implement in a dental or home setting will be highlighted for optimal outcomes.

Dr. Priya Ragunath, MBBS(Manipal), MPH(Malaya), MFOMRCP(Dublin)Lecture Title: Dental workplace hazards: What the dental health care providers should know.CV:Dr. Priya graduated from Manipal India with MBBS in 1997 and Master of Public Health in Occupational Health from University of Malaya in 2004. She became a Member of Faculty of Occupational Medicine Royal College of Physicians Ireland in 2009. She is the Chairman of Society of Occupational & Environmental Medicine.She is currently working in the Disease Control Division, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya as a Senior Principle Assistant Director.

Lecture Synopsis:Dentistry deemed as one of the oldest occupations, yet it is also one of the occupations without adequate safety and health standards. In Malaysia,The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 places the responsibility of prevention and management of occupational diseases on both the employer and the employees. It is therefore imperative to ensure the awareness of and the appropriate management of occupational hazards in the dental facility. There are various occupational hazards associated with the dental profession including injuries, musculoskeletal problems, psychological problems, exposure to communicable diseases, chemicals, radiation and noise; the impact of which has been taken for granted over the years. All levels of controls need to come into play in the prevention and management of occupational hazards at the workplace. Administrative controls such as enhancing and enforcing safe operating procedures, as well as practicing Standard Precautions should be ensured at all times. Workplace safety and health audits are compulsory with immediate action being taken as per the needs. Prompt notification and management of injuries and diseases is of the utmost importance. Management consideration is important in the handling of HCW infected with blood borne diseases with emphasis on the social needs especially protecting the confidentiality of the HCW’s medical status. Compensation may be considered for HCW’s suffering from a permanent disability due to an occupational injury or disease.