Lecture 8 - Keywords and Maps

Post on 08-Jul-2018

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Transcript of Lecture 8 - Keywords and Maps

8/19/2019 Lecture 8 - Keywords and Maps

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Lecture 8 – Keywords

hyperinflation, economic crisis. security situation in the 1980's is surprisingly calm

1. PLO was in Tuniz

. Palestinians are fighting against !yria

!o"iet #nion was fighting its own war in $fghanistan

 %o one is really paying attention ot &ile (ast

e"erything seems to )e sta)le

this e*pansion of settlements an population leas to a growing frustration among young



itzha- !hamir more right wing than pre"ious leaer.

/osni &u)ara- 



2rea-ing the )ones3 policy


(n of 4ol 5ar 

8/19/2019 Lecture 8 - Keywords and Maps

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$utonomy Plan

6ewish immigration from the #!!7 

Loan guarantees

rai in"asion of uwait

!4#: missiles

&ari 4onference

199 (lections

Oslo $ccors

Palestinian $uthority

;aza an 6ericho <irst3 plan

2en=amin %etanyahu

:irect (lections of Prime &inister 

The salami approach

!uicie )om)ings

5ye &emoranum

$reas $>2>4

(hu 2ara- 

4amp :a"i !ummit

8/19/2019 Lecture 8 - Keywords and Maps

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!econ intifaa

8/19/2019 Lecture 8 - Keywords and Maps

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Levels of PA control on the ground

!ource? http?>>www.iris.org.il>oslo).htm 

8/19/2019 Lecture 8 - Keywords and Maps

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4amp :a"i offer 

!ource? http?>>www.passia.org>pu)lications>)oo-maps>52;!4amp:a"i000.gif 

8/19/2019 Lecture 8 - Keywords and Maps

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