Learning LabLearning Lab 2.0 Embedding academic literacies to meet global and local learning support...

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Transcript of Learning LabLearning Lab 2.0 Embedding academic literacies to meet global and local learning support...

Learning Lab 2.0

Embedding academic literacies to meet global and local learning support requirements.

The repurposing, renewal and expansion of the RMIT Learning Lab.


Outline of presentation

Part one: Background

Learning Lab 2004 – 2010

Generic to discipline based integration of academic literacies

Part two: Drivers for a repurposing of Learning Lab

New technologies

Student demand

RMIT global requirements

Redesign -visual makeover and branding requirements

Accessibility on mobile devices

Part three: Showcase of the Learning Lab 2.0 2011 project

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Part one: BackgroundThe development of the original Learning Lab

• Phase one (2006) Phase two Phase three

Develop widely applicable

(generic) resources for use and adaptation across RMIT both on shore and off


Used student models across university

2009 7-8 million hits201012.5 million hits

Develop discipline specific resources

SLC’s academic literacies integration


Upload to course online classrooms

Renewal and redesign

Learning Lab version 1

• Learning Lab

• Multi mode delivery of resources

• Web sites

– Company Law

– Global Studies- Argument Analysis

• Online presentations

–Masters of Professional Accounting - Intro to academic writing

• Interactive PDF’s (Report writing for Logistics)

• PDF’s ( Quick tips and handouts) Research reportRMIT University©2011 Study and Learning Centre 4

A resource model for academic literacies integration

Part two: Drivers for the repurposing of the Learning Lab in 2011 New technologies -from flat screen to web 2.0

Use Web 2.0 technologies to enable active student-to-student and advisor-to-student interactions consistent with constructivist online pedagogies

Smith and Caruso (2010) proposes that the integration of online technologies in tertiary study is dynamically evolving as cloud services such as YouTube, iTunes U, Facebook and Gmail are poised to be the next wave of applications in use in programs.

Student demand

• Changing nature and commitments of tertiary learners as students spend less time on campus -Digital learners expect increased flexibility and connectivity

There is a need to cater for a new generation of students who require ’convenience, connection and control‘ in their learning environments (Caruso & Kvavik 2005, p. 9).

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RMIT University’s local and global requirements

• Increasing diversity of student cohort

• Total student numbers 73 904oHigher Education (HE) 53 350 / VET 20 554oDomestic - 44,457 o International 29, 148 o Full time 45, 646oPart time 25 596o Distance/ fully online 2,662

oTransnational agenda – expansion globally

• Off shore 11,590 RMIT University Pocket Statistics ( 2011)

• RMIT Vietnam 5,708

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Learning Lab 2011 repurposing and redesign project • 6 areas• New Platform- web site to Drupal content management system

• Integration of new technologies

– RMIT enterprise products

– Student feedback mechanisms (social construction of content)

• Redevelopment of content and new content areas

– English language development area

– Post graduate research area

– Online services

– Getting started

• Redesign (Visual makeover)

• Multi platform delivery on mobile devices ( IPhones and IPads)

• Accessibility

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Getting started

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• Entry point for the Learning Lab

•Introduction to key transition issues (students don’t know what they don’t know)

•Scaffolds to targeted tutorials and resources

Online services

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Online delivery of service

•Ask a maths adviser

•Ask a learning adviser

•Elluminate workshops for targeted cohorts

•Capacity to add blogs and forums in the future

English language development

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•Sub project funded by university wide intervention

•Purpose – to develop self efficacy and motivational resources for English as an additional language students

•Quizzes, student to student videosword games

Post graduate research

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• Large and growing cohort of research students

• Significant numbers from NESB •Supports face to face writing circles initiative

Sample Assessment tasks – tutorial (Essay structure)

• Redesigned to be more visual – graphics carry the load

• “Just in time” design approach – key information is fore grounded and concise

• Based on deconstructed authentic text models

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Sample extract- essay structure tutorial

Feedback mechanisms (each tutorial)

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•Student to student feedback

•Student information sharing

•Moderated and acts as an evaluation tool

Resources for courses

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• Discipline based repository for learning objects for students and staff

•Information is categorised for easy searchability

Architecture and building

Design projects: the brief


Art and design

Referencing for Fashion design

Art history essay

Art find (lib)

Fashion and textilesStudy skills for fashion

studentsFashion and textile design

toolbag (TAFE)

Community services and social sciences

Referencing for social science

Argument analysisGSSSP first year essaySocial science essay

Resources for coursesBusinessReferencing for business studentsCollege of Business: Guidelines for referencing and presentation of written workWriting a job applicationSample co-op letterIntroduction to referencingLiterature reviewIntroduction to report writing

Accounting and LawContract lawNegligenceCompany lawHow to study company lawMPA How to write a reflection 

Business TAFE Study skills for TAFE studentsBusiness law introductionBusiness law –negligenceBusiness law- contract Economics and FinanceRisk management (report)

Information technologyIntroduction to academic writing (logistics)

Health and medical sciencesStudy skills for dental assistantsStudy resources for first year Nursing students

EngineeringMaths for Civil, Aerospace, Electrical & Chemical engineering

Applied Science Maths for Geospatial ScienceReport writing for Geospatial


Final stage

• Usability studies

• Placement

• Marketing

• Launch

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