Learn to love networking on iOS

Post on 19-Aug-2014

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Transcript of Learn to love networking on iOS

Paolo Tagliani § Learn to love networking on iOS

Learn to love networking on iOS

Learn to love networking on iOS

#pragma me

• Paolo Tagliani (@PablosProject)

• iOS Developer @Superpartes Innovation Campus

• Founder of #pragma mark

• various stuff…


• @PablosProject

• http://www.pablosproject.com

• https://www.facebook.com/paolo.tagliani

• https://github.com/pablosproject

• More…

Learn to love networking on iOS

What you need to know

HTTP Basics

Learn to love networking on iOS

What you need to know

HTTP Basics


HTTP Response code • 2xx (success) • 4xx (client error) • 5xx (server error) • 1xx (informational) • 3xx (redirection)

Learn to love networking on iOS

What you need to know

HTTP Basics



Learn to love networking on iOS

What you need to know

• Client-server

• Cachable

• Stateless

• Layered

Learn to love networking on iOS

What you need to know

• Client-server

• Cachable

• Stateless

• Layered


Learn to love networking

What you need to know

Learn to love networking

What you need to know


Learn to love networking

What you need to know


iOS Bootcamp

What you need to know

iOS Bootcamp

What you need to know

iOS Bootcamp

What you need to know

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa

Foundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa

Foundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa

Foundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket


iOS Bootcamp

Networking in Cocoa: CFNetworkFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

CFNetwork is a low-level, high-performance framework that gives you the ability to have detailed control over the protocol stack. It is an extension to BSD sockets, the standard socket abstraction API that provides objects to simplify tasks such as communicating with FTP and HTTP servers or resolving DNS hosts. CFNetwork is based, both physically and theoretically, on BSD sockets. (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/



iOS Bootcamp

Networking in Cocoa: CFNetworkFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket


iOS Bootcamp

Networking in Cocoa: CFNetworkFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Only C code


iOS Bootcamp

Networking in Cocoa: CFNetworkFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Only C code

• Focused on network protocol (HTTP and FTP)


iOS Bootcamp

Networking in Cocoa: CFNetworkFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Only C code

• Focused on network protocol (HTTP and FTP)

• Abstractions : streams and socket


iOS Bootcamp

Networking in Cocoa: CFNetworkFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Only C code

• Focused on network protocol (HTTP and FTP)

• Abstractions : streams and socket


iOS Bootcamp

Networking in Cocoa: CFNetworkFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

CFStringRef  url  =  CFSTR("http://www.apple.com");  !CFURLRef  myURL  =  CFURLCreateWithString(kCFAllocatorDefault,  url,  NULL);  !CFStringRef  requestMethod  =  CFSTR("GET");  !    !CFHTTPMessageRef  myRequest  =  CFHTTPMessageCreateRequest(kCFAllocatorDefault,  !                requestMethod,  myUrl,  kCFHTTPVersion1_1);  !CFHTTPMessageSetBody(myRequest,  bodyData);  !CFHTTPMessageSetHeaderFieldValue(myRequest,  headerField,  value);  !    !CFReadStreamRef  myReadStream  =  CFReadStreamCreateForHTTPRequest(kCFAllocatorDefault,  myRequest);  !    !CFReadStreamOpen(myReadStream);  

Example: communicate with HTTP server

iOS Bootcamp

Networking in Cocoa: CFNetworkFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Example: communicate with HTTP server

//Setting  the  client  for  the  stream  Boolean  CFReadStreamSetClient  (        CFReadStreamRef  stream,        CFOptionFlags  streamEvents,        CFReadStreamClientCallBack  clientCB,        CFStreamClientContext  *clientContext  );  !//Callback  to  handle  stream  Events  !void  myCallBack  (CFReadStreamRef  stream,  CFStreamEventType  event,  void  *myPtr)  {          switch(event)  {                  case  kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable:                 {…}                          break;                  case  kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred:                 {…}                          break;                  case  kCFStreamEventEndEncountered:                {…}                          break;          }  }  

iOS Bootcamp

Networking in Cocoa: CFNetworkFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket


iOS Bootcamp

Networking in Cocoa: CFNetworkFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

• CFNetwork is a low-level C API that provides abstractions over BSD sockets


iOS Bootcamp

Networking in Cocoa: CFNetworkFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

• CFNetwork is a low-level C API that provides abstractions over BSD sockets

• Provide high flexibility


iOS Bootcamp

Networking in Cocoa: CFNetworkFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

• CFNetwork is a low-level C API that provides abstractions over BSD sockets

• Provide high flexibility

• As you write your code, it is recommended that you prefer the use of higher-level frameworks over lower-level frameworks whenever possible.


iOS Bootcamp

Networking in Cocoa: CFNetworkFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

• CFNetwork is a low-level C API that provides abstractions over BSD sockets

• Provide high flexibility

• As you write your code, it is recommended that you prefer the use of higher-level frameworks over lower-level frameworks whenever possible.


Learn to love networking

Networking in cocoa : FoundationFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

URL loading system

Learn to love networking

Networking in cocoa : FoundationFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Set of API written in Objective-C

URL loading system

Learn to love networking

Networking in cocoa : FoundationFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Set of API written in Objective-C

• High level abstraction for interaction with URL resources

URL loading system

Learn to love networking

Networking in cocoa : FoundationFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Set of API written in Objective-C

• High level abstraction for interaction with URL resources

• At the heart of this technology is the NSURL class, which lets your app manipulate URLs and the resources they refer to.

URL loading system

Learn to love networking

Networking in cocoa : FoundationFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Set of API written in Objective-C

• High level abstraction for interaction with URL resources

• At the heart of this technology is the NSURL class, which lets your app manipulate URLs and the resources they refer to.

• Together these classes (NSURL*) are referred to as the URL loading system.

URL loading system

Learn to love networking

Networking in cocoa : FoundationFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

URL loading system

Learn to love networking

Networking in cocoa : FoundationFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

URL loading system

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : Foundation

NSURLConnection or NSURLSession?Foundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : Foundation

NSURLConnection or NSURLSession?Foundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : Foundation

NSURLConnection or NSURLSession?Foundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Use 2 different support classes: NSURLRequest and NSURLResponse.

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Use 2 different support classes: NSURLRequest and NSURLResponse.

• Most of the setup is made on NSURLRequest. It manages:

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Use 2 different support classes: NSURLRequest and NSURLResponse.

• Most of the setup is made on NSURLRequest. It manages:

• The request URL

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Use 2 different support classes: NSURLRequest and NSURLResponse.

• Most of the setup is made on NSURLRequest. It manages:

• The request URL

• Cache policy

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Use 2 different support classes: NSURLRequest and NSURLResponse.

• Most of the setup is made on NSURLRequest. It manages:

• The request URL

• Cache policy

• HTTP Parameters and header fiels

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Use 2 different support classes: NSURLRequest and NSURLResponse.

• Most of the setup is made on NSURLRequest. It manages:

• The request URL

• Cache policy

• HTTP Parameters and header fiels

• Timeout

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Use 2 different support classes: NSURLRequest and NSURLResponse.

• Most of the setup is made on NSURLRequest. It manages:

• The request URL

• Cache policy

• HTTP Parameters and header fiels

• Timeout

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Use 2 different support classes: NSURLRequest and NSURLResponse.

• Most of the setup is made on NSURLRequest. It manages:

• The request URL

• Cache policy

• HTTP Parameters and header fiels

• Timeout

• NSURLResponse manage the response information (ex. HTTP status code)

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : Foundation

NSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : Foundation

NSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Most flexible method for retrieving content of URL.

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : Foundation

NSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Most flexible method for retrieving content of URL.

• Use three different ways for retrieving the content:

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : Foundation

NSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Most flexible method for retrieving content of URL.

• Use three different ways for retrieving the content:

• Synchronous call

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : Foundation

NSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Most flexible method for retrieving content of URL.

• Use three different ways for retrieving the content:

• Synchronous call

• Asynchronous with delegate

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : Foundation

NSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Most flexible method for retrieving content of URL.

• Use three different ways for retrieving the content:

• Synchronous call

• Asynchronous with delegate

• Asynchronous with block

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Synchronous connection

//  Create  the  request.  NSURLRequest  *theRequest=[NSURLRequest  requestWithURL:[NSURL  URLWithString:@"http://www.apple.com/"]                                                  cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy                                          timeoutInterval:60.0];  !//Create  a  response  for  the  request    NSURLResponse  *response;  !NSError  *error;  !//Send  the  request  [NSURLConnection  sendSynchronousRequest:request  returningResponse:&response  error:&error];  

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Synchronous connection

//  Create  the  request.  NSURLRequest  *theRequest=[NSURLRequest  requestWithURL:[NSURL  URLWithString:@"http://www.apple.com/"]                                                  cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy                                          timeoutInterval:60.0];  !//Create  a  response  for  the  request    NSURLResponse  *response;  !NSError  *error;  !//Send  the  request  [NSURLConnection  sendSynchronousRequest:request  returningResponse:&response  error:&error];  

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Synchronous connection

//  Create  the  request.  NSURLRequest  *theRequest=[NSURLRequest  requestWithURL:[NSURL  URLWithString:@"http://www.apple.com/"]                                                  cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy                                          timeoutInterval:60.0];  !//Create  a  response  for  the  request    NSURLResponse  *response;  !NSError  *error;  !//Send  the  request  [NSURLConnection  sendSynchronousRequest:request  returningResponse:&response  error:&error];  

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Asynchronous connection with delegate: create the request

// Create the request. NSURLRequest *theRequest=[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.apple.com/"] cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy timeoutInterval:60.0]; // Create the NSMutableData to hold the received data. // receivedData is an instance variable declared elsewhere. receivedData = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity: 0]; // create the connection with the request // and start loading the data NSURLConnection *theConnection=[[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:theRequest delegate:self];

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Asynchronous connection with delegate: handle request event! - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response { // This method is called when the server has determined that it // has enough information to create the NSURLResponse object. // receivedData is an instance variable declared elsewhere. [receivedData setLength:0]; } ... - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveData:(NSData *)data { // Append the new data to receivedData. // receivedData is an instance variable declared elsewhere. [receivedData appendData:data]; } ... - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didFailWithError:(NSError *)error { //Clean all variables theConnection = nil; receivedData = nil; // inform the user NSLog(@"Connection failed! Error - %@ %@", [error localizedDescription], [[error userInfo] objectForKey:NSURLErrorFailingURLStringErrorKey]); }

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Asynchronous connection with delegate: handle request event

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Asynchronous connection with delegate: handle request event

NSURLConnectionDelegate (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Foundation/Reference/NSURLConnectionDelegate_Protocol/Reference/

Reference.html) !!

NSURLConnectionDataDelegate (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/DOCUMENTATION/Foundation/Reference/NSURLConnectionDataDelegate_protocol/



NSURLConnectionDownloadDelegate (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/DOCUMENTATION/Foundation/Reference/NSURLConnectionDownloadDelegate_Protocol/


Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Asynchronous connection with completion block

// Create the request. NSURLRequest *theRequest=[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.apple.com/"] cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy timeoutInterval:60.0]; //Init an operation queue on which run the completion handler NSOperationQueue *queue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init]; [NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:request queue:queue completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *connectionError) { //Handle error or return data }]

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLConnectionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Asynchronous connection with completion block

// Create the request. NSURLRequest *theRequest=[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.apple.com/"] cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy timeoutInterval:60.0]; //Init an operation queue on which run the completion handler NSOperationQueue *queue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init]; [NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:request queue:queue completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *connectionError) { //Handle error or return data }]

Only for iOS 5.0+ Difficult to handle authentication Less flexibility

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLSessionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLSessionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

• The NSURLSession class and related classes provide an API for downloading content via HTTP.

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLSessionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

• The NSURLSession class and related classes provide an API for downloading content via HTTP.

• Work transparently with delegate and with completion callbacks (blocks).

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLSessionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

• The NSURLSession class and related classes provide an API for downloading content via HTTP.

• Work transparently with delegate and with completion callbacks (blocks).

• The NSURLSession API provides status and progress properties.

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLSessionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

• The NSURLSession class and related classes provide an API for downloading content via HTTP.

• Work transparently with delegate and with completion callbacks (blocks).

• The NSURLSession API provides status and progress properties.

• It supports canceling, restarting (resuming), and suspending tasks, and it provides the ability to resume suspended, canceled, or failed downloads.

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLSession: types of sessionsFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLSession: types of sessionsFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

• Default sessions use a persistent disk-based cache and store credentials in the user’s keychain.

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLSession: types of sessionsFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

• Default sessions use a persistent disk-based cache and store credentials in the user’s keychain.

• Ephemeral sessions do not store any data to disk; all caches, credential stores, and so on are kept in RAM and tied to the session.

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLSession: types of sessionsFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

• Default sessions use a persistent disk-based cache and store credentials in the user’s keychain.

• Ephemeral sessions do not store any data to disk; all caches, credential stores, and so on are kept in RAM and tied to the session.

• Background sessions are similar to default sessions, except that a separate process handles all data transfers.

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLSession: taskFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLSession: taskFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Each session is composed by a number of task. A task is a simple HTTP network operation.

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLSession: taskFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Each session is composed by a number of task. A task is a simple HTTP network operation.

• Different types of task:

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLSession: taskFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Each session is composed by a number of task. A task is a simple HTTP network operation.

• Different types of task:

• Data tasks send and receive data using NSData objects. Data tasks are intended for short, often interactive requests from your app to a server.

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLSession: taskFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Each session is composed by a number of task. A task is a simple HTTP network operation.

• Different types of task:

• Data tasks send and receive data using NSData objects. Data tasks are intended for short, often interactive requests from your app to a server.

• Download tasks retrieve data in the form of a file, and support background downloads while the app is not running.

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLSession: taskFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Each session is composed by a number of task. A task is a simple HTTP network operation.

• Different types of task:

• Data tasks send and receive data using NSData objects. Data tasks are intended for short, often interactive requests from your app to a server.

• Download tasks retrieve data in the form of a file, and support background downloads while the app is not running.

• Upload tasks send data (usually in the form of a file), and support background uploads while the app is not running.

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationNSURLSession: taskFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket


Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationWhy use NSURLSessionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationWhy use NSURLSessionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Background task: using this API the app creates automatically for you a daemon (on OSX) and wake up your app several time (on iOS) to complete background transfers.

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationWhy use NSURLSessionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Background task: using this API the app creates automatically for you a daemon (on OSX) and wake up your app several time (on iOS) to complete background transfers.

• Encapsulate network logic: each session manage its task. You can suspend, resume, and control progress of every task of the session.

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationWhy use NSURLSessionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Background task: using this API the app creates automatically for you a daemon (on OSX) and wake up your app several time (on iOS) to complete background transfers.

• Encapsulate network logic: each session manage its task. You can suspend, resume, and control progress of every task of the session.

• Easy configuration: with NSURLSessionConfiguration: configure once and share configuration for all task.

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationWhy use NSURLSessionFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket • Background task: using this API the app creates automatically for you a daemon (on OSX) and wake up your app several time (on iOS) to complete background transfers.

• Encapsulate network logic: each session manage its task. You can suspend, resume, and control progress of every task of the session.

• Easy configuration: with NSURLSessionConfiguration: configure once and share configuration for all task.

• Uploads and downloads through the file system: This encourages the separation of the data (file contents) from the metadata (the URL and settings).

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationSummaryFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationSummaryFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

You can do anything

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationSummaryFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

You can do anything


Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationSummaryFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

You can do anything


Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationSummaryFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

You can do anything


•Build a network stack for your application can be difficult.

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationSummaryFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

You can do anything


•Build a network stack for your application can be difficult.

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationSummaryFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

You can do anything


•Build a network stack for your application can be difficult.

•There’s no a drop-in solution (i.e. reinvent the wheel every time)

Learn to love networking on iOS

Networking in cocoa : FoundationSummaryFoundation (NSURL* classes)


BSD Socket

You can do anything


•Build a network stack for your application can be difficult.

•There’s no a drop-in solution (i.e. reinvent the wheel every time)

Learn to love networking on iOS


Learn to love networking on iOS


•11.00+ stars •3.000+ forks •1.500+ commits •1300+ closed issues •130 contributors

Learn to love networking on iOS



(Alamo Fire = AF*)

Learn to love networking on iOS


AFNetworking 2.0• iOS 6+ & Mac OS X 10.8+

• Xcode 5

• NSURLSession & NSURLConnection

• Serialization Modules

• UIKit Extensions

• Real-time

Learn to love networking on iOS




Download Upload Data







Learn to love networking on iOS

AFNetworking GET a resource


- (AFHTTPRequestOperation *)GET:(NSString *)URLString parameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters success:(void ( ^ ) ( AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation , id responseObject ))success failure:(void ( ^ ) ( AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation , NSError *error ))failure;

Learn to love networking on iOS

AFNetworking GET a resource

- (NSURLSessionDataTask *)GET:(NSString *)URLString parameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters success:(void ( ^ ) ( NSURLSessionDataTask *task , id responseObject ))success failure:(void ( ^ ) ( NSURLSessionDataTask *task , NSError *error ))failure


Learn to love networking on iOS

AFNetworking Serialization

Request serializer Response serializer• HTTP • JSON • Property List

• HTTP • JSON • XML parser • XML document (OSX) • Property List • Image

Learn to love networking on iOS

AFNetworking Serializer extension

• MsgPack


• vCard

• vCal

• WebP

Learn to love networking on iOS

AFNetworking Reachability

• Monitor reachability on:

• IP addresses


• Domain

• Support different type of connection

• 3G

• Wifi

Learn to love networking on iOS

AFNetworking UIKit extension



Learn to love networking on iOS

AFNetworking UIKit extension



Learn to love networking on iOS

AFNetworking UIKit extension



Auto download


Operation management

Learn to love networking on iOS

AFNetworking UIKit extension

Learn to love networking on iOS

AFNetworking UIKit extension

[imageview setImgeWithURL:HearthImageURL]

Learn to love networking on iOS

AFNetworking Summary

Learn to love networking on iOS

AFNetworking Summary

• AFNetworking is powerful

Learn to love networking on iOS

AFNetworking Summary

• AFNetworking is powerful

• Lots of the common task already covered

Learn to love networking on iOS

AFNetworking Summary

• AFNetworking is powerful

• Lots of the common task already covered

• Drag’n drop solution

Learn to love networking on iOS

AFNetworking Summary

• AFNetworking is powerful

• Lots of the common task already covered

• Drag’n drop solution


Learn to love networking on iOS

Tools Charles web debugging proxy

Learn to love networking on iOS

Tools Postman REST client

Learn to love networking on iOS

Tools JSON Accelerator

Learn to love networking on iOS

Tools Cocoapods

Learn to love networking on iOS


• Apple documentation

• CFNetwork Programming guide

• URL Loading System Programming guide


• Ray Wanderlich

• AFNetworking 2.0 Tutorial

• NSURLSession Tutorial

Learn to love networking on iOS


• WWDC Video

• WWDC 2013 Session 705 “What’s New in Foundation Networking”


• NSScreencast

• Episode #91: AFNetworking2.0

• Episode #81: Networking in iOS 7


• NSHipster (@mattt)

• AFNetworking 2.0

• AFNetworking: the Definitive Guide (TBA)

iOS Bootcamp

@PablosProject http://pragmamark.org/