Leah Bauch Master of Architecture + Health Candidate Portfolio

Post on 07-Apr-2016

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Transcript of Leah Bauch Master of Architecture + Health Candidate Portfolio







little free library:conception

The Little Free Library movement has reached an international level in popularity and relevance. A design competition was started as a studio project for a Little Free Library to be placed at Mill City Clinic in Minneapolis, MN. My semester long studio project consisted of two parts: conception and construction. The first half was based on conceptual design of a library that promoted health and wellness, while being able to move from inside to out, and be locked. My team came up with the design of having transluscent material being able to hold books so they would look weightless. The lights were added to give the library another sense of light. The first competition took place halfway through the semester, and my team won the opportunity to progress in to the second half of the project; construction.


Left Section

Front Section

little free library:construction

The second part of the competition was physical construction. Each team was responsible for creating two libraries; one smaller than another. The design from the first half was transferred over in to the second, and had to be made functional. The support rods and clamps were added, as well as the curtain wall on the outside. Our major design focus was on transparency, and because the libraries were going to a health clinic, the shape and lights were based on a DNA double helix. Light Helix became our branding image, and became the final winning design for the Little Free Library competion.

material studies:bread

Unknown materials can create the most unique solutions for problems we do not even know exist. Bread, while baked fresh is moldable, foldable, and pliable. When bread hardens and becomes stale, the material is quite rigid and durable, unlike it’s soft counterpart. Learning by doing was a theme seen in this material/tooling project. The correlation between materials and manipulation creates a design idea for future materials and how they are treated in the design-build process.

card cantilever:production

Making a final product without knowing how it was made seems foolish, yet it continuously happens in design. This project became an interesting exploration of how we choose to design without any knowledge of production. Being assigned to make a cantilever out of a single deck of cards, no shorter than 18” long with no connection devices allowed that had to hold a tennis ball was the first challenge assigned. In teams of two, groups came up with solutions to this problem and designed a product that met criteria. The real challenge was to go back to the final model and look at our production strategies and try to replicate the process.

Base Linework Profile Linework

Secondary Profile Linework Hidden Linework

Complete Layered Drawing

knot architecture:line

One singular line has the potential to shape a whole space with little manipulation. Starting off with the assignment of choosing a simple knot to recreate into process steps, the project turned in to so much more. From a single wire, the knot was pulled apart to create a standing object that resembled the path the knot took. 90 degree angles were a limitation, as well as the length of 36 inches. From the wireframe model, voids were pulled out to create a volumetric object.

knot architecture:form

The form created from the model was then cut out of a singular piece of chipboard and formed to enhance the model’s three dimensional appeal.The formed model then was placed in the middle of a solid object to create voids as the interest, not the solid space. The form is what shaped object, but the void is where real interest was established. The cube shape with the void in the middle was then simply sliced in order to exhibit the barren center. The rendered images represent human life inside of the voids, being able to be manipulated by scale and perspective.

Photoshop images of voids in model

knot architecture:space

When scale models are placed in to the voids, the spaces become living rooms, with sky lights and room for movement and function. The light shining through inconspicuous tunnels contributes to the subtlety of the small versus big spaces. The slice almost directly in the middle allows for symmetry to take place, while also grants asymmetry with hidden spatial qualities behind the walls of the void.

ludic architecture:barcelona

Barcelona is a city of play; day and night. There is a city-wide need for community buildings for children and teens to be able to go to take place in recreation and the arts. The site, in the middle of L’Eixample block in the middle of the city, provides space for indoor and outdoor community involvement. Set program was established for the project with spaces dedicated for a stage, rehearsal classrooms, administration, media room, and dance space. The inspiration for the project was based off of Barcelona’s love of green space, without having many of them. The multiple courtyards throughout the building provide private and public space, as well as the rooftop terrace allowing for access to outdoor space without entering the building. The lower level of the existing courtyard is where the new building would be placed, and built up from there. The theme of lightness carries through the use of glass and multiple sight lines throughout.

Above: City plan of Barcelona, highlighted block of site

Right: Photo of site where land was excavated. Location of building.

Below Ground-2


Ground Floor0

Roof Plan With Site

Back Section

Left Section

Front Site Section

nestOur next task was to design furniture based onour measurements. Through the limited use ofmaterials, my nesting tables are created soleyof plywood and nylon webbing, with no fasteners or glue. The use of nesting tables in aspace creates a divider and extensive variationof potential spatial quality, like shown in the photos.

rural retreat On this farm in upstate, South Carolina this community dwelling is nested in the hillside. It’s purpose is to provide a centerfold on the site with paths leading to viewpoints and waterways. The section provides information on the separation of public to private without enclosing any rooms besides bathrooms. The publicity of the dwelling provides everyone in the space to be involved. the staircase lining the exterior wall provides a direct pathway to the hill, and also to the occupiable roof of the dwelling. The fireplace furthers the theme of the center, as it is located in the hearth of the dwelling.

Axonometric Floorplan

Handrawn Perspective Floor 1

Mezzanine Floor 2

20 south main:boutique hotel nested in music venue

Downtown Greenville, SC has a need for a boutique hotel and a unique music venue for emerging artists. Through design exploration, the complex program provided with a clear solution: to have the guests staying at the hotel be able to enjoy the music from their own rooms. The use of a moving double facade on the exterior and interior facades illuminates the music and is an everchanging centerpiece. In this design, not only the performer is on center stage, but everyone entering and using the space.

Axonometric Section
