Leadership Development and the FFA

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Total Agriculture Program Classroom and Lab SAE FFA FFA SAE Class/ Lab

Transcript of Leadership Development and the FFA

Leadership Development and the FFA
Mr. Capps Cleveland High School Total Agriculture Program
Classroom and Lab SAE FFA FFA SAE Class/ Lab FFA Structure National FFA Organization North Carolina FFA Association
East Central Region Johnston Federation Cleveland FFA Chapter premier leadership, personal growth and career success
FFA Mission Statement FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success FFA Motto Learning to Do Doing to Learn Earning to Live
Living to Serve FFA Creed 5 paragraph statement of beliefs and ideals of FFA members
Revised in 1965 and 1990 Basic statement of beliefs that help members understand the importance of the FFA. FFA Creed Expresses belief in work ethic, fairness to others, patriotism, tradition that all members should share Written by Mr. E.M. Tiffany Paragraphs start with I believe FFA Colors The official FFA colors are National Blue Corn Gold FFA Salute The Official FFA Salute is the Pledge of Allegiance Official Dress Official FFA Dress is worn at:
National and State Conventions Some Leadership Workshops Banquets Larger ChapterFunctions Official Dress 1) FFA Jacket Zipped to the top Only 3 medals
Highest Degree Highest Office Highest Award FFA Jackets On the back of a FFA Jacket is your state across the top and chapter at the bottom Official Dress 2) Black Slacks for the gentlemen
2) Black Skirt for the ladies Official Dress 4) FFA Tie orScarf 3)White Dress Shirt Official Dress Black Shoes Black Socks or Stockings Early 1900s 1917 Smith Hughes Act Established vocational education in public Schools. In this provision Agricultural Education classes were provided federal funding for the first time. Clubs began to form Students enrolled in Agricultural Education began to form clubs of individuals who shared common interests. The State of Virginia was the first to have an Agricultural Club for boys. Future Farmers of Virginia
In Virginia the club was called the Future Farmers of Virginia. This organization was led by an individual named Henry Groseclose. Since many of present day FFA items are based upon the FFV he is considered the father of the FFA North Carolinas Club In North Carolina they were called the Young Tarheel Farmers The Groundwork is laid.
Students in these early FFA chapters would meet to compete in contests, during these contests they would meet and discuss issues facing Agricultural Education. An organization takes shape..
The annual meetings of vocational agriculture students were held at the Baltimore Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri. First of the FFA The National FFA was established in Kansas City, Missouri in 1928 Students and delegates agreed to form one National Organization for the students enrolled in Agricultural Education courses They named it the Future Farmers of America and dues were 3 cents History in KC A Creed to Live By 1930 FFA Creed Adopted
Written by E.M. Tiffany and adopted at the third National FFA Convention. NFA Basics 1935 The NFA was Formed
NFA Stands for the New Farmers of America The NFA was the FFA equivalent in Minority High Schools in the South. NFA Basics The NFA colors were Black and Gold and their jackets were also of the same colors. FFA Federally Chartered
1950Congress Passes Public Law 740 Gives FFA a Federal Charter stating that FFA is an integral part of the Agricultural Education course. No other student organization has such a charter. US Postal Service. 1953 US Postal Service issues a Commemorative FFA Stamp. Time for a Merger 1965 FFA and NFA Merged into one Organization. What has been missing 1969 Females were allowed to join the FFA for the first time. Until this point the FFA was strictly a male organization. Today girls make up 40% of the membership and hold % of the state leadership positions. Future Farmers no more
1988 Name officially changed from Future Farmers of America to the National FFA Organization. Delegates voted on a name change to represent a change in Agriculture and the science and technical jobs in Agriscience More Changes Also in 1998 the wording on the emblem changed from Vocational Agriculture to Agricultural Education National Headquarters Moves
1998 National FFA Headquarters relocates to Indianapolis Indiana. Hello Louisville FFA National Convention moved from Kansas City, Missouri to Louisville Kentucky. Ending the run in Kansas City since the First National Convention drawing 50,000 FFA Members. Fun in Louisville National Convention 2006 National FFA Convention moved from Louisville, KY to Indianapolis, Indiana. Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Important FFA People Henry Groseclose Gus Lintner E.M. Tiffany
Dr. Larry Case Leslie Applegate The FFA Emblem The FFA emblem is comprised of five separate emblems that each represent something about the organization. Parts of the Emblem A cross-section of an ear of corn.
represents our common agricultural interests Parts of the Emblem 2) The eagle FFA is a National Organization Parts of the Emblem 3) The owl It symbolizes wisdom and knowledge. Parts of the Emblem 4) The plow It is a symbol of labor and tillage of the soil. Parts of the Emblem 5) The rising sun Itsymbolizes progress in agriculture Types of FFA Membership
Active Middle and High School students enrolled in agricultural education, can continue up to 3 years after graduation. Collegiate Students enrolled in agriculture courses at 2 or 4 year postsecondary schools. NC State University, NC A&T State University, Mount Olive College. Types of FFA Membership
Alumni former active and collegiate members and other FFA supporters. 4)Honorary Given to individuals who have rendered outstanding service to the FFA, very limited group Officer Duties President Vice-President
Represents Chapter at functions Appoints committees Presides over meeting Stationed at the Rising Sun Vice-President Coordinates committee work Assume duties in Presidents absence Stationed at the Plow Officer Duties Secretary Treasurer Prepares agenda for meetings
Takes and Prepares minutes from all meetings Stationed by the Ear of Corn Treasurer Keeps financial records current and accurate Stationed by the Bust of Washington Officer Duties Reporter Sentinel
Informs and reports events to the FFA members Keeps chapter scrapbook. Stationed by the Flag Sentinel Assist president in maintaining order welcomes guests and visitor Stationed by the door Opening and Closing Rituals that add dignity to a meeting and explain the meaning of certain traditional emblems. Gavel Taps One Tap: Two Taps: Three Taps:
Sit down, announce vote, adjourn. Two Taps: Call meeting to order. Three Taps: Stand Up. WF-R Chapter Officers www.wfrhsffa.com
The Chapter FFA Officers are FFA Items Career Development Events (CDEs) speaking events, parliamentary procedure ect. Agricultural Tools CDE Students identify common agricultural tools and their uses open to first year FFA members and 9th graders only FFA Creed CDE members recite the FFA Creed, open to first year FFA members and 9th graders only. FFA Items Program of Activities helps in setting goals and developing plans and steps to reach those goals. Proficiency Awards entrepreneurship or placement individual awards growing out of a students SAE program. FFA Degrees Discovery Degree State Degree Greenhand Degree
American Degree Chapter Degree North Carolina FFA Center
The North Carolina FFA Center is in White Lake.The summer recreational camp and State Leadership Conference is located here every year.