Lawrence D. Bobo · Norman Tishman and Charles M. Diker Professor of Sociology and of African and...

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November 2015

Curriculum Vitae

Lawrence D. Bobo


Department of Sociology

Harvard University

William James Hall, 33 Kirkland Street

Cambridge, MA. 02138

Faculty Assistant Phone (Emily Briand): (617) 496-7778

Department FAX: (617) 496-5794


University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Ph.D., Sociology, 1984.

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, M.A., Sociology, 1981.

Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California, B.A., Sociology, 1979.

(Magna Cum Laude)


Doctor of Humane Letters (Honoris Causa), Loyola Marymount University,

May 5, 2001.

Master of Arts, Harvard University, 1997.


W. E. B. Du Bois Professor of the Social Sciences, Harvard University,

(January 2008-present; appointments in the Department of Sociology and

the Department of African and African American Studies).

Chair, Department of African and African American Studies, Harvard University

(July 1, 2013-present).



Acting Chair, Department of African and African American Studies, Harvard

University, July 2010-June 2011).

Martin Luther King Jr. Centennial Professor, Stanford University (September

2005-December 2007).

Director, Center for Comparative Study in Race and Ethnicity, and Director,

Program in African and African American Studies, Stanford

University (September 2005-December 2007).

Professor of Sociology, Stanford University (January 2005-August 2005).

Norman Tishman and Charles M. Diker Professor of Sociology and of African and

African American Studies, Harvard University (July 2001-December 2004).

Acting Chair, Department of African and African American Studies and Acting

Director, W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for Afro-American Studies (July 2003-2004)

Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Afro-American Studies, Harvard

University (July 2002-June 2003).

Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Sociology, Harvard University,

(July 1998-June 2000).

Professor of Sociology and of Afro-American Studies, Harvard University,

Cambridge (July, 1997-June 2001).

Professor of Sociology and Director, Center for Research on Race, Politics, and

Society, University of California, Los Angeles, (July 1993-June 1997).

Associate Professor of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles, July 1,

1990-June 30, 1993.

Vice-Chair, Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles,

July 1992-June 1993.

Associate Professor of Sociology (with tenure), University of Wisconsin, Madison,

July 1989-1991.


Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, August

1984-June 1989.

Senior Research Associate, National Academy of Science-National Research

Council, Committee on the Status of Black Americans, June 1985- August

1988. (Panels on Education and on Social and Cultural Continuity and


Instructor, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan, June 1984

August 1984, Introductory Social Psychology.

Research Assistant, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, May

1980 August 1984, project studying changes in racial attitudes.

Teaching Assistant, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research

Summer Program, University of Michigan, Summer 1983, Intermediate Linear


Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan:

January 1982-May 1982: The Detroit Area Study, a graduate level course on

survey methodology involving the design and implementation of a citywide


September 1980-May 1981: Social Statistics, two graduate level courses on

probability distributions, regression, the general linear model, and log-linear



Race and ethnicity, social inequality, and political psychology.


John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow, 2007.

Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Fellow, 2007-2008.

Alphonse M. Fletcher Sr. Fellow, 2nd

Cohort, Fletcher Foundation, 2006-2007.


Russell Sage Foundation, New York, Fellow, 1995-96.

Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Fellow, 1988-89.

American Sociological Association, Minority Fellowship, 1983-1984.

Horace H. Rackham Pre-doctoral Fellowship, University of Michigan, 1982-1983.


Leadership in Diversity Science Award, Office of Faculty Diversity and

Development at the Diversity Research Office, University of California, Los

Angeles (October 2013).

Prose Award 2012, Best Single Volume Reference/Humanities and Social Sciences,

Association of American Publishers (for The Oxford Handbook of African

American Citizenship, 1865-present).

Charles Horton Cooley-George Herbert Mead Award for a Career of Distinguished

Scholarship in Sociological Social Psychology, American Sociological Association,


Elected member, American Philosophical Society (Spring 2008).

Elected Member (Fellow), American Association for the Advancement of Science

(Fall 2007).

Finalist, C. Wright Mills Book Award, Society for the Study of Social

Problems, Spring 2007.

William L. Strickland ’71 Alumni Excellence Award, African American Alumni

Association, Loyola Marymount University, February 24, 2007.

Elected Member (Fellow), American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Spring 2006).

Outstanding Book Award, American Association for Public Opinion Research (for

Racial Attitudes in America: Trends and Interpretations, 1997 edition), May 2005.

W. E. B. Du Bois Medal, W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and

And African American Research, Harvard University, December 2004.


Elected Member, National Academy of Science (Spring 2004).

Honorable Mention, Gordon W. Allport Award Competition, Society for the

Psychological Study of Social Issues, 1996.

Scholarly Achievement Award, North Central Sociological Association, (for Racial

Attitudes in America: Trends and Interpretations, 1985 edition), 1986.

Honorable Mention, Gordon W. Allport Award Competition of the Society for

the Psychological Study of Social Issues, 1982.

First Place, American Association for Public Opinion Research Student

Paper Award Contest, 1981.

W.E.B. Du Bois Outstanding Student Achievement Award, Afro-American Studies

Center, Loyola Marymount University, 1979.


Shirley Kennedy Lecture (10th Annual), Center for Black Studies Research,

University of California, Santa Barbara, May 16, 2013.

Centennial Lecture, Department of Sociology, Horace Rackham School of Graduate

Studies, University of Michigan, November 1, 2012.

Lillie and Nathan Ackerman Lecture, School of Public Policy, Baruch College,

City College of New York, April 24, 2012.

Warren E. Miller and Philip E. Converse Lecture, Center for Political Studies,

Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, April 19, 2012.

Keynote Address, Inaugural Conference of the University of California Center for

New Racial Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, April 21, 2011.

Welling Professor Lecture II, George Washington University, “Post-racialism: The

Racial Divide in the Age of Obama,” April 28, 2011.

Welling Professor Lecture I, George Washington University, “Obama and the

Racial Divide,” April 2010.

Annual Kingsley Birge Lecture, Department of Sociology, Colby College, April 19,



Distinguished Lecture in the Social Sciences, Department of Sociology,

Northeastern University, April 1, 2010.

Keynote Address, International Field Directors and Technologies Conference, Del

Rey Beach Marriott, Del Rey Beach, Florida, May 18, 2009.

Featured Speaker (Full Day Symposium, “Race and Racism in America”),

Jean Beer Blumenfeld Center for Ethics, Georgia State University, Atlanta,

GA., April 3, 2009.

Walker-Ames Lecturer, University of Washington, Seattle, May 15, 2007.

Allen D. and Polly S. Grimshaw Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Indiana

University, September 28, 2006.

Inaugural Lecture, Center on Urban Research and Public Policy, Washington

University, St. Louis, MO. September 12, 2006

Alpha Kappa Delta Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of Akron, Akron,

OH., April 28, 2006.

Keynote Address, African American History Month Celebration, National Academy

of Science, Washington, DC., February 13, 2006.

Keynote Address, Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Award Ceremony and Luncheon,

Lawyers Committee on Civil Rights, San Francisco Bay Area, February 10, 2006.

Keynote Speaker, Unity Month, Office of Multicultural Programs and Services,

Emory University, November 14, 2005.

J. Milton Yinger Lecture, Department of Sociology, Oberlin College, Oberlin

Ohio, October 14, 2005.

Keynote Address, 10th Annual Celebration, Center for African American Urban

Studies and the Economy, Conference on “African Americans and the Post-

Industrial Age: Confronting New Challenges of Urban Historical Research and

Policy Making,” Department of History, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh,

Pennsylvania, September 30, 2005.


Commencement Speaker, Program in African and African American Studies,

Stanford University, June 12, 2005.

Inaugural Lecture, Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Social

Sciences, Social Science Research Institute, Duke University, October 24, 2004.

Commencement Speaker and Honorary Degree Recipient, Loyola Marymount

University, May 5, 2001.

Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society Visiting Scholar, 2000-2001 (Public

lectures delivered at: George Washington University, Oberlin College, Tufts

University, Kent State University, University of California, Irvine, Haverford

College, University of Rhode Island, Birmingham Southern College, and

Washington & Lee University).

Keynote Address, 12th Annual National Black Graduate Student Conference,

University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 1, 2000.

Keynote Address, Series on Prejudice, Stereotyping and Public Policy, University of

Kentucky, April 17, 1998.

Convocation Speaker, Springfield College, Springfield, Massachusetts, December 3,


24th Annual Daniel Katz-Theodore Newcomb Lecturer, University of Michigan,

April 1996.

The State of the Union, Lecture Series, Departments of Urban Studies and

Planning and School of Architecture and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of

Technology, November 9, 1995.

Convocation Speaker and Minority Scholar in Residence, Grinnell College,

Grinnell, Iowa, February 28-March 10, 1995.

Distinguished Keynote Speaker, Social Science Commencement, UCLA, June 19,


Distinguished Faculty Lecture, Chicano/Latino Policy Project, Institute for the

Study of Social Change, University of California, Berkeley, "The Social

Psychology of Immigration Politics", April 7, 1994.


Keynote Speaker, City of Glendale, Glendale, California, Fifth Annual Dr. Martin

Luther Day Celebration, "Chaos or Community?: Dr. King's Dream and

Southern California in 1994", January 13, 1994.

Featured Speaker, University of Georgia, Institute for Behavioral Research, Attitude

and Opinion Group, and Survey Research Center Annual Conference, "Race

Attitudes in the 1990s", January 28, 1993.

First Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Lecture, Department of Sociology and

Department of Afro-American Studies, Northwestern University, January 14, 1993.

Wesleyan University, Afro-American Studies Department Lecture Series,

"Race Riots in the Twentieth Century: Causes and Consequences", October


Oberlin College, Public Lecture, Sponsored by the Department of Sociology,

Department of Psychology, Afro-American Studies, and Black Students

Association, October 1992.

Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America Lecture Series,

Brown University, November 1991.

Thorstein Veblen Lecture Series, Stanford University, Department of Sociology

and Stanford Centennial Celebration Committee, February 1990.

E. Franklin Frazier Lecture, Yale University, Department of African and

Afro-American Studies, March 1989.


Books and Edited Volumes

Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., Claude Steele, Lawrence D. Bobo, Michael C. Dawson, Gerald

D. Jaynes, Lisa Crooms-Robinson, and Linda Darling-Hammond (eds). 2012. The

Oxford Handbook of African American Citizenship, 1865-Present. New York:

Oxford University Press. (WINNER Prose Award 2012, Best Single Volume

Reference/Humanities and Social Sciences, Association of American Publishers).

Bobo, Lawrence D. (ed.) 2011. Race, Inequality & Culture. (Guest edited Issue of the


journal Daedalus 140(Spring) No. 2.

Bobo, Lawrence D. and Mia Tuan. 2006. Prejudice in Politics: Group Position, Public

Opinion, and the Wisconsin Treaty Rights Dispute. Cambridge: Harvard University

Press. (Finalist, C. Wright Mills Book Award, Society for the Study of Social

Problems, Spring 2007)

Bobo, Lawrence D. (ed.). 2003. Race, Racism, and Discrimination. (Special Issue of the

journal Social Psychology Quarterly 66 (December) No. 4.

O’Connor, Alice, Chris Tilly, and Lawrence Bobo (eds.). 2001. Urban Inequality:

Evidence From Four Cities. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Bobo, Lawrence, Melvin L. Oliver, James H. Johnson, and Abel Valenzuela (eds.). 2000.

Prismatic Metropolis: Inequality in Los Angeles. New York: Russell Sage


Sears, David O., James Sidanius, and Lawrence Bobo (eds.). 2000. Racialized Politics:

The Debate about Racism in America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Bobo, Lawrence (ed.). 1997. Race, Public Opinion and Society (Special Issue of the

Journal Public Opinion Quarterly, 61 (Spring) no. 1.

Schuman, Howard, Charlotte Steeh, Lawrence Bobo, and Maria Krysan. 1997.

Racial Attitudes in America: Trends and Interpretations. (completely revised and

updated edition). Cambridge: Harvard University Press. (Received the Outstanding

Book Award, American Association for Public Opinion Research, 2005)

Schuman, Howard, Charlotte Steeh, and Lawrence Bobo. 1985. Racial Attitudes in

America: Trends and Interpretations. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

(Updated paperback edition issued in 1988. Received the Distinguished

Contribution to Scholarship Award, North Central Sociological Association.

Research Articles

Simmons, Alicia D. and Lawrence D. Bobo. 2015. “Can Non-Full Probability Internet

Surveys Yield Useful Data?: A Comparison of Full-Probability Face-to-Face

Surveys in the Domain of Race and Social Inequality Attitudes.” Sociological

Methodology 45: 1-31 (online edition).

Samson, Frank L. and Lawrence D. Bobo. 2014. “Ethno-Racial Attitudes and Social

Inequality.” Pp. 515-546 in Handbook of the Social Psychology of Inequality, edited


by J. McCleod, E. Lawler, and M. Schwalbe. New York: Springer.

Bobo, Lawrence D., Camille Z. Charles, Maria Krysan, and Alicia D. Simmons. 2012.

“The Real Record on Racial Attitudes.” Pp. 38-83 in Social Trends in the United

States: Evidence from the General Social Survey Since 1972, edited by P. V.

Marsden. Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press. (Edited Volume Received the

Outstanding Book Award, American Association for Public Opinion Research,


Bobo, Lawrence D. 2012. “An American Conundrum: Race, Sociology, and the African

American Road to Citizenship.” Pp. 19-70 in The Oxford Handbook of African

American Citizenship, 1865-Present, edited by H. L. Gates, Jr., et al. New York:

Oxford University Press.

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2011. “Somewhere Between Jim Crow & Post-Racialism: Reflections

on the Racial Divide in America Today.” Daedalus 140(Spring): 11-36.

Thompson, Victor R. and Lawrence D. Bobo. 2011. “Thinking About Crime: Race and

Lay Accounts of Lawbreaking Behavior.” Annals of the American Academy of

Political and Social Science 634(March): 16-38.

Bobo, Lawrence D. and Victor Thompson. 2010. “Racialized Mass Incarceration:

Poverty, Prejudice, and Punishment.” Pp. 322-355 in Doing Race: 21 Essays for the

21st Century, edited by H.R. Markus and P. M. L. Moya. New York: Norton.

Bobo, Lawrence D. and Camille Z. Charles. 2009. “Race in the American Mind: From the

Moynihan Report to the Obama Candidacy.” Annals of the American Academy of

Political and Social Science 621(January): 243-259.

Bobo, Lawrence D. and Victor Thompson. 2006. “Unfair by Design: The War on Drugs,

Race, and the Legitimacy of the Criminal Justice System.” Social Research 73: 445-


Bobo, Lawrence D. 2006. “Sociology: Scholarship in the Post-Civil Rights Era.” Pp.

2116-2121in Encyclopedia of African American Culture and History: The Black

Experience in the America’s, Volume 5, edited by C. Palmer. Detroit, MI.: Thomas


Bobo, Lawrence D. 2004. “Inequalities that Endure?: Racial Ideology, American Politics,

and the Peculiar Role of Social Science.” Pp. 13-42 in Changing Terrain of Race and

Ethnicity, edited by M. Krysan and A. Lewis. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.


Reprinted in Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Social Issues, 14th

ed., edited by Kurt

Finsterbusch. New York: McGraw Hill, 2006.

Bobo, Lawrence D. and Devon Johnson. 2004. “A Taste for Punishment: Black and

White Americans’ Views on the Death Penalty and the War on Drugs.” Du Bois

Review 1: 151-180.

Bobo, Lawrence D. and Cybelle Fox. 2003. “Race, Racism, and Discrimination: Bridging

Problems, Methods and Theory in Social Psychological Research.” Social

Psychology Quarterly 66: 319-332.

Bobo, Lawrence D. and Michael P. Massagli. 2001. “Stereotypes and Urban Inequality.”

Pp. 89-162 in Urban Inequality: Evidence from Four Cities, edited by A. O’Connor,

C. Tilly, and L. D. Bobo. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Kluegel, James R. and Lawrence Bobo. 2001. “Perceived Group Discrimination and

Policy Attitudes: The Sources and Consequences of the Race and Gender Gaps.”

Pp. 163-198 in Urban Inequality: Evidence from Four Cities, edited by. A.

O’Connor, C. Tilly, and L. D. Bobo. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Bobo, Lawrence. 2001. “Racial Attitudes and Relations at the Close of the Twentieth

Century.” Pp. 262-299 in America Becoming: Racial Trends and Their

Consequences, edited by N. Smelser, W. J. Wilson, and F. Mitchell. Washington,

DC: National Academy Press.

Bobo, Lawrence, Melvin L. Oliver, James H. Johnson, and Abel Valenzuela. 2000.

“Analyzing Inequality in Los Angeles.” Pp. 1-49 in Prismatic Metropolis: Inequality

in Los Angeles, edited by L. D. Bobo, M. L. Oliver, J. H. Johnson, and A.

Valenzuela. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Bobo, Lawrence and Devon Johnson. 2000. “Racial Attitudes in the Prismatic

Metropolis: Identity, Stereotypes, and Perceived Group Competition in Los

Angeles.” Pp. 83-166 in Prismatic Metropolis: Inequality in Los Angeles, edited by

L. D. Bobo, M. L. Oliver, J. H. Johnson, and A. Valenzuela. New York: Russell

Sage Foundation.

Bobo, Lawrence, Devon Johnson, and Susan A. Suh. 2000. “Racial Attitudes and Power

in the Workplace: Do the ‘Haves’ Differ from the “Have-Nots?’” Pp. 495-526 in

Prismatic Metropolis: Inequality in Los Angeles, edited by L. D. Bobo, M. L. Oliver,


J. H. Johnson, and A. Valenzuela. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Bobo, Lawrence and Susan A. Suh. 2000. “Surveying Racial Discrimination: Analyses

From a Multiethnic Labor Market.” Pp. 527-564 in Prismatic Metropolis:

Inequality in Los Angeles , edited by L. D. Bobo, M. L. Oliver, J. H. Johnson, and

A. Valenzuela. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Bobo, Lawrence. 2000. “Reclaiming a Du Boisian Perspective on Racial Attitudes.”

Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 568: 186-202.

Sears, David O., John Hetts, James Sidanius, and Lawrence Bobo. 2000. “Race in

American Politics: Framing the Debates.” Pp. 1-43 in Racialized Politics: The

Debate about Racism in America, edited by D. O. Sears, J. Sidanius, and L. Bobo.

Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Bobo, Lawrence. 2000. “Race and Beliefs about Affirmative Action: Assessing the

Effects of Interests, Group Threat, Ideology and Racism.” Pp. 137-164 in

Racialized Politics: The Debate about Racism in America, edited by D. O. Sears, J.

Sidanius, and L. Bobo. Chicago: University of Chicago.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1999. “Prejudice as Group Position: Micro-Foundations of a

Sociological Approach to Racism and Race Relations.” Journal of Social Issues 55:


Schuman, Howard, Charlotte Steeh, Lawrence Bobo, and Maria Krysan. 1999. “The

Complexity of Race Relations.” Pp. 89-99 in Rethinking the Color Line: Readings in

Race and Ethnicity, edited by C. A. Gallagher. Mountain View, CA.: Mayfield.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1998. “Race, Interests, and Beliefs About Affirmative Action:

Unanswered Questions and New Directions.” American Behavioral Scientist 41:


Slightly revised version appears in Color Lines: Affirmative Action, Immigration,

And Civil Rights Options for America, 2001, pp. 191-213, edited by J. D. Skrentny.

2001. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Bobo, Lawrence and Ryan A. Smith. 1998. "From Jim Crow Racism to Lassiez-Faire Racism:

The Transformation of Racial Attitudes in America." Pp. 182-220 in Beyond Pluralism:

Essays on the Conception of Groups and Group Identities in America, edited by Wendy

Katkin, Ned Landsman, and Andrea Tyree. Urbana, IL.: University of Illinois Press.


Adapted version reprinted in Social Problems: Readings with Four Questions, 2001,

pp. 77-86, edited by Joel M. Charon. Belmont, CA.: Wadsworth.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1997. “Race, Public Opinion and the Social Sphere.” Public Opinion

Quarterly 61:1-15.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1997. "The Color Line, The Dilemma, and the Dream: Racial Attitudes

and Relations at the Close of the Twentieth Century." Pp. 31-58 in Civil Rights and

Social Wrongs: Black-White Relations Since World War II, edited by John Higham.

University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press.

Adapted version reprinted in Race and Ethnicity in Society: The Changing

Landscape, 2005, pp. 81-89, edited by Elizabeth Higginbotham and Margaret L.

Andersen. Belmont, CA.: Wadsworth.

Bobo, Lawrence, James R. Kluegel, and Ryan A. Smith. 1997. “Laissez Faire Racism:

The Crystallization of a ‘Kinder, Gentler’ Anti-Black Ideology.” Pp. 15-44 in

Racial Attitudes in the 1990s: Continuity and Change, edited by S. A. Tuch and J.

Martin. Greenwood, CT.: Praeger.

Bobo, Lawrence and James R. Kluegel. 1997. “Status, Ideology and Dimensions of

Whites’ Racial Beliefs and Attitudes: Progress and Stagnation.” Pp. 93-120

in Racial Attitudes in the 1990s: Continuity and Change, edited by S. A. Tuch and J.

K. Martin. Greenwood, CT.: Praeger.

Schuman, Howard, Charlotte Steeh, and Lawrence Bobo. 1997. “Perspectives on Racial

Attitudes in America.” Pp.23-28 in Race and Ethnic Relations in America: Selected

Readings, edited by K. Stewart. Bellvue, WA.: MicroCase.

Bobo, Lawrence and Vincent L. Hutchings. 1996. “Perceptions of Racial Group

Competition: Extending Blumer’s Theory of Group Position to a Multiracial Social

Context.” American Sociological Review 61: 951-972. (Honorable Mention,

Gordon W. Allport Award Competition).

Reprinted in Intergroup Relations: Essential Readings, 2001, pp 71-90, edited by

Michael Hogg and Dominic Abrams. Philadelphia, PA.: Psychology Press.

Zubrinsky, Camille L. and Lawrence Bobo. 1996. “Prismatic Metropolis: Race and

Residential Segregation in the City of Angels.” Social Science Research 25:



Bobo, Lawrence and Camille L. Zubrinsky. 1996. "Attitudes on Residential

Integration: Perceived Status Differences, Mere In-Group Preference, or Racial

Prejudice?" Social Forces 74: 883-909.

Sidanius, Jim, Felicia Pratto, and Lawrence Bobo. 1996. "Racism,

Conservatism, Affirmative Action and Intellectual Sophistication: A Matter of

Principled Conservatism or Group Dominance?" Journal of Personality and Social

Psychology 70:476-490.

Bobo, Lawrence, Camille L. Zubrinsky, James H. Johnson Jr., and Melvin L. Oliver.

1995. "Work Orientation, Job Discrimination, and Ethnicity: A Focus Group

Perspective." Pp. 45-85 in Research in the Sociology of Work, Vol. 5, edited by R.

L. Simpson and I. H. Simpson. Greenwich, CT.: JAI Press.

Bobo, Lawrence and Ryan A. Smith. 1994. "Anti-poverty Policy, Affirmative Action,

and Racial Attitudes." Pp. 365-395 in Confronting Poverty: Prescriptions For

Change, edited by. S. Danziger, G. Sandefur, and D. Weinberg. Cambridge:

Harvard University Press.

Bobo, Lawrence, Camille L. Zubrinsky, James H. Johnson Jr., and Melvin L. Oliver.

1994. "Public Opinion Before and After a Spring of Discontent." Pp.103-133 in

Los Angeles Riots: Lessons for the Urban Future, edited by M. Baldassare. New

York: Westview.

Sidanius, Jim, Felicia Pratto, and Lawrence Bobo. 1994. "Social Dominance Orientation

and the Political Psychology of Gender: A Case of Invariance?" Journal of

Personality and Social Psychology 67: 998-1011.

Johnson, James H. Jr., Melvin L. Oliver, and Lawrence Bobo. 1994. "Understanding the

Contours of Deepening Urban Inequality: Theoretical Underpinnings and Research

Design of a Multi-City Study." Urban Geography 15: 78-90. Oliver, Melvin L., James H. Johnson, Jr., and Lawrence Bobo. 1994. "Unraveling the

Paradox of Deepening Urban Inequality: The Multi-City Survey of Urban

Inequality." African American Research Perspectives Winter: 43-52. Bobo, Lawrence and James R. Kluegel. 1993. "Opposition to Race-Targeting:

Self-Interest, Stratification Ideology, or Racial Attitudes?" American Sociological


Review 58: 443-464.

Kluegel, James R. and Lawrence Bobo. 1993. "Dimensions of Whites' Beliefs about the

Black-White Socioeconomic Gap." Pp. 127-147 in Prejudice, Politics, and the

American Dilemma, edited by P. M. Sniderman, P. Tetlock, and E. Carmines.

Stanford, CA.: Stanford University Press. Schuman, Howard, Lawrence Bobo, and Maria Krysan. 1993. "Authoritarianism in the

General Population: The Education Interaction Hypothesis." Social Psychology

Quarterly 55: 379-387.

Bobo, Lawrence, James H. Johnson, Melvin L. Oliver, and Camille L. Zubrinsky. 1992.

Public Opinion Before and After a Spring of Discontent: A Preliminary Report on

the 1992 Los Angeles County Social Survey. Occasional Working Paper Series,

Center for the Study of Urban Poverty, Vol 3 No 1.

Bobo, Lawrence. and Estela B. Garcia. 1992. The Chippewa Indian Treaty Rights

Survey: A Preliminary Report. Working Paper No. 9, The Robert M. La Follette

Institute of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1992. "Prejudice and Alternative Dispute Resolution." Studies in Law,

Politics, and Society 12: 147-176.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1991. "Social Responsibility, Individualism, and Redistributive

Policies." Sociological Forum 6: 71-92.

Bobo, Lawrence and Franklin D. Gilliam. 1990. "Race, Sociopolitical Participation, and

Black Empowerment." American Political Science Review 84: 377-393.

Reprinted in Farther to Go: Readings and Cases in African American Politics, 2001,

edited by F. D. Gilliam. Wadsworth Publishing.

Reprinted in Controversies in Voting Behavior, 1992, edited by Richard Niemi,

and Herbert Weisberg, Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Service.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1989. "Keeping the Linchpin in Place: Testing the Multiple Sources of

Opposition to Residential Integration." Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale

2(3): 307-325.

Bobo, Lawrence and Frederick C. Licari. 1989. "Education and Political Tolerance:

Testing the Effects of Cognitive Sophistication and Target Group Affect." Public


Opinion Quarterly 53: 285-308.

1989. "Racial Attitudes and Behavior." Pp. 113-160 in A Common Destiny: Blacks and

American Society, edited by Gerald D. Jaynes and Robin M.Williams, Jr.

Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. NOTE: This chapter of the NRC

Committee on the Status of Black Americans report was based largely on two

background papers I prepared.

1989. "The Schooling of Black Americans." Pp. 329-390 in A Common Destiny: Blacks

and American Society, edited by Gerald D. Jaynes and Robin M. Williams, Jr.

Washington, D.C. National Academy Press. NOTE: I served as the staff officer for

the Panel on Education of the NRC Committee on the Status of Black Americans

and provided much of the material for this chapter of the report.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1988. "Attitudes Toward the Black Political Movement: Trends,

Meaning, and Effects on Racial Policy Preferences." Social Psychology Quarterly

51: 287-302.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1988. "Group Conflict, Prejudice, and the Paradox of Contemporary

Racial Attitudes." Pp. 85-116 in Phyllis A. Katz and Dalmas A. Taylor (eds.)

Eliminating Racism: Profiles in Controversy. New York: Plenum Press.

Reprinted in Political Psychology: Key Readings, 2004, pp. 333-357,

Edited by John Jost and Jim Sidanius. Brighton, NY: Psychology Press.

Schuman, Howard and Lawrence Bobo. 1988. "Survey-Based Experiments on

White Racial Attitudes Toward Residential Integration." American

Journal of Sociology 94:273-299.

Reprinted in Experimental Foundations of Political Science, 1993, pp. 53-78,

edited by Donald R. Kinder and Thomas R. Palfrey. Ann Arbor, MI.:

University of Michigan Press.

Schuman, Howard and Lawrence Bobo. 1988. "An Experimental Approach

to Surveys of Racial Attitudes." Pp. 60-71 in Hubert J. O'Gorman (ed.)

Surveying Social Life: Papers in Honor of Herbert H. Hyman. Middletown, CT.:

Wesleyan University Press.

Bobo, Lawrence, Howard Schuman, and Charlotte Steeh. 1986. "Changing Racial

Attitudes Toward Residential Integration," Pp. 152-169 in John M. Goering (ed.)

Housing Desegregation and Federal Policies. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North


Carolina Press.

Schuman, Howard, and Lawrence Bobo. 1985. "An Experimental Approach to

Survey Research," Proceedings of the American Statistical Association,

Social Statistics Section.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1983. "Whites' Opposition to Busing: Symbolic Racism or

Realistic Group Conflict?" Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

45: 1196-1210. (Honorable Mention, Gordon W. Allport Award Competition)


Bobo, Lawrence D. 2015. “Social Theory and Racialized Modernity: Du Bois in

Ascendance.” Du Bois Review 12(2): tba.

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2015. “A Troublesome Recurrence: Racialized Realities and Racist

Reasoning Today.” Du Bois Review 12: 1-tba.

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2014. “The Stickiness of Race: Re-articulating Racial Inequality.”

Du Bois Review 11: 189-193.

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2013. “The Antinomies of Racial Change.” Du Bois Review 10: 1-6.

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2012. “The Diversity Challenge.” Du Bois Review 9: 263-266.

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2012. “On Our Moral Communities.” Du Bois Review 9: 1-3.

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2010. “Claiming Human Dignity.” Du Bois Review 7: 253-255.

Bobo, Lawrence D. and Michael C. Dawson. 2010. “Still Walking the Tightrope.” Du

Bois Review 7: 1-2.

Dawson, Michael C. and Lawrence D. Bobo. 2009. “One Year Later and the Myth of a

Post-Racial Society.” Du Bois Review 6: 247-249.

Bobo, Lawrence D. and Michael C. Dawson. 2009. “A Change Has Come: Race, Politics,

and the Path to the Obama Presidency.” Du Bois Review 6: 1-14.

Dawson, Michael C. and Lawrence D. Bobo. 2008. “Before We Embrace the Future:

Assessing Where We’ve Been, and Where We Are.” Du Bois Review 5: 213-216.


Bobo, Lawrence D. and Michael C. Dawson. 2008. “The ‘Work’ Race Does: Back to the

Future.” Du Bois Review 5: 1-4.

Dawson, Michael C. and Lawrence D. Bobo. 2007. “Themes and Variations: The Study

of Immigration in the Era of the Obama Campaign.” Du Bois Review 4: 267-270.

Bobo, Lawrence D. and Michael C. Dawson. 2007. “Immigration: Crossing Borders and

Crosses to Bear.” Du Bois Review 4: 1-3.

Dawson, Michael C. and Lawrence D. Bobo. 2006. “The More Things Change:

Continuity and Change in the American Racial Landscape.” Du Bois Review 3:


Bobo, Lawrence D. 2006. “Katrina: Unmasking Race, Poverty, and Politics in the 21st

Century.” Du Bois Review 3: 1-6.

Dawson, Michael C. and Lawrence D. Bobo. 2005. “After the Storm.” Du Bois Review

2: 155-158.

Bobo, Lawrence D. and Michael C. Dawson. 2005. “The Quiet Before the Storm.” Du

Bois Review 2: 1-4.

Dawson, Michael C. and Lawrence D. Bobo. 2004. “The Reagan Legacy and the Racial

Divide in the George W. Bush Era.” Du Bois Review 1: 209-212.

Bobo, Lawrence D. and Michael C. Dawson. 2004. “Scholarship Above the Veil.” Du

Bois Review 1: 3-6.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1991. "Running the R.A.C.E.?" Public Opinion Quarterly

55: 132-134.

Schuman, Howard, Charlotte G. Steeh, and Lawrence Bobo. 1990. "A

Clarification: Response to Rokeach." American Psychologist 45: 674-675.


Bobo, Lawrence D. 2015. “Bringing Du Bois Back In: American Sociology and the

Morris Enunciation.” Review of Aldon D. Morris. The Scholar Denied: W. E. B. Du

Bois and the Birth of Modern Sociology. (Berkeley, CA.: University of California

Press. 2015). Du Bois Review 12 (2): tba.


Bobo, Lawrence D. 2011. “Racialization in Ascendance.” Review of Edward E. Telles

and Vilma Ortiz. Generations of Exclusion: Mexican Americans, Assimilation, and

Race. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 2009). Du Bois Review 8: 497-502.

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2011. “As American As Barack Obama.” Pp. 91-93 in The Obamas

and a (Post) Racial America?, edited by G. S. Parks and M. Hughey. New York:

Oxford University Press.

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2010. “Inequality and U.S. Society.” Review of Douglas S. Massey

Categorically Unequal: The American Stratification System. (New York: Russell

Sage Foundation). Du Bois Review 7: 30-34.

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2010. “Obama and the Great Progressive Disconnect.” Pathways: A

Magazine on Poverty, Inequality, and Social Policy. (Spring): 14-17.

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2009. “Obama and the Burden of Race.” Focus: The Magazine of the

Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies 37(3): 16-17.

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2009. “Crime, Urban Poverty, and Social Science” Review of Todd

R. Clear. Imprisoning Communities: How Mass Incarceration Makes Disadvantaged

Neighborhoods Worse (New York: Oxford University Press) and Sudhir Ventkatesh.

Gang Leader for a Day: A Rogue Sociologist Takes to the Streets (New York:

Penguin Press). Du Bois Review 6: 273-278.

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2003. Review of Paul M. Sniderman and Thomas Piazza. Black Pride

and Black Prejudice. (Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press). American Journal

of Sociology 109: 496-499.

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2002/2003. “Boyd Delivers Far Less Than He Promises.” Review of

Todd Boyd. The New H.N.I.C: The Death of Civil Rights and the Reign of Hip-Hop.

(New York: New York University Press). Journal of Blacks in Higher Education

Winter: 67.

Bobo, Lawrence. 2002. Review of Michele Lamont. The Dignity of Working Men:

Morality and the Boundaries of Race, Class, and Immigration. (Cambridge and New

York: Harvard University Press and Russell Sage Foundation). Contemporary

Sociology 31: 120-122.

Bobo, Lawrence. 2001. Review of Adolph Reed. Stirrings in the Jug: Black Politics in

the Post-Segregation Era. (Minneapolis, MN.: University of Minnesota Press) and


Jim Sidanius and Felicia Pratto. Social Dominance: An Intergroup Theory of Social

Hierarchy and Oppression. New York: Cambridge University Press). American

Journal of Sociology 106:1436-1440.

Bobo, Lawrence. 2000. “Welfare, Crime, and the American Racial Divide.” Review of

Martin Gilens. Why Americans Hate Welfare: Race, Media, and the Politics of

Antipoverty Policy (Chicago: University of Chicago Press) and Shmuel Lock.

Crime, Public Opinion, and Civil Liberties: The Tolerant Public. (Westport, CT.:

Praeger). Public Opinion Quarterly 64: 229-234.

Bobo, Lawrence. 2000. Review of Philip A. Klinkner and Rogers M. Smith. The

Unsteady March: The Rise and Decline of Racial Equality in America. (Chicago:

University of Chicago Press) American Political Science Review 94: 722-724.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1999. Review of Lydia Chavez. The Color Bind: California’s Battle to

End Affirmative Action. (Berkeley, CA.: University of California Press). Social

Forces 77: 1634-1635.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1999. Review of Walter L. Wallace. The Future of Ethnicity, Race,

and Nationality. (Westport, CT: Praeger). Social Forces 77: 1205-1207.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1997. Review of Claude S. Fischer, Michael Hout, Martin Sanchez-

Jankowski, Samel Lucas, Ann Swidler, and Kim Voss, Inequality by Design:

Cracking the Bell Curve Myth. (Princeton: Princeton University Press). Political

Science Quarterly 112: 315-317.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1995. Review of Michael C. Dawson, Behind the Mule: Race and

Class in African-American Politics (Princeton: Princeton University Press).

American Journal of Sociology 101: 754-756.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1995. Review of African Americans and the New Policy Consensus:

Retreat of the Liberal State?, edited by M. E. Lashley and M. N. Jackson.

(Westport, CT.: Greenwood Press, 1994), American Political Science Review 89:


Bobo, Lawrence. 1994. Review of Katherine Tate, From Protest to Politics:

The New Black Voters in American Elections (Cambridge: Harvard University

Press). Public Opinion Quarterly 58: 428-429.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1994. Review of Paul M. Sniderman and Thomas Piazza, The

Scar of Race (Cambridge: Belknap Press, 1993), American Political Science


Review 88: 488-489.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1991. "Race, Class and the Power Elite." Review of Richard L.

Zweigenhaft and G. William Domhoff, Blacks in the White Establishment: A Study

of Race and Class in American (New Haven, CT.: Yale University Press, 1991.)

Contemporary Sociology 20:861-864.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1990. Review of Norman Bradburn and Seymour Sudman, Polls and

Surveys: Understanding What They Tell Us (San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 1988); and

Richard G. Niemi, John Mueller, and Tom W. Smith Trends in Public Opinion: A

Compendium of Survey Data (New York: Greenwood Press, 1989.) Social Forces

69: 653-655.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1990. "Rethinking Authoritarianism." Review of Bob Altemeyer,

Enemies of Freedom: Understanding Right Wing Authoritarianism (San Francisco:

Jossey-Bass, 1988.) Public Opinion Quarterly 54:630-634.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1990. Review of John Solomos, Black Youth, Racism and the State:

The Politics of Ideology and Policy (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988.)

Contemporary Sociology 19: 354-356.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1987. "Attitudes and Inequality," Review of Paul M. Sniderman and

Michael Gray Hagen, Race and Inequality: A Study in American Values (Chatham,

New Jersey: Chatham House, 1985); and James R. Kluegel and Eliot R. Smith,

Beliefs About Inequality: Americans' Views of What is and What Ought to Be.

(New York: Aldine De Gruyter, 1986) Public Opinion Quarterly 51: 134-138.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1984. Review of Herbert McCloskey and Alida Brill, Dimensions of

Tolerance: What Americans Believe About Civil Liberties. (New York: Russell

Sage Foundation, 1983) Contemporary Sociology 13: 627-628.


Bobo, Lawrence D. 2012. “Election 2012: The Negativity Crusade.” (9/18/2012).

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2012. “The Turn of the Tide: Clinton’s DNC Speech.”


Bobo, Lawrence D. 2012. “Musings on a Martha’s Vineyard Summer.” (9/2/2012).

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2010. “It’s Time for President Obama to Become a Leader.”


(12/7/2010). Also carried by The Huffington Post and The Daily Beast.

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2010. “Can Our Politics Stop Being Stupid?” (11/9/2010).

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2010. “Message to Democrats: Don’t Worry, Be Happy!”

(11/3/2010). Also carried by the Huffington Post and The Daily Beast.

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2010. “Time to End the Criminal-Punishment Binge.”


Bobo, Lawrence. 2010. “Coakley’s Loss, Obama’s Lesson.” (1/19/2010)

Bobo, Lawrence. 2009. “The Ann Nixon Cooper I Knew.” (12/23/2009).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2009. “Obama’s Right Mistake.” (9/2/2009).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2009. “You Can’t Learn from a Sound Bite.” (7/31/2009).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2009. “The Place Where We All Can’t Just Get Along”


Bobo, Lawrence. 2009. “At Home While Black: Henry Louis Gates’s Run-in With ‘Post-Racial

America’” The Washington Post Wednesday, July 22, 2009.

Bobo, Lawrence. 2009. “What Do you Call a Black Man with a Ph.D.?”


Bobo, Lawrence. 2009. “Bailin’ Palin.” (7/7/2009).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2009. “The GOP’s Nutty Negro.” (2/24/2009).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2009. “Lovely Weather We’re having.” (2/21/2009).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2009. “Hello 2009, Farewell 2008.” (1/1/2009).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2008. “Not in My Neighborhood.” (12/2/2008).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2008. “The War Within: Maybe Bill Cosby has a Point.”


Bobo, Lawrence. 2008. “No Game Changer: McCain Worked the Room. Obama Worked the

Issues.” (10/8/2008).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2008. “Biden’s Night: Palin Came with Slogans, Biden Came with


Facts.” (10/3/2008).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2008. “Triumph, Bold and Clear: Will Obama’s Speech Put the

Drum Beat to Rest?” (8/29/2008).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2008. “Do Not Disturb: Meditations on Summer by an Uppity

Negro.” (8/4/2008).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2008. “President Obama: Monumental Success or Secret Setback?” (7/16/2008).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2008. “Heroes and Heels: The Best and Worst of campaign 2008 –

So Far!: A Campaign Hall of Fame and Infamy – a Look at Who’s Been Good

and Who’s Been Bad Through the Primaries.” (6/8/2008).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2008. “Clinton Collateral Damage: I Know I’m Disillusioned by

Hillary’s Politics, but How Much Damage Has She Done to the Democratic

Party?” (6/4/2008).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2008. “Here Comes the Hook, Hillary: What the Senator from New

York Could Learn from Amateur Night at the Apollo.”


Bobo, Lawrence. 2008. “Time to Fire Some Folks: Why Obama Needs to Take Off the

Tie and Regroup.” (4/30/2008).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2008. “Chelsea Breaks the News: ‘Mom, It’s Over.”


Bobo, Lawrence. 2008. “Obama’s Genie.” (4/17/2008).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2008. “What Would King Say About the Black Gulag?: Dr. King

Would Weep at the Mass Incarceration of Black Men.”


Bobo, Lawrence. 2008. “Is Clinton Getting a Pass on Race?” (3/23/2008).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2008. “Race in America: Caught Between Healing and Bitterness.” (3/18/2008).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2008. “Will Black Democrats Abandon Clinton Over Race?”


Bobo, Lawrence. 2008. “Secrets of the Neocon Noir: Why I’d Make A Lousy Black


Conservative.” (2/22/2008).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2008. “Reagan Couldn’t Win Either: Obama has Nothing to Prove in

the Age of Bush.” (2/19/2008).

Bobo, Lawrence. 2008. “Watch Your Back, Barack: There’s More Mud Where that

Came From.” (1/28/2008).

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2003. “Chris Rock: Keepin’ It Real.” Journal of Blacks In Higher

Education 68: 84-86.

Bobo, Lawrence D., Michael C. Dawson, and Devon Johnson. 2001. “Enduring Two-

ness: Through the Eyes of Black America.” Public Perspective 12(3): 12-16.

Bobo, Lawrence D. and Michael C. Dawson. 2001. “Polls Apart: Blacks and Whites

View Bill Clinton.” The Polling Report 17(1): 1,7.

Dawson, Michael C. and Lawrence D. Bobo. 2000. “Election 2000: The Racial Divide.”

The Polling Report 16(24): 1, 6-7.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1998. “Speaking Truth to Power on the Subject of Race.”

The Harvard Crimson, Tuesday, February 24, 1998, p. 11.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1992. "Two Crucial Local Commissions that Receive Virtually No

Money." The Los Angeles Times, Sunday, September 13, 1992, p. M6.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1992. "Jury's Verdict in King beating trial sends piercing blow to race

relations." The Daily News, Sunday View Point Section, May 10, 1992, p. 1 and 4.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1989. "Racial Politics: Race is Not the Only Issue, But It's Still a

Real Issue" The Baltimore Sun, Sunday Perspective Section, November 12, 1989,

p. 1. NOTE: This column also appeared in the Houston Post.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1988. "Making History?: The Jackson Campaign." The Baltimore Sun,

Sunday Perspective Section, April 17, 1988, 1h-2h.


Bobo, Lawrence D. 2015. “Foreword: The Racial Double Homicide of Trayvon Martin.”

Pp. xi-xv, in Deadly Injustice: Race, Criminal Justice, and the Death of Trayvon

Martin, edited by Devon Johnson, Patricia Y. Warren, and Amy Farrell. New York:


New York University Press.

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2008. “Foreword.” Pp. i-vii in Revisiting Race in a Genomic

Age, edited by Barbara A. Koenig, Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, and Sarah Richardson.

New Brunswick, NJ.: Rutgers University Press.

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2007. “Introduction.” Pp. xxv-xxx in The Philadelphia Negro: A

Social Study by W. E. B. Du Bois (1899), The Oxford W. E. B. Du Bois, edited by

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. New York: Oxford University Press.

Bobo, Lawrence D. 2003. “Foreword.” Pp. ix-xii in Black Fathers in Contemporary

American Society: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Strategies for Change, edited by O.

Clayton, R. Mincy, and D. Blankenhorn. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Bobo, Lawrence. 2000. “Implications of Race, Inequality, and a Persistent ‘Color Line.’”

Pp. 305-307 in The Profession of City Planning: Changes, Images and Challenges,

edited by L. Rodwin and B. Sanyal. New Brunswick, NJ.: Rutgers University Press.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1997. “The Role of Race in Quality of Life.” Pp. 43-47 in Celebrating

50 Years of Research on Human Performance: Planning for the 21st Century, edited

by Keith R. Tidman and David A. Goslin. Washington, D.C.: American Institute for


Bobo, Lawrence. 1993. "Report of Rapporteurs." Pp. 159-169 in Challenges of

Measuring an Ethnic World; Science, Politics and Reality: Proceedings of the Joint

Canada-United States Conference on the Measurement of Ethnicity. Washington,

D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce.

Bobo, Lawrence. 1991. "Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the American

Association for Public Opinion Research." Public Opinion Quarterly 55: 471-72,


Bobo, Lawrence. 1991. "Sunny Phoenix Awaits AAPOR Conferees." AAPOR News

18: 1-2.


Unfair by Design: Blacks and Whites View the New Law and Order Regime Status: book

manuscript in preparation.


Laissez Faire Racism: Structure and Ideology of the Modern Racial Divide. Status: book

manuscript in preparation.


“Public Opinion and Poverty-Related Social Conditions II: Inequality, Race, and Criminal

Justice Legitimacy.” The Ford Foundation, $227,000, 2002-2003.

“Public Opinion and Poverty-Related Social Conditions: A Study of the Public Will,

Criminal Justice Policy, and the African American Community.” The Ford Foundation,

$220,000, 2000-2001.

“Opportunity, Diversity, and the New American City: A Program of Research on

Interethnic Attitudes, Residential Segregation, and Labor Market Discrimination.” The

National Science Foundation, $99,437, 1996.

“Request for Supplemental Funding to the Center for the Study of Urban Poverty’s

Interdisciplinary Research and Training Program in Urban Poverty and Public Policy.”

The Ford Foundation, $110,000, 1995 (Co-Pi, Melvin L. Oliver).

"Evaluating Public and Private Sector Responses to the Los Angeles Civil Unrest of

1992." The Ford Foundation, $378,456, (co-PIs James Johnson and Melvin Oliver),


"An Asian Supplement Sample for the Los Angeles Survey of Urban Inequality." The

Ford and Russell Sage Foundations, $200,000, (co-PIs James Johnson and Melvin

Oliver), 1992.

"Asian Focus Groups for The Los Angeles Survey of Urban Inequality." Russell Sage

Foundation, $21,480, (co-PIs James Johnson and Melvin Oliver), 1992.

"The Los Angeles Survey of Urban Inequality". The Ford and Russell Sage Foundations

$1.15 million (co-PIs James Johnson and Melvin Oliver), 1992.

Supplemental Grant, to "The Los Angeles Survey of Urban Inequality", $89,000,

The Haynes Foundation.

"A Survey of Ethnic Antagonism in Los Angeles." Yale Project on "Immigration,

Blacks, and Race Relations" and the Mellon Foundation ($42,000), 1992.

"Indian Treaty Rights, Prejudice, and the Effects of Education." Spencer

Foundation Small Grants Program ($7,500); Robert M. LaFollette Institute On


Public Policy, University of Wisconsin ($10,500), 1990.

"A Study of Black Political Participation." Sociology Program of the National Science

Foundation, $214,000 (co-PI, Franklin D. Gilliam), 1986.


“On Moving ‘America’s Social Survey’ Beyond Black and White: Some Reflections and

Suggestions.” Paper prepared for the General Social Survey Board of Overseers

Conference on Beyond Black and White, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies,

Washington, DC, February 10-11, 1996.

"Stereotyping and the Multicity Survey: Notes on Measurement, Determinants,

and Effects." Occasional Working Paper Series, Center for the Study of Urban

Poverty, Vol 2, No. 8. 1991-1992.

"From Discontent to Empowerment: A Portrait of Modern African-American

Politics." Report to the Sociology Program, National Science Foundation,

April 1990.

"Race, Sociopolitical Participation, and Black Empowerment." University of

Chicago, National Opinion Research Center, General Social Survey, Topical

Report No. 16. November 1988.

"A Module Proposal on Intergroup Tolerance". Proposal to the National

Science Foundation's Board of Overseers for NORC's General Social Survey,

September 1988.

"Racial Attitudes and the Status of Black Americans: A Social Psychological View of

Change Since the 1940s." Report to the National Research Council's Committee on the

Status of Black Americans, Panel on Social and Cultural Continuity and Change

(February 1987).

"Race in the Minds of Black and White Americans." Report to the National Research

Council's Committee on the Status of Black Americans (August 1987).

"The Schooling of Black America." Report prepared for the National Research Council's

Committee on the Status of Black Americans, Panel on Education (June 1987).


"Extra-School Factors." Report prepared for the National Research Council, Committee

on the Status of Black Americans, Panel on Education (June 1987).

"Preliminary Report: 1982 Undergraduate Survey of Black Undergraduate Students

Attending Predominantly White, State-Supported Universities." October 1984. Center for

AfroAmerican and African Studies, University of Michigan (with Walter R. Allen and

Paul Fleuranges).

"Preliminary Report: 1981 Survey of Black Graduate Students Attending Predominantly

White, State Supported Universities." October 1984. Center for AfroAmerican and

African Studies, University of Michigan (with Walter R. Allen and Paul Fleuranges).

"A Comparison of Four Methods for Studying Trends in Public Opinion Data." Summer

1983. Project Memorandum, Survey Research Center, University of Michigan.


“Ideas that Matter: Stereotyping and Social Inequality,” Presidential Plenary Session,

American Sociological Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, August 18,


“A Taste for Punishment?: Race, Crime and Public Opinion in America.” Sociological

Research Association, August 16, 2002.

"Race, Immigration Politics, and the Sense of Group Position." American Political

Science Association, New York Hilton, New York, New York, September 1994.

"Black and Latino Conflict with Asians: Less Difference Than Meets the Eye."

Western Political Science Association Meetings, Doubletree Hotel, Albuquerque,

New Mexico, March 10-12, 1994.

"The Los Angeles Rebellion in Context: A Social Psychological View Before and After."

Association of Black Sociologists, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Sheraton Hotel, August 21,

1992 (with Ryan A. Smith).

"Modern American Prejudice: Stereotypes, Social Distance, and Perceptions of

Discrimination Toward Blacks, Hispanics and Asians." American Sociological

Association, Cinncinati Convention Center, Cinicinati, Ohio, August 23-27, 1991 (with

James R. Kluegel).


"Prejudice and Politics in Red and White: The Social Psychology of Ethnic Antagonism."

American Sociological Association, Cinncinati Convention Center, Cinncinati, Ohio,

August 23-27, 1991 (With James Sidanius).

"Economic- Versus Race-Targeted Policy: Public Opinion on the New LiberalWelfare

Agenda." Forty-sixth annual conference of the American Association for Public Opinion

Research, The Pointe at Squaw Peak, Phoenix, Arizona, May 6-19, 1991 (with James R.


"Pre-emptive Strike on the Left, Blindsided on the Right, and Hoping to Win the Middle:

An Insiders View of 'A Common Destiny'." Association of Black Sociologists,

Washington D.C., DuPont Plaza Hotel, August 7-9, 1990.

"Worlds Apart: Blacks, Whites, and Explanations of Racial Inequality." A paper

presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, The

Palmer House, Chicago, Illinois, April 13, 1989.

"Black-White Differences in Sociopolitical Participation: A Contemporary Perspective."

A paper presented at the Annual Conference of Association of Black Sociologists, Westin

Peachtree Plaza Hotel, Atlanta, GA., August 23, 1988 (with Franklin D. Gilliam).

"Education and Political Tolerance: Testing the Effects of Cognitive Sophistication and

Target Group Affect." A paper presented at the 43rd Annual Conference of the American

Association for Public Opinion Research, Inn on the Park, Toronto, Canada, May 1988

(with Frederick C. Licari).

"The Motivational Basis of Black Political Participation in the 1980s." A paper presented

at the Annual Meetings of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists, the

Howard Inn, Washington, D.C., March 1988 (with Franklin D. Gilliam).

"Survey Experimentation and White Attitudes Toward Residential Integration." A paper

presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Palmer

House, Chicago, Illinois, August 1987 (with Howard Schuman).

"Stratification Beliefs and Support for Racial Change and Social Welfare Policies." A

paper presented at the 81st Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association,

New York Hilton, New York, N.Y., September 1986.

"Racial Differences in Response to the Black Political Movement." A paper presented at

the 80th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Washington


Convention Center, Washington, D.C., August 1985.

"An Experimental Approach to Interpreting Survey Data." A paper presented at the

Annual Meetings of the American Statistical Association, MGM Grand Hotel, Las Vegas,

Nevada, August 1985 (with Howard Schuman).

"Political Context and Changing Attitudes Toward Federal Involvement in School

Integration, 1964-1978." A paper presented at the 39th Annual Conference of the

American Association for Public Opinion Research, Lake Lawn Lodge, Delavan,

Wisconsin, May 1984.

"Changing Reaction to the Black Political Movement, 1964-1980: Prejudice or Group

Conflict?" A paper presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological

Society, Sheraton Atlanta Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia, April 1983.

"Racial Alienation, Class Identification, and Question Wording: The Case of Detroit Blacks." A

paper presented at the 36th Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion

Research, The Inn, Buck Hill Falls, Pennsylvania, May 1981 (AAPOR Student Paper Award).

"Trends in White Racial Attitudes, 1942-1980." A paper presented at the 36th Annual

Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, The Inn, Buck Hill

Falls, Pennsylvania, May 1981 (with Charlotte Steeh and Howard Schuman).


Author Meets the Critics Session, Edward Telles and Vilma Ortiz’s Generations of

Exclusion: Mexican Americans, Assimilation and Race. Eastern Sociological Society,

March 2010.

Keynote Speaker, “Inequalities that Endure?: Racial Ideology, Politics, and the Peculiar

Role of Social Science,” at the Changing Terrain of Race and Ethnicity: Theory,

Methods, and Public Policy, University of Illinois, Chicago, October 2001.

Author meets the Critics Session, Michele Lamont’s The Dignity of Working Men:

Morality and the Boundaries of Race, Class, and Immigration. American Sociological

Association, Anaheim, CA., August 2001.

Author meets the Critics Session, Douglas S. Massey and Nancy A. Denton’s American

Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of the Underclass. American Sociological

Association, Toronto, Canada, August 1997.


Author Meets the Critics Session, Jill Quadagno's, The Color of Welfare: How Racism

Undermined the War on Poverty. Social Science History Association, Atlanta, GA.,

October 1994.

Author Meets the Critics Session, Derrick Bell's, Faces at the Bottom of the Well: The

Permanence of Racism. Jointly Sponsored by the Association of Black Sociologists and

the American Sociological Association, Los Angeles, CA., August 1994.

Organizer, Pacific Sociological Association Meetings, April 1992, Oakland, California,

Public Opinion and Survey Methods.

Rapporteur, Joint Canada-United States Conference on the Measurement of Ethnicity,

Ottawa, Canada, April 1-3, 1992.

Participant, Spencer Foundation Conference on the Status of Blacks in Higher Education,

University of Chicago, May 11, 1988, William J. Wilson, Chair.

Regular session organizer and chair, Public Opinion, 1987 meetings of the American

Sociological Association.

Discussant, session on "Twenty years after the Riots," at 42nd Annual Conference of the

American Association for Public Opinion Research, Hershey, Pennsylvania, May 1987.

Discussant, session on "Experiments on Question Wording: Another Look," at 41st

Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, St.

Petersburg, Florida, May 1986.


Member, Board of Directors, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences,

Stanford University, January 2013-present.

Member, Scientific Advisory Panel, U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce,


Member, Board of Governors, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, 2010-


Member, John Hope Franklin Dissertation Award Committee, American Philosophical

Society, 2009.


Member, Alphonse M. Fletcher Sr. Fellowship Committee, Fletcher Foundation, 2009-


Member, Board of Directors, American Institutes for Research (1997-present; currently

Vice-Chair of Board and Chair, Compensation and Human Resources Committee).

Member, National Advisory Committee, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy

Scholars Program (2005-2007).

Member, Board of Directors, Council for Research Excellence (est. by Nielsen media

Research, 2005-2006, Vice-Chair of Board)

Member, Board of Directors, Center for the Comparative Study of Race and Ethnicity,

Stanford University (September 2001-2004).

Elected member, Executive Council, American Association for Public Opinion Research:

2000/2001, Secretary-Treasurer (resigned)

1999/2000, Associate Secretary-Treasurer

Member, Board of Overseers, General Social Survey, NORC, University of Chicago


Elected member, Nominations Committee, American Sociological Association (1998-


Member, Editorial Board, Annual Review of Sociology (1997-2002).

Member, Board of Directors, The Roper Center (1997-2001).

Member, Board of Directors, Institute of Government and Public Affairs, University of

Illinois (1996-2001).

Sociology Review Panel, National Science Foundation (1995-1996).

Member, External Review Committee, Department of Afro-American Studies, University

of Illinois, Chicago 2000.

Member, External Review Committee, Department of Sociology, Hunter College,

February 1996.

Member, External Review Committee, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and


Criminal Justice, Rutgers University, Newark, March 1995.

Elected Member, Executive Council American Association for Public Opinion Research:

Chair for Standards (1994-1995)

Associate Chair for Standards (1993-1994).

Elected Member, Executive Council, Association of Black Sociologists (1994-95).

Member, Editorial Board, American Sociological Review, (1993-1996)

Elected Member, Executive Council, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social

Research (September 1992- December 1995).

Member, Panel on Poverty and Family Assistance, Committee on National Statistics,

National Research Council, (June 1992-1996).

Member, National Advisory Board, the Sloan Foundation- NORC/Univeristy of Chicago

"Study of Career Choice" (1992-1995).

Member, Board of Directors, Social Science Research Council, 1991-1994.

Elected Member, Social Psychology Section, American Sociological Association, Council

Member (1991-1992).

Member, Subcommittee on Sociology, Joint Committee on Soviet Studies, Social

Science Research Council (1990-1992).

Elected Member, Committee on Committees, American Sociological Association

(1990-1991; Committee Chair 1991).

Member, Conference Program Committee 1992, American Sociological Association.

Member, Conference Program Committee 1991, American Sociological Association.

Elected Member, Executive Council American Association for Public Opinion Research:

Associate Conference Chair (1990)

Conference Chair (1991).

Member, Editorial Board, Social Psychology Quarterly, (1990-1992).


Member, Editorial Board, Public Opinion Quarterly, (1988-1991).

Member, DuBois-Johnson-Frazier Awards Committee, American Sociological

Association, (1988-1991).

Member, Nominations Committee, American Association for Public Opinion Research,


Member, Nominations Committee, Social Psychology Section, American Sociological

Association, 1988-89.

Member, Cooley-Mead Award Committee, Social Psychology Section, American

Sociological Association, 1987, 1989, 1990.

Member, National Science Foundation Board of Overseers for the National Opinion

Research Center's General Social Survey (Fall 1985-Summer 1992).

Chair, 1986 Student Paper Competition Award Committee of the American Association

for Public Opinion Research.


American Association for Public Opinion Research

American Sociological Association

Association of Black Sociologists

International Society for Political Psychology



Board of Syndics (member), Harvard University Press, (July 2002-December 2004).

Advisory Committee on Honorary Degrees, Harvard University, (August 2001-June


Faculty Council (elected member), Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University

(September 2002-December 2004).

Educational Policy Committee, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University,

(September 2000-August 2002).


Chair, Academic Senate Task Force on a Free and Open Academic Environment,

1991-1992, University of California, Los Angeles.

University Standing Committee on Academic Affairs of Minority/Disadvantaged

Students (1989-1990), University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Advanced Opportunity Fellowship Committee, Graduate School, University of

Wisconsin, 1987-1988.

Faculty Senate, University of Wisconsin, (1985/1986-1986/1987).


Invited Witness, President Clinton’s Advisory Panel on Race, “What We Think About

Race,” Washington, D.C., September 29, 1997

Invited Witness, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Hearings on "Racial and Ethnic

Tensions in American Communities: Poverty, Inequality and Discrimination." Los

Angeles, California June 15-17, 1993.

Commentator, "In Search of the American Dream," ABC News, Nightline Special

Broadcast, November 6, 1992.

Panelist, The Los Angeles Coalition of 100, October 20, 1992, The City Club, Wells

Fargo Building.

Panelist, Forum on the Psychology of Racism, March 9, 1992, California Arts Institute.

Panelist, Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations, Forum on "Social

Change", Taper Hall, Museum of Science and Industry, September 1991.

Consultant, National Broadcasting Corporation, News Division Special Program, "The

R.A.C.E" ("Racial Attitudes and Consciousness Exam"), hosted by Bryant Gumbel,

broadcast September 5th and 6th, 1989.

Workshop leader, Dane County Task Force for Minority Issues in Juvenile Court,

Madison, Wisconsin, session entitled "Racial Attitudes, Identity, and Black

White Relations," May 13, 1988.


Member, City of Madison, Wisconsin, Housing Survey Advisory Committee, January

1985-August 1985. Task: To develop a survey instrument and oversee

implementation of a survey of Madison area residents. The survey aims to

illuminate reasons for residential segregation of the white and nonwhite population

and to examine how future neighborhood patterns might be affected by a recently

implemented school desegregation pairing plan.


Simmons, Alicia D. 2010. Race Cues in the News, Racial Attitudes and The Politics of

Criminal Justice Punitiveness. Department of Sociology, Stanford University.

Samson, Frank. 2009. Race and the Limits of American Meritocracy. Department of

Sociology, Stanford University.

Fox, Cybelle. 2007. The Boundaries of Social Citizenship: Race, Immigration, and the

American Welfare State, 1900-1950. Department of Sociology and Program in Social

Inequality, Harvard University.

Banks, Patricia A. 2006. Art, Identity, and the New Black Middle Class. Department of

Sociology. Harvard University.

Johnson, Devon Vail. 2002. Round Up the Usual Suspects: Race, Crime, and Public

Opinion. Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles.

Tuan, Mia. 1996. Forever Foreigners or Honorary Whites?: The Salience of Ethnicity for

Multi-generation Asian Ethnics. Department of Sociology, University of California, Los


Zubrinsky, Camille L. 1996. "I've Always Wanted a Neighbor Just Like You...": Race

and Residence in the City of Angels. Department of Sociology, University of California,

Los Angeles.

Smith, Ryan A. 1994. Race, Job Authority, and Income: A Cross-Temporal Study of

Changes in the Socioeconomic Status of Blacks and Whites, 1972-1991. Department of

Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles.



Fu, Vincent Kang. 1997. Educational Exchange and Racial Intermarriage in the United

States. Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles.

Johnson, Devon. 1996. Reacting to Crime: The Role of Prejudice in Whites Punitive

Attitudes. Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles.

Suh, Susan A. 1996. Impacts of Gender and Racial Group: Perceived Discriminatory

Workplace Experiences of Women Workers. Department of Sociology, University of

California, Los Angeles.

Yang, Daphne. 1996. Middle Class Blacks and the American Dream: Residential

Segregation and the Quality of Life. Department of Sociology, University of California,

Los Angeles.

Battle, Alaric. 1994. Modern Social Distance Feelings: A Matter of Perceived

Differences in Socioeconomic Status, Negative Stereotypes, or Both? Department of

Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles.

Zubrinsky, Camille. 1992. The Mis-education of the African-American Student Athlete.

Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles.

Ziege, Anne L. 1990. The Black-White Happiness Gap and the Significance of Race.

Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Smith, Ryan A. 1989. Race and Job Authority: The Enduring or Declining Significance

of Race. Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Read, Emily E. 1988. Race, Gender Consciousness, and Women's Political Engagement.

Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Licari, Frederick C. 1987. The Effects of Education and Cognitive Sophistication on

Political Tolerance of Nonconformist Groups. Department of Sociology, University of

Wisconsin, Madison.