Latin Manuscript Pontificals and Benedictionals in England and Wales

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Transcript of Latin Manuscript Pontificals and Benedictionals in England and Wales

  • 432 TRADITIO

    quite closely with the Sherborne Pontifical or so-called 'Ponlifical o[ St. Dunstan' (B .N. MS lat. 9-13). The content o[ the ponti[ical generally is very similar to lhat of Lh e Ponti ficale Lanaletense (Rouen, Bibi. Munic., MS 368); Lhc itali cized numbers in lhc li sl of con tents below identify the corresponding texts in G. H . Doblc's edilion of the Ponlificale Lanale-tense (I-I. B. S. LXX IV 1937). The codex was discovered in 1970 in the stables of Brodie Cas lle, Forres, in Scotland, and has apparenlly been in Morayshirc since alloul J 700. The only owner whose name occurs in the MS is Hu gh Anderson, who was minis ter of Lh e parish of Drainie near Elgin from 1698 until his death in 174 9 . Anderson wrote his name on fol. 1, with the date 1700, again on the upper cover with th e date 1707, and elsewh ere. Subsequent-ly it may perhaps have been in the library of Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonsto un, 4th Bart., t he patron of the living of Drainie. Its history prior to 1700 is unknown . The codex is com-plete except for a few missing leaves: prohably two before [oJ. 1, a singl e leaf afler each of folic,s 4, 39, 56, 68, 102 and 141, and a few (perhaps t en?) after [ol. 14 '1. For the description of this MS I am indebted to th e kindness of two colleagues, Patricia Fulford and Roger Gannon, each of whom obtained for me a copy o[ So lheby's sale cata logue, whi ch is my sole source of information for this entry. Ff. 144; 30 x 28 cm.

    Contents (from Sotheby's catalogue) : Consecration of a church: 6, beginning imperfectly (1r), including blessings of liturgical vestments and vessels: 15 (12v), deposition of relics: 22 (17r), dedication of a church: 40 (22r) and consecration of a cemetery: 21 (34r). Ordinations, from doorkeeper: 48 (36V) to consecration of a bishop . Consecration of an archbishop [as in the Pont. of Sh erborne] if the Archbishop Qf Christ Church or of St. Peter's wishes to ordain the other arch-bishop in accordance with the letter from Pope Honorius to A rchb ishop Ho-norius (Bede, Hist. ecc l. II xviii) [Martene, De anl. ecc l. ril. (Venice 17:33) I viii art. IX] (50r). Blessing of a shrin e: 128 (52V) . Heconciliation of a hol y place: 21 (53v), and of a church: 28 & 38 (54v). Consecration of chrism, holy oil: 81 (56r). Consecratio regis, quern de conventu seniorurn per manus pro-ducant duo episcopi ad ecclesiam: 59 (57r), and coronation of a queen: 4.1 (63r), followed by missa pro ordinato rege (64r) . Bless ing of a cross: 18 (65r), a nd of a bell: .l9 (67r). Benediction of a virgin (69r), a widow: 43 (72r), and a newly tonsured cleric: 44 (73v). Ordeal by water and iron: JIG (77r). Exorcism of bread. and cheese: 123 (SOv). Blessing of a well, a v ine and n ew crops (83r). Exorcism of salt and water : 111 (S3v). Consecration of an abbot: 48 (88v). Profession of a monk: 45 (92r). Blessings of palms: 73 (96r). Forms of ep iscopal absolution: 75 (9Sr), with a long added absolution: 78 (101'). Episcopal bene-dictions throughout the year (103r).

    Catalogue: Solheby and Co., Cata logue of Wes tern 11Ianuscripls and Miniatures for Lhe sale of July 12, 1971, Properly No 35.

    Add. 57528, 'Pontifical of Apamea ': Roman Pontifical of Apamea in Syria, s. XIII in.

    This pontifical was probably intended for an archbishop of Apamea, the metropolitan see of Syria Secunda in the Patriarchate of Antioch. Although Andrieu entertains the possi-bility that it may perhaps have been written for a bishop of Valanea (now: Baniyas), suf-fragan of Apamea, he, like Marlene, refers to it as 'the Pontifical of Apamea.' It was prob-ably written in 1214 (or shortly before). Although its Syrian provenance is clear, its con-tents are purely Roman and conform quite closely to what Andrieu call s 'le pontifical romain du X II s iec le'; in the list of contents below, the ordines are identified by noman numerals according to the numbers which Andrieu assigns to them in his ed ition (Pont. II). In the


    seventeenth century th e MS belon ged to l it e Cistcrc ia n Abbry of Chaa lis. W hil e it belonged to Chaalis a 1 I t I ) to . '. 10 Lm r 1G7G, .Jea n D esli ons, Dean o r Senli s, had it copi ed (prcsum a b Y. in .o ~

    gethcr with four other manuscripl ponti[i ca ls . This cop y is still exlanl in Lyon , B1bhothe-

    ~;(e ll1unicipa le, MS 570; in lhi s ms . th e lcxt o r the l'on li ri ca l of Apamea occupi es fol. tl 9r-344v . It was from this copy (Lyons 570), a nd not rrorn the ori ginal , lh a l iWartcne took

    1c t ex ts of the Pontifi ca l of Apalllea w hi ch he publi shed ; it was thi s sam e copy that Andrieu

    consulted in preparin g lh e edition of th e norn a n ponliri ca l or t he twclflh century as he was

    unable to locate th e ori gina l MS. This m a nu scripl was recently presented to the British

    Museum by the est.a le of th e la te Proressor Francis Worrnalcl .

    . so:itents (from MS Lugdun . 570, as published by Andrieu): In n omine Domini l!lc~pit ordo de septem cccles iasticis gradibus. In primi s praefatio a d clericum faciendum: I. Ad tondendam barbam: II. Psalrni sta id est cantor : III. Ordinatio ostiarii: IV, lectori s : V, exorcistae: V I, acoly thi: VII, subdiacon i: VII I. Ordo qualiter in Romana Eccles ia d iacon i et presby teri eligendi sun t: IX. Ordo ad vocandum et exam inandum seu con secrandum electurn in episcopurn juxta ~o~em Romanae cccles iac: X . Edictum quod dat pontifex ep iscopo cui benc-dicit: XI. Ordo ad consecranclam sacram v irginem quae in clorninicis diebus et cet eri s fes ti v i tatibu s . . . consecrari d eb et: X II. Benedic tio v iduae quae fu erit castitatem professa : X III. Orclo ad abbatem bencd icendmn vel abbatis-sam: XV. O rclo ad b enedicendum eccles iam : XVI I. Heconciliatio v iola tae ecclesiae: XVII I. Bcnecli c tio alta ris itincrarii: XIX. planetae, dalmaticae, stolae e t a liarum vestium sacerdotalium ac Iev itarum: XX, corporalis: XX I, Patenae: XX I I. Praefalio calici s : XX IV. Benedictio novae cruci s : XXV I. In purification e b eatae Ma ri ae V irgi11i s: XXVI I. Feria quarta in capite jejunii: XXVIII. Ordo in dominicarn palmarum : XXIX. Feria quinta majoris hcb-domadae: XXX-C. Feria sex ta Parasceves : XXX I. Magno vero die sabbati sancto: XXX II. Ordo qua liler Homa nus Pontifex apucl bas ilicam beati Petri Apostoli d eb eat ordinari: XXX III. Bencdictio Papae de episcopo facti: XXX IV. Orclo qualiter Rex T cutoni cus Romam ad su scip iendam coronam Imperii venire d eb eat ibique p er m a num Romani Pontificis Irnperatorem coronar.i: XXXV-B. Ordo Romanus qua litc r concilium agalu r: XXXV I. Ad sponsam b encdicend am: XXXV II. Ben ed ictio lactis ct m elli s in sabba to [sancto]: XXXV IIL Benedic-tio casei et ovorum : XXX IX, agni: X L, agni et aliarum carnium: XL!, ad quem cumque fructurn novarurn arborum: XL II, no v i panis: X LIII, no vi c ibi: XLIV, uvae : XLV, [aquae: ] exorcisrnu s sa lis: XLV I, [pcrae et baculi peregri-nantium]: XL V I I. Reconc il ia tio pocnitcnti s : XL V III. Ordo v is itationi s infir-morum: X LIX-B . Orclo a d unguendnm infinnum: L. Cmn vero infirmus ad exitum appropinquaverit: L I-B . Bcnetlic ti o cimiterii: LII-B. Short benedic-tional (a pparentl y only the san ctoral) : Ben edi ctio in v igilia Natalis D.N.J.C., in natali S. Stephani Protomarty ris, in n. S. J oanni s Evan geli st ae, san ctorum lrmocentium, S. Silvestri , S. Agne tis, in con vers ione S. Pauli, in purificatione S. Mariae, in n. S. Agath ae, in cathedra S. Petri, in n. S. Gregorii, S . Benedicti, in annunciatione B . Mariae, in inventione S. Cruci s , in n . S. Joannis Baptistae, Apostolorurn Petri et Pauli, in commemoratione S. Pauli, in n . S. Laurent.ii, in assumptione S. Mariae, de S. Augustino, in decollatione S. Joannis Baptistae, in nativitate S. Mariae, in exaltatione S. Crucis, in n. omnium Sanctorum, S. Martini, S. Andreae, common of saints, in ordinatione regis. Normandus scripsit hoc opus, and a short d edicatory poem. Oath of obedience of a bishop-elect of Valanea to the archbishop of Ap a m ea, dated 1214. Table of contents.

  • -


    Edition: PonL I 121-302 (but only on the basis or th e a pograph MS Lu gd un . 570) . J>urlia l edition : Marlene, De ant. eccl . ril. (Venice-Bassano 1788) I 74, 95, :335; II 69, 74,

    158, 191, 211, 274, 285, 291, 295, 397; Ill 47, 11 5, J:l:l , 160 (but only on th e basis of the

    apograph MS Lu gdun. 570). B ibi.: M. Andrieu, 'Le Pontifical d' Apamee ct a utres t ex t es liturgiqucs communiques a

    Dom Marlene par J ean Dcslions,' Revue Benedictine 48 (1936) 32 1-348.

    A r undel 149: Coronation Ordines, s. XV.

    A collection of ordines, mutilated and incomplete, for coronations of an emperor, a king of E ngland , and a king of Prance, perhaps excerpted out of pontificals. Ff. 30; folio.

    Contents (from the MS): Coronation of an emperor (tr). Ordo Homanus qua-liter concilium agatur (5V). Orc!o ad danclam poenitentiam (7"). Coronation of a king of England, incomplete (9r), and Die quo sola regina coronanda est (20v). Coronation of a king of France (23r) and orclo ad rcginam benecli cenclam (29V).

    Bibi.: P. E . Schramm, 'Ordines-Sludien III,' Archil! /iir Urlrnnden/orsclwng 15 (NF l, 2) (Berlin 19:18) 345 (No. 25, MS :17).

    Catalogue: 13 I 39.

    Cotton Claud. A. III: Fragments of Three English Pontificals of Lile Province of Canterbury, s. X I -X I I .

    This codex is a collection of Lexls, most of which com e from pontificals, but not all of which arc liturgical. In addition Lo collec tions of privileges of Chris t Church, Canterbury, and synodal decrees, it consists of fragments of three d ifferent pontificals: (I) a pontifical or the Province of Canterbury, possibly of Sa lisbury (attributed to Bishop Osmund, 1078-99), perhaps written at Christ Church, Canterbury, s. x 1; (II) another pontifical of the Prov-ince of Canterbury, perhaps of Winch es ter, s. x cx x1n; (III) a third pontifical of the Prov-ince of Canterbury, probably written a t Chri st Church, Canterbury, in Lhe middle of th e twelfth cen tury, of which only th e coronation ordo is includ ed. In the !is l of contents below, the citation of these Homan numerals indicates which item belongs Lo which pontifica l. Frere (P. S. 95) assu mes that the three fragm ents cons lilule a sin gle ponlifical of a n arch-bishop of Canterbury, but such an assumption is less than convincin g. An aulhorilalivc s tudy and edition of the pontifical fragments in the MS is now being prepared by D . H. Turner for the H enry Bradshaw Society; when it appears il will, of course, supersede anything s taled here about this MS . Ff. l :)0; 24 x 16 cm.

    Contents (from Planta and Frere): T a ble of contents (1r). Privileges of Christ Church, Canterbury, confirmation of possessions (in Anglo-Saxon), papal letters (2r). Encl of the enthronement of an archbishop: I (9r). Coronation of an Eng-li sh king (Second Hccens ion, incomplete): I (9v), and Consecratio rcginae a b ep iscopo dicenda: I (17r) . Consecra tio regis (E ngli sh Third Heccnsion, s. x rr med.): III (19r), and Benedictio reginae quac ab episcopo in ecclesia coram optimatibus ante altare facienda est: ITI (28r). Synodal decrees and laws (32r) . Ordina tions: TI (39r). Consecra tion of a church (511'), appended blessings and consecration of a cemet ery : II (65V). Heconcilia ti ons and blessings of a font: II (77r). Maundy Thursday and Purification: II (79r). Blessings of a nun, a virgin, a widow, etc. : II (80r). Encl of the first coron a tion ordo (cont'd fr. fol. 18), ordinatio monachi, consecratio abbatis, benedictio super vestimentum vir-ginis, v iduae: I (87r) . Benedictional: II (106r). Consecration of holy oils: 11 (133r). Benedictional (137r).


    Edition (forlhco!lling): The work b y IJ. I I. Turner anticipat ed illlmincntly in lhe publica-tions of the l l. B .S.

    Bibi.: P .S. 95; Henderson x ix-xx; W ilson xxix; N. n. K er, C11l 11 /og11eo f 11-Imwscripts Con-taining Anglo-Saxon (Ox ford 1057) 178- 17!) (N 14 1) .

    Catalogues: 41 188-189; 45 37.

    Cotton Tib. B. III, fol. 12-142: fle ncd icliona l of Chris t Church , Canterbury, s. XII.

    This book is a miscellan eous collec tion of 202 fo lios in whic h lhc bcnediclional occu pies

    fol. 12-142. The re m a inder o f lhc collcc lion consists o r a calenda r, short prayer s in L a tin and English verse, and a lc ller b y Odo of Cluny.

    Contents (from Plan ta): Oration cs e t bencdictiones in d icbu s d ominicis et fcstis: item prn rege, in ordinatione episcopi, super anci ll as Dei, de sponso ct sponsa, in t empo re bell i, pro iter agentibus, e t pro defunctis.

    Catalogues: 41 35; 45 22.

    Cotton Tib. B. VIII, fol . 1-34 and 81-197: J->onlifical of the Province of Canter-bury, s. XI I ex.

    This ponlifical was w ri tten towards the end of the twelfth (or early thirteenth?) century

    for a diocese in the Province of Canterbury. Il was a ltered ca. 1300 for use at Glasgow; hence the precise original proven ance can no lon ger be ascertained . Pf. 151; 29 x 19 cm.

    Contents (from P lanta, checked aga inst t he MS): Consecration of a bishop (3r), with mass . [For fol. 35-80, now bound separately, see the next entry below). Ordo con secrationi s, h. e. co ronation is regis, for a king of England (Sir) , and for a qu een (99"). Ordinatio abbatis (105" ). Ben ed ic tio monachorum (111") . Benedietio super abbatissam (117") . Consecratio virginis moniali s (122v). Bene-dictio ves ti s viduae (147r), and of the widow h erself. Ad confirmandos infantes (151r). Super h omin em pu gnatururn (152r), and bless ings : scu ti, baculi, ensis. Benedictio ferri judicialis (157r). Juclicium aquae ferventis (167r) . Benedictio aquae fri giclae ad judicium faciendum (179r). Exorcismus p ani s et casei ad probationem veri investiganclam (188").

    JJibl.: P.S. 100 ; H enderson xxxiv; Wilson xxvi-xxvii; E. S. Dewick, The Coronation Book of Charles V (H.B.S . XV I ; London 1899) x ii.

    Ca talogues: 41 36-37 ; 45 24.

    Cotto n Tib. B. VIII, fol. 35-80: Curonation Ordo of Charles V, s. X IV.

    The Coronation Book of Charles \' was form erl y inst r lcd into and bound togc lher with the pontifical cited above in the previou s entry. Th ey arc now bound scparalely, but each

    retains the originally common shelf m a rk T ib . B . V I IT . According lo a contemporary note on fo l. 74 v the book was w ritten for Charles V in 1365.

    Con tents (from Planta, check ed aga inst the MS): Prefatory rubric for the coronation: L 'ordenance a enoindre et a co ronner Jc roy et la reyne (35r). Ordo ad inunguendum et coronanclmn regem et reg inam (43r), followed by oaths of fealty in French.

    Edition: E . S. Dewick, The Coron a tion Book of Char les V (H.B. S. XVI; London 1899). Bibi.: cf. previous entry.

    Ca ta logues: cf. previous entry.

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    Cotton Tib. C. I: Pontifical of Salisbury, s . X I ex.

    This pontifical was clearly intended for use at Sali sbmy and has been attributed to ilishop Osm und, 1078-1099, or less proba bly to Bishop I-Jerman, 1075-1078. Aside fron1 some non-

    liturgical matters, it consis ts of a collecti on of Homan ordin es and of pontifical orfi ces whi ch

    generally agree with the Engli sh pontificals of th e twelfth century. The form of the Homa n ordines follows tha t published by Hittorp (Orrin Romanus [1-'a ri s 1G10]) . In the lis t of con-

    tents below, the sigla H and E indicate respectively agreement either with I-Iittorp or with the E nglish pontificals of the twelfth century. Ff. 203; small folio .

    Contents (from Frere and Henderson): Eccles iastical computus (fr). Holy Week liturgy, J-J, latter part s altered by a later hand (431} Sermons (77r). Orationes de cruce (84r). Preliminaries to ordinations (861} Con secration of an abbess (89v). Oblation , E (90r). Profess ion of a lay brother (93r). Proces-sions, Holy week, Purification, Ash vVednesda y, Palm Sunday (95r) . Tonsure (102r). Blessings: reliquary, J-J, ciborium, H (1041"), canopy, cross (108r). Con-secration of an abbot, E, blessings of v irgin and widow, E, and consecration of abbess, E (110v). Consecration of bishop and preliminary examination, I-I (116r). Benedictions (12F). Ordinations (143r) . Bened ic t ions (144r). Ordina-tions, E (153r) . Anglo-Saxon documents (159r). H.econci liation of penitents on Maundy Thursday, H (163v). Directions for the canon of the mass (169v). Testing relics (171 v). Blessing of a bell , H (182r). Celebration of a synod, I-1, excom-municat ions , I-1, Ember days, J-1 (183V). Easter vespers (199V). Canons of Council of Winchest er, 1076 (202r). Litany (203r).

    Bibi .: P .S . 97-98; Henderson xxvii-xxx. Catalogues : 41 37; 45 24.

    Cotton Vesp. D . I, fol. 71-134 : English Pontifical Choir Of /ices, s. XV.

    This collection contains only the choir part of services to be performed by a bishop (Ser-vili11m de omni offici o ep iscopa li concernenle chorwn) and was intend ed as a supplem ent

    to a pontifical. IL was written in E ngland, but lhe precise provennnce cannol be ascerla incd . The choir book consti lules the las t h alf of the codex (fol. 71 -134); th e Iirsl ha lf conlains a collec tion of docum ents conccrnin gAus lin canons in E ngland (fol.1 -70). Ff. 1:34 ; 19 x l :Jcm .

    Contents (from Frere and Planta, checked against the MS): Constitutions of Benedict X II (1439) relating to the li fe of canons regular (2r). Brief of Bened ict X II to the Ab bot of Thornton and the Prior of Kirkham (40r) . General and provincial chapters of Auslin canons of the Province of Canterbury, 1325-140,1 (41 v). Chapter of Austin canons at Leices ter, 1518 (63r). Servi ti um de omni offi~i~ episcopali concernente chorum: pontifi cal ves tin g (71r), in consecrandis ordnu~rns, virgin ibus (78r), reclusis (81r) , oleo (88r), in dedicatione ecclesiae (90r), 111 deponencli s reliquii s, in consecratione cimiterii, alta ri s, in reconc iliationc eccl~siae violatae vel rnonasterii, in benedictionc campanae (127r) , in conse-crat10ne sanctae cruci s, pro deportatione corporis ad ecclesiam (129r).

    JJibl.: P.S. 104.

    Ca la log11 es: 41 474; 45 112.

    Cotton Vesp. D . XV, fol. 1-67: Pontifical Offi ces of Canterbury, s . X II.

    This collection of pontifical offices was origin ally intended for th e See of Canlerbury, but was soon adapted for use at Exe ter. In the consecration of a n a bbot the original r eading

    of th e oath of obedience was Ecc /es iae Dorobernens i, which has been erased and replaced


    in a twelfth century-h and l> y Ecclcs iuc Exoniensi. The pontifi cal offi ces occupy the first seventy folios of th e book (fol. 1-67 and two un nu mbered blank leaves between fo l. 47 and 48); the rem ainder of th e book cons is t s of earlier t exts . I'f. 123 ; 20 x 13 cm .

    Contents (from W il son , F rere and P la n ta, checked aga inst t he MS): Confir-m ation, prayers befo re and af ter mass, excommunicati ons, all lat er additions (tr). Blessings of vestm ents, a l ta r linen , pa ten , chalice, and sacred obj ect s in general (4r) . Consecrat ion of an abbot (20v), followed by the episcopal bene-diction for the secon d Sunday in Ad vent. Ash \Vednesday a nd Holy Weck (30r). Bless ing of alta r cloth (42r) . Blessings fo r pi lgrim : staff and scrip (4Sr). Consecra tion of a cem et ery and celeb ration of a synod (4Sr). Heconcilia tion of ex communica te (57v). E nclosure of a reclu se (61'). Exorcism s (later ad-dition) . E a rli er texts : Confess ion of sins, wit h Anglo-Saxon rubric (6Sr), Isidore on penance (69v) , fragm ent of Theodore's p eniten t ial (S4r) , excerpts from Am a-larius, De ecc les ias ticis offi ciis (102r).

    Bibi.: P .S. 100; H enderson xxx iii ; W ilson xxvii-xxix .

    Catalogues : 41 477 ; 45 11 5.

    Cotton Vi tell. A . VII : l 'unlif ica l of Ramsey, s. X I I .

    This p ontifical is m os t prob ably from Ram sey . W ritten in a twelfth-century hand, it is posterior to 11 30 (S t. Olave is in the litany ). The first fourteen folios w ere destroyed in the Cottonian fire o f 1731, and wha t rem a ins is severely dam aged and largely illegible . The lis t of con ten ts b elow is t ak en from T hom as Smith 's ca talogue (c f . bibliogr . infra) and describes the MS b efore the fire (Planta 's cat alogue omits this MS). The extant part of the MS s tarts with the origina l folio 15, in the mid dle of the corona tion ordo; it appears to b e closely relat ed to B .M. A dd. 28188 ff. 1-76. T h e MS is currently in t he process of b eing r c-foliated. Each folio is now m oun ted on a cardboard fram e m easuring 21 x 15 cm. E x tant: ff. 112.

    Contents (from Smith) : D e consccratione a rchiepiscopi et episcopi [not ex-tant]. De episcopa li confinnatione puerorum [not extant]. De examinatione episcopi ordinandi [not extant]. P romissio regis, Saxonice [not extant]. De consecratione regis et reginae [incomplete at the beginning]. De benedictione ferri. De exorcism o aquae ad judicium D ei dem omtrandum, cum adjuratione ferri et aquae. D e exorcism o panis hordeacei ct sali s. De conjuratione horninis antequam comrnunicet , Saxonicc et L atine. De orationibu s et benedictionibus in deponendis reliquii s. D e consecra tione ecclesiae, altaris, vasorum sacrorum, thuribuli, e tc., et cimiterii. Benedictio fonti s, putci, novarum frugum, cereorum, hutyri,. caseorum, omniumquc pulmcntorum, et c. Ordo agendae poenitentiae. Hymnus ad in censionem lucernae. Ordo in Cena Domini, et in sequentis feriis. Ordo confirmationis. Ordo ostiarii, lect oris, exorcistae, acolythi et subdiaconi. Ordinatio diaconi et presbyteri. D edicatio ecclesiae. Benedictio . sa11ctimonia-lium, viduarum etc. Comrnunicatio infirmorurn. De mortuo sepeliendo.

    Bibi . : N . R. K er, Cata logue of Manuscripts containing Anglo-Saxon (Oxford 1957) 278-279. Cata logue: 45 81.

    Cotton Vitell. E. XII, fol. 116-160: R oman Ordines and Fragment of a Pontifical of Winchester, s . XI ex.

    This codex is a miscellaneous collection of thirty-five a rticles, written in various hands at various times, mos t of which relate to monasticism in E ngland. The last article (fol.

  • 438 TRADITIO

    11 6-160) is a colleclion of Roman ordines and pontifical offices of th e !ale clevcnlh ccnlury, probably intended for \Vinchestcr. The volume was severely dam aged by Lhc Co ltonian fi re of 1731; many of the articles it conla in s a rc on ly fra gments, and most of what is ex tanl is in disorder and illegible. Ff. 45 (numbered: 11 6- lGO); 27 x 22 cm.

    Contents (from the MS): Holy Week liturgy, incomplete (116r). Blessings of various objects (131r). Major litany (134r). Minor litany (134"). Invention of t he cross (135r). Vigil of the Ascen sion (135r). Vigil of Pentecost (135"). Bap-tism (136r). Consecra tion of a church and an alta r (138r). Consecra lion of a baptistery (145r). Ordinations : Minor orders (1461"), deacon (149r), priest (150r). Blessings of images of St. Peter and St. Swithun, and of various objects (153"). Burial (157"). Laudes, for William I (160").

    JJ ib/.: P.S. 97 ; Henderson xxiv-xxvii. Ca talogue: 45 99-100.

    Cotton Charter Roll XIII. 4: Roll of P ontifica l Offices , s. X I I I.

    This roll was writlcn in E ngland in Lhe thirlcenth century, but the precise provenance cannot be ascertained. Some of the blessings on the back of the roll a rc additions in a late r hand. 206 x 10 cm.

    Contents (from the MS): Tonsure. Consecration of paten and chalice. Bles-sings of corporals, sacred objects, baptistry, font. (Dorso:) Blessings of amices, albs, maniples, chasubles, cinctures, altar linen, drinking cups, ships, e tc.

    Bibi.: P .S. 101.

    Egerton 931: Ponti f ical of Sens, s. X IV.

    This pontifical was intended for Sens, and probably for Archbishop Guillaum e de Mclun, 1346-1378 (it conta ins the arms of the Secs of Sens and of Mclun). Ff. 285; 30 x 15 cm.

    Contents (from the MS): Lis t of feasts at which the pallium is worn. Table of contents. Benedictional. Celebration of a council, of a synod. Consecration of an altar. Reconciliation of a church. Consecration of a cemetery. Confir-mation. Tonsure . Ordinations. Consecration of a bishop, an abbot, an abbess, a virgin. Coronation of a king and of a queen. Marri age . Expulsion of penitents on Ash Wednesday. Heeonciliation of penitents on Maundy Thursday. Conse-cration of chrism. Catechizing of children. Blessings of various objects and for various occasions.

    Cata logue: 5 Part 1842 p. 104.

    Eg. 1067: French Pontifical, s. XV ex.

    This pontifical was written in France, but a more precise provenance cannot be ascertained. The arms of the first owner have been covered over by Lhose of E tienne de Poacher, Bishop of Paris (1502-1519). Subsequently it was owned by Dominique Seguicr, Bishop of Meaux (1637-1659), and in 1721 by Nicolas Joseph de Paris, Bishop of Orleans (1723-1753). The list of contents below cites the original foliation, but the book has received a more recent foliation. Ff. 243; 21 x 14 cm.

    Contents (from the MS.): Confirmation (1). Tonsure (3). Ordinations: ostiarius (6), lec tor (8), exorcis t (9), acolyte (10), subdeacon (12), deacon and priest (18). Consecrations: bishop (24), abbot (54), abbess (63), virgin (64). Blessing of the


    corners tone of a ch urch (84). Comecrations: church (87) , alta rs (118), cem et ery (138). Reconcilia t ion of a church and a cemetery (144). B less ings of sacred vessels, altar cloths, s t a tu es , ves tmen ts , and o ther obj ec ts (1S2). Lent and Holy W eek (171). Cclcl>ra tion of a synod (192) . V isita tion (203). Receptions of an archbishop, a king, a qu een (204). B uri al (206). Sh ort b enedictiona l (211). Bless ings of ves tments (228).

    Catalogue: ii Part 18 '11 p . 154 .

    Eg. 2708: Pontifical of the Lalin Patriarchate of Cons tantinople, s. X IV.

    This ponti[ical was wriLLen in ILaly , probably durin g lh e pontificate or Innocent VI (1352-1362), and may have been int.ended for t he Melropolilan See of H eraclea (Thrace) in the Patriarchate of Conslanlinople. In the lex l for th e consecration of a bishop (fol. 1 Jr), the bishop-elec t t akes an oa lh of obedience Lo Innocent VI a nd lo Domino A . Pa triarchae Cons/an . vcl i\.rclriepiscopo ./ aac/. There was , however, durin g Lhe ponlifiea t e of Innocent V I no Latin P a triarch of Constantinople and no Archbishop of Heraclea wilh a n am e b eginning with the initial A . . The pontifi cal conforms lo the Latin rile. Pf. 53; 23 x 18 cm .

    Contents (from the cata logue, ch ecked against the MS): Ordo quern debet tenere episcopus dum parat se pro missa (Sr). T on sure and ordinations (Sv). Consecrations of a bishop, an abbot, an al>bess , etc. (9r). Consecrations of a church, an altar, a cemetery , etc. (1Sr). Expulsion of penitents (22r), and their reconciliation (24r). Various blessings (27r): bell , chalice, pilgrim 's scrip, etc. Ordo Jitaniarum (28'") . Ordo ad benedicendam sororem Ordinis sanctae Clarae (29r). Ordo ad eligendum episcopum (29V). Various blessings (30r): v estments, bread, a new ship, a n ew house, cheese and eggs, milk and honey, et c. Visitation of the s ick and b urivl of t he dead (30V). Ordo ad armandum novum militem (32v) . L aying the foundatio l of a cJrnrch (35r) . B en edict ion al (36r) . Special masses (39r). Blcssir gs (49r); ,p , 1 ra rcUquii: d poncndis, ciborii sj e um-braculi ve1 tabemaculi. rdo ad rcc1ud .d11m .1 1 ~1 .t. (49 ad pa-t_riareham consecrandum vcl a rchiepiscopum (5 g utlc tf(J 8 i hbet clerici vel gradus (Sir) .

    Catalogue: 10 454-455.

    Eg. 3313, fol. 1 -10 : French P ontifical NI ass Direc tory, s . XV. Pr t" escrip ion of lhe p repara tions fo r pontifi cal m ass, ' "11" llcn 111 f II " F rance. The rubrics 0 ow closely those of th e P ontifical of Durandus . It is n ow bound loge tl "th ti

    item cited b I d 1cr w1 1c next c ow an con slitutes the first t en folios of the b ook. p -23 x 15 cm . f. 10 in a codex of 74 CT ;

    Eg. 3313, fol. 11-73: Fragment of French B enediclional, s . x II in . This fragm ent comprises lite temporale and benedic tions for 1111scell iiieous t I . . . ' vo 1ve masses.

    t was written m Prance, but a more p recise prov en a nce cannot be ascerta1necl It b d . ' 1s now oun together with th e previous item cit ed ab ov e and consli tu tcs th e las t sixty-four folios

    of the book . Ff. 64 in a codex of 74 ff; 23 x 15 cm .

    Harl. 561: Fragments of an E nglish Pontifical , s . Xv.

    This pontifical was writ.Len in E n gland and clearly intend d f . 1

    , . w 1 . . e or u se t 1ere. l~ rcre calls 1t a . me lest er pont1f1cal of the fourtcenlh century but th e Iiaii I t 1 f th . . . ' c is cc1 am Y later possibly

    o e second quarter of th e fifteenth century and the atlributioii ot w 1 . .' vi 0 . ' 1ne 1es ter 1s no t con-ncmg. ver two tlurds of the pontifical is now lost; th e ex tant fo lios are : 8 l - ', _10.,

  • l

    440 THJ\DITIO

    105-125, 127-129, 146-153. A new foliation for the ex lanl parts has recenlly been added to the original foliation. Ff. 48; 24 x 20 cm .

    Contents (from the catalogue, checked agai nst the MS): Consecration of a bishop, incomplete (BF = new F) . Consecrat ion of a virgin, incomplete (98r = new 24r). Forma quali ter sanctimonialis non v irgo vel a lia facerc debet profess ioncm suam (107r = new 17r) . Ordo secunclum quern rcx et rcg ina clebent coronari paritcr ct inungi, fo r England (115r = new 24r). Missa specia!is pro regc, incomplete (129r = new 37r). Ordinations, end only (146r = new 38r). Aclmonitio ad ostiarios, qu i primi sunt ord inis (149v = new 41V), ad lectores, qui secundi sunt in ordinc (ibid.), ad exorcistas, qui tertii sunt ordinis (15 0r = new 42r), ad acolythos, qui in quarto ordinc succedunt (ibid.).

    Bib i.: P.S. 101; H enderson xxxvii-xxxviii. Catalogue: 14 I 351.

    Harl. 2892, fol. 17-214: Benedic liona l of Can terbury, s. X I .

    This benedictional was written by an Anglo-Saxon scribe for Lhc Sec of Canterbury during the second quarter of the eleventh century, after 1023 (the Translation of St. Aelfcge ap-pears), but prior to Lanfranc's reform of the liturgical calendar. The benedictional occupies fol. 17-214 of the codex. The first seventeen fo lios contain an incomplete ordo for the con-secration of holy oils in a sligh tly earlier English hand; it does not belong lo th e benedictional, but is repealed almost identically in the benedietional. Other blessings for Lent and Holy \Veck are interspersed amongst the episcopal benedictions of the benedietional. It was still in use in Lhe late twelfth century. Ff. 214.

    Contents (from vVoolley, checked against the MS): Consecration of holy oil s, incomplete, in an earlier hand (F). Beginning of the benedictional: Advent to Quinquagesima (17r). Feria quarta capite jejunii: ordo agentibus publicam poenitentiam (33r). Episcopal benedictions: Lent (38r). Dominica die pal-marum: blessing of palms (45r) . Episcopal benedictions: Holy Week (54v) . Feria quinta in Cena Domini: reconciliation of penitents (56r), benedictio am-pullae sive ampullarum (66r), conficitur chrisma (66v), benedictio lactis et mellis (77"), benedictio casei, ovorurn, butyri, omniumqu e pulmenlorum (78r), post mandatum (78"), episcopal benediction (79v). Sabbato sancto: bcncdictio ignis et ccreae (SOr), benedictio ad missam in sabbato sancto Paschae (81 v), a!ia benedictio (82r). East er: bcnedictio ad matutinales laudes (82v), absolutio in Pascha Domini (82v), bcncdictio in d ie sancto Paschae, at mass (84r), bene-dictio carnium in die sancto Paschae (84v), episcopal benediction at vespers (85v). Episcopal benedictions : remainder of the temporal cycle, and sanctoral cycle to the octave of St. Agnes (86"). Benedictio ignis in purificatione sancta Mariae (132 1'), and episcopal benediction at mass (138v). Remainder of the benedictional (138v) . In benedictione sanctae crucis (205r). Benedictio salis (212r), aquae (213r).

    Edition: R. M. Woolley, The Can terbury JJened iclional (H.B.S. LI, 1916; London 1917). Cata logue: 14 II 718.

    Harl. 2901: English Coronation Ordo, s. X IV in.

    This book was probably written al and for Westminster Abbey. It contains the English coronation ordo according to its fourth recension, first used for the coronation of Edward II (1308). The first two folios, containing a prefatory rubric, also in a fourteenth-century. hand,


    are a sli ghtly subsequ en t addiLion. Fol. 5 1, w ith a can onical reference in a late-fourleenth-century h and, is probably also a lale r add ili on. Ff. 51; 34 x 22 cm.

    Contents (from the MS): Prefatory ru bric: Die quo no vus rex es t consecrandu s erunt praesentes in pal a lio qu attuor m agnates (1r). Ordo novmn regem in regno constitu endi (Jr) . lVli ssa pro rcge (34v). Ad bcned iclioncm sive conse-crationem reg inae (441} Oth er coronation oaths (50r) .

    Edition : T. Rym er, F oederu, etc. (ed . of 18 18) II i 33-3G (but not on lh e bas is of this MS). Bibi . : P. E . Sch ram m , 'O nlin cs-S lucli en lll,' Archiv /iir Urlrnnden/orsc/111ng 15 (NF 1, 2)

    (Berl in 1938) 3-1 1 (No. 25, 1\ IS 3) ; H . G . Hichardson, 'Early Corona tion Records: The Cor-onation of Edward II,' IJ. l.Il . H . lG (1938-9) 10-11.

    Ca ta logne: 14 II 71 8 .

    Harl. 2906 : Pontifica l possib ly of Nonantola , s . X I.

    This pontifical h as b een class iri ed as Germ a n, bul the invocation of S t. Senesius and St. Theopoulos in the li tan y m ay conn ect il w ilh No nanlola. The sequence of the ordines cited by th e catalogue does nol correspond lo their current sequ ence in the m s. Ff. 87; 30 x 20 cm.

    Contents (from the MS) : Tonsure and minor orders (1'). Ordination: sub-deacon (6r), deacon (7 '") , pries t (10'"). Consecraton of a church (14r) . Reconcilia-tion of a church (34' "). Blessings of sacred vessels, altar cloths, vestments , and other sacred obj ec ts (371} Consecrat ion of an abbot (461} Adm ission of a monk (4Sr). Blessings of a v irgi n and of a widow (51 v). Institution of a deaconess (56r). Recon ciliation of penitents (56') . Holy W eek liturgy (6F). Celebration of a synod (79V). Litany (86r).

    Cata logue: 14 II 719.

    Harl. 2912 : Pontifica l Of fi ces for a Roman Prelate, s. XV ex.

    A small litmgica l h andbook of offices p erlainin g lo both the pontifical and the ritu al

    written in Italy a nd apparcnlly inlendecl for a prelale a t the Roman curia (cardina l?).

    Ff. 39 ; 28 x 20 cm.

    Contents (from th e MS): Prepara tions for pontifical mass (1r). Office to be said after mass at th e occasion of the death of a pope (16r). Baptism (21r). Con-firmation (34r).

    Catalogue: 14 II 719.

    Harl. 5305: B enedicliona l and Ponlifical Offi ces, s. X IV-XV.

    This collection could have b een wriLLen in France or Italy, in th e four teenth or fifteenth

    century. In the text for th e con secration of a bishop the oalh of obedience is to be taken to sanctae Bntirilen . ecc /es iae, which might p erhaps r efer to Bourges (Bi turicen.). Ff. 49; 24 x 16 cm.

    Contents (from the MS): Benedictiones episcopales (1r) . Officium conficiendi sanctum chrisma (26r). Consecratio electi in episcopum (34r).

    Catalogue: 14 III 259.

    Lansd. 278: English Corona lion Ordo, s . XV I I.

    The coronation order for Kings and Queens of England, according to the longer version ( 'Lytlington Ordo ') of the fourth r ecen sion, used from the coronation of Richard II on-

  • 442 TRADITIO

    wards. The MS is a d irect copy of the Liber R ega/is in Westmins ter Abb ey . It was copied in the seventeenth centnry and was no t intended for litmgical use . Pf. 15.

    Contents : as in Westminster Abbey, Liber regalis, cited infra .

    Edition: L.G.W . Legg, English Coronation Records (Westmins ter 1901) 81-112 (hut not based on this MS).

    Bibi.: P. E . Schramm, Ordines-Studien III,' Archiv filr Urlmndenforsclnzng 15 (NF 1, 2) (13erlin 1938) 345 (No. 25, MS. 31).

    Ca/alogue: 15 99.

    Lansd. 451: Pontifical of London, s. XV in .

    This pontifical has been ascribed in error to the See of Exeter; th e London provenance is beyond any doubt. Prefixed to it is a ceremonial direc tory for a bisho p of a later date,

    publish ed by W. H. Frere, P.S. 105-109, which is not part of th e pontifi cal. An index has subsequently b een added at the end. A t one time the MS appears to have b een in the pos-sess ion of the Abbey of Evesham. Ff. 249; 36 x 24 cm.

    The contents of the pontifical are identical with Cambridge, Corpu s Christi Coll. 79 (pontifical of London, s. xv in., written for Hichard Clifford, B ishop of London, 1407-1421) described above. Foliation (from th e catalogue): Ton-sure (111') . Liturgical colors (141'). Consecration of a bishop (35r). Consecra-tion and installation of a bishop in E ngland (41 ' '). Bless ing of a nun (59"). Enclosure of a recluse (62"). Coronation of a king (96"). Dedication of a church (111r). Blessings: a new episcopal seal (172r), bells (1761'), a new well, a new house (193r). Marriage (193r).

    Dibl.: P .S. 90-91; Henderson xxxviii. Ca/a/ogue: 15 125.

    Reg. 6 B. XII: Fragment of an English Benediclional, s. XI.

    This MS contains a fourteenth-century copy ol' a La tin translation by Burgundio of Pisa of S t. John Damascene's Liber de fide orlhodoxa ; a flyleaf at the end contains a fragm ent of a benedictional or similar liturgical book. The fragm ent is numbered as fol. 38; it contains b enedictions in a clear English hand of the elev enth century. A small fragment ol' a thirteenth-century liturgical book is attached to it. Ff. 38; 32 x 22 cm.

    Catalogue: 46 I 141.

    Reg. 7 B. IX, fol. 1-2: Fragment of an English Pontifical, s . XII I.

    This iVIS is a thirteenth-century collection of L11cological trea tises, mos tly by S t. Augustine and St. Anselm; two fly-leaves at the beginning contain a fragment of a pontifical or ritual. The fragment is on fol. 2 and 1 (in this sequence), written in an English hand of the thirteenth century; the two folio s appear to have b een the las t two of the pontifical or ritual from which they were t aken. The last column contains a prayer in a later hand. Ff. 153; 31 x 21 cm.

    Contents (from the catalogue): Benedictiones salis et aquae, crucis, fructuum, perae et baculi, pomorum, fructuum [again], candelarum in purificatione beatae Mariae, and prayers for fair weather.

    Catalogue: 46 I 172.

    Sloane 316, fol. 276: Fragment of a Pontifical, s. XII.

    Written in the sixteenth century, the MS contains a treatise on alchemy in English (f. 8) and a chemical miscellany in Latin and Flemish (f. 54). The fly-leaf at the end (f. 276)


    contains a fragment o[ a L a lin p ontifi cal, p erhaps monas tic, in a twelfth-century hand.

    Ff. 276; 20 x 14 cm.

    Conlenls (from the MS): Ad habitum benedicendum and reception of a novice (276r). Dives ting of secular dress and investiture with monastic habit (276V).

    Catalogue: 43 313 .

    Yates Thompson 24: French Durandus P onli/ical, s. X IV ex.

    Thi s ponlifical was wri I.Len for a French archbishop, bul il is no longer possible to ascertain the melropolilan sec . ln Lh c litany t he following names have been added: St. Sifredus, pa tron of Carpcntras (Provin ce of A ries), and S L. Quinidius, patron of Vaison (Province of Aries); but the absence of S t. Trophimus and other Arela tan saints makes it rather un-likely that the MS is a pontifical of Aries . On the first page are the arms of Guillaume Bois-

    ratier, Bishop of Mende (1408) a nd Archbishop of Bourges (1409-1421), but they are a sub-sequent ad di lion and sligh Lly inaccurate. Abou L the beginning of the sixteenth century the pontifical probably belonged to a bishop of S. B ertrand de Comingcs. In the eighteenth century it was in th e possess ion of the J esuit College at Paris. ln 1897 it was purchased fr0m the Earl of Ashburnh am and became MS 81 in the library of Henry Yates Thompson. Ff. i + 234 ; 41 x 29 cm.

    Conlents (from the catalogu e, checked against the MS): Tables of contents, quite inaccurate (4r). Prima pars: consecrations, ordinations and blessings of persons (Gr). Secunda pars : consecrations and blessings of objects (77r). Tertia pars: ecclesiasti cal offices (159r). Benedictioncs solemnes episcopales (206v). Officium solcmne de nuptiis (233r). Table of episcopal benedictions (234r).

    Catalogue: 48 209-217.


    Coronation Roll I (C. 57-1): Coronation Ordo of Edward II, s. XIV in.

    This roll is a quasi-officia l copy of the ordo [or the coronation of Edward II in 1308. It was written artcr lhc event and presumably copied from a ponlifical which is probably no

    longer extant. Th e early hi story of the roll is unknown, but in 1685 James II ordered that it be k ept with the official records in the Tower. The text for the coronation of the king is complete; the coronation mass is incomplete. On the dorso another hand has added the coronation of the queen and a brief s tatement of the services performed during the procession. Five membranes; 13 x 54 cm.

    Contents: as in B. M., Harl. 2901 (but without the prefatory rubric), cited supra.

    Edition: T. Rymer, Foedera, etc. (ed. of 1818) II i 33-36. JJibl.: B . Wilkinson, 'The Coronation of Edward II,' Jlislorical Essays in Honour of

    James Tail 405-416; H. G. Richardson and G. 0. Sayles, ' Early Coronation Records,' 13.I.H.R. (1935-6) 129-45; P.' E. Schramm, 'Ordincs-Studien III,' Archiv /ilr Urkundenforsc/zung

    15 (NF 1, 2) (Berlin 1938) 342 (No. 25, MS 12).


    MS 'Liber Regalis ' : English Coronation Ordo, s. XIV.

    The coronation order for Kings and Queens of England, according to the longer version ( Lytlington Ordo ') of the fourth recension, used from the coronation of Richard II on-


    wards. The MS was written at Westminster a roun d 1377 a nd used there for subsequent

    coronations. Ff. 33.

    Contents (from the MS): H ie est ordo secundum quern rex dcbet coronari parit er ct inungi : In primis praeparetur pulpitum (2r). Die vero praefinito quo novus rex consccrandus est (4r). Verum si rcgina eodem die inungenda fuerit et coronanda cum rege (20v). Incipiatur missa pro regc (22v) . Die quo regina sola coronanda est (29r) .

    Edition: L. G. W. Legg, English Coronation Records 81-112. Bib i.: P. E. Schramm, 'Ord ines-Studicn III,' Archiv filr Urkunden forsclmny 15 (NF 1, 2)

    (Berlin 1938) 344 (No. 25, MS 24) .

    MS 'Abbot Lytlington's Missal ': Missal, with Benedic liona l and Ponlif ical Offices of Wes tminster, s. X IV.

    This MS is not a pontifical, but a full missal. It should, however, be cited here since it contains a bencdictional and several, mostly monastic, pontifical offices. IL was written for Nicholas Lytlington, Abbot of Westm inster (13G2-l386), who presented it as a gift to the Abbey. According to the Accompt Tioll of the Abbot's Treasurer at Westminster for the year 1384 the MS was written by Thomas Preston, very probably not a monk of th e Abbey, over a period of two years (presumably 1382-1384), for which he received 4. a nd cloth of livery worth 20s. Th e total expenditure for the book, including the cost of writ in g, illumin-ating, and bind ing was 34. 14s. 7d. The book is bound in two volumes, divided at the beginn ing of the canon (fol. 156); the bencdictional and the pontifical offi ces arc in Vol. II. The benediclional agrees generally with Archbishop Peckh am's, but th e ecclesiastical offices for the Purification, Lent, and Holy \Veck arc inclu ded at the appropria te calcndric places. Vol. I: ff. 157, Vol. II: ff. 189 (continuous foliation: ff. :342); 5:.l x :36 cm.

    Con ten ts (from Legg, checked against the MS): Missal: calendar (3r), exorcismus sali s et aquae (9r), temporal proper (9v), preparations for mass (145''), ord inary of the mass (148r). Benedictio pomorum in festo sancli .Jacobi Apostol i (162"). Bened ictio ad clericum faciendum (162"). Benedictio acl vestimcnta sacerdotalia seu levitica (163r), alia (1641'). Beginning of benedictional (164r). Feria quarta in capite jejunii: blessing of ashes (167"). Benedictional, continued (169"). In dominica palmarum: blessing of palms (171r). Benedictiona l, continued (172v). Feria quinta in Cena Domini: reconciliation of penitents (172"). Sab-bato sancto in vigilia Paschae: Easte r Vigil liturgy (173'} Benedictional, con-tinued (182r). Benedictio super lintcamina, benedictio corporalium (189r). Benedictional, continued (189"). In die purificationis beatae Mariae: blessing of candles (190"). Bencdictional, continued (191"). Coronation: Hie est ordo se-cundum quern rex dcbet coronari paritcr ct inungi (206r), die vero pracfini to quo novus rex consecrandus es t (207r), verum si regina eodem die inungenda fuerit et coronanda cum rcgc (216r), incipiatur missa specialis pro rege (217r), die quo regina sola coronanda est (221V); De exsequiis regalibus cum ipsos ex hoc seculo migrarc contigeri t (224r). Missal: sanctoral proper (225r), commons (289r), votive masses (3121'). Ordo professionis faciendae, for a monk (333r). Professio sive consecratio mon ialium (335"). Bencdictio vestimentorum viduae que castitatem fueri t professa (341"). Qu~liter mulieres saeculo renuntiantes a sacerdote velari solent (342r) .

    Edition: J. W. Legg, Missale ad Usum Ecclesiae Weslmonasleriensis Fasc. I (H.B.S. I; London 1891); Fuse. II (H.B .S. V; London 1893); Fasc. III (H.B.S. X II; London 1897).


    13enedicliona l co llated: H. M. Woolley, Th e 13encdic lio11a/ of J olin Longlonde, llislwp of

    Lincoln (11.B.S . L X lV; Lond on 1!l27).



    142 (R. -S. 13048): P vnlifica l of Au:tcrrc, s. X \!ex.

    On t he first fol. appear the a rms of Bishop Jean Baill et, 1478-1513. Several saints in

    the litan y a rc of Au xcrrc. The MS is in an unusu all:, fine s tate of preservation . F f. ii + 150 -\- ii ; 22 X 14 e 111.

    Con tents (from Hult, J ames and Frere): Ordines sacri et p rimo ad confirmandos infantes (F ). Officium ad clericum facicncl um sivc tonsurandum (1 "). Officium in sacris ordinibu s cclcbrandi s (3r) ; and bless ings of sacred vessels. Bcnedictio corporali um, vestimentorum (21 "). Alia oratio brev is pro omnibus vestimentis, sequitur ali a oratio pro sanctorum vaso rum (sacratione ?), benedictio mapparum seu linteaminum (22r) . Benedictio amictus, albae, cinguli, manipuli (22"), stolae, tunicae, dalmalicac (23r) , infulae, thuribuli (23"), vasculi pro euch aristia (24r). Ad dedicaliunem ecclesiac (25r) . Missa in dedicatione ccclesiae (66"). In die purificatiunis bcatae Mari ae bcnedictio cereurum e t candellarum (73r). Feria quarta in capite jejunii (73r). In Cena Domini (78r), fcria quinta in Cen a Domini (79r) . Dominica in ramis palmarum ad ramos benedicendos (93r). Benedictio-nal: Bcnedictiones solemncs (931} Consccratio alta ri s (113r) . Reconciliatio ecclcsiac (126r). Consecratio cp iscopi (1291"), necessaria in consccrationibus episcoporum (141r). In ord inatione e t benedictiun e abba li s ... monachorum (143r). Benedictio abbatis canonicorum (146r) . In ordinationc abbatissac (147r). Ordo qualitcr cimitcrium dcbct ab episcopo bcn edici (148").

    ll ibl.: B.M.L. G80.

    Ca ta logues: 27 I 249-250; 19 I II 1!l85.

    187 (R. 48224) : French Pontifical Of fi ces, s . XV.

    This MS is no t cited in M. H . James' catalogue. :Moses Tyson (Hand/is l of ,1dditions to the Co /lcc tio11 of Lalin Manuscripts in tile J ohn Rylands Library, 1902-28 [Ma nches ter 1928))

    describes it briefly as : 'Ponlifica lc Roman11111 parvum. Ve!-. ff. :H. 155 x 108 mm. xvth cent. France.'

    Contents (from Holt and F rere): Ordo ad confirmandos infantes (1r) . Ad clericum faciendum (Gr). Various blessings (1F): vestments, altar cloths, paten, chalice. Litania (20v). Subsequent additions in later non-liturgical hands : vestin g for m ass (30r), last gospel (31 v), oration followed by doodlings (32r), prayer in French (34").

    llib/.; B.M.L. 681.

    Catalogue: 23 192.

  • 446 TRADITJO



    Barlow 7 (6419): Monastic Ponti/ical of Evesham, s. XIV in.

    This MS contains a collection of ordirzes for the liturgical functions of an abbot entitled: Offi cium ecc /esiasl icum abbalum secundum usum Eves flam ensis monaslcrii. It was written in England for the Abbey of Evesham, during the pontificate of Abbot John de Broke-hampton (1282-1316), and presumably for his use. The MS is paginated rather than foliated.

    Ff. vi + pp. 274; 32 x 21 cm. Con tents (from Wilson): Subsequent additions and table of contents (i). General

    instructions on the abbot's part in the divine office: Quibus fcstis et quid de divino officio debeat abbas in conventu explere (1). Forms to be observed when the abbot is present: De officio abbatis ad collationem ct ad cornpletorium (6), de matutinis (11), de privata missa abbatis (15), de scssione abbatis in claustro (16), de capitulo (17), de processione dominicali (19), de solemni pro-cessione (20). Qualiter abbas praeparet se ad missam (24). De prandio (29). Ordo ad catcchumenos faciendos (32). De clericis faciendis (45). De professione noviciorum (49). De fratribus faciendis (61). Ordo desponsationis (63). Various blessings: Benedictio peregrinorum (81), novi panis (90), novorum pomorum pirorum (90), uvarum sive fabarum (91), albae (91), amictus (92), cingu li (92), manipuli (93), stolae (93), casulae (94), corporalis (94), ad palla (95), ad casulam, stolam et manipulum, together (95), benedictio generalis ad omnia ornamenta, vase et instrumenta eccles iae (96). Benedictiones nocturnales ante lcctiones per totum annum (97). In die purificationis (101). Jn capite jejunii (107) . Do-minica in ramis palmarum (119). Feria quinta in Cena Domini (125). Die Parasceve (155). Jn v igilia Paschae (161) . In nocte Paschae pulsato ad matu-tinas (181). Benedictiones in festo Omnium Sanctorum (183). Ordo ad visitan-dum fratrem infirm um (185). Commendation of the sou l: Post inunctionem si supervixerit frater (207). Funeral (229). Burial (243). Visitatio tumuli fratris defuncti (264). De sepultura fratris conversi (270). De obviatione cor-poris defuncti (271).

    Edition: I-I. A . Wilson, Officium Ecclesiltslicum Abba/um secundum usum Eves/wmens is Morzasterii (I-I.B .S. VI; London 1893).

    Bibi.: B. M. L. 367; P.S. 102. Catalogue: 37 II ii 1046.

    Bodl. 579 (2675): 'Leo fri c Missal'


    cingly r efu tccl) I tl . . L

    . n ie h st of con tents b elow, a ll parts not exp licilly icl cnlifi ecl as L eofric U or eo frrc C be! l L .

    ti ong o eofn c A. Leofr ic I3 is an E n glish calendar w it h paschal tables and o ier calend " II C m atters written aroun d !l 70, p oss ibly at Glas tonbury. Leofric C is itself a collection of v .. 1.. . . . . . . . . . . . anous t 1spa1atc item s : masses, manum1ss1on s, h1sloncal records, liturgical ord1nes clc , tt . . M

    . ' ., 1.' n en 111 Vanous h ands o[ the xlh and x rth cent. a nd gen erally added to the S after Leofric B h 1 . I . I l . .

    .ll a 1 eac Y )ecn prefaced lo L eofnc A. Some par l s of Lcofn c C appear to have been wrilte ct 1 Wh n urmg t le pont1f1eale of Leo fri c (B ishop of Credilion-Exeler, 1046-1072) of ~ ga~c th e MS to the Cathedral o f Exeter. V irtu ally a ll the pontifical ordines are part

    eofne A, but a few a re subsequent arld ilion s in Leofric C. F f. vi + 378; 20 x 15 cm. Contents (from \ :Varrcn and Henderson) Leofric C with four brief insertions

    of L f . ' Leofeo r. A (~r~ . L_~ofr . 13 (38r} Leofr: C (~8'). Leofr. A: ~a~ramentary (6~r).

    r. C, bless ings. consecrat10 thym1amat1s (154"), bened1ct10 ampullae s1ve arnpullarum (156''), anul i, baculi, t huribuli (157r), ad gen eralem cultum ecclesiae (157''_) Leofr. A : sacramentary (158r). Leofr. A and C intermixed: various bles_sm~s and orations (245"). The pontifical part of Leofr. A begins h ere w ith ordn~ations : Ordinatio osti a rii (268r), lectori s, exorci s tae (268"), aeolythi (269r), subdiaeoni (270r), ad ordinandum diaeonum (27tr), missa in ordinatione prcs-byteri sive diaconi (272"). Leofr. A and C palimpsest: oratio a d ordinandurn pres?yterum (273r). Leofr. C: oratio in electione episcopi (276"). L eofr. A: ora~iones et preces in ordinatione episcopi (278r). Orationes et preces in dedi-~atione b~si.licae novae (281 "). Consecratio alta ris (284r), tabulae (284"), pa-en.a~, cahc1s, super patenam et calicem (2S4r), co rporalis (285"), altaris et

    cahcis et ~atenae e t corporali s, together (286r) . Ad m anu s impositionem (286"). Consecrat10 chri sm a\i s (287r). Feria V in Cena Domini (287 v). Exorcisrnus olei (288v). Consecratio igni s et cerae (289"). B lcss in s: benedictio fonti s Jactis et ]l' "' ' m e is, together, panis (29tr), uvae vel faba e, pomorum (291"), pomorum et nueleum, ad fru ges novos (292r), v ini, cruci s (292"), super vasa in loco antiquo reperta, pu tei (293r), super fontcm uhi aliqu a negligentia coutigerit (293"), domus (294r). Prayers for various occasions: oratio contra fulgura, post mandatum, ad agapem p auperum (294"), ad capillatnram, ad barbas tonclendas, ad cleri-cum faciendum (295r), a rl cliaconissarn faciendam (295'') . Beneclietio vestium viduae vel virginis; b enedictio virginis ab episcopo dicencla (296r). Item ad velandam viduam (297") . Oratio ad abbatem vel abbatissam faciendum (298r). Oratio pro conjugandis, item ad sponsas b enedicendas (298 v). Oratio in sterili-tate mulierum; reconciliatio haereticorum (300r). Oratio super eos qui morti-cinum comederint ; reconcilia tio altaris ubi homicidium p erpetratum fuerit (300"). Oratio pro regnantibu s, super militantes (302r). Benedictiones super regem noviter electurn (302"). Item super regem (305r). Orationes quae di-cendae sunt super archiepiscopum antequam pallium accip iat (306r), and post-quam aceepturn fuerit (306"). Oratio super infinnum poenitentem (307r). Ora-tiones super eos qui a daemonio vexantur (308r) . Impositio manuum super energumenum catechumenurn; item alia pro parvulo energumeno (309r). Item super energumenum baptizatum (309"). Oratio super elcctos: ad catechumenum faciendum (312"). Ben edictio salis dandum caticuminum [s ic] (313r). Oratio post datum salis (313"). Benedictio fontis (314r), and b aptism (316r). Ordo ad visitandum et unguendum infirmum (319r) . Various prayers: orationes pro peccatis (324r), quotidianae (326r), m a tutinales (329r), matutinales seu ves-pertinales (329r), vespertinales (331r) . Masses: orationes quotidianis diebus ad missam (331"), item alia [missa], five (332r). Benedictiones in quotidianis diebus (332"). Benedictio super regem dieenda t empore synodi (334"). Exorcismus

  • 448 TH/\DITIO

    sali s (334"), benedictio salis; ex orcismus aquac, bcncdic tio aqu ac (335r). Oratio quando aqua spargitur; benedictio ad omnia quaccumquc volueris (336r). Leofr. C: various masses (336r) .

    Edition: F. E. warren, Th e Leofri c Missa l (Ox ford 1883) .

    Edition of pontifical parts: Henderson 299-:157. B ibi .: B.M.L. 221; P .S. 92; Henderson x i-xv, xxiii-xxiv; C. A. Bouman , Sacr in!J and

    Crownin!J (Groningen 1957) 9-12. Ca lalo!Ju e: 37 II i 487--189 (by E . W. B . Nicholson).

    Bodi. 901 (3034): Pontifical Offices of the Papal Court, s . Xi V in.

    This pontifical was written in Rome a round or shorlly after 1300 for use at the Rom an

    Curia . Subsequently it came into the possession of the Cathedral of Coventry; a note in a fifteenth -century hand states on fol. 1: Liber ccc les ie ca lhedra /is covenlri . The first four

    fo lios are in another hand, possibly French ; t hey refer to the corona ti on of a Pope Clem ent (presumably eith er Clemen t V, 1305, or possibly Clement VI, 13-12). On the fly-leaf is a

    note in a seventeen th-century hand: Ex dona Edoardj L apworlh in m edicina doclori s el prae/ecloris Phi/osophiae n a lura /is S ydleyani ; the library probably acquired the MS a round

    1620-1625. Ff. i + 65 + i; 31 x 23 cm. Contents (from Van Dijk and the catalogue): De ben ed ictione Summi Pontifici s

    (fr). De benedictione ct consecratione electi episcopi (5r). De benedictione abbatis vel abbatissae (50r).

    B ibi. : B.M.L. 372; Van Dijk, 9; S . A. Van Dijk, 'Three Manuscripts of a Liturgical Re-form, ... ' Scriptorium 6 (1952) 241-242.

    Ca lalo!Jue: 37 II i 573-574.

    Canon. Liturg. 326 (19415): flenedictional of Verona, s. X I .

    Very probably written for the Cathedral of St. Zeno, Verona, in the second half of t he eleventh century. T he beginning and end of th e MS a rc no lon ger extanl. Folios 5 and 7-10 are subsequent additions. Ff. 55; 22 x 17 cm .

    Contents (from Frere): Episcopal benc


    mo'.i.achorwn m onas tcrii sanc ti Gcorgii maioris de \'cnC'lijs s iynatus n11mcro 168. Ff. ii + 2GS +11;28 x JS cm.

    D Content_s (from Van Dijk): Consecration of a bi shop (1r). Confirmation (29r). de psalm1sta faci endo (25r). De ordin atione clericorum (25'). De barba ton-:;da (39v). De septem ordinibus ecclesiasti cis (40r). Ordinations : ostia riu s

    ( . ), leetor (45r), exo rcist (48r), aco lyte (51r), subdeacon (55V) , deacon (69r), (80r). B lessing of a foundalion stone (95 "). Consecration of a church

  • 450

    Bibi.: B.M.L. 373; Van Dijk 11.

    Catalog11e: 37 IV 391.


    Canon. Liturg. 375 (19458): llalian Durandus Pontifical, s . XV .

    This pontifical was written in Northern Italy, but a more precise provenance has not been ascertained. Episcopal arms on lhe tille page: or, on a chi ef gul es lhrce qu artrcfoils

    argent . Ff. i + v + 240 + i; 36 x 25 cm.

    Contents (from Van Dijk): Introduction and table of contents (iiir). Conse-crations, ordinations, and blessings of p ersons (1"). Consecrations and blessings of objects (87v). Ecclesiastical offices (163r) . Preparations and vesting for mass, and a short order of the mass (225r). B eneclictio foetus in utero (231r). Benedietio mulieris post part um (232r). Acl moni tions dming a synod (2331'). Ordo consecrationis patriarchae, archiepiscopi s ive metropolitani (236v). Ordo servandus in ingressu episcopi, subseq uent addition (240r).

    Bibi.: B.M.L. 374; Van Dijk 12. Catalogue: 37 IV 394.

    Carte 153 (10598): Transcripts from Pontifical, s . XV I II ex.

    Transcripts from Rouen, Bibliothcque municipale, MS Y 7 (3G9), the ponlifical of Robert of Jumieges (Edited: H. A. Wilson, The Benedicliona/ of A.rchbislwp Robert, I-J.B.S. XXIV,

    1903; cf. Leroq. II, 300 seq.). Paper; pp. iv + iii + 1'18 + iv; 33 x 24 cm .

    Bibi .: Van Dijk 14.

    Catalogue: 37 III 137.

    Holkham Misc. 15: Pontifical of the Province of Tarrayona, s. X TV.

    This pontifical was written in Spain for an unknown diocese in the Province of Tarragona. In 1455 it was given by B. de Lignamine to the Canons of S. Giovanni in Verdara at Padua. In the library of the Earl of Leicester at Holkham Hall it was MS 50. Ff. iv + 258 ; 27 X 19 em.

    Contents (from P. Brtickmann): Table of contents (iiir). Admission to cate-chumenate (1r), followed by: blessing of font, baptism, confirmation, reconcilia-tion of an apostate. Ordinations (16"), and consecration of a bishop. Conse-cration of a church (45r) and of communion vessels, follow erl by: blessings of altar cloths and sacred vessels, consecration of a cemetery, blessings of other sacred objects, reconciliation of a church, blessings of the people and of the oblations of the faithful. Blessing of candles at the Purification (921'). Admission to penance (95r). Lent (98r). Holy Week (108r). Baptism of the sick (149''). Dedication of a church [ ?] (151"). Consecration of an abbot or an abbess (154r). Coronation of a king and a queen (158''). Blessing of a prince or count pal:i tine (165r). Wedding and related blessings (1681'). Celebration of a council (178r). Excommunications (183r) and reconciliation of an excommunicate. Visiting the sick (213v) and extreme unction with litany. Admission of a canon regular and profession (219r). Blessing of monastic habit (227r). Admission of nuns (229"). Consecration of a paten and a chalice (237v), followed by blessings of corporals and of a cross. Office of the dead (240r). Exorcism of oil (246v). Consecration of an abbess (247r). Consecration of a portable altar (250r).

    Catalogue: 42 4.


  • 452 THADITIO

    L at. liturg. c. 6: Transcripts from Pontificals . s. X 1 X. . Ee. II. 3, University Library,

    Transcripts by W. G. Henderson from the MSS of Cambridge, f . -\- 12 + 213 + 9) p pel .. f I Ll. II. 10, Ff. VI. 9, Mm . III. 21, and Trin. Coll . B. XI. 10 (24 a '

    i; 34 x 21 cm.

    Bibi.: Van Dijk 21.

    Lat. liturg. c . 7: Transcript of Pontifical, s. XIX. l L"b MS Transcript by W. G. Henderson of the Bangor Cathedra 1 1.

    Paper; [!. i + 139 + i; 37 x 24 cm. Bibi.: Van Dijk 22.

    f Anian.' Pontifical 0

    Lat. liturg. c. 8: Transcripts from Ponti/ icals, s. XIX 1 C 400. I-larl. 561 and Bod\., naw. . Transcripts by W. G. Henderson from MSS B. M.,

    Paper; ff. i + 2 + 75 + 2 + i; 37 x 24 cm. Bibi.: Van Dijk 23.

    Lat. liturg. c. 9: Transcripts from Pontificals, s. XIX. and Dublin, TrinitY

    Transcripts by Vv . G. Henderson from the MSS: Bodi., Tanner 5,

    College, B. 3. 6 (98). Paper; ff. i + 139 + i; 37 X 24 cm. Bibi.: Van Dijk 24.

    . . of c 1iateaa-Lat. liturg. d. 2 (29447): Abbatial Breviary and Ponti( ical Offices

    Landon, s. XV I I. don . t Chi\teau-Lall

    This MS was written for the abbot of the canons regular of St. Sevenn a . 1 breviary, . t f the abbat1a . (nr. Fontainebleau, S.-et-M.). The largest part of the MS cons1s s 0 . 5 severin


    entitled Direclorium annualis officij quando celebral R.P. Abbas regalis Ecclesiae f.f.ce to b


    Lat. liturg. d . 23: Transcripts from Pontifical, s. XIX.

    Transcripts by W . G. Henderson from Oxf., Magel. Col l., MS 22H. Paper; ff. i + 30 + 31 2 + i; 2:! x 18 cm .

    Bibi.: Van Dijk 27.

    Lat. liturg. d. 24: Transcriptions from Pontifica ls, s. XIX.

    Transcripts by W. G. Henderson from the MSS: Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 146, B.M., Lansd. 451, and C.C.C.C. 79. Paper; ff . i + 208 + i; 28 x 23 cm.

    Bibi. : Van Di.ik 28 .

    Lat. liturg. d. 25: Transcripts from Pontifica ls, s. XIX.

    Transcripts by \V. G. Henderson from the B . M. MSS: Vesp. D . XV, Tib. B. VIII, and Harl. 2906, and from Lhe OxL, Bodi. Libr. MS Rawl. C. 425. Paper; ff. ii + 252 + i; 29 X 24 cm.

    Bib i. : Van Oijk 29.

    Lat. liturg. e. 19: Partia l Durandus Pontifical of Satriano, s. XV I in.

    Van Dijk attributes the pontifical to 'Augustine de Ortis, O.P ., Bishop of Satriano ( ?), 1500

    -1521 '. Arms on the title page: party per fesse sable and argent, a cross moline counter-changed. Ff. 1 + 78 + 1; 13 x 10 cm.

    Contents (from Van Dijk): Prayers in preparation of the mass (1r) and vesting (2r). Index to the pontifical (Jr). Introduction concerning the ordinations: Quando episcopus ordinationem facere disposuerit ... Primo enim sciendum ~s t q.uod nullu s episcopus ... (4r). First book: consecrations, ordinations, and

    lessmgs of persons (Sr). Second book: consecrations and blessings of objects (43r), ending with the bcnedictio foetus in utero matris (73v). De chrismate

    conficiendo (74r). Benedictio olei infirmorum (74V), balsami (76r), olei catechu-menorum (77r). Necessaria pro consecratione altaris and eccles iae (7Sr).

    Bibi.: Van Dijk 13.

    Lat. liturg. e. 20: Transcripts from Pontificals, s. XIX.

    Transcripts by W. G. Henderson from the MSS: Oxford, Bodi. Libr., Bodi. 579 (' Leofric Missal'); Dublin, Trinity Coll., B . 3 . 6.; B .M., Tib . B . VIII; Oxf., Magel. Coll. 100. Paper; ff. i + 4 + 316 + i; 23 x 18 cm .

    Bib/.: Van Dijk 30.

    Laud. misc. 93: French Benedictional and Festive C!zoir Breviary, s. XV ex.

    This MS was written in Northern France in t he late-fifteenth century. It consists of a beneclictional prefaced to a breviary for feasts throughout the year. Ff. iii + 517 + iii; 28 X 20 cm .

    Con ten ts (from P. Briickmann:) Episcopal benedictions throughout the year (1r). Festive choir breviary (17r).

    Bibi.: B.M.L. 381; Van Dijk II ii 340. Catalogue: 21 99.


    Rawl. C . 400 (12254) : Ponti/ ical of Salisbizry, s. X IV in.

    Writ.Len in E ngland in the early four teen Lh cent ury . Own ed by (and probably wriLLcn for)

    Roger de Marti vall, B ishop of Sali sbury ( J 3 15- 1329) ; fol. 1 ' : J111n c librum legavi I domi1111s

    llogerus de Jllurliva ll Saresbirien sis episcopus ecc /es ie ca thcrlrali bealae Mariae S aresbiriens i . . .

    On the second fly -leaf is th e note E x !ibris Geo H(lrbin 1715 and th e former shelf mark 71 3.

    Several foli os arc missing. Ff. ii + 11 8 + i ; :12 x 19 cm .

    Contents (from Van Dijk, H enderson and Frere, checked against the MS): In Cena Domini: consecration of hol y oil s, incomple te a t lhe encl (F) . Con-secration and profess ion of a nun, incompl e te a t the IJ eg inn ing (25r) . Conse-cratio regis : Consecranclum regem de convc nt u ficlcliurn servo rurn duo episcopi per m anu s procluca nt ad eccles iam (52r). Benecli clio regin ae di cenda in ingressu eccles iae , incomplet e at the encl (84") . Consecra tion of a bi shop, incomplet e at the beginning (88r). [In) inthronizatione a rchiepi scopi, of Canterbury (11F) . Flyleaf and fragments from a proser.

    Edition: H enderson 199-234. JJibl . : B.M.L. 364 ; P.S . 101; H enderson xxxvii; Van Dijk 7. Catalogues: 3 II 185; 35 172.

    Rawl. C. 425 (12277) : Monastic P onlificlll of W cs tmins ler, s . X IV in .

    This pontifical was written in th e firs t qu arter of the fourteenth century for an a bbot of

    Westminster and remai ned for som e tim e in the possess ion of th e a bbey (c f . J . Armitage

    Hobinson and M. H. James, Tile 1VISS of W es /mins ter A bbey 21). Note on the second fly -

    leaf : ' Thom as Bronc


    Rawl. C. 549 (12395): E nglish Pontifica l Offices, s. XV c:i:.

    This MS was written in England, but a more precise provenance cannot be ascer lained. The note on th e fly-leal' describin g the con lenls is in an eighLcenLh-century hand. Ff. 12;

    18 x 13 cm.

    Contents (from the catalogue, F rere and P. Brtickmann): Benedictiones ad vcstimenta sacerdotalia (2r). Fonua et ordo qualiter ercmita a saeculi vanitate conversus faciet profcss ioncm (5r), wit h injunctions to the herm it in Latin and English (11r), and further injunctions in English on a subsequently inserted leaf, in a later hand, s. xv r (between ff. 11 and 12).

    Bibi.: B.M.L. 368. Catalogue: 3 II 297.

    Tanner 5 (9825): English Ponti/ical probably of Exeter, s . XV .

    Unanim ily has not been reached on th e provenance and dale of this pontifical. The catalogue cautiously describes iL as sec11nd11m ritus ecc les iae Sarisburiensis. Although Hen-derson notes the grea t s i111ilar ily Lo the Ponlil'ical of E dmund Lacy at Exeter , he explicitly rules out an Exeter provenance . Frere attributes it to Canterbury. Van D ijk has fo und an indication for the origin of the volume on p. 189 and classifies it as 'Sarum type - Cathe-dral of St. Peter, Exeter (?)- 15th Cent. '; his judgment is the most reliab le. The earlier descriptions date the MS s. x iv in. , but th is is mistaken: it is clearly a fifteenth-century h::mcl . Pp . iv + 27G + iv; 23 x 17 cm.

    Contents (from Van Dijk and Frere): Table of contents (iii). Vesting and con-firmation (1). Tonsure and ordinations, one fol. missing (2). Consecration of an abbot (35) . Consecration of a church (47) , and of a cemetery (78). Recon-ciliation of a church or cemetery (83), and the mass (89). Placing of relics (90). Clothing of a hermit (95). Profession of a monk (98). Enclosure of a recluse (102). Celebration of a provincial synod (109). Blessings: pilgrims (114), arms before a duel (120), ashes on Ash Wednesday (122). Reconciliation of penitents on Maundy Thursday (126). Consecration of holy oil s (134). Degradation and restitution (145) . Admission to cat echumenate and baptism (148). Mar-riage (165) and burial. Blessings of various objects (189). Benedictional, in an earlier hand (225), and subsequent additions (276).

    JJibl.: B.M.L. 365 ; P.S. 102-103 ; Henderson x iii; Van Dijk 8. Catalogue: 24 IV 7.

    Tanner 414 (10241): English Coronation Ordo, s . XV II.

    The coronation ord er for Kings and Queens of England, according to the longer version ( 'Lytlington Ordo ') of the fourth recension, used from the coronation of Richard II (1377) onwards. This MS is a copy of the Liber Regalis at Westminster Abbey. It was formerly owned by George Davenport. The order for the burial of a king has been added subsquently on the last folio, apparently by Archbi shop Sandcroft. Paper; ff. ii + 33 + iii; 20 x 14 cm.

    Contents: as in vVestminster Abbey, Liber regalis, cited supra.

    B ibi.: Van Dijk 32. Catalogue: 24 767.

  • 456 TRADITIO


    sin. num.: English Roll of Pontifical Blessings, s . XV in.

    This roll is written in an English hand of the early fifteenLh century, but a more precise provenance has not been ascertained . It was formerly in the archives of the Towneley Family and subsequently in the library of Sir T homas Brooke (Armitage Bridge House, near Huddersfield, Yorkshire), who bequeathed it Lo Keble College. Five membranes .

    Contents (from the catalogue): Benedictio generalis ad omnia ornamenta ecclesiae. Oratio ad consccranda offertorium vel linteamina. Bcnedictio cor-poralium, stolae et planetarum, vestimentorum, stolac [again] et manipul i, zonae, patenae, omnium vestimentorum et linteaminum secundurn Papam, vestimentorum viduae . .. castitatem professa, etc.

    Bibi.: B.M.L. II vi. Catalogue: 17 I 45. The Librarian of Keble College kindly informed me that the publica-

    tion of his catalogue of the MSS in the College Library is expected imminently.

    5: Italian Pontifical .1.Viissal, 1536.

    This MS is a Roman missal, specifically intended for ponlifical use. It was written in Italy in 1536 for Bernard Closs, Archbishop of Trent and Homan cardinal. Although not a pontifical, it is cited here because Frere's cursory dcscriplion does not preclude the pos-sibility that some pontifical ordines may be included in it. According Lo a kind note from the Librarian of Kcble College in answer to my inquiry, the MS is from lhe Liddon Colleclion . Ff. 128; 39 x 29 cm.

    Contents (from Frere): Pontifical high mass (2). Masses for principal festivals and St. Vigilius, each including the ordinary (17).

    Bibi.: B.M.L. 542. Catalogue: Cf. previous entry.

    27: Italian Pontifical Missal, 1576.

    A collection of pontifical masses for certain feasts, wrilten in Italy in l57u. It was former-ly in the library of Sir Thomas Brooke (Armitage Bridge House, near Huddersfield, Yorks-hire), who bequeathed it to Keble College.

    Bibi.: B.M.L. II vi.

    Catalogues: 17 19 (erroneously described as ,1nlipflona le) . Cf. also previou5 entry.


    226: Pontifical of Canterbury, s. XI I.

    Both Henderson and Frere ascribe this MS to the See of Hereford, hut this is mistaken. In his edition of the MS, I-I. A. Wilson demonstrates convincingly that it was intended for the Archdiocese of Canterbury; in the consecration of an abbot the oath of obedience is taken to sancle ecclesie dorobernensi e;usque vicariis and the saints in the litany point to the See of Canterbury. The main part of the pontifical is written in a hand of the second half of the twelfth century, but there are several later additions and numerous marginal notes of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. In the fourteenth century the pontifical was in the possession of a Dominican house, possibly at Hereford, where it presumably was still in 144 8. Magdalen College acquired it sometime (perhaps only shortly) before 1718. Three


    leaves arc missing: one be tween fol. 7 and 8, one between fol. 173 and 174, and one between

    fol. 242 and 243 . The first eight folios and the folios after 242 contain subsequent additions. Ff. 250; 25 x 17 cm.

    Contents (from Wilson, checked against the MS) : Table of contents, 1448 (tr). Two episcopal benedictions, s. X IV (2r). Beginning of Dominican rite mass, prefaces, and beginning of canon, s. X IV (2"). Remainder of canon (9r). Benedictional (12"). Qualiter concilium agatur provinciale, prima, secm.ida et tertia die (5Sr). Tonsure (62r). Oratio ad barbam tondendam (63r). Q~ial1te.r ordinandi sunt psalmistae, ostiarii, lcctores, exorcistae, acolythi, subd1aco111, diaconi, sacerdotes (64r). Consecration of a bishop: Decretum quod clerus et populus firmare debet de electo episcopo (76r), Qua!iter ordinetur (SOr). Bene-dictio monachorum (SSr). In abbatis ordinatione (91r). Consecratio virginis (93v). Benedictio vestimentorum viduae quae fuerit castitatem professa (97r). Bencdictio abbatissae (97v). Consecratio rcgis (100r). Litany for the consecra-tion of a bishop (110r) . Ordo qualiter domus domini consecranda est (111r). In consecratione cimiterii (141T). In reconciliatione altaris vel sacri loci seu cimiterii (144r). Missa in reconciliatione sanctae ecclesiae (14Sr). In consecra-tione baptisterii (150r), with mass (150"). Blessings: ciborii id est umbraculi altaris (151r), vestimenta saccrdotalia seu Ievitica (152r), ad consecrandum offertorium linteamen (154r), corporalis (154"), ad patenam consecrandam (155v), ad calicem benedicendum (156r), eucharistialis vaseuli (157r), thuribuli (157v), thymiamatis sive incensi (15Sr), sanctae crucis (160r), ad imaginem sanctae Mariae (164"), ad signum ecclesiae benedicendum (165"), ad scrinium vel arcam vel capsam benedicendam (169r). Benedictio candelarum in purificatione sanctae Mariae (171"). Ash Wednesday: Ordo ad dandam poenitentiam, incomplete (173"). Palm Sunday: Exorcismus florum et frondium, benedictio (176r) . Re-conciliatio pocnitentium in Cena Domini (17Sr). Consecration of holy oils (1S2V). Easter Vigil (196r). Benedictio fcrri judicia!is (209r) . De judicio aquae (211r). Exorcismum ct benedictionem panis ct casei ad securitatem judicii faciendam et ad inveniendum furtum isto modo debes facere (217r). Benedictio de orna-mentis ccclesiae (221 v). Ad visitandum infirmum (222r), and commendation of the soul (226r). Agenda mortuorum (229r). In desponsationibus (237r). Missa pro rege (240"). Benedictio baculi (242r). Benedictio crucis peregrinationis and alphabet, in a later hand (242"). Blessing before combat, incomplete, s. xm (243r). In consecratione altaris (244r). Missa in die consecrationis sacri altaris (244V).

    Edition: H. A. Wilson, The l'onlifical of Magdalen College (I-I.B.S. XXXIX; London 1910).

    JJibl.: B.M.L . 496; P.S. 99; Henderson xxxii; Wilson i-xxxii. Catalogues: 22 II 'Coll. B. M. Magd.,' 97; JJodleian Quarterly Record 1 (1914-16) 159.



    1: Benedictional, s. XII I.

    This benedictional is possibly English, but a precise provenance has not yet been ascer-

    tained. Ff. 63; 28 x 20 cm.

  • 458 TRADITIO

    Contents (from Frere): Episcopal benedictions throughout the year, sibly some blessings of objects.

    Bibi.: B.M.L. 603. Catalogue: 16

    WARMINSTER, Wilts.


    and pos-

    Vol. 13(f10) Shelf XXV: Partial Pontifical, probably of Durham, s. XIII. 1 t

    In a very kind note Colonel H. N. Ingles Acting Librarian to the Marquess of Bat 1

    a ' d ' m

    Longlcat, informed me that the pontifical is 'contained in Vol. 13, f 10 (Catalogus Co icu . Manuscriptorum apud Long/eat Asservatorum). Shelf XXV '. The catalogue entry cites .


    under the title: Liber Pontificalis in us um Ecclesiae Roma nae, saec. XI II, but 'Neil Ker, lll a note extant at Longleat, has indicated that the MS is from the Library of Durham Cathedral Priory and has identified it by the opening words on the second folio de re can ta as a codex entered in the catalogue of the Pendamcnt at Durham of 1391 under the letter marl' A. Miss Coates, Librarian at Longleat, has described the MS as 'Thick quarto. Stout vellum.

    ff. 156. For the most part written in a fine bold character. '

    Contents (from the catalogue, as communicated by Col. Ingles): De officiis divinis quae pertinent ad episcopum (1). Ordo qualiter domus Domini conse-crandus est (9). In consecratione cimiterii (40). Benedictiones per circulum anni (51) . Ordinatio clericorum (85). Ordo ad virginem benedicendam vel viduam in diebus solemnibus, imperfect (103). Ordo matrimonii, imperfect at the beginning (111). In purificatione B. Mariae, etc. (114). Benedictio ab-batissae, etc. (140).

    Bibi.: Henderson, xliv. Catalogue: Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum apud Long/eat Asservatorum Volume 13 f lO,

    Shelf XXV (probably unpublished, available at Longleat).