Latin Derivatives III: Prefixes Reading 7 / Ms. Kelly Verba Ad Origine: Vocabulary from its origin.

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Transcript of Latin Derivatives III: Prefixes Reading 7 / Ms. Kelly Verba Ad Origine: Vocabulary from its origin.

Latin Derivatives III: Prefixes

Reading 7 / Ms. Kelly

Verba Ad Origine:Vocabulary

from its origin

Latin Derivatives 3: Prefixes

1. Ad

2. Ante

3. Bi

4. Circum

5. Co

6. Contra, Contro, Counter

7. De

8. Inter

9. Intra, Intro

















1. ad: to; toward

Examples: adhesive, admissible, advocate A substance such as

tape that sticks to other things is ______ve.

Admissible evidence ____ [may/may not] be used in a court case.

2. ante: before

Examples: antebellum, antedate, anterior Antebellum days came

___ [before / after] the Civil War.

That which is toward the front or which comes before is ____ [anterior / posterior].

3. bi: two

Examples: bicameral, bifocal, biped, bipolar Glasses with two

different prescriptions in each lens are called ___ [bifocals / monocles].

4. circum: around

Examples: circa, circumference, circumvent The line around a circle

is the ___ [circumference / diameter[].

To circumvent a villain is (a) to get around him and outwit him, (b) to fall into his trap.

5. co: together

Examples: coagulate, coeducation, coexistence, coincidence Coeducation refers to

the teaching of male and female student ___ [together / separately].

When blood or any other fluid coagulates, it (a) gets thinner, (b) clumps together.

6. contra, contro, counter: against

Examples: contraband, controvert, countercharge Contraband is ___ [legal /

illegal/ merchandice.

7. de: away; down

Examples: degradation, delusion, derision The lunatic was lured

away from reality by ____ [illusions / delusions] of grandeur.

8. inter: between

Examples: intercultural, interlinear, interview Relations between cultural

groups are said to be ___ [intercultural / subcultural].

An interview is a meeting ____ two or more people.

10. mis: wrong, bad

Examples: misadventure, misdemeanor, misunderstanding, misnomer Our plumber is called

Speedy, but that’s a misnomer (wrong name). He is actually very (a) fast, (b) slow.

It’s important that you study your Latin prefixes. A ________ing can make a big difference!

9. intra, intro: within

Examples: intramuscular, intrastate, intravenous Intrastate business goes on

between New York City and ___ [Chicago / Albany].

11. multi: many

Examples: multimillionaire, multiped, multitude A multiped insect has ___

[many / two] feet.

13. pre: before

Examples: preamble, precedence, prejudice That which has

precedence comes ___ [before / after] the rest.

The word prejudice implies that a judgment is made _____ [after / before] the facts are studied.

12. post: afterExamples: posterior, posterity,

posthumous Heath Ledger won an Oscar for

his role in Batman: The Black Knight posthumously, that is ___ [before/after] his death.

14. pro: forward; favoring

Examples: progeny, prognosis, prolabor Those interested in their

_________ny (offspring) tend to look (a) forward, (b) backward.

15. quadr: four

Examples: quadrangle, quadrant, quadruplets The pie graps was

equally divided into four ____________ts.

A quadrangle, as on a college campus, is an area with ______ sides and _______ angels.

16. quasi: seemingly but not

actuallyExamples: quasi-antique, quasi-

poetry, quasi-scientific A writer who refers to the

“quasi-scientific mumbo-jumbo of astrology” ___ [does / does not] believe that astrology is a true science..

17. quint: fiveExamples: quintessence, quintet,

quintuplets “I’m pooped,” said the stork.

“I just brought Mrs. Shlep a set of ____________ts” (five children).18. retro: back

Examples: retroactive, retrogress, retrofit If society is retrogressing, is is

(a) improving, (b) going to a worse condition.

A law or rule which includes an earier period is ___ [retroactive / radioactive].

19. semi: half

Examples: semicircle, semiannual, semilunar A semilunar shape is

like that of the ____ [full / half] moon.

A semiannual sale happens once every ___ [two years / six months].

20. sub: under

Examples: subconsious, subway, subcutaneous, subtrahead The subconscious

operates ____ [within / under] the conscious mind.

A subcutaneous infection is ___ [on / under] the skin.

21. super: above; beyond

Examples: supersensory, supersonic, superstructure Supersensory impressions

are ____ [within / beyond] the normal limits of the senses.

Speeds beyond the speed of sound are _______________ic.

22. trans: across

Examples: transgress, transpolar, transversal, transcontinental The _______________al

railroad was built to connect the east and west coasts of the United States.

Examples: tricuspid, trilingual, triplicate My Swiss friend speaks

French, Geman, and English. He’s ____________al.

23. tri: three

24. ultra: very; beyond

Examples: ultraconservative, ultramodern, ultraviolet Ultraviolet rays are

invisible because they lie ____ [beyond / inside] the violet end of the visible spectrum.

The Gelts had a dream kitchen – the latest in _______modern equipment – but they always ate out.

25. uni: one

Examples: unicameral, unicorn, unicycle, The horns on a unicorn

reach the grand total of ________.

A tricycle has three wheels; a bicycle, two. A ____________ has one wheel