Latin America and the Caribbean Partnership in Action ¡Missionworks! October 2010.

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Transcript of Latin America and the Caribbean Partnership in Action ¡Missionworks! October 2010.

Latin America Latin America and the Caribbeanand the Caribbean

Partnership in Action

¡Missionworks!October 2010

The LAC Region

22 Countries

PeruPeruArgentina Dominican Republic Jamaica

Belize Ecuador Mexico

Brazil El Salvador Nicaragua

Chile Guadeloupe Paraguay

Colombia Guatemala Peru

Costa Rica Haiti Puerto Rico

Cuba Honduras Uruguay



Partnership in action:Partnership in action:

1. Some themes from LAC2. What means accompaniment?3. Updates on:

Haiti, Chile

Some issuesSome issuesfrom LACfrom LAC

Three songs from Argentina, by Leon Gieco Rock Band• “Mothers of love” – about the Plaza de Mayo

mothers and grandmothers seach for their dissappeared children and grandchildren.

• “Fair treatment” – migration• “In memoriam” – militarism, war, lack of justice,


Mothers of love

They are planting more life than the number of those who were killed. They are searching pictures from yesterday and today. They will keep going tomorrow with fire in their feet, burning out forgot, silence and impunity.

Spacing faith…

“El mundo está amueblado con maderas del Brasil y hay grandes agujeros en la selva misionil. Europa no recuerda los barcos que mandó. Gente herida por la guerra esta tierra los salvó.”

“The world has furnitures with wood that came from Brazil, and there are big holes in the forest from Misiones. Europe does not remember the ships that she sends with hurted people that this land saved.”

Si me pedís que vuelva otra vez donde nací, yo pido que tu empresa se vaya de mi país. Y así será de igual a igual.

If you ask me to return to my homeland, I would ask you that your business leave my country. In that way, it would be an equal treatment.

Todo está guardado en la memoriaEverything is safe in the memory

- 2,000 people would eat for a year with the money that is used in one military minute.

- Chico Mendes, enviromentalist killed in Brasil- Death squad- The justice that look but do not see.- When the churches were silent.

AA model of mission based model of mission based on ‘acompaon ‘acompañamiento’ñamiento’

1. Acompañamiento – accompanimentCompartir - Partake the bread

Mutual accompaniment 2. To share dreams, challenges, strengths and weakness.

Mutual accompanimentMutual accompaniment“If you have come here to help me

then you are wasting your time, but if you have come because your

liberation is bound up with mine then let us work together.”

–Lila Watson, Australian aboriginal activist

Haiti Map

The National Palace(Before January 12, 2010)

The National Palace(After January 12, 2010)



CONASPEHThe National Spiritual Council of Churches of Haiti

•Interdenominational Council of Churches

•6,700 local congregations

•Founded in 1986

•1.5 million members

“Our vision is to eliminate the racial, state and religious exclusion of which member churches have been victims, and to promote religious, economic, social, moral and

intellectual development in the country.”

CONASPEH Logo The symbol of

CONASPEH, an inverted tree, represents

the organization’s philosophy, its source and jurisdiction: the mandate comes from God and it is on earth

that one is called to work and to help the poor to

obtain the fruits of heaven.

House of HopeEcumenical Committee for Peace and Justice (COPJ)

House of Hope is a program that benefits children laboring as domestic servants, assists young moms, single girls, and a

few elderly women who have been abandoned by providing them with a safe place where they can learn social skills

such as conflict resolution and a professional trade. 

House of HopeNew Building

Local Church in Cite Soleil

Memorial Service for Earthquake Victims

CONASPEH Board of Directors with UCC/Disciples Delegation

The first building is under construction


Damaged House

First Objective: Blessing Cabins

The Pentecostal Church is in the process of building emergency housing units for 200 families affected by the earthquake. 180 families are poor local families who are members of the church, and the other families are from the same community.

Holistic Response from Pentecostal Church

Second Objective: Doors of Hope

The Pentecostal Church also has been trainning leaders and pastors of the church in primary and secondary attention in trauma healing and strengthening resilience.

Holistic Response from Pentecostal Church

Blessing Cabins

Cabin Construction

Cabin Dedication