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Transcript of LAPORAN KASUS magelang

  • 7/22/2019 LAPORAN KASUS magelang



    Hermawan A

  • 7/22/2019 LAPORAN KASUS magelang


    Case Report :

    Wanita, 85 tahun datang dengan keluhan perut kembung


    3 hari sebelum masuk rumah sakit penderita tiba-tibamengeluh perut kembung ,BAB(-),Flatus (-),mual(+),muntah (-) oleh keluarga di bawa ke RS Tidarmagelang

    RPD :

    Riwayat BAB lendir (-),darah (-),sulit (-)


  • 7/22/2019 LAPORAN KASUS magelang


    Pemeriksaan fisik:KU= sadar,TV : T : 120/80 mmHg RR : 22 x/mnt

    BB : 50 kgN : 86 x/mnt S : 36,8 C(aksiler)

    Kepala : Turgor menurun (-), mata cowong -Konjungtiva palp anemis (-),sklera tidak ikterik

    Thoraks :Jantung : I : ic tak tampak

    Pa : ic teraba di SIC V 2 cm medial lmc sinPe : konfigurasi jantung dbnA : suara jantung murni

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    Paru : I : simetris statis dinamis

    Pa: SF kanan=kiri

    Pe: sonor slp

    A: SD vesikuler, ST

    Abdomen :

    I : cembung, gambar/gerak usus +,


    Pa: tegang, NT -, DM

    Pe: hipertimpani, PS +, PA -, PH +

    A: BU +, metallic sound (+)

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    Genitalia eksterna : wanita dbn

    Ekstremitas : akral dingin -, sensorik +/+,

    motorik +/+

    Colok dubur : TSA cukup, mukosa licin,

    ampula rekti kolaps, nyeri tekanmassa/tumor

    Sarung tangan : F -, D -, L

    Rontgen : FPA 2 posisi

    Lab :Hb : 14,9 gr% Na : 138 mmol/l Ureum : 57

    L : 14.300 /mm K : 4,1 mmol/l Creat : 0,72

    T : 228.000 /mm Cl : 107 mmol/l

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  • 7/22/2019 LAPORAN KASUS magelang


    Diagnosis : Ileus obstruksi ecc/ - Hernia Obturator

    - Volvulus.

    - Malignancy- Intussuseption

    Manajemen :- Informed consent

    - Inf RL

    - Pasang kateter uretra

    urine kuning- Pasang NGT 50cc kehijauan

    - Inj Ceftriaxzone 1 gram iv

    - Persiapan laparotomi eksplorasi

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    - Penderita tidur telentang dalam GA

    - Desinfeksi daerah op, persempit dgn doeksteril

    - Insisi median, setelah peritoneum dibukakeluar cairan jernih, didapatkan dilatasi usus


    - Lakukan eksplorasi tampak ileum terjepitdiforamen obturatorium 30 cm dari ileocecal

    junction.- Bebaskan ileum evaluasi non vital

    - Lakukan reseksi anastomose end to end

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    - Repair hernia ring dengan silk 2.0

    - Eksplorasi lebih lanjut, didapati: gaster,duodenum, colon dbn. Hepar, lien dbn.

    - Cuci cavum abdomen dengan NaCl fisiologishangat hingga bersih

    - Pasang 1 buah drain

    - Tutup luka operasi lapis demi lapis- Operasi selesai

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    Manajemen H 1 :

    - Total Parenteral nutrisi

    - Inj Ceftriaxzone 2 X 1 gram iv

    - Inj metronidazole 3 X 500 mg iv

    - Inj ketorolac 3 X 30 mg

    - Inj Ranitidine 2 X 50 mg

    - Balance cairan

    - Pertahankan DC,NGT,drain

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    Evaluasi :

    NGT produksi 5 cc

    Drain 50 cc

    Urine 1 cc/Kg BB

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    Abdomen :

    I : datar, gambar/gerak usus -,


    Pa : supel, NT -, DM

    Pe : timpani, PS +, PA -, PH +

    A : BU (+) min

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    Manajemen H 2 :

    - Parsial Parenteral nutrisi

    - Inj Ceftriaxzone 2 X 1 gram iv

    - Inj metronidazole 3 X 500 mg iv

    - Inj ketorolac 3 X 30 mg

    - Inj Ranitidine 2 X 50 mg

    - Balance cairan

    - Diit air gula- Pertahankan DC

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    Evaluasi :

    NGT produksi (-)

    Drain 10 ccaff

    Urine 1 cc/Kg BB

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    Manajemen H 3 :

    - Parsial Parenteral nutrisi

    - Inj Ceftriaxzone 2 X 1 gram iv

    - Inj metronidazole 3 X 500 mg iv

    - Inj ketorolac 3 X 30 mg

    - Inj Ranitidine 2 X 50 mg

    - Balance cairan

    - Diit cair I- Aff NGT

    - Pertahankan DC

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    Manajemen H 4 :

    - Inj Ceftriaxzone 2 X 1 gram iv

    - Inj metronidazole 3 X 500 mg iv

    - Inj ketorolac 3 X 30 mg

    - Inj Ranitidine 2 X 50 mg

    - Diit cair II

    - Pertahankan DC

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    Manajemen H5 :

    - Inj Antibiotik,analgetik stop

    - Obat oral ciprofloxacin 2 X 500 mg

    - Diit Lunak

    - Aff DC

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    Manajemen H5 :


  • 7/22/2019 LAPORAN KASUS magelang




    Protrusion of the peritoneum or

    preperitoneal fat through an abnormal

    opening in the abdominal wall

    Presents as a bulge

    Peritoneal contents may be trapped in


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    Contents of hernia sac

    Bowel (small and large, appendix)

    Omentum, bladder, ovary, fallopian tubes

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    Any condition that increases the pressure in the

    intra-abdominal cavity may contribute to theformation of a hernia, including the following:

    Marked obesity

    Heavy lifting

    Coughing Straining with defecation or urination


    Peritoneal dialysis

    Ventriculoperitoneal shunt

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

    Family history of hernias[

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    Types of Hernia

    Indirect hernia

    An indirect inguinal hernia follows the tractthrough the inguinal canal

    Direct hernia

    A direct inguinal hernia usually occurs due to a

    defect or weakness in the transversalis fascia

    area of the Hesselbach triangle

    Femoral hernia

    The femoral hernia follows the tract below the

    inguinal ligament through the femoral canal

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    Umbilical hernia

    The umbilical hernia occurs through the

    umbilical fibromuscular ring, which usuallyobliterates by 2 years of age

    Richter hernia

    The Richter hernia occurs when only theantimesenteric border of the bowel herniates

    through the fascial defect

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    Spigelian hernia

    This rare form of abdominal wall hernia occurs

    through a defect in the spigelian fascia, whichis defined by the lateral edge of the rectus

    muscle at the semilunar line (costal arch to

    the pubic tubercle)

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  • 7/22/2019 LAPORAN KASUS magelang


    Incisional hernia

    This iatrogenic hernia occurs in 2-10% of all

    abdominal operations secondary to

    breakdown of the fascial closure of prior


    Obturator hernia

    This hernia passes through the obturator

    foramen, following the path of the obturator

    nerves and muscles

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    Obturator hernia was first described by Ronsil

    in 1724

    Incidence of obturator hernia nearly 1% of allhernias

    Much more common in females, with a

    female:male ratio of 6:1

    The gender discrepancy is often explained by

    differences in female pelvic anatomy,

    including a broader pelvis, a wide obturatorcanal

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    Most cases of obturator hernia present in the

    seventh and eighth decades

    The most common clinical manifestation isintestinal obstruction over 80% of patients

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    The obturator foramen is located within the

    anterolateral aspect of the pelvis

    largest foramen in the body

    closed off by the obturator membrane

    obturator nerve, artery, and vein enter the


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  • 7/22/2019 LAPORAN KASUS magelang


    Clinical Manifestations

    An obturator hernia is called the skinny old

    lady hernia because thin, elderly, multiparousand debilitated women are at greatest risk for

    the development of an obturator hernia

    difficult diagnosis common clinical manifestation is intestinal


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    Obturator neuralgia is manifested as cramping

    or as hypoesthesia or hyperesthesia extending

    from the inguinal crease to the anteromedialaspect of the thigh

    Howship-Romberg sign pain radiating down

    the medial aspect of the thigh to the knee

    The obturator hernia mass may also be

    palpated laterally on a vaginal exam

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  • 7/22/2019 LAPORAN KASUS magelang



    Methods of repair

    simple suture closure

    closure of the obturator with adjacent

    tissue, and mesh replacement