Laparoscopic Surgery Principles and Procedures

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Transcript of Laparoscopic Surgery Principles and Procedures

JULY 1998, VOL 68, NO 1

ulcers. I also learned that using heating devices under ischemic areas are problematic in that they enhance the development of pres- sure ulcers for compromised patients. Much research still needs to be conducted in this area, and it is a rich opportunity for knowledge development for perioperative nurses.




STERILIZATION TECHNOLOGY FOR THE HEALTH CARE FACILIW, second ed By Marimargaret Reichert, Jack H . Young 1 9 9 7 , 3 0 7 ~ ~ $89 spiralbound

T for personnel in central pro- cessing, the OR, infection control, and materials management. It is also a resource for industrial com- panies that produce medical devices that will be processed in the hospital and is of value to research scientists, development engineers, device engineers, and sales and product managers.

The book is divided into 3 1 chapters that discuss all aspects related to the processes leading up to and including sterilization. The format is presented in a logical sequence, from decontamination through packaging and steriliza- tion. Each topic is presented from both a scientific and clinical per- spective. Each section contains current scientific theory and test results, professional recommenda- tions, and a discussion of the issues and future trends regarding sterilization.

his is a well-organized and structured resource manual

The authors have thoroughly covered the methods available for sterilization, including the new technologies. Chapter topics include information about packag- ing materials, the selection and use of packaging, and the reuse of single-use devices. The book also includes a chapter on the regulato- ry requirements for reusable device reprocessing and costhen- efit analysis and its application in a health care facility.

reliable reference source and dif- ferentiates between practices based on scientific testing and practices based on historical acceptance. It provides a reference source that contains current infor- mation in a format that can be assimilated and applied quickly. The topics are divided in a manner that makes it easy to refer to the particular information that may be needed at the moment.

Although many tasks involved in instrument cleaning and steril- ization are assigned to ancillary personnel, it is important that peri- operative nurses have a complete understanding of the processes involved because they share accountability for determining whether an item is safe for use. I would recommend this manual for anyone involved with sterilization because it is an updated source that can provide a necessary review of improved procedures for steriliza- tion and sterility assurance.

This book is available from Aspen Publishers, Inc, 7201 McKinney Cir, Frederick, MD

This book solves the need for a

21701-9782; (800) 638-8437. JUDITH CLAYTON





LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY PRINCIPLES AND PROCEDURES Edited by Daniel B . Jones, Justin S. Wu, Nathaniel J . Soper 1997,489 pp $82 hardbound

ew technologic developments have so radically altered the F field of abdominal surgery as

laparoscopic surgery, which has grown from its infancy to young adulthood. Patients are benefitting from laparoscopic procedures with less pain and shorter hospital stays. The first section of this book reviews general principles for laparoscopic surgery, begin- ning with patient selection and preparation. It gives detailed descriptions of the basic equip- ment necessary, room setup, and patient positioning.

The importance of anesthesia techniques and patient monitor- ing is vital to the success of these procedures. Other areas covered are access, port placement sutur- ing, and knot tying. The book explains and well illustrates the purpose of instruments for ligat- ing, tissue approximation, and coagulation. Ultrasonographic technology is evolving as an accurate diagnostic tool and is being used by more surgeons to substitute for .a lack of the ability to perform manual palpation. It has many uses, including detec- tion of biliary stones and staging of intra-abdominal malignancy.

The last section of principles involves complications and gener- al postoperative care. The remain- der of the textbook involves detailed description and applica- tion of the principles listed above as pertain to general surgery and surgical subspecialties.

The surgical subspecialties include gynecology, urology,


JULY 1998, VOL 68, NO 1

vascular, plastic, pediatric, and video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. This book should be required reading for all OR nurs- es involved in laparoscopic pro- cedures. It will be an excellent study guide for all members of the perioperative team.

This book is available from Quality Medical Publishing, Inc, 11970 Borman Dr, Suite 222, St Louis, MO 63146; (800) 348- 7808.




MANAGING THE PATIENT WITH TYPE I1 DIABETES Edited by Andrew L. Wilson 1997,150 pp $29 paperback

he author of this book has provided a masterful compi- T lation of articles on the sub-

ject of Type I1 diabetes. The book provides a thorough picture of the disease, its complications, the many therapies available in its treatment, and the expected results of these therapies.

The articles discuss methodol- ogy from the use of sulfonylureas for the noninsulin-dependent dia- betic through end stage renal dis- ease and renal transplantation. One of the most interesting arti- cles is about new therapeutic options in the treatment of dia- betes mellitus. The articles are clear, concise, and well written and bring together the latest con- cepts in patient care for people who live with diabetics.

Living with diabetes is the main or side theme in several articles. The book concludes with a copy of a survey used by pharmacists to

identify patient needs and a chapter expounding on the economic reali- ties of dealing with diabetes from society’s viewpoint. This book has value to anyone who needs a handy treatise regarding current diabetic care.

This book is available from Aspen Publishers, Inc, 200 Orchard Ridge Dr, Gaithersburg, MD 20878; (800) 234-1660.




PATTERNS OF ROGERIAN KNOWING Edited by Maiy Madrid 1997,290 pp $25.95 paperback

his book is an anthology of papers presented at the Fifth T (1 994) and Sixth Rogerian

Conferences (1996) at New York University by Rogerian scholars. The book is organized into a five- part discussion of Rogerian theo- ry: Martha E. Rogers’ theory of nursing, Science of Unity Human Beings, research methods and measurement of Rogerian theory, the relationship of spirituality and mysticism to Rogerian theory, Rogerian science based nursing research, and the application of Rogerian theory to nursing and medical practice.

The Rogerian concepts of pandimensionality (ie, nonlinear domain without spatial or tempo- ral boundaries), patient (ie, unity human beings), environment, and power may be of particular inter- est to perioperative nurses. Rogers’ Science of Unitary Human Beings provides a nonlin- ear perspective for viewing the patient’s variability during the

surgical experience. Of particular interest are the chapters about power, therapeutic touch, the pandimensional nurse manager, and the application of Rogers’ Science of Unity Human Beings to nursing and medical practice. It is fascinating to learn of two physicians’ accounts of how they have applied this nursing theory, Rogers’ unity perspective, to the practice of medicine. The concept of power as a knowing participa- tion in change is especially rele- vant to today’s continuous change in health care and how we as perioperative nurses provide care to our patients in an environ- ment dominated by advanced biotechnology .

This book will be of particular interest to perioperative practition- ers of therapeutic touch, as Roger- ian theory provides the conceptual framework for this alternative treatment modality. The research reported in this book can serve as a template for perioperative nurses to conduct further research using therapeutic touch during the surgi- cal experience.

Managers may be interested in the use of power from the Roger- ian perspective as presented as a shared activity based on knowl- edge, rather than a tool of coer- cion. The Rogerian concept of power is discussed as a way the pandimensional nurse manager can motivate, inspire, and guide nurses conceptualizing power as a manifestation of change.

This book would be most use- ful to graduate students, nursing school faculty, nurse researchers, and managers involved in devel- oping a philosophy of nursing and a nursing care delivery model. Rogers’ Science of Unity Human Beings is futuristic and timely in its relevance to our