Land for water presentation trinity specific

Post on 21-May-2015

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Transcript of Land for water presentation trinity specific

The Future of Texas


5 millionmore residents in last decade

97%privately owned

Worst drought in 50 years

1.4 million acres lost in last decade

We have a problem.

And it isn’t going away.

50% more residents expected by 2050

We cannot meet future water needs

Here’s what could happen

By 2020 we loseanother 1.5 million acres

Our water supply dwindles.

We lose this.

In favor of this.

Not the Texas you imagined for your children, right?

But the good news is:There’s a solution.

Let’s go back. Here’s what we have now:

Acknowledgethe threats

See theopportunities

Make thegreatest impact

Here’s what we can do

In the Trinity Watershed

8 million people40 % of Texas’ water6 million acres

And here’s how we do it

It looks something like this:


And it can look this way

Conservation planning starts here and affects Texas

for generations.

250,000 acres of high priority land

equals 250,000 solutions.

The land is changing.