Lachie King. Making a PowerPoint about yourself Using IT to make your other subjects easier. ...

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Transcript of Lachie King. Making a PowerPoint about yourself Using IT to make your other subjects easier. ...

Year 9 IT Blog

Lachie King

Making a PowerPoint about yourself Using IT to make your other subjects easier. Also received info on what to do

5th of February

Working on about me PowerPoint Making a timetable on outlook.

8th of February

Finding out names for different computer parts

Continuing on with work.

15th of February

Looking at computer parts Finishing phone assignment

19th of February

Preparing Computers from Kantalomba Finishing off work

22nd of February

Registering iPod for Wi-Fi

Finishing of work

26th of February

Worked on PowerPoint about my phone

Tuesday the 5th of March

Save your on to my backup ext. HDD… You need to save many copies This is your responsibility

so you don’t loose valuable assessments1. SCEANET version- the macbookpro you sit at or the

laptop/PC workstation o your H:Drive2. USB Version- portable portfolio of all your work3. Home Version-USB-school-sceanet4. Cyberspace versions on Edmodo, wix, drobox ect5. Email the link

8th of March

Which Browser do you use? I like to use Google chrome because it is safer

(has security features ect.) and faster than others.

12th of March

What is a thermal paste?- It is a paste that promotes better

heat conduction between surfaces, used in Electronics. How can you find out if your pc has a dormant virus?- Do a

thorough scan of your computer with a good anti-virus software

Why do you thing that Evernotes icons is an Elephant?- I think that Evernotes logo is an elephant is because it stores all your things you never forget things like an Elephant

Who made the first the Australian Computer-Dr Trevor Pearcey, Mr Maston Beard and Mr Geoff Hill built the first Australian Computer in 1949 it was called CSIR Mark 1

15th of March

Did the It Quiz and Emailed Mr. Lance

19th of March

Copying Files to Hard Drive so they can be


26th of March

Finishing off work Problems with computers:

2nd of April

Spot the hazards Cables on the ground-risk of tripping and possible

electrocution it also can damage the cables. It is also just messy- to solve the problem simply roll up the cables neatly and store them somewhere if you aren’t using it.

Things lying around- there are allsorts of things lying around

5th of April

Anatomy of a Laptop

Anatomy of a PC

9th of April

Working on Project Wall mounted laptop.

12th of April

Working on Wall mounted laptop project.

16th of April

Working on project

19th of April

A computer system consists of: Motherboard, keyboard,

display, mouse o/s software is the operating system and it runs the whole

computer. Application software is the long term for apps and it holds

information and tools Fixing a computer involves troubleshooting Hard drive,

Software & u faults & improving them all when necessary

7th of May

Working on computer project

21st of May

Trying to customize laptop Testing internet speed Trying to change what happens on start up

24th of May

Testing internet speed: On WiFi Scea didn’t

work with Hot Spot

28th of May

Wix Website: http:// Finish off Tasks

4th of June

Finishing off Work

25th of June

Putting all of my work on the sharedrive

28th of June

Finishing Work

5th of July

Wi-Fi was invented by Australians Cat6 are the latest fast internet cables, they only work

to the slowest cable.

26th of July

Ongoing Projects: Prac-Building, Repairing, upgrading IT Portfolio

30th of July

Making portfolio on Wix

2nd of August

Moving timetable onto all devices Putting work on portfolio on wix

5th of August