LACE Flyer 2016

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of LACE Flyer 2016

The LACE project members

Open Universiteit, NL

Cetis, UK

The Open University, UK

Infinity Technology Solutions, IT

Skolverket, SE

Kennisnet, NL

Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, NO



www.laceproject.euEU Grant Nr 619424

LACE connects players in the �elds of Learning Analytics (LA) and Educational Data Mining (EDM) in order to support the development of a European community and share emerging best practices.

Objectives Promote knowledge creation and exchange Increase the evidence base about Learning Analytics Contribute to the de�nition of future directions Build consensus on pressing topics like data interoperability, data sharing, ethics and privacy, and Learning Analytics supported instructional design

Activities Organise events to connect organisations that are conducting LA/EDM research Create and curate a knowledge base to capture evidence for the e�ectiveness of Learning Analytics Produce reviews to inform the LACE community about latest developments in the �eld




1 Evaluation Framework for Learning Analytics (EFLA) develop the EFLA framework to evaluate the e�ects of Learning Analytics for di�erent stakeholders in a standardised way. The latest version of the framework and related surveys are available on the LACE website.

2 Evidence Hub Evidence Hub is a place for recording, organising and searching evidence about Learning Analytics. It seeks to bring together evidences about the e�ects of Learning Analytics in the school, higher education and workplace sectors.

3 Learning Analytics Reviews Learning Analytics Review is a series of articles and brie�ngs for schools, workplace and higher education with an interest in the impact of Learning Analyt-ics. The topics of the review range from privacy, ethics, quality aspects, and speci�c sector reports to measuring learner emotions.

4 The LACE Community developes a uni�ed community for Learning Analytics in Europe. Our current associate partner network consists of more than 66 organisations and many more followers on twitter and LinkedIn. Join the community and receive privileged access to latest events and news on the fast developing �eld of Learning Analytics.

5 Expert Studies We organise meetings with experts from diverse backgrounds on pressing LA/EDM topics. The insights of those meetings are reported in the LACE blog and summarised in the LACE Expert Studies that are ranging from Ethics and Privacy, Evaluation of Learning Analytics, Data Interoperability, until the Vision of the Future of Learning Analytics. Ethics & Privacy: Future of LA:

6 Stakeholder Interviews has captured so far over 36 interviews with di�erent stakeholders and key players of the learning analytics �eld. Join our YouTube channel and stay tuned for diverse views on Learning Analytics from the practitioner side.

Where LACE can support you• (Co-) organise workshops• Distribute information to the European community • Contribute to Learning Analytics Studies for the Evidence Hub• (Co-) edit and/or author a Learning Analytics Review article

Find out more about LACE

• Visit the project web site at:• Join the community / become an associate partner at:• Follow @laceproject on Twitter and the #laceproject hashtag