Laboratory - · vitamins,...

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Transcript of Laboratory - · vitamins,...

Friday, 25 October 1946


In This Issue

The Transuranium ElementsGlenn T. Seaborg

Technical Papers

News and Notes


In the Laboratory

Letters to the Editor

Book Reviews

Table of Contents, Page2


Published by the

American Association for the Advancement of Science113th AAAS Meeting-Boston, 26-31 December 1946

VOL. 104 No. 2704 PAGES 3 79-404

andti #lmn


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e From a Teacher at University of Cincinnati" This edition of Harrow 's book is in my opinionone of the finest on the market. "'

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a From a Teacher at University of Notre Dame-' 'We plan to use 'Harrow' as a text for ourcourse in physiological chemistry."

By BIENJAMIN HARROW, PH.D., Professor of Chemistry, The City College; College of the City of New York; 592 pages, 6" x 9",illustrated. $4.25.

Designed for use with this textbook and others is Harrow's Laboratory Manual of Biochemistry.Adapted to courses of one or two semesters. (Second Edition. 132 pages, 6"x9", illustrated.Wire-O Binding. $1.50.)

W. B. SAUNDERS COMPANYWest Washington Square

25 October 1946 1

Philadelphia s

SCIENCEEditor: Willard L. Valentine

Assstant Editor: Mildred Atwood Advertising Manager: Theo. J. ChristensenPolicy Committee: Malcolm H. Soule, Roger Adams, Walter R. Miles and Kirtley F. Mather

VOL. 104 FRIDAY, 25 OCTOBER 1946 No. 2704


The Transuranium Elements: Glenn T. Seaborg ............ 379


Carl Louis August Schmidt: David M. Greenberg ... 387


Unequal Distribution of Diffusible NonelectrolytesAcross a Membrane: Clara L. Deasy ............................ - 388

The Use of Cytochrome C in Combating TissueAnoxia: Samuel Proger and D. Dekaneas .................. 389

NEWSAND NOTES ............. .................. 391


An Improved Helmet for Breathing Oxygen or

Other Gases: J. E. Duncan ........ ................... 395

Reciprocal Sensitivities of Staphylococcus aureus

to Streptomycin, Streptothricin, and Penicillin:Marguerite Sullivan, et al ........................... 397

In Vitro Action of Monopyridine Iodine (I)p-Nitrobenzoate Against Ringworm Fungi:Jacob Kleinberg and Esther Meyer ........................... 398


Surface Measurements of Radioactive Phosphorusin Breast Tumors as a Possible Diagnostic

Method:Bertram V.A. Low-Beer ....................................

OnEugen Fischer: Franz Weidenreich ..............................



Effect of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid on theDevelopment of Anjou Pear Scald:ElmerHansen ....... .................................. 399

Comments on " A Relativistic Misconception ":

Marshall E. Deutsch ........................................................................

Fola P. Barton ....................................................................................

AustinJ. O'Leary .........................................................................

Use of Shorthand by Scientists:Donald A. Laird .................................................................................



Correction on the Nomenclature of Human Plas-modium:Curtis W. Sabrosky ......................................... 401

Radioactive Hydrocarbons:A. V. Grosse and S. Weinhowse


The electron microscope: an introduction to itsfundamental principles and applications. (2nded.): E. F. Burton and W. H. Kohl.

ReviewedbyRobley C. Williams .......................................... 403

Advancing fronts in chemistry. Vol. II: Chemo-therapy: Wendell H. Powers. (Ed.).

ReviewedbyEdwin C. White ........................................... 404

Photometric atlas of stellar spectra:W. A. Hiltner and R. C. Williams.

Reviewedby Jan Schilt ............... ............................ 404

SCIENCE: A Weekly Journal, since 1900 the official organ Communications relative to advertising should be addressedof the American Association for the Advancement of Science. to THEO. J. CHRISTENSEN, 1515 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.,Published by the American Association for the Advancement Washington 5, D. C.of Science every Friday at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Communications relative to membership in the Association

and to all matters of business of the Association should beCommunications relative to articles offered for publication addressed to the Administrative Secretary, AAAS, 1515 Mas-

should be addressed to Editor, 1515 Massachusetts Avenue, sachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington 5, D. C.N.W., Washington 5, D. C. Annual subscription, $7.50 Single copies, 25 cents

Entered as second-class matter July 18, 1923 at the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879.



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Pyrdoxal and Pyridoxamine are derivatives ofPyridoxine which have been made commerciallyavailable as their hydrochloride salts by The MerckResearch Laboratories for investigative purposes.Both products have been emplyed in the developmentof microbiological methods for the determination ofamino acids.

REFERENCES:Microbiological methods for the determination ofamino acids.I. Aspartic acid and serine, Stokes, J. L., and Gunness,

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Vol. 104, No. 270410