Laboratorio di informatica e software ·...

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Laboratorio di informatica e softwarematematico

Anno Scolastico 2000/2001Relazione dello specializzando:





Questa relazione si compone di due parti:

1) Quella indirizzata ad un docente il quale volesse ripercorrere o comunque trarre spunti osuggerimenti dalla mia esperienza di ricerca di software in rete.

2) Quella indirizzata agli allievi (per tramite del docente) nella quale si prospettano gli estremi (intermini di contesto e di utilizzo) di due software dalla rete estratti ed estraibili: simcalc e gnuplot. La relazione stessa è reperibile al seguente indirizzo:




Se definiamo un insieme con la seguente condizione di appartenenza:"tutto ciò che attiene alla matematica e al computer" ,la sua cardinalitàè pressochè infinita, occorre quindi operare una scelta per non perdersinella vastità del tutto. Nel mio caso la scelta è stata quella di limitarmi a :

1) Software 2) Gratuito3) Per Windows/Dos4) Reperibile su internet.

La prima scelta esclude tutto il materiale didattico non vivo ovvero tutto l'insieme didocumenti/pagine web etc. che raccolgono lezioni, dimostrazioni o articoli di matematica ingenere. Per Software intendo quindi applet Java (cioè pagine web animate più o meno interattive) oprogrammi scaricabili ed eseguibili in locale cioè sul proprio computer una volta scollegato dainternet.

La seconda scelta è legata a preferenze personali ma anche a problemi logistici reali: avere adisposizione una rosa di programmi senza obbligo di licenza significa poter entrare in unlaboratorio scolastico, anche solo per due settimane di supplenza, e potervi installare ed usare delsoftware il quale si può rilasciare agli allievi che con la sola spesa del dischetto possono portarseloa casa. (Nel caso abbiano internet basta addirittura semplicemente fornire l'indirizzo web, unesempio per tutti: esiste un compilatore pascal completamente gratuito che si chiama PPC386, bastaimpostare la ricerca di tale nome su un qualsiasi motore di ricerca ed in breve si ha installato uncompilatore pascal senza grosse pretese ma perfettamente funzionante).

La terza scelta è stata particolarmente sofferta, esiste infatti tutto un mondo di software gratuito apartire dal sistema operativo fino ad arrivare ai fogli elettronici, i word processor, i data base, icompilatori, i browser e praticamente tutti i tipi di software immaginabili che prende il nome diLINUX dal suo creatore: Linus Torwald. Tale software nasce da una serie di persone scontente del fatto che i loro sforzi per creare un sistemaoperativo di pubblico dominio (UNIX) vennero infine deprezzati dall'azienda la quale decise divendere il prodotto anzichè rilasciarlo pubblicamente come prospettato in principio.Detto Linus Torwald propose in una famosa e-mail spedita ad una news-group, di riciclare quantocostruito fino allora per renderlo utilizzabile sui personal computer, a condizione che il tuttorimanesse di pubblico dominio e sotto la sua supervisione. L'idea fu apprezzata e decine, poicentinaia e poi migliaia di persone si disposero a scrivere codice gratuitamente proteggendolo dalogiche non collaborative mediante una licenza di pubblico utilizzo che va' sotto il bizzaro acronimodi GNU ( che significa Gnu is Not Unix). Attualmente buona parte delle università si servono di questo sistema operativo per risparmiare maanche per la sua intrinseca qualità ed affidabilità.

Non così si può dire per le scuole di minor grado e degli enti pubblici cui va dato credito del fattoche Linux proprio in quanto nato in seno a una comunità di programmatori universitari non èassolutamente facile da usare, diciamo pure: è parecchio difficile.Nonostante ci siano sforzi (questa volta nati anche sotto logiche commerciali-competitive) persemplificare tale sistema operativo mediante interfaccie grafiche e distribuzioni su riviste, apparecomunque molto lontano il momento in cui le scuole decideranno di dotarsi di entrambi i sistemioperativi (l'onnipresente Windows ed il gratuito Linux): questo richiederà competenze nonindifferenti per fare entrare in circolo e renderlo sempre più assimilabile alle nuove generazioni. Ricordiamoci comunque che il computer sarà un po' la parola del domani e può sembrare limitativoil fatto che una lingua sia usufruibile solo sotto licenza...Per questo motivo non ho ricercato materiale per Linux anche se ho scoperto che il suddetto gruppo(GNU) ha tradotto alcuni dei suoi prodotti anche per DOS ed è pertanto possibile usare softwaregratuito anche nel mondo Windows/Dos (esempio il sopracitato compilatore pascal PPC386 o ilpackage grafico GNUplot).

La quarta scelta è, da un lato un vincolo del corso stesso, dall'altro una scelta pressochè obbligatain quanto, quasi per definizione, internet è la più grossa miniera di software attualmente esistente enon avrebbe senso cercarlo altrove.

Descrizione della ricerca

Collegatomi ad internet sono andato al sito

che è un buon motore di ricerca in quanto si apre molto velocemente ( in tutto lo schermo compareunicamente la casella per introdurre il soggetto della ricerca ed il logo di google) e svolge unabuona ricerca fornendo fino a 100 risultati per volta.

Ho quindi introdotto la mia ricerca:

mathematic NEAR software NEAR free NEAR windows

ottenendo circa duecento risultati. Ho stampato i risultati della ricerca ed ho cominciato ad aprirli sistematicamente, prendendo nota diciò che trovavo.Molti siti non davano direttamente accesso al software matematico promesso ma dovevo accedervitramite ulteriori ricerce all'interno del sito stesso.Uno di questi sotto-siti mi ha colpito per la descrizione di una applicazione Java interattiva con laquale si potevano spiegare i concetti di posizione, velocità, accelerazione disponendo alcunipersonaggi su uno sfondo grafico, impostandone posizione , velocità iniziali e accelerazione edosservando l'evolvere del tutto mediante l'animazione automatica e mediante i relativi grafici checomparivano sotto di essa.Per poterla lanciare ho dovuto fare il download dal seguente sito:

di un file compresso in formato zip, ho quindi decompresso il file e lanciato l'applicazione'runme.bat' la quale non funzionava in quanto si aspettava che la macchina Java presente in locale(cioè sul mio computer) fosse in una directory piuttosto che in un'altra.Modificando il file runme.bat tramite notepad ed inserendo la directory corretta l'applicazione èpartita ed ha funzionato benissimo, qui di seguito ne presento una "foto" scattata durantel'animazione, si può notare i grafici delle velocità e delle posizioni; tutte le costanti cinematiche(posizioni iniziali, velocità iniziali ed accelerazioni) sono state introdotte da apposite finestre didialogo, dopo di che è stata lanciata la simulazione.Il manuale di queste applicazione (in realtà molto intuitiva soprattutto per ragazzi pratici diwindows) è contenuto in appendice ed è scaricabile dal sito stesso.

Mediante un masterizzatore, l'applicazione Java ma soprattutto la macchina virtuale Java sono statifissati su un CD-ROM che a questo punto è diventato uno strumento didattico al seguito anchesenza connessione internet.La strada però mi è apparsa un po' impervia per un didatta neofita di informatica (io stesso sebbeneabbastanza esperito in tal senso non sarei riuscito a capire che andava modificato il file .bat se nonfossi stato aiutato dal docente del corso).Inoltre scandagliare uno per uno i vari siti appariva operazione dispendiosissima in termini e ditempo e di connessione ho quindi abbandonato il mio motore di ricerca preferito e provato uno diquelli consigliati dal docente: quello che va sotto il nome di MATHforum

Tramite questo i risultati della medesima ricerca erano in effetti molto più a fuoco sulle questionipropriamente matematiche ed in breve sono arrivato ad un sito di una università la quale si era giàposta il mio medesimo problema ed aveva collezionato tutta una serie (dell'ordine delle centinaia) disoftware matematici schedati sia in termini di fruibilità (dal prodotto di pubblico dominio alprodotto puramente commerciale passando per i vari livelli di demo) che di contenuti (i prodottisono divisi per categoria ed accompagnati da una descrizione sommaria). Il sito è il seguente: La pagina Web che si presenta è la seguente:

Selezionando ad esempio Graphing Program si passa alla successiva pagina:

NOTA:al sito

viene offerta la possibilità di accedere anche a software matematici per sistemi Macintosh, che perlo più sono gli stessi programmi che ci sono per Windows/Dos.

Se invece si è interessati ad una suddivisione di programmi per età (K-12 / College / Advanced) sipuò andare al sito

Ma continuiamo ad addentrarci nei programmi grafici, cliccando su Graphing Program si passa,dicevamo alla seguente pagina:

Selezionando ancora GNUplot (che come si può notare è marcato di pubblico dominio) si arriva allapagina da cui fare il download:

Cliccando infine "" e "" vengono scaricati i file del programma e del suomanuale, basta "unzipparli" (chi non dovessere avere il programma winzip lo puo' trovare quasiogni settimana in uno dei CD delle tante riviste di informatica che si trovano in edicola, come ingenerale qualsiasi programma gratuito di uso molto comune) ed automaticamente vengono create lecartelle e sottocartelle in cui si troverà l'eseguibile del programma che verrà analizzato nellaseconda parte della relazione.Qui di seguito fornisco comunque un breve assaggio di ciò che si può ottenere con questoprogramma:


# amplitude frequency responseA(jw) = ({0,1}*jw/({0,1}*jw+p1)) * (1/(1+{0,1}*jw/p2))p1 = 10p2 = 10000set dummy jwset gridset keyset logscale xyset offsets 0, 0, 0, 0set title "Amplitude Frequency Response"set xlabel "jw (radians)"set xrange [1.1 : 90000.0]set ylabel "magnitude of A(jw)"set autoscale yplot abs(A(jw))

Si può notare che con poche istruzioni si riesce a visualizzare una funzione complessa su un graficologaritmico.

Chiudendo qui "la storia" della mia ricerca riporto in dettaglio l'elenco dei programmi disponibiliin questo sito, divisi per argomento, a tale elenco ne segue un secondo (questa volta ordinatoalfabeticamente) con la descrizione di ogni singolo programma, seguirà quindi la seconda partedella relazione ed in appendice il manuale di MATHworld e la presentazione di alcuni programmida me analizzati.

Ancora un piccolo "trucco" per chi volesse fare utilizzo di questa miniera di programmi: esistonodei luoghi dove si può navigare in internet a pagamento che quasi sempre sono dotati dimasterizzatore, si può allora scaricare e masterizzare un bel po' di programmi zippati rimandandonela decompressione in seguito; in questo modo si può poi con più calma analizzare i singoliprogrammi che comunque restano sul CD masterizzato.












11) K-12













Da ognuno di questi argomenti, se selezionato, si accede ad una lista di programmicatalogati con le voci

1) PD : Public Domain or Freeware (Gratuito) 2) S : Shareware with all features enabled 3) SD : Shareware Demo with same features disabled4) CD : Commercial Demo5) C: Commercial (A pagamento)

1) ADVANCED CALCULUSPD) Fourier Slices Series PD) Fourier Series PD) Line IntegralPD) P.C. Convolution


3) CALCULUSCD) A quick tour of MAPLESD) AMP algebric manipolation programPD) ANUMPD) Are you read for Calculus? 1PD) Are you read for Calculus? 2PD) Are you read for Calculus? 3PD) Calculus CalculatorPD) Calculus and Diff. EquationsPD) Composition of functionsC ) DerivePD) DiffPD) FindPolyPD) FORMSD) Formula WizardPD) Function visualizerPD) Functions slide showSD) GdrawS) GraphmaticaPD) Interactive demos & Teaching aidsPD) JKGraphPD) JKMathPD) Knox PackagesPD) LimitsPD) MAFIAS ) Mat-XCD) Mathcad demoPD) Mathematics plotting programsSD) MathomaticPD) MathtoolS ) MercuryC ) MicrocalcCD) Natural Language Math calculus tutor demoPD) Numerical IntegrationPD) PFSA Symbolic algebra programPD) Polar,param and PolpmS ) Polyroot

PD) Root finderPD) Sequences and seriesPD) Slide show for Newton's methodS ) SymbMathPD) TSNUMPD) Taylor seriesPD) Taylor series slide showPD) Transational mathematics projectPD) TransmathPD) Trouble slide showS ) Ultimate calculatorS ) Visual metodsPD) W.B. Loewer plottin programPD) YFUNX

4) COLLEGE ALGEBRAPD) Algebra editorPD) Are you ready for college algebraPD) Complex numbersSD) Formula WizardPD) LINSYSPD) Linear SystemsSD) MathomaticPD) Polynomial TeacherS ) PolyrootS ) Prof Weissman's Algebra tutorialS ) Prof Weissman's PreCalculus tutorialPD) RPN calculatorPD) SOLVEQPD) TSDRAWPD) Transitional mathematics projectPD) TransmathS ) XYSee

5) COMPLEX VARIABLESPD) CALPD) Complex Analysis F(Z) files, Maple Worksheets, Mathematica NotebooksPD) Complex functionsPD) Dinamical SystemsPD) FractintPD) YABMP

6) DISCRETE MATHEMATICSPD) CatboxSD) Colorfour MathematicsPD) Extended Precision integersPD) Graph theoryPD) ISETLPD) LINSOLVES ) LP100PD) Matrix ProgramC) ModelsPD) Propositional Logic ProgramPD) Simplex MethodPD) TSDRAWPD) Truth tables makerPD) Truth tablesPD) VENN diagramsPD) Voting Methods

7) DYNAMICSPD) AliquotPD) CALCD) Chaos demonstrationPD) Dynamical systemsPD) Fractal DesignerPD) FractintPD) Gravitational Orbits DesignerPD) IterateS ) Iterate!S) LogisticPD) TwoD MapsPD) W.B.Loewer Plotting ProgramsPD)YABMP

8) FRACTALSPD) CAL Confusion And LightCD) Chaos DemonstrationsPD) Dynamical SystemsPD) Fractal DesignerPD) FractintS ) FractreePD) YABMP

9) GEOMETRYC) Cabri-GeometrePD) Feurerbach's theoremsSD) Formula WizardCD) The Geometer's sketchpad

10) GRAPHING PROGRAMSPD) Composition of FunctionsPD) ConicsPD) CycloPD) Drawfn3d -3d param. Surfaces drawing programPD) Drawfn - 2d parametric Surfaces drawing prog.PD) FortunePD) Function VisualizerPD) GnuplotPD) Graf-it!S) GraphmaticaPD) Identify The FunctionPD) Implicit FunctionsS) MATHPLOTPD) Master-GraphS) Math Views for WindowsS) MathgrafPD) Polar EquationsPD) Polar, param and polpmSD) PowergraphSD) TechPlot: technical and data plottingPD) TroublePD) TwiddleS) Ultimate CalculatorPD) W.B. Loewer Plotting ProgramsS) WPLOT

11) K-12S) 123TalkPD) ACTMSTH multiplication tablesS) AdditPD) AddsubPD) AlfmathPD) Algebra EditorPD) Algebra Graphics ProgramPD) Algebra PlusS) Amy's Fun-2-3 AdventurePD) AnimalsPD) Animated MathS) Animated MoneyS) Animated Multiplication and DivisionSD) Arithmetick-Tack-ToePD) BearmathPD) Bill's Drill BookPD) CalculatorS) Coins In the BoxSD) Colourful MathematicsCD) Discovery Learning in TrigonometryS) DivisionS) EpistatS) FactpackPD) Flash Card ProgramSD) Formula 1PD) Fraction ConverterPD) Funnels & BucketsPD) Googol Math GamesPD) Klutzy MathSD) Larry's Learning Math MachinPD) LiltmathS) Logic AssistPD) Logical Games and PuzzlesS) Math castleS) Math made easyS) Math mazePD) Math pakS) Math practiceS) Math StrategiesS) Math worksheet generatorS) Math for prizesS)Mathcounts 1+2S) Mathcounts 3+4S) MatherS) MathpadS) MathplotS) MathshopPD) Mathshop and Math tutorS) Mercury

S) MinicomputerS) Mm40S) MultiplicationPD) Multiplication problemsPD) Multiplication tablesPD) Number SquaresS) Practice with AdditionS) ProcalcPD) Professor Weissman's Algebra tutorialsS) School momS) Scieqs10PD) SharemathS) Sir Addalot's math adventureS) Star blasterS) TK Boyd's addition tables trainerS) TK Boyd's arithmetic problemsS) The string gameS) Third grade math reviewPD) Tia Tac MathS) Treasure Hunt MathS) Trig fundamentals programS) Univ-conPD) What is 24 points?PD) Yogi bear's math adventure

12) LIFE SCIENCESPD) ArborVtPD) CuracaoPD) LateblightPD) Netwrk4PD) Popolus

13) LINEAR AND MATRIX ALGEBRAS) AMP Algebraic Manipulation ProgramPD) ANUMRPD) CLSPD) CMAT Matrix CalculatorPD) Calculus CalculatorCD) DerivePD) FORMPD) GP-PARI for DOSPD) JKMAthPD) Knox PackagesS) LGSOLVPD) LINSYSPD) Linear AlgebraPD) MAT-XSD) Math Views for WindowsCD) Mathcad demosPD) Matrices and Linear Equations ProgramsPD) Matrix CalculatorPD) Matrix PackagePD) Matrix ProgramPD) MINIMATPD) Numerical MethodsPD) PopolusPD) Small Matrix toolbox for c programmersSD) SymbMathPD) Transitional Mathematics ProjectPD) TransmathPD) Two D Maps

14) MISCELLANEOUSPD) CRYPTAID a cryptanalysis helperPD) Compound interest loan programPD) Convert unitsPD) Exetended precision integersPD) FormulcPD) Intercative Demos & teaching aids 1PD) Intercative Demos & teaching aids 2PD) JKMathPD) K7PD) Logical Games and PuzzlesPD) MAFIAPD) Meval a floating point expression evaluatorPD) Mathcad demosPD) MercuryPD) Neural nerworksPD) Number list order randomizerPD) Propositional Logic ProgramPD) RPN (A calculator)PD) RPN CalculatorS) RSC Resident Scientific CalculatorPD) Roman Numeral Translator and adderPD) ShufflePD) SignalsPD) TSFIMAPD) Triangle solution ProgramPD) Turing Machine SimulatorPD) ULTRA ASMS) Ultimate calculatorPD) UniCalcPD) WSQ Wavelet packet scalar quantization

15) MODELLINGS) AnalasisPD) ArborVtPD) CuracaoS) Curve fitterS) CurvefirsPD) DAUBWAVEPD) DELPPD) FFT of very long seriesS) Fit2.exePD) InterpolationPD) LateblightPD) Netwrk4SD) Nonlinear analysis regression programPD) ParabolaPD) PopulusPD) PredictorPD) ResistanPD) SpectrumSD) TechPlotS) VisulaMethodosPD) W.B.Loewer Plotting programsS) WPLOT

16) MODERN ALGEBRAPD) CMAT Matrix CalculatorPD) Division AlgorithmPD) FORMPD) GAP Groups, Algorithms & programmingPD) GP-PARI for DOSPD) PFSA Symbolic Algebra Program

17) NUMBER THEORYPD) AliquotPD) CalcPD) GAP Groups Algorithms and programmingPD) GP-PARI for DOSPD) MPQSHD prime factorization programPD) Malm - a collection of UBASIC programsPD) NUMBERS calculatorPD) UBASIC

18) NUMERICAL ANALYSISPD) ANUMSD) Formula WizardS) LGSOLVPD) Matrix PackagePD) Numerical MethodsS) Numerical recipes Pascal shareware diskettePD) PRAXISPD) Small Matrix Toolbox for c programmerPD) Spectrum 2.1

19) NUMERICAL PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSS) FEMISPD) Laplace Equation in Two DimensionsPD) MGLAB.FORSD) Quickfield- 2D Finite Element Analysis

20) ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSPD) Are you ready for ordinary diff. EquationsPD) Calculus & Differential equationsPD) Graphing Separable EquationsPD) MAFIAPD) Midshipman differential equations programPD) ODESD) ODEcalcPD) ODE's Slide ShowPD) Ordinary linear differential eq.PD) PopulusPD) SlopesSD) SymbmathPD) TransmathPD) VisulMethodos

21) PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSPD) Calculus and differential equationsPD) Partial differential equations slide showsSD) Quickfield-2D finite Element Analysis

22) PROBABILITYPD) Bayes' TheoremPD) BuffonSD) Formula WizardPD) Galton's BoxPD) ISETL Probability PackagePD) Interactive demos & Teaching aids2PD) JKMath

23) STATISTICSPD) CorrelationPD) DSTATTABPD) EpistatSD) Formula WizardPD) HistogramsS) KwikstatS) LAB STATSS) NonlinS) Prof. Weissman's Statistic tutorialsS) Pvalue for WindowsS) SimstaPD) StatutorPD) Xlisp-Stat

ANALISI DEI SINGOLI PROGRAMMI ( in ordine alfabetico):

A QUICK TOUR OF MAPLEMaple is an essential tool for anyone who needs to use or study mathematics. The demo on this disk will give you a glimpse of a few of the over 2000 Maple functions and what they can do for you. Torun the demo on your computer, you will need an 80386 or 80486 based personal computer with 2MB or more memory and a CGA, EGA, VGA, or Hercules display adapter (for the graphicscommands only). When you first start the Maple Demonstration, a copyright message and ordering information window will appear on your screen. After you have read the copyright notice, you canpress one of two keys to begin. If you press Enter, the demo will automatically type in the examples for you. If you press the Space bar instead, the demo will run just like a full Maple session; youtype the commands you want to execute. In either case, you will be dealing with a real subset of Maple. This is NOT a recorded demo. The time it takes to solve each problem is the same as a fullversion of Maple would require to solve the same problem on your machine. Note that the Demonstration version of Maple contains only those portions of Maple necessary to run the Maplecommands used in this Tour. (modified from the documentation) Download [478 KB].

ADDIT 123A fun addition game for children just learning to add. Download [38 KB]. Algebra Editor This program is a tool for solving algebra problems. Alged cannot solve the problem for you; you need to think. But it can relieve the tedium of working with large formulas, and it has rewrite rules tohelp simplify as you go. The Alged screen has a menu at the top and a work area at the bottom. You manipulate the formulas in the work area by clicking on parts of them and then clicking on themenu. Commands include: Simplify, Distribute, Calculate, Associate, Comm-Deno (create a common denominator), Poly-Coef (collect the coefficients of a polynomial), Poly-Div (polynomialdivision), FactPoly (factor a polynomial), Substitute, ExpJoin (join exponents of common base), etc. (modified from the documentation) Download [88 KB]. ALGEBRA GRAPHICS PROGRAMPlots algebraic functions in 3-D. Plots sine, cosine, tangent, and several others. Requires GWBASIC to run. Download [3 KB]. ALGEBRA PLUSALGEBRA PLUS is an introductory algebra tutorial and practice program designed to be used in conjunction with a standard algebra textbook or as a supplement to a classroom course. It coverstopics from arithmetic operations through general properties of polynomials. Requires MATH-1 and MATH-2. MATH-2 contains tests to be used with MATH-1. Download [148 KB].Download [76 KB]. Algebraic Manipulation Program AMP 3.0 is a symbolic calculation tool for students, teachers, and professionals in engineering or mathematical sciences. AMP allows the user to edit and simplify numerous expressions or equationsin a mathematical derivation quickly and accurately. AMP functions in an interpreter mode and program mode. In the interpreter mode you may manipulate up to 128 expressions, equations or inequalities. In the program mode you have access to acombination screen editor and compiler so that you may define procedures using the same type statements that you use in the interpreter mode. Errors are displayed with the cursor positioned at theoffending statement. AMP facilitates tensor manipulation using index notation. Tensor elements may be simple numbers or complex expressions : elements which are expressions are simplified by AMP. Tensors whosecomponents are relations may also be defined. A special case of tensor manipulation is matrix multiplication. AMP is language driven and interactive. You input a command line telling AMP what to do. AMP then echoes the results to the screen. There are commands which allow you to direct results of aderivation to the printer. Expressions and equations may be saved to the disk and then later recalled. This is shareware; full version package available from address above.

(from the documentation) Download [219 KB]. AliquotA tool to compute aliquot chains with small starting numbers and keep a record of the results. For a positive natural number n, let s(n) denote the sum of its proper divisors. The sequence obtained byiterating s for some n is called an aliquot sequence or chain. (adapted from the documentation) Download [467 KB]. Amy's Fun-2-3 Adventure!Simply a MUST-HAVE educational game for your 2-5 year old child, previously only available commercially! Amy is a cute little puppy who will lead your child on a number-learning journey that issure to be entertaining! Requires VGA/MCGA, 286+, 640K. Supports AdLib, Sound Source and Sound Blaster cards. Great graphics, outstanding animation, and loads of digitized speech and soundeffects add to the fun. (taken from FILE_ID.DIZ) Download [976 KB] ANALYSISANALYSIS is a time-series analysis package which includes a wide diversity of transformations and other techniques to locate and quantify patterns in a data set. Techniques include: Fast FourierTransform (FFT), Wavelet Analysis, Autocorrelation, Crosscorrelation, Coherence Analysis, Moments and the Distribu- tion Wigner-Ville Analysis, Digital Filtering and Graphics. Shareware. (modified from the documentation) Download [63 KB]. ANIMALSUses shapes and numbers for children to count, add, and subtract. Lots of fun for children ages 3-6 yrs. Source code included. Download [27 KB]. ANIMATED MATHTeaches counting, addition, and subtraction with animated rewards every step of the way. Not just a drill, but a tutorial that gives graphic help as needed. The game room can be visited after completingten questions. (taken from README) Download [308 KB] Animated MoneyAnimated Money is a program for teaching coin recognition. There are three types of games. First, a money recognition game where the child matches the coin to it's amount, both the front and back ofthe coins are used. The other two games have levels of difficulty that can be adjusted to the child's needs. One game has the child match a group of coins to it's amount (2 dimes and a nickel matched to25 cents), the other game matches equivalent groups of coins (2 dimes and a nickel matched to 1 dime, 2 nickels and 5 pennies, for instance). Context sensitive help is available for the boxes with coinsin them which shows the cumulative values of each group of coins (but does not add them all up - that is left to the child). (taken from READ.DOC) Download [340 KB] Animated Multiplication and DivisionAnimated multiplication is a program aimed primarily at children from first through third grades. Based on the multiplication table from 1 to 10, it teaches "mental math". Progressive help is given asneeded when the student is having difficulty with a particular problem. As rewards for successful completion of a sequence of ten problems a game room with several build-and-color-your-ownanimated games are given. The student can create and select a color scheme for their own dinosaur, car, face or fashion model. Both keyboard and mouse support are provided! Sound board support isnot provided. (taken from READ.TXT) Download [205 KB] Download [302 KB] ANUM ANUM is a library for use with one of the following C compilers: Turbo C 2.0, Turbo C++ 1.0 or Borland C++ 2.0 from Borland International. C source code is provided for complex numbers,solutions of polynomials, solutions of ordinary differential equations, linear algbra, integration, least squares fit. (modified from documentation) Download [242 KB]. ArborVtArborVT is two programs in one. The first program is designed to produce a database with the passive (electrotonic) voltage responses to a pulse of electrical current in a model neuron. The secondprogram decomposes or expands a waveform into its exponential components, assuming that the waveform is the sum of simple exponentials and a baseline. Download avt130.exe [491 KB]. Are You Ready For Calculus I?Are You Ready For Business Calculus I ? One of the problems we encounter while teaching calculus is that many students do not have the mathematical skills which are essential for success. This is true even though the prerequisite courses(College Algebra and Trig) have been passed. To address this problem, the Mathematics Department of the University of Arizona decided to do the following. Write a computer program which astudent can use before starting calculus. This program would quiz the student on all sections of algebra and trig which are essential to calculus. The whole purpose of the program would be to hone thestudent's skills in those parts of algebra and trig which are essential for success in calculus. This program quizzes students in the following areas: Greek symbols, elementary trigonometry, elementaryalgebra, factoring, fractions, exponents, functions and equations, inequalities, curves, functions from formulas, and trigonometric identities.

(from the documentation) Download [171 KB].

Are You Ready For Calculus II ? One of the problems we encounter while teaching Calculus II is that many students do not have the mathematical skills which are essential for success. This is true even though the prerequisite course(Calculus I) has been passed. To address this problem, the Mathematics Department of the University of Arizona decided to do the following. Write a computer program which a student can use beforestarting Calculus II. This program would quiz the student on all sections of Calculus I which are essential to Calculus II. In particular the quizzes cover trigonometric identities, logorithms, limits,differentiation and integration. The whole purpose of the program would be to hone the student's skills in those parts of calculus which are essential for success in Calculus II.

(from the documentation) Download [99 KB]. Are You Ready For Calculus III ? One of the problems we encounter while teaching Calculus III is that many students do not have the mathematical skills which are essential for success. This is true even though the prerequisitecourses (Calculus I, and II) have been passed. To address this problem, the Mathematics Department of the University of Arizona decided to do the following. Write a computer program which astudent can use before starting Calculus III. This program would quiz the student on all sections of calculus I and II which are essential to Calculus III. In particular: functions and curves, logs andexponentials, differentiation, integration, and areas. The whole purpose of the program would be to hone the student's skills in those parts of calculus which are essential for success in Calculus III.

(from the documentation) Download [108 KB]. Are You Ready For College Algebra ?One of the problems we encounter while teaching college algebra is that many students do not have the mathematical skills which are essential for success. This is true even though the prerequisitecourse (Intermediate Algebra) has been passed. To address this problem, the Mathematics Department of the University of Arizona decided to do the following. Write a computer program which astudent can use before starting college algebra. This program would quiz the student on all sections of algebra which are essential to college algebra. The quizzes cover linear equations, exponents,functions, and factoring. The whole purpose of the program would be to hone the student's skills in those parts of algebra which are essential for success in college algebra. (from the documentation) Download [103 KB]. ArithmeTick-Tack-ToeArithmeTick-Tack-Toe is like a traditional game of X's and O's, however it requires the players to correctly answer a mathematical problem before placing their piece. A player can either challenge afriend or play against the computer. The player has full control over the type and difficulty of the math problems, as well as the skill of the computer opponent. This version of the software is an evaluation or "shareware" edition. It allows you to try out the software and decide if it meets your needs, before you purchase it. The enhanced version of the softwarewhich offers a larger variety of math problems and skill levels. Requires Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 or later. (adapted from the documentation) Download [651 KB]. Automatic Differentiation of Fortran programsGiven a function coded in Fortran, GRAD produces Fortran code to compute the derivatives with respect to specified variables (i.e. the GRADient). Derivatives are required in optimization, parameter estimation, sensitivity analysis, and other problems. Often, hand-coding of analytical derivative computations is too laborious and error-prone, andthe use of finite difference approximations is too expensive and/or inaccurate. Sometimes symbolic algebra packages can be useful, but these are generally inadequate when the functions to bedifferentiated are defined by computer programs containing intermediate variables, loops, and conditionals. This is where Automatic Differentiation comes in. GRAD is described in detail in: Garcia,O. "A system for the differentiation of Fortran code and an application to parameter estimation in forest growth models". In A.Griewank and G.Corliss (Eds.) "Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms:Theory, Implementation, and Application". SIAM, 1991. (from the documentation) Download [117 KB]. Look at the readme file from the program. BAYES' THEOREMThis program deals with Probabilities, Conditional Probabilities, Bayes' Theorem, and how they are used in Search and Rescue to look for a missing subject lost in a hostile environment. This program can be used with a mouse. When you first run this program you should check the sub-menu item "search and rescue" under the menu item "education". Download [133 KB]. BEARMATHContains addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division practice problems. Requires BASIC. Download [3 KB].BILL'S DRILL BOOKA complete basic math skills program collection. It contains problems and discussions for problems ranging from addition to fractions and signed numbers addition and multiplication. Also has anotherproblem set in BILLSDR1.ZIP. Used with BASIC. Download [174 KB]. Download [76 KB]. BiographBiograph is an interactive program that computes numerically, then graphs solutions to systems of ordinary differential equations (ODE's) and difference equations. The program is capable of solvingsystems of n simultaneous DE's or difference equations. (from the review of the program by QUANTITATIVE CURRICULUM FOR LIFE SCIENCE STUDENTS) BUFFONThe BUFFON program was designed to simulate an experiment in mathematical probability. The experiment is performed by randomly dropping needles on a grid of equally spaced parallel lines. Theneedles are all the same length which is exactly 1/2 the spacing between the lines. After all the needles are dropped a count is made of the number of needles which intersect any line. A given needlemay intersect at most one line, but most needles (about 2/3+) do not intersect any line. The total number of needles divided by the number of intersecting needles approximates the number Pi. Thisexperiment is named after the French naturalist Count Buffon (1707-1788) who dropped needles on a floor made of wooden planks. The lines correspond to the cracks between the planks. Buffon wastrying to estimate the probability that a needle would fall across or into a crack. The mathematically precise answer is surprisingly related to Pi. The user can set the number of needles and controlvarious aspects of the experiment. This program requires some form of graphics such as CGA or EGA or VGA hardware. The program automatically adapts to the highest graphics resolution of thehardware it finds. (from buffon.abs) Download [48 KB]. Cabri GeometreInteractive program for the teaching and learning of geometry. Look at the citations for published reviews of the program.CALWith CAL, the user can draw a large number of "fractals" which has appeared in popular mathematics literature. This program is well-known for the quickness of the drawing of the Mandelbrot set.The list of fractal types from the program is: Bifurcation diagram, Chaotic dynamic systems, Composite fractal image, Diffusion fractal, Flip-Mandelbrot/Julia Set, Gingerbread person, Gumowski andMira Attractor, Henon attractor, Hopalong, Iterated function system (IFS), L-System (Lindemayer Systems), Landscape, Life algorithm, Logistic Equation, Lorenz attractor, Lyapunov space,Mandelbrot/Julia Set, Newton's method (solving Z^n-1=0), Quaternion Julia sets, Sierpinski gasket, Symmetrical attractors, User defined formulae, Ushiki's Phoenix. There is extensive on-line documentation. contains three additional demo files for CAL. You need to be careful when you unzip this file since it can overwrite three files with the same name contained in Download [368 KB]. Download [351 KB]. CALCcalc is a calculator program for doing arbitrary precision integer arithmetic. It is written in ANSI C and Yacc, along the lines of the calculator programs hoc1,2,3, Kernighan and Pike, The UnixProgramming Environment, 233--254, 1984. There are a number of built--in functions accessible with CALC. These include: gcd, fp (the simplest form of the inhomogeneous Fincke-Pohst algorithm),lcm, pollard (Pollard's p-1 method), nprime(x) (the first integer after x which passes the strong base 2 pseudoprime test and the Lucas pseudoprime test), jacobi (Jacobi symbols), peralta (Peralta'salgorithm), congr (the solution of congruences), chinese (the solution of a system of congruences), mthroot (the integer part of the m-th root of x), fund, pell (the continued fraction expansion ofsqrt{d}), surd, mpower, inv, factor, tau (divisor function), sigma (the sum of the divisors), mobius, euler, lprimroot, orderm (the order of a(mod n)), lucas, serret (Serret's algorithm), collatz (Collatz'3x+1 conjecture), miller (Miller's test), hermite (the Kannan-Bachem algorithm), improvep (LLL-Babai method), mlll (MLLL algorithm of M. Pohst), smith (Smith normal form), rsae, encode, decode.(adapted from the documentation) Download [234 KB].CALCULATORDouglas Swift Jr. A calcutor program that handles addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, raising to a power, and square roots. Also has memory store and recall. Download [38 KB]. Calculus and Differential Equations A shareware collection of six programs:

1. DE.COM: graphical solutions of 2 dimensional systems of differential equations, graphical solutions of the heat, wave, Laplace equations in 1 and 2 dimensions, integrating factors andgraphs of power series solutions.

2. CALCULUS.COM: symbolic differentiation and integration (of simple functions), graphs of single variable functions, parametric equations, simultaneous graphing of a function with itsfirst and second derivatives, and surface contour of z=f(x,y).

3. ODE.EXE: an update of the author's previous program "EULER.EXE". It allows the user to choose between Runge-Kutta method and Euler's Method to get the solutions of systems ofode's.

4. EULER3D.EXE is a test program for 3-dim extension of ODE.EXE. 5. STRING.EXE: animation of the vibrating string. 6. LP.EXE uses 3-dim graphics window to show graphical meaning of simplex method for linear programming.

Download calc.arc [269 KB]. Calculus Calculator

CC4 is version 4 of the Calculus Calculator. Its predecessor, CC3, is no longer a shareware product. It has been published, with a 200 page manual, by Prentice Hall as CC - The Calculus Calculator. CC4 includes matrices and infinite precision arithmetic. Information about the program can be found in the file Update.CC (information about changes from CC) and in the help file, which is accessedby pressing F1 after starting CC4. This is a beta version. (from the READ.ME file) Download [417 KB]. CATBoxThis is a collection of eleven programs to study problems in graph theory and combinatorics.


The graphs considered for the "edge coloring problem" are nondirected without loops and multiple edges. A graph G is said to be r-cromatic if if its edges can be colored with r colors in such away that two edges with a common endnode always receive different colors. The smallest number r for which the graph G is r-chomatic is called chomatic Index X'(G) and finding this index isreferred to as the 'coloring problem'.


Is it possible to color any geographical map with four colors so that any two countries with a common frontier have different colors? This famous problem, solved by Appel and Haken reducesto showing that every planar graph is 4-chromatic. It is possible to associate with each geographical map a graph. Coloring the faces of this graph is done by coloring the nodes of thecorresponding dual graph.


A graph G is said to be 'r-chromatic' if its nodes can be colored with r colors in such a way so that no two adjacent nodes are of the same color. The smallest number r for which the graph is r-chromatic is called the 'chromatic number X(G)' of the graph and finding this number is referred to as the 'coloring problem'.


There are two network flow algorithms represented: the Algorithm of Edmonds and Karp and the Algorithm of Shiloach & Vishkin. convhull.exe Find the convex hull of a finite set of points in2 or 3 dimensional space or of a finite cut of halfspaces in 3 dimensional space.


Let G=(V,E) be an undirected graph with a finite set E of edges and a finite set V of nodes. Each edge (i,j) has a real-valued weight w(i,j). A matching M in G is a set of edges no two of whichhave a common node. The size ¦M¦ of M is the number of edges it contains (its cardinality), the weight of M is the sum of its edge weights. The MAXIMUM CARDINALITY MATCHINGproblem is to find a matching of maximum size. The MINIMUM WEIGHTED MATCHING problem is to find a matching of minimum weight.


When a Shortest Path problem is solved by traversing the arcs of a given (di)graph and recording the information so obtained, the underlying technique is called a combinatorial or graphtraversal technique. In this CATbox application the algorithms of Johnson, of Mehlhorn and of Bellman - Ford are implemented.


The planarity testing program PLANAR is an application of the program that tests whether a given (di)graph is planar and visualizes the concept of the testing algorithm.


The Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problem with time window constraints and combined pick up and delivery is to find a set of vehicle routes so as to minimize the total distance traveled andthe number of tours such that the total demand on each route does not exceed the truck capacity at all times and each customer is visited in one of its time windows on exactly one route.


To visualize the geometrical ideas and interpretations of combinatorial methods to solve or approximate the NP-complete Steiner problem in any kind of directed graph.


Application of seven algorithms (NEAREST NEIGHBOR, FURTHEST INSERT, NEAREST INSERT, SWEEP, SPACEFILL.CURVE, SCEC, RANDOM TOUR) to tackle the TravellingSalesman Problem.

These programs are contained in the two zipped files and (modified from the documentation) Download [126 KB]. Download [143 KB]. CHAOS DEMONSTRATIONSCHAOS DEMONSTRATIONS is a collection of eighteen demonstrations illustrating chaos in physical and biological systems including the driven pendulum, van der Pol's equation, three bodyproblem, Lorenz attractor, logistic equation, fractals, diffusion, etc. The goal of the program is to encourage an appreciation of the complexity and beauty of even simple systems, not only for theprofessional scientist, but also for the interested nonspecialist. You can sit back and watch the demonstrations cycle through an automatic sequence, or in the complete version of the program you cantake control and examine in detail the effect of varying the parameters. CHAOS DEMONSTRATIONS is published by the American Institute of Physics as part of a continuing series of software from Physics Academic Software. Copyright 1990 by the American Instituteof Physics. All rights reserved. Portions copyright 1989 by Julien C. Sprott. All rights reserved. (modified from the documentation) Download [107 KB]. CHAOS SIMULATIONSCHAOS SIMULATIONS is a collection of 15 computer simulations of nonlinear systems intended for upper-division and graduate university students. (from Information from IKE) Other Internet Resources: CHAOTIC DYNAMICS WORKBENCHCHAOTIC DYNAMICS WORKBENCH allows the advanced college physics student or researcher to perform interactive numerical experiments onnonlinear systems modeled by ordinary differential equations. Using graphical displays and direct, real-time interaction, CHAOTIC DYNAMICS WORKBENCH allows exploration of suchphenomena as the period-doubling route to chaos, strange attractors, sensitive dependence on initial conditions, Lyapunov exponents, the fractal dimension of strange attractors, and the effect ofdamping on the dimension of the attractor. (from Information from IKE) Other Internet Resources: CHAOTIC MAPPER CHAOTIC MAPPER is an exploratory tool that allows you to examine 22 one- and two-dimensional iterative maps and three-dimensional differential equations. You can enter your own system ofequations and, depending on the map you choose, you can examine two-dimensional plots, parameter space plots, Poincare sections, convergence maps, basins of attraction, or the behavior of a groupof points. (from Information from IKE) Other Internet Resources: CLA20A linear or matrix algebra package which obtains for the user the rank, determinant, rwo-reduced echelon form, Jordan canonical form, characteristic equation, eigenvalues, etc. of a matrix. Some Turbo Pascal code and tpu units are also provided. Download [290 KB]. CMAT CMAT is a matrix calculator program. Calculations can be performed on matrices with complex rational coefficients (cmatcr.exe), using exact arithmetic routines(cmatr), as well as on matrices with elements mod p, p prime (cmatm.exe). The program can handle integers of arbitrary size. Some of the routines available: addition, complex-conjugate transpose,

scalar multiplication, multiplication, exponentiation, Kronecker product, evaluating matrix polynomials at a square matrix, elementary row and column operations, inverse, adjoint, determinant,characteristic polynomialand minimum polynomial, P^(-1)AP, the Cholesky decomposition of a positive definite matrix, dot product, length and using the Gram-Schmidt process to find an orthogonalbasis for the column-space of a matrix, the Smith canonical form of a matrix B with polynomial entries, etc. In addition, polynomial routines are available including: addition, subtraction, multiplication, scalar-multiplication, exponentiation, derivative, evaluation, quotient, remainder, greatest commondivisor, expressing the gcd as a linear combination of the polynomials involved, square-free decomposition, the resultant of two polynomials, the discriminant of a polynomial, the Berlekamp matrix ofa squarefree polynomial mod p, factorization of polynomials with rational, complex rational or mod p coefficients into irreducibles, etc. (modified from the documentation) Download [550 KB].Coins In The Box (CIBOX)"Coins in the Box" was developed by a mathematics specialist for use in elementary schools, grades 3 thru 6. This program presents game-like activities which promote creative thinking in a problem-solving context. (taken from CIBOX.DOC) Download [73 KB]. Colourful MathematicsThis is a series of three educational mathematical games dealing with various mathematical concepts from discrete mathematics: The Four Colour Map Problem, The Chromatic Number of Graphs,and The Dominating Numer of a Graph. This is a shareware package with some of the features disabled. (modified from the documentation) Download [401 KB]. COMPLEX ANALYSIS: F(Z) FilesCOMPLEX ANALYSIS: Maple WorksheetsCOMPLEX ANALYSIS: Mathematica NotebooksComplimentary software to accompany the textbook: COMPLEX ANALYSIS: for Mathematics & Engineering3rd Ed, 1997, ISBN: 0-7637-0270-6Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. You need to use F(Z) - The Complex Variables Program, Maple or Mathematica to run these files. Chapter Headings:

7. Complex Numbers 8. Complex Functions 9. Analytic and Harmonic Functions 10. Sequences, Series, and Julia and Mandelbrot Sets 11. Elementary Function 12. Complex Integration 13. Taylor and Laurent Series 14. Residue Theory 15. Conformal Mapping 16. Applications of Harmonic Functions 17. Fourier Series and the Laplace Transform

You can copy this software for courses using the text mentioned above at your institution.

Download F(Z) files [103 KB].

Download Maple Worksheets [189 KB]. COMPLEX FUNCTIONS In this program the user can create polynomials and rational functions. These functions can then be analyzed at a point. This program will also find the zeroes and poles of a particular function. Afterthe user enters a function, the program will graph the images of either circles or squares. Download [202 KB]. COMPLEX NUMBERSThis program will evalute complex expressions, find the n th roots of a complex number (n < 9), and graphically display complex numbers. This program also has games involving addition,subtraction, complex conjugates, multiplication, division, and recipricals (all of complex numbers). Download [211 KB]. COMPOSITION OF FUNCTIONSThis slide show shows how f(g(x)) can be constructed graphically from the graphs of f(x) and g(x). It also shows how the chain rule f(g(x))' = f'(g(x)) g'(x) can be obtained graphically using this construction. (From the documentation)Download [69 KB].

Compound Interest Loan ProgramThe LOAN program was designed to be part of a financial program that handles the two standard cases of compound interest. Either a lump sum or a series of periodic constant payments may beconsidered to earn compound interest. This program works with the 5 standard financial variables n, i, PV, FV, PMT and can calculate these in any meaningful combination. n is the number ofcompounding time periods. i is the periodic interest rate. PV, FV, and PMT represent the Present Value, Future Value, and periodic payment amounts in terms of dollars. When working with loans thisprogram can also print out a complete amortization schedule for the loan with any specified beginning and ending periods. For any series of payments this program will calculate and display thepayment number, the amount of the payment that goes to interest and the amount that is applied to the principle and the new remaining balance. The amortization schedules may be saved in disk filesor printed on a printer. The program can also make interest earning schedules for one- time lump sum deposits that earn compound interest. A third type of interest earning schedule is for a series ofperiodic payments. For each kind of interest earning schedule the program shows how the interest and remaining balance grow as a function of time. This program works in a text display mode onlyand does not require any graphics hardware. There is an independent tutorial file, LOAN.TXT, which is for first-time users. LOAN.TXT may be imported into any word processor and/or printed onany printer. (from loan.abs) Download [53 KB]. ConicsThis program plots conics (i.e. parabolas, ellipses, hyperbolas) as well as quadratic curves. The constants that usually occur in these formula can be changed at will and the curves redrawn. There arealso demonstrations of the definitions of the parabola, hyperbola and ellipse as the locus of points satisfying certain conditions as, for example, the ellipse is the locus of points which sum of distancesfrom these points to the foci is a constant. (modified from the documentation) Download [184 KB]. CONVERT UNITSThis program converts between various type of units. Abbreviations are given as well as the dimensions of the various units. Download [120 KB].CorrelationA collection of tutorials to aid in the teaching of Correlation, the Central Limit Theorem, Statistical Hypothesis Testing, Analysis of Variance, and the use of the summation notation in an elementarystatistics course. Download [718 KB]. CRYPTAID - A CRYPTANALYSIS HELPERThis program is designed to aid in the decoding of simple substitution aristocrat ciphers, i.e. each letter in the original message is replaced throughout by a unique cipher letter code, while punctuationand spaces are unchanged. Although this package is designed to help solve aristocrats, it can also be used to create them. (adapted from the documentation) Download [215 KB]. CURACAOCuracao is a computer program that simulates the sterile insect release method and allows the user to investigate the effects of several variables on the effectiveness of the method and what happenswhen some of the basic assumptions of the model are relaxed or violated in some way. The user should gain some understanding of the sorts of things that complicate the application of the technique insituations that are more realistic than those assumed by Knipling in his simple analyses. Download [93 KB].CURVE FITTERThis program computes the constants in an equation to give the equation of best fit to a set of data points. The program does both linear and nonlinear curve fitting (i.e. It can find an exponent of bestfit!). The user can specify the equation to fit to, allowing much flexibility. The program can use up to 32000 data points in each of 32000 data sets as RAM allows. It can compensate for missing dataitems, by ignoring those data points. "Best fit" is determined by the usual least squares definition of best fit. The program outputs maximum and average deviations, to allow you to determine whichequation works best. For use with MSDOS computers. (from author's news announcement) Download [24 KB]. CurvefitsScience/Engineering curve fitting program. Performs 19 distinct curve fits:

Linear, Quadratic and Polynomial Fits

Exponential and Modified Power Fit Root, Modified Hoerl and Modified Exponential Fit Cauchy and Reciprocal Quadratic Fit Inverse and Hyperbolic Fit Reciprocal line and Reciprocal Quadratic Fits. Hoerl and Gamma Fit

Automatically selects best fits based on correlation coefficient and standard error. Built in text file conversion. Mouse Driven. Can handle virtually unlimited number of data points. Graph & Zoomcapability. Shareware package. (Modified from documentation) Download [168 KB]. CYCLOWith CYCLO you can investigate the graphs of cyloids, which are a particular family of parametric curves in the plane. A large number of examples are provided. Download [50 KB]. The purpose of this program is to perform wavelet based operations on a data set. It should be useful in learning orthogonal wavelet analysis as well as data analysis using orthogonal wavelets. Thisprogram uses orthogonal wavelet analysis based on Daubechies' derived coefficients. c code is provided. (from the documentation) Download daubwave.zoo [45 KB]. DELP A data analysis suite, incorporating the exponential fitting routine DELP. DELP is an algorithm for obtaining a very fast fit of a sum of exponentials. It works on the principle that a sum of exponentialsis a solution of a linear homogeneous differential equation with constant coefficients. DELP algorithm due to Dr J Martin, Dept Physics, Kings College, Strand, LONDON WC2R 2LS, andimplemented by David J Maconochie. Reference: Martin, Maconochie and Knight (1994), J Neurosci Meth Jan 1994 V51 P135-146. The following features are available*) averaging, with automatic and manual alignment*) very fast multi-exponential fitting*) laser printer output with some editing facilities*) multiple display and plotting windows*) contents of file and files in a directory plotted automatically*) automatic trace by trace subtraction fori) response-controlii) transient and leak subtraction*) calculation of mean, minimum and maximum values*) filters: analogue, non-causal, Savitsky Golay, Wiener*) digital differentiation and integration*) Fast Fourier Transforms, power spectra with averaging and smoothing*) Editing of data files*) Detection of events: single channel, synaptic etc*) Ohmic series resistance compensation*) Transformation by log, power, multiply*) clampex, sigav and generic files types supported (up to a point)*) data arrays of up to 32,000 points

(modified from the documentation) Download [395 KB]. DERIVESymbolic mathematics package: exact aritmetic, factoring, partial fraction expansion, equation solving, 2d and 3d plots, derivatives, integrals, differential equations, Taylor and Fourier Series, LaplaceTransforms, vectors and matrices. Look at the citations for published reviews of the program. Other Internet Resources:

Information on Derive from Publisher.

Additional Internet Resources list from Publisher.

Derive Resources Area from OSU Mathematics Education Center

Information on Derive from CAIN

Information on Derive from MathWare.

Article: Using DERIVE to enhance maths teaching from CTI Mathematics

Information on Derive and Derive resources in Spanish .

THE INTERNATIONAL DERIVE JOURNAL DiffA command line utility to find the derivatives of functions. Just type diff followed by the expression of which you'd like the derivative. (modified from the documentation) Download [34 KB]. Discovery Learning in TrigonometryDiscovery Learning in Trigonometry uses the inductive approach to learning trigonometry. Basic concepts covered by the software are trigonometric functions, amplitude, periodicity, phase shift, andpolar trigonometric functions. From Homepage

DIVISIONThis program was designed to teach division to children who do not know their multiplication tables by teaching the basic operations of division. Download [102 KB]. DIVISION ALGORITHMThis program will do tasks to help you carry out several polynomial algorithms, such as Euclid's Algorithm, Sturm's Algorithm, and the algorithm to complete Bezout'sidentity. Download [153 KB]. DRAWFN3D - 3d parametric surfaces drawing programThis program allows drawing of 3D free form explicit algebraic surfaces of the form: x = X(u,v), y = Y(u,v), z = Z(u,v), where u,v are the parametric domain parameters.The program displays thesurface by sampling it along its isoparametriccurves, and approximating (with settable accuracy) them as piecewise linear polylines. It it also possible to save the surface as a collection of polygonsapproximating the surface (again with settable accuracy). As on line help is available which can be modifies. (from the documentation) contains the C source code for this program. Download [81 KB]. Download the source code [72 KB]. DRAWFUNC - 2d parametric curves drawing programThis program allows drawing of 2D free form explicit algebraic curves of the form: x = X(t), y = Y(t), or y = f(x), where t is the parametric domain parameter. The program displays the curve bysampling, and approximating (with settable accuracy) it as piecewise linear polylines. It also possible to symbolically differentiate the curve and simultaneously display the curve and its 1st 2nd and3rd derivatives. An on line help is available which can be modified. (adapted from the documentation) drawfuns.arc contains the C source code for this program. Download the program drawfunc.arc [99 KB]. Download the source code drawfuns.arc [81 KB]. Look at the readme file from the program. DSTATTABCalculates statistical cumulative distribution functions (P-values their inverses, and parameters of the distributions). Distributions include Incomplete Beta, Binomial, Negative Binomial, Chi-square,Non-central Chi-square, F, Non-central F, Incomplete Gamma, Normal, Poisson, and T. Program uses double precision library, DCDFLIB. Packaging changed to allow entry of user's choice of X or 1-X where appropriate and display of both. This allows calculations of p-values quite near one and accurate cdf values that are also close to 1. (adapted from the documentation) Download dstatt10.exe [119 KB] DYNAMIC ANALYZER DYNAMIC ANALYZER is a multiple-window, computational software tool enabling users to study common linear and nonlinear physical systems. Results are displayed in graphs, animations, andnumerical tables, and a variety of scenarios allows users to study both physical and chaotic systems. Systems include orbital, chaotic, and harmonic motion, the driven pendulum, variable potential, andnonlinear oscillator.

(from Information from IKE) Other Internet Resources: Dynamical Systems This program can be used in the study of the dynamics of Newton's method for polynomials of degree less than sixteen. One can specify the polynomial by either entering its coefficients or entering itsroots. The roots can be entered with the use of a mouse. The basins of attraction of each of the roots are drawn. This program can also be used to study the parameter space associated with Newton's method for cubics, in which two roots are fixed at -1 and 1, and each pixel w represents the third root. Newton'smethod for the resulting polynomial p(z) = (z-w)(z-1)(z+1) is started at the center of the triangle formed by the three roots and the pixel w is colored according to which root that orbit converges to, or is colored black if convergence cannot be determined after aspecified iteration count. There is also a module for the study of the Mandelbrot set along with the associated Julia sets. After the Mandelbrot set is drawn it is possible to choose a point with a mouse and either draw itsassociated Julia set or draw the orbit of the point. These drawings are made in smaller windows which can be kept on the screen so that one can compare different points. Download [109 KB]. EPISTATEPISTAT is a collection of programs written in BASICA for statistical analysis of small to medium-sized data samples. It includes programs to enter, append, and edit data, as well as perform severalkinds of data transformations. The datafiles can be printed, graphed, or saved to disk. The 21 programs in EPISTAT can also perform 34 common statistical tests or functions. (taken from EPISTAT.DOC) Download [54 KB]. Eval - A floating point expression evaluator.Eval is an interactive floating point C-like expression evaluator. You give it an expression with numeric constants and variables and functions, and it churns out a numeric answer. You can use it toimmediately evaluate an expression from the DOS prompt, or you can run it interactively, storing variables as you go so that you can do more involved calculations. To use Eval, just give it anexpression: Eval "2*3+sin(_pi*.44/2)" or just run Eval without arguments. Documentation is built-in. Eval's features include good precision, input and output in any number base, a large number of built-in functions and constants, flexiblenumeric output format, and ability to save and recall sessions from disk. The source code is included with this distribution. (excerpted from readme.doc) Download [83 KB]. Extended Precision IntegersThe XPRES program does extended precision arithmetic on integers. This program will calculate, using up to 20,000 digits of accuracy, sums, products, quotients, powers, factorials, combinations, andpermutations. The interface is in the format of a calculator with stacks, memory, etc. A tutorial is provided. Download [100 KB]. FACTPACKFactpack consists of two programs that are designed for home or school use. The programs provide drill and practice with basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts and areappropriate for use in grades 1-6. (taken from READMEFP.DOC) Download [56 KB]. FEMISThe Finite-Element Matrix Interpretive System provides interactive, tutorial computation for users interested in finite element technology. Matrix algebra is used extensively in symbolic form. The FEMIS program was developed to provide a test environment for new FEM algorithms. It has been used extensively over a three year period of time. In FEMIS, our basic objective was to learnhow to make programs "user- friendly." Rather than overwhelm the console with the enormous output FEM programs typically generate, FEMIS is designed to allow the user to selectively reviewinput and output files and make minor modifications. FEMIS provides a vehicle to test individual ideas and innovations. This is a Shareware package. (modified from the documentation) Download [241 KB]. FEUERBACH'S THEOREMThis program allows you to experiment with the size of a triangle and see the resulting incircles, excircles, circumcircles and nine-point circles. It is designed to give a pictorial representation ofFeuerbach's Theorem which states that the nine-point circle of a triangle T passes through the following nine points: the midpoints of each side of T, the foot of each altitude of T and the Euler pointsof T. Furthermore, the nine-point circle of T is tangent to the inscribed circle of T and the three exscribed circles of T. Download [202 KB]. FFT OF VERY LONG SERIESThis program calculates the fast fourier transform of very long series, as long as your far heap allows. For example, using double precision it is posible to process 70.000 real data points. It implementsr. C. Singleton's mixed radix fast fourier algorithm. Some features of this algorithm are: 1) the length of the series does not have to be be necessarily a power of two, the length may include factors of 2and 4, and also odd factors as 3,5,7, etc,2-) to avoid truncation errors, the sines and cosines are generated recursively, 3-) the data and its trtransform are accessed with huge pointers. The source code is written in C. (adapted from the documentation) Download [40 KB]. Fields and OperatorsThis program displays vector fields, surfaces and integral flows. Vector fields, normalized or scaled, are obtained from the cross product, time derivative, gradient, and curls operators, while scalarfields are obtained from dot product, divergence, and Laplacian operators. FINDPOLYThis program will answer most questions you have about a given polynomial except what it is. You must find the polynomial. The degree is less than 8, the coefficients are integers, and all the "action"is between -100 and 100. The program gives clues to the polynomial by giving the user information about the polynomial and its first and second derivitives(i.e. roots, graphs, and by evaluating theseat a point. Sample polynomials are provided. (from the README file) Download [146 KB]. FIT2A shareware program for curve fitting and data modelling. FIT2 is a tool that allows you to find closed-form solution to both linear and non-linear modelling problems. (from FIT2.DOC) Download [84 KB]. FLASH CARD PROGRAMThis program is designed to immitate flashcards. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems are presented and you are allowed two tries to answer correctly. Uses BASIC. Download [5 KB]. FORMFORM is a symbolic manipulation program that has been designed for large scale formula manipulation. The formulae that can be handled by FORM are in principle only limited in size by theavailable disk space. In addition FORM is optimized for speed, enabling it to deal with these giant formulae in relatively little time. FORM runs as a batch program. One of the features of FORM is themanagement of really large formulae in a very efficient way. This is version 1 which is free; an improved version 2 is a commercial package.

(modified from the documentation) Download form.arc [600 KB]. FORMULA 1Formula 1 is the first part of a two part program which teaches a complete Algebra course- from basic addition and subtraction to imaginary numbers. It was written for high school and collegestudents, but its design makes it relevent to anyone who needs to acquire skills in Algebra. It uses ELECTRONIC TUTOR to check your progress and guide you through the course. (taken from program overview) Download [164 KB]. Formula WizardUsing the help feature of Microsoft Windows, this file contains formulas from algebra; as an example, the formulas for solving a cubic equation are given. This is a demo version; the full versioncontains formulas for geometry, trigonometry, calculus, differential equations, numerical analysis and probability and statistics. Download [50 KB]. FormulcThis is a mathematical-function interpreter for C. It is very useful for programs that have to evaluate the same function hundreds or thousands of times at different points, since it is only 10% to 100%slower than compiled C code. The source code can be freely distributed. It runs in any computer (hopefully). The routines can be used from any C program or from the command line (as a UNIXfilter). Special requirements: A C compiler. This program has been tested on PC's with different compilers and on a VAX. The source code is provided. The program is copyrighted. It can be used more or less freely, but an optional registration fee is encouraged. (modified from documentation and announcement) Download [25 KB]. FORTUNEThis program will graph up to two functions of x, and then allow you to "twiddle" any parameters a, b, c, contained in the functions. This program also evaluates the functions at specificpoints, gives atable of values, and has an animated plot of both secant and tangent lines. Sample functions and projects are provided. Download [223 KB]. FOURIER SERIES Tucson, AZ 85721 This slide show consists of graphs of various functions together with some of their Fourier Series approximations:A. Triangular WaveB. Square Wave

C. Saw Tooth WaveD. Cosine Expansion of SineE. Interrupted Square Wave(from the documentation) Download [127 KB]. Fractal DesignerWith this program, the user can draw the attractors of hyperbolic iterated function systems (IFS or HIFS) where the functions are affine transformations of the plane. The user can enter the functionsgraphically using a mouse or read in the functions in a numerical format from a data file. The data file structure is the same as used for the program Fracint. The program will convert the graphicalinput into numerical data. You can also print out the picture of the attractor together with the associated numerical data. Pictures can also be saved in GIF format. A large number of examples are provided. C source code is included. Download [264 KB]. FRACTINTStarting with the work of Bert Tyler, many volunteers have joined him in developing one of the "blockbuster" programs which can be used in the study of fractals or discrete dynamics. Using 32 bitinteger arithmetic and a "solid guessing" algorithm, the program draws images of fractals in seconds or minutes which not long ago took hours or days to draw. Some of the "fractals" which can be drawn include the Mandelbrot set and Julia sets of various complex analytic functions, the basin of attraction for Newton's method in the plane, the bifurcationdiagrams of various equations including the logistic equation, various attractors including the Henon, Lorenz and Rossler attractors, KAM tori, the Lyapunov fractal (corresponding to the Lyapunovexponents of a parametrized family of maps) and invariant sets of iterated function systems (IFS's). The program will also draw images related to Lindenmayer systems (L-systems) and cellularautomata. In short, this program will draw about any "fractal" which has appeared in popular mathematics literature. Most of the built-in functions have parameters which you can change. You can enter yourown functions into the program and study its dynamics. There is extensive online documentation which can be printed from within the program. contains the source code for fractint. contains the executable for a MS Windows version of fractint and contains the source of this executable.

Download the MSDOS program [671 KB].

Download the source code [1052 KB].

Download the Windows 3.1 program [506 KB].

Download the source code for the Windows 3.1 version, [729 KB]. Fraction ConverterFraction Converter is an educational tool which helps the user learn about the relationships between decimals, percentages and fractions. User enters a number in any of these forms and the other twoforms are calculated. In addition, a pie chart and a guage are used to display the fraction. Requires Microsoft Windows. Download [454 KB]. FractreeFracTree 1.0 is a program to design and draw fractal trees and other fractal patterns in various stages of growth. Images can be viewed on the screen, saved as bitmaps, or printed out. This program is based on a string rewriting system, L systems or Lindenmayer systems. You need Microsoft Windows 3.1 (or later) to run this program which is shareware. (modified from the documentation) Download [47 KB]. FUNCTIONSThis slide show consists of graphs of various functions.

18. sin(1/x) 19. x sin(1/x) 20. Continuous, but not differentiable 21. x and ³x³ 22. sin x and ³sin x³ 23. sin x/x 24. (1 - cos x)/x 25. a^x and its derivative 26. sin 2ãx + sin 2ãax

Download [120 KB].

FUNCTION VISUALIZERThe Function Visualizer (FV) is a software implementation of mapping diagrams, with the added feature of animation. On the left is the mapping diagram for the function: the left vertical line represents points in the domain, the right vertical line points in the range. A large number of lines are drawn in, connectingequally spaced points x in the domain with their image points f(x) in the range. If you move the mouse cursor up and down within the mapping diagram, the point x on the horizontal level of the cursoris highlighted, along with the line joining it to f(x). Simultaneously, the values of x, f(x) and f'(x) are displayed along the top of the screen, and the points (x,0), (x, f(x)) and (0, f(x)) are shown in thegraph at the upper right together with lines joining these points. The most novel feature of FV is an animation in which ALL the points in the domain move toward their images. FV may be copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes, and is copyright 1994-1995 by Northeastern University. Included is a tex document which contains an article written about the motivation behind this program and how these ideas can be used in the teaching about functions. (Modified from the documentation) Download [109 KB].

FUNNELS & BUCKETSAnswer addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems correctly before they fill your buckets. Download [34 KB]. GALTONJohn KennedyMathematics Department The GALTON program was designed to simulate an experiment in mathematical probability. The idea is derived from a board which contains several rows of staggered but equally spaced nails,named after its inventor, Francis Galton (1822-1911). Objects are dropped across this board and stack up in collection bins at its bottom. The user can control the left-right probabilities and can observeeither coins or ping-pong balls in conjunction with the board. Given the correct parameters, you can visually see how nature produces the binomial coefficients from Pascal's Triangle and their relationto a Gaussian bell-shaped normal curve. The program can also simulate coin tossing experiments with biased coins which result in skewed distributions. This program requires some form of graphicssuch as CGA or EGA or VGA hardware. The program automatically adapts to the highest graphics resolution of the hardware it finds. There is an independent tutorial file, GALTON.TXT, which is forfirst-time users. GALTON.TXT may be imported into any word processor and/or printed on any printer. (from galton.abs) Download [67 KB]. GAP

GAP (Groups, Algorithms and Programming) is a system for computational discrete algebra with particular emphasis on, but not restricted to computational group theory. Basic Functionality includeslong integer and rational arithmetic, cyclotomic fields, finite fields, residue class rings (GAP 4), p-adic numbers (GAP 4), polynomials (multivariate polynomials and rational functions in GAP 4),vectors and matrices, various combinatorial functions, elementary number theory, a wide variety of list operations. Groups can be given in various forms: for example as permutation or matrix groups (by generating elements), as finitely presented groups or as polycyclicly presented groups. GAP knows how toconstruct a number of well-known groups such as symmetric and classical groups. There is a wide variety of functions for the investigation of groups being able to compute; e.g. size, conjugacy classesof elements, derived series, composition series (including identification of the composition factors), Sylow subgroups, certain characteristic subgroups, maximal subgroups, normal subgroups,subgroup lattice, automorphism group, cohomology groups and character table. Ordinary representations (over fields of characteristic 0) are mainly investigated via their characters. GAP provides methods to compute character tables automatically from concretely given groups(e.g. permutation groups) as well as a large set of tools for calculating with (partial) characters for the interactive construction of character tables. (from documentation) Look at the list of files.Look at the notes for installation.Download gappc4r1.zoo [15915 KB]. Download html4r1.zoo (Documentation in html) [1012 KB]. Geo-mathGeo-math is a collection of several programs in geography and mathematics for students in grades one through six. The two math programs are Mathshop (ms.exe) and Math Tutor (mtutor.bas). Thelatter is a BASIC program. Both of the these programs drill the student on basic mathematical operations. Download [130 KB].GNUPLOT

Gnuplot is a command-line driven interactive function plotting utility for UNIX, MSDOS, and VMS platforms. The software is copyrighted but freely distributed (i.e., you don't have to pay for it). Itwas originally intended as graphical program which would allow scientists and students to visualize mathematical functions and data. Gnuplot handles both curves (2 dimensions) and surfaces (3dimensions). Surfaces can be plotted as a mesh fitting the specified function, floating in the 3-d coordinate space, or as a contour plot on the x-y plane. For 2-d plots, there are also many plot styles,including lines, points, lines with points, error bars, and impulses (crude bar graphs). Graphs may be labeled with arbitrary labels and arrows, axes labels, a title, date and time, and a key. The interfaceincludes command-line editing and history on most platforms. contains two MSDOS executables: a standard 8086 executable and the other which requires a card with a VESA driver. contains the necessary files for a MS Windows version of Gnuplot. contains the source code for various platforms including MSDOS, MS Windows and OS/2. contains the documentation.

(modified from the documentation)Download the MSDOS versions [552 KB]. Download the Windows version [419 KB]. Download the documentation [600 KB]. Download the source code [740 KB]. GOOGOL MATH GAMESGOOGOL MATH GAMES are a fun way for children to learn and practice their math skills. It contains three games. Each one allows the child to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, anddivision. Three difficulty levels allows children of all ages to participate. Download [166 KB]. GP-PARI FOR DOS AND OS/2GP-PARI (IMPORTANT: This port of GP-PARI is NOT supported by the authors.) PARI is a system for high speed, high precision calculation. It was designed for mathematicians doing research in number theory, but may be useful to others who have a need for computations of thistype. Included are functions to work with polynomials, matrices, vectors, sums, products, power series, etc. There is extensive documentation in TeX format. This is a port of the gp-pari system using Eberhard Mattes' emx development package for OS/2 and DOS. It is in no way supported by Henri Cohen or the other authors of gp-pari. This port requires atleast a 386 processor and a 387 coprocessor (or a 486DX) to run. It will run under DOS 3.3 or higher, and under OS/2 2.0 or higher. Under DOS, it does not support DPMI, and hence does not rununder Microsoft Windows. PARI includes a library of C functions and a standalone front end, the GP calculator. This archive includes a compiled version of GP.EXE and the full source for the library. (To be precise, this is thesource for the "portable" version of the system; we have not included those files specific to other systems, such as the files using the 68020 assembly language.) There should be no difficulty in usingthe library with emx and the gcc compiler. This version of GP is offered with no guarantees whatsoever, and no promise of support. (modified from the README.1ST file) Download [824 KB]. GRAF-IT!GRAF-IT! v2.0 plots functions and inequalities of functions, as well as solves systems of inequalities. The most powerful feature of all, the reason GRAF-IT! was written, is the inequality feature.GRAF-IT! will not only graph inequalities of functions, it will graph the solution to a system of inequalities with a one key command. (modified from the documentation) Download [64 KB]. GRAPH THEORYThis self-extracting program will allow you to experiment with undirected, unweighted graphs. It can also decide whether a graph is planar, connected, has an Euler circuit, Euler path, or Hamiltoncycle. The graph can have up to 26 vertices. Download graph.exe [211 KB]. GraphDrawGraphDraw 3.0 is a function plotting program which also draws the first derivative. Integrating, drawing of tangent lines, finding zeros and parity of those functions are some other features supportedby this program. There are 25 elementary functions available that could be composed and used with 5 operators and two constants. GraphDraw 3.0 is auser-friendly program with a graphics interface.This is a shareware package with some of the features disabled. (modified from the documentation) Download [88 KB]. GraphmaticaGraphmatica is an equation plotter which supports five types of planar graphs (including polar, parametric, logarithmic, inequalites and limited implicit plots), plots planar vector fields and solutions ofthe corresponding differential equations, unlimited graphs on screen at once, saving setup information and lists of equations, flexible grid labeling, lock-on coordinate cursor and several ways to resizethe grid. Its calculus options include symbolic differentiation, drawing of tangent lines, and numerical integration (you use a mouse to select points and areas). Offers on-line help and demonstrationfiles. is the DOS version (3.60), is the Microsoft Windows 3.1 version (1.60), and is the 32 bit or win32 version (1.60). This is a fully functional sharewarepackage. Download the DOS version [189 KB]. Gravitational Orbits DesignerGraphical simulatation of motion of objects using Newton's law of gravitation using user supplied parameters and placements of suns and planets. Download [93 KB]. HISTOGRAMSThis program will calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation of a data set. It will also generate a histogram, a bar chart, a box and whisker plot, and a stem and leaf plot. A mouse can be usedwith this program. (modified from the documentation) Download [172 KB]. IDENTIFY THE FUNCTIONThis program will see whether you can identify polynomials, rationals, trig functions, exponentials, and logs. The program gives clues by graphing the function and by evaluating the function at aparticular point. The computer will graph a function selected from its bank of functions. You are to identify that function. Download [185 KB]. IMPLICIT FUNCTIONSThis program tries to plot implicit functions of the form f(x,y) = c. Thus it can be used to plot implicit functions, defined by f(x,y) = 0, together with contour lines (level surfaces) of the function z =f(x,y). Download [191 KB]. INTERACTIVE DEMONSTRATIONS AND TEACHING AIDSA collection of seven miscellaneous programs: Grid, Polar Grid (draws rectangular and polar grids resp., then these grids can be projected onto a screen), Trig 1, Trig 2, Trig 3 (graphicallydemonstrates the definitions of the trig functions), x^n sin(1/x) (animated display of tangent lines to these curves), and Polygons (draws regular polygons in a circle and calculates area and perimeter). Download [329 KB]. INTERPOLATIONThis program will plot a data set together with various interpolations, viz. piecewise linear, piecewise quadratic, Lagrange interpolation, and cubic splines. Sample data sets are provided. Download [174 KB]. ISETLISETL (Interactive SET Language) is an interactive mathematical language, based on the mathematical notion of a set (finite). It was developed at Clarkson University by Gary Levin. ISETL supportsthe following simple data types: integer, floating-point, boolean, string, atom, file, undefined, and the compound data types: set, tuple, map, func. All objects are "first-class" in the sense that they canbe passed into functions and returned by functions. For more information, consult the references:

Nancy Baxter, Ed Dubinsky, Gary Levin, "Learning Discrete Mathematics with ISETL", Springer Verlag (NY), 1989. Donald L. Muench, "ISETL-Interactive Set Language", Notices of American Math. Society, (37),3, March 1990, 277-279.

Download [136 KB] which contains the executable file. Download [37 KB] which contains some documentation. Download [193 KB] which contains the source code. ISETL Probability Package A collection of ISETL routines which can be used to run simulations in an elementary probability class. For example, there are simulations for flipping coins, cards, coin tossing, etc. The author hasprovided a collection of assignments for student together with the solutions of these assignments. Supplementary materials are also provided. This is a self-extracting file. Download prob_ise.exe [85 KB]. ITERATE For the study of discrete dynamical systems, there are eight major iteration routines available, called Numerical Iterates, Plot Iterates, Successive Iterates, Graphical Analysis, Attractors,Density Distribution Analysis, Initial Data Depen- dence, and Orbit Diagrams. Example functions and student projects provided. Download [209 KB]. Iterate! Draws the orbits of mappings of the plane to itself. You can use one of the built-in functions or enter your own. Shareware program. Download [175 KB]. JKGRAPHJKGRAPH is a Microsoft WINDOWS program for graphing and analyzing graphs of various kinds of functions that students are likely to encounter in either a pre-calculus or first year calculus course.JKGRAPH uses four distinct function groups which include standard rectangular functions in the form Y=F(X), polar functions in the form R=F(@), parametric functions in the form X=F(T) andY=G(T), and polar parametrized functions in the form R=F(T) and @=G(T). JKGRAPH can perform integration (numerically and graphically) by several different ways: lower, midpoint, and upper

Riemann sums; Trapezoid and Simpson's rule; Gaussian quadrature and Romburg. In particular, one can view the area between two graphs in any of the four function groups. This program will alsocalculate (numerically and graphically) arc length, extrema, volumes (by both disks and cylinders), surface area and the user can apply Newton's Method or the Bisection Method to find the zeroes.The user can also enter a Tangent/Normal/Graph trace mode in which they can move a tangent line, normal line or a point along the graph to study the variations of these quantities along the curve. Ateach point on the curve the tangent line equation (or normal) and the coordinates of the point of tangency (normality) are given. A tutorial file is provided. This program combines the features of the MSDOS programs POLAR, PARAM and POLPM which are contained in and YFUNX which is contained in into a single programwhich runs under Windows 3.1 and Windows95. Download [509 KB]. JKMATHJKMATH is a four program package which includes: MATRIX, YFUNX, GALTON, and XPRES. The MATRIX program teaches row operation algorithms, and matrix arithmetic. MATRIX can work with either fractions or decimals. In addition, MATRIX can find complete solutions to systems oflinear equations, compute determinants, inverses, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and sets of basis vectors, as well as apply the Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization process. The YFUNX program is designed to graph and analyze functions of the form Y=F(X). YFUNX can perform integration (numerically and graphically) by several different ways: lower, midpoint, andupper Riemann sums; Trapezoid and Simpson's rule; Gaussian quadrature and Romburg. This program will also calculate (numerically and graphically) arc length, extrema, volumes (by both disks andcylinders) and the user can apply Newton's Method to find the zeroes. The GALTON program provides motivation and experimentation with the Galton box in the study of binomial probability distributions. The user can modifiy the probabilities and interchange betweencoins and ping pong balls to help calculate probabilities. Statistics about each run are provided. The XPRES program has extended precision arithmetic on integers. This program will calculate, using up to 20,000 digits of accuracy, sums, products, quotients, powers, factorials, combinations, andpermutations. The interface is in the format of a calculator with stacks, memory, etc. Tutorials are provided for each of the programs. Each of these programs are available separately on the Mathematics Archives; in addition many of the other programs mentioned in the readme files are also available. Download [489 KB]. K7k7 is a high precision calculator program that uses text input. It evaluates algrebraic expressions and has a crude "programming" capability. Its precision is variable up to 270 binary bits and 60 decimaldigits, beyond the capability of a 80X87 floating point processor. k7 comes in two versions: a non-Windows version which has its own fixed size windows, and a Windows 3.1 and 95 version. Download [213 KB].KLUTZY MATHChildren solve problems with Klutzy the Clown. Klutzy guides children through addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems. Lots of fun for children grades 1-4. Download [49 KB]. Knox PackagesKnoxPackages is a collection of Mathematica packages which contains many commands developed for teaching functions (precalculus), calculus, multivariable calculus, and linear algebra. In additionare two Mathematica notebooks which illustrate the use of these commands. The calculus package is graphically oriented. The following is a list of commands which names give a pretty good idea of what they achieve:

PlotJump, PlotInverse, NewListPlot, PlotTangentLine, PlotDerivative, PlotNewton, PlotArea, PlotIntegral, SurfaceOfRevolution, VolumeOfRevolution, ParaSurfaceOfRevolution,ParaVolumeOfRevolution, PolarPlot, DirPolarPlot, DirParametricPlot, PlotVector, PlotTangentVector, PlotTaylorPoly, LUSumPlot, PlotLeftApprox, PlotLeftApproxR,PlotLowerApprox, PlotLowerApproxR, PlotMidpointApprox, PlotMidpointApproxR, PlotRiemannApprox, PlotRiemannApproxR, PlotRightApprox, PlotRightApproxR,PlotSimpsonApprox, PlotTrapApprox, PlotTrapApproxR, PlotUpperApprox, PlotUpperApproxR, PlotPlane, PlotSeveralSurfaces, ParametricPlot3D, PlotVector3D,PlotTangentVector3D, PlotCylinder, PlotCylinderSurface, PlotSectionSurface, ParaPlotSectionSurface, PlotCurveSurface, ParaPlotCurveSurface, PlotTangentPlane,ParaPlotTangentPlane, CylindricalPlot, SphericalPlot, LevelCurve, PlotConstraint, ParaPlotConstraint, Grad, Hessian, Laplacian, Divergence, Curl, JacobianMatrix,

The linear algebra package contains the following commands:

PivotColumns, ColumnSpace, Rank, RowSpace, AppendRow, GramSchmidt, NDot, NFunctionDot, WeightedDot, NWeightedDot, ComplexDot, NComplexDot, Project,LeastSquaresSoln, DiagQuad, NDiagQuad, CompleteSquare, HilbertMatrix, RandomVector, RandomMatrix, RandomSymmetricMatrix, RandomTriangularMatrix,RandomOrthogonalMatrix, RandomNonsingularMatrix, RandomSingularMatrix, RandomPermutationMatrix

KWIKSTAT Statistical Data AnalysisKWIKSTAT 4.0 performs data analysis for scientific and business data. It was a 1992 SIA winner, was created by and is maintained and supported by professional statistical consultants. Includestutorials and help on "How to select the proper procedure to use." Uses dBASE III and IV files, can import ASCII, comma delimited and 1-2-3 files. Windows-like menu interface. Data analysisprocedures include descriptive statistics, t-tests, chi-square, analysis of variance with multiple comparisons, simple and multiple regression, graphs, crosstabulations, non-parametric procedures, lifetables, survival analysis and more. Graphs include histograms, barcharts, scatterplots, time series plots and more. Noted author Michael Callahan calls it "The Ultimate in Statistics, no program I'veseen beats KWIKSTAT." PC Week calls it the "Numbers Game Winner." Author John Sweeny says, "KWIKSTAT is God's answer to SPSS. It's simple to use, fast, cheap and powerful." Sharewarepackage. Support: Registered user receives 3 months phone support, Compuserve support on 70721, 3145. Receives latest version, a 300+ page printed manual, newsletter, information on upgrades and on otherproducts. Requires: Hard Disk (requires about 2M.) Requires 512K RAM. EGA or VGA or higher required. Can run in a DOS window using MS Windows 3.1. (modified from the documentation) Download [1397 KB]. LAB STATSLabStats is a Microsoft Windows based statistical package which has been written using Visual Basic and enhanced functions provided with Microhelp's VBTools. A number of analytical tests, divided into parametric and non-parametric methods, are provided. Where 't' and 'F' values are calculated, the exact probabilities will also be determined. Tests currentlyavailable include:-

Mean, SE, SD and %CV Unpaired t-test Paired t-test 1 x ANOVA 2 x ANOVA Linear regression Comparison of regression lines (by ANOCoVA) Mann Whitney U-test Wilcoxon rank pairs test Chi Square test Kruskal Wallis ranked ANOVA Spearman rank correlation

This program includes a spreadsheet for data entry or viewing. Data copied from Excel can be pasted directly into this spreadsheet. The library vbrun200.dll is not provided in the file and should be downloaded separately. If you are using Windows 3.0 you will need an additional file called Commdlg.dll which isavailable free from Microsoft. This program is distributed as Shareware. (modified from the documentation) Download Laplace Equation in 2 DimensionsLAPLACE solves Laplace's equation in two dimensions, with Dirichlet boundary conditions on arbitrary boundaries. LAPLACE calculates the potentials on a rectangular equally spaced grid of W * Hpoints ranging from XMIN to XMAX and from YMIN to YMAX. The user may use switch options to initialize these six parameters. C source code is included. This is one of two programs (the other program is an accounting program) contained in the PC/Blue Library, compiled and distributed by the New York Amateur Computer Club, Inc, Box 3442,Church St Station, New York, NY 10008. (modified from the documentation) Download [322 KB]. Larry's Learning Math MachineLarry's Learning Math Machine is a Microsoft Windows program which can be used to learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of integers. The user enters the problem and then theanswer and the program indicates whether the answer is right or wrong. Nice graphics. This is a shareware package which demonstrates only the addition and subtraction features. Download [942 KB]. LATEBLIGHTLate blight is a disease of potatoes and tomatoes caused by the fungus Phytophthora infestans. This is a simulation of this disease which was adapted from the simulation originally written by J. A.Bruhn et al. (1980) and modified in various ways over the years by different people working in the research program of W. E. Fry, Department of Plant Pathology, Cornell University. The authors haveattempted to retain as much as possible the original structure of the model, but some small modifications have been necessary to enhance its pedagogical value. Download [120 KB]. Look at the readme file from the programLGSOLVThe main problem for programmers working witn large matrices is how to keep them in computer's memory. Being written in a disk-storage, matrix involves a lot of disk exchanges, because allMatrix-Algorithms use it "row-by-row" and "column-by-column" at the same time. Here we're proposing an original modification of known Gauss method for pivot element elimination that usesinternal rows-transposition-vector and works with matrix strictly "col-by-col". Our algorithm factorizes the source matrix so that created factor-matrix may be used several times for quick solution of Linear System with any Right Parts. LGSOLV consist of several FORTRAN-written functions, described in README.DOC file. The file DEMOTEST.EXE is given as example of using LGSOLV.

This is shareware. (modified from lgsolv1.inf) Download [58 KB]. LILTMATHLiltmath is a drill program testing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It is designed for ages 6 through 12. Download [36 KB]. LIMITSThis program will try to find the limits of f(x) as x goes to a, where a can be finite or infinite. Numerical demonstration in which the program starts one unit away from the the point a and then choosesanother point in between the new point |a-1| and a. This can be repeated up to 30 iterations. Both right and left hand limits can be evaluated as well as two sided limits. Download [189 KB]. LINE INTEGRAL This program will graph functions of the form y = f(x), functions of the form x = g(y), polar equations of the form r = r(t), where t is the angle, as well as parametric equations of the form x = x(t), y =y(t). Up to nine equations can be plotted. It also computes line integrals over these curves. You can use a mouse in this program. This is a part of the Mathematics Toolkits Software developed at the University of Arizona. Download [211 KB]. Linear AlgebraPackage to be used in first course of linear algebra or matrix algebra. Manipulation of matrices and vectors. This program computes the standard matrix operations(i.e. row operations, sum, difference,scalar multiples, matrix product, transpose, inverse, powers, determinants, linear equations, eigenvalues, reduced row echelon form, and similarity transformations. This program also deals with vectoroperations(i.e. sum, difference, scalar multiples, inner product, cross product, linear dependence, and the Gramm-Schmidt process. Sample homework assignments and projects are provided. Download [261 KB]. LINEAR SYSTEMS This program allows you to solve graphically linear systems of equations in two unknowns. This program also gives numerical solutions, in fractional and decimal form, of the system of equations. (adapted from the documentation) Download [211 KB]. LINSOLVELINSOLVE solves linear programming ('LP') problems interactively. LINSOLVE can also be used to solve linear GOAL programming problems. For more details, look at the readme file. The currentmaximum capacity of a registered program is 120 decision variables, 80 constraints, and 10 objectives. The public domain version will not handle more than 25 decision variables. LINSOLV40.EXE isa 40 column mode of LINSOLVE which can be used with an overhead projector in a classroom setting. You give your problem in an 'as is' facsimile format from a file or keyboard. The program will ask your choices for the options available. You have the choice of maximizing or minimizing, and evenprinting out the Simplex-tableaux should you so wish. LINSOLVE optionally performs a sensitivity analysis on the coefficients of the objective function, and the right-hand sides of the constraints. LINSOLVE applies the two-stage Simplex-method. (adapted from the documentation) Download [114 KB]. LINSYS LINSYS is a Turbo Pascal program that solves linear systems. The systems can be determined or not (homogeneous, etc.). If the system is not determined, then is given its general solution. Themaximum number of equations and variables allowed is 20. It is possible to work with rational numbers. This is a small part of the Computational Linear Algebra Project. (adapted from linsys.doc) Download [37 KB]. LOGIC ASSISTThis tutor is designed to introduce the student to elementary logic. It covers Aristotelian and Symbolic logic. Includes text to study and exercises to practice. Download [71 KB]. LOGICAL GAMES AND PUZZLESThese three self-extracting files contain a number of logical and mathematical games and puzzles some of which can be used to illustrate mathematical ideas to students in grade 6 and above. Thefollowing is a list of the games and puzzles in each file together with the mathematical concept which is illustrated in that game or puzzle. logic.exe (Version 1.07)

Factor Game - Factors of numbers Factor Game for 2 - Factors of numbers Flower - Sums of numbers Secret Sentence - Inequalities Hurkle 1 - Coordinates and compass directions Hurkle 2 Get Point - Coordinates Get Point - Random Rainbow Logic Blackbox Mastermind Not One - Probability

logic2.exe (Version 1.06) Prime Number Game - Prime numbers 3 Digits Lockers Add and Multiply - Final numbers Reverse Coin Swap Coin Piles Slither 1 - Patterns of numbers Slither 2 - " Slither 3 - " Slither 4 - " Word Arithmetic - Long division and codes Quadratic Bingo - Factors of a quadratic Grocery Bingo - Multiplication

logic3.exe (Version 1.01) Number Puzzle - Find a number from clues Tax Collector - Factors Beans Think-A-Dot

Download logic.exe [307 KB]. Download logic2.exe [327 KB]. Download logic3.exe [133 KB]. LOGISTIC.EXE LOGISTIC plots, and lets you zoom into, the bifurcation diagram of the logistic equation. It is a shareware program which runs under Microsoft Windows 3.0 (or later) which is required. (adapted from the documentation) Download [14 KB]. LP100LP100 is a linear programming optimizer developed for either maximizing or minimizing small to medium sized mathematical programming problems in which all the relationships between variablesare linear. It finds a BEST feasible solution to any continuous or all-integer constrained optimization problem of this type and reports on the activities and levels required to maximize profit orminimize cost. LP100 also reports on alternate optima, shadow prices, and ranges over which the shadow prices are valid and also ranges over which profit/cost inputs and right-hand-side (RHS)values can vary without altering the solution. LP100 is shareware. (from the documentation) Download [210 KB]. M A T H P L O TMathplot is a mathematical function plotting system which allows you to enter functions using ordinary algebraic notation and immediately plot them. Cartesian, polar, and parametric functions aresupported, and up to four functions may be displayed simultaneously. A variety of built-in functions are provided. Plotting commands may be executed from command files. Mathplot is a "shareware"product. (modified from the documentation)

MAFIA (Math And Fun International Association)A potpourri of programs; applications of various algorithms to give numerical solutions to various problems. Menu items include: Plot a given function, solve for a zero of a given function,find min/max point of a given function, compute a finite or infinite summation, evaluate a function for given argument(s), plot tabulated data points from a file, compute Weighted-Least-

Square Fit of a given function, compute Weighted-Least-Square Fit for tabulated data points, take the product of two matrices, find the transpose and inverse of a matrix, rotate the vector A,solve system of N first order O.D.E.: Yi' = F(X,Yj) (i,j = 0,1,..,N-1), solve N-th order O.D.E., e.g: Y''' = F(X,Y0,Y1,Y2) (the method used for all I.C. problems is the Bulirsch_Stoerintegration procedure with 4-th order Runge-Kutta step taken at points of non-convergence), a programable calculator, numerical integration of a function using iterative methods (Romberg'smethod, Adaptive Gauss-Legendre Quadrature), numerical integration of a function using various Gauss Quadratures (Legendre Quadrature, Chebyshev Quadrature, Laguerre Quadrature,Hermite Quadrature), and analytical integration of one of the functions stored in the intergration database. Requires the use of some listing program and some plotting program. zlist.exe and plot.exe are provided. The solutions of differential equations are written to a data file which can then be plotted. Download [417 KB].

MASTER-GRAPHMASTER-GRAPH (tm) is a very easy to use pubic domain 2d graph plotting program. It offers high-school pupils and college/university students a very flexible way to analyse different graphs forvarious purposes. (modified from the documentation) Download [127 KB]. MATH CASTLEDefend your castle using basic math skills. This game allows the child to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in a fun way. Recommended for children 6 & up. Download [108 KB]. Math Made EasyMATH MADE EASY drills students on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to children in grades 1-8. Download [219 KB]. MATH MAZEMath Maze is a strategy/adventure game where you search a 10x10 grid for eight cash prizes to be stored in any of three safes. Numbers are picked up along the way which allow you to open certaindoors. Combine the numbers using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to open the doors. There are five levels of play and a different maze each you play. (taken from MATHMAZE.DOC) Download [20 KB]. Math PakMulti-purpose calculator which also includes

hexidecimal and octal from decimal conversions binary to decimal conversions quadratic formula area of a circle area of a triangle metric to U.S. conversions U.S. to metric conversions polar to rectangular and rectangular to polar conversions finding the equation and slope of a line finding the intersection point of two non parallel lines determinants

(modified from MATHPAK.DOC) Download [91 KB]. Math PracticeThis program provides practice in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Shareware. Download [95 KB]. MATH STRATEGIESAimed at children age 5 and older, the program guides children through problems in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and number recognition. Students run, shoot and blast to get throughthe doors, mazes and teleporters that stand in their way. They get immediate feedback as they solve the math problems they encounter, with the correct answer displayed in words and as a mathequation. (taken from ARTICLE.TXT) Download [247 KB]. MATH WORKSHEET GENERATORMATH WORKSHEET GENERATOR is a useful tool for math teachers grades 1-8. It generates and prints worksheets to practice basic arithmetical skills. Generate worksheets using four types ofnumbers: whole numbers, integers, decimals, and fractions. Operations include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Download [73 KB]. Math WorkshopMath Workshop uses a variety of puzzles and games to reinforce math concepts such as number operations, estimation, fractions, patterns, and geometry. Many activities also provide practice inproblem solving and logical reasoning. (from

MathcadMathcad is advertised "You use it the same way you learned how to do mathematical calculations in the first place: on a scratchpad." You enter text, equations, functions, matrices, etc. in free form ndanswers are calculated automatically. Standard functions, matrices, statistical functions, curve-fitting, two and three dimensional plots, Fourier transforms, solving up to 50 simulataneous linear andnonlinear equations and inequalities with up to 50 variables, iterations, numerical integration and differentiation are features to both the DOS version 2.5 (demo contained in and the MSWindows version 4.0 (demo contained in There are symbolic capabilities in the latter version (contains the core functions of Maple's symbolic engine for deriving and simplifyingformulas) which permits symbolic expanding, factoring, differentiation, integration, solution for a variable, substitute for a variable, expand to series, conver to partial fractions, etc. The GettingStarted Handbook shows you some of the exciting things which can be done with the MS Windows version of Mathcad; to start this handbook, run the program and choose the item Getting Startedfrom the Help menu. An IBM compatible computer with 512K RAM is needed to run the DOS version and an 80386 or higher IBM compatible with at least 4 MB of memory and MS Windows version 3.1 or later isneeded to run the MS WIndows version. As would be expected with a demo a number of features of the program are disabled but there are a large number which are enabled to give the user a feel of the program. Download [138 KB]. Download [1057 KB]. MATHCOUNTS 1+2MATHCOUNTS 1+2 is a graphics-based tutorial for 1st and 2nd grades. It covers counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, telling time, word problems, fractions, and more; includes recordkeeping. (taken from MC12VEND.DOC) Download [88 KB]. MATHCOUNTS 3+4MATHCOUNTS 3+4 is a graphics-based tutorial for 3rd and 4th grades. It covers counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, estimation, word problems, fractions, decimals, and more. Italso includes record keeping, context-sensitive remedial work, and automatic beginner's mode. (taken from MC34VEND.DOC) Download [112 KB].

MATHERMather is a different kind of game/learning tool. This program allows the user to win prizes by answering problems in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. When the problems areanswered correctly, the questions become tougher and the prizes become bigger. (taken from README.TXT) Download [54 KB].MathgrafMathgraf is a shareware Microsoft Windows program which displays the graphs of functions. Download [37 KB]. MathomaticThis is a symbolic mathematics program with which one can manipulate rational functions. Some of the features include factoring, substitution, solving for roots, differentiation, taylor seriesexpansion, graphing, etc. All rational numbers are treated as real numbers. This is a shareware package. The regular package includes other operations as integration and prime number tools. Download [144 KB]MATHPADMathPad is a scientific calculator for IBM computers and compatibles. This software includes all basic math functions plus full trigonometric capability. It performs exponential and logarithmicfunctions, vector dot and cross products, and much more. Download [64 KB].MATHSHOPMATHSHOP is a program drilling children in the fundamentals of addition, subtraction, multiplication, fractions, etc. The level of difficulty can be set by the user and the timing clock can also be setby the child. The program will drill the child in the type of math chosen and will reward with music and words. At the end of each drill a report card is issued with the number of correct and incorrectanswers and the grade average for the drill. This program supports color (EGA, CGA), and mono (MDA, HERCULES). This is shareware.

(Modified from MATHSHOP.DOC) Download [52 KB].MathtoolThis program enables the user to define functions of one variable and then do various operations on the functions. Once the function f is defined then the program will evaluate f at a point or a range ofpoints. The program also differentiates f at a particular point and will evaluate the definite integral using Simpson's rule. Mathtool will also solve the equation f(x)=0 and will then let you graph up tofive functions at the same time. Download from tethys.rz.uni-osnabrueck.deMathViews for Windows/32MathViews is a comprehensive, easy to use, fully interactive scientific and engineering environment for: Matrix and array algebra, signal processing, 2D and 3D graphics for data visualization. MathViews serves as a calculator, analysis tool, graphics package and application development system combined into one powerful application. MathViews provides a comprehensive set of operators and functions for performing real and complex vector and matrix operations, 1D and 2D FFTs, convolutions, correlations and data manipulation (modified from author's announcement) Download [633 KB]. MathViews for Windows/32MathViews is a comprehensive, easy to use, fully interactive scientific and engineering environment for: Matrix and array algebra, signal processing, 2D and 3D graphics for data visualization. MathViews serves as a calculator, analysis tool, graphics package and application development system combined into one powerful application. MathViews provides a comprehensive set of operators and functions for performing real and complex vector and matrix operations, 1D and 2D FFTs, convolutions, correlations and data manipulation (modified from author's announcement) Download [633 KB]. MATLABMATLAB is a technical computing environment for high-performance numeric computation and visualization. MATLAB integrates numerical analysis, matrix computation, signal processing, andgraphics in an easy-to-use environment where problems and solutions are expressed just as they are written mathematically - without traditional programming. The name MATLAB stands for matrix laboratory. MATLAB was originally written to provide easy access to matrix software developed by the LINPACK and EISPACK projects, which togetherrepresent the state of the art in software for matrix computation. (from Look at the citations for published reviews of the program. Matrices and Linear Equations Programs


Solves up to 30 simultaneous linear equations in 30 unknowns.


Calculates the inverse and the determinant of a square matrix.


Multiplication of two matrixes

(adapted from the documentation) Download [64 KB]. Matrix CalculatorPerforms elementary matrix operations quickly and easily. It has menu driven routines for finding inverses, determinants, matrix multiplication and addition and a number of other operations. It allowsthe user to save matrices in either binary or text formats, making it easy to import/export to spreadsheet programs. Free for educational use. (modified from news announcement) Download [40 KB]. MATRIX PACKAGEA package of C++ procedures which is intented for scientists and engineers who need to manipulate a variety of types of matrices using standard matrix operations. Emphasis is on the kind ofoperations needed in statistical calculations such as least squares, linear equation solve and eigenvalues. The package supports classes Matrix, UpperTriangularMatrix, LowerTriangularMatrix,DiagonalMatrix, SymmetricMatrix, BandMatrix, UpperBandMatrix, LowerBandMatrix, SymmetricBandMatrix, RowVector, ColumnVector. Only one element type is supported. The package includesthe operations *, +, -, inverse, transpose, conversion between types, submatrix, determinant, Cholesky decomposition, Householder triangularisation, singular value decomposition, symmetriceigenvalue analysis, fast Fourier transform, sort, print, an interface to "Numerical Recipes in C" programs, and an emulation of exceptions. (adapted from NEWMAT.TXT and author's announcement) Download [123 KB]. Matrix ProgramThe MATRIX program is designed to perform and to teach row operation algorithms on matrices. The program can work in a decimal floating-point mode in which calculations are carried out to 18significant digits, or it can work in a fraction mode with exact rational arithmetic. The fraction mode is more useful for instructional purposes while the decimal mode is more appropriate for scientificor engineering applications. You can easily switch between fractions and decimals at any time. The program can find complete solutions to systems of linear equations, can compute determinants andinverses of matrices, and solve standard and non-standard Linear Programming problems, and can perform some special algorithms which include the Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization process, andthe calculation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The program can calculate sets of basis vectors for the kernel, range, and row space of a matrix. The inter-matrix operations include addition,subtraction, and multiplication of matrices as well as scalar multiplication. The program provides easy entry and editing of matrices which may be up to 20x20 in size. Matrices may be re-dimensionedand rows and columns can easily be inserted or deleted. Matrices may be saved to and/or read from disk files. A mouse is recommended but is also optional. Each matrix occupies a window and asmany as 9 overlapping windows may be open on the desktop at once. This program works in a text display mode only and does not require any graphics hardware. There is context sensitive help in thefile MATRIX.HLP which normally must reside in the same subdirectory as MATRIX.EXE. There is an independent tutorial file, MATRIX.TXT, which is for first-time users. MATRIX.TXT may beimported into any word processor and/or printed on any printer. (from matrix.abs) Download [157 KB]. Mat-X V4.1 VECTORS, LINEAR ALGEBRA AND MORE This program can be regarded as a calculator which will provide the user the answers to a number of varied problems using computations involving vectors (angle between vectors, projection of avector onto vector, length of vector, vector product), matrices (addition, subtraction and multiplication, determinant, echelon form, inverses, etc.), intersection of lines, roots of a polynomial, financialcalculations, probability, area, volume and circumference, and the calculus of polynomials. Many of the results can be graphically displayed. Program is available in both Danish and English. Mat-X is a shareware-program. Download [98 KB]. MercuryMercury is a shareware program for solving equations on the IBM PC. With it, you can

evaluate mathematical expressions. solve for the roots of an equation. solve a system of equations. maximize or minimize a function, with or without constraints. evaluate derivatives and definite integrals. plot one or more functions. print a report or a graph.

Mercury is an update of Borland's Eureka 1.0 for the IBM PC. (abstracted from the README and MANUAL files) Download [296 KB]. MGLAB.FORMGLAB.FOR is a tutorial multigrid program. It solves elliptic boundary values in one dimension. The user may choose various multigrid cycles, transfer operators, smoothing methods, and nestediteration end defect correction. Cell-centered and vertex-centered discretization and multigrid is included. Documentation is included in the program. The program is written in portable FORTRAN-77,and has run on MS-DOS PC's and Unix mainframes. The methods used are fully described in the following book: An Introduction to Multigrid Methods, Wiley, Chichester, 1992 by P.Wesseling.

MGLAB.FOR is the FORTRAN source of the tutorial multigrid program. MGLAB.DAT is an example of an input file. MGLAB.RES is the corresponding output.

(from Download mglab.tar.Z [46 KB]. MicroCalcMicroCalc is divided into three separate modules;

27. Beginning Calculus (with 18 separate programs to graph functions, study limits, difference quotients, impilicit differentiation, Riemann sums, integration, solids of revolution, etc.) 28. Intermediate Calculus (with 20 separate programs to utilize the bisection method, Newton-Raphson's method, graph polar curves, parametric curves, Taylor Polynomials, conic sections,

differential equations, phase plane, systems of ODE's, etc.)

29. Advanced Calculus (with 19 separate programs to graph functions of two variables, partial derivatives, contours, Lagrange multipliers, surfaces, multiple integrals, power series,trigonometric series, Laplace's equation, etc.)

Look at the citations for published reviews of the programMIDSHIPMAN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS PROGRAMMDEP is a program developed at the United States Naval Academy for use in differential equations and other applied mathematics courses. It provides:

30. Plotting of explicit solutions to differential equations that are obtained analytically. 31. Contour plotting of implicit solutions. 32. Plotting of approximate solutions to differential equations obtained by any of four numerical methods. 33. Plotting of solutions to systems of differential and difference equations either against the time parameter or against each other. 34. Graphing of difference equations either in "staircase" form or against the index. 35. Graphing of functions defined by Fourier series. 36. Numerical integration and root-finding.

(from the Manual which is available from the author) Download [300 KB]. MINI-COMPUTERThis program provides children with a graphical means of performing math. It teaches the concepts of different number bases, carrying and borrowing while working with small numbers, at an earlyage. Identification, addition, subtraction, and multiplication exercises are provided. (taken from README.TXT) Download [47 KB]. MINIMATMinimat is a public domain implementation of a subset of the language of the commercial package Matlab (Mathworks / Prentice Hall) designed for the purpose of teaching elementary linear algebrato undergraduates. It can be used in conjunction with the author's textbook, Linear Algebra using MINImal-MATlab. Download [124 KB]. MLAB MLAB, (for Modeling LABoratory), is a program for interactive mathematical and statistical modeling. MLAB was originally developed at the National Institutes of Health. It includes curve-fitting,differential equations, statistics and graphics as some of its major capabilities. MLAB provides more than thirty command types and more than four hundred built-in functions from the areas of elementary mathematics, transcendental functions, probability and statistics, linearalgebra, optimization, cluster analysis, combinatorics, numeric input/output, and graphics. The usual low-level functions, e.g., sine, cosine, log, etc., are present, as well as functions performing morecomplex analyses, such as singular value decomposition, discrete Fourier transforms, solution of differential equation systems, and constrained non-linear optimization, among many others. Asubstantial collection of statistically-oriented functions, such as most common distribution functions and their inverses, are included. (taken from Applications: algebraic models, autoregression models, boundary-value problems, cluster analysis, contour maps, curve-fitting, data manipulation, deconvolution, definite integrals, delay terms, descriptive statistics,differential equations, differential equation-defined models, distribution function estimation, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, Fourier transforms, function evaluation, histograms, implicit function models,initial-value problems, integration, least-squares minimization, linear regression, matrix algebra, modeling, multiple regression, non-linear regression, publication quality plotting, random numbers,rank values, recursive functions, rootfinding, singular value decomposition, smoothing, spline interpolation, stable sorting, stiff differential equations, summation, surface interpolation, symbolicdifferentiation, Voronoi diagrams, weighted curve fitting, weight estimation, 2D and 3D graphics, survival analysis, tests of hypothesis, power calculations, moving quantiles, convex hulls, minimalspanning trees. Look at the citations for published reviews of the program. Models for WindowsModels is a tool for defining and visualizing self-referential mathematical models, including dynamical systems and differential equations. Look at the citations for published reviews of the program. Review of Models from the QUANTITATIVE CURRICULUM FOR LIFE SCIENCE STUDENTS. MOM'S MATHMOM'S MATH V4.0 is a fun math game for children in grades 1-8. It has several different games that vary in topic. Topics include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and prealgebra math. Download [143 KB].MPQSHDMPQSHD(for 80386 computers) is a prime factorization program for the numbers of over 80 digits. The method is the multiple polynomial quadratic sieve. The program can be interrupted and thenrestarted. (adapted from mpqshd.doc) Download [35 KB]. MULTIPLICATIONMultiplication is one of the Math Basics series which features a three stage learning process:

37. Watch the computer do a problem 38. Try it yourself 39. Practice (scored)

The numbers in the problems are randomly generated insuring a wide variety of problems. Worksheet generators are also on the disk. (taken from READ.ME) Download [137 KB].Multiplication ProblemsPractice set of multiplication problems. Numbers 6-10. Download [47 KB]. Multiplication TablesPractice set of multiplication problems. This is a BASIC program. Download [2 KB]. Natural Language MathematicsCalculus Tutorial Demo This is a fully operational demonstration program which is a tutorial for calculus. The program randomly generates problems in the user specified topic. If the user gets an incorrect answer then theuser is told to try the problem again. If the second answer is incorrect then the program shows the procedure to obtain the correct solution. What is significant about this program is that the user neednot put the answer in any special form; any form of the correct answer is accepted. The topics covered in the demonstration are:

Limits Continuity Differentiation Applications

Download the self-extracting Windows (3.1, 95 and NT) version calctut.exe [397 KB]. NETWRK4: A Package of Computer Algorithms to Analyze Ecological Flow NetworksSometime during the mid-1970's it became apparent that ecological modeling in the form of a set of coupled, deterministic differential equations was not going to be the panacea for analyzing wholeecosystems. In the search for alternative methods of describing the behavior of total ecosystems, various computations performed on the underlying network of flows have figured prominently (SCOR,1981). The intention in writing these subroutines has been to collect the various algorithms into a single large program which allows an investigator to choose that analysis which best serves his needs.It is also hoped that by comparing the results of different methods (sometimes operating at different levels of aggregation) new insights will appear which would not have been possible by confiningone's attention to a single approach. Four types of analyses are performed by this routine. The outputs are presented in ascending degree of network aggregation. First, input-output structure matrices are calculated, allowing one to look indetail at the effects any particular flow or transformation might have on any other given species or flow. Next, the graph is mapped into a concatonated trophic chain (after Lindeman). Then all thesimple, directed biogeochemical cycles are identified and separated from their supporting dissipative flows. Finally, global variables describing the state of development of the network are presented. (Adapted from the documentation) Download [125 KB]. NEURAL NETWORKSFor information on what this program does, please see Scott Hyder and William Velez's "Context Addressable Memory: An Example of a Neural Network". (adapted from the documentation) Download [170 KB]. NONLINNonlin allows you to perform statistical regression analyses to estimate the values of parameters for linear, multivariate, polynomial, and general nonlinear functions. The regression analysisdetermines the values of the parameters which cause the function to best fit the observed data that you provide. Nonlin allows you to specify the form of the function whose parameters are beingestimated using ordinary algebraic notation. In addition to determining the parameter estimates, Nonlin can be directed to generate an output file with predicted values and residuals. It can also plot theobserved values and the estimated function and the residual values. In addition to performing regression analysis, Nonlin can also be used to find the root (zero value point) or minimum absolute valueof a nonlinear expression. The nonlinear regression algorithm used by Nonlin was published in ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 7,3 (Sept. 1981) "Dennis, J.E., Gay, D.M., and Welsch, R.E. -- An adaptivenonlinear least-squares algorithm." Nonlin is a "shareware" product. (modified from the documentation) Download [200 KB]. Look at the readme file from the programNumber list order randomizer, w/ASM source

A rewrite of SHUFFLE.C (from SHUFFLE.ZIP) in 8086 assembly language. Smaller, faster, handles a wider range of numbers. This has *not* replaced SHUFFLE.ZIP, since some might wish to stickwith C rather than assembly language. (from author's announcement) Download [7 KB]. Number SquaresNumber Squares is a math game which allows the use of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems. You are allowed to change the type of problems used, and the range of what theprogram can select for the answer on a screen. After the game is started, the program selects an answer and generates 16 problems. You move around the board with the arrow keys and press the spacebar on a problem if you think it gives the answer at the top of the screen. When all correct answers are found, the computer start a new screen. (taken from nrsq.doc) Download [7 KB].Number Theory ProgramsA collection of UBASIC programs which can be used in number theoretic investigations. Some examples are:

Baillie-Wagstaff Lucas pseudoprime test. Algorithm for Chinese remaindering. Elliptic curve method to factorize n. Fermat's method of factoring. General periodic continued fraction to quadratic routine. Evaluates Carmichael's function. D. H. Lehmer's method of solving x^2 = q (mod p).

(adapted from malm.doc) Download [37 KB]. NUMBERS CalculatorThe NUMBERS calculator is designed to facilitate the computation of number theoretic functions for positive integers of up to 150 decimal digits on almost any PC. The author's main objective inwriting NUMBERS was to allow students in a course in elementary number theory to do nontrivial examples and pursue investigative projects. Included operations are finding gcds, lcms, modarithmetic, quadratic residue test, Chinese remainder systems, number of divisors, sum of divisors various pseudoprime tests, continued and Farey fractions, Fibonacci numbers, Lucas numbers,encryption and decryption, etc. A collection of object files which can be linked into a Turbo Pascal program are provided. (adapted from the documentation) Download [112 KB]. NUMERICAL INTEGRATIONThis program will numerically integrate f(x) in nine different ways, e.g. by the left endpoint rule, the right endpoint rule, the midpoint rule, Riemann Sums, the trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule,Romberg integration, Gaussian quadratures, and the Monte Carlo method. Download [210 KB]. NUMERICAL METHODSEmail: Contains numerical methods software coded in MATLAB, C, Fortran and Pascal covering the following topics:

The Solution of Nonlinear Equations f(x) = 0 The Solution of Linear Systems AX = B Interpolation and Polynomial Approximation Curve Fitting Numerical Differentiation Numerical Integration Numerical Optimization Solution of Differential Equations Solution of Partial Differential Equations Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

Many of the MATLAB examples utilize the graphics of MATLAB to illustrate the results of the algorithms employed. The author wrote these programs to accompany his text, NUMERICALMETHODS for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, Second Edition, PRENTICE HALL, INC. See the files contents and permiss.ion for the restrictions on the distribution of this package. [The zipped file contains a number of directories and if it is not unzipped properly, some of the files will overwrite each other.] Download (Matlab files) [268 KB]. NUMERICAL RECIPES PASCAL SHAREWARE DISKETTEThis NUMERICAL RECIPES PASCAL SHAREWARE DISKETTE contains Pascal procedures originally published as the Pascal Appendix to the FORTRAN book NUMERICAL RECIPES: THEART OF SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING (Cambridge University Press, 1986), and test driver programs originally published as the NUMERICAL RECIPES EXAMPLE BOOK (PASCAL) (CambridgeUniversity Press, 1986). ** What kinds of procedures are these Numerical Recipes? ** They are practically a complete library for scientific computation. Numbering more than 200, their scope includes integration, linearalgebra, differential equations, Fourier methods, data analysis, statistics, lots of special functions, random numbers, sorting, root finding, optimization, and much more. (from the documentation) Download [303 KB]. ODE ODE is a public domain program which solves numerically initial value problems for systems of ordinary differential equations such as arise in all branches of science. The solution is presentedgraphically or as a table of values. (adapted from the documentation) Download [143 KB]. ORBITSORBITS simulates the orbital motion of planets, rockets, and stars. The program calculates and plots the motions under the influence of gravity of two heavy bodies and up to five light bodies. (from Information from IKE) Other Internet Resources: ORDINARY LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSThis program plots numerical solutions of 1st and 2nd order ordinary linear differential equations containing parameters a, b, and c. These parameters can then be "tuned" and the solution replotted. Auser supplied solution function, and a user supplied power series, can also be plotted. Sample equations are provided. Download [219 KB]. P.C. Convolution contains a demonstration version of the program P.C. Convolution. This program executes on most DOS machines and graphically demonstrates the convolution operation. It is useful inundergraduate Electrical Engineering courses. A fully operational version of this software is available free of charge to university instructors. Contact Dr. Kurt Kosbar for more details. (modified from the file pc_conv.txt) Download [112 KB].ParabolaOne may end up with x-y values from experiments or any other situation which may not always be linear in nature. Under such circumstances it is rather difficult to perform differentiation or achieve abest-fit to the data, either due to the fact that the differentiation gets too noisy or the best-fit may not be a true representation of the original data! In this algorithm, a parabolic curve is plotted throughthe x-y values and the output of differentiated and best-fit values are written to a file. This program requires Microsoft Windows 3. (from the documentation) Download [100 KB]. PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS SLIDE SHOWSThere are four packages:


This slide show consists of graphs of numerical solutions of a particular partial differential equation, viz. the wave equation U + U = 0, t xwith an initial condition of a hump resolved with 10 points. This slide show contains: exact solution, central difference scheme, Lax-Friedrichs scheme, upwind, Lax-Wendroff, and downwind graphs.


This slide show consists of graphs of numerical solutions of a particular partial differential equation, viz. the wave equation U + U = 0, t xwith an initial condition of a step function. This slide show contains: the exact solution, central difference scheme, Lax-Friedrichs scheme, upwind, Lax-Wendroff, and downwind graphs.


This slide show consists of graphs of numerical solutions of a particular partial differential equation, viz. the wave equation U + U = 0, t xwith an initial condition of a hump "resolved" with 1 point. This slide contains the graphs of: the exact solution, central difference scheme, Lax-Friedrichs scheme, upwind, Lax-Wendroff scheme, anddownwind.


This slide show shows how two travelling waves generate a stationary wave.

A. Travelling Wave

This shows three waves simultaneously. The top one travels to the left. The bottom one travels to the right. The middle one is the average of the top and bottom, and is stationary. In fact the topand bottom are the same function, viz. sin(x) + sin(2x), each translated by an amount ã/6 per slide, while the domain is -4ã < x < 4ã. The stationary wave is thus the function sin(x)cos(a) +sin(2x)cos(2a), where a is a multiple of ã/6.

B. Stationary Wave [0 : 2ã]

This shows the stationary wave of (A) for 0 < x < 2ã.

C. Stationary Wave [0 : ã]

This shows the stationary wave of (A) for 0 < x < ã. In each of these three cases you have the choice of stepping through a sequence of slides one at a time, or having the computer do itcontinuously and automatically (either slowly or quickly).

Download [101 KB]. Look at the readme file from the program Download [84 KB]. Look at the readme file from the program Download [92 KB]. Look at the readme file from the program Download [94 KB]. Look at the readme file from the program PFSA - Symbolic Algebra ProgramThe PFSA program was created to do some rather large but simple algebraic computations. PFSA does not have the large variety of commands which more general purpose symbolic algebra programs(muMath and Macsyma) have but it is faster and can work with bigger expressions. PfSA ran 90 times faster than Macsyma on a very large Hamiltonian canonical transformation project, and it runsmore than 200 times faster than muMath when doing example E. PFSA is written in Fortran and the arithmetic involving coefficients of terms is done with the Fortran arithmetic. Two versions areprovided, one which uses only rational integer*4 arithmetic (PFSAI.EXE) and another (PFSAF.EXE) which uses real*8 arithmetic during calculation of coefficients. This is a program contained in the PC/Blue Library, compiled and distributed by the New York Amateur Computer Club, Inc, Box 3442, Church St Station, New York, NY 10008. (modified from the documentation) Download [157 KB]. PhaserThis program graphs the solutions of systems of simultaneous autonoumous differential or difference equations. It includes a library of more well known dynamical systems. Look at the citations for published reviews of the program. Other Internet Resources: Review of Phaser from C*ODE*EPlotting ProgramFunctions - Plots functions in Cartesian, Polar, or Parametric form. Functions may be entered in either Algebraic or RPN (Reverse Polish Notation, also called post-fix notation) modes. Allows grids,logarithmic scales, up to 10 user defined variables, separate control over viewing window and domain, and a library of over 75 built in operators, functions, and constants. Conic Sections - Plots parabolas, circles, ellipses, hyperbolas and their degenerate shapes. Equations may be entered in standard or general form. Also shows focal points, asymptotes, and directrix. Derivatives & Integrals - Plots functions along with its indefinite integral and its 1st and 2nd derivatives. Relation Plotter - A somewhat slow but extremely powerful plotter for graphing relations that are not necessarily functions, such as "y=abs(x)^sin(y)." It can also graph a system of inequalities, such as"y < 0.5x and x > 1 and x*y < 2." It is also good for those situations where it is just too difficult or even impossible to solve for either x or y, such as "x^2+x^3*y^3-1-y=0." Bifurcations - A bifurcation fractal plotter. Demonstrates concepts such as Chaos and period doubling. For example, try the population equation r*p*(1-p) with initial value=0.5, x min=1, x max=4, ymin=0, y max=1, with r as the independent variable and p as the dependent. Recursive Relations - Plots recursive relations. Allows a user to describe a relation in a such a manner where both the horizontal and vertical component values can depend on previous values of eachother. This can be very useful in determining the attractors in certain fractals, such as the Henon Map and the "orbits" involved in calculating such things as the Mandelbrot Set. Curve Fitting - Fits a line or curve to a set of data points. Uses linear, logarithmic, exponential, power, and up to 9th degree polynomial models. (modified from the documentation) Download [287 KB].POLAR EQUATIONSThis program will graph polar equations of the form r = r(t), where t is the angle, as well as parametric equations of the form x = x(t), y = y(t). Up to two equations can be plotted, and then you can"twiddle" any parameters a, b, c, contained in the functions r(t), x(t), y(t). Sample equations are provided. Download [202 KB]. POLAR, PARAM and POLPMA collection of three programs, POLAR, PARAM, and POLPM, that graph functions in polar coordinates, parametric equations and parametric polar equations in the plane. These programs alsoprovide a graph parameter for automatically making multiple series of related graphs, have a Coordinate Trace Mode, a Tangent/Normal/Graph trace mode, zooming features, can perform numericalintegration for arc length and area both numerically and graphically, and can find Max/min extrema of X and Y coordinates. There are independent tutorial files, POLAR.TXT, PARAM.TXT andPOLPM.TXT which are for first-time users. Download [278 KB].Polynomial Teacherpt is a small symbolic and numerical algebra program, intended for use by students and their teachers from about eighth grade to college. Performs addition, multiplication, division, evaluation,simplification and factoring of polynomials. (modified from the documentation) Download [58 KB]. POLYROOT POLYROOT is a shareware program on finding the real roots of polynomials with real coefficients. In Numerical Analysis, another important area of computer applications, POLYROOT not onlygives the real roots quickly and accurately to the precision sought, but also provides the user with INTERACTIVE GRAPHICS that make the learning effective, convincing, and pleasant. (adapted from README.DOC) Download [77 KB]. PowergraphCrippled graphing package with very limited documentation. Graphs of one and two variables including parametric curves. Download [148 KB] from SimTel. PRACTICE WITH provides practice of addition tables for numbers 1-5 and for tables 6-10. Shareware. Download [47 KB].Download [47 KB]. PRAXISThe function praxis for the minimization of a function in several variables is coded in C. The routine originally appeared in a book by R.P. Brent on minimization and is converted here to C. Thealgorithm that's used was first given by Powell (1962) and is referenced in the recent literature as the fastest one without derivates. Brent fixed some minor problems and reduced the number offunction calls by including some other overhead, like doing a singular value decomposition of the direction matrix every N iterations (N is the number of parameters). Thus this routine is particularyuseful, when the evaluation of the object function is very time consuming. (from the README file) Download praxis.arc [28 KB]. PredictorPredictor is an interpolation program that can be used to indicate the possible evolution of a curve made up of a correlated set of points. Can use a mouse. The user may enter or delete points and seethe curve which interpolates the resulting collection of points. However, there is no indication of the method nor of the function used. (Partly adapted from the documentation) Download predict.arc [64 KB].

PROCALCPROCALC is a powerful and easy to use scientific and technical calculator for the IBM PC and compatibles. Among the valuable features of PROCALC are: its extensive set of highly accuratemathematical functions and calendar routines and extended precision(80-bit) arithmetic; the ability to create and save user variables and formulas; and use of algebraic expression with full logical(bit-manipulation) operators. (taken from READ.ME) Download [120 KB].Professor Weissman's Algebra Tutorials Random problems with step-by-step solutions. Topics covered are: inequality symbols, combine multiplication of signed numbers, remove parentheses, division of signed numbers, order of operations,introduction to exponents and distributing. The program maintains a record of the student's progress and has five levels of difficulty. Additional sets of problems are available from the author. Shareware. (Partly modified from the documentation) Download [119 KB]. Professor Weissman's Pre-Calculus Tutorials Tutorials for the following topics: domain and ranges of functions, graphs of rational functions, computing with exponentials and logarithms, word problems using exponentials and logarithms, anelementary introduction to matrices, word problems using right triangles and graphs of trigonometric functions. Shareware. Download [163 KB].Professor Weissman's Statistics TutorialsTutorials for the following topics: frequency distributions, histograms, polygons, MODE, MEDIAN, MEAN and measures of variation. Shareware. Download [123 KB]. Program LIE for Lie analysis of differential equations on IBM type PCs Assumptions: You know why you want to use program LIE that finds the Lie group, or rather the Lie algebra, of differential equations, ordinary or partial, single or simultaneous, and you can use theoutput of this program to find special similarity solutions, conserved quantities, reductions of order etc. For example, you have seen the books "Applications of Lie Groups to Differential Equations"by P. J. Olver ( and the worked examples in Chapters 2 and 3 ) or "Symmetries and Differential Equations" by G. W. Blumen and S. Kumei or the article "Symmetries of Differential Equations: fromSophus Lie to Computer Algebra" by F. Schwarz, SIAM Review, vol 30, Sept 1988, pp450-481. Many of the examples in the DAT files are from these sources. Source code is included. There is now a companion program BIGLIE51 that can handle problems that are too big for LIE. (from the documentation) Download [96 KB]. Download [62 KB]. Propositional Logic ProgramThe PROPC program performs analysis of formulas from the Propositional or Sentential Calculus, a branch of symbolic logic. PROPC can be used to perform a complete truth table analysis ofpropositional formulas of arbitrary complexity. Up to 9 independent variables are allowed which implies tables may contain as many as 512 truth value lines. The program can print all lines, print onlythe true lines, or print only the false lines, or it may simply test a formula as a tautology. The program can also display the parse tree structure that corresponds to any formula, and it can translateformulas from the common infix notation to Polish notation. This program also generates and displays the Karnaugh Map that is associated with a given formula or a given truth table which iscomprised of 2, 3, or 4 variables. The program also displays a minimal length formula that generates the same truth table as determined by the Karnaugh Map. Truth tables and formulas can be printedon a printer or saved in disk files. This program works in a text display mode only and does not require any graphics hardware. There is an independent tutorial file, PROPC.TXT, which is for first-time users. PROPC.TXT may be imported into any word processor and/or printed on any printer. (from propc.abs) Download [46 KB]. Pvalue for WindowsPvalue for Windows is a Microsoft Windows 3.1 program that computes p-values for standard statistical hypothesis tests using only summary data (e.g., sample mean, sample standard deviation,...). Itis useful for computing p-values when standard statistical computer programs do not handle particular alternative-tailed tests and relevant summary information is provided or when using summaryinformation from publications or textbooks. All numerical entries are checked for errors and some constraints are checked (e.g., normal approximation to binomial). Options for standardized tests (e.g.,p-value for z-score) are included. Pvalue for Windows is designed to be a utility program that augments analyses provided by the usual statistical computer programs. This is a shareware package. (from the documentation) Download [134 KB]. QuickField(TM)Students' QuickField(TM), formerly known as ELCUT, is minimum cost shareware for field simulation. It solves plane and axisymmetric problems of electrostatics, nonlinear DC and AC magnetics,current flow, nonlinear heat transfer, stress analyis and coupled problems. QuickField enables you to perform field calculations and obtain various electro- mechanical design parameters in anextremely efficient and intuitive way. After an hour of playing with QuickField, you'll be able to solve rather complicated problem in minutes. QuickField 4.0 is a native Windows application designedto run on NT 4.0 and Windows 95. Download [2882 KB].R U Ready For Intermediate Algebra ?One of the problems we encounter while teaching intermediate algebra is that many students do not have the mathematical skills which are essential for success. This is true even though theprerequisite course (Beginning Algebra) has been passed. To address this problem, the Mathematics Department of the University of Arizona decided to write a computer program which a student can use before starting intermediate algebra. This programwould quiz the student on all sections of algebra which are essential to intermediate algebra. In other words, it would not review all of intermediate algebra, but would concentrate on those areas whichare actually needed in intermediate algebra(i.e. decimals and exponents, numbers and expressions, factors and fractions, and linear equations). (adapted from the documentation) Download [104 KB]. ResistanResistan is a mechanistic simulation of the selection of fungicide resistance (Arneson, et al., 1988). The simulation has been written for the Microsoft Windows environment (ver. 3.0 or higher) whichis required in order to run the program. (adapted from the documentation) Download [128 KB]. Roman Numeral Translator and AdderAdds and translates Roman numerals into Hindu-Arabic numerals. Download [28 KB]. ROOT FINDERThis program will find the roots of y = f(x) in four different ways, viz. by the bisection method, Newton's method, the secant method, and the method of false position. It also plots the graph of f(x), soa root can be found "by eye". This program will also evaluate f(x) at a point and give a table of values for f(x) over an interval. Sample equations are provided. Download [204 KB]. RPN CALCULATORCALC.EXE is a general purpose calculator, using reverse Polish logic, that works with five basic data types: real numbers, complex numbers, fractions, integers (with binary logic, base b=2, b=8,b=10, or b=16), and polynomials. The real numbers have between 19 and 20 significant digits. Real number functions include, in addition to the usual functions, factorials, permutations, combinations,prime factorizations of integers, greatest common factor, least common multiple, and the group order of one integer modulo another. The complex number functions include also complex values for nthroots, complex powers, etc. In fraction mode you can perform basic operations on fractions which may be displayed in both improper and mixed number form. There are special functions for workingwith both simple and general continued fractions. In the integer mode you can specify the word size in terms of the number of bits per integer. In addition to normal arithmetic, there are logicaloperators. The polynomial mode operators include +,-,* and /. Polynomial division yields both quotient and remainder polynomials. Any polynomial with integer coefficients can be completelyfactored using exact rational linear factors. Polynomials may be up to degree 25 and are easily entered, edited, and evaluated. Other special functions include the ability to determine the fixed andperiodic parts of any repeating decimal that represents any fraction. In addition to base 10, repeating decimals may be analyzed and displayed with respect to binary, octal, and hexadecimal formats.Another special function converts any decimal to a simple continued fraction and displays all the convergent terms as fractions and decimals. There is a tutorial file, CALC.TXT, for first-time users. (modified from calc.abs) Download [130 KB].SCHOOL MOMSCHOOL MOM is an educational tool for children ages 4-14. Its main options are music, art, english, spelling, math, exams, and time. The math option is divided into 6 options. These are LASERBLAST, BUG NUMBERS, APPLESPIDER, ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION, MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION, and PREALGEBRA MATH. (taken from MANUAL.DOC) Download [124 KB].SCIEQSSCIEQS is a sophisticated scientific calculator using algebraic notation. Built-in functions include trigonometric, hyperbolic, exponential, logarithmic, and roots. User-defined functions with anynumber of arguments. Numerical solutions of equations. (taken from READ.ME) Download [41 KB].SEQUENCES AND SERIES This program lets you create sequences a(n), and then shows the values of successive terms in the sequence, both numerically and graphically. It also computes: the partial sums of the sequence, ratio,difference, addition of sequences, subtraction of sequences, multiplication of sequences, and division of sequences. This program also lets you create a positive sequence and an nth root sequence.Sample sequences are provided. Download [183 KB]. SHAREMATHSHAREMATH is a fun math game for children ages 6 and up. It teaches children addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Download [104 KB]. SHUFFLE

Outputs of a set of up to 10,000 numbers in random order. Download [8 KB].


A PROGRAM TO ILLUSTRATE THE CONCEPTS OF LINEAR SYSTEMS, DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING, AND COMPLEX NUMBERS. SIGNALS v4.00 was developed to illustrate signal processing concepts in graduate level courses. It has a large number of built-in functions such as Sin, Sinc, Rect, Gauss, Tri, etc. These are used tobuild up a real/imaginary array that is processed by operations such as Add, Multiply, FFT, Convolve, etc. The results can then be plotted in various forms such as Magnitude/Phase, Real/Imag, andArgand. The one-key menu operation makes the program fast enough to use in a classroom environment. Results can be stored and retrieved in several file formats. The program can be run underWindows. (excerpted from author's announcement) Download [128 KB]. SIMPLEX METHODThis program will perform the Simplex method in three different ways, viz. having the computer show the answer, having the computer show the pivots, or having the user go through the step by stepmethod. Download [183 KB]. SIMSTATSIMSTAT is a menu driven statistical program that provides many basic descriptive and comparative statistics including:

Summary statistics (mean, variance, standard deviation, etc.) Crosstabulation Frequencies analysis Breakdown analysis Multiple responses analysis Time series analysis including Oneway analysis of variance Paired and independent sample t-tests Pearson correlation matrix, covariance and cross product deviation Regression analysis Multiple regression analysis including: GLM Anova/Ancova (up to 5 factors and covariates) including: Single-case experimental design analysis Reliability analysis Sensitivity analysis Nonparametric analysis including: nonparametric association matrix including bootstrap analysis high-resolution graphics

(from the documentation) Download [489 KB]. Sir Addalot's Math AdventureSir AddaLot's "Mini" Math Adventure. This is an exciting and educational math game for kids 6 to 12 years old. Get ready for adventure, terrific graphics, and fun learning in this action packed game. (Taken from ADDALOTM.DOC) Download [309 KB]. SLIDE SHOW FOR NEWTON'S METHODThis slide show consists of graphs of various demonstrations of Newton's Method including some graphs showing how Newton's method fails to converge. Download [127 KB]. SLIDE SHOW FOR ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSThis slide show cosists of these various graphs of solutions of ordinary differential equations:

One parameter family of curves The US Population and logistic growth The cooling of coffee Numerical Methods - Euler Numerical Methods - Runge Kutta 4 Damped free vibrations Series solution Bessel Function

Download [128 KB]. SLOPESThis program will graph the slopes (direction fields) and the integral curves of dy/dx = f(x, y), where f(x, y) = F(x, y) / G(x,y). Sample functions are provided. Download [198 KB]. Small Matrix Toolbox for C programmersA collection of C routines for elementary matrix algebra. Download [42 KB]. SOLVEQSOLVEQ is a Turbo Pascal program that finds roots of polynomial of degree <= 30. In addition to listing the roots, the method used is also indicated. This is a part of the Computational Linear Algebra Project. (adapted from solveq.doc) Download [37 KB]. SPECTRUMThis program was developed for use with the ongoing Compliant Surface Program in the Fluid Flow Group; this group is a part of the Process Measurements Division at the National Institute ofStandards and Technology. Analogue data is collected and digitized with an A/D converter. Having then a collection of digitized time series which reside in the computer, this program calculateamplitude density, autospectral (power) density and cross-spectral density functions from these input time series. The resulting frequency (or wavenumber) data are useful in many engineering fields.The program is written in FORTRAN and will run on any (286 or better) PC. The program is accompanied by a 73-page user manual and a 19-page update. The source code and a variety of utilityprograms are also included. The program has been extensively tested and the author believes it to be bug-free. The source code is well documented and many of the techniques employed may be foundin the excellent book: Random Data, 2nd Ed., Bendat & Piersol, Wiley, 1986. (modified from the documentation) Download [668 KB]. STAR BLASTERSTAR BLASTER is a fun and educational math game. It is an effective tool for teaching math to children in grades 4 and up. Children solve math problems to fly the spaceship. Download [52 KB].Statutor

Statutor is designed to simplify the learning and teaching of statistical concepts, especially those related to sampling distributions based on sampling from a population. The program integrates thedisplay of explanatory text with graphic displays to show the essential components of several sampling experiments. Specific topics that are included in the demonstrations include:

40. . Sampling variability of the sample mean 41. . Central Limit Theorem 42. . Confidence intervals for the mean 43. . Correlation coefficients 44. . Explained sum of squares and residual variation in regression 45. . Variability of the sample regression line 46. . Confidence and prediction bands for the regression line

With an understanding of these sampling experiments, the student will be better prepared to move on to the details of statistical computation and inference that comprise the bulk of the curriculum inmany statistics courses. These demonstrations are not designed to replace the content of a traditional statistics course and some of the concepts presented in these demonstrations may be difficult for astudent who is not concurrently studying statistics. Statutor is designed to complement a more complete presentation of statistical instruction. (modified from statu123.doc) Download [91 KB]. SymbMath: A Symbolic Calculator with LearningSymbMath, (an abbreviation for Symbolic Mathematics), is not only a symbolic calculator but also an expert system that can solve symbolically mathematical problems. SymbMath performs symbolicformula, as well as exact numeric computation. It can manipulate complicated formulas and return answers in terms of symbols, formulas and exact numbers, not just floating-point numbers. Itscapabilities include facilities to provide analytical and numerical answers for: Differentiation, Integration, Solution of equations, Manipulation of expressions, Calculation, Limits, Chemicalcalculation, Taylor series, lists, arrays, vectors, matrices, sum, product, etc. This is a shareware version of a more powerful package available from the author. (adapted from SYMBMATH.TXT) Download [391 KB]. TAYLOR SERIES This slide show consists of graphs of various functions together with some of their Taylor polynomials about the origin.

Download [135 KB]. TechPlot

In addition to graphing functions of one and two variables, parametric curves and polar and spherical coordinates, the program will also do contour plots, data scatter plots, curve fitting, confidence andprediction intervals. The printing features of this program have been disabled. Download [352 KB]. Download [497 KB]. The Function VisualizerThe Function Visualizer (FV) is a software implementation of mapping diagrams, with the added feature of animation. On the left is the mapping diagram for the function: the left vertical line represents points in the domain, the right vertical line points in the range. A large number of lines are drawn in, connectingequally spaced points x in the domain with their image points f(x) in the range. If you move the mouse cursor up and down within the mapping diagram, the point x on the horizontal level of the cursoris highlighted, along with the line joining it to f(x). Simultaneously, the values of x, f(x) and f'(x) are displayed along the top of the screen, and the points (x,0), (x, f(x)) and (0, f(x)) are shown in thegraph at the upper right together with lines joining these points. The most novel feature of FV is an animation in which ALL the points in the domain move toward their images. FV may be copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes, and is copyright 1994-1995 by Northeastern University. Included is a tex document which contains an article written about the motivation behind this program and how these ideas can be used in the teaching about functions. (Modified from the documentation) Download [109 KB]. The Geometer's SketchpadWith the Geometer's Sketchpad, you can construct figures from simple textbook diagrams to working models of the Pythagorean Theorem, perspective drawings, tessellations, fractals, animated sinewaves, etc. This program will let you experiment with complex geometrical constructions. Look at the citations for published reviews of the program. Other Internet Resources:

Download [613 KB] from Key Curriculum Press.

Information on the program from Key Curriculum Press.

Information on the program from Indiana University.

Lesson Plans for the Geometer's Sketchpad from the Institute for Technology in Mathematics.

Vectors by E. Klotz from the Math Forum.

The Forum Sketchpad Archives from the Math Forum. THE STRING GAMEThis game is based on techniques used in the CEMREL Math Program. It encourages logical thought process while strengthening basic math skills. Its use of Venn Diagrams and set theory preparesstudents for algebra, as well as any course where logic and deduction is required. (taken from STRING.DOC) Download [42 KB].THIRD GRADE MATH REVIEWTHIRD GRADE MATH REVIEW is a review program for the average third grade math student. The program encompasses 1)Addition, 2)Subtraction, 3)Multiplication, and 4)Division. The student isgiven 10 problems and is asked to give the answer. If the answer is correct, the computer responds with GREAT! If it is wrong, the computer responds with SORRY. When the testing is finished, thestudent is given his/her results. (taken from READ.ME) Download [323 KB].TIC TAC MATHTIC TAC MATH is a game of tic tac toe using basic math skills to win a square. 2-player game. Download [36 KB]. TK Boyd's Addition Tables TrainerThis is a shareware package which provides drill for addition. Download tma9.exe [22 KB].TK Boyd's Arithmetic ProblemsThis is a shareware package which provides drill for word problems using addition and subtraction. Download tma12.exe [28 KB]. Transitional Mathematics Project The Metric Project This is a package of modules to help people revise and learn some of the mathematics they need to enter (British) university courses in Science and Engineering. Each module originally consisted of atext part - the Study Guide - and a companion Mathematica Notebook of computer-based activities. The Study Guide has been replaced by a book: Experiments in Undergraduate Mathematics: AMathematica-Based Approach. The materials need Mathematica: they were written using version 2.2, and should work in version 2.1, but earlier versions may be a problem. At the original writing of this abstract (July 5, 1994) there were twelve notebooks:

Start Here - an introductory Notebook; Complex numbers 1 - introduces complex numbers and how they arise in finding the roots of polynomial. Complex numbers 2 - complex arithmetic, complex conjugates, Argand diagram, modulus and argument, polar form. Complex numbers 3 - De Moivre's Theorem, extracting roots, curves and areas in the complex plane, circles, disks, rings, perpendicular bisectors, complex exponential function. Differentiation 1 - tangent lines, limits, derivatives of power functions, sine, cosine exponential and log functions. Differentiation 2 - Derivatives of sums, products, quotients, and compositions of functions; maxima and minima; implicitly defined functions. Integration 1 - Indefinite integration; important functions; simple rules. Integration 2 - Definite integration; approximate methods. Integration 3 - Change of variable; integration by parts; areas and volumes. Matrices 1 - Transformations in the plane, composition of linear maps, matrix multiplication. Sequences - arithmetic, geometric, recurrence, and chaotic sequences, arithmetic and geometric series. Series - binomial series, factorials, and MacLaurin series. Trigonometry 1 - radians and degrees, trigonometric functions, amplitude, frequency and period, trig identities. Trigonometry 2 - trig formulae, double angle, half angle, inverse trig functions, solving trig equations. Vectors 1 - directed line segments, vectors, scalar multiplication, addition, components, basis, and magnitude. Vectors 2 - Scalar product; equation of a line.

These notebooks have been compressed into ten notebooks.

(modified from the documentation) The name of the Transitional Mathematics Project was changed to the Metric Project.

Download Mathetic.exe [76 KB] - self-extracting (ZIP) archive of TMP material for Windows.

Go to the directory which contains the individual modules.

Download mathrdr.exe [382 KB] - free Notebook viewer for Windows (self-extracting archive).

View the installation notes for the latter program.

Download gzip124.exe [116 KB], the gzip de/compression program for MS-DOS (self-extracting archive). (This is need to decompress the Study Guide files)

Go to the directory containing miscellaneous documentation.

Go to the directory containing source code and executables for the MathLink program inputbox.exe used in the interactive exercises. The Mathematics Archives is a mirror of the original site at Imperial College, London. Visit Metric Project Homepage at Imperial College, LondonTransmath - A CBL Mathematics TutorTRANSMATH is a Self-paced Computer-based learning system to bridge the transition from A level (or equivalent) mathematics to 1st year undergraduate level mathematics. It is designed to helpstudents who need to review some or all of the A level mathematical topics. Many of the examples and virtually all the exercises are generated at runtime. In addition, there are many animatedexamples. The current program covers

Elementary Algebra Complex Numbers Trigonometry

Introduction to Functions Sequences and Series Calculus - Differentiation and Integration Ordinary Differential Equations - 1st Order Separable and Linear ODEs, Applications, Initial Value Problems and Constant Coefficient 2nd Order ODEs. Numerical Methods - Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson's Rule, Euler's Method Matrices - Transformations and Advanced Matrices Vectors - Introduction.

Can be interfaced with Mathematica (2.2.2) for error checking and feedback in exercises. (modified from the documentation)

Go to the directory which contains the Transmath materials.

View the readme file from Transmath.

View the newsletters. The Mathematics Archives is a mirror of the original site at the University of Leeds. Other Internet Resources:

Information on Transmath from Leeds University TREASURE HUNT MATHTreasure Hunt Math is a game which covers elementary math for grades 1-6. The program contains over 1000 math facts in all the math operations introduced in elementary school: addition,subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, and percents. Download [195 KB].Triangle Solution ProgramThe TRIANGLE program solves triangle problems using applications of the Law of Sines and/or the Law of Cosines. In a typical problem, three known parts of a triangle are entered and the programwill calculate the other three parts. There are 19 possible cases and this program handles all of them, including the ambiguous case of the Law of Sines. So if two triangles match the given input, thisprogram yields both answers. This program also draws the triangle solutions to scale on a graphics screen and in addition to calculating all the sides and angles it also calculates the area and theperimeter. This program requires some form of graphics such as CGA or EGA or VGA hardware. The program automatically adapts to the highest graphics resolution of the hardware it finds. (from triangle.abs) Download [47 KB]. TRIG FUNDAMENTALS PROGRAMTRIG FUNDAMENTALS allows students to visualize trig functions and how they are derived. By plotting the functions over a range of angles, the student can watch the progression of the basic trigfunctions as a function of angle. (taken from TRIG.DOC) Download [90 KB].TROUBLEThis slide show consists of various graphs of the same function, seen over different domains. Frequently people are under the impression that if "enough points" of a function are plotted, and thenjoined, the resultant graph accurately portrays the original function. This is the principle used by all computer graphing packages. People are even questioning the wisdom of teaching curve sketchingin calculus, because of such packages. The following slide show is designed to display some of the pitfalls of graphing by plotting points, and then joining them. In fact calculus is essential in decidingthe accuracy of any graph. Download [107 KB]. TRUTH TABLE MAKERGenerates boolean algebra truth tables. Download ttm120.arc [27 KB]. TRUTH TABLES This program displays Truth Tables. Expressions are constructed from the statements p, q, and r, and the four operations, "v" (or), "^" (and), "'" (not), and ">" (implies). Download [125 KB]. TSDRAWDrawing system for linear equations and Linear Programming problems. It is a complete drawing system with its own command language. To give a simple example you can draw the line 2x + 3y = 6by giving the command li 2,3,6, and the line will be displayed on the coordinate system. The program has the options of entering the input from the keyboard or from a file. The system is not actuallylimited to drawing lines, but that is what Prof. Salmi uses when teaching budgeting with linear programming in a classroom with an overhead projector to display the computer images of the relevanttasks (examples are included in the package). (modified from the documentation) Download [108 KB]. TSFIMAA collection of six programs to do financial calculations: present values of an annuity, internal rates of return, loan amortization, and present values. Download tsfima12.arc [102 KB]. TSNUMA collection of seven programs:

BISE.EXE: Solution of f(x)=0 by the Bisection Method. EQ2.EXE: Solution of systems of linear equations of 2 variables. IC.EXE: Find the intercepts of a line with the axes. LINE.EXE: Find the equation of a line given two points. POLYR.EXE: Find the roots of a polynomial. SECA.EXE: Solution of f(x)=0 by the Secant Method. SINTEG.EXE: Integration of f(x) by Simpson's rule.

Download tsnum12.arc [103 KB]. Turing Machine SimulatorThe TURING program simulates the operation of a Turing Machine. Turing Machines are abstract models of primitive digital computers. In fact, they are the most fundamental models of all logicalcomputations. Such a machine was conceived by the British mathematician Alan Turing in 1935, long before digital computers became established. Turing also worked on machines to break the secretcodes produced by the German Enigma machine in World War II. TURING provides a tape with 999 elements, all of which must be 0 or 1. These are unary digits, NOT BINARY digits. In addition,the state transition table can hold up to 99 states. These two capacities should be more than adequate for the demonstration nature of this program. In addition, TURING has a full-screen editor so thatusers may write, edit, and save their Turing Machine programs. You can also vary the speed of animation and can run programs in either an automatic mode or a single-step mode. Three sampledemonstration programs are included in the files called TDEMO1.TXT, TDEMO2.TXT, and TDEMO3.TXT. There is also an independent tutorial file, TURING.TXT, which is for first-time users.TURING.TXT may be imported into any word processor and/or printed on any printer. (from turing.abs) Download [43 KB]. TWIDDLEThis program will graph the curve y=f(x), and allow you to "twiddle" any parameters a, b, c, contained in the function. You can also plot a single data set. Sample projects are provided. Download [244 KB]. TWO D MAPSThis program allows you to construct and experiment with 2 dimensional affine transformations. You can experiment with fractals, finding eigenvectors by eye, showing the effect of a map on a set ofpoints, and showing the solutions of a set of two linear equations. Download [243 KB]. UBASICUBASIC is a BASIC-like environment which is suitable for number theoretic investigations. Version 8 of UBASIC has the high precision real and complex arithmetic (up to 2600 digits) of previousversions, but adds exact rational arithmetic and arithmetic of polynomials with complex, rational, or modulo p coefficients, as well as string handling and limited list handling capabilities. In additionUBASIC has context-sensitive on-line documentation (read ubhelp.doc for information). The file that this uses is ASCII and can be printed for hard copy documentation. (from the documentation) Download [365 KB]. Download the collection of graphics programs, [82 KB]. ULTIMATE CALCULATORUcalc is a high precision scientific calculator which can evaluate expressions, solve equations, perform numerical integrations, and do summations. It supports many built-in functions, operators,numerical notations, and modes. It also allows for user-defined functions and variables. Graphs in cartesian and polar coordinates and will graph parametric curves and data files. There are two ways ofrunning the Ultimate Calculator: either at the DOS command line as UCALC 5+4*8/2 [enter] or in an interactive environment. Shareware. (modified from the documentation) Download [102 KB].ULTRA.ASMAssembly language code for a random number generator. Can be used with Turbo C, Turbo Pascal or Fahey Fortran programs. Download [112 KB]. UniCalc - A MATHEMAICAL PROBLEM UniCalc is a solver for mathematical problems using novel mathematical tools for calculations. This approach makes it possible to solve principally new classes ofproblems and to obtain new results for problems solved with standard methods of calculations.

UniCalc is intended to solve direct and inverse problems represented by systems of algebraic and differential equations, inequalities and logic expressions. The system may be overdetermined orunderdetermined, and the system's parameters can be given imprecisely. UniCalc allows calculations to be performed both with integers and real variables that may be mixed in the system. As a resultof calculations, a set of intervals containing all real solutions of the system is found. This is a demo-version of the UniCalc solver. It has all features of the full version of UniCalc but allows to solve only small problems. A problem to be solved can involve up to five variables and up toten expressions (equations, inequalities, etc.). (extracted from the documentation) Download [206 KB]. UNIV-CONContains over 600 conversions and calculations. Calculates and converts area, volume, temperature, liquid, U.S. to metric, and many more. Download [92 KB]. This program displays Venn diagrams. Expressions are constructed from the sets, A, B, C, S (universal set), and E (empty set), and the four operations, U (union), ^ (intersection), - (relativecomplement), and ' (complement). There are two games in this program: find the number, and find the region. The user can ask questions, using set notation, to obtain clues as to what the number orregion is.Sample expressions are provided. Download [173 KB]. VisualMethodos VisualMethodos is a shareware package which graphs functions (of a single variable), numerically integrates functions, shows the area, numerically integrates differential equations and performsinterpolation. Download [180 KB]. VOTING METHODSThis program allows you to experiment with four different voting methods: Plurality, Borda Count, Plurality with elimination, and Pairwise Comparisons. The Plurality method calculates the numberof first place votes and the winner is the one with the largest number of first place votes. The Borda Count method assigns points in a descending manner to each of the ballots, ranking the choices, andthen sums these points. The winner is the one with the most points. The Plurality with Elimination method consists of a sequence of rounds where the plurality method is used to eliminate the choice(s)with the least number of votes. The winner is the choice with the largest number of points in the final round. The Pairwise Comparisons method uses all possible pairwise copmparisons of the choices.Consider the comparison of A to B. 1 point is awarded to A and 0 to B if A beats B on the majority of the ballots. If there is a tie the A=B=.5. The winner is the one with the most points after all of thecomparisons. Download [129 KB]. What Is 24 Points?This card game allows the user to practice orders of operations using addition,subtraction,multiplication, and division. Two players try to be the first to find the answer of 24 using plus, minus,multiplication and division and each card must be used exactly once. Download [26 KB].WPLOT

WPLOT is a Windows program that plots two and three-dimensional data. Up to 250 sets of data can be plotted on the same 2-Dimensional plot using either one or two vertical axes. There can be upto 16000 data points per data set. Each data set can be plotted as a line plot, a smooth curve plot, a scatter plot, a step plot or a histogram. Multiple data sets can also be plotted as a 3-Dimensional plot.The plot can have linear or log axes with auto or manual scaling. Two-Dimensional plots can also have cumulative normal probability axes, error bars and descending as well as ascending axes. Datacan be fit by a smooth curve or a least squares polynomial or exponential. The Fast Fourier Transform can be used to fit the data with a discrete Fourier series and the magnitudes of the FFTcoefficients can be plotted. Mathematical transformations of the data can be performed by entering equations that operate on one or more data sets. Functions can be evaluated and plotted. An auxiliaryprogram, WFIT, can fit a nonlinear function to data and use WPLOT to plot the fit. This is shareware. (from author's announcement) Download [148 KB]. WSQ Washington University in St. Louis This is an implementation of the WSQ algorithm as described in "IAFIS Use of the Wavelet Scalar Quantization (WSQ) Compression/ DecompressionAlgorithm," J. J. Werner, 8 December 1992. The implementation is designed for well-equipped IBM-type desktop computers using the Windows 3.1 operating system. It reads .BMP files and writescompressed files, and vice versa. Results are displayable on a high-resolution video monitor. The quality factor can be set under menu control. Computations are performed in integer arithmetic -- nofloating-point coprocessor is needed. (from the file) Download [62 KB]. XLISP-STATXLISP-STAT is an extensible system for statistical computing and dynamic graphics which is based on a dialect of Lisp called XLISP (developed by David Betz). To facilitate statistical computationsthe author modified standard Lisp functions for addition, logarithms, etc., to operate on lists and arrays of numbers, and also added a number of basic statistical functions. Several basic forms of plots,including histograms, scatterplots, 3-dimensional rotatable plots and scatterplot matrices are provided. These plots support various forms of interactive highlighting operations and can be linked sopoints highlighted in one plot will be highlighted in all linked plots. Interactions with the plots are controlled by the mouse, menus and dialog boxes. An object-oriented programming system is used tomake it possible to customize menus, dialogs, and the way plots respond to mouse actions. An manual of over 100 pages is provided in LaTeX form. More complete documentation is published as a book, "Lisp-Stat: An object-oriented environment for statistical computing and dynamicgraphics", that is available from Wiley. Some of the chapter headings from the manual include Regression, Matrices and Arrays, Nonlinear Regression, One Way ANOVA, Maximization andMaximum Likelihood Estimation, and Approximate Bayesian Computations.

XYSee Graphing package for algebra, trigonometry and pre-calculus. Allows user to vary parameters and plot several graphs at once. Has puzzles feature - user to guess the equation of function or relationfrom its graph. What distinguishes it from similar packages is its user interface and the ability to write and process macros. This is a pre-registration evaluation copy which includes a tutorialdemonstrating the use of macros. Download [129 KB]. YABMP Why Yet Another Brooks-Matelski Process Program? Many programs are already available to compute and plot the MSet (the so-called "Mandelbrot Set") and its associatedJSets. Their aim, however, often appears to be to produce these figures as a kind of art or entertainment and their results are often mathematically inaccurate and tend to obscure, rather than to revealand to clarify, the underlying mathematics. The aim of YABMP is to produce the most mathematically accurate figures of the MSet and of its associated JSets. Two interesting features of the program are (1) one can draw a graphics cursor (crosshairs) to read the true coordinates of a point in a figure and move it about; the period of the point can be calculatedand displayed and (2) external rays over the figure can be drawn. Figures can be saved to disk and can be printed on an HP LaserJet. YABMP is a 32-bit Protected Mode program that requires an i486 CPU (or an i386 CPU with i387 FPU). It runs under DOS ( version 3.3 or greater ) with a DOS Extender, which is provided. (modified from the documentation.) Download [244 KB]. YFUNX The YFUNX program is designed to graph and analyze functions of the form Y=F(X). YFUNX can perform integration (numerically and graphically) by several different ways: lower, midpoint, andupper Riemann sums; Trapezoid and Simpson's rule; Gaussian quadrature and Romburg. This program will also calculate (numerically and graphically) arc length, extrema, volumes (by both disks andcylinders), surface area and the user can apply Newton's Method or the Bisection Method to find the zeroes. The user can also enter a Tangent/Normal/Graph trace mode in which they can move atangent line, normal line or a point along the graph to study the variations of these quantities along the curve. At each point on the curve the tangent line equation (or normal) and the coordinates of thepoint of tangency (normality) are given. A tutorial file is provided. (modified from yfunx.abs) Download [112 KB].YOGI BEAR'S MATH ADVENTUREYOGI BEAR'S MATH ADVENTURE is a fun game for children to practice their math skills. Choose from addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division and go with Yogi to answer problems. Download [240 KB]. Zurk's Rainforest LabZurk's Rainforest Lab presents a variety of early learning activities centered in a Central American rainforest. Five activities begin from the Mercado or marketplace. In the "Egghunt" twelve eggs arehidden in three levels of the rainforest. The first few eggs are obvious, but the game quickly becomes more challenging. Clicking an animal in the "Jungle Discovery" section opens a window of textwith optional narration. Students can use a camera button to take pictures for viewing in the "Photo Album." Each page of the album holds two pictures and space for text entry. Zurk spins a sortingmachine in "Seek and Sort," where students click and drag 15 animals into appropriate categories. The sorter can be set to spin at three different speeds. A graphing function monitors progress. "PatternPuzzles" has six geometric shapes that are rotated and fitted into various patterns. Each section is preceded by a riddle, with the answer provided when users exit the activity. Work created in severalactivities can be printed. (from )


Modulo sulla cinematica

TIPOLOGIA DI ISTITUTO: Istituto Tecnico IndustrialeDISCIPLINA: FisicaCLASSE: Prima

MODULO: Cinematica

UNITA' DIDATTICHE: - [...] - Moto rettilineo uniforme e uniformemente accelerato. - [...] PREREQUISITI: - Algebra elementare (operazioni con numeri negativi e semplici manipolazioni con il calcolo letterale) - Rappresentazione e lettura di semplici grafici. - Sistemi di riferimento 1-dimensionali.

VERIFICA DIAGNOSTICA: Esercizi a scelta multipla o breve risposta aperta.

METODI: Il modulo è stato scomposto in più u.d. ognuna delle quali consiste di un certo numero di lezioni,alcune esperienze di laboratorio di fisica o di informatica e un test.

STRUMENTI: Libro di testo,dispense, laboratorio di informatica e di fisica.

VALUTAZIONE: - Domande in classeFORMATIVA - Osservazione lavoro di gruppo - Interventi alla lavagna Se la valutazione denotasse la presenza di mancanza di conoscenza / comprensione si interverrà con interventi di recupero.

RECUPERO: In itinere se buona parte della classe presenta difficoltà. In orario extra-curricolare sul singolo o su un gruppo limitato.


Conoscenze: (sapere)

Conoscere/distinguere i vari tipi di moto (rettilineo uniforme e uniformemente accelerato,circolare uniforme).

Rappresentare analiticamente e graficamente i vari tipi di moto.

Competenze: (saper fare)

Sapere modellizzare (in senso grafico e analitico) esempi di moto (di quelli sopra citati) desuntidalla realtà.

Sapere leggere ( dalla espressione grafica o analitica) le caratteristiche dei moti in questione. Sapere utilizzare semplici programmi ( rudimenti di windows, apertura di menù a tendina, tasti

speciali, uso del mouse, inserimento dati). Verrà a tal scopo utilizzata una applicazione gratuitadenominata MATHworld.

Saper utilizzare (a livello molto elementare) programmi per la realizzazione e lo studio difunzioni (nella fattispecie il programma gratuito GNUplot)

Capacità: (saper essere)

Capacità di inserirsi propositivamente all'interno della classe e del gruppo di laboratorio,rispettando regole e ruoli.

Assunzione di atteggiamenti di critica autonoma rispetto al sapere stesso. Assunzione di atteggiamenti intraprendenti nel presentarsi di situazioni di sapere o saper fare



Dopo aver introdotto nelle precedenti lezioni i concetti di posizione, velocità,accelerazione (nel moto rettilineo uniforme) gli allievi verranno lasciati liberi digiocare con il programma al fine di esplorarne le potenzialità mediante un approccioa pensiero divergente.Quando gli allievi stessi manifesteranno un calo di curiosità, si procederà quindi conl'introduzione di semplici problemi sia di analisi che di sintesi sempre lasciandospazio alla sperimentazione.Si procederà quindi con un insegnamento sistematizzato delle caratteristiche delprogramma solo in un successivo momento potendo così disporre di conoscenzepregresse sul programma stesso.Per dare una idea di cosa potrà succedere viene qui di seguito visualizzata la schermata di apertura del programma:

I ragazzi saranno probabilmente interessati alle opzioni presenti nel menu', tra questesicuramente l'opzione "start simulation" o quella "file" per scoprire altri scenari.

Da qui in poi risulta difficile prevedere dove li porterà la loro esplorazione , terminatacomunque questa fase i problemi che si potranno loro porre saranno moltissimi es:

- modifica dei parametri posizione e velocità iniziale in modo da fare arrivare ipersonaggi nel medesimo punto in un determinato istante

- spiegare perchè la posizione del personaggio con accelerazione costante positivanon è una retta come quella degli altri due personaggi

- prevedere cosa succede se si pone una velocità negativa ad un personaggio con accelerazione nulla

- prevedere cosa succede se si pone una accelerazione negativa ad un personaggio cheha velocità iniziale positiva.

- chiedere come dovranno essere la velocità e l'accelerazione di un personaggio se sivuole che si muova prima a sinistra e poi a destra

Bisogna inoltre considerare che ci sono parecchi mondi possibili, esempio quellodegli ascensori dove il moto si sviluppa in verticale o quello della metropolitana doveil moto avviene lungo una prestabilita traettoria curvilinea: ognuno di essi offrel'occasione di porre problemi diversi.

Al fine di dettagliare meglio i quesiti da porre sarebbe però opportuno conoscere laclasse e calibrare l'esperienza sulle loro effettive abilità, magari insistendoparticolarmente sulle questioni per loro più difficili.

Il manuale del programma viene rilasciato col programma stesso e consiste di unadecina di pagine, nella prossima pagina ne viene fornita una versione molto sintetica.

ICONE A DESTRA:Rappresentano rispettivamente 1) Eliminazione di un segmento di moto del personaggio marcato2) Eliminazione di tutti i segmenti di moto del personaggio marcato3) Aggiunta di un segmento di velocità nulla4) Aggiunta di un segmento di velocità unitaria5) Aggiunta di un segmento con accelerazione unitaria6) Aggiunta di un personaggio del tipo in icona

FILE: Open / Save / Save As / Quit

ACTOR:nome attore1 / nome attore 2 / etc: Per selezionare il personaggio

SIMULATION:Go / Pause / Reset / N Step / clear traccie lasciate dal personaggio subito-all'inizioGestisce la simulazione e consente di far lasciare al personaggio dei puntiper ogni tic: questo fa ben vedere gli effetti della accelerazione o della v=cost.

OPTION:Snap to grid / Show hot spot / Hide Worldper "quantizzare" al grid i valori di velocità o posizione/ per attivare letraccie/ per nascondere il mondo dietro (si vede solo il punto colorato)

WINDOWS:Controls: mostra una finestra con le icone corrispondenti a G,P,R,N su visti.Actor: (personaggio)nome, colore, x0,t0,clear data, marks,kill,CLOSE/APPLY consente di modificare questi valoriTable: (position/velocity/acceleration) , Dt, t0-t1

time pers1 pers2 .... persN0 1 0.4 -.80 1 0.4 -.80 1 0.4 -.8fornisce la tabella delle posizioni, velocità, accelerazioni dei

personaggi, istante per istante secondo un tic locale.Algebra: (segmento) a2x^2 + a1x + a0,a2=...,a1=...,a0=.....

scrive l'equazione della posizione nel segmento preso in considerazione

GRAPH INFO: ( cliccando sul nome in alto a destra del grafico)title,traccia del personaggio1 visibile (si/no), personaggio 2 ,, etcconsente di modificare il titolo del grafico e rendere o meno visibile

la traccia di ogni singolo personaggio

X/Y AXIS: (cliccando sul nome dell'asse corrispondente)label,x0,Dx,dx,dLabel

consente di inserire la label dell'asse x (ovvero y) , il valore iniziale, il range,il dx del grid ed il delta x ogni quanto mettere la label col valore della x (ovvero y)


In questo secondo segmento di unità didattica si insegna ad utilizzare il programmaper graficare funzioni. (Questa lezione potrebbe ovviamente essere svolta ancheall'interno del modulo di matematica).

Per cominciare si può dire di impostare il semplice comando "plot sin(x)" ottenendo il seguente risultato:

si può quindi chiedere di fare delle considerazioni dopo avergli chiesto di impostare il seguentecomando:"plot sin(x),cos(x),2*sin(3*x)"il quale produce:

o ancora per lo studio di funzioni parametriche:"set parametric""splot cos(t),sin(t)"produce:

mentre"set parametric""splot 3*cos(t),3*sin(1.5t),cos(t),sin(2*t)"


Viceversa si possono studiare superfici:"set noparametric""plot sin(x*y)":

Con questi pochi suggerimenti gli allievi dovrebbero essere in grado di attivare laconsueta fase di pensiero divergente alla quale seguiranno spiegazioni sulle ulterioripossibilità offerte dal programma.Tali possibilità sono veramente tantissime e sono ben documentate nell'help in linea ilquale consente di chiedere aiuto ad esempio impostando "help plot" la risposta sarà la seguente:


plot and splot are the primary commands of the program. They plot functions anddata in many, many ways. plot is used to plot 2-d functions and data, while splot plots3-d surfaces and data.


plot {ranges} {<function> | {"<datafile>" {using ...}}} {title} {style} {, <function> {title} {style}...}

splot {ranges} {<function> | {"<datafile>" {index i} {using ...}}}

{title} {style} {, <function> {title} {style}...}

where either a <function> or the name of a data file enclosed in quotes is supplied. Afunction is a mathematical expression, or a pair (plot) or triple (splot) ofmathematical expressions in the case of parametric functions. User-defined functionsand variables may also be defined here.

plot and splot commands can be as simple as

plot sin(x)


splot x * y

or as complex as (!)

plot [t=1:10] [-pi:pi*2] tan(t), "data.1" using 2:3 with lines, t**2 with points

Quindi un aiuto sufficientemente chiaro in quanto dotato di esempi. Inoltre esiste un help a menù e parecchie demo che sono esplicative di come sipossono usare i comandi.


GRAPHING PROGRAMS> Identify The function:


GRAPHING PROGRAMS> implicit functions



STATISTICS> correlation


