Lab Class Week 2: Introduction to the course 1 Psy2005: Applied Research Methods & Ethics in...

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Transcript of Lab Class Week 2: Introduction to the course 1 Psy2005: Applied Research Methods & Ethics in...

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Lab Class Week 2: Introduction to the course 1 Psy2005: Applied Research Methods & Ethics in Psychology Tutor Led Slide 2 Welcome to Psy2005!!! 2 Module Team: Dr Nicholas LeBoutillier ( Dr Mark Coulson ( Deborah Rodriguez ( Akile Zorba ( Laboratory Tutors: Module Leader: Dr Nicholas LeBoutillier (Mon. 1.00-3.00) Lab Tutor: Dr Mark Coulson (Mon. 3.00-5.00) Lab Tutor: Deborah Rodriguez (Wed. 3.00-5.00) Formative Assessment Coordinator: Akile Zorba (tutorial support Mon. 5.00-6.00) Tutor Led Slide 3 Aims & Outcomes 3 Provide an overview of the module including formative and summative assessments Encourage students to think about applied research areas Translate a research idea into a working hypothesis Tutor Led Slide 4 Part 1 4 Workbook 1: Models of applied research. Developing research ideas in Counselling & Forensic Psychology and working out how they would be implement : 2 topics (week 2: 13/10/14) Worksheet 1: Revision from Year 1 (week 3: 20/10/14) Workbook 1: Ethical standards and a framework for applied research; Ethics worksheets (week 4: 27/10/14) Formative assessment 1 Workbook 1 An introduction to the Data Set for Workbook 1: Drug Abuse Treatments and Crime. (week 5: 03/11/14) Workbook 1 Drug Abuse Treatments and Crime: Screening, describing and analyzing (one-way ANOVA) (week 6: 10/11/14) Reading Week (week 7: 17/11/14) Workbook 1 Drug Abuse Treatments and Crime: Time series analysis (RM ANOVA) (week 8: 24/11/14) Tutor Led Slide 5 Part 1 cont. 5 Workbook 1 Drug Abuse Treatments and Crime: Main and interaction effects (two-way ANOVA) (week 9: 01/12/14). ANALYSES FOR LAB REPORT 1. Workbook 1 - Drug Abuse Treatments and Crime: Evaluating the results in the context of the previous literature. Data Base Searches (week 10: 08/12/14). Reading Week (Week 11: 15/12/14)_ Workbook 1 Drug Abuse Treatments and Crime: Conclusions (week 12: 12/01/15). Summative Assessment 1 - Drug Abuse Treatments and Crime: Writing Laboratory Reports (week 13: 19/01/15). Tutor Led Slide 6 Part 2 6 Workbook 2 An introduction to: Lifespan Interviews; Interview design and analysis; Interview protocols; Transcription; Phenomenological Analyses, Grounded Theory (week 14: 26/01/15). Workbook 2 Interviewing in Life Story Research (week 15: 02/02/15). INTERVIEWS FOR LAB REPORT 2 Workbook 2 Grounded Theory (week 16: 09/02/15) Reading Week (week 17: 16/02/15) Workbook 2 - Narrative Analysis (week 18: 23/02/15) Workbook 2 Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (week 19: 02/03/15) Workbook 2 - Writing up Qualitative report (week 20: 09/03/15) Workbook 2 - Writing up Qualitative report (week 21: 16/03/15) Summative Assessment 2: Writing up Qualitative report (week 22: 23/03/15) Tutor Led Slide 7 And Finally... 7 Dissertation planning: Small N-designs (Narrative case studies & N=1 experimental designs); Survey designs and analysis (week 23: 13/04/15). Reading Week (week 24: 20/04/15) Tutor Led Slide 8 Assessment 8 Formative: Literature Search (Term 1) Ethics Worksheet (Term 1) Interview Protocol (Term 2) Method Workbooks x 2 (1 quantitative & 1 qualitative: Term 1 & 2) Summative Research Report x 2 = 100% Tutor Led Slide 9 Areas Covered in Term 1 Labs 9 Forensic &Counselling Areas: Intimate partner violence Self-harm in prisoners Drug treatment therapies Mental illness and crime Statistical Techniques Descriptive and screening techniques Types of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): one-way independent groups; one way repeated measures; two-way independent groups Post-hoc tests: Bonferonni, t-tests; Simple-effects analyses Tests of homogeneity of variance and covariance Others: Ethics in Applied Psychology Database and literature searching Tutor Led Slide 10 Rules of engagement! 10 Relaxed teaching format in the laboratory classes Encourage student cooperation and group-work Tutor-led aspects of the laboratory Listening periods where the tutor explains concepts Student-led aspects of the laboratory Cooperative, talkative, interactive Students may take a break but must consider their fellow students Tutor LedStudent Led Tutor Led Slide 11 Logging into the computer 11 Different to that for other university computers, and different to Unihub Username: your ITuserID E.g. AA1234 Password: your student number E.g. M00123456 Tutor Led Slide 12 Todays Session 12 Get in to groups of 3,4, or 5 Aim is to develop a research idea and translate it in to a research hypothesis for either: Intimate partner violence Self-harm in prisoners Open psy2005 folder > Week 2 Open Workbook1(week2).docx Tutor Led Slide 13 Developing Research Ideas (Week 2) 13 Title: Key words: Introduction (Max. 250 words): Hypothesis Methods Participants: Design: Materials: Procedure: References To be submitted on UniHub by one member of the group Tutor Led Slide 14 Conducting a Literature Search 14 Intimate partner violence Key words to start your search: intimate partner violence; Marital violence; Marital aggression; dating violence; family violence Associated key words for further research: Child abuse; pathological gambling; alcoholism; stress; aggression. Self-harm in prisoners: Key words to start your search: self-harm; suicide; attempted suicide; self-injurious behaviour Associated key words for further search: psychiatric disorders; prison; psychological factors; women; social factors; cognitive behavioural therapy Tutor Led Slide 15 Literature Searching: Google Scholar 15 Tutor Led Slide 16 16 Student Led Slide 17 Papers in Relevant Folders: IPV 17 Helfrtiz et al. (2006): Empirical study that investigates the usefulness of self-report in assessing men accused of domestic violence. (Uses ANOVAs) Herrenkohl et al. (2008): Review of the link between child abuse and exposure to domestic violence (may be used to generate ideas) Wittenberg et al. (2007). Qualitative study on the effect of IPV on health. Key areas of health could be further investigated. Student Led Slide 18 Papers in Relevant Folders: Self-Harm 18 Marzano et al. (2009): Qualitative study that explores the subjective experiences of survivors of near-fatal self-harm. Case study Vignettes may generate ideas for further research Pannell et al. (2003): Empirical study with some reporting omissions but provides ideas on how external factors (attitude of prison officers) may influence self-harm: Uses PCA & ANOVA Biddle et al. (2010): Qualitative study exploring the reasons why people choose hanging as a method of suicide. Interviews with thematic analysis and some descriptive data Student Led Slide 19 Example Workbook Inserts 19 Appendix 1 Student Led Slide 20 Developing Research Ideas (Introduction) 20 Title: E.g. A CognitiveBehavioral Motivational Intervention in a Group Versus Individual Format for Substance Use Disorders Key Words: E.g. group therapy, motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapy, substance abuse Introduction (Max. 250 words): A brief overview of the subject area outlining research from the relevant folder and incorporating the key words. Hypothesis: If Quantitative e.g. That the Group Therapy participants will report significantly lower levels of substance use than the Individual Therapy participants Student Led Slide 21 Developing Research Ideas (Method) 21 Participants: N-size; characteristics of sample; location of treatment E.g. One-hundred Participants with a primary drug problem (PDP) voluntarily entered an outpatient treatment program at the Guided Self-Change Unit of the Addiction Research Foundation (ARF) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Student Led Slide 22 Developing Research Ideas (Design) 22 E.g. Figure 1 shows the client flow into the study. The 100 eligible participants were blocked on gender and primary substance problem then randomly assigned to either group treatment (Group Treatment; n = 50) or individual treatment (Iindividual Treatment; n =50). Figure 1. Client flow into the study. Eligible and randomly Assigned (n=100) Group Therapy (n=50)Ind. Therapy (n=50) Completed Session 4 (n=46)Completed Session 4 (n=44) Completed 12 month follow up (n=40) Student Led Slide 23 Developing Research Ideas (Materials) 23 Outcome Measures: E.g. DUHQ. The Drug Use History Questionnaire (DUHQ) gathers lifetime and recent drug use data (e.g., years used, route of administration, frequency of use; L. C. Sobell, Kwan, &Sobell, 1995). During treatment Self-Monitoring logs were used to collect self-reports of drug use (i.e., use or no use). Student Led Slide 24 Developing Research Ideas (Procedure) 24 Participants randomized to Individual Treatment received the treatment delivered by one therapist and those in Group Treatment received the same treatment delivered in a group format with two therapists. Both conditions consisted of an assessment and four sessions. Individual treatment sessions were 60 min, while group sessions were 90 to120 min. The groups ranged from four to eight members and were closed (i.e., no new members after Session 1). Please note: In research papers you will find more detail than this but we are at the start of the course. Student Led