La Mi Nine Ppt

Post on 06-Sep-2014

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Transcript of La Mi Nine Ppt

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Agenda For This Evening

Introduction to an Incredible Product and Company Your chance to ask Questions Here what real people say about it. Testimonial Where the company is going. Company Vision Options to Try Laminine Give us your feedback (Evaluation Form) Your Free Sample Dessert on the Patio

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Would you be interested in a product that did the following? 1.  Elevate Serotonin Levels 2.  Reduce Stress 3.  Promote More Restful Sleep 4.  Build Collagen for Healthier Skin 5.  Reduce Signs of Aging 6.  Stimulate Natural DHEA 7.  Stimulate Testosterone 8.  Aid in Brain Function 9.  Increase Clarity and Alertness 10.  Increase in Physical Strength 11.  Increase in Mental Strength 12.  Increase in Emotional Strength 13.  Decrease Pain 14.  Quicker Muscle Recovery 15.  Increased Muscle Tone 16.  Improve Stamina & Energy 17.  Increase Libido 18.  Burn Fat

The perfect Combination of Life-giving substance sourced from Land, Sea, and Plant.

Its source is from the

“Miracle of Life”


100% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade Ingredients Tested for Safety and Quality.

Each Ingredient Approved as Safe by the FDA GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe)

Brought to you by LifePharm Global Network


Laminine is the complete synergy of:

22 amino acids Trace minerals Vitamins Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF)

WHO IS LIFEPHARM GLOBAL? LifePharm Global Network

a wholly owned subsidiary of

LifePharm, Inc.

The founders have over 25 years in the Nutraceutical and Wellness Industry

Since 2001

Manufacturing High-Quality Nutraceutical Products

United States exporting to South East Asian

Celebrity Endorsements Spokesperson

LifePharm Inc. Household Brand

Premium Quality Products.

LifePharm, Inc

Exceeded $100 Million Mark

Available Over 1,300 Retail Outlets Over 6 Asian Countries.

LifePharm Inc Awarded

Superbrands Status Extrim and Intenz,

Previous Recipient

Notable Companies

Boeing, Sony, and Coca Cola


First Four Years

Boeing Sony Coca Cola

LEADERSHIP The Founders of LifePharm Global Network have Successfully taken Multiple Companies from Creation to Publically Traded Status

They want you to know that they are qualified to know when the time is right and they are prepared to take this company public and you can be a part of that

exciting process.

THE ORIGIN OF LAMININE In 1929, Dr. John R. Davidson, a Canadian Doctor, discovered an extract derived from the fertilized Avian Eggs at a critical stage of incubation. Dr. Davidson used this extract to restore terminally ill cancer patients back to perfect health. When the founders of LifePharm Inc. saw the following news clip they went into immediate action to secure the worldwide marketing rights.


Scientists have since confirmed his discovery. They now realize that on exactly the ninth day of incubation, the fertilized avian egg contains all the necessary elements to create and develop the Avian Life. At this very precise moment the highly potent tissue is extracted and blended with phyto and marine proteins to make it complete with all essential amino acids necessary for Human Life.

Its source is from the “Miracle of Life”


There are estimated to be over 2 million different proteins in the human body*

What are Amino Acids?

Critical to life protein building blocks

Our Bodies Require them on a Daily Basis

Amino Acids Join to form Proteins

* Michael Anissimov – How many proteins exist? WiseGeek


Proteins make up our: Muscles, Tendons, Organs, Glands, Hair & Nails The Growth, Maintenance, and Repair of ALL CELLS are dependant on them. Next to Water, Proteins make up the Greatest Portion of our Body Weight


Certain Amino Acids can only be obtained from our diets. These are known as Essential Amino Acids The other Non-Essential Amino Acids are manufactured from other sources in the body

Amino Acids Cannot be Stored in the Body. They have to be replaced EVERYDAY!



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ALL Our Body’s Functions: 1. Muscle Building 2. Repair of organs – Heart, Liver, Pancreas 3. Regulate Hormones -Insulin, Cortisol, Adrenaline, HGH 4. Immune System 5. Hair, Skin & Nails 6. Testosterone, Estrogen and Progesterone 7. Blood, Enzymes & Cholesterol 8. Weight Loss 9. Memory & Learning 10. Neurotransmitters – Serotonin, Endorphins, Dopamine, GABA & Melatonin

WEAKEST LINK Failure to Obtain Enough of Even 1 of the 8 Essential Amino Acids Results in Degradation of the Body’s Proteins.

The chain is only as strong as its weakest link…

The Body is only as Strong as its Weakest Amino Acid.

“Even a Slight Protein Deficiency may explain poor academic performance and could have an effect on mood and cognition…a deficit as children can affect their intelligence as older children…especially boys”

- Bob Lanier, Jesuit College Professor

SYMPTOMS OF AMINO ACIDS DEFICIENCY 1.  Mood Swings & Depression 2.  Anxiety & Nervousness 3.  Insomnia 4.  Chronic Fatigue 5.  Chronic Pain 6.  Muscular Weakness 7.  Loss of Lean Body Tissue 8.  Inability to Lose Body Fat & Weight

Gain 9.  Digestive Disorders 10. Impaired Healing of Wounds 11. Susceptibility to Infection 12. Dry, Brittle Hair, Skin & Nails 13. Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure

A FEW FACTS ON AMINO ACIDS When Adequate Amounts are Not Supplied, Disease WILL Result

Whichever Amino Acid we are lacking in will set the Bar for how our Bodies use the Others

Our Body Requires The Synergy Of All Amino Acids Working Together.

AMINO ACIDS & DEPRESSION Amino Acids Affect Serotonin Levels

When they are Low, We can get Depressed

When they are High, We feel Happier & Content On July 2011, W.H.O. Says: 19.2% of US Population is Depressed.

Depression is the Leading Cause of Disability Worldwide, not only in Adults but the Number One Disability for Children as well.

DEPRESSION Article on The Antidepressants most popular prescription medication in U.S. from the Las Vegas Journal. Posted August 22, 2011

Citing the Recession as well, Dr. Stephen Miller, a Las Vegas Internist, says he’s “prescribing more (antidepressants) than I ever thought I would.”

Citing the recession as well, Dr. Stephen Miller, a Las Vegas internist, says he's "prescribing more (antidepressants) than I ever thought I would. Having said that, I usually talk to patients and try to go to other means. But it's hard to gauge when you see a patient for 15 minutes. Another element of taking antidepressants is potential side effects. "The most common side effect is sexual dysfunction," Thienhaus says. "That isn't dangerous, but it's a nuisance and people often stop taking the medications because of it. More serious side effects are gastrointestinal upset, which are usually temporary and go away. The bigger problem is once you stop these meds, people get very uncomfortable with withdrawal symptoms that are neurological. People feel like they get electric shocks, they feel lightheaded and feel like there's a (relapse) where they are constantly fearful and feel so depressed they really need the medications back. Those are real concerns." Television viewers might also have noticed another issue: A burst of come-ons from law firms encouraging women to look into lawsuits if they took certain medications and had children with birth defects. Based on data from Finland, a recent study found a possible link between "a small risk of birth defects" and women taking Prozac and Paxil in the early months of pregnancy.

Law Firms Encourage Women to look into lawsuits based on data from Finland, a recent study found a “small risk of birth defects”

Citing the recession as well, Dr. Stephen Miller, a Las Vegas internist, says he's "prescribing more (antidepressants) than I ever thought I would. Having said that, I usually talk to patients and try to go to other means. But it's hard to gauge when you see a patient for 15 minutes. Another element of taking antidepressants is potential side effects. "The most common side effect is sexual dysfunction," Thienhaus says. "That isn't dangerous, but it's a nuisance and people often stop taking the medications because of it. More serious side effects are gastrointestinal upset, which are usually temporary and go away. The bigger problem is once you stop these meds, people get very uncomfortable with withdrawal symptoms that are neurological. People feel like they get electric shocks, they feel lightheaded and feel like there's a (relapse) where they are constantly fearful and feel so depressed they really need the medications back. Those are real concerns." Television viewers might also have noticed another issue: A burst of come-ons from law firms encouraging women to look into lawsuits if they took certain medications and had children with birth defects. Based on data from Finland, a recent study found a possible link between "a small risk of birth defects" and women taking Prozac and Paxil in the early months of pregnancy.

Citing the recession as well, Dr. Stephen Miller, a Las Vegas internist, says he's "prescribing more (antidepressants) than I ever thought I would. Having said that, I usually talk to patients and try to go to other means. But it's hard to gauge when you see a patient for 15 minutes. Another element of taking antidepressants is potential side effects. "The most common side effect is sexual dysfunction," Thienhaus says. "That isn't dangerous, but it's a nuisance and people often stop taking the medications because of it. More serious side effects are gastrointestinal upset, which are usually temporary and go away. The bigger problem is once you stop these meds, people get very uncomfortable with withdrawal symptoms that are neurological. People feel like they get electric shocks, they feel lightheaded and feel like there's a (relapse) where they are constantly fearful and feel so depressed they really need the medications back. Those are real concerns." Television viewers might also have noticed another issue: A burst of come-ons from law firms encouraging women to look into lawsuits if they took certain medications and had children with birth defects. Based on data from Finland, a recent study found a possible link between "a small risk of birth defects" and women taking Prozac and Paxil in the early months of pregnancy.

Citing the recession as well, Dr. Stephen Miller, a Las Vegas internist, says he's "prescribing more (antidepressants) than I ever thought I would. Having said that, I usually talk to patients and try to go to other means. But it's hard to gauge when you see a patient for 15 minutes. Another element of taking antidepressants is potential side effects. "The most common side effect is sexual dysfunction," Thienhaus says. "That isn't dangerous, but it's a nuisance and people often stop taking the medications because of it. More serious side effects are gastrointestinal upset, which are usually temporary and go away. The bigger problem is once you stop these meds, people get very uncomfortable with withdrawal symptoms that are neurological. People feel like they get electric shocks, they feel lightheaded and feel like there's a (relapse) where they are constantly fearful and feel so depressed they really need the medications back. Those are real concerns." Television viewers might also have noticed another issue: A burst of come-ons from law firms encouraging women to look into lawsuits if they took certain medications and had children with birth defects. Based on data from Finland, a recent study found a possible link between "a small risk of birth defects" and women taking Prozac and Paxil in the early months of pregnancy.

“The most common side effect is sexual dysfunction,”


The amount of sleep a person needs depends on many factors including age.

•  Infants require about 16 hours a day

•  Teenagers need about 9 hours on average

•  Most adults need 7 to 8 hours a night for the best amount of sleep, although some people may need as few as 5 hours or as many as 10 hours of sleep each day.

An Article by Reported on August 22, 2011



1.  Memory Problems 2.  Depression 3.  A weakening of your immune

system, increasing your chance of becoming sick

4.  Increase in perception of pain

An Article by Reported on August 22, 2011

Driver Fatigue is responsible for an estimated 56,000 motor vehicle accidents and 1,500 deaths each year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Caffeine and other stimulants cannot overcome the effects of severe sleep deprivation.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration


Reported on August 22, 2011


1.  Elevate Serotonin Levels 2.  Reduce Stress 3.  Promote More Restful Sleep 4.  Build Collagen for Healthier

Skin 5.  Reduce Signs of Aging 6.  Stimulate Natural DHEA 7.  Stimulate Testosterone 8.  Aid in Brain Function 9.  Increase Clarity and Alertness 10.  Increase in Physical Strength 11.  Increase in Mental Strength 12.  Increase in Emotional

Strength 13.  Decrease Pain 14.  Quicker Muscle Recovery 15.  Increased Muscle Tone 16.  Improve Stamina & Energy 17.  Increase Libido 18.  Burn Fat

11 Clinical Studies Show that Regular use of Laminine Helps To:

Based on the Testimonials “Why are the results even better than expected?” Dr. Juzer a PHD in Chemical Engineering.

THE ANSWER The key Laminine was Fibroblast Growth Factor aka FGF. Which is an Abundant Substance Found in the Placenta Non Existent in the Adult Human Body FGF’s Found in 1970 in Pro Embrionic Stem Cells FGF’s lead the way for the Amino Acids Science Injected them into Neurons for Research and Results

Results Better Than Expected!

To put it Simply: Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGFs) are like Architects in Building a Bridge They instruct the Workers, carrying the bricks, to properly place them where needed most.


FGF’s LEAD THE WAY… They Pull the Amino Acids in as they need them and where they serve best. FGF’s Feed Brain Stem Cells Nourished Stem Cells Multiply

FGF’s Repairs or Destroys Mutant Genes – Especially in Huntington Disease

and Alzheimer’s FGF’s Tell the Stem Cells to “Take the Form Of a Particular Neuron Gene and Take Back the Function”

FGF’s LEAD THE WAY… Explaining the Testimonials … Reconnecting Brain Neurons and helping with: Stroke Recovery Dementia, Alzheimer's, Autism, Schizophrenia Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD

FGF’s LEAD THE WAY… FGF’s in Laminine Help Your Body Use ALL the Other Amino Acids that you get from Other Sources Explaining Additional Testimonials Rapid Healing of Wounds Tissue Regeneration Decrease Cortisol (The Stress Hormone) Depression Blood Pressure Arthritic Joint Pain

FGF’s LEAD THE WAY… Previous Research on the Benefits of FGF’s were completed with INJECTIONS not Digestion Question Can the Amino Acids and FGF survive the Stomach Acids and arrive at the needed destination it tact and available to be used? TERM Who Knows…. Apparently the Critically Balanced FGF’s and Amino Acids in this Laminine is Naturally TERM and the Results are in the Testimonials

FGF’s LEAD THE WAY… Dr. Juzer FGF’s are Abundant in the Placenta at the time of Birth, However Not Found in the Adult Human Body Nor are they Found in our Diets. Laminine is the ONLY KNOWN FOOD SOURCE of FGF’s to Supplement our Daily Diet and Receive this Life Changing Nutrient. Let’s Confirm What he Said on GOOGLE


Searching “FGF” leads to About 6,900,000 Results

Searching “FGF 2” Leads to About 632,000 Results

Searching “FGF 2 Food” Leads to Only 1 primary Result

Searching “FGF 2 Food Source” Leads to No Results Found

BOTTOM LINE With the Fertile Avian Egg Providing the

Foundation We have Created The Balanced Formula

Laminine. It takes the Synergy of All the Participants:

Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids and the FGF’s for Perfect Health.

This can only be obtained with our Unique Proprietary Combination

LAMININE No One Else has IT, and No One Else Will!

We Don’t want your Money

We Want Your Hearts!

Fall in Love with Laminine Or

Your Money Back! Your Money Back!









IT, Risk Free, FDA GRAS 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee What If it does work for you? FANTASTIC!


What Would You Do Then?




Who Would You Tell?

Who do you Care About?



Purchase Laminine for yourself today and pay only


ACTIVATION PACK Purchase 3 Boxes of Laminine and you become Activated as a LPGN Member. This Package also comes with:

This Value Pack can be yours for only $99.00!!!

3 Boxes of Laminine Position in the Company Personalized Website & Professional Back Office

FAMILY PACK Purchase 9 Boxes of Laminine and get 1 FREE! And you become Activated as a LPGN Member. This Package also comes with:

This Value Pack can be yours for only $299.00!!!

10 Boxes of Laminine Position in the Company Personalized Website & Professional Back Office 29 Laminine Brochures 9 Getting Started Guides 9 Application Forms

FAST TRACK PACK Purchase 30 Boxes of Laminine and get 5 FREE! And you become Activated as a LPGN Member. This Package also comes with:

This Value Pack can be yours for only $999.00!!!

35 Boxes of Laminine Position in the Company Personalized Website & Professional Back Office 99 Laminine Brochures 99 Getting Started Guides 50 Application Forms Laminine Pin Box of Customized Business Cards



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