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Transcript of LA FÉMIS -



法國 France / 2011 / 22 min突尼斯語對白,中英文字幕 In Tunisian with Chi & Eng Sub

法國 France / 2017 / 34 min法語對白,中英文字幕 In French with Chi & Eng Sub

法國 France / 2018 / 28 min西西里語對白,中英文字幕 In Sicilian with Chi & Eng Sub

法國 France / 2019 / 21 min英語對白,中英文字幕 In English with Chi & Eng Sub

法國 France / 2018 / 24 min法語對白,中英文字幕 In French with Chi & Eng Sub

法國 France / 2014 / 22 min法語對白,中英文字幕 In French with Chi & Eng Sub

法國 France / 2014 / 15 min法語對白,中英文字幕 In French with Chi & Eng Sub

法國 France / 2015 / 12 min無對白 No Dialogue

06/11 (Sat)5:05 pmMM

11/11 (Thu)7:30 pmMM

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13/11 (Sat)7:35 pmMM

07/11 (Sun)3:00 pmMM

14/11 (Sun)7:25 pmMM

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05/11 (Fri)7:20 pmMM

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12/11 (Fri)7:30 pmMM

艾瑪的秘密 Mkhobbi fi Kobba (Turbulence)布茜特 Leyla Bouzid演員 Cast : Bouraouïa Marzouk, Meriem Ferjani, Hamza Ben Yousse, Amira Chebli, Salah Zeghidi


After Emma is assaulted at a gathering, questions hang in the air such as “Why was she assaulted?”, “Did she lose her virginity?” These questions are met with silence in the Islamic world, where chastity is more valuable than life. In the huge North African mansion where Emma resides, all traces have been removed.

布茜特出身於突尼斯電影世家,2011年畢業於La Fémis導演系。長片作品包括:《當我睜開眼》(2015) 及《愛慾故事》(2021)。

Leyla Bouzid was born and raised in Tunis. She graduated from La Fémis film directing department in 2011. Her feature works include A peine j’ouvre les yeux (2015) and Une histoire d’amour et de désir (2021).

我兒好漢 A Man My Son古魯 Florent Gouëlou演員 Cast : Jean-Marie Gouëlou, Florent Gouëlou, Calypso Baquey, Harald Marlot, Romain Eck


Drag queen Fred is a part-time film projectionist, tasked with screening his sister’s first work, a silver nitrate film. As he only knows how to screen digital films, he seeks help from his retired father. On their road trip to the screening location, they open up to each other and iron out issues over the years.

古魯2017年畢業於La Fémis導演系。現為演員及短片導演,作品包括《初戀》 (2020)及《美男子》(2020)。

Florent Gouëlou graduated from La Fémis film directing department in 2017. He is now an actor and a short film director; recent directing works include Premier Amour (2020) and Beauty Boys (2020).

海的謊言 Rosso: A True Lie about a Fisherman瑪西尼 Antonio Messana演員 Cast : Clemente Ventrone, Harry Estherson Ogifo, Fabrizio Ferracane


An old fisherman working at sea finds a refugee’s dead body in his net. Against his son’s will, he insists on giving the dead a proper burial and so begins an magical journey.

瑪西尼生於意大利西西里島,大學本科是哲學系,2018年畢業於La Fémis導演系。

Antonio Messana was born in Trapani, Italy, after studying Philosophy in university, he studied in La Fémis and graduated from the film directing department in 2018.

跟我抹 Clean with Me (After Dark)詩汀瑪 Gabrielle Stemmer


A “desktop documentary” literally made up of desktop images. Documenting hundreds of women who film themselves on youtube doing housework, the film takes a look at the sombre reality behind this online trend.

詩汀瑪在獲文學碩士後,入讀La Fémis剪接系,於2019年畢業。

After obtaining her master’s degree in literature, Gabrielle Stemmer studied in La Fémis and graduated from the editing department in 2019.

莎樂的假期 A Little Break格勞特 Louise Groult演員 Cast : Jeanne Disson, Julien Bouanich, Cloé Lastère, Baptiste Carrion-Weiss, Charles Guerand


16-year-old Charlotte is on vacation with her cousin at a coastal resort. As her cousin instantly hits it off with a boy at the beach, Charlotte falls for someone who is not available and only wants a summer fling.

格勞特於巴黎第八大學獲電影碩士學位,2018年畢業於La Fémis編劇系。

After earning a master's degree in film from Paris 8, Louise Groult graduated from La Fémis screenwriting department in 2018.

姐弟迷情 Thunderbirds米修絲 Léa Mysius演員 Cast : Corentin Cochet, Valentine Cadic, Anna Jacob


A pair of siblings, an overbearing sister and her submissive brother, are hunting larks. Their relationship suddenly changes one day when a woman walking a dog appears.

米修絲2014年畢業於La Fémis編劇系,其導演的長片作品有:《艾娃》(2017)。

Léa Mysius graduated from the La Fémis screenwriting department in 2014. She then directed feature film Ava (2017).

收音孖寶 Wild Track瑪妮 Nina Maini 演員 Cast : Philippe Duquesne, Pascal Demolon, Juliette Savary


While the location filming has long finished, the sound crew have just started to record their “wild tracks” (“Son Seul” in French). In order to record the sound of seagulls for their film, they pull out all the stops, including trudging up the hills to get the best sound.

瑪妮2014年畢業於La Fémis音響系。現為收音師,參與電影及電影製作。

Nina Maïni graduated from La Fémis sound department in 2014 and became a sound person for film and television.

獵人族 Wellington Jr.琵桑 Cécile Paysant


A young boy follows his family as they go hunting in the forest and makes his first kill as part of the rite of passage. As they gather around the bonfire at night, he watches his family members descend into savagery.

琵桑2015年畢業於La Fémis製作設計系,作品包括J. and the Fish (2015) 及《獵人族》。

Cécile Paysant graduated from La Fémis set department in 2015. Her works include J. and the Fish (2015) and Wellington Jr. (2015).

La Fémis前身是成立於1943年的法國高級電影研究學院 (L’Institut des hautes études cinématographiques,縮寫IDHEC),它於1986年重組為法國國家影像與聲音高等學院。該校隸屬於法國文化部,目前設有七個系(製片、導演、編劇、剪接、攝影、音響及製作設計),該校收生要求嚴格,每個系每年只取錄四至六人。其校友包括:安哲羅普洛斯、亞倫雷奈、路易馬盧、蘇堤和奧桑等著名導演。

La Fémis, formerly known as L’Institut des hautes études cinématographiques (IDHEC), founded in 1943, was restructured in 1986 as Fondation Européenne pour les Métiers de l’Image et du Son. The school falls under the Ministry of Culture and consists of seven departments (producing, directing, screenwriting, editing, cinematography, sound production and production design), with an intake of four to six students in each discipline each year. Their alumni include renowned directors such as, Theo Angelopoulos, Alain Resnais, Louis Malle, Claude Sautet and François Ozon.



校園放映 College Screenings





05/11 五 Fri 7:20 pm MM 收音孖寶 + 法國日記Wild Track + Journal de France

06/11 六 Sat 5:05 pm MM 艾瑪的秘密 + 無聲國度Mkhobbi fi Kobba (Turbulence) + In the Land of the Deaf

7:25 pm MM 跟我抹 + 生命的美麗瞬間Clean with Me (After Dark) + Each and Every Moment

07/11 日 Sun 3:00 pm MM 海的謊言 + 瘋人島 Rosso: A True Lie about a Fisherman + San Clemente

5:30 pm MM 我兒好漢 + 羅浮宮A Man My Son + The Louvre City

7:45 pm MM 獵人族 + 落口供Wellington Jr. + Caught in the Acts

11/11 四 Thu 7:30 pm MM 艾瑪的秘密 + 無聲國度Mkhobbi fi Kobba (Turbulence) + In the Land of the Deaf

12/11 五 Fri 7:30 pm MM 獵人族 + 落口供Wellington Jr. + Caught in the Acts

13/11 六 Sat 5:20 pm MM 收音孖寶 + 法國日記Wild Track + Journal de France

7:35 pm MM 我兒好漢 + 羅浮宮A Man My Son + The Louvre City

14/11 日 Sun 5:00 pm MM 跟我抹 + 生命的美麗瞬間Clean with Me (After Dark) + Each and Every Moment

7:25 pm MM 海的謊言 + 瘋人島 Rosso: A True Lie about a Fisherman + San Clemente

日期 Date 時間 Time 題目 Topic

29/10 五 Fri 8:00 pm 法國直接電影

8/11 一 Mon 8:00 pm 在法國學電影

網上講座 Online Talk

放映時間表 Screening Schedule

講座詳情請留意影展網站公佈。Please refer to the festival website announcement for the details of the talk.

票房 Box Office: MOViE MOViE Cityplaza網上購票 Online Booking:票務查詢 Ticketing Enquiries: 2388 0002凡經網上購票均會收取手續費。 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online.

購票優惠 Discount Schemesbc VIP及MOViE MOViE (MM)會員 八折bc VIP and MOViE MOViE (MM) 20% discount members

門票於10月13日起發售。Tickets will be available from 13 October.

票價 Tickets:$75 / $55**六十歲或以上高齡人士及全日制學生及十一歲或以下兒童Senior citizens aged 60 or above, and full-time students and children aged 11 or below.註:購買小童及長者票必須於票房劃位前及入場前出示年齡証明文件。Customers shall present proof of age before purchasing ticket and admission to the house.

節目查詢 Programme Enquires

惡劣天氣之放映安排 Arrangements under Inclement Weather Conditions當香港天文台發出八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告訊號或黑色暴雨警告時,電影節目可能會受影響而取消。詳情請留意香港國際紀錄片節


Screenings may be cancelled when tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 is in force or Black Rainstorm Warning is issued. Please refer to the Hong Kong International Documentary Festival Facebook or website for the latest notice. 2540 7859 主辦機構 Organised by

資助機構 Supported by


場地 VenueMM MOViE MOViE Cityplaza地址:香港太古城道18號太古城中心1期5樓Address: 5/F Cityplaza, 18 Taikoo Shing Road, Hong Kong前往方法:港鐵太古站D2出口步行5分鐘Directions: Around 5-minute walk from Exit D2, Tai Koo MTR Station

雷蒙迪柏當(Raymond Depardon,1942-),著名攝影記者,紀錄片導演。十二歲開始自學攝影,六十年代初成為攝影記者,在北非及越南等戰亂之地採訪,1966年參與創辦伽瑪新聞圖片社,1978年加入馬格蘭攝影通訊社。他在1977年以乍得內戰的攝影報導得到普立茲獎。1969年開始拍攝紀錄片,多年來執導的影片二十多部,並出版五十多本攝影集。主要作品包括:《記者們》(1981)、《瘋人島》 (1982)、《關鍵年代》(1984)及《落口供》(1994) 等。

Raymond Depardon (born 1942), is a world renowned photojournalist and documentary director. A self-taught photographer since he was 12, he became a photojournalist in the early 1960s and went on to cover the conflicts in North Africa and Vietnam. In 1966, he co-founded the photojournalism agency

Gamma and in 1978, he joined Magnum Photos. In 1977, he was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for covering the civil war in Chad. Since his start making documentaries in 1969, he has produced over 20 feature films and published some 50 photo journals. His notable works include: Reporters (1981), San Clemente (1982), The Declic Years (1984) and Caught in the Acts (1994).

克勞汀諾格蕾(Claudine Nougaret,1958-),在八十年代成為收音師。由1988年的《急症》開始和迪柏當合作,參與他之後多數作品的製片和收音工作,並合導了《數學的快樂》(2011) 及《法國日記》(2012) 兩部作品。她和迪柏當合作無間三十年,記錄了法國社會的聲與影。

Claudine Nougaret (born 1958), started out as a sound person in the film industry in the 1980s. In 1988, she started to work with Raymond Depardon on Urgences and took part in the production and sound recording of many of his works, including the co-direction of Au Bonheur des Maths (2011) and Journal de France (2012). She has worked continuously with Depardon for over 30 years in documenting the sights and sounds of French society.

尼古拉斯菲利普(Nicolas Philibert,1951-)因自幼旁聽任電影教師的父親講學,使他立志從影。1970年他年僅十九歲入行任副導,1978年首次執導,八十年代開始製作專供戲院上映的紀錄長片,同時兼任攝影及剪接工作。其電視及紀錄長片作品超過四十部,主要包括:《羅浮宮》(1990)、《無聲國度》(1992)、《山村猶 有 讀 書 聲》(2002) 及《生命的美麗瞬間》(2018) 等。

As a child, Nicolas Philibert (born 1951) used to sit in on his father’s film lectures before eventually deciding to be a filmmaker himself. In 1970, at the age of 19, he started working as an assistant director; in 1978, he directed his first film and in the early 1980s, he began making feature documentaries that were catered for the cinema while working as a cinematographer and film editor at the same time. He has produced over 40 television works and feature documentaries including The Louvre City (1990), In the Land of the Deaf (1992), To Be and To Have (2002) and Each and Every Moment (2018).

法國 France / 1982 / 103 min 意大利語對白,中英文字幕 In Italian with Chi & Eng Sub

法國 France / 1990 / 85 min法語對白,英文字幕 In French with Eng Sub

法國 France / 1994 / 109 min 法語對白,中英文字幕 In French with Chi & Eng Sub

法國 France / 1992 / 99 min法語對白,英文字幕 In French with Eng Sub

法國 France / 2012 / 100 min法語對白,英文字幕 In French with Eng Sub 法國 France / 2018 / 105 min

法語對白,中英文字幕 In French with Chi & Eng Sub

瘋人島 San Clemente雷蒙迪柏當 Raymond Depardon


In the 1970s, photographer Raymond Depardan began visiting a 100-year-old psychiatric ward on an island in Venice to photograph their daily activities. Several years later, when he heard the ward was closing, Depardan made his way there again, this time as a film director, to capture the subtle relationship between the doctors, the patients and their family in his moving images.

羅浮宮 The Louvre City尼古拉斯菲利普 Nicolas Philibert


In the early 1980s, the Louvre underwent major expansion work and this film documents the renovation process and the daily lives of the museum staff. From the curators’ meticulous curation and the cleaners scrubbing the panes of the glass pyramid, to restoring the art pieces and conducting fire safety training, one gets to see what goes on behind the scenes of the museum exhibitions.

07/11 (Sun)3:00 pmMM

14/11 (Sun)7:25 pmMM

07/11 (Sun)5:30 pmMM

13/11 (Sat)7:35 pmMM

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06/11 (Sat)5:05 pmMM

11/11 (Thu)7:30 pmMM

07/11 (Sun)7:45 pmMM

12/11 (Fri)7:30 pmMM

05/11 (Fri)7:20 pmMM

13/11 (Sat)5:20 pmMM

落口供 Caught in the Acts雷蒙迪柏當 Raymond Depardon


After fighting for years to film inside the Palais de Justice in Paris, Raymond Depardan finally got permission. The film documents the dialogue between 14 suspects of minor offences and the prosecutors. Filmed in "long take", it quietly captures their interview process, revealing the humanity behind the different faces and what happens when one’s hands are tied in the judicial system.

無聲國度 In the Land of the Deaf尼古拉斯菲利普 Nicolas Philibert


The director, who once took part in the production of sign language educational videos, had planned to make a fiction film based on his experience. In the end, he chose to make a documentary about the world of the deaf. This documentary invites its audience into the silent world of the deaf and through its simple dialogues and visuals, it enables the audience to understand the lives of the hearing impaired.

法國日記 Journal de France 克勞汀諾格蕾、雷蒙迪柏當 Claudine Nougaret, Raymond Depardon

影片描寫迪柏當巡迴法國鄉間用「大片幅菲林相機」拍攝人像的經過,與他過去作品的片段交互出現。他的伴侶、長期合作的收音師諾格蕾將其創作生涯娓娓道來,中間插入她參與拍攝的《綠光》(1986) 的幕後花絮,記下這對拍檔相識的經過。

The film is a journal of Depardon’s roadtrip in the French countryside with his large format camera and also includes footage from his previous works. Narrated by his real-life partner and long-term collaborator and sound person Claudine Nougaret, the film contains behind the scenes footage of Nougaret’s work The Green Ray (Éric Rohmer, 1986), which marked the start of her relationship with Depardon.


日期 29/10(五)

時間 8:00 pm主持 鄭傳鍏

講者 張虹



日期 8/11(一)

時間 8:00 pm主持 鄭傳鍏

講者 黃國兆


生命的美麗瞬間 Each and Every Moment尼古拉斯菲利普 Nicolas Philibert


The film documents a group of young men and women from different cultural backgrounds, who all aspire to become nurses at the nursing school IFSI in Paris. They have a three-year plan to realise their dreams but first, they have to face the early realisation of birth and old age, sickness and death.








網上講座一 網上講座二

直接電影是一種紀錄片風格,視攝影機為沉默的記錄者,代表人物是美國的導演懷斯曼(Frederick Wiseman)。法國的迪柏當和菲利普兩位導演也沿用直接電影的美學,但形式較生動活潑,和懷斯曼作品的冷靜沉著有所不同。在「法國直接電影」座談會上,我們請紀錄片導演張虹為我們介紹直接電影的特點,以及兩位法國導演的作品,有哪些個人的特色。




法國有着悠久的電影傳統,其政府十分重視電影教育。除了採取精英制、培育了眾多知名導演的公立學校La Fémis外,法國也有各種私立的電影學校。他們的學生和La Fémis的學生,同樣可以從巴黎的濃厚藝術氣氛中吸取養分。近年,法國更多了一些為國際學生而設,以英語授課的電影課程。這個講座請來曾在巴黎學電影的黃國兆,談談在法國電影教育的最新動向。


