
Post on 28-Oct-2014

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Transcript of L30

A distinguished person stands out from others in a job or field of work.

Name someone you think is distinguished, and tell


If you verify something, you check to make sure that it is true to using very careful research.

If you think you have a fever, how could you

verify it?

If you discern things, you are aware of them and are able to tell differences between them.

Would it easy or hard to discern things under

dark water?

A person who feels dubious is doubtful or unsure about something.

Describe a time when you were dubious about

something someone said.

When you descend, you move downward.

Name an activity in which people have to


To behave frantically is to behave in a wild, energetic way.

Describe a situation in which a person might gesture frantically.

When you estimate an amount of something, you make a careful guess about how many things there are in it.If you were asked to

estimate the number of beans in a jar, would you

be expected to count each one?

If something is in the vicinity, it is nearby.

Would you like to live in the vicinity of a park?

Why or why not?

If you do something abruptly, you do it very suddenly.

Do most people fall asleep abruptly?


When you scrutinize something, you examine it carefully to find out some information about it.

Who might scrutinize your homework?