L2 herz-slides

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of L2 herz-slides

Firebreather – Fie-r’-brë-th-er: (n) 1. One who faces the triumphs and tribulations of great physical opposition with an indomitable spirit. 2. An optimistic energy associated with the heart of an athlete.

“The First Rule of CrossFit is: Always Talk About CrossFit”

10,000 Affiliates in July 2014

“Secretly, every CrossFitter believes that the people in his box will be the ones to

survive the zombie apocalypse.”

Battle Buddies

Mental Toughness

Strong is the New Skinny

The Ritual of Sport

“Sport is the ritual sacrifice of human energy.” David Sansone

Contagious Magic

“Make every WOD a Hero WOD”

The Primal Future

10 Attributes of Fitness