L D Sixth Sunday of Easter - Red Penguin...

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Transcript of L D Sixth Sunday of Easter - Red Penguin...

T C S . B 51 Prospect Street, White Plains, New York 10606

www.stbernardswp.com May 1st, 2016

R 914-949-2111



Rev. Robert J. Morris Pastor &

Director of Rel. Ed.

Weekend Associates: Rev. Ernie Lukaschek M.M. Rev. Michael McFarland, S.J. Rev. Msg. Peter O’Donell Rev. Hernan Paredes, S.J.

Verónica Meléndez

Rectory Office Manager

Jennifer Frías

Director The Little Disciple Learning Center

Brenda López Coordinator

of Religious Education

Parish Trustees: Elizardi Castro Millie Castro

S M / M


5:30 pm

Sunday/Domingo 9:00am, 10:30am,

12:00pm (Spanish/Español),

Confessions Saturday 4:00-5:00 pm

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Grant, almighty God, that we may celebrate with hear elt devo on these days of joy, which we keep in honor of the risen Lord, and that what we relieve in remembrance we may always hold to in what we do. Amen.

Concédenos, Dios omnipoten-te, que podamos celebrar, con sincera devoción, estos días de alegría, que tenemos en honor del Señor resucitado, y que lo que nos hace revivir en el re-cuerdo lo llevemos en lo que hacemos. Amén.

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Sixth Sunday of Easter

GOVERNING AND GUIDING IN THE EARLY CHURCH We see in our reading from Acts today that figuring out the proper rules for the church was a problem then, just as it remains a topic of discussion today. With

prayer and discernment rooted in the Spirit, consulta on with the leaders and then with the members, the early church developed a way of dealing with these disagree-ments. The ques on of circumcision was not a minor issue; it meant that Gen les were coming to the church of Christ without first accep ng the Jewish faith and prac ces. To dispense with circumcision meant acknowl-edging that the Chris an faith was indeed something new, and open to all believers. The new teaching was promulgated in the name of all the members of the church, and by the power of the Holy Spirit. But this new teaching did not signify a rejec on of the Jewish faith. The early Chris ans recognized the power of the Hebrew scriptures, reading them with the eyes of Chris an faith. In the second reading, from Revela on, the new and holy city of Jerusalem includes the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. The past is part of the fu-ture. And in the new and holy city, there is no need for a temple of stone or of earthly light, for all the temple we need is the heart of God, and all the light we need is the word of the Lamb of God. LOVE AND PEACE Jesus reminds us in the Gospel of John today to remain in love with him. Jesus assures us that he will remain with us always, through the power of the Holy Spirit. That power will give each of us peace of heart and soul. The peace of Christ reminds us of where our hearts must be, always res ng in God and in the love of Christ Jesus. Peace is a gi given to the world, a gi each of us shares with another whenever we act in the name of the Lord. In the midst of division, war, and uncertainty, we can be people of peace by holding fast to the gi s we are given in bap sm: faith in Christ, the power of the Spirit, and safety in the heart of God. Today’s Readings: Acts 15:1–2, 22–29; Psalm 67:2–3, 5, 6, 8; Rev-ela on 21:10–14, 22–23; John 14:23–29 Copyright ©World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

Sexto Domingo de Pascua

AUTORIDAD Y LIDERAZGO EN LA IGLESIA PRIMITIVA En la lectura de hoy tomada de los Hechos, vemos que, establecer las reglas apropiadas para la Iglesia era un problema entonces, y aún hoy sigue siendo tema de dis-cusión. Con oración y discernimiento, arraigados en el Espíritu, consultando a los líderes y luego a los miem-bros, la Iglesia primi va desarrolló un modo de lidiar con esos desacuerdos. El asunto de la circuncisión no era una cues ón sencilla. Implicaba que los paganos podían venir a la Iglesia de Cristo sin tener que aceptar primero la fe y las prác cas judías. Dispensar de la circuncisión equivalía a reconocer que la fe cris ana era realmente algo nuevo y accesible a todos los creyentes. La nueva enseñanza fue promulgada en nombre de todos los miembros de la Iglesia y por el poder del Espíritu Santo. Pero esta nueva enseñanza no implicaba un rechazo de la fe judía. Los primeros cris anos reconocían el poder de las Escrituras hebreas, leyéndolas con los ojos de la fe cris ana. En la segunda lectura, del Apocalipsis, la nueva ciudad santa, Jerusalén, incluye los nombres de las doce tribus de Israel. El pasado es parte del futuro. Y en la nueva ciudad santa no hay necesidad de un templo de piedra ni de luz terrenal, porque el único templo que necesitamos es el corazón de Dios y la única luz que ne-cesitamos es la palabra del Cordero de Dios. AMOR Y PAZ Jesús nos recuerda hoy en el Evangelio de Juan, que per-manezcamos en su amor. Jesús nos asegura que él siem-pre permanecerá con nosotros, mediante el poder del Espíritu Santo. Ese poder nos dará a cada uno de noso-tros paz en nuestro corazón y en nuestra alma. La paz de Cristo nos recuerda en dónde debe estar nuestro cora-zón: descansando siempre en Dios y en el amor de Cristo Jesús. La paz es un don para el mundo; un don que cada uno de nosotros comparte con los demás cada vez que actuamos en nombre del Señor. En medio de divisiones, guerras e incer dumbres podemos ser mensajeros de paz aferrándonos a los dones que hemos recibido en el bau smo: fe en Cristo, el poder del Espíritu, y la seguri-dad dentro del corazón de Dios. Lecturas de hoy: Hechos 15:1–2, 22–29; Salmo 67:2–3, 5, 6, 8; Apocalipsis 21:10–14, 22–23; Juan 14:23–29 Copyright ©World Library Publica ons. All rights reserved.

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Invest just five minutes a day, and your faith will deepen and grow—a day at a time.

SUNDAY, MAY 1, 2016SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Put out the welcome mat There’s an old saying, “You can’t go home again,”

taken from the title of a novel by Thomas Wolfe. It means things change and sometimes people get disconnected from their pasts. During this Year of Mercy, Catholics are called upon to remedy this notion and welcome back anyone who has been away from the church or who feels alienated for any reason. Open your heart and arms and invite everyone to come together for Christ’s own return as well as ours to an eternal home.

Back in 325, it must have seemed to Athanasius that life was nothing but conflict and headache. As a leader of the early church of the influential city of Alexandria, he had heresies to put down and emperors to resist. He was known as Athanasius Contra Mundum (Athanasius Against the World) but soon after his death he was called “Pillar of the Church” by early leaders who followed. He was known as a pastoral man of deep devotion, with the heart of a monastic. Make sure you have devotional practices that sustain you when the going gets tough.

Philip and James were called by Jesus to join the band of followers we have come to know as the apostles. The relics of these two men were rediscovered together during a 19th-century reconstruction of Rome’s Basilica of the Twelve Apostles. Tradition holds that James was clubbed to death for preaching the Good News; today he is considered the patron saint of the dying. You could think of Philip as the patron saint of all who need direction. His human need for guidance and reassurance is encour-agement to never give up—even at the risk of appearing foolish—in your efforts to find the Lord.

After his visit to “pagan” Athens, Saint Paul wrote, “As I walked around looking carefully at your shrines, I even discov-ered an altar inscribed, ‘To an Unknown God,’ ” at which point he goes on to preach the Risen Christ. Our church has moved well beyond persecution of those who believe differently or do not believe at all—and beyond mere tolerance as well, to nonjudgmental acceptance. Pope Francis said, “This is the fun-damental thing—that God’s mercy has no limits . . .

The issue for those who do not believe in God is to obey their conscience. Sin, even for those who have no faith, exists when people disobey their conscience.” Does your personal attitude toward nonbelievers reflect God’s mercy?

“Never again!” is a phrase that refers to the atrocity of the Holocaust and a call to guard against such a horror being repeated. But atrocities are happening in today’s world, to scores of people who are persecuted, driv-en from their homes, and killed because of who they are. Writer Anne Roiphe asserts, “ ‘Never again!’ is not a tribal statement. It is a prayer for the safety of all peoples, everywhere.” On this Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, remember this phrase in your prayers and let it drive acts of mercy to all those in need today.

Saint François de Laval (1623-1708) was the first bishop of New France, a territory that included most of what is now Canada, much of upper New England, and all the Mississippi Valley. He was committed to evangeliza-tion and education and was a great pastor, especially among the native peoples. He was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1980 and granted “equivalent canonization” on April 3, 2014 by Pope Francis, who said on the occasion of the canonization, “Honoring those who endured suffering to bring us the gospel means being ready ourselves to fight the good fight of faith with humility, meekness, and mercy in our daily lives. And this bears fruit.” Who brought the gospel to your home? Honor them and you will bear fruit.

Tradition has it that Saint Gregory the Great heard angels chanting the first three lines of the Marian antiphon, Regina Caeli, on Easter morning. “Joy to you, O Queen of Heaven. / The One you were worthy to bear / has risen as he said. / Pray for us to God,” with each line followed by “Alleluia!” That last word—Hebrew for “praise God!”—even sounds joyous, especially after not hearing it all of Lent. Pulled out your rosary lately? Let Mary share with you her exultation, and let a joyous mood wash over you today, for others’ sake. You can hear this brief chant at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8W4351sW14.

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Upcoming Parish Mee ngs

♦ Divine Mercy Mee ng, today, Sunday, May 1st at 1:30 pm in the gym.

♦ Divine Infant Jesus, today, Sunday, May 1st at 1:30pm in the Guadalupe Room.

♦ Virgin of Guadalupe, Monday , May 2nd at 8:00pm in the Cafeteria.

♦ Ladies of Charity, Tuesday, May 3rd at 9:30am in Chapel Hall.

Cardinal’s Appeal

Total Amount Pledged: $21,511 Total Amount in Payments: $14,032

It is not too late to make your gi , envelopes can be found in the back of the church. Please be as generous as you can. Thank you for your kind support.

Religious Educa on

Reminder: First Holy Communion Prac ce On Saturday May 7th, there will be a mandatory prac ce for all students receiving their First Holy Communion. The schedule for the prac ce is as follows: ·10:00 AM PRACTICE for 2nd grade students ONLY ·2:00 PM PRACTICE for 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th grade students First Holy Communion Date: Saturday May 14th, 2016

*Interested in ordering photos- please hand in the form & payment to the Religious Educa on Office Registra on 2016-2017

Registra on for the 2016-2017 Religious Educa on Aca-demic Year has begun. Registra on will take place in the Religious Educa on office on Sunday mornings and Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

In September 2016, the Religious Educa on schedule will be as follows:

Sunday, 10:10am - 11:40am: Levels 1, 2 & 3

Wednesday, 4:00pm - 5:30pm Levels 1,2,3,4,5 & 6

Wednesday, 6:30pm - 8:00pm Levels 3,4,5 & RCIA Level 1 & 2

Thursday, 7:00pm - 8:30pm Levels 6,7 & 8

Special Blessing for Pregnant Mothers

On Mother’s Day, May 8th, at the 10:30 am and 12:00 pm Masses, we will have a special recogni on and blessing of parents who are expec ng a child. Please contact the Rectory (949-2111) if you are planning to a end.

Memorial Mass at Mount Calvary Cemetery

An outdoor Mass will be celebrated at Mount Calvary Cemetery (575 Hillside Ave., White Plains, NY 10603) on Saturday, May 28th at 9:30 am. The Mass will be offered for all our beloved buried in the cemetery. For your comfort, please bring a lawn chair. If it rains, the Mass will be celebrated at St. John the Evangelist in White Plains.

Religious Education

This Friday, May 6th, is the First Friday of the Month. Please join the community at 8:30 pm for an hour of Prayer with Christ during the Exposi on of the Blessed Sacrament the Benedic on.

Family Life & Respect Life Office

Couples celebra ng their 50th Wedding Anniversary any-me during 2016 are invited to a end the Annual Gold-

en Wedding Jubilee Mass with Cardinal Dolan at the Ca-thedral of St. Patrick, Saturday, June 25th at 1:30pm or Sunday, June 26th at 2:00 pm. Pre-registra on is re-quired. The closing date to register for the Mass is Tues-

day, May 24th. This event is spon-sored by the Family Life & Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of New York. For more informa on call 646-794-2188.

Ascension Thursday

Thursday, May 5th is Ascension Thurs-day, a Holy Day of obliga on. There will be a Mass at 9:00 am in Chapel Hall; and at 7:00 pm in English and 8:00 pm in Spanish in the gym.

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Reuniones Parroquiales

• Divina Misericordia, hoy, domingo, 1ro de mayo a la 1:30 en el gimnasio.

• Divino Niño, hoy, domingo, 1ro de mayo en el Salón de Guadalupe.

• Virgen de Guadalupe, lunes, 2 de mayo a las 8:00pm en la cafetería.

• Damas de la Caridad, martes, 3 de mayo a las 9:30am en el Chapel Hall.

Campaña Capital del Cardenal Importe total de las promesas: $21,211 Monto total de los pagos: $ 13,852

No es demasiado tarde para hacer su donación, los so-bres se pueden encontrar en la parte posterior de la igle-sia. Por favor sea tan generoso como pueda. Gracias por su ayuda.

Educación Religiosa

Recordatorio: Prác ca para la Primera Comunión

El sábado 7 de mayo, habrá una prác ca obligatoria pa-ra todos los estudiantes que recibirán su Primera Comu-nión. El horario para la prác ca es el siguiente:

· 10:00 AM PRÁCTICA para los estudiantes de 2º grado SOLAMENTE · 2:00 PM PRACTICA para 3º, 4º, 5º, 6º y 7º grado

Fecha para la Primera comunión: Sábado, 14 de mayo, 2016

* Interesado en ordenar fotos- deberá entregar la forma y el pago a la Oficina de Educación Religiosa. Registración 2016-2017 Hemos iniciado las registraciones de estudiantes para el año académico 2016-2017 de Educación Religiosa. Las registraciones se llevarán acabo en la oficina de Educa-ción Religiosa los domingos durante el día y miércoles y jueves por la tarde durante los horarios de clase.

En sep embre del 2016, el horario de Educación Religio-sa será el siguiente:

Domingo, 10:10am - 11:40am: Niveles 1, 2, & 3

Miércoles, 4:00pm - 5:30pm Niveles 1,2,3,4,5 & 6

Miércoles, 6:30pm - 8:00pm Niveles 3,4,5 & RCIA Nivel 1 & 2

Jueves, 7:00pm - 8:30pm Niveles 6,7 & 8

Misa Memorial en el cementerio Monte Calvario

Se celebrará una misa al aire libre en el cementerio Monte Calvario (575 Hillside Avenue, White Plains, NY 10603) el sábado, 28 de mayo a las 9:30 am. La misa se ofrecerá para todos nuestros seres queridos enterrados en el cementerio. Para su comodidad, por favor traiga una silla de jardín. Si llueve, la misa se celebrará en la iglesia San Juan Evangelista en White Plains.

Este viernes, 6 de mayo es el primer viernes del mes. Les invitamos a todos a reunirse como comunidad a las 8:30 pm en una hora de oración ante Nuestro Señor Jesucristo durante la Exposición del San simo.

Oficina de Vida Familiar & Respeto a la Vida

Se invita a las parejas que celebran su 50 aniversario de bodas en cualquier momento durante el 2016 para asis-

r a la misa anual del jubileo de boda de oro con el car-denal Dolan en la Catedral de San Patricio, el sábado, 25 de junio a la 1:30pm o el domingo, 26 de junio a las 2:00 pm. Se requiere inscripción previa. Por favor, póngase en contacto con su parroquia para su registro. La fecha límite para registrarse para la misa es el martes, 24 de mayo. Este evento es patrocinado por la oficina de Vida Familiar y Respeto a la Vida de la Arquidiócesis de Nueva York. Para más información llame al 646-794-2188

Jueves de la Ascensión

Jueves, 5 de mayo es jueves de Ascensión, un día Santo de obligación. Habrá una misa a las 9:00 am en el Chapel Hall; y en el gym a las 7:00pm en inglés y a las 8:00 pm en español.

Bendición especial para las mujeres embarazadas

En el Día de las Madres, 8 de mayo, en las misas de las 10:30 am y de las 12:00 pm, vamos a tener un reconoci-miento y bendición especial a los padres que están espe-rando un hijo. Por favor, póngase en contacto con la Rectoría (949-2111) si usted está planeando asis r.

Mass Intentions for the Week

Please remember in your prayers those who are ill and those who serve them. Recemos por todas las personas de nuestra parroquia quienes se encuentran enfermas.

Elma Caprio Anthony Cardon

Marck Canoli Bill Claroni

Prayers for the Sick

Saturday, April 30, 2016 5:30 Rocío del Carmen Velazquez Sunday, May 1, 2016 9:00 Andrea Giusto 10:30 Anne & Salvatore DeCarlo 12:00 For the people Monday, May 2, 2016 9:00 Communion Service Tuesday, May 3, 2016 9:00 Communion Service Wednesday, May 4, 2016 9:00 Juan Ramiro Navarro Thursday, May 5, 2016 9:00 Enrique Espinosa Friday, May 6, 2016 9:00 Ralph Fische Saturday, May 7, 2016 5:30 Hermitas Gonzalez Sunday, May 8, 2016 9:00 Anna & Angelo Barberio 10:30 For the people 12:00 Lidia Chiu

St. Bernard’s Capital Campaign Update

Total Amount Pledged: $647,032 Total Amount in Payments: $454,478 Average Pledge: $1,684.89

Helena Trinidad Virginia Meléndez

María Sanchez Romero Hymns in Spanish - Cán cos en Español

Entrada #537 Caminaré Ofertorio #498 Vaso Nuevo Comunión #396 Aleluya, El Señor es nuestro Rey Salida #604 Te den gracias

Hymns in English

9:00 am Entrance - Hymnal #575 "Sing a New Song” Offertory - Hymnal #383 "Take the Word of God with You” Communion - Hymnal #614 “Soon & Very Soon” Closing - Hymnal #609 “They’ll Know We Are Chris ans” 5:30 pm / 10:30 am Entrance - Hymnal #424 "Amazing Grace” Offertory - Hymnal #426 “Be Not Afraid” Communion - Hymnal #375 “Here I Am Lord” Closing - Hymnal #373 "City of God”

Last Sunday’s Collec on :

First Collec on 4/24/16: $3,815 Second Collec on 4/24/16: $1,615 First Collec on 4/17/16: $4,295 Second Collec on 4/17/16: $2,126

Today’s Second Collec on is for Aid to Central & Eastern Churches. Next week’s second collec on will be for fuel. Thank you for your generous support of our parish. La segunda Colecta de hoy es para Ayudar a las Iglesias orientales y centrales. La segunda colecta de la próxima semana será para el combus ble. Gracias por sus generosas contribuciones a nuestra parroquia.

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