Kōkako A New Zealand native bird!. kōkako’s voice This is the voice of a kōkako.

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Kōkako A New Zealand native bird!. kōkako’s voice This is the voice of a kōkako.

kōkakoA New Zealand native bird!


The biggest predators to kōkako are rats, stoats and possums.

A few facts

There are two sub-species of kōkako, the North Island kōkako and the South Island kōkako. The North Island kōkako is found

mainly in hardwood forest.

Where they live!

Kōkako live in the high bits of the forests, like in the tops of trees.

What do kokako have for lunch, dinner and breakfast!

Kokako have Fruit, Berries, Leaves, Flowers, Insects and any other things that they can find in the tree tops.

Life cycle

Whole egg

Hatches from a egg

Little Chick

Adult Bird

Lays an egg