Know - Like - Trust · What you’ll learn today: • Why DIY-ing your website is a brilliant...

Post on 07-Jun-2020

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Transcript of Know - Like - Trust · What you’ll learn today: • Why DIY-ing your website is a brilliant...

Know - Like - TrustWebsite & Copy Workshop with Maria Saracen

& Nikki Bonsol!

You’re in the right place if…

• You’ve been procrastinating over building your website

• You’ve gotten started but are feeling stuck & overwhelmed

• You want to your website to feel and sound more like “you”…instead of just like everybody else

• Your website doesn’t excite you…and it’s not attracting your ideal customers/clients or new subscribers

What you’ll learn today:

• Why DIY-ing your website is a brilliant choice

• Why defining the purpose of your website is so important (and how to do it)

• What pages are essential to include in your website

• Maria’s top tools for creating a Wordpress website

• How to establish the know-like-trust factor through your design AND copy

Stay until the end for…

• An extra special offer for folks who are live on this call!

• A full Q&A session!

Who are we?

Nikki BonsolMaria Saracen


• PBS television producer for 16 years

• WordPress website designer for 12

• Health Coach (thanks to major health crisis!)


• My #1 love…helping other coaches, solopreneurs create their websites and grow big email lists.

What you’ll learn today:

• Why DIY-ing your website is a brilliant choice

• Why WordPress rocks!

• Why defining the purpose of your website is so important (and how to do it)

• 5 ways to establish the know-like-trust factor with your site

Why is DIY-ing your website a brilliant choice?

The DIY advantage

• Saves you tons of $$$ on a designer

• Spending $2,000, $5,000 or even $20,000 on a website could be worth it…WHEN your business is established and making money

The DIY advantage

• Most people starting businesses still need to get to know

• their ideal customer/client

• themselves…who they TRULY want to serve

• the market - what are the trends, who is the competition?

The DIY advantage

• You can know all this in theory, but EXPERIENCE is the greatest (and real) teacher.

• I have changed direction SEVERAL times. And many of my clients have, too.

The DIY advantage

• DIY-ing your website keeps you from wasting money

• DIY-ing gives you control, now and in future (even if you get that $20,000 website)

• My good friend’s analogy: not knowing how your website works when you own an online business is like not knowing how your oven works if you’re a baker.

The DIY advantage

• A big hurdle: feeling like our skills and creativity are not good enough!

The DIY advantage

All those beautiful websites we see and drool over! All those people like Marie Forleo and Derek Halpern whose websites we

WISH we could have!

The DIY advantage

They have EVOLVED over time.

They never started out like that on day one!

The DIY advantage

Internet Archive Wayback Machine - 2001 - 2010 - 2011 (10 years into her biz)

The DIY advantage

• Brands EVOLVE

• Don’t compare yourself to others…but if you must, get the WHOLE picture! :)

• Don’t spend a fortune before you TRULY know yourself and your business (unless you have a trust fund…)

The good GREAT news…

• It is easier than ever to have a beautiful site…even with DIY

• In fact, the hardest part is choosing from all the options…because we’re spoilt for choice!!!

The good GREAT news…

• 3 main contenders people ask me about

• Wix, Squarespace and Wordpress ( and


Bandwidth refers to data transfer


• 20 pages

• Includes custom domain

• 3% sales transaction fee

• $144/year


• Unlimited pages

• Includes custom domain

• E-Commerce

• 2% sales transaction fee

• $216/year

Wix vs. Squarespace vs. Wordpress

Wix Squarespace WordPress

Most used 25% of websites

Flexibility by far the most flexible

ease of use (initially) Tie Tie

cost$12.92/month = $155/

yearfor ONE site

Business $216/yearPersonal $144/year

for ONE site



WP Theme ~ $70

TOTAL: $165

The good GREAT news…

• WHY unlimited sites???

• For sales pages - e.g.

• Special programs - e.g.

• Other businesses

• I currently have 9 websites on ONE hosting plan…that costs me $100/year!!!

The good GREAT news…

To do this with Wix or Squarespace, I would be spending a fortune!!!

Defining the purpose of your website

Regardless of what website builder you choose…

you MUST know the purpose of your website.

Defining the purpose of your website

For many of us, it is NOT simply to sell!!!

Defining the purpose of your website

Defining the purpose of your website

BUT! If you’re a coach or service provider…

• The #1 purpose of your website is to capture emails so you can develop a relationship with your subscriber.

• “It Takes 6 to 8 Touches to Generate a Viable Sales Lead.” -Salesforce Blog

• Most people will NOT buy just by stumbling on your website the first time. It takes TIME and EFFORT to build a relationship with them.

Especially true if you sell services or products over $50…maybe even less.

Defining the purpose of your website

How do you build the relationship?

• You may have heard of the Know-Like-Trust Factor

• People need to get to KNOW you so they LIKE you so they TRUST you…and buy from you.

• Like going on a first date…you don’t kiss at “Hello”!

How do you build the relationship?

So, to establish K-L-T, there are a few critical elements

you should have on your website….

How do you build the relationship?

#1 - Show off your uniqueness

• What’s your “you-ness”? What makes you different?

• If you look like everyone else and say the same things…you are NOT going to stand out

• We website visitors are curious creatures…we want to know what you look like, who you are, why we should trust you! Give us the juicy details!

• No tiny headshots! No hiding!

How do you build the relationship?

How do you build the relationship?

How do you build the relationship?

#2 - A delicious opt-in gift

• Give a gift that’s so juicy, your website visitors can’t help but jump on it!

• It HAS to be good because we’re bombarded by freebies all the time.

• Good does NOT mean epically long - like an ebook - it can be a super-useful checklist that only took you a couple of hours to make.

How do you build the relationship?

#3 - Social Proof

• Raving (and true) testimonials - photos and names to accompany them…all the better!

• An “As Featured By” type section: e.g. Huffington Post, Forbes, MindBodyGreen etc.

How do you build the relationship?

#4 - Blog Posts/Content

• Jam pack them with useful info, and make sure you infuse them with your unique style.

• People like Marie Forleo and Kris Carr have built online empires with fantastic videos, recipes and other content that they post on a very regular basis.

How do you build the relationship?

#5 - Grrrrrrreat copy• Possibly the MOST important thing above all else

• More important than design and photos and all that good stuff (which is STILL very important)

• The right words can move mountains

• Over to Nikki….

How to write true-to-you copy

What I’ll cover today:

• Why DIY-ing your copy is a good idea, too

• How to establish the know-like-trust factor through your copy

• 3 qualities of copy that connects

• How to structure your copy

Common myths that keep you from DIY-ing

• Myth 1: Copy doesn’t matter: My site just has to look good.

• Myth 2: I can’t write. I’m a bad writer.

• Myth 3: I can just hire out and leave it to the experts.

Why writing your own copy is a good idea

• You are the face of your business: DIY-ing helps you nail your voice

• Saves money when you’re starting out

• High quality copy is expensive

• If you grow to a place where you outsource your copy, you’ll be excellent at quality control!

Establish Know/Like/Trust with your copy

The three qualities of copy that connects:

Empathic Copy

Why this is important:

• Empathy builds trust

• When your copy makes your clients feel like you really get them, you build credibility, trust and confidence in your skills more than simply listing your credentials ever would.

• It’s how you get your Voice across: Because you have a unique style and voice, the way you express empathy is different from other people.

Empathic Copy

How to write empathic copy:

• Reflect on your first consultation or session with a client. When you ask, “What brings you here today?” what do they say? (What are their exact words?)

• Reflect your client’s words, emotions, and mood back to them in your copy. Imagine that what you write is having a conversation with your client. Try using their exact wording or paraphrase.

Copy That Sounds Like You

Why is this important?

• Clients will like you for YOU: your unique blend of skills, passion, personality.

• Your copy gives potential clients a good feel for your style, so that no one is surprised in their first real session with you.

Copy That Sounds Like You

How to write copy that sounds like you:

• If you don’t know what makes you you, start by asking people:

• Ask colleagues, friends, or old clients (if appropriate) how they would describe you as a therapist in three words. Collect their responses and pull out common themes to learn more about how others perceive your style.

(Exercise from life & biz coach, Marie Forleo)

Copy That Sounds Like You

How to write copy that sounds like you (cont):

• If you know what your style is, but you’re not sure how to communicate it in writing, try this:

• Ask a friend to interview you about your practice. Record the interview and listen back to it later. Pull out phrases from your interview to inspire your writing.

• When you’re done with a first draft, read it out loud. Note the places that feel awkward to say and change the wording, or the punctuation to make it sounds more like you would say it.

Brave Copy

Why this is important?

• People are usually afraid of being seen online. But being brave enough to be seen is how people get to know you.

• If we want our copy to make that human connection, we may have to be a little brave.

• As Brené Brown says, “Vulnerability is the birthplace of connection.”

Brave Copy

How to Write Brave:

• Be brave with purpose

• Be mindful of those times when you’re afraid. Pause. Instead of turning away immediately, ask yourself if being a little braver and being a little more vulnerable might really help your client connect with you and finally seek support for their issues.

Brave Copy

Being brave might show up in different ways. Maybe it means…

• being brave enough to publish a website in the first place.

• being brave enough to stick to your niche and not feel like you have to connect with everyone in order to have a successful biz.

• being brave enough to write a little less formally, to challenge the idea of what a professional sounds and looks like.

• being brave enough to tell your own story when you’re worried people will criticize you, or if you’re worried that no one will relate.

Structuring Your Copy

• Secret technique: Look at the pros!

• How do they organize pages?

• What kind of info are they sharing on each page?

• Create an outline & fill in with YOUR voice.

What you learned today…

• Why DIY is the SMARTEST way to go when you’re starting out

• You’re learning vital information about yourself + your biz

• You’re learning how to work your own website…power!!!

• Saving a ton of $$$ for the 1001 other things you need to invest in

What you learned today…

• Why WordPress is my favorite option of all:

• 25% of all websites = HUGELY popular platform

• TONS of flexibility and capabilities

• Easy to learn and use

• By far the most cost effective when you have multiple sites

What you learned today…

• All about the Know-Like-Trust factor and how to implement it:

• #1 - By infusing your “you-ness” into your site

• #2 - By offering an irresistible opt-in gift

• #3 - By offering social proof

• #4 - By providing valuable content in your blog

• #5 - By writing fantastic, authentic copy

What you learned today…

What you learned about copy today:

• You CAN be a pro at your copy

• How to write brave, empathic copy that sounds like you

• How to structure your copy

Stay until the end for…

We’ll be getting to the full Q&A session in a few minutes but first, we want to tell you about our exclusive offer and majorly AWESOME bonus!

What’s next?

You’re ready to DIY!

We hope this webinar has given you the motivation, strategy, & tools to FINALLY finish your site.

But if you want extra support, we’re really excited about this special course bundle we’re offering just for folks who signed up

for this call!

Wordpress Website in a Week Bundle!

We’re joining forces to bring you two courses at a big discount!

(PLUS: a very special bonus…)

Wordpress Website in a Week(by Maria Saracen)


Write Brave: A Copywriting Course for Healers (by Nikki Bonsol)

What you get

• Step-by-step guidance through the copy and design process = a no frustration zone!

• Over the shoulder design tutorials to make your site look bea-YOU-tiful. (Even on a shoestring budget.)

• Must-have pages, plugins and other assets to make your site work its bits and bytes off for you!

• Get clear on your Message, your Voice and have the 3 most important pages of your site (Home, About, Services) D-O-N-E!

• Lifetime access to all course materials. No stress, no rush. Phew!

WordPress Website in a Week

Create a beautiful, responsive, money-makin’ website in 1 week or less!

What’s inside?

All the tech stuff to set up your site = no confusion, no stress!

All the pretty stuff: color schemes, fonts, easy logo design… to make your site look like a million bucks.

All the psychological techniques to make your site hook, CONVERT and help you sell.

All taught with step-by-step, over-my-shoulder videos + daily action plans

What’s inside?


BONUS #1 – Divi WordPress theme* ($69 Value)

BONUS #2 – Opt-in gift workshop + design tutorial ($97 Value)

BONUS #3 – Must-have tools and resources guide ($27 Value)

BONUS #4 – Legal 101 interview with Attorney Lisa Fraley (priceless!)

BONUS #1 - Divi WordPress Theme!

• One of THE most popular WordPress themes of all time

• Easy, drag and drop builder

• Amazing built-in features like split testing, save custom colors, ready-to-go templates and more!!!

BONUS - Divi WordPress Theme!

• You get a personal license of the latest version, (use on as many of your own sites as you like!)

• All the how-to videos from Elegant Themes + a special features tutorial from Maria

• Does NOT include Elegant Themes tech support or ongoing updates

Write Brave for Healers

What’s inside?

6 Modules to help you connect with your clients:

Write Your Home Page

Write Your About Page

Write Your Services Page

Find Your Voice

Define Your Message

Refine / Edit Cohesive Copy

What’s inside?

• BONUS – Blogging Marketing Plan course ($97)

Bundle Overview

Wordpress in a Week Course ($247)

Write Brave Course ($247)

Bonuses:Divi WordPress theme ($69)

Opt-in gift workshop + design tutorial ($97)Must-have tools and resources guide ($27)

Blogging course ($97)Legal 101 interview with Attorney Lisa Fraley ($Priceless)

Value: (+)Bundle Price: $345

How to Get the Bundle

Just click the button under the video!


Go to: wordpresswebsiteinaweek/copywriting-bundle

(Offer Ends: Friday, May 27th @ Midnight PST)

Q & A Time!