Know it’s cold .2

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Know it’s cold .2

Know it’s cold

Preparing for the risks of cold water on the Columbia and Willamette Rivers

Our water is cold

Brrrrrr…..It’s cold in there

Snow fed rivers

Creative Commons by Flickr user uyen.tran

Our water is cold

• Less than 60°F most of the year

• Less than 50°F 4-6 months

…make for cold rivers

Our water is cold

Whoops…and there are so many ways to go in

Our water is cold

Your vesselcan sink

Our water is cold

Your vesselcan capsize

Our water is cold

Your can fall overboard

Our water is cold

Your can be ejected at speed

Our water is cold

Or you can simply misstep

Our water is cold

Once you are in…things can go downhill very quickly

Gasp reflex

Cold water causes a gasp on contact which often results in inhalation of water

A little bit of inhaled water will set you to coughing which usually leads to more inhaled water…

…and you can drown with only 5 ounces of water in your lungs

Cold shock

In seconds to minutes you will begin to experience shock with very rapid breathing while your heart rate and blood pressure will increase.

Cold shock

These factors reduce your physical and mental abilities making it very difficult to rescue yourself

Swim failure

After as little as 3 minutes there is a loss of coordination in your limbs and you loose the ability to hold your breath

Swim failure

You will be unable to maintain a body position that allows swimming




Water is 25 times more effective than air at thermal transfer so your body cools very rapidly


At some point your body is no longer able to regulate your core temperature which, untreated will result in death

Post rescue collapse

Even after rescue the effects of hypothermia can cause death, seek medical attention after any prolonged cold water exposure

Our water is cold

PreventionWhat to do to protect yourself

Know the risks

Understand the effects of cold water and how you may end up in it

Boat smart

• Take a class• Choose an appropriate vessel for the conditions• Operate safely• Know your waterways• Be able to communicate (VHF, PEPIRB)• Know the weather• Stay aware• Don’t boat alone• …and



Prepare for the cold

Our water is cold

Dry suit

What is he wearing?

Our water is coldBecause we have learned the hard way that hypothermia protection

save lives


Our water is coldWhen: Coast Guard requirements for USCG boat operations

Rescue and Survival Systems Manual COMDTINST M10470.10E

Our water is cold Water temperature

under 60°F

Water & air temperature under 50°F

Anti-exposure coverall

Dry suit

Be prepared