Knights Youth Centre annual report 2009/10

Post on 14-May-2015

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The Knights Youth Centre Annual Report for 2009/10. Find out about the work we've been doing with young people in south London and beyond.

Transcript of Knights Youth Centre annual report 2009/10

Knights Youth CentreAnnual Report 2009/10

Partnerships and Progress

One. Chair’s foreword

Two. What we do

Three. T.Y.L.A.P.

The who, what, where and why of

Knights Youth Centre. And stuff.

Hang on, just what exactly is TYLAP, anyway?

We’ll explain all that, AND what we’ve been up to

for the last five years. Meanwhile Karis - one of

the first TYLAP apprentices - tells us what it

has meant to her, and a Friend explains how they

got involved.


The bit where we tell you what we’ve been

up to these last 12 months - in brief.

Four. Knights on tour

Five. A year at Knights

Six. Accounts

Seven. Looking ahead

How we took on social action in Romania andsnowboarding in the Alps. Oh, and a word from thepeople at Hindleap Warren, who we have workedwith for over 20 years.

Just a flavour of what’s bee

n going on. There’s rep


on our special projects;

insights from partners


Streatham Police and Mentivation

; and introductions to

two great new people at

the centre. We also rem


the life of Ron Saunders. Chuka Umunna, MP for

Streatham, gives us his views on Knigh


We’ve told you where we’ve been. So where are we going?

The money part.

Knights will celebrate its 75th birthday in 2011. Amidst the

history and heritage however is a dynamic, innovative and

modern youth centre, ever reinventing itself as times change.

This report tells the story of how Knights – aided by some crucial

partnerships - has responded to two significant types of change

over the last year.

Life is changing for young people in the area. The spectre of

involvement in gangs, drugs or anti-social behaviour looms large

over many young people who feel disenfranchised with

‘traditional’ services. 

In response, Knights has worked hard to develop effective

programmes of targeted youth work to identify young people who

need support the most and provide them with positive alternative

options and attitudes to consider. This work is increasingly valued

by the whole system of statutory, community and voluntary

organisations working with disadvantaged young people. 

This report highlights just some of our work with young people,

including a social action project in Romania, innovative sexual

health and senior outreach initiatives and our burgeoning youth

work apprenticeship programme.

More generally, the backdrop against which Knights operates is

changing, too. The results of May’s election precipitated cutbacks

in Primary Care Trusts, local authorities and funding organisations.

This deepened what was already a difficult financial, quality

assurance and commissioning environment. Increasingly rigorous

demands are being placed on reporting and demonstrating value

for money. 



Flicking through the pages of this report, you’ll read how we have

readied ourselves to respond to these changes and challenges.

Stuart Thomson, who has been with us for over a decade, has

taken on a new role that will allow us to take better advantage of

his experience of building effective partnerships and identifying

new funding streams. We also welcomed a new Senior Youth

Worker, Simon Minott, who brings huge experience of engaging

challenging young people.

We hope these key structural changes will make the youth centre

more responsive and dynamic in fulfilling the requirements of

partners and funders, whilst maintaining our ability to offer the

highest professional standards. 

But no one organisation can work alone. Engaging the most

vulnerable young people requires partnerships with other

organisations. This report contains contributions from just some

of the organisations and Friends we have worked with over the

last year that demonstrate a model for how partnership working

can lead to a more diverse, effective and relevant service.

Hopefully, the report that follows brings to life how delivering

valuable services to young people is our overriding focus. I hope

you enjoy reading how Knights continues to provide a safe,

engaging and nurturing place for young people in the community

- just as it did in 1936.

Thank you for your ongoing interest and support of our work.

Chris Saunders 


Chris began

volunteering with

Knights in 1973 and

has been Chairman

for 22 years. In

addition to his

voluntary work, he

is a senior manager

in Children’s

Services for an

inner London



What we do

What we do

Knights Youth Centre has provided a safe, fun, inclusive and

engaging place for thousands of young people since 1936. It offers

a diverse service for all young people aged 8-24 regardless of their

gender, race, religion, sexuality or disability. 

Where we do it

Knights is the largest provider of youth services in and around the

Clapham Park Estate in Lambeth, an area of high social and

economic need. Most of our members live in the area, but the

impact of our work reaches across Lambeth.

Our members

Between 150 and 200 young people visit the centre each week on

average. Many young people attend three or four times per week. 

Our service

In addition to ‘standard’ activities, we provide sports coaching,

offsite trips, regular residentials, international social action

programmes, music and video production, specialised work with

girls, arts and dance, and access to IT equipment. 

Crucially, we also undertake targeted outreach with young people

who, through disengagement with ‘traditional’ services, are at risk

of involvement with gangs, drugs and anti-social behaviour.

Our apprenticeships

Knights has developed an innovative youth work apprenticeship

programme called TYLAP. TYLAP provides leadership, training,

qualifications and employment opportunities for 30 young people

aged 16 – 24 in youth and community work each year.

Knights in a nutshell“Empowering and


opportunities for

future generations

is at the heart of

what work with

young people is

about and I


Knights Youth

Centre’s pioneering

approach in this


Chuka Umunna,

MP for Streaham


As a Christian foundation we aim to:

•   Offer a diverse range of activities and opportunities for young

people that are enjoyable, challenging and informative through

which they gain knowledge, new skills and experience

• Provide a secure and caring environment where young people

who are in the transition through adolescence to adulthood

can develop self-awareness and confidence whilst developing

positive relationships with both peers and adults

• Enable young people to recognise their own skills, abilities and

limitations and offer opportunities to develop these. Create

possibilities for achievement, and help young people see their

potential and the contribution they can make to society

• Help young people to: recognise prejudice and discrimination

both in themselves and others; challenge prejudice and

inequality when they encounter it; value difference and

promote equality of opportunity

• Encourage young people to be involved in making decisions

within groups and develop understanding which will help them

make responsible and informed decisions about their own lives

• Offer young people advice, support and counselling in a caring

environment when needed

Our aims


499 the number of sessions Knights delivered to young people in 2009/10

“There are no ego

issues working with

the people at

Knights: their

paramount concern

is the wellbeing of

young people. This

makes for a great



sharing experiences

and expertise.”

Michael Dawswell,



“I like coming to Knights because

it’s fun and keeps me off the

streets. I enjoy meeting my friends,

going on trips and doing different

activities which have helped build

my confidence”

Keisha, 12

Wey Island is a residential centre owned and operated by three

clubs from the Knights Association of Christian Youth Clubs.

Knights has been taking young people for adventures there for

over thirty years.  

The ‘island’ is a large patch of land in new Haw, Surrey.

Accessible via a rough track across a field, its gates open up to

an exciting green haven on the banks of the river Wey, tucked

well away from ‘street’ life. Two dormitories with full cooking

facilities sleep up to 24 people. 

There is plenty of space for more traditional activities such as

table tennis, pool, rounders and football. Supervised groups

take to the river in the canoes stored onsite, and mountain

bikes are available for rides across the countryside.

Much of the work we do with young people takes place away

from the centre. Check out the ‘Knights on tour’ section of this

report for more on our escapades away from Streatham over

the last twelve months.

Wey Island


A TYLAP ‘graduate’, Ryan has been

offered a Youth Worker role at

Crystal Palace Football Club

150 young people have been recruited

76  have qualified in First Aid

48 have gained an OnC level 2 in Information & 

Community Education

24 have gone into employment

12 have received a Foundation Diploma in Youth 

Work & Informal Education

10 have enrolled on university courses

3 have graduated so far

1 is earning more than £30k 

working with young people

1 has become a full time Youth Worker for Crystal Palace 

Football Club

1 has established himself as a sucessful comedian on the 

urban comic scene

TYLAP is five years old.

In that time...


What is TYLAP?The Trainee Youth Leader Apprentice Programme – or TYLAP – is a

unique initiative set up by Knights to develop young people aged

16-24 into experienced, qualified youth workers. 

now five years old, TYLAP has worked with over 150 recruits. The

programme has an impact across three key areas.

Employment and education routes for young people

TYLAP prioritises working with young people who are less

engaged by traditional learning or struggling with their personal

development. Overall, it aims to provide young people who might

not otherwise find an easy path to qualifications or employment


• A chance to explore a career in youth and community work

• Recognised qualifications in and routes to further education

• Skills and experience to support moving into employment

• Challenging, rewarding and exciting experiences

Above all, TYLAP provides a caring support network that guides

and advises - we always offer housing advice, support in a crisis,

references and even food for those that need it. 

ultimately, the programme leads young people towards increased

confidence, higher self esteem and a sense of purpose for the


“We have always

been very

impressed with how

Knights grows its

own talent,

challenging young

people to develop

themselves through

helping others with

the same

background. It


Tony Smith

London Youth


32 the number of new trainees offered a place on TYLAP In June 2010


The TYLAP programme

Year One – Trainee Youth Leader

Work with a local youth centre as a Voluntary Trainee Youth Leader, undertake

Introductory Studies in Youth and Community Work and attend additional training

to develop new skills

Year Two – Apprentice Youth Worker

Employed by Knights for 24 hours per week as an Apprentice Youth Worker. Study

for a Foundation Diploma in Youth Work, Informal Education and Community

Learning. Assist in delivering Introductory Studies to Trainee Youth Leaders

Year Three – Apprentice Youth Worker

Employed by Knights as a Student Youth Worker for 12 hours per week, mentoring

and supervising Trainee Youth Leaders. Study either for a Diploma or a Degree in

youth and community work.

Recruits for the sector

TYLAP is a three year programme that aims to produce a new and

dynamic generation of youth workers for the future.

The blend of practical and theory-based learning helps young

people develop into qualified professionals. Working in a range of

environments and organisations, TYLAP students develop a well-

rounded balance of skills and experience that prepares them for a

career in youth work.

Role models for other young people

Crucially, young people on the TYLAP programme become positive

role models for other young people at Knights and in the wider


Working with members from similar backgrounds week-in, week-

out, TYLAP recruits set a tangible and credible example that

shows how young people have choices and opportunities to feel

positive about. 


A path to followKaris was one of our first TYLAP

apprentices back in 2004. She spoke to

us about her journey from ‘mouthy

Peckham girl’ to career youth worker.

How did you end up on TYLAP?

When I started the programme – which I

heard about through my brother-in-law -

I was a young mouthy black girl from

Peckham with a really bad attitude.

Being on the programme, I started to

deal with my issues. With the help of the

people at TYLAP, I have become a

professional and a positive role model

for others. Being here enabled me to

make the right decisions and choose a

positive path to follow. 

What’s happened since you joined?

I was fast tracked onto year two of the

programme, became an Apprentice

Youth Worker and then Joint Section

Leader for Early Knights. In year three I

became Student Youth Worker and

Juniors Section Leader. At the end of that

year, the position of Assistant

Coordinator was created for me whilst I

started university. 

And that’s what you’re doing now?

I’m now a tutor for the Certificate in

Youth Work, which many of our TYLAP

trainees are working towards. Tutoring

the course basically involves facilitating

15 work-based group sessions around

professional practice in youth work. The

sessions explore the views and values of

participants and include learning about

current government legislation.

You’ve been through it - what are the

benefits of TYLAP?

For Trainees, TYLAP allows them to gain

experience in the field, reflect on their

views and values, develop

professionalism, gain qualifications, go to

university and build a career.

Importantly, it allows them to think

positively about their opportunities for

the future.

Members benefit too – they get great

role models who they can relate and look

up to. They get meaningful relationships

that give them a sense of belonging. For

some, it also opens their eyes to a

potential career in youth work.

What’s the biggest challenge you’re


Challenging the views and mindsets of

members and trainees – encouraging


them to see life differently and think of

the bigger picture. In many ways, that’s

what we’re here for.

Life for young people, especially around

here, is changing. Community divisions

have become greater. Young people are

increasingly marginalised. The negative

stigmas and ‘labels’ attached to youth

are creating a self fulfilling prophecy. 

All this means Knights probably has a

more important role to play than ever

before. Yes, the same issues have always

been there, but I think over time they

have become more prominent. Some

young people are living their lives in fear


How important is it that young people

have somewhere like Knights?

It’s paramount. There isn’t much for

young people to get involved with

outside of school. But Knights isn’t just a

place to go. It’s somewhere where young

people are made to feel welcome and

gain an extended family. They experience

something different and can express

themselves without being judged.

On a personal note, what does Knights

mean to you?

I joined at a crucial time in my life when I

was vulnerable and impressionable.

Since then I have grown in many ways –

emotionally, mentally, physically and


TYLAP has helped me build a career. I am

not the mouthy girl from Peckham I used

to be - I am now the young lady and

professional that young people need me

to be. 


Kathy Byrne is a training professional

with huge experience of working with

young people. She spoke to us about

how being a Friend of Knights for nearly

ten years recently led her to mentoring

TYLAP trainees.

Can you introduce yourself?

Originally from Pennsylvania, I arrived in

the uK via the united States Army where

I served as a Race Relations Equal

Opportunities Specialist in Mannheim,

germany. I qualified as a social worker

specialising in adolescent mental health,

but ultimately ended up moving into

training and development. 

In 1991 I embarked on a freelance career

as a Management and Organisational

Development Consultant. 

How did you get involved with Knights?

As is so often the case, it was almost by

chance - I heard about the centre

through the Chairman. I have always

been very impressed with the work of

the centre, and have supported its work

with annual donations. 

How has your involvement changed?

I had heard and read so much about the

TYLAP programme, which does a

fantastic job of opening the eyes of

young people to potential career

opportunities and developing

experienced professionals for the sector.

Last year I volunteered my services.

In conversation with Knights, I agreed to

offer personal and professional

development sessions to the

programme’s trainees.

Sounds great. What did these sessions

look like?

We met for six incredibly interesting and

dynamic sessions. The group determined

the key areas and topics for discussion

for each, and preparation work was

needed in between meetings. 

We worked on a range of topics from

personal presentation and creating a

professional image through to

understanding how to engage in social

conversations in professional settings.

We also looked at improving professional

vocabulary and verbal skills. In addition

to personal skills, we also focused on

how to effectively work in teams and

improving group decision-making skills. 

Friend in the frame


What was your impression of the


It is difficult to convey in words quite

how impressed I was with the energy,

commitment and engagement the group

brought to each of our meetings. Their

sheer determination to make their lives –

and the lives of the young people they

work with – safer and more fulfilled

deserves the highest praise, admiration

and our ongoing support. It was a pure

pleasure meeting and working with such

amazing young people. 

Any messages for other current or

future Friends?

Well, perhaps just a word in the ear for

any training professionals out there. If

you want a blast of renewed motivation

and inspiration, then look no further

than giving your time and talents to

Knights to find a personally and

professionally rewarding experience. I

sincerely hope I get other opportunities

to be involved.

Being a FriendOver the last year we have seen the number of people wanting to

become a Friend of the youth centre steadily increase. This is

reflected not only in the number of donations we receive, but also

in offers of practical assistance. 

Some examples of these offers include:

•   A Structural Engineer giving his time to negotiate a ‘party wall

agreement’ with the housing association building a new block

of flats nest to the centre

•   A consultant offering group mentoring sessions to TYLAP’s Year

two trainees, and two further friends who have become

coaches to named year one trainees for a twelve month period

•   A senior manager in a recruitment agency offering working

experience days for older Knights members

Funding organisations are impressed that we have such a diverse

range of Friends that want to be associated with Knights. A list of

all our friends can be found on our website. 

If you have any skills or experience that could benefit the centre –

from accountancy to carpentry – and would like to get involved,

please do get in touch. 

We would love to hear from you. 

Please get in touch

with Stu on

020 8674 4055.


Knights ontour

Raisin’ RomaniaIn September 2009, Knights embarked

on a mission to take on a ten day social

action project in Lunca Bradului, a small,

immensely deprived and remote village

in the Carparthian Mountains of


The team making the journey consisted

of seven young people, two youth

workers and two film makers.

The group had already demonstrated

their ability to overcome adversity and

burst through the pain barrier by

completing the River Wye 100 Mile

Kayak Challenge in May (for the record,

ours was the fastest Kayak team). The

Challenge was completed in just over

three days and, in addition to

sponsorship raised from elsewhere, the

team raised more than £5,000 for the

Romania project.

A couple of months later, the team found

themselves in the mountains of

Romania, supporting the work of Integro

Ministries and in particular the Bridge of

Love project. After a morning on the high

ropes, which included a huge, valley-

spanning zip wire that crossed both a

river and a road, the team were ready for


unfortunately, their first experience of

Lunca Bradului ended in a volatile

incident instigated by two locals, one the

local Police officer. All of a sudden the

entire trip was at risk.

As it turned out, it was a significant

turning point in the journey. The team,

many of which may have dealt with such

an event in a far more negative and

aggressive manner in South London,

remained calm throughout. 

The following morning they were ready

and willing to return to the village and

finish what they had started,

demonstrating not only their fantastic

strength of character but also their deep

sense of commitment to the mission

they had started building together back

on the river Wye.


53,643 the number of strokes per person during the 100 mile challenge


The team got stuck into work quickly, starting with the house of a

local family (a couple, three teenage daughters, a teenage son

and four year old boy) which had just two bedrooms and one

bathroom. They worked round the clock to build an entirely new

room, which virtually doubled the size of the house. The

extension had to be built from scratch using second hand logs

which the team cut and grooved to size with rudimentary tools.

The family were delighted with the extension, and also the garden

fence the team built them to help crops grow without being eaten

by the free-roaming local cows, chickens and horses. 

Elsewhere, a spontaneous project saw the group make life easier

for locals by repairing a dilapidated footbridge. With the help of a

large number of local children, the team also brought some colour


2,660 the number of miles travelled from London to Lunca and back


to the main road by planning and painting a huge mural showing

landmarks from both London and Lunca. 

Aside from building, repairing and painting, the team spent time

working with local young people. They invited more than sixty

kids to their cabin for a day of face painting, football, basketball

and team games, ending with a barbecue and a good old-

fashioned party. The children all went home with useful goodies

such as toothpaste, toothbrushes and other toiletries.

The team were absolutely immense, from the beginning of the

project - training for the Kayak Challenge - right through to

building, playing football amidst cows and learning Romanian

phrases.  Our thanks go to Helen, Este, gary, Denis, Marie, Manni,

CJ, Petra and Symon. 

A special mention also goes to Paul Burt and David Shepherd, who

gave up their time to film the project. Copies of the excellent film

are available at Knights for £10.

Raisin’ Romania

isn’t the first

project of its kind

for Knights - back in

2007 we took a

team of young

people to Rwanda.

Our thoughts are

now turning to



Snow campSnow Camp is a youth charity providing young people from

London’s inner city areas with the chance to experience

mountain sports. As well as skiing and snowboarding, Snow

Camp also includes a life skills course designed to enable young

people to reflect on the key issues that impact their lives.

Knights member Symon wanted to go to Snow Camp, and applied

to the Youth Opportunity Fund for support. The bid was

successful and, in early April 2010, Knights Youth Centre went to

Vars, a stunning location nestled high in the French Alps close to

the Italian border.

Symon, Josh, Denis and Stu from Knights joined 170 other young

people from London to learn to ski and snowboard and take part

in evening sessions linked to what they had learned on the slopes. 

The first two days took in the basics – involving a number of ‘face

plants’ in the snow – but the group didn’t care. 

By day three, the Knights four were ready for a red run – the

second hardest slope you can go down. Despite the best efforts of

a raging blizzard, the group all made it to the bottom in one piece.

By the end of the week, and with injuries mounting, everyone was

completing red and blue runs from the very top of the mountains. 


23 the average age of Knights youth workers


Snow Camp: A tiring but unforgettable experience for

all. Check out a video of what we got up to at

Changing attitudesKnights has taken young people to

Hindleap Warren – a London Youth

outdoor education centre set high in

Ashdown Forest – for over 20 years.

Tony Smith, Centre Manager at

Hindleap, explains how getting out of

town helps young people to think


I remember Knights bringing young

people to Hindleap Warren since my

earliest working days at the centre some

twenty years ago. 

Whether in 1990 or in 2010 however,

Knights members have come to Hindleap

to experience something totally

different. Whether on a ‘residential’ or a

day course, each member has faced

personal and team challenges that have

given them new perspectives on life back

at home.

Many disadvantaged young people feel

like they haven’t got a chance.

Vulnerable and locked into hostile

environments, they feel that they have to

behave in a certain way to survive. For

many, a fear of failure is so acute that

they simply don’t try. 

When Knights – or any of the youth

groups we work with – bring young

people from these backgrounds to

Hindleap Warren however, the new

environment gives everyone an

opportunity to start again. In addition to

something that is fun and exciting, we

are very good at creating a ‘safe’

experience where young people are free

from their social norms, won’t be judged

and can achieve successes. 

It’s all about encouraging the young

people to take a risk and deviate from

their normal behaviour patterns. We do


that through setting challenges which are

made fun, allowing them to more easily

take a risk and focus on possible

successes. We facilitate discussion too,

planning tailored sessions that challenge

young people to consider questions

around what is important, difficult or

courageous and how this might vary

from person to person. 

In this ‘safe’ environment, pre-

determined behaviour and relationships

can be reassessed. The young person can

ask themselves if, out here, they really

have to follow the behaviour pattern

they follow at home. Having the freedom

to try things in a new way often results in

them taking new attitudes to peers,

youth workers and even authority. 

Changing the attitudes of some of the

most challenging young people is a great

thing to aim for, and it’s an aim we share

with Knights. For as long as I’ve worked

with them, I’ve never known Knights take

the ‘easy’ option. They work hard to

create good relationships and provide a

strong, sympathetic and supportive

service for every young person that

comes through their door.

We look forward to providing adventures

and successes for Knights’ members for

the next twenty years.


68 the total number trips that took place outside the centre during 2009/10


2009-10A year at Knights

“I come to Knights to play with my

friends and meet new people. I like

doing different activities like

cooking, sports, going on trips and

visiting new places”

Treyvelle, 11

It’s been a big twelve months for Knights. Stu Thomson, Youth

Service Director, gets out his crampons.

At our annual Knights Youth Centre Team Weekend in October

2009 we started preparing for 2010, developing a strategic plan

for our service. Six months later a team of members and leaders

would take on the French Alps for real, but we felt encouraged

and equipped to climb our own metaphoric mountain. 

Over the last twelve months Knights has climbed many such

mountains. We’ve had to juggle the competing demands of

maintaining funding levels, continuing team development and

strengthening management whilst keeping a resolute focus on

sustaining our core offer and providing targeted services for the

very hardest to engage.

Climbing takes team work, guts and training. Each ascent has

required all of us to overcome barriers which might otherwise get

in the way. Climbing, as it turns out, is bloomin’ hard work, but

reaching the top, admiring the view and breathing in the sweet air

makes the toil worthwhile.

Moving into the second half of 2010, the youth and community

sector is facing its toughest climb for a couple of decades. Sadly,

many won’t make it.

There have been some significant changes to help ready us for the

Climbing mountainsHaving joined

Knights as Senior

Youth Worker in

January 2000, Stu


celebrated ten

years at the centre

this year.


17 the average number of young people attending Knights sessions this year


challenges ahead. Simon Minott has joined us as Senior Youth

Worker and we have taken on Angela Robinson to manage our

girls@Knights and Juniors programmes. Simon and Angela now

have responsibility for the face-to-face programme at the centre –

you can read more about them on pages 34 and 44 respectively.

I now have a new role as Youth Service Director. This means I will

be focusing more on sustaining performance and capacity

building at the centre, including staff development, quality

assurance, funding and developing new and current partnerships.

I will still be involved with Seniors for the time being.

These changes will help us stay fit for the climb. Along the way,

we’ll try new, and perhaps precarious, routes. We’ll certainly have

to adapt our climbing techniques, and find new partners to help

us get to the top. 

This section of the report talks through some of the ‘peaks’ from

the last year. Hopefully it will show how Knights can reach its

mountain tops and, far more importantly, help each young person

to reach theirs. Enjoy.

My thanks to Ros, Ella and Megan for so much support, love and



Ziggy is 15 years old, lives on the Clapham Park Estate and

attends Knights every week. His siblings – and there are quite a

few – come each week too. 

We like Ziggy a lot. He has always been the centre of attention,

but not always for the right reasons. We’ve started to see a

change in him over the last six months however, and now he

wants to become more involved and is very serious about

joining TYLAP when he is older.

We’ve started to talk with him about what this means and he is

responding positively. He’s starting to show signs that he could

be a positive role model in the group.

Ziggy is moving from ‘me, me, me’ to ‘us, us, us’. He was recently

given a Jack Petchey Achievement award and with it £200 to

spend on the youth centre. When asked what he wanted to

spend the money on, he said: “Something which Inters can

remember forever”. 

Forget Simon Cowell, embarrassing auditions and one hit

wonders. Forget telephone votes and Cheryl Cole’s hair.

This is Sex Factor.

It is often worrying to hear how little young people know about

themselves and the opposite sex. Most of what they know

they’ve learned on the street – and much of it is misguided and


So we created Sex Factor, a six week programme for six girls and

six boys aged between 12 and 15, that provided an opportunity to

learn about sexual health and relationships. The programme was

facilitated by Angela Robinson, Knights’ Young Women’s

Development Worker, supported by Stu Thomson and funded by

Lambeth Primary Care Trust’s Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood


This wasn’t a place for the prudish or faint-hearted. A big part of

the project revolved around getting both genders to share views

and experiences, and setting sessions up in a format based

around establishing a relationship with someone.

In week one of the programme we threw the young people in at

the deep end with a ‘first date’ night at Pizza Hut. Sitting in boy-

girl pairs, each couple needed to complete a number of

conversational objectives. The programme culminated in a two

day team building residential trip to Hindleap Warren.

In addition to debunking a few myths, Sex Factor’s lasting

achievement was the confidence it has given young people to

discuss relationships and sexual health more freely.

Did you know that

Lambeth has one of

the highest teenage

pregnancy rates in

the UK? The rate of

15-17 year olds

falling pregnant in

the borough was

71.5 in 1,000 in



Sex Factor

Simon Minott, Knights’ newest recruit,

talks us through his role at the centre

and views on youth work.

You joined the centre back in April.

Where have you come from?

Before joining Knights I was involved

with a number of projects in the London

Borough of Lewisham. For nearly 20

years I have worked mainly with more

‘challenging’ young people, for example

offenders or those who have been

excluded from school.  I’ve had plenty of

experience working with young men in

particular, and helping to prevent their

involvement with gangs. 

How does Knights differ?

Knights is unique. It has a long history

and a great heritage to go with it. The

management, who have been in it for

years and bring huge passion to the

centre, are a breath of fresh air. The

facilities are great, too.  

And how do you see your role?

Knights has already got huge experience

of more ‘targeted work’, but my job will

be to work with the team to take it

forward. The RIO programme and

increased street-level engagement will

be a core part of what I do. 

Knights is obviously a very well

established youth centre, but hopefully I

can bring new drive and vision to the

table. I will bring different ideas and

theories about how to have an impact on

the lives of young people.

What’s your biggest challenge?

I think the biggest challenge we’re all

facing is around being trusted by young

people enough to really talk about their

issues. Our youth work needs to help

young people get over the paranoia and

natural distrust that sometimes emerges

as a result of past experiences. If we’re

really going to engage with the more

challenging young people, we need to

find ways to dig a bit deeper.

How do you go about building trust?

A big part of youth work in this context is

Challenges and trophies


38 the number of awards Knights gave to young people this year


being able to show you understand. I’m

looking to bring something to the centre

that I’m calling ‘real talk’: essentially

talking shops for members. 

You don’t have to be black, from the

same estate or even from the same area,

but shared experiences and genuinely

enjoying their company matter. You have

to let young people connect with you.

Are things changing for young people?

I’m not here to bash anyone, but things

are changing. Schools, for example: in

years gone by, exclusion would be a very

different experience - there was a

greater chance of rejoining school life.

now excluded young people are far more

likely to rebel even further. 

Disadvantaged young people need to

feel like there are still positive options for

them. unfortunately, the options for

young people on the edges of society are

getting far more dangerous. Young

people are getting caught up in more

risky behaviours. Kids pushing drugs are

getting younger.

How does Knights tackle this change?

Knights has to aim to provide young

people with positive and dynamic

options to compete with the negative

ones – and it does. Crucially, young

people also need ‘trophies’. 


Sure. Knights needs to be a place where

achievement and success is possible.

Knights is already great at this, but it’s

something I really believe in. 

Everything we do should involve a

balance of fun and achievement. Yes,

Knights provides the things a young

person needs – fun, fulfilling and healthy

stuff in a safe environment. But we need

to make sure that we continue to blend

that with offering achievement and

success, whether we’re playing football,

camping or climbing in the Alps. 

That mix leads to new life skills, positive

opportunities and attitudes for young

people, and a youth centre playing its

part in the Every Child Matters agenda.

It’s what we’re here for. 


Reachin’ OutIn the wake of increasing concerns about anti-social behaviour

and knife crime amongst young men, Knights piloted its Reachin’

Out (RIO) project in September 2009 to provide positive

opportunities and alternatives.

After a successful pilot, Knights secured funding from the Home

Office Community Fund to continue RIO for a further three years.

Devised by Knights in partnership with the Clapham Park Project,

RIO has already made a remarkable impact on the lives of young

people. It offers regular one-to-one support, guidance and advice

to young men, emphasising that they are unique and valued and

reaffirming that they can still choose to have a positive future.

RIO also offers ‘positive risks’. There is considerable theoretical

evidence to argue that young people are less likely to engage in

negative risky behaviours if there are appropriate, positive

alternatives. We had direct experience of the theory in action

when we took five young men to the Peak District in April 2010,

who have since been nicknamed the ‘Peak Five’. Once

marginalised and lacking hope, they are now fully involved at

Knights and eager to try new things. 

By engaging young people through the RIO programme, Knights

continues to provide avenues through which young people can

reengage with mainstream services. ultimately, it will help these

young men to envisage a different – but positive – future.


15 the number of targeted group sessions that took place this year


Three of the ‘Peak Five’

In February 2010 we mourned the sad

passing of Ron Saunders.

Ron was the life and soul of Knights

Youth Centre for over half a century.

Junior Leader and Club Secretary before

he was 20, Ron moved on to looking

after Inters in the sixties and Seniors in

the seventies. At that point Seniors was

attended by an average of 80 members

every week. 

Ron acted as Chairman in the eighties,

but always preferred to ‘get his hands

dirty’. Whether managing five football

teams, masterminding trips to the Island

or coordinating mammoth bi-annual

fundraising jumble sales, Ron threw

himself with a contagious enthusiasm

into all aspects of Knights life. He was

aided throughout by his equally

committed and selfless wife, Pat, who he

met at the club.

Ron continued to visit Knights regularly

to help maintain the building well into

his older years. He enjoyed striking up

new relationships with TYLAP trainees,

testament to how his ever-friendly,

loving and non-judgemental personality

was addictive to people of all

generations. Ron edited a history of the

Ron Saunders


centre to mark its 70th birthday in 2006,

and continued to enjoy the company of

the Knights ‘Old Boys’ right up until he

passed away. 

It is impossible to say how many people,

young and old, have benefited from

Ron’s leadership, sense of humour and

hard work, but hundreds attended his

funeral on 26 February 2010. Twenty

TYLAP trainees and workers stood behind

Karis, one of TYLAP’s first students, as

she recited a poem she had written

about Ron and Pat a couple of years

before. The same trainees applauded

Ron as he was carried out of the church

at the close of the ceremony.

Driven by his faith and a passion for

making a positive impact on the lives of

other people, Ron considered it a

privilege to ‘serve’ at Knights and with

Knights’ people. The club held a very

special place in his heart. There will not

be another like him - he is sorely missed

by all at Knights. 

Ron requested that friends attending his

funeral make donations to Knights rather

than bring flowers. If you would like to

make a donation in Ron’s memory, or

would like an e-copy of his Knights’

history, ‘Three Score Years and Ten’,

please get in touch.

Three ScoreYears




Education and personal development

consultancy Mentivation Services is

helping Knights’ male members think

more positively and avoid getting

sucked into gang lifestyle. Michael

Dawswell talks through how they’ve

worked with Knights.

Recent research commissioned by

Lambeth Council found there were 40

gangs operating in the borough.

Researchers linked the growing number

of gangs with rising levels of violence and

crime among young people. 

These are shocking figures, but figures

that have their root in changing

circumstances for young people. Young

men in particular feel disenfranchised

and marginalised from mainstream

society, leading to low self-esteem,

confidence and education or

employment aspirations. These issues

feed into a mindset that society has

nothing to offer them and ultimately that

violence and crime are acceptable means

of achieving material goal and peer


A great deal of these negative

assumptions are sown in early years.

Here they go unchallenged, nurtured by

negative lifestyle conditioning:

materialism; sexualised movies and

music that glamorise violence; and

computer games that encourage the

view that anti-social behaviour is


Mentivation Services is an education and

personal development consultancy that

aims to tackle those negative

assumptions. We work with some of the

most difficult young people from all ages,

backgrounds and cultures in some very

challenging settings. In Lambeth, we

have been tasked with supporting young

people experiencing difficulties in

education, the community or in the

home, helping to reduce serious youth

violence and reoffending.

To do this we join with other agencies,

groups and organisations already

working with young people. Working in

partnership with those organisations

allows us to identify those young people

who need help the most. We can help

them find ways to cope with the issues

they encounter through workshops and

one-to-one mentoring.

Thinking positive


Youth centres such as Knights are crucial

‘clients’ for us. Partnership working helps

smaller organisations pool their

resources and expertise to create better

and lasting relationships with young

people – relationships that will

ultimately influence them in a positive


Knights Youth Centre works with ‘hard to

reach’ young people. Some of its

members, if not most, are not in

education, training or employment. They

may be involved in or vulnerable to

antisocial or criminal behaviour. Knights

has a great track record of attracting

young people who need support most to

a respectful and engaging environment.

We were commissioned to facilitate our

six-week Fix up! programme at the

centre to complement the work they

were already doing. Fix up! is a series of

gang awareness workshops that provide

an in-depth analysis of the influences

and consequences of gang culture. Each

session was aimed at examining and

challenging Knights members’ thinking,

particularly on any potential

misconstrued acceptance of gang


Starting in January 2010, the workshops

addressed a range of issues from getting

to grips with the law and the impact of

carrying weapons through to the prison

experience and understanding the

influence of the media.  An

overwhelming majority of the young

people who attended our sessions stated

afterwards that the programme was

helping them to reject or rethink

previously held attitudes. 

Whilst some would describe many

Knights’ members as being ‘hard to

reach’, our experience was of working

with a group of young people who

wanted to engage with adults and

organisations who care about them.

Much of this is down to the dedicated

team of professionals at Knights who

have created a safe and comfortable

environment for young people, and

developed trusted relationships with


Mentivation Services will be running a

further eight-week rolling workshop

programme at Knights from September



the number of London mayors shocked to see a group of lads pile out froma Knights minibus on Pentonville Road1


“Being the youngest MP in London and representing one of the

youngest constituencies demographically in the country, I take a

particular interest in young people. Youth centres play a hugely

important role, and Knights Youth Centre does great work in the

local community.

I have been particularly impressed by Knights’ Trainee Youth

Leader Apprenticeship Programme (TYLAP), training and

mentoring the next generation of youth and community


Empowering and providing opportunities for future generations

is at the heart of what work with young people is about and I

congratulate Knights’ pioneering approach in this area.

I am proud to represent an area with such vibrant, forward-

looking organisations working with young people like Knights.”

Chuka Umunna MP, who visited Knights in April 2010

Police partnershipKnights is working in partnership with Streatham Police to help

tackle anti-social behaviour. Sgt. Paul Gray explains how.

The Streatham Hill Safer neighbourhood Team is working to

minimise the risk of young people in the area getting involved in

gangs or anti-social behaviour. A big part of this is finding ways to

build a rapport with young people and understand their needs

without stigmatising them. It’s also important that young people’s

experiences of the police aren’t only in confrontational situations

and that they understand what we do and how we can help them.

Working with community organisations like Knights is absolutely

crucial to our efforts, and we have built a close working

relationship with the centre over the past twelve months. We

help to run a diversionary programme that identifies and engages

those young people most at risk of being drawn into negative


In sessions facilitated by Knights, we speak with young people at

the centre to build relationships and break down barriers. We

have also been able to offer advice on personal safety to young


There’s a community benefit, too: through Knights we have been

able to distribute literature and arrange public meetings to

identify problems and reassure the public through positive action.  

We have found the staff at Knights to be extremely

knowledgeable and helpful. We hope to increase our involvement

with Knights, assisting with targeted activities and increasing our

engagement with young people.


Angela Robinson joined Knights in 2008

to help reinvigorate Girls @ Knights and

work with the Juniors section, which is

now attended by 40 young people twice

a week. Angela gave us the lowdown on

her role and what’s in store for the


You took an unusual route into youth


Actually I’ve always done youth work,

but previously my ‘day job’ was writing

for the likes of Just 17 and the BBC. I

decided to go back to university to take a

Masters in Youth and Community Work

and, before joining Knights, was working

at the head office of a church youth


What is your role at Knights?

I have always been particularly

interested in working with young women

and, in addition to leading the Juniors

section, one of my first responsibilities

was to reinvigorate the girls @ Knights

programme. It’s really grown over the

last couple of years and we now have a

core group of girls who regularly attend -

probably between eight and ten each a

week. Of course, the sessions provide

somewhere safe and fun to go with their

friends, but there’s an opportunity to

address important issues with them too.

What kind of issues?

Issues around growing up, mainly. Most

of the girls that come along are reaching

a crucial period of change in their life

and making the transition from primary

to secondary school. Of course, these

changes bring with them a range of

potential issues. We work with them to

build their self esteem and confidence,

essentially helping them learn how to

handle themselves. Sometimes it’s about

helping them recognise and think

through how they deserve to be treated

and how they should treat others. We

talk about everything from sexuality and

body image through to being careful and


Slowly, the group is getting older. new

issues, like handling relationships, will

appear on the horizon. Of course, many

of these areas are discussed at school,

but Knights provides another,

complementary way to get information

across. Everyone is different, and

sometimes a more personal, informal

and straight-talking environment suits

young people best.

Building relationships


How do you go about broaching these


Fundamentally, youth work is relational.

Relationships work on different levels –

you have to get to know the young

people to build trust and then engage

with them, creating opportunities to talk

with and listen to them.

What are the girls like to work with?

They’re a great group and lots of fun to

work with. In some ways many girls

these days have huge amounts of

confidence, but sometimes that

confidence comes out in the wrong ways.

Of course, there’s also the very special

dynamic that is created when girls get

together to contend with! Where

possible we look to challenge negative

behaviours, and help the young people

to channel their confidence in the right


You work with Juniors, too…

Yes, and in fact many of the members

from girls @ Knights also come to

Juniors. It’s probably Knights’ biggest

section, with up to 40 young people

attending twice a week. It’s very much

their time, a place they can chill and get

involved with a number of activities like

arts, sport and cooking. Many of the

older young people have seen their

friends go onto different secondary

schools – Juniors is great place for them

to keep in touch.

That’s a lot of young people.

It is! But it’s fantastic that we are

attracting young people of this age to

Knights, and not only because we can

hopefully start them on a Knights

‘journey’. Even at a young age you see

evidence of potentially negative

behaviours and attitudes setting in, but

we can take steps to challenge young

people’s thinking – essentially early


Why is Knights so important?

Because everyone learns differently.

Sometimes schools or parents struggle,

and a good youth centre can offer

something different to the mix. Knights is

somewhere a young person has chosen

to come and hang out, and we can use

activities they enjoy to ‘get through’. It’s

informal education.

We can, and do, talk about the ‘big’

things. Hopefully, we can open young

people’s eyes to new things and ways of

thinking. I think this is an area where

Knights is at its best – taking risks with

the most challenging young people and

building relationships with them.


132 the number of ‘street sessions’ delivered by Knights during 2009/10





In 1999, Knights’ annual expenditure was £35,000. Eleven years on,

the figure is nearly eight times that amount. After sustained growth

in the range of services we offer young people in the area and the

establishment of the unique TYLAP initiative, we are a quite different

youth centre with 15 employees.

More recently however, the world in

which we operate has changed

dramatically, too, with far reaching

implications for our finances. 

Benefactors, partners and friends

Despite the uncertain economic climate,

funding partners continue to see the

value of the services Knights offers young

people. We receive incredible support.

Lambeth Borough Council funds the

girls @Knights Project and Senior

Outreach Project. We hope their support

for these posts and other projects will

continue after the first set of budget cuts

which are now upon us. 

In addition to fully funding the Walcot

Apprenticeship programme, the Walcot

Foundation also provides significant

support for TYLAP. 

We received fantastic support following

the publication of last year’s Annual

Report, including over 100 individual

donations. £2,500 was also raised as Ron

Saunders’ family and friends celebrated

his life back in February. Even though the

amount is modest in proportion to the

whole, the continued support of our

Friends remains invaluable.

Managing in uncertain times

In the space of two weeks last summer,

Knights lost funding from two of our

major supporters. 

While we are still in discussions with

them, the BBC Children in Need grant is

currently on hold after ten years fantastic

support due to unprecedented demands

placed on the charity. Elsewhere, and for

similar reasons, the Jack Petchey

Foundation has had to review its funding

strategy. Two years into a three year

award, we are now receiving a

significantly lower level of support than


These developments gave us an early

and worrying experience of the

challenging economic environment we

are now working in. Even immediate

housekeeping changes could not help us

avoid a very significant shortfall. Our

urgent bid to the Hardship Fund grant

was therefore crucial.

The government-backed Hardship Fund

has provided Knights with a bridging

grant of £88,000. That Knights was one

of a modest number of organisations to

receive an award from over 500

applicants was testament to the

importance and quality of our work. 

grants received from Lloyds TSB, Tudor

Trust, Clapham Park, Mercers, Lambeth

Ward and the Elizabeth and Prince

Zaiger Trust, enabled us to balance our

books last year. nevertheless, we have

taken further steps to help us secure the

funding we need - Stu Thomson’s new

role, for example - and reviewed all

running expenditure. 

We would like to take this opportunity to

thank the many organisations and

individuals who have supported us over

the last year. Hopefully this report

conveys the huge and ambitious range of

services Knights continues to provide

young people. Without your support, it

would not be possible.


Looking forward

It has been a positive and exciting year for Knights. As you have

read, we have refocused our work with the most vulnerable

young people, fostered effective partnerships and maintained

the innovative TYLAP apprenticeship scheme.

There have been some cutting edge projects along the way -

projects that have led to the centre being increasingly valued

across the whole system of organisations working with children

and families.

In the midst of all the good work however, 2009/10 was

punctuated by new challenges. The financial crisis exposed us to

an entirely new working environment, and we’ve had to think

differently. More cutbacks are sure to follow, and there is a risk

that they will be even deeper than those experienced by Knights

and youth provision in general in the eighties.

As a result, our focus over the next twelve months will be on

consolidation, maintaining the services we currently provide and

delivering youth work of the very highest quality. 

Behind the scenes, this will involve taking further steps to ensure

we are well positioned to meet the needs of current and

prospective funders. We will, for example, adopt a quality

assurance scheme sponsored by London Youth Matters. Stu’s new

role, and Simon’s arrival, will be critical. 

Most importantly, this means prayerfully continuing to excel in

what is Knights’ heartland: working with some of SW2’s most

challenging young people in a safe, nurturing and engaging

environment. ultimately, it is our fire which drives us to provide a

consistent and high quality service.

The future