Knapp 35 Norton.

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Transcript of Knapp 35 Norton.

  • 7/28/2019 Knapp 35 Norton.


    Knapp 35: Norton. Written By Alfred Juillet F.

    Science Fiction Saga: Knapp 35

    Knapp 35. Norton.Science fiction tale.

    Written by Alfredo Juillet Frascara.

    11 January 2013 to 19 January 2013.

    19.232 words. 33 PC pages.


    Locations: Knapp planet, Jerifordion II, Aurea VII- 3 planet.

    Characters: Norton; Gretchen; Median; Doctor Lufern; The Head; Doctor AB 631 Abelard; ABK

    032 Edda; EDX 6060 (Edson); Dr. EDX 6060.

    Huinkerios: The Emperor Campanel 30th

    . ; Chamberlain Duropus; Admiral Vierkla;

    Erina Empire. Emperor Neketh. Tribune Herz (60). ; Margareth Ausbrechenb of the Laboratory of

    national sciences; Sir Have (commander of the Fleet); Eta Vorkosne, wife of Emperor Neketh.Heroes: Captain Eroltas, Pfad, Messing, Hurde. Radarist: Joffer.

    Fermor, Chark, Oesteren Folgobat (owner of Hotel Partei Oredloro); Mr. Amicus, Mr. Momar.

    Clients of the Hotel Partei : Mr.: Gutig, Bits, Haar, Vortrag, Trunk, Messe, Trougol (RIP x Boa &


    Sarner Twof, merchant.

    King Austrelon of Knapp .

    ABM goes for Artificial Being Mimicry.

    Chapters:1.- Fishing at Knapp planet

    2.- The war against the demons.

    Chapter 1.-

    Fishing in Knapp planet.

    Norton was fishing perched on a log and was talking with median under the shade of the Sphere.

    Inside it, the EDXK working in repairs or just cleaning corridors and cabins.

    One year had passed since the death of my father!- Norton said.

    And of Gretchen. She was just and a sage but in her late days, she become ill: thats what I like to

    think about her strange behavior about you.- Median said.

    Not me as a person! Me as a threat to her century of commanding the group! I expect to release

    my post in a better way: just walk in to the shadows, so to speak.- Norton said, and taking out a

    fish from the water, he laughed.

    Nobody knows his own future. Not even machines.- Median said, looking at the blue sky. He

    notices her stare, and said: Too early yet to begin herding tourists to the Hotel.

    Yes: I was just looking this sky, so blue it likes me a lot.- Median said.


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    Science Fiction Saga: Knapp 35

    Norton leaves the fish on a basket, saying:- Knapp its a beautiful planet, full of wonders. Its

    people are also something special- their kings, over all refusing to plant a city everywhere there

    is a river, and this is tantalizing. You, that were in so many worlds, do you remember which world

    is more like than this one?

    Yes, I had seen more than one; some of them orbit their stars on the _First Brana. Some others in

    this Second Brana: dinosaurs seems to be the first option after mollusks and squids.Median said,

    looking at the running waters- something was coming by the river.

    Norton noticed it too, and said: Its a Carnosaurs! I wonder where he stumbled into the river!-

    The beast was struggling not to sink- suddenly it gets a foot on a rock, turns and was almost out of

    the river.

    Norton jumps down the tree he had been perched and approaches it with gleefully smile. Median

    followed him, seeing that the animal was panting- it has scars all over his legs and underbelly.

    Its a male! I see his big penis!- Norton said, looking fleetingly at Median.

    Male or female, they are very dangerous creatures. They have bad tempered all of the time.-

    Median said, measuring the Carnosaurs- it was twelve meters long, four meters high and weighed

    approximately four tons it was bad nourished and its ribs were protruding at the sides.

    Norton said: Soon it will be fully recovered and will turn his evil eyes on us. Fishing time is over

    for today.- And he takes the basket with the six fishes he had caught, and with median walked tothe Sphere.

    Fry this and when at the hotel Partei, handled it to Mr. Oesteren Folgobat with our

    compliments!- Norton said to a Synthetic female.

    Better still, to take into a refrigerator box and handled it to his personal cook! In that way hell

    ask to be cook, fried or any other way he likes most!- The synthetic woman said.

    Norton looks at her with a smile, and said: Of course, you are right.

    And she walked by the corridor, laughing.

    Twenty kilometers down river, a construction housed a kitchen and a saloon for tourists; they

    landed there and soon the obedient tourists were coming up the Sphere, talking after a day of sun

    and enjoying the river.

    After they were seated at a wide room near the main deck, Median start engines and in fiveminutes they were landing on the circular land strip where the Sphere was supposedly to stay

    when out of use.

    The line of tourists walked down the ramp carrying away the smell of French fries and their


    Three more groups to carry back. There we go!- Median said, while the door lock gets closed


    Our work is boring me, Norton. Wish we could do some to her thing that fishing; actually, you are

    the one at the rod and I only look; then we return with these noisy tourists every day.- Median


    Oh, well, we have a contract that ends in seven more months. Have a little more patience and our

    works will be others.- Norton said, looking at the console.

    So you accept to leave this routinary job?- Median asked-. Because she was almost sure he was

    relying on his past to reassert his will every time he feels threaten.

    Of course. To fish for days on end is good- for a time. Now we could guide the most daring

    tourists into carnivorous dens to take innocent videos or photos.- Norton said.

    Me, guiding tourists unto dangerous places? Are you out of your mind?- Median asked him, with

    a faint voice.

    You refuse? - Norton asked her, mildly.

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    No, but its too dangerous! I mean- for the tourists. A mistake, a death and the Hotel will bear

    the costs.- Median said.

    Which costs?- Norton asked her.

    Less tourists and a fine by the Department of Parks. She replied.

    Have no fear, dear! I will do the whole job: you just drive!- Norton said.


    Mr. Oesterer Folgobat acquiesced and at the next day, after carrying four tourists groups to the

    river, they went back to the Hotel to meet the valiant.

    Here is Mr. Grongol and his friends; they are going to see ferocious beasts to the north of

    Oredloro. Take them in one price before sunset.- Folgobat said.

    The Sphere takes the six persons in, and fly north guided by the hands of Miss median. At the mess

    hall, the tourists were already talking with Norton.

    You see, I want to see a carnosaurs when eating some herbivore. Nice photographer I am! Same

    here- my friends: Trunk, Messe, Hitz, Haar, Vortrag and Trongolarias. And of course, my name is

    Gutig.- The tourist said, that was a fat man with a reddened face.


    of course. I know where to carry you, valiant there are a nice spot near the mountains. Carnivores

    love creatures that had their pastures at the sides of a mountain. I dont know why, but its a factyou will observe by your own.- Norton said, offering glasses of Pisco, a very strong liquor.

    Thanks! Wow! Seems like a fire going right to our guts!- Mr. Gutig said, slapping one of his own


    The Sphere stop, and they descended by the ramp. Fully clothes as explorers (Norton using a khaki

    uniform, hat and a LASER rifle=

    I see you pretend to fire at the dinosaurs1 Is it not forbidden Trongol said.

    I permit no questioning and to the one who betrays me, I show my ugly face. Norton replied,

    looking ahead.

    The first animal was an herbivore- an Licorinos, and Mr. Trongol looks on it deceptively, as it was

    not a carnosaurs, but then, a bit roar, and a terrible sight come into view: an angry couple of

    Sinosaurus attacked the startles Licorinos, that was cut to pieces in seconds.Trongol takes sights of this with a big holographic camera, exclaiming repeatedly: This is for what

    I come here!

    In fact, he seems to be very happy by the bloody spectacle he was looking.

    They turns to the right, to bypass the group and stopped a kilometer and a half, past the

    Sinosaurus, because a pair of silent Mamenquisaurus were possibly dozing in four legs, birds were

    flying around, pecking once and again unto their rugged hides, where possibly some bugs were


    These old brutes are there without doing a thing! Why dont you fry their rumps, to see what

    they do?- Mr. Trunk asked and suggested.

    No way! This little baby is not for to kill or to waste energy if not in dire peril.- Norton explains.

    But he produced a sound with a whistle, and then both giants moved their heads towards the

    sound, and one of them trumpeted in a bass tone that reverberated unto the lungs of the smaller


    Well, they did have big lungs!- Mr. Trunk said.

    They turn to the right, and this was a plain, that stretched about a kilometer in all directions- the

    sun was already overhead, so they begin to sweat because of the heat.


    Where are we heading? I see no dinosaurs around here! - Gutig Trongol said, addressing to


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    Oh, but I know of a good place not five hundred meters away! Just a little more sweat and youll

    see.- Norton said, smiling.

    But eight hundred meters away, nothing was to be seen but a heap of rocks- Norton seats under a

    bush, saying. I will wait here! Or do you want to rest a while? Trunk seats near him, saying: I have

    a pebble on my boot!

    Gutig and the rest keep on walking, and disappear at the other side of the rubble. Norton said:

    its like this: when you less expecting, dinosaurs appear!

    And how long are you being a guide?- Trunk questions him.

    A couple of years!- Norton said, chewing from a leaf.

    Forty five minutes later, Trunk stands up and said. Oh, I guess I get asleep!-

    Yeah, you were snoring!- Norton said.

    And the rest of the group? Where did they go?- Trunk asked him.

    Resting to the south of here.- Norton said and saw how Trunk walks around the rocks and

    disappears at the other side.

    Ten minutes later, Norton saw him coming. He was panting and sweating.

    Come along! They are trapped on top of a big boulder! There are on top of a big boulder! There

    are some carnivores trying to get at them!-

    Norton smiled and said:- Certainly you are looking!Handle me your gun, hurry!- Trunk urged him.

    I dont give my weapons to nobody! I will go seeing, but its queer what you are telling me!-

    Norton said.


    At a normal pace, Norton walks among the rocks, and in a ravine, some twenty meters down, the

    photographers were yelling at them.

    Hurry! Kill the beasts!

    Norton saw three Lophostropheus milling around the rock.

    Stay there! I will shoot the beasts!- Norton said, he was about seventy meters away, but the

    wind carried his voice to the beasts, that turns their ugly stare towards the newcomers seeing

    that were of the same yummy species to the ones atop the stone and being so discerned, thethree Lophostropheus begin to run in their direction.

    Shoot!2- Trunk said, looking how those dinosaurs run towards them, fangs gleaming under the

    fiery sun. Norton did shoot, but apart then make the incoming of Lophostropheus jump evading

    the LASER beam, nothing else was happening.


    When the Lophostropheus were fifteen meters away, Trunk gives a yell and start running away.

    Norton runs in some other direction trying to get their attention waving his arms.

    The dinosaurs, seeing that one of them runs a lot slower, directed their attention towards Trunk ,

    who was soon being torn apart by the hungry beasts.

    Norton saw it from a safe distance, and then he gives a detour, looking for the others atop the

    stone, but when arriving there, the rest was gone.

    He looks for clues on the ground but as the ground was full of pebbles, he had to rely on logy: he

    looks around. The bushes extended to the border of the woods.

    He walked there, and keeps walking towards the Sphere, making a curve.

    A hundred meters after the border of the line of the forest, he spot a large snake that has a huge

    protuberance near the head, possibly a small animal was on route to be digested. Norton knew

    that snakes that big carried the corpse for several hours into the digestive tract- then they

    regurgitate the hunt and later they again swallow whatever rotten meat they could.

    He hurried among the trees- birds were making their sounds but suddenly they stop.

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    Science Fiction Saga: Knapp 35

    Something scared them, so Norton begins advancing slow and with extra care not to be spotted.


    Among the branches appears the head and torso of a waiting Lophostropheus, his foot long,

    bipedal, and carnivorous.

    Notwithstanding the fact Norton has no flesh, blood or organic tissues, his form was the one of a

    man, and man was an edible item in the Lophostropheus dining table.

    He retraced his steps and when Norton was sure he had the dinosaur at least a hundred paces to

    his left, suddenly appears just in front of him, like in a dream he had never had.

    The pistol LASER in his hand, a short burst of irksome flames, and the beast was retracing in panic,

    with a cloud of dust while moving its hind legs.

    This interval was used by Norton to walk away, and when he was out of risk, he heard the eerie

    sound of the alarm from the Sphere. He returns there, and Median was waiting at the middle of

    the ramp.

    Where had you been? Half of the tourists have already arrived here.- She said.

    I have bad news: Mr. Trunk was dispatched by a Lophostropheus!-

    Oh, yeah? And I have other news for you: Mr. Trongol , nicknamed Gutig, was swallowed by a

    piton boa.-

    So we have four out of six tourist alive.- Norton said, smiling.I see not the use of a wisecrack! Well be under inspection questions to reply.- Median said,

    very concerned.


    You have nothing to worry about, Median! You only acts as the pilot. Its me the one who must

    be worried, and do you see me worried?- Norton asked.

    Not a bit. More so, it seems you are enjoying it.- Median said, standing in the middle of the


    Very well, let me talk with them. Norton said, passing aboard.

    The tourists were on the leisure room, but they werent seeing any film or playing any game.

    Instead, they were sobbing and complaining about his tour, when seeing that Norton had arrived

    they get enraged and yelled at him, the more when knowing that Mr. Trunk was totally eaten by adinosaur.


    You opted by having a dangerous safari: you sign at the hotel, you pay and now all that happens

    is your fault. Read your Contract carefully.. Norton said.

    No matter what they were entreating Norton, he leaves them at the Hotel Partei and went back to

    carry some other tourist back to the Hotel, as it was usual.

    The owner of the Hotel said to him: these accidents were grave, and at your first day of work as a

    guide in perilous treks. See that you dont repeat it!

    They were anxious for a close up to take their photos! And then the dinosaurs reacted before we

    can every envision that action. My weapon wasnt enough to kill them, and about the Boa, I

    wasnt there at all. Norton said, in discharge.

    Oesteren closed the door of his office and said:- hear me, Norton! The King Austrelon is the most

    fanatic dinosaur lover we have in this planet. One dinosaur missing and he will have the head of

    the hunter on a platter! So our weapons cannot be more than dissuasive ones. We cannot blast a

    dinosaur, or our permissions to go to the fields will be over.

    Well, this explains why I cannot save the tourists with a gun! . Norton said.

    You get to see where to locate the tourists: not in the middle of nowhere, par example.- Mr.

    Oesterer Folgobat said.

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    The one eaten by a dinosaur and the other by the serpent had families, that will go after my

    money! I will ask our lawyer to find some good excuse not to pay millions of sopes to every

    inheritor.- Mr. Oesterer Folgobat said.

    This means I am still working for you?- Norton asked him.

    Yes, you must forget this: perhaps we could find some twisted ways, so I am very adamant about

    you losing your memory in this case. The contracts and my lawyer will take care of this.- Mr.

    Oesterer Folgobat said, and Norton returns to the Sphere with a half-smile in his face.


    He saw Median seeing the holographic set, and she turns her head towards him, saying: And how

    it was with Mr. Oesterer Folgobat?

    No problem- he said the Contract signed by the tourists let him without much responsibilities.

    Oh. You are ready for another happy safari?- Median said, ironically.

    Yes, and Ill look around next time. I am not happy looking how Naturals feed those animals.- He

    said, leaving her alone.

    At the corridor he finds the same electronic lady that contradicts him about the fish.

    Hey, do you deliver those fish as I told you?- He asked.

    yes, and in the minute we landed.- She replied, stopping in front of him.

    Great. I was thinking in you, just some minutes ago. I know your serial number: ABK 032, yes?-He said, looking her eyes that seem to have an ironic twist.

    How do you know about it? Looking at the master kardex without authorization?- She asked,

    putting a hand on her waist.

    Of course, what else? You interested me. Your intelligence is great.- Norton said.

    So you are thinking on me as someone special?- And she laughed.

    I wish we could go dancing: there are places where that silly occupation could be performed;

    although I personally find it not productive, it has its charm.- Norton said.

    Why with me?- ABK 032 asked, curious but also, challenging.


    Because I am attracted to you. You puzzle me. Perhaps we could explore new paths together.-

    Norton said.She smiled and said:- Its possible. Im available.

    Right. Lets go out: I have money to expend.- Norton said, and they leave the Sphere, walking to

    the Flier yards, where they rented a taxi Flier- Oredloro city was the chosen location.

    Finding a dancing saloon was easy: at that hour of the night people were going out to enjoy life a


    This seems to be a good place. Shall we enter here or do you know of a good place somewhere

    else?- Norton asked her.

    Seems a nice place. Lets enter here.- ABK 032 said, pressing his arm- as this was the first time an

    e-woman presses him, he felt a surge of sensations ending on his penis and producing expectation

    for what this lady had to offer him later


    To dance well was easy for them as just looking they could dance as experts. But touching each

    others was new to him- not to her, who had dance in other instances- the Synthetic people on

    board of the Sphere were not always working hard: since Nortons full command the freedom of

    the synthetic people on board was wider than when Miss Gretchen was gripping the wheel of


    In one instance, they were very close and he kissed her lips slightly she smiled and after that the

    kissing was more passionate until they went out and rented an hotel room.

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    Science Fiction Saga: Knapp 35

    The sexual encounter was long and gives pleasure to them both. Ejaculation or orgasm werent

    present but a final outburst was provided by the program that mimics those sensations.


    At their return to the Sphere, they feel romantic and so Norton said:- My cabin or your cabin?

    Do you not have enough of me?-

    Never!I think we are made to one another.- Norton said and he means it- she laughed with her

    face on his chest and then said: If you want me to move in with you, say so. Or this is only a night


    Its a life stand.- He said and they enter his cabin.

    She undressed and said: Ill take a bath. Do you want to join me?

    By all means!- He said, smiling.

    They seat in front of the holographic set and play some programs on reparations of systems

    installed on the Sphere.

    This is good to exercise parts of our brains in case something really fails! - Norton managed to


    She smiled and replies:- Theres so much I want to know about you! The only one not made at a


    Oh, Im not so special! What made me think always about ho made me its the fact I saw him diein front of my own eyes. He was Dr. AB 631, a Synthetic man just like me.

    ABK 032 passed her hand by his hair, saying:- You seem to suffer when remembering him.

    Yes, seems he makesme a bit too prone to mourn! But were here to be happy.- And he takes

    the slim and nice proportionate female body in his arms, admiring her beauty.

    In fact every synthetic woman on board was nice and beautiful


    Your functions at the engines are terminated. Now you are going to be my personal Assistant and

    my woman.- Norton said, at the next day.

    Your personal assistant! That looks impressive.- She said, smiling.

    In case you dont want what Im saying, you just say it, and you come back to the engine

    maintenance team and perhaps you could keep being with me at nights- or at your place?Freedoms the word, but of course I am entitled to say what I would want the most.- Norton said.

    ABK 032 said: Really? Am I free?

    Norton said: Not free to leave the Sphere! You and the rest included me and Median, who is the

    Second officer in command, belongs together.

    She looks at him for a couple of seconds and said: I maintain my sayings: Ill be with you and

    about the change on my daily work- if you need me at your side, I guess its more important than

    my job at the Engine Room, where nine others are working.

    Nice saying. Now lets make it real: Ill flown tourists to dangerous parts. Median is our pilot: Im

    the guide. Youll take a pistol and the camera. Youll shoot everything I did when told. Who

    knows? Perhaps we could sell Safari films from now on! - Norton said.

    ABK 032 said: Nice. Ill activate that sector of knowledge in my brain youll see if Im good at


    You are good in all things you do!- Norton said, kissing those red lips

    She sighed with delight- although she had some experiences with males; this time sees it goes for



    Four teams of photographer tourist lovers were carried to five different places, and at the return

    to Hotel Partei, the owner, Mr. Folgobat, said to Norton:- Theres an extra group you must carry.

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    This one has several functionaries of the government: see that they come alive. They love

    dangerous photography work.

    All right! I love danger, too.- Norton replied.

    But remember you can run faster and they dont! - Mr. Folgobat said, laughing. Norton despises

    his humor but says nothing else.

    The persons were silent when he said: Hi! Prepared to have a nice day of shooting? As they didnt

    reply, he said: Follow me to the chariot, gentlemen!

    He climbs the Sphere and designed them their seats at the cabins, and when they were all in place,

    he seats at the main cabins armchair, and said to Median:- Get us starting the engines! A bunch

    of too important asses on vacation are waiting for the thrill of their lives! The sooner we finished

    this trip, the better for us all!

    In scant minutes, they were speeding to the Fulgoris Mare, and they passed above Lugner city on

    their way north, only twenty kilometers and they landed safely under the guidance of Median.

    Well, gentlemen! Prepare your cameras! We are near a ravine where dinosaurs used to stomp

    from north to south and vice versa, from pastures to the river and back. You will have a good dose

    of dinosaurs today!- Norton advised them.

    Wish we could see real dinosaurs! I pay a good price for it!- The fattest of them all said to the

    Guide.Youll see plenty of those.- Norton said, smiling crookedly. He detested important people trying

    to push common people around: they were for every complaining and saying how much money

    they spent in themselves, as if that was everybodys business.

    The dinosaurs present were Pantychaco, a quadruped three meters long, herbivore, and a dozen

    Lesothosaurus, quadrupeds with an height of a meter high.

    These are midgets! We want the big guys!- Another tourist yelled, after some hours looking at

    them. He keeps on yelling as a spoiled brat.

    Very well, as a guide, I must tell you that up to this minute, you had been protected from harm,

    but if you insist, I could guide you to some other dangerous grounds, where protection will be

    minimal. Think about it, because the blame will be yours and not mine.- Norton said, while ABK

    032 takes his hand, as if warning him from to do this.29

    Wish you could not bend now, dear! This Naturals dont know whats good to them!- She said.

    You cannot take your responsibility away, pal! You carry us near or Ill sue your patron sky high!-

    The fat man said.

    Oh, Im scared! - Norton said, laughing, and then said: Ill be risking your lives, but if that is

    what you wish, lets go on with this!

    ABK 032 said, by radio: This fat man is called Amicus, and its a Senator. The rest are Nyoso,

    Fartuder, Atailen, Margrob and Momar- all in the government files.

    Norton replied by the same means, saying:- Well, I knew they were big shots, but thanks for

    naming them all: it will read nice on their tombs!

    As you wish, dear.- She said, squeezing his hand.

    With that support, he guides them down the ravine and out of security. The rocks helped them go

    down but smaller pebbles make tourists stumbled and the fat man goes some meters head- on,

    landing on a tree trunk. He sobbed and said:- You should had been more cautious and use a rope

    to help us descend!

    He had descended hand in hand with ABK 032, thanks to their decrease system of gravity they had


    At the floor of the ravine there were trees and brushes the width of the cannon was 200 meters in

    that particular place- several Licorinos were near them, eating of some shrubbery and so the

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    tourists, when at floor level, didnt laughed about those vegetarians than now look much bigger

    than at the top border of that ravine.

    Lets walk to the north east side, Mr. Amicus! Lets see if we get what you want!

    And Amicus looked at him somewhat puzzled, realizing the synthetic man was some indefinable

    difference with what he normally encounters in his daily chores.

    The ravine twisted like a big snake. When they walk and turn with it, they saw a Sarcosaurus,

    bipedal and 20 meters long, eating what appears to be a rat.

    A carnivore! Norton said, and the tourist filmed the view with glee.

    Later, they saw a pair of Barapasaurus bipeds two meters long, eating of some ferns, but ready to

    get running at the smallest noise.

    Small critters!- Amicus growled again,

    After another turn the saw a Quwnt4rosaurus five meters tall, quadruped, eating leaves from a


    This is big.Sorry its not a carnivore. Norton said, and ABK 032 laughed.

    After photographing the giant from all angles- the big animal looks at them as inoffensive ants-

    they keep on marching; the ravine flatten its side, two kilometers away, open country but of

    course, with a line of mountains to the north east , blue by the great distance.

    Heads of herbivores were seen from time to time, and it was a hot day, with waves of heat thatleaves those tourists almost panting with the air on fire.

    They approaches a Halticosaur , half an hour later, when a terrible roar was heard coming from

    the south. They whirled in that direction .

    A carnivore. Mr. Atailen said, showing fear all over.

    its too far for us to begin trembling!- Norton said, receiving a venomous stare from Mr. Amicus,

    who said: See if we can approach and take a pair of shots!-

    Lets see how far that hungry beast it is!- Norton said to ABK 032.

    They hurried away and finding a tall tree they seat at its foot and Norton commented:- This

    people think of me as their private magician! I cannot produce carnosaurs taking them from a top


    Again a dinosaur growls and ABK 032 said:- Seems to me its hungry. With those roars he urgesthe pray to feel terror and lost any self-control they have. A blunder and the beast will catch his

    meal for today!-


    Norton walks by the forest and then he said:- Guess we have lost the dinosaur.

    The kissed and caressed each other for some minutes. Then the big roar was almost at their site;

    they climb the nearer tree, and from its branches they saw not one but two Gasosaur.

    They passed almost at the feet of the big tree, perhaps smelling them- but as they were not made

    of flesh, no meaty smell they could catch.

    They are walking straight to where the tourists should be waiting!- ABK 032 commented.

    I will not risk my virtual life for to be nice with politicians.- Norton said, and he saw how she

    moves in a nervous way- and yes, it was the Second Directive working; if doing nothing means the

    death of a Natural she should run and see a way to prevent it. Not to let her do that, he takes her

    by the wrist and said: Now you are not toing to do any nonsense: stay with me.

    She stared at him and he realizes the struggle he had, and said:- Very well, I see I must try to

    warn them. Lets go, but dont you let go of my hand: you are my woman.

    Yes, I am your lover.- She said, smiling now the inner tension was slackening.

    Norton follows the tracks and when already looking the rumps of the Gasosaur he said: We are

    going to out fast them while doing an arc of circumference. Understood?

    Neatly!- She said, pressing his hand.

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    They run and when the dinosaurs were walking behind the, just in that moment they arrive to the

    place where Amicus and friends were resting.

    Run! They here!- Norton yelled, while ABK032 takes the thinner of them , Momar, ahd help him

    run to a side- Norton sees that and imitates her by grabbing Amicus by the arm, obliging him to

    stay out of the incoming Gasosaur.

    What are you doing?- The scared man yelled-. But Norton didnt pay any attention to his

    screams and follows Miss ABK 032 , that was dragging the other tourist out of danger.

    The Gasosaur have time to see what was happening in front of their noses, and charged against

    the >naturals- the first dinosaur stomped on Byoso, sending to a side, like he was a weightless

    puppet, then stomps on Fartuder, who gives a yell after looking what had happened to his left


    The rest scattered around and lay flat on the ground, pretending they were logs. But their cheesy

    body smell betrayed them and soon they were discovered. }

    The sound of broken bones and of a juicy mouth chewing was very patent for both of the

    Synthetics but not to the Naturals, which were thinking the worst but hoping for the best.

    In fact, the two of them were the only living creatures Norton takes back to the Hotel that day

    Again you do a terrible mishap! I cannot hire you as a guide anymore! Youll be serving only by

    carrying tourists to their spots, only!- Mr. Oesteren Folgobat reprimands him that evening.I ask them not to risk their lives but they forced me to get close to those beasts. I have proof of it:

    a video!

    Mr. Folgobat inhales deeply and said:- No! I dont want to see any video!

    So, Norton went back to fishing but this time with the synthetic woman that sweetened those

    days for him with her presence.


    A week after those events, Mr. Amicus asks for him to attend a meeting, and so he seats at a

    conference room with him and Mr. Momar. ABK 032 was of course present, also present.

    First of all, I get to blame you for the death of my friends at the fields.- Mr. Amicus said, looking


    As I give my account of those events, I repeat you, Mr. Amicus that it was not my fault andfurthermore I went back and save your life.- Norton replied.

    That you save my life its problematic to say the least! I guess I could have saved on my own and

    without your belated help.- Amicus said, and he looks very upset against the guide.

    Then, Mr. Momar looks at the pretty ABK 032 and said: Thanks this lady here, who indeed saves

    my life. And hear this, Amicus: you should thank Mr. Norton, who takes you by the arm when you

    were still thinking into move your ass out of the way!

    Amicus stared at Norton, saying:- Very well, I thank you to help me in those dire moments, but

    lets begin with what keeps us here for.

    Im all hears.- Norton said, touching the foot of ABK 032 under the table.

    There is another secret location with dinosaurs that possibly you dont know a thing about


    Norton fished on his memory and said: A planetary system with Knappian presence, actually not

    mentioned because of political reasons.

    Bravo! Well, there is where we want you to carry us.- Mr. Amicus said.


    Norton looks at his fingernails and said:- Yes, I could comply with your expectative, but Im with a

    Contract that forbids me to get away from Hotel Partei.

    And who is the owner of this Hotel? Icould convince him to let you go, perhaps only for a time.-

    Mr. Amicus said.

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    Mr. Oesteren Folgobat. My contract expires in seven months later.- Norton added.

    Momar grunted something and Mr. Amicus said: Well deal with them only if you accept the deal,

    Mr. Norton.

    I will accept; Im kind of boring here at the hotel. But the payment to Jerifordion must be made

    before we begin the trip, as I will not go there ignoring the amount of money.- Norton said.

    Two million sopes sounds good to you?- Momar asked him.

    Yes. But besides the trip, theres some catch? Bo safaris for your pleasure there, I suppose?-

    Norton asked.

    Our job there is a secret of state, perhaps something of a bargain. Your job will be only to wait for

    us: we are thinking fifteen days will be enough for our task. - Mr. Momar assured him, who said:

    So, its a trip there and another back, with fifteen days in between. Looks like a very easy way to

    earn two million sopes.- Norton acknowledged.

    So, we have a bargain?- Mr. Amicus asked him, while ABK 032 smiled faintly.

    We have the contract to rescind.- Norton remembered him.

    Yes, Ill see to it. I am sure he will understand his duties towards our government.- Amicus said.

    At his return to the Sphere, Norton gives the news to Median, who said:- Jerifordion! A place I

    hadnt visited. Why, are you going there as a guide? A new safari for the rich people?- Median

    asked, mildly ironic.35

    Not this time: no safari is expected, only to carry them there and back.- Norton said.

    Median thinks about it and said:- Were tied with Mr. Oesteren Folgobat.

    They told me they are going to try to fix that problem, and I hope they did, as the payment they

    are offering is good.- Norton remembered.

    Two million sopes.- Median said.

    Something like that. In all cases, well wait for their response working for the Hotel. - Norton


    For three days they were carrying more groups of tourists to the safe havens where personnel

    from the Hotel Partei works now attending their needs and seeing they dont risk their lives.

    Oh, its good to be here, fishing and in the company of a beautiful lady.- Norton said.They were at the river, with the stream running full of silvery fishes- he had already his basket full,

    and if more fishes take the bait, he just unhooked them and throw the creature to the waters.

    ABK 032 looked at him and asked:- Are you happy now?-

    I assume Im complete, with a job to do and a woman to love.- Norton replied.

    She was with her back against a tree, and after looking at a worm crawling upon a leaf, she said:- I

    wonder what means love and happiness for a Natural person.

    He laughed in a soft tone and said: Of course there are lots of documents about that theme. Do

    you remember it?

    Yes. But when we take those sentiments for to explain our own feeling is when things go awry.

    What are we, darling?- Norton asked her.

    She waits. Probably, she thought, he knows the answer to her own questions.

    You dont know the answer.- Norton said.

    I think we are the new humanoid species, the one who is here to stay.- She repeats what she

    had heard saying to other Synthetics before.


    Norton takes another fish from the water, unhook it and after putting another piece of bait, he

    throw the line to the water, and then he said:- We are like this fish: we swim through life only to

    be caught, observed and thrown again to strife again and again.- Norton said.

    ABK 032 looked at him pensively and said: Weare more than fishes, but I know what you mean.

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    And they smiled one another.

    That night, Mr. Oesteren Folgobat calls him and said: I see you are more valuable going out of

    here than staying. Somebody needs you badly, and I am ending our contract. This person assures

    me a pair of nice and new Fliers to let you go.

    I see. It was good to work for you. But everything changes and it seems we are required to move

    on.- Norton said.

    He walks out of that office, knowing that a period of his life was ending. The fishing and the

    carrying of people in vacations will linger in his memory.

    And ?- ABK 032 asked him, when he was at the corridor.

    Were free to go anywhere now! Well not anywhere- well be going to Jerifordion.- He said,

    taking her by the hand and walking out of the Partei Hotel building.

    At the Sphere, he calls everyone to a meeting, and said:- Friends: we had a new destination:

    Jerifordion planet.

    And the crew cheered up, because they already know something about that project.

    We are going there with some passengers, and after they do whatever they are going to do there,

    we{ll be coming back to planet Knapp with them. End of the story.- Norton said.

    And well be paid as you said?- Median asked, just to be reassured about it.

    Yes, two million sopes and that means well have a nice vacation on hotel Partei, at our return.-Norton promised them all.


    They waited. And soon a taxi Flier brought the new clients .

    Good afternoon, Mr. Norton! I present you our associates. Mr. Goris , Mr. Peseq and Mr. Momar,

    which you know already. Amicus said.

    Nice to meet you, Gentlemen. Please get inside our Sphere.- Norton said, and some EDK guided

    them to their private cabins.

    Here are the coordinates to arrive to our destiny, Captain Norton.- Mr. Amicus said.

    I see youll give me the whole title now.- Norton said, noticing the change of altitude of that

    outspoken man.

    Yes, I must give respectability not only to you and your crew, but also to our entire project. I willtalk to you, at a later hour, about some things you had to know. Amicus said.

    Ill be glad to attend to that conversation.- Norton assured him.

    And in private, just you and me. No radio broadcastings.- Mr. Amicus said, departing to his


    Norton talks with median about it. She said: That man wasnt too sympathetic at the safari, Take

    care and dont trust him. By the way, the trip will take a few weeks to complete. We should sedate

    and cryiogenized them soon.-

    Yes, were going to do it tonight.- Norton assured her.

    This people eats and use appliances. Are you going to tell them the need to be freeze?- Median


    In that moment ABK 038 enters the main cabin and said. Oh, here you are! Theres a person with a

    seizure Mr. Peseq: we carried him to the Infirmary.

    Good . Ill be there in a minute. Norton said, taking her by the hand and walking towards the


    Something that he easts, perhaps?-

    No, he hadnt eat at the Sphere.- She replied.

    At the Infirmary, the doctor was EDX 6060 and he was busy cleaning the bowels of Mr. Peseq, who

    was moaning.

    What is wrong with him, doctor?- Norton asked.

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    Intoxication. He gobbled too much meat and chocolate, plus some ice creams on the side. Now

    hes suffering , but will be well in some minutes more.- Dr. EDX 6060 said.

    Nice way to start this voyage! Prepare him to the long sleep.- Norton told him.

    Impossible! At least he has to stay awake until the infection recedes and the fever is gone! You

    dont want a septicemia inside the pod. Or are you risking lives in this trip?- Doctor EDX 6060


    No, of course not. Well wait for him to be in a pod for a while longer. But the rest of them must

    be cryiogenized as soon as possible. - Norton said.

    He stayed there until Mr. Peseq stop moaning and get asleep.

    Its agood for him to sleep?- Norton asked.

    Possibly not too much, but her mind is needing a rest. In any case, Im monitoring him.- Dr. EDX

    6060 replied.

    ABK 032 enters the room and said: Hes a good doctor, dear.

    How do you know?- Norton asked her, in a bad mood, and seeing she was looking at the

    scanners, he waits for the response.

    I had been helping at this Infirmary for some time, dear. I revise protocols and I am sure the

    proceedings are running well. - She said.

    Its good to know that.- He said, and kissed her. He had noticed himself with bad temper, so hechanges his behavior for the rest of that day

    Mr. Amicus appears at the main cabin, saying.- State of the art, eh? I saw one of these consoles at

    a convention.

    Yes, I try to have the state of the art in all instruments.- Norton said, although he hadnt bought

    a thing since he was in charge of the Sphere...

    Oh! And what about your passengers?- Amicus asked him.

    Top notch.- Norton said, smiling to her fiance, who smiled back.


    They went to the office where in her times Gretchen receives her guests, and Norton said: I


    Well, you are aware that Im traveling with some male guests to Pedisequus, a planet rarelymentioned by the media. That planet was gained by the King of Knapp in an old war- now its

    being administrated by Lord Karmonor, and through transporters and relay stations, the mineral

    arrives directly to Knapp and from there to clients all over the Brana and who knows, perhaps

    beyond that. You must assume that all of this is maintained in secret by the monarchy. They are

    very jealous about this. Mr. Amicus said.

    And you got that information from whom?-Norton asked him.

    We paid dearly for it, inasmuch it was not enough for to be sure, but certainly we have other

    means to get what we want.

    And that is?-

    The king Austrelon is the administrator and nobody could make a profit without his authorization.

    We are now authorized to renovate the air conditioning of three of the mines. Our working group

    will be sent there through the Transporter. Same thing with the materials. We are the investors.-

    Mr. Amicus said.

    Very interesting. And why dont you traveled by the Transporter? Easy and quick as an arrow: you

    are going to be on deep sleep for some weeks- all of this could have been spared, using the

    Transporter system.- Norton said, looking intrigued.

    Mr. Amicus smiled and said: Theres more to it. Our cargo, the one on board, will help us gain a lot

    more than what our contract could make.

    Something illegal?- Norton asked.

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    And if its something illegal- have you a problem with that?- Amicus asked him with a frown.

    Not at all.- Norton replied.

    Thats better. Perhaps well consider giving you a small percentage if all goes well. Mr. Amicus

    said, blinking an eye in his direction.

    You havent say much, Mr. Amicus.- Norton replied.

    We are going to collect our money after the work at the mines is finished. Meanwhile, our real

    objective should have been reached-. We get it and we return in this spaceship with it. End of the

    question.- Amicus said, happily.

    So its bulky?-

    I wish it would be huge!- Amicus said, with brilliant eyes.

    Norton offered him a glass of liquor that the entrepreneur cum-politician accepted.

    How you maintain your mouth shut about all this I told you.- Amicus recommended.

    Rest assured it will be our secret.- Norton said.

    Later, the man leaves and was cryiogenized.

    At the next day, Norton visited Mr. Peseq at the Infirmary.

    And how are you today, sir?- Norton asked him.

    Oh, I was feeling horrible! And now Im feeling only miserable. Peseq said, rubbing his hear.Your companions are already dormant.- Norton said to him.

    Oh, yes? And its night time for me, already?- Mr. Peseq asked.

    Must be, Sir. Natural people must be under sedation, or the food will run scarce afterwards. And

    it is best for your nerves: to look unto the eternal night of space dont do any good to your Natural

    mind, and thats a fact.- Norton said.

    Cryiogenization? How I detest that procedure! Cant I stick for a while more? I mean, awake?-

    Mr. Peseq asked.

    Of course, I must ask this to our medic. -. Norton said.

    The doctor EDX 6060 was asked about it, and he said: Mr. Peseq is not ready now to go under

    sedation, but soon it will be; about in two days.

    Peseq was not happy with that, but Median went to talk with him and convinced the man that thebest thing he could do was to get into the Pod when the doctor say he could.

    Human brain is weak if you consider to be in a reduced environ with no way to see flowers, blue

    sky and animals. You will begin suffering of anxiety, bad dreams and different kind of pains around

    your body. All of that could be avoided if you just and simply gets into a pod and rest for the

    induration of this travel.

    So, at the third day of his recovery, Mr. Peseq went into sedation and then hibernated inside of a


    During the voyage, Norton and ABK 032 danced and have a good time being in love.

    Wish we could travel for a thousand years! We could be together in every minute of the day!-

    ABK 032 said, while looking at the stars in the observation chamber.

    Yes, we must share these moments of peace! Who knows what will befall unto us when arriving

    to Jerifordion? Norton said.

    I had learned about Jerifordion- hot it was won from a race of evil persons. There are mines, but

    also forests and animals just like in planet Knapp. ABK 032 said.

    Perhaps there are also fish! Guess I could


    Go there and test my luck throwing the hook to the water. Norton said, kissing that beautiful


    Dont you get bored of kissing each other?- Median asked, walking into the room.

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    Of course not! You should try, sometime.- Norton said.

    She seats at their side and said: I did once and with just one man: Ultor, and it was good while it

    lasted; when he passed away, I swear I was a woman for just one man only, and I had comply with

    that oath. I can remember every instance, even the pressure he had on me with his lips when

    kissing us; his words nd the intonation that he impressed unto any of his words. To feel like this, to

    remember as I am, Its just something impossible for a natural woman, and thats why so few

    women could be single for too long and not have another man in their lives.

    Norton and ABK 032 did understand what she was talking about. ABK 032, the one who had some

    experience with love before Norton, asks her to be loved, try and had success in remembering her

    own experiences just like Median was expressing

    I wonder whats is waiting for us in Jerifordion.- Norton repeats this time for Medians benefit.

    She said: I see you too worried about what could happen in this trip. I assume you have some

    information that you hadnt shared with us.

    Yes, theres a conversation with Mr. Amicus. But I cannot reveal it to you or any other person,

    because I promise not to talk about it.

    Median sighed and said: Hope its not illegal and dangerous, but I assume that is exactly why you

    keep that conversation as a secret! But I will tell you one more thing: He is a natural man and

    could go to jail for his wrong doings. But you neednt be worried for yourself: Synthetic persondont go to jail.

    She was right: Synthetics were not punished as a natural being was, because the law has nothing

    to do with machines: only termination of services.

    They look some more stars through the crystals, while traveling at Warp 8.0 and then Median

    leaves the room. ABK 032 said: It must be sad to feel like her: forever mourning a natural lover!

    Its her choice! Theres plenty of males on board where he could choose to get in love.- Norton

    said. He wasnt of the idea of to live alone just because the loved person passed away, or have a

    malfunction and fused the positron brain

    The weeks crawled into oblivion and then they were looking at the round shiny planets of

    Jerifordion star.



    When orbiting the planet Jerifordion 2, Peseq asked for thorough information about those planets,

    and Norton told Median to lecture on the subject.

    I am Median, first officer. You want to know everything about Jerifordion, or just a few things?-

    Median asked, as being already in orbit wakes them notorious for Knappian spy satellites, no

    matter they already said who they were and what they were doing there

    The full version, sister!- A voice said, and of course, it belongs to the outspoken Amicus.

    Very well! Jerifordion planetary system had a native population of humans that were defeated on

    a war against Knappian King XXXI. They were infected with small pox AIDS and of course, by the

    royal Knappian Starfleet, that built domes to deploy miners to dig for gold and copper, that were

    exported to the Knappian planetary system.


    The Neongos , the defeated people, was doom to die in an infected planet, but a private

    entrepreneur, Mr. Weiher Gofarten, a rich man with a large amount of Synthetic Assistants, takes

    pity on the Neongos and create the Project Cabbage, that saves Jerifordion by sending the remains

    of their once big population to a planet in Brana one: Aquarius star 91, under the command of

    Askron, a Jerifordion man.

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    A big task for a single man! - Mr. Momar expressed.

    He was assisted by Synthetics of great value, both in category and price: he had ABRF, ABS, ABM

    and ABC models, the state of the art in his period of time. He had the resources of the Gofarten

    Mining Company, and the will to survive of many a Neongos, who saw in him the key to the future.

    Also, in the course of his activities, Weiher Gofarten purchased a fantastic Synthetic person, an

    ABD model, serial number 04, that although it was not much reliable, in its periods of activity we

    could say it was a real genius.

    What was working with it? Going amok?- Momar asked, gleefully.

    It as an ABC brain, using another brain type AB- the energy required was too high, so that makes

    unstable at times his behavior, so it simply stops in its work and waits immobile until reaching a

    colder temperature. In Jerifordion planet life was untenable for five centuries: now its freed of

    viruses, and other dangerous elements- the people here are all from the real of Knapp. The

    Mardones Plateau had the biggest cupola in the first time, but now in its place thrives a populace

    city bearing the same name: Mardones city. The animals here were brought from planet Knapp:

    plenty of species including clades of dinosaurs.

    Norton said:- The rest of the story is already known: a secret society, invisible for the eyes of the

    Knappian people.

    45Amicus yawned and said, looking through a porthole: You can see a lot more stars from here.

    Yes, we are closer to the core of this galaxy.- ABK 032 said.

    And the authorization was granted, the Sphere landed on the Mardones star field, a dozen big

    shuttles were there, rusting at the sun, relics from a time when the ores were transported to

    Knapp by those huge machines.

    Also, some minor and more modern spaceships were at the place, the most of them belonging to

    the space patrol.

    They breathe the air with apprehension, after hearing medians lecture on diseases brought there

    by the evil mind of King Knapp XXXI.

    Momar said: We need to talk with Ruffern Vokt; hes our man here: the Chief engineer.

    Call him by the holoset!- Amicus ordered, and Ruffern talks with him to come by.He says hell be here in just ten minutes more- he was waiting at a downtown office.- Momar

    said, after that communication was over.

    Did he has an office?- Goris asked, ironically.

    Certainly he has rented one- he cant plan on a broomstick!- Peseq said.

    Ten minutes later, Mr. Ruffern Vokt arrives- he was tall, corpulent and with big hands, similar to a

    pair of big jams.

    Welcome! I was busy attending my associates! How was the flight?- He said.

    The disagreeable voice of Amicus replied: Thanks, we had a pleasant flight. We are here to

    supervise your advances. What have you to say to us?- And his gestures were saying: Im the big

    boss around here!

    Oh, yeah!- Ruffern Vokt looked at him, recollecting the times that fat guy with a bucket of sopes

    at the side of his bed was a proud guy with a bad attitude and said: We are at the end of

    preparative, Sir. Four wagon Flier already departed with the necessary material to the Gofarten IV

    mine, and we are going one mine at the time; we started with the less complicated and more new,

    to get the knowhow of it. Remember, Sir, that we are using here technicians and few old

    engineers in this job.

    Amicus was well aware of those facts as he had forced that idea of economy in everything to have

    more to gain.

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    So he puts an ugly face and said: Of course know all about it. How much time it will past before

    we finish the job at Gofarten IV?

    Three weeks: the tunnels are large and there are whole sectors without proper lines: they are

    working with auto generators by the time being.

    Oh, so they are not going to need to pull out old cables: easiest and fast work.- Amicus pressed


    Oh, well, thats in theory, Sir. You know how the law ofMurphy loves to screw up things, dont

    you? Ruffern Vokt said, just to step on Amicus shoes

    Oh, I dont know who is that Murphy is but I must guess he is a very pessimistic kind ofguy.

    Amicus said, much to the amazement of the engineer.

    Well be here monitoring things. Well stay at a good hotel. Where did you get your office, Mr.


    At the twelve Avenue with the 42th street, in a corner.- The engineer replied.


    Letsgo there to begin with.- Mr. Amicus said, and departed from the Sphere.

    Norton saw them fly away in a taxi Flier and commented:- There they go! I assume the energy

    and optimism is on them.

    Are we going to stay here?- ABK 032 said, embracing him.No way! Will let Miss Median in charge and well take a look at the town.- He said, taking her by

    a hand.

    The city has a mountain nearby, so houses climbs up to where it was safe to build, and goes by the

    sides, meet at the end of the curve- and dont spread too much, because the river Patrocinium

    was cutting the road to the west.

    Also, edifices were to be seen at the near side of the river-. Of course, with a nice view. The river

    and the woods at the other side.

    They went to dance at night- several nice ballrooms were available, where young people

    dancedand they also drink.

    After two hours there, they went to the illuminated park next to the river, and seats there- other

    persons were also there, enjoying the night with the person they like the mostIts nice here! I like it.- She said, with her head touching his shoulder.

    Yes, its fine. I wonder if that wood beyond the river has dinosaurs. What do you think?- Norton

    asked her.

    ABK 032 said:- they say every wood as its pair of dinosaurs. They were brought here, where

    almost no animals could sustain life for more than a week- after effects of the war. But these

    creatures thrive. They dont seem to be bothered by plagues.


    Nice. Perhaps there are fish in here, too.- ABK 032 commented.

    Possibly yes! Tomorrow well find a good spot.- He said, kissing her.

    At the next day, 03.15 hours, Mr. Amicus appears at the foot of the ramp, saying: Tell the captain

    Norton that we are going to be at the mines for a month.

    He was going away, but Norton follows him, saying:- Mr. Amicus: The fifteen days are now


    Yes, as you know, we need time to do the other job, too!- Amicus said.

    All right, Ill be going somewhere else, too! No need to raise roots in here, dont you think? In any

    case, you call me by the holographic grid, and Ill come back in a flash.- Norton said, and Amicus

    accepted and went away.

    Donned. Now we have our little expedition.- Norton said.

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    They travelled to the other side of the river. The animals they found were small. Norton

    descended with ten EDX and captured one Altosaur, three Protosuchus and two Sprenosuchs, and

    put those in cages.

    What for?- Median said, when looking at the beasts.

    Well start having a zoo! I remember you mention Mr. Ultor, and perhaps we could keep on with

    his idea. Norton said.

    Median laughed and said:- You are unique! But let me tell you that with Gretchen we

    accomplished this work in no less than two planets! And I tell you it takes a lot of work to

    acclimates them to the new environ.

    Hope you are not opposing the idea?- Norton asked her.

    No, but we cannot transform our Sphere in a new Siuzudras ark! The way to do it is with biologic

    samples, mother cells, eggs; and perhaps small and young creatures in cryogenic pods.


    I see.- Norton said, widening his comprehension about the process.

    Median takes his hand and said:- I will download everything I know about this process, and also

    my memories for what transpire while at it. Youll be surprised when understanding how big is the

    quantity of information its needed not to fail.

    And she downloaded the information to the General Sphere Computer system, where Norton andalso ABK 032 could get it and assimilate the terabytes of information they get in scarce ten

    seconds, but also let them thinking for two days in a row in which kind of labyrinth they were

    walking on.

    While they were there, the sensors of the Sphere detected the landing of two large Cruisers unto

    the near-by city of Mardones. Through the radio broadcasting system, they learn what was

    happening with those.

    Nothing radical: they are from the Knappian royal Space Fleet- they come after roaming the limits

    of this planetary system- those spaceships has more than eighty years in service!- Median said,

    who was now in charge of the vessel.

    I assume they are failing all over?- Norton laughed.

    They are refitted once and again! The government at Knapp is almost sure there are no enemiesnear this Jerifordion star.- Median informed again.

    Then they moved along the river to the mountains. There they saw Dilophosaurs and they were

    living on the woods and feeding on Anchisaurus- the ones that abound near the waters.

    The fishing was over- a call from Mr. Amicus makes them move the Sphere to the Gofarten city;

    knowing the coordinates, Median makes the flight in scant minutes- no preoccupation with other

    aerial vehicles because they were very scare, due to the fact people were using he Transporters

    instead of Fliers and the like.

    The spaceship field was almost abandoned and they landed near the control tower, that has a hall

    for the passengers. There they found Mr. Amicus, and Mr. Momar, with three dark skinned

    persons, tanned by their life outdoors.

    Hi, just in time, eh? I brought these friends with me, and they are guides.- Amicus said.

    Welcome. Where do we go now?

    Here are the coordinates. Im waiting another person. Lts wait.- Amicus said, adding:- Its hot

    in here. Do you feel it?

    Technically yes. My body is beginning to use the coolers. But personal sensation is absent.-

    Norton explained. The three guides looks one another, because they were thinking , up to that

    moment, that Norton was a natural, and obviously they had been mistaken by his very natural


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    They waited but nobody appears, so Amicus moves his head and said.- Shes not coming: perhaps

    she chickens out, so we must move on. Lets depart now, friends.-

    They climb the ladder to the sphere and in it median guided them to their seats. Mr. Amicus gives

    new coordinates where to go, and in minutes they were traveling towards it.

    Its a military installation.- Median commented, when arriving, and they were now flying around

    the compound. Amicus said, from his seat.- Land near the east wall! Dont be afraid, pilot! This

    was abandoned years ago.

    Median let the Sphere touch the ground next to a wall three meters high, so the Sphere was

    toppling it by several dozen meters and in plain view from all sides.

    Lets disembark now!- Amicus said, followed by Momar and the three other persons.

    Norton said to ABK 032:- You better stay here. Sent me four EDX with LASER pistols in hiding.

    Do you expect trouble?- She asked, worriedly, while she gives the order by radio to the EDX.

    Yes, but I hope I am overreacting.- Norton said, kissing her lips.

    The three men run to a grid on the floor, and with some tools they cut locks and chains; then they

    heaved up an iron plank and when it was over the side of the entrance, they produced lamps , as

    the hole shows no sign of artificial lights .


    Darkness was not a problem for the Synthetic ones, while the Naturals went down the stairs usingthe electric torches that bumps on the sides. Twenty meters below ground level, they begin to

    walk by a horizontal corridor. Dust was flying up while they walked, making some of the men

    cough. The four EDX were just behind Norton, who said to them by radio:"- Orders comes only

    from me.

    Yes, Sir.- They replied in chorus.

    The men turns at the next junction- and after a hundred meters, they stop before a door marked

    with a number eight.

    Here it is! Vault Eight. Now we broke in.- A man said.

    Four hours they were banging at a metallic door that didnt flinch, but the wall was other matter,

    and soon a hole appears on it, after enough work. They finally enter by a hole next to the wall.

    The men enter first, and when Norton looks inside, he saw dozens of boxes painted in green andwith the extremes in yellow color.

    Weapons.- He murmured into the radio, that sends the message not only to the EDX near him,

    but also to the ones at the standing Sphere on the yard, a hundred and forty meters away.

    One of the men yelled at him: Hey, help us with these craters.

    Amicus added: Go and bring those boxes to the hole. Ill take them out but see that those

    Synthetics helps.

    Norton realized that those three dark men and also the two natural tycoons waited for the EDX to

    do all the work.

    One of the EDX said to the men: Thechief said we are here to help but not to do all the work.

    Damn it, machine! Do as I told you!- One of the dark men said, banging a wrench unto the chest

    of that EDX, that recoiled.

    Out of there! Dont help them.- Norton said by the radio.

    Mr. Amicus yelled: Stay, thats an order!

    But of course, his yelling didnt impede them to get out.

    Mr. Amicus takes his head out of the hole and said to Norton:- Why are you calling back your

    Assistants? We need to take as much of this boxes out in the less time possible, and you are

    delaying it all!

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    My Assistants are very costly and they arent here to work! You said nothing about me...- Norton

    was saying, but Amicus yelled and then said:- You are not more than a machine! Tell those guys

    to come back or youll be in a lot of trouble, pal!

    Im going out of all of this.- Norton said, and with the EDX he returns to the Sphere.

    I heard it all- but what are you doing, Norton? You are letting down a lot of money, if these

    people really get those weapons on board!- Median said, when he and the EDX return aboard the


    lets go! Later we could talk about this!-. He said, seating at his usual place.

    I see. You want it all for yourself! - Median said, leaving that yard.

    Wait! Lets hover high in the air! Perhaps your idea is a good one! Letssee what they do!-

    Norton said.

    Median hovered at three kilometers over the place- the sky was not devoid of clouds, that hides

    them from Natural men eyes


    The Naturals didnt get out immediately they keep inside one hour and a half, and then when

    walking out , the seat around the entrance to the pit.

    They called by cell phone for a taxi Flier.- Median said, who was hearing every radio and

    holographic waves.So, theyre leaving.- Norton said, happily.

    Do you know who could want those weapons?- Median asked.

    No idea. But perhaps we could contact someone by the holographic set.- Norton said.

    Here? They seem happy with their way of government. Those weapons seem to be nuclear.- ABK

    032 commented.

    Who knows? Well go down the minutes that they leave the place.- Norton said.

    They had to wait for three hours more-. An old model of wagon Flier appears and not a taxi Flier

    appears in view and landed next to the group.- Norton said: Descend a little more to see what

    they are doing,.

    Median descends some five hundred meters to the ground. The people down there descended by

    the pit and only the wind raise dust over the site.The first box comes out two hours later, and then the second and third up to six; the night was

    on, and the group climbs to the vehicle and departs to the north.

    Lets makes them go down.- Norton said.

    Are you mad? They are carrying weapons!- Median said.

    We believe its weapons. Let me guide this- ABX 032! Take the gun and fire against them when Ill

    tell you.

    Ready! - She said, hurriedly seated at the laser gun that usually serves to smash meteorites


    They waited for the precise moment and then Norton said:- Fire to the stabilization system. No

    need to kill them!

    So, the LASER beam lightens the night by a second the sound of the hit was heard and the wagon

    Flier goes down like a rock.

    It hits the ground and suddenly a bright light filled the sky- the Sphere escape at Warp 2 and

    almost plunge into Gofarten III, but Median was an excellent pilot and they slide in front of the

    planet like a fish on a pond.

    Wow!- Norton said, looking at Median, who said: That was a terrific atomic explosion! Those

    humans never had a chance to save their lives.-

    We almost get caught.- Norton said.

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    Lets get back and take what is worth.- Median said, turning around and evading the radioactive


    The place was deserted and dark for human eyes.

    Everyone must help inthis!- Median said, sending all the EDs to the pit. Norton stayed at the

    Sphere, opening chambers to stack the boxes.

    In fifteen minutes, the first casket arrives, carried by four EDX- in fact: two would have sufficed,

    but Norton was protecting them from hard jobs.

    One casket per minute to start, its passable but we get to improve it.- Median said, and Norton

    went down the pit to see if there was something he could improve. He noticed that the transport

    through the hole in the wall was small so he takes a meta cutter and make a door out of it,

    allowing the EDX to walk in and out he room with the caskets unhindered.


    One of the caskets fall down the pit and broke, showing the grey content- a missile with letterings

    and warning all over. Norton went there with a Geiger count, and saw there was no leaking of

    radioactive waves, so he said: Take this casket and put it away- well leave it in here.

    The EDX obeyed and soon the carrying of missiles was resumed.

    Two hours later, the whole cargo was already on the Sphere and when secured, Median start the

    engines and then they soared away.Now well see if somebody wants to buy these things. Norton said.

    We cannot advertise these missilesopenly.- ABK 032 said.

    Of course. Well be doing this through encrypted messages and using radio messages through

    Synthetic people.- Norton said.

    Soon afterwards several messages were received and now were to offer any money but to

    recommend caution.

    Seems well have these babies on thecargo haul for some quite time.- Norton explains.

    Five hundred of them? Not in my shift!- Median said, adamantly, and added:- I have a better

    idea: lets put all of this in some spatial object and then with just one example well trade. Imagine

    all of those artifacts discovered while entering some planetary system and the custom office sends

    personnel to revise our Sphere-jail or destruction for us.- Median said.You have right. Perhaps our old missiles could be replaced by these, and so we have in that case

    the example or the model to show in plain sight.- Norton said.

    of course. Proceed.- Median said, smiling- he was well aware that Norton has no clear project

    for them all and at the first opportunity she finds ABK 032 alone. She said to her: I have some

    questions for you.

    Oh, yes? Start with the first.- ABK 032 said, seating at a bench on the main cabin that was where

    Median usually stay all day long.

    Do you love him?

    Who? Norton?- ABK 032 asked, with some reticence.

    Who else?

    Well, I dont know..

    Answer the question!

    Yes, I love him.

    And do you think we are well administered with him in command?

    I see he has not committed any mistake until now.- ABK 032 answered.

    And his future movements?

    I dont discuss his next movements, but it seems to me there was one and very clear: to get as

    many dinosaur eggs! And then colonize or populate a world with them.

    To what purpose?- Median asked.

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    Its something obvious: dinosaurs didnt evolve to be intelligent as humans are. Perhaps a little

    experimentation on them could solve the dilemma of why theres a clog on the vein.- ABK 032


    Nice plan! I will concur with it. The missiles could give us much money or much sufferance.-

    Median said.

    Im glad we have them: it will support his plans.- ABK 032 remarked.

    Theres only one problem: we are made to serve and help man. Not dinosaurs. We are here to

    help human lives. Selling missiles is hardly a way to serve mankind, dont you think?- Median

    asked her.

    I see your point. Of course that this selling of weapons will be for de demise of many people, so

    we are not helping mankind in any way.- ABK 032 said.

    Of course. I dont ask you to oppose Norton in any way, but think about what we talked today,

    and see that he sees my point: missiles are evil.- Median said.


    ABK 032 waits for the night, a period of six hours, when they make love, talk and embrace without

    movements, to say: I wonder why we are helping dinosaurs and not mankind: that was our goal. I

    wonder why we are prone to kill to obtain weapons to kill more and more humans, when our

    purpose on life is to help mankind and not to destroy it.Certainly correct. We will transport the missiles away from here, to a safe place. I will not give

    them for free. Norton said, embracing the nice woman.

    That also makes him reflect. He knows synthetics have a purpose-. To help man. He could use

    missiles in case some other race, or species, threats the human race. Or, he could defuse every

    missile and sell its parts not to make weapons but to be used in other machines. He revised the

    components in his mind, and then revises data bases trying to detect and classify possible clients.

    The problem of to sell these artifacts and spare parts were that they belong to the king. So he

    better went somewhere else to sell them.

    He revised who could had been having problems, and pumped on the people of Aurea Seven,

    where historically there was a war against the other inhabitants of that planetary system.

    Aurea Seven could be a nice place where the missiles could be of help without killing Homosapiens.- He said to ABK 032, hours later.

    That lightens my mind quite a bit. She said.

    Well, tell our skipper were heading there.- Norton asked to her.

    And our plan about dinosaur?- Asked her.

    I havent forgotten! But first thing go first.- He replied, smiling.

    Median heard about that, and said: Allright, hes the boss! Ill calculate the trip right away.

    Ill tell the rest of the crew.- ABK 032 SAID.

    Norton was seated at the main cabin when she comes back, saying: they are all prepared to the

    trip, dear!

    All right, pilot. You can start our trekright away.- Norton said to Median who starts moving the

    Sphere as fast as it could. Once in open space, she starts the warp engines, and the Sphere begin

    gaining speed towards Aurea Seven.

    The trip takes ten months to complete, and of course, nobody sleeps, but the nights were made to

    dance and be merry at the mess hall- four hours of as much happiness and friendship they could

    muster. Median was always reluctant to assist and in many occasions Norton went to her post to

    drag her to the mess hall, where they dance. He saw Median, and sent a crew member to ask her

    for a dance, but she said: You know Im old and Im maintaining my mourning.

    Norton seats with ABK 032 near her, and said:-I remember when you were a good dancer, going

    with Gretchen out to music halls.

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    Oh, I guess you were peeking on this ships records? Rule 0320: never peek on private records or

    you will be demoted to hull cleaner!- She said, laughing.

    The voyage now was only three months short to arrive at Aurea Seven. The planets were visible

    through the scanners, and it was possibly to see the ice poles on some of the planets, and also

    some of their continents.

    It will be good to step on firm ground again.- Median commented.

    Yes, it will be good to get rid of those babies.- Norton said, blinking an eye to ABK 032

    At last, they were looking on the planet they were interested on: the third planet of Aurea VII. The

    polar ice was shining over there, and at the occident the Birgin and Elosfar continents were in plain

    view. The planet was calling Petreasie by its human inhabitants.


    When orbiting they saw a small orbital station so they hailed it but with no response.

    Taking in account our maps, there are two mining colonies at the bigger continent, which is called

    Domicilium.- Median said.

    Are they from Earth?- ABK 032 asked.

    Some ofthem recently come from there, because wages here are high. But the most of them

    come from Aurea 2.- Median answered.

    Lets land near the bigger city- Domicilium. It looks promising for our trade. Norton said.So they land the Sphere at the outskirts. When using the Flier to enter the city, the alarm sensor,

    buzzed out.

    What is wrong? - Norton asked.

    The EDX who was piloting the aircraft said: Force field ahead.

    Call by radio again. Ask for permission to enter. Norton said.

    EDX 032 retried several times until a male voice said: Who is this?

    -We are trying to enter the city but theres a force field that is impeding it.- EDX 032 said.

    From where are you coming?- The native asked them.


    We come from Delta Swastica. Our spaceship is near. We are into a Flier.- EDX 032 said.

    Very well, now you are going to enter the city by the portal youll notice blinking now. The forcefield will be retired for just five minutes- sorry, cant be more than that. Seeyou come in time.-

    The voice said.

    Wish I could see him- its dangerous to start without seeing if they lift or not the force field.-

    Norton commented.

    No problem. See that red light at my panel? Its indicative theres an obstacle in front of us.-

    Median said from her post.

    I see.

    When it turns green, itll be time to get into the compound, because there will be no force field

    in place.- Median explained.

    Six minutes later, the force field disappears, and they passed in the security zone.

    At the distance they saw a flat wall four meters high. They passed over it and landed on an open


    There were tall edifices beyond it; a terrestrial vehicle arrives and two persons descend from it: a

    tall man approaches saying: Are you from Knapp?

    Yes, Sir. We are visiting this planet and realizing this is the bigger city, we are eager to do business

    here. My name is Norton, and this is my pilot, Median. She is Edda, my personal assistant and my

    woman; also we brought our doctor, Mr. Edson. - He said.

    This is not a common town, friend. Im Fenon, and this is my secretary, Mr. Chark.- That tall man


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    Nice to meet you. And please tell me, what do you mean by not a common town?- Norton

    asked him.

    Its just a mining colony. Kind of a closed community. We just dont receive tourists very often.-

    Fenon said.

    I see, but we come from a very far planet. I guess you could permit us to stay for a pair of

    months, so to speak. We must revise our vessel.- Norton said, by way of an excuse.


    Mr. Chark said: You are entitled to visit our community. And Mr. Fermor stares at him, but didnt

    say no.

    Thanks you. I am sure your community is a very interesting one. Norton said.

    Yes, youll follow us- there will be a place where youll land your vehicle- here on the open will be

    an invitation for the enemy for destruction.- Mr. Fermor said.

    They follow the vehicle inside the walls- passing overhead and when that vehicle parked at an

    empty lot, they descended.

    Here is where you must stay put. When your time here is over, Ill be coming here to see you

    have no complaints against our people and accompany you out of the force field. Mr. Fermor


    Most considerate of you and how many days could I stay here?- Norton asks.Ninety days. Mr. Fermor said, and gets into a truck and went away.

    Norton looks around and said to EDX 6060 (Edson):- Now well be as these naturals- eight hours

    of sleep and that sort of things. Remember I give natural names- they think we are like them.

    Im quite capable of to mimic a human. I will just act normal. We are made to resemble humans,

    no big deal.- The EDX 6060 said.

    Well take a peek at the city streets- must be somebody wanting to buy weapons. Seems we have

    a lot of time to do this selling, although Mr. Fermor seems to do in charge here, not want visitors.

    As we are here already, we could learn and hopefully, help in some way.- Norton said.

    They closed the Flier with lock and walked ahead.


    At the street, few people were walking and there was a subway- they travelled to a junction- andthere were shops and places where to buy food and clothes.

    They realize the sopes were not in use- and a strange coinage was in use, the Sonder, produced

    by the mining company that apparently owned almost everything.

    They noticed police men, dressed in orange with black belts from where hanged electric guns,

    capable of to stop a Coelophysis in full run and with no harm done, just a small amount of

    twitching on the ground, enough to be handcuffed the one in trouble.

    They talked with people on the shops and the vendors openly speak about the ways of the city and

    some people said they were happy with the things as they were, and some others rejected almost

    everything the Administration of Mines was doing.

    There are two possible buyers of our missiles: the administration and some millionaires wanting

    to expand the scope of their business to some other cities around the planet, and they said that

    will require the use of force.

    Why is that?- Norton asked to one of the possible buyers.

    Insesauripol. Terrible dinosaurs lurking around the forests! With them, simple bullets dont make

    them recoil.- The man said, looking afraid.

    Median begin calling the possible vendors through the holographic set, as on foot there were

    always strange people following them wherever they choose to go, but in a subtle way.


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    At the next day, they had already an appointment at a tower of apartments. Norton and ABK 032

    went there, with open radio, so Median was hearing all about it; in case of trouble, shell see how

    to have them out without much ado.

    Im Norton; shes my fiance. I come here to talk with Mr. Menrani.

    Mr. Menrani will receive you in a moment. Please seat to wait.- A bald man said, signaling to

    some chairs at a small room.

    They seat, waiting. A dark man, tall and with a wide belt, appears using boots.

    Good afternoon, Im Paltroc, hunter. Mr. Menrani was called urgently to some other site. Im

    replacing him.- he said.

    We came here to make business; you or Mr. Menrani its the same for me.- Norton clarified.

    Good. Tell me what you are selling- or buying. Paltroc said, staring briefly at ABK 032.

    Im selling a good quantity of missiles, the best quality you can get. They are nuclear, twenty five

    kilotons each. Enough to blow a cruiser or two small cities with one blow.- Norton said.

    Very impressive. You see, Im entitled to make this bargain if the price is correct.- Paltroc said.

    A million sopes for each of them, and we have five hundred missiles.- Norton informed him.

    I see; well, we get to see if they are in good conditions; we have a technician that could go with

    you and see to it. It all depends on what he determines: if in working order, we could keep on

    talking. If not, it will be the end of our meetings. Paltroc said.Median, who was listening the conversation by radio, said: A test could be possible, but not a

    revision, this is totally unacceptable, because it will take weeks, during which everything evil could

    happen to us, waiting as wooden ducks on a pond.

    No revision. A test could he had.- Norton said. The face of Mr. Paltroc shows some

    disappointment, but he had gained the occurrence of a test-. Something very important that will

    signify the destruction of a missile for free. He had nothing to pay for that demonstration..

    At the end of that reunion, he was obliged, in order to see a demonstration, to pay at least one of

    the missiles.

    Yes, because we cannot spend one missile for noting. Then, your expert could test the ground

    where the explosion occurs. Hell notice high degrees of radioactivity, and if there is some decay in

    the elements of that missile, hell also notice it, for your advantage.- Norton said.The date and the place were fixed by another reunion, this one made through the use of a

    Holographic Projector set.

    Ill be present with Mr. Menrani himself. - Mr. Paltroc announced, and Norton agreed.

    Median prepares a missile on the launcher- when she saw the tiny dots in the ground, four

    hundred kilometers to the north of Domicilium city, she fixed the missile to explode in midair.

    There were present, at 330 meters from the ground, a Flier owned by Mr. Menrani, and the

    Sphere, some fifty meters away and at 400 meters high in the air.

    The explosion obscured the sun rays for some seconds, due